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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 7 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 27/01/2015 19:00

Génesis, 32

1. A la mañana siguiente, Labán besó a sus hijos e hijas, les bendijo y se volvió a su lugar.

2. Jacob se fue por su camino, y le salieron al encuentro ángeles de Dios.

3. Al verlos, dijo Jacob: «Este es el campamento de Dios»; y llamó a aquel lugar Majanáyim.

4. Jacob envió mensajeros por delante hacia su hermano Esaú, al país de Seír, la estepa de Edom,

5. encargándolles: «Diréis a mi señor Esaú: Así dice tu siervo Jacob: Fui a pasar una temporada con Labán, y me he demorado hasta hoy.

6. Me hice con bueyes, asnos, ovejas, siervos y siervas; y ahora mando a avisar a mi señor, para hallar gracia a sus ojos.»

7. Los mensajeros volvieron a Jacob, diciendo: «Hemos ido donde tu hermano Esaú, y él mismo viene a tu encuentro con cuatrocientos hombres.»

8. Jacob se asustó mucho y se llenó de angustia; dividió a sus gentes, las ovejas, vacas y camellos, en dos campementos,

9. y dijo: «Si llega Esaú a uno de los campamentos y lo ataca, se salvará el otro.»

10. Y dijo Jacob: «¡Oh Dios de mi padre Abraham, y Dios de mi padre Isaac, Yahveh, que me dijiste: "Vuelve a tu tierra y a tu patria, que yo seré bueno contigo",

11. qué poco merecía yo todas las mercedes y toda la confianza que has dado a tu siervo! Pues con solo mi cayado pasé este Jordán y ahora he venido a formar dos campamentos.

12. Líbrame de la mano de mi hermano, de la mano de Esaú, porque le temo, no sea que venga y nos ataque, a la madre junto con los hijos.

13. Que fuiste tú quien dijiste: "Yo seré bueno de veras contigo y haré tu descendencia como la arena del mar, que no se puede contar de tanta como hay."»

14. Y Jacob pasó allí aquella noche. Tomó de lo que tenía a mano un regalo para su hermano Esaú,

15. consistente en doscientas cabras y veinte machos cabríos, doscientas ovejas y veinte carneros,

16. treinta camellas criando, junto con sus crías, cuarenta vacas y diez toros, veinte asnas y diez garañones,

17. y repartíendolo en manadas independientes, los confió a sus siervos y les dijo: «Pasad delante de mí, dejando espacio entre manada y manada.»

18. Y al primero le encargó: «Cuando te salga al paso mi hermano Esaú y te pregunte "de quién eres y adónde vas, y para quién es eso que va delante de ti",

19. dices: "De tu siervo Jacob; es un regalo enviado para mi señor Esaú. Precisamente, él mismo viene detrás de nosotros."»

20. El mismo encargo hizo también al segundo, como asimismo al tercero y a todos los que iban tras las manadas diciendo: «En estos términos hablaréis a Esaú cuando le encontréis,

21. añadiendo: "Precisamente, tu siervo Jacob viene detrás de nosotros."» Pues se decía: «Voy a ganármelo con el regalo que me precede, tras de lo cual me entrevistaré con él; tal vez me haga buena cara.»

22. Así, pues, mandó el regalo por delante, y él pasó aquella noche en el campamento.

23. Aquella noche se levantó, tomó a sus dos mujeres con sus dos siervas y a sus once hijos y cruzó el vado de Yabboq.

24. Les tomó y les hizo pasar el río, e hizo pasar también todo lo que tenía.

25. Y habiéndose quedado Jacob solo, estuvo luchando alguien con él hasta rayar el alba. (Es obvia la relacion con el LUCERO DEL ALBA, OSEA VENUS. JACOB = ISRAEL= VENCEDOR = VENUS)

26. Pero viendo que no le podía, le tocó en la articulación femoral, y se dislocó el fémur de Jacob mientras luchaba con aquél.

27. Este le dijo: «Suéltame, que ha rayado el alba.» Jacob respondió: «No te suelto hasta que no me hayas bendecido.»

28. Dijo el otro: «¿Cuál es tu nombre?» - «Jacob.» -

29. «En adelante no te llamarás Jacob sino Israel; porque has sido fuerte contra Dios y contra los hombres, y le has vencido

30. Jacob le preguntó: «Dime por favor tu nombre.» - «¿ Para qué preguntas por mi nombre?» Y le bendijo allí mismo.

31. Jacob llamó a aquel lugar Penuel, pues (se dijo): «He visto a Dios cara a cara, y tengo la vida salva.»

32. El sol salió así que hubo pasado Penuel, pero él cojeaba del muslo.

33. Por eso los israelitas no comen, hasta la fecha, el nervio ciático, que está sobre la articulación del muslo, por haber sido tocado Jacob en la articulación femoral, en el nervio ciático. (¿CASUALIDAD O CAUSALIDAD QUE ITALIA, ADONDE ESTA VENECIA TIENE FORMA DE PIERNA?)


articulacion coxo-femoral
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Las articulaciones son áreas
530 × 450 - 104k - gif

La articulación de la cadera o
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480 × 360 - 14k - jpg

externa del fémur,
390 × 254 - 18k - jpeg

la cabeza femoral,
475 × 380 - 31k - jpg

Fóvea femoral
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del fémur más próxima a la
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Atención, las imágenes con
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fractura del cuello del fémur
530 × 450 - 49k - jpg
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 27/01/2015 15:27

¿Por qué estudiar italiano en
548 × 673 - 29k - gif

856 × 1048 - 342k - php

Estudiar y hablar italiano,
372 × 418 - 5k - gif

Hotel reservations Italia
350 × 350 - 33k - gif

cocina italiana que mejor
380 × 470 - 24k - gif

El turismo es uno de los
3244 × 3948 - 1304k - svg

Descargue una bandera o
2560 × 1707 - 21k - png

La situazione italiana dopo le
1500 × 1381 - 373k - png

Deja tu opinión
481 × 321 - 3k - gif

Patrimonio UNESCO en Italia
700 × 577 - 94k - jpg

bandera_0019_italy_flag_ ...
1920 × 1080 - 559k - jpg

experiéncia 100% Italiana!
400 × 300 - 13k - jpg

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 7 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/01/2015 20:15

Columna vertebral - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

La columna vertebral, espina dorsal o el raquis es una compleja estructura ... La columna vertebral consta de cinco regiones, contando con 33 vértebras...

La columna vertebral - Monografias.com

www.monografias.com › Anatomia
La columna vertebral es una pila de 33 huesos llamados vértebras que se...

    ¿Cuántas vértebras tiene la columna vertebral? - Microrespuestas

    La columna vertebral está formada por 33 vértebras, repartidas en cinco regiones: Región cervical: 7 vértebras (C1 a C7) Región dorsal: 12.

    ¿Cuántos huesos tiene la columna vertebral? - Saberia.com

    www.saberia.com › Ciencias Naturales
    La columna vertebral es un órgano situado en la parte media y posterior del tronco. ... La columna vertebral está formada por 33 vértebras aproximadamente.

    Columna vertebral - SpineUniverse

    www.spineuniverse.com › SpineUniverse En EspañolAnatomía
    12/10/2009 - La columna vertebral (o espina dorsal) se extiende desde el cráneo ... y se compone de 33 huesos individuales que se denominan vértebras.

    Cómo es y como funciona la espalda - El web de la Espalda

    Para permitir el movimiento, la columna vertebral tiene que ser flexible. Por eso no está compuesta por un gran hueso sino por 33 vértebras separadas, ...

    ¿¿Los adultos tienen 33 o 26 vertebras totales? - Yahoo Answers

    answers.yahoo.com › All CategoriesScience & MathematicsMedicine
    04/07/2009 - la columna vertebral esta compuesta de 33 vertebras divididas en 7 cervicales ( forman el cuello), 12 dorsales o torácicas (unidas con las ...

    Vértebras - EcuRed

    Vértebras. Se denomina vértebra a cada uno de los huesos que conforman la columna vertebral. En los seres humanos hay de 33 a 34 vértebras durante la ...
  • [PDF]

    Columna Vertebral - Escuela de Medicina - Pontificia Universidad ...

    por columna vertebral y cráneo ha sido denominada convencionalmente como ... La columna vertebral está compuesta por 33 vértebras sus respectivos discos ...
    Búsquedas relacionadas con COLUMNA VERTEBRAL 33 VERTEBRAS

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 7 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/01/2015 20:16
    En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo:
    Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra,
    que hayas escondido estas cosas (la Gnosis, la Sabiduría Oculta)
    de los sabios (de los eruditos) y de los entendidos, (de los intelectuales)
    y las hayas revelado á los niños. (A los Iniciados). Así, Padre, pues que así agradó en tus ojos."
    (Mateo 11: 25-26). (El cielo y la tierra, es la alquimia, osea la ESCALERA DE JACOB. La cuadratura del circulo es el patron matematico de la alquimia y esta basado, insisto, en el numero de oro. Justamente Salomon es un tipo del GRIAL.)

    "¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia)
    y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios!
    ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!"


    This shows Mercury's Inferior Conjunctions with Earth which make a triangle.

    Now here are Mercury's Superior Conjunctions with Earth that make an inverted triangle.

    Here is what we get when both of these synodic periods are added together.
    The star of David.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 7 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/01/2015 20:18
    mrpitin999 Enviado: 03/07/2014 01:33
    "El 33"
    muxos avlan del 33 como un numero maligno o kienes lo usan son los "malos" pero para entender mejor esto es necesario saber ke existe un patron en el universo ke es de muxisima inportancia y ke muxos lo ignoran pero una ves konciente de ella, la vida mejora muxo en varios aspectos y esa es "la Dualidad"; el 33 komo ya muxos saben es el "Grado mas alto" ke tiene un mason pero mas  alla de lo cierto ke esto, es muxo mas importante ke un mason o kualkier o kualkiera institucion, y tan simple ke algunos no la ven, pero algunos se esfuersan para ke otros no la puedan ver, el 33 representa  a las 33 vertevras de la columna vertevral del ser humano. belen, bethlehem, la casa del pan, virgo, la virgen, etc. VIRGO SIG. VIRGEN, SANTO,SAGRADO, SACRO, "EL HUESO SACRO".  VIRGO REPRESENTA A LOS INTESTINOS EN EL CUERPO, TOMANDO EN KUENTA DE KE ARIES ES EL CEREBRO TAURO EL CEREBELO GEMINIS, LOS GEMELOS, LOS BRASOS, PIERNAS Y LOS PULMONES, CANCER, ES CANGREJO, EL ESTERNON... PISCIS, PIECES, LOS PIES, HUESO SACRO-SEXO-VAPOR-KUNDALINI-DIESMO-DOS PILARES-CADUCEO-DOS ALAMOS-SERPIENTE-MISION PITUITARIA...BENDICIONES

    Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 7 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/02/2015 18:36


    The Great Pyramid has a base perimeter of 1007.7 yards, as measured by Sir Flinders Petrie in 1883 and confirmed by J.H. Cole in 1925.

    The mean diameter of the Earth plus the mean diameter of the Moon is 10077 miles (99.99% accurate). 1007.7 yards and 10077 miles use the exact same digits, however these measurements are in different Imperial units and scales.

    The polar diameter of the Earth plus the polar diameter of the Moon is 10000 x Φ kilometers (99.98% accurate). The Greek letter Φ (phi) represents the golden ratio, which is approximately 1.618033989…

    The reason that there is a difference between the mean and polar diameters of the Earth is that the equator bulges out somewhat. In fact the Earth’s diameter bulges .33% beyond a perfect circle. The Earth orbits the Sun in an ellipse whose major axis bulges 3.3% beyond the diameter of a perfect circle.

    The Great Pyramid’s slope angle of 51°51′ encodes the relationship of the size of the Earth to the size of the Moon. The pyramid elevation triangle in the diagram below cuts across the Earth’s equator and connects to the center of the Moon with matching angles of 51°51′.


    Dividing the 4 edges of the Great Pyramid’s base perimeter by 4 gives us its mean edge length, which turns out to be 755.775 feet.


    My analysis of the Great Pyramid’s elevation reveals the repeating digits 3333 inches and 555.5 feet. This can be discovered either by drawing a vesica piscis such that the height of the almond shape intersection between the circles matches the height of the pyramid, or by inscribing an equilateral triangle within its elevation. 555.5 feet equals 6666 inches.


    The Washington Monument is 555.5 feet in height. Its geometry is derived from the sacred geometry of the Great Pyramid. That is what I showed in this image from Quantification (it’s larger in the book).


    I discovered that the Washington Monument is 333,333 meters from the spire on the Bank of America Tower in New York. Right now the Bank of America Tower is the third tallest building in Manhattan (soon to be eclipsed by 432 Park Avenue). The bank tower features an obelisk-like metal mast.


    The Washington Monument is also 33003300 feet from the foundation of Etemenanki in ancient Babylon. It’s not entirely clear to scholars but Etemananki might also be the Tower of Babel.


    The Seat of the European Parliament in Strasbourg France was designed to resemble the Tower of Babel, as painted by Pieter Bruegel.

    EU parliament

    Vigilant Citizen’s article confirms this connection with the official poster promoting the EU Parliament building. Its inverted pentacles are another story.

    EU poster

    I measured the distance from the EU Parliament building to Thebes, Egypt and it is 3333 km. More specifically this exact distance is to the Colossoi of Memnon, two 720 ton statues at the ceremonial entrance to Amenhotep III’s temple built ~3333 years ago. I call this one “Seats of Power” in my book Quantification (page 57).


    The hills behind Amenhotep III’s temple is the part of the Theban Necropolis known as Valley of the Kings, burial place of many a pharaoh. The Ancient Egyptians called the highest point in this valley ta dehent, or ‘The Peak’. The distance from ‘The Peak’ to Mount Everest is 3330 miles. Their shapes are even similar.

    Valley of the Kings Mount Everest

    Immediately across the Nile is the Temple of Luxor. In 1833 the French moved one of the pair of obelisks at the entrance of this ancient Egyptian temple to the 86400 square meter La Place de la Concorde in Paris, 33.0° across the surface of the Earth.


    The distance from the Arc de Triomphe to the Louvre Pyramid is 3333 meters. Do you suppose that is an accident or design?


    The oldest obelisk in the world still stands in Heliopolis but sadly, that’s all that remains of this once great ancient city where Pythagoras was educated and where the Ennead came from. It’s fitting that the City of the Sun is located 3333 miles from the highest point in the most massive mountain range on Earth, considering that the Sun is 333000 times more massive than the Earth.

    Heliopolis Everest

    Incidentally, the distance from Mt Everest to Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the world’s oceans, is 6066 km.

    A pair of obelisks from Heliopolis were moved to Alexandria in antiquity by the Romans and almost two thousand years later they became known as Cleopatra’s Needles. In the 19th century, the English moved one of these obelisks from the harbor of Alexandria and erected it on the Victoria embankment in central London. This obelisk was moved a distance of 3333.33 kilometers. If you doubt any of these facts, check them yourself in Google Earth or using other precise methods. Part of the magic is seeing it for yourself.


    The partner of this obelisk is in Central Park in Manhattan. The tip of Manhattan is 3333 km from the Great Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico. Cholula is the largest monument ever built anywhere on Earth. The sprawling Great Pyramid of Cholula has a volume twice as large as the Great Pyramid of Giza but is only 66 meters high. Manhattan has been described with such superlatives as Alpha++ Global Power City, cultural and financial capital of the world, largest city in the United States and so on. It seems fitting to compare Manhattan to Cholula.

    NYC Cholula

    The Germans moved the original Ishtar gate to Berlin in the 1910s. Saddam Hussein built a replica at the original site in Babylon in the 1980s. The distance between these Ishtar gates is 3333 km.


    La Place de la Nation in central Paris is 3333.33 kilometers from the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. This isn’t the distance from the gas station to the hairdressers, it is the distance between symbolic national monuments. It measures 33.33° across the surface of the Earth from the Dome of the Rock to Stonehenge.


    A line from the Sun King’s Hall of Mirrors at Versailles to the White House bisects the symmetric French landscape garden.

    Versailles Alignment

    These two power houses are exactly 3330.3 nautical miles apart.

    Think about all of this. At first you might assume the threes are all part of an incredibly vast Freemasonic Conspiracy. The highest rank one can earn in the Scottish Rite is the 32nd degree. The 33rd degree is by invitation only.

    Morals and Dogma

    Cover of Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike

    I invite you to think more deeply about it. The locations of Washington DC, New York City, Babylon, Strasbourg, Thebes, Luxor, Paris, London, Berlin, Jerusalem, Versailles, Stonehenge and Mount Everest all appear to be interrelated with repetitive threes.

    A hidden hand may have shaped history.

    Hidden Hand


    A disembodied hand supposedly wrote MENE MENE TEKEL PERES on the wall of ancient Babylon at 32°32’32″N. Most importantly, what did the hand that shaped history write?


    Belshazzar by Rembrandt (1635)

    These words are known Aramaic names of measures of currency:
    MENE, a mina (from the root meaning “to count”),
    TEKEL, a spelling of shekel (from the root meaning “to weigh”),
    PERES, half a mina (from the root meaning “to divide”).

    Much is illuminated when we count, weigh, and divide the Earth. After all the word “geometry” literally means Earth measure.


    Modern Baghdad is located at 33.333333°N, 44.444444°E. In fact that exact point is in a lake fronting an 864 foot diameter Martyr’s Memorial complete with oculus and eternal flame.


    There are 32 boroughs surrounding the City of London.

    London 33

    The London Eye has 32 cars rotating around a compass-like central pivot.


    Diliff CC BY 2.0

    It is 333333 inches from Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square to the centre of the London Olympic Stadium. Lingam and Yoni separated by nothing but threes.


    The United Nations emblem divides the Earth into 33 sectors.

    UN emblem 33

    In Buddhism the traditional Great Retreat lasts for 3 years, 3 months and 3 days.


    Jesus supposedly lived 33.33 years and performed 33 miracles.


    There are 33 bones in your spine.


    The speed of sound in air varies with temperature. The speed of sound is 333.3 meters per second at 3.3°C. Escape velocity is 33 times the speed of sound. Spaceport America is located exactly at 33° latitude.


    We are all part of the cosmic pattern. My work hopefully is making you more aware of this great pattern: as above, so below.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 7 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/02/2015 18:42
    : esperanzaotoñalcaribe  (Original message) Sent: 25/12/2012 16:41
    Curioso e interesante 
    Mueve el ratón sobre cualquiera de las 24 vértebras de la columna vertebral humana!
       Rodar lentamente, no perderos ninguna. Es una demostración fascinante de cómo nuestra columna vertebral afecta a nuestro cuerpo entero.
      Mueve el ratón sobre huesos de la espalda y verás las partes que se ven afectadas.


    La columna vertebral está dañada en un 80 % de los adultos. Esa es mi experiencia. La ciencia médica todavía no tiene muy estudiado el asunto y casi todos los problemas derivados de la columna los trata con sintomáticos.
    Para casi todo utiliza Diclofenac, infiltraciones o, incluso, la cirugía del túnel carpiano. Incluso la migraña como tal no existe, es solo un problema en las cervicales que se corrige con ejercicio y dieta. Hasta ahora, a ningún médico de la tierra le ha dado por examinar la curvatura de la columna salvo en casos de lordosis o cifosis.
    En general todo lo buscan con radiografías o electro conducción y acuden a muchas cirugías innecesarias.  Los problemas de columna y los que de allí se derivan ya son epidemia. Para el humano normal es corriente pensar que los ancianitos arrastren los pies y que se hagan en la ropa. Simplemente se les consiguen bastones y pañales y asunto concluido. Esto es así en todo el mundo.
    Algunas personas tienen estreñimiento tenaz y es muy frecuente encontrar síndrome de colon irritable, el cual tiene, entre sus componentes, un asunto de columna. En este último caso son muy frecuentes las cirugías.
    En realidad la migraña, la bursitis y los problemas de dolor clasificados como del túnel carpiano no son tales, son en realidad problemas de columna. La ciencia médica los trata por separado cuando en realidad se trata de simples problemas de columna y todos ellos se tratan con ejercicios simples y fáciles de hacer.
    La columna, en el cuello, tiene 7 vertebras que se llaman cervicales. Cuando estas vertebras se desalinean producen migraña, bursitis, tendinitis, laringitis, hipo o hipertiroidismo, bronquitis, etc. Todos los órganos externos e internos de la parte superior del tronco, incluyendo la dentadura, quedan afectados.
    Allí radica el problema. Las neuralgias son, casi siempre, causadas por desalineación de la columna, tanto si se dan en la cara, en las extremidades o en la espalda.
    No solo la gente común, la ciencia médica hace lo mismo. Para los odontólogos, debería haber una materia que les enseñase a hacerle mantenimiento a la columna ya que como su trabajo es de pié entonces les es más vital.
    Para uno saber cómo está de las cervicales, el método es muy simple. No se requieren exámenes de tomografía, ni de radiografías, ni de electro conducción. No se necesita ir al fisiatra ni al neurólogo. 
    Yo manejo un criterio que es el de curvatura y es como sigue; Acuéstese sobre el piso, no en cama ni en camilla.  Métase la mano por el cuello, por el lado derecho. Como a tocarse la oreja izquierda.
    Si la mano le pasa, en gran medida, es que tiene problemas de curvatura. Para corregir problemas de curvatura en el cuello se procede así: La persona se acuesta en el suelo, sobre el piso de madera, la baldosa o la alfombra, boca arriba. Mueve la cabeza como si quisiese tocar el pecho. Puede comenzar con unos 10 movimientos o más si resiste. Lo importante es mirar que tanto aguanta sin cansarse.
    Al comienzo puede sentir molestia en los músculos del cuello o incluso en la cara. Uno empieza con 10 por una semana. A la semana siguiente sube a 15. A la siguiente a 20, etc. Hasta que pueda hacer diario 200 o 300 veces. Como puedes ver toma tiempo.
    Cuando uno o una se acueste boca arriba en el piso, no en la cama, y la mano no le quepa por el cuello, estará curado(a). Así de simple. El suyo es un problema muy simple, aunque muy molesto. Así como un dolor de muela, que no es muy grave, pero si inaguantable. Hay otro problema de curvatura y es el de la cintura.
    Allí tenemos las vertebras lumbares. Cuando hay problemas allí surge lo siguiente: Cansancio para estar de pié, dolor de rodillas, pies fríos o muy calientes, estreñimiento, problemas de esfínteres puede aparecer la ropa interior orinada o untada de materia fecal sin que la persona se percate de ello.
    Esos y muchos otros son problemas de columna. Para saber si hay problemas de curvatura en tu cintura te vuelves a colocar boca arriba en el piso, no en la cama, y con la mano derecha la metemos por la cintura a ver si pasa. Si pasa con facilidad toda o en parte, hay líos con la curvatura en tu cintura. La corrección es muy simple, aunque toma tiempo y paciencia. Compras un ladrillo farol, es decir, de los que tienen huecos y son grandes.
    Póngale 10x30x15 y lo forras en tela o periódico para que no talle o ensucie la ropa. También sirve un tronco de madera. Boca arriba lo metes debajo de tus nalgas y estiras los pies. 5 minuticos.
     Luego retiras el ladrillo y permanece boca arriba. Va aumentando la permanencia sobre el ladrillo hasta durar 20 o 30 minutos diarios. Lo puedes hacer en la mañana o en la noche.  El día en que te acuestes boca arriba y la mano no te quepa por la cintura, estarás curado(a) y todas tus molestias habrán desparecido.

    También debes revisar si tienes arco en el pié ya que no tenerlo desalinea la columna y entonces hay que usar los zapatos con plantillas.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 7 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/03/2015 05:42


    "And Jacob dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the LORD stood above it...” Genesis 28:12-13a

    There is much to be said about this ancient passage of scripture. Within it are the keys to many esoteric teachings, and mysteries which have been hidden ages past, that are now being revealed. In a previous writing we dealt with “Jacob’s Journey,” the journey of all humanity to meet God in the 7 Feasts or Experiences; consummating with Tabernacles, Fullness. In this teaching we will deal with the types, shadows,, history and esoteric truth surrounding “Jacob’s Ladder.”

    Jacob has left from Beersheba, the well of sevens; a place where you walk in full awareness of the 7 Spirits of God. Also meaning the experience where the 7 Energy Centers (Chakras) or 7 Glands of the Endocrine System are balanced. During his night season of going within in this certain place he shuts his eyes to the physical plane and awakes to the spiritual. He sees this Ladder set up on the earth, angels ascending and descending. {We can be thankful for Providence during the night seasons of life, and the assurance of the angels of God watching over us}.

    The Mystery Of Numbers

    In order to get a fuller understanding of “Jacob’s Ladder,” we must understand the mystery of numbers. In this lesson I will share only enough to trigger your spirit. God has created a very elaborate system to conceal and reveal Himself, and His plan for all aspects of creation. This is an ancient mathematical system of numbers. Everything and everyone in the universe has a numeric value, even God. Once we learn, or remember how to decipher these numbers (because this information is in our spirit and DNA), we will understand.

    As in classical algebra or geometry, the Spirit uses symbols to conceal messages. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a symbol and have a numeric value. I can see by the Spirit that the time is very near that we will no longer read the Bible as we have in time past. As the knowledge of the glory of God increases, we will learn, or remember the heavenly mathematics that are concealed within the Book of Life within our being. All of the history, prophecy, miracles and parables will take on a completely new meaning. For many this is already happening. It is the Spirit of God that is teaching us this mystical algebra and sacred equations.

    “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count...” Rev.13:18 “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars, if you are able to number them...” Gen.15:5 “And even the very hairs of your head are numbered.” Matt. 10:30 Everything, even the sands of the sea are numbered.

    “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.” Prov. 25:2 God can only be found by those who earnestly seek Him. The natural mind can not comprehend, it can only criticize. Anyone can have a religious or emotional experience. All have been invited to Salvation, whosoever will, let him come. Not all that come are sincerely eager to Search Out the Matters That Are Concealed from the natural mind. This is the honor of Kings! The Priestly and Prophetic Anointings are great, but I feel a higher calling; Kingship. “Is there no king in you?” Micah 4:19 We are being given the honor to be initiated into the mysteries of the ages.

    Since we are realizing that our Creator is very detail, and that all the stories of the Old and New Testament have a deeper meaning; have you ever wondered how many steps were on the Ladder? According to Josephus the historian, it was believed that this Ladder had 72 steps. The number 72 is sprinkled throughout both Old and New Testament, concealed from the eyes of those that only see the literal interpretation of scripture. Many times it is used in close association with the number 70.

    The Number 70

    I will not deal with the negative side of 70, which denotes Judgment, in this writing. (You may study this regarding Israel’s captivity in Babylon and man’s life span being limited to 70 years because of transgression Psalms 90:10). However, Moses, who wrote this Psalm lived to be 120.

    The Hebrew words for wine (yayin), and secret (sode); both have the numeric value of 70. In the natural when one drinks wine, he is prone to reveal secrets. There are secrets that God spoke into your spirit when He knew you before you were formed in the womb. As we drink of the new wine (Spirit), we are given boldness and awareness to utter the mysteries of God. That which has been kept secret, and limited to the chosen few is now being made available to all. The number 70 speaks of Revealing Secrets, Restoration and Council. It also speaks of Forgiveness, 70x7.

    The first Mystery School of Prophets among Israel was made up of 70 of the tribes of Israel. Num. 11 God took of Moses spirit and imparted onto them. “...They prophesied, and did not cease.” verse 25 They were able to tap into the supernatural realm. This was the Old Testament Sandhedrