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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 11/01/2015 01:53
M.S: En la antigua práctica de la Gematria, las expresiones son acuñadas deliberadamente para que el número correspondiente a la suma del valor asignado a cada letra del alfabeto comunique un mensaje críptico. Cuando el valor numérico de una o más palabras, como «grano de mostaza», «Reino de Dios», o «la Magdalena», están reiteradas, es muy probable que haya intención. Los autores de los textos sagrados se inclinaban por las frases hechas, porque la convención de la Gematria permitía fuertes asociaciones con el principio cósmico que la suma de las frases representaba. Por ejemplo, en Crónicas, en el Antiguo Testamento, «666» es el número de talentos de oro pagados como tributo a Salomón. El número expresa el poder de Salomón, un monarca solar. El «número de la Bestia» es 666 porque, en el «canon de los números» establecido, representa el poder solar, la energía masculina o «Logos», la «fuerza sin misericordia». Piénsese en Bes, dios egipcio de las iniciaciones, o también en el sumerio Oannes, «la Bestia del Mar Eritreo». El número compañero es 1080 y representa en el antiguo canon la energía lunar (femenina). John Mitchell, filósofo británico, ha llevado a cabo investigaciones sobre este tema y ha publicado un estudio, observando la utilización por Platón de las sumas 666 y 1080. Platón dice que este número (1746) representa la «fusión» de los principios masculino y femenino, el huevo fertilizado o «semilla sagrada». El «grano de mostaza» que está en los sinópticos (Marcos, Mateo y Lucas), y también en el evangelio gnóstico de Tomás, tiene el mismo valor en la Gematria. Lo que Jesús dijo en su parábola es que el Reino de los Dios es como la «fusión» o «matrimonio» de las energías masculina y femenina.
A.F: ¿Cuáles son los motivos que conducen a que el número 7 sea relacionado con lo «sagrado femenino»?
M.S: El número 7 tiene que ver con la perfección del tiempo. Después de haber creado el Cosmos, Dios descansó en el séptimo día. Pero el 7 tiene también atributos de virginidad, dado que no genera ni es generado por ninguno de los otros números de la primera decena. Considerado ésto, al 7 a veces se le llama «virgen» o «perfecto». Está asociado con Ishtar (7 velos), con María Magdalena (7 demonios) y con el Espíritu Santo (7 dones del espíritu).

A.F: Con la ayuda de la Gematria ha podido descifrar aspectos oscuros del Apocalipsis. ¿Puede aclararnos su interpretación del conocido verso «Yo soy el Alfa y el Omega»?
M.S: El valor de Alfa es 1, mientras el de Omega es 800. Sumados dan 801, un «anagrama» de 1080, y número que suma «peristera», la palabra griega que significa «paloma», símbolo del Espíritu Santo. El número 1080, además, es la Gematria tanto del Espíritu Santo como del Espíritu de la Tierra (el aspecto «femenino» o «inmanente» de lo divino). Las letras del alfabeto, desde Alfa a Omega, contienen todas las posibles permutaciones y combinaciones de la «Palabra de Dios». La letra A ( el uno) representa el principio creativo masculino, mientras el Omega tiene la forma de un útero. El sonido y la letra M están asociados a lo femenino en muchas lenguas: mater, mere, mother, madre, mammal, mare, todas palabras que tienen relación con el concepto de «madre», mientras «eg» (ak) significa «grande». El epíteto «Alfa y Omega» expresa al Sagrado Uno que es puro espíritu. La frase «Yo soy Alfa y Omega» suma en Gematria 2220, la misma cifra de la expresión «Portador de Cristo».

Busqueda para mostaza

1. Mateo 13:31: Otra parábola les refirió, diciendo: El reino de los cielos es semejante al grano de MOSTAZA, que un hombre tomó y sembró en su campo;

2. Mateo 17:20: Jesús les dijo: Por vuestra poca fe; porque de cierto os digo, que si tuviereis fe como un grano de MOSTAZA, diréis a este monte: Pásate de aquí allá, y se pasará; y nada os será imposible.

3. Marcos 4:31: Es como el grano de MOSTAZA, que cuando se siembra en tierra, es la más pequeña de todas las semillas que hay en la tierra;

4. Lucas 13:19: Es semejante al grano de MOSTAZA, que un hombre tomó y sembró en su huerto; y creció, y se hizo árbol grande, y las aves del cielo anidaron en sus ramas.

