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General: La historia de las Torres Gemelas en fotos
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De: CALIDAD  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 25/09/2012 07:56

En 1946

Nació la idea de crear World Trade Center

Para estimular la renovación urbana del Bajo Manhattan


El proyecto inicial se hizo público en 1961

La Autoridad portuaria requirió la aprobación tanto de los gobernadores de:

Nueva York como de Nueva Jersey


Se eligió a Minoru Yamasaki

Como el arquitecto

Quien ideó un plan que incorporaba dos torres gemelas de 80 plantas cada una

Al final

Se dio vida a un complejo financiero que albergaría dos torres gemelas de 110 pisos cada una


El diseño mostraba una plaza entre las dos torres

Los edificios fueron diseñados con ventanas estrechas de 45 cm de ancho

Lo cual reflejaba el miedo a las alturas de Yamasaki


En 1960

La exigencia del sistema de edificaciones hacía que el edificio fuera caro para construir

En 1968

La Administración del puerto consiguió cambiar este sistema

Así el proyecto del WTC fue puesto en acción

El World Trade Center original (WTC, en español Centro de Comercio Mundial)



Empezó a edificarse el 5 de agosto de 1966 con la torre norte

Gran parte del material extraído en la excavación de los cimientos

Fue usado en la edificación del;

Battery Park City

Sobre el lado oeste de Manhattan


La construcción terminó en 1973

A la ceremonia de inauguración fueron más de 300 mil personas

Entre trabajadores

Autoridades de la ciudad

El presidente de los Estados Unidos

Richard Nixon


La torre norte, el WTC 1

Albergaba en su azotea una antena de telecomunicaciones que servía para la señal de emisoras como;

WCBS 2, WNBC 4, WNYW 5, entre otras

Esta torre 1 alcanzaba los 417 metros (más de 526 con la antena)


La torre sur, el WTC 2

Tenía un puesto de observación llamado;

Top of the World Trade Center Observatories

Ubicado en el piso 107

Este rascacielos tenía una altura de 415 metros

Ambas Torres Gemelas tenían una anchura de 63.5 metros


Las Torres Gemelas


200 mil toneladas de acero

325.000 m³ de hormigón

300.000 m² de superficie acristalada

198 ascensores con una capacidad media de 55 personas

71 escaleras automáticas

Y hasta 150.000 visitantes al día


Debajo de las Torres Gemelas

Se hallaba una estación del metro

La cual todavía opera hoy

En el futuro WTC

La misma contará con una terminal, diseñada por el arquitecto español

Santiago Calatrava


En un típico día laborable

50 mil personas trabajaban en las torres

Con otras 200 mil pasando como visitantes

El complejo era tan grande que tenía su propio código ZIP: 10048


El 13 de febrero de 1975

Hubo un incendio en la torre norte del WTC que se propagó a lo largo de la planta 11

El incendio se extendió a través del núcleo a las plantas 9 y 14

Por incendiarse el aislamiento de los cables de teléfono


El 7 de agosto de 1974

Philippe Petit

Un joven equilibrista francés

Atravesó las dos torres del WTC sobre un cable de acero

Cruzó ocho veces los 43 metros que separaban los dos edificios


El 26 de febrero de 1993, a las 12:17 del mediodía

Se cometió un atentado terrorista

Con un vehículo bomba que albergaba 680 kilogramos de explosivos

En los aparcamientos de la torre norte

En el subsuelo del complejo, por debajo del WTC 5


El 11 de septiembre de 2001

El grupo terrorista Al Qaeda

Secuestró dos Boeing 767 estrellándolos cada uno contra cada torre

El primero se estrelló contra la torre norte a las 08:46

El segundo contra la torre sur a las 09:02


Después de que ardiera durante 54 minutos, la sur se derrumbó

Seguida media hora más tarde por la norte

El proceso de limpieza y recuperación del sitio en donde se alzaban

Las Torres Gemelas

Y los demás edificios tomó ocho meses


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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 5 en el tema 
De: SALVA Enviado: 25/09/2012 16:55

Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 5 en el tema 
De: Tatisverde Enviado: 26/09/2012 15:56

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 5 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/02/2015 19:00
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Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 5 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2015 15:14

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

Aleister Crowley’s “law” is psychopathic when you think about it. If everybody went around doing whatever they “wilt” without any other laws to protect people that would be tantamount to letting psychopaths rule the world which seems to be exactly where we are today.

Just to be clear I’m not saying that everyone who is interested in Crowley’s work is a psychopath. For example, I myself own a Thoth tarot deck that was designed by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris which has incredible artwork and symbolism. My criticism is directed at Crowley’s law which is completely devoid of consideration for other people. Contrast “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” with “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” and maybe you can appreciate my concern.

AL cover

Crowley claimed the disincarnate being Aiwass dictated The Book of the Law to him on April 8-10th, 1904.

In my post on Repeating Ones I show how Crowley’s philosophy which is called “thelema” equates to the number 93. But let’s take a closer look at this “law”:

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”

The phrase has 11 words (repeating ones) and most significant to what I’m talking about here, 37 letters.

37 ties right back in with repeating ones because 37 x 3 = 111.

Also 37 is the 13th prime number. Lucky 13 is very important in the symbolism of America.


Consider the Great Seal of the United States’ 13 stripes on the shield, 13 stars, 13 arrows, 13 leaves, 13 olives and even the 13 colonies. Never mind the 33 feathers on one wing and 32 on the other.

The Bankers Trust

14 Wall Street has 37 floors. 14 Wall Street was originally named the “Bankers Trust Building” because it was the HQ of Bankers Trust (now a part of Deutsche Bank). The roof is a pyramid with apertures at the top where you’d expect the all seeing eye to be.

Bankers Trust Building

14 Wall Street New York

Image courtesy Chris Ruvolo under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

When the building was completed in 1912 it was the world’s tallest bank building with a height of 539 feet. It was an icon of Wall Street and J.P. Morgan himself had an apartment on the 31st floor.

Bankers Trust adopted the pyramid on top of 14 Wall Street as its trademark:

Bankers Trust Logo

Fair use image source

Banker’s Trust’s slogan was:

“A Tower of Strength”

If you read my Repeating Ones post you might recall that “a tower of strength” is Boaz (built into all Masonic lodges), representing the Sun, the left brain, and all the things the WTC North Tower represented before 9/11.

I don’t know about you but I don’t exactly trust bankers, especially those that engage in fractional reserve banking.

The concept for the building design was to build a replica of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus (wonder of the ancient world) on top of a square shaft, a bit like a benben (see One Canada Square in my 864 post for an analogue).

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

500px Tombeau de Mausole Barclay crop

If you watched my Washington DC videos you might recall how the House of the Temple (HQ of Scottish Freemasonry in Washington DC) was also built as a replica of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus.

House of the Temple


The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was the tomb of King Mausolus which is where we get the word “mausoleum”. The House of the Temple is the tomb of Albert Pike but the Banker’s Trust building isn’t a tomb as far as I can tell.

Codes and Ciphers

Grant Chamberlin is a fan of my videos who has been sending me his on-the-ground research in NY’s central park (he’s found some great stuff I’ll share later). Grants says that if you do a simple substitution cipher where A=1, B=2, C=3, on up to Z = 26 on Crowley’s famous phrase “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,” the numbers add up to 444.

This sum reminds me of the London Eye’s 444′ height. Note the masonic compasses holding up the “eye.”


(Image credit Mike Peel under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.5 license)

Also the word “Magick” which is a term Crowley popularized adds up to 44.

Aleister Crowley chose this spelling to differentiate the occult “magick” from stage magic and defined it as “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will”, including both “mundane” acts of will as well as ritual magic.

Ones are not the only number having significance when they repeat. Consider the Washington Monument’s height of 555 feet which just happens to be equal to 6660 inches. But I digress.


Another interesting fact Grant points out is that using this simplest of ciphers on the letters KKK yields 11+11+11 = 33. That bit of math sure reminds me of the Bank of America’s logo with its three “11’s”:

Bank of America

Image courtesy of Brian Katt under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Again, I’m not saying the Bank of America or anyone that works there is in any way related to the KKK other than through number symbolism. Perhaps there is nothing to this correlation. That’s for you to decide. I’m reporting on synchronistic discoveries that come to me and hopefully that is why you are reading my blog.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without [necessarily] accepting it.” -Aristotle

I think most everyone can agree that the psychopathic Klu Klux Klan is right up there with Nazism and the Catholic Inquisition as the worst organizations ever to exist on planet Earth.

Klan in gainesville

The first Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, as a terrorist organization by veterans of the Confederate Army. They named it after the Greek word ‘Kuklos”, which means circle. The name supposedly means “Circle of Brothers.”

Freemasonrywatch.org brings us full circle with this little-known and often-suppressed fact:

Albert Pike held the office of Chief Justice of the KKK while he was simultaneously Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Masonry, in the Southern Jurisdiction [whose HQ is the House of the Temple].

Albert Pike (1809-1891)


Former Confederate General Albert Pike was the most famous Scottish Freemason of his times. Pike wrote “Morals and Dogma”, the handbook formerly given to new members up until 1974 which details the 33 ranks of freemasonry.

Pike is the only Confederate military officer or figure to be honored with an outdoor statue in Washington, D.C.

Most freemasons are well meaning people that probably don’t know anything about Pike’s history or share his racist and terrorist philosophy. I’m not against freemasons as people but I think that brothers of this “craft” owe it to themselves to look more closely at its roots.

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Reply  Message 38 of 38 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 12/02/2015 12:12
From: charitoo  (Original message) Sent: 13/01/2015 02:58

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