Cutout Text Tutorial
Here is an example of the type of tag we will be making.

I used the font Delicious Regular. It is a free font that you can find Here.
You will also need a background fill or paper of your choice.
I used DBV Dotty paper (9) from Designs by Vaybs FTU kit Dotty Tag kit Here
Open paper or background fill in psp and minimize.
Open a new image 450 x450 or you can use whatever size you need for your name.
I always like to start larger and crop to size I want later.
On your materials palette, set foreground and background color (both) to white.
Select text tool and font. I am using size 120, stroke 2, with Anti Alias checked.
Create as vector.
Type out text, click apply and go to objects, align, center in canvas.
Then go to selections, from vector object. Now convert text layer to raster.
Keep selection active.
Go to selections, modify, contract by 4.

With your name layer selected, hit delete. Keep selection active.

Create a new layer and drag it below your text layer. With this new layer highlighted,
go to your materials palette and click on your background fill, change to pattern fill and
find the dotty paper fill. It should be near the top of your pattern choices.
Set the scale to 60 and click ok.
Keep this selection and create a new layer (above your text layer with the dotty paper fill).
With this new blank layer highlighted, go to effects, 3d, cutout, with these settings:

Select none.
Highlight the white text outline layer and apply a drop shadow with these settings:

You can crop your image and add a water mark. Merge your layers and save your creation.
You can add a background or you can have no background and save as a .png.
Here is another example. This font is called Failed Regular.

I'd love to see your results! You can post them with the other member results HERE
This tutorial was created by justjam on May 14, 2018. Any similarity to another tutorial is a coincidence. Please do not copy or redistribute this tut in any way or claim as your own. You may, of course, print or copy for your own use. |