This tutorial was written by Monti. You may print out this tutorial for your own personal use, but please do not copy it in any way to put online, pass out or rewrite without my permission or worse yet attempt to claim as your own.
This was written for psp 9 but will work in other versions.
For this tutorial you will need
Paint Shop Pro
I am using an image by Einion Rees for the purposes of this tutorial.
You can find more of his work at
Step 2: On your layer palette, right click on the background layer and promote to layer.
Select your Freehand/ Lasso tool and set your options to Point to Point, Feather 0 and antialias checked.
Step 3: Zoom in on your image so it is quite big and you can see the outline clearly.
I usually go to about 500%
You WILL NOT be able to see the whole image but thats ok as long as you have a good view.
The next step is very important. Go to the edge of the image and pull the edges in so that you can see all 4 edges, otherwise your lasso tool will not scroll the image when you need it to.
See before and after screen shots below.
Step 4: Now with your lasso tool click once on the outline of the image we are tubing.
DO NOT DOUBLE CLICK UNTIL THE WHOLE IMAGE IS SURROUNDED OR YOU WILL NEED TO START ALL OVER AGAIN. Move your pointer over a bit and click again, keep going until the whole image is surrounded with marching ants.
The reason you have zoomed in close is so that on the bits like her hair you can move the pointer easily between the strands.
On Rounded areas keep your clicks closer together to get a nice curve whereas on straighter areas you can leave a bigger space between the clicks.
Step 5: Once you have surronded the whole image and are back to your start point, double click.
You will notice that you have marching ants around your image. Zoom back out.
DO NOT DESELECT Go to Image, Crop to Selection.
This is what your image should now look like.
Step 6: Selections/ Select all/ Float and go to selections modify feather and set it to 2. Selections invert.
Press delete on your keyboard 2 to 4 times depending on how close you got to the edges of the image to neaten it up.
FINAL TIP If youre worried that it still looks grainy at the edges add a new layer and flood fill with black for a light tube or white for a dark tube and send that layer to the bottom.
Look at the edges against the background, you can always neaten it up by zooming in and using your freehand selection tool again.
Save as a .psp file.
Congratulations on your first tube, with a bit of practice you will be tubing everything in sight.