5. Lucas 17:6: Entonces el Señor dijo: Si tuvierais fe como un grano de MOSTAZA, podríais decir a este sicómoro: Desarráigate, y plántate en el mar; y os obedecería.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 17 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/01/2015 02:00
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/10/2011 22:20
In MAGDALENE'S LOST LEGACY, Margaret Starbird continues her exploration of the message of Mary the companion of Yeshua (Jesus) by examining the gematria of the canonical gospels and other books of the Bible's New Testament.

As every statistician knows, the Greek alphabet consists of symbols like "delta" and "pi" that also work as numbers. Starbird suggests that using Greek alphanumerics to encode relevant passages, early "heretical" Christians hid verboten material in otherwise inoffensive text. Irenaeus, a church father of the 4th century who ordered the destruction of Gnostic material (such as the books found at Nag Hammadi) knew of this practice and forbade it. However, the "heretics" did not listen to him, and they hid material about the Magdalene in the New Testament - in the synoptic gospels and the mysterious Book of Revelation. Starbird says modern computers have provided scholars the means to decode these arcane messages. (She provides a Greek key you can use to interpret passages in Greek included in the book).

Hidden numbers aside, Starbird poses a question asked by other scholars - why do specific numbers appear in the books of the Bible and do they matter. For example, why were 153 fishes caught in a net (John 21:11) or why were there x number of loaves and fishes? The Book of Revelations suggests the `beast' is 666. In gemetric code, 666 = the solar principle. Starbird suggests the solar principle without a lunar principle leads to a desert. Day without night or Sol alone = "raw abusive, power, the power of the tyrant" or the male element run amuck. When the male element is combined with the female (lunar or night =1080) they form 1746 the symbolic equivalent of "the grain of mustard seed" or "the kingdom of God within." The marriage of sol and luna or masculine and feminine (1746=union of opposites) is also the gematria for "Jerusalem the city of God."

This wonderful book continues Starbird's exploration of messages about the Magdalene hidden in plain sight for two millennium. And, don't miss the land of milk and honey (it has to do with sol and luna).


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/10/2011 23:41

Novus Ordo Seclorum

The other motto on the reverse, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum', seems to have a solar connotation. Valued at 1742, it falls between Χρυσομαλλος - Chrysomallos - at 1741 and Γνωμων - Gnomon - at 1743. The first is the name of the ram that bore the golden fleece - this was a solar symbol and pointed to Aries, the first sign of the zodiac and the start of the sun's annual journey. The latter is the upright member of a sundial (or a builder's square). The pyramid and obelisk are both types of sundial and both may represent the upright member of the god Seb.


The Number of Fusion
1746 is an extremely important symbol of harmony for esoteric initiates, as it represents the fusion of the solar number 666 and the lunar number 1080 (5). On the Great Seal we find both components of this number united, because 'E Pluribus' has a value of 666 and 'Novus' 1080.

A Coincidence
'Ordo Seclorum' has a value of 1369. This is suspicious as it is also the value of the letters giving the date MDCCLXXVI (1776 when counted as Roman numerals). 1369 is an important number for it represents 37 squared - and 37 is the keystone of sacred geometry in the Bible (and elsewhere). The fact that we have a square number at the base of the pyramid seems very fitting - a solid foundation. The number 37 may also signify the Hebrew words 'AVL' and 'GDL'. 'AVL' means strength, or a powerful person. 'GDL' means power or majesty. Both of these words aptly describe the potent god Seb.

In Hebrew the number 1369 very importantly denotes the phrase VRVCh ALHIM MRChPhTh AaL PhNI HMIM - 'And the spirit of God moved on the face of the waters' (Gen. 1,2). This maintains the theme of divine creation.

1776 - Date
The overtly intended date of 1776 would certainly have been chosen for numerological reasons. It, too, is factored by 37, being the product of 37 and 48. It may be intended to represent 'Jesus of Nazerus' - who has this value in English gematria (and as 888 x 2 also signifies the doubling of his first name in Greek) and Jesus is an important figure to the Freemasons. In Greek we find that the phrase
Ιησους εστι λογος - Jesus is the Logos - also has this value. We notice that in Ephesians 2,20 Jesus is described as the chief corner stone in the foundation of the temple of God. (6)

The Roman numerals of the date MDCCLXXVI also generate the solar number 666. This comes about through a pattern of three pairs: MDCCLXXVI - the first red pair giving 600, the second 60 and the last 6. The intentionality of this is further indicated by the fact that the remaining numbers - MCX - give us, in a regular pattern, 1110. This is a particularly important number in gematria and signifies harmony and completion. We can also see that 666 and 1110 lie in a 3:5 ratio and therefore can signify two sides of a 3-4-5 right-angled triangle. What is the length of the missing side? It is 888 - the number of the Gnostic Ιησοθς - the stone which the builders disallowed (i Peter 2, 7).

Christian enthusiasts, ignorant of cabalistic numerology, invariably interpret the number 666 to signify the devil. This is a mistaken assumption in many respects and shows a disregard of St John's injunction that the 'number of the beast' was counted only 'for him that hath understanding'. The cabalist with understanding knows that 666 refers as much to the 'Beast' as it does to Jesus Christ. The reason for this is that the words John used were, Και ο αριθμος αυτου Χξς΄ - 'And the number of his name is 666'. These critical words have a value of 2368: this number is unambiguous to the cabalist as the value of Ιησοθς Χριστος - Jesus Christ. Was St John predicting that the great Beast might usurp the name of Jesus Christ?

It is also true that 666, as an emblem of the creative solar power in the cosmos, only becomes destructive when it is not balanced by its feminine counterpart - in this case it leads to authoritarianism and tyranny.

The Lightbringer
The combined value of 'Annuit Coeptis' and 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' is 707 + 1742 = 2449. This is the precise value of the phrase
Ιησοθς Χριστος Νικα - Jesus Christ Conquers. In addition, it is almost certainly intended to signify Ο Φωσφορος (2448) - The Lightbringer / The Morning Star. Pictorially, this is represented by the blazing triangle holding the eye in the pyramid. In scriptural terms it is highly unlikely that 'Lucifer' can be entirely evil for the Bible ends with these words of Jesus (Rev. 21,16):

I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

Here too, we come across an original piece of Biblical gematria, because the Greek words for former part of the phrase, Η ριζα και το γενος του Δαβιδ are exactly equated (at a value of 1646) with an alternative name for the bright and morning star Φαεσφορος. (7)


E Pluribus Unum

When the expression is broken into its two components of 666 and 470, some very interesting symbolism emerges. For a start, the two numbers lie in the ratio of the square root of two - 666 divided by 470 is 1.417. More importantly, they signify the interplay of light and darkness.

666 is the number of the sun and points, for example, to to the Hebrew expressions ShMSh IHVH - Sun of God, or SVRTh - The spirit of the sun. 470 has the opposite symbolism because it denotes KMRIR - an eclipse. However, it also signifies light coming out of darkness because it is the value of the creative words of God, IHI AVR VIHI AVR - 'Let there be light, and there was light' (Gen 1,3). Therefore the complete phrase adds dramatic significance to the image it accompanies, because, according to the official guide, it shows 'a glory breaking through a cloud over the head of the eagle'. This means a burst of sunlight piercing the dark cloud. In Masonic terms we have the familiar motto 'Lux ex Tenebris'.

The fact that the eagle holds an olive branch in one claw and the arrows of war in the other further reinforces the idea of opposites reconciled. Out of the opposites of light and darkness, spirit and matter, male and female, comes life. Therefore it is appropriate that 470 and 666 generate 815, the number of Ζωη - Life, when set at right-angles to produce a hypotenuse with this length. The perimeter of the ensuing triangle is 470 + 666 + 815 = 1951. This number unites the Cabalistic man with the Cabalistic bride: ADM QDMVN (Adam Kadmon) and MLKVTh (Malkuth) - 1455 + 496 = 1951.


The Grand Total

The addition of all three mottos on the Seal gives us 3585. This measures a pentacle of side 717, enclosed in a 2368 circumference circle. 717 gives, 'BN IH' - 'Son of God'. 2368 gives Ιησοθς Χριστος - Jesus Christ. The Great Seal thus pays homage to the Gnostic and numerological Jesus Christ, secretly worshipped in Freemasonry.


All This And Shakespeare Too?

The Masonic symbolism of the Great Seal finds an interesting parallel in the esoteric symbolism underpinning the verse structure of Shakespeare's Sonnets. There are grounds for identifying a direct connection and thinking that Shakespeare may have been involved in the founding of the United States of America.

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/10/2011 23:51

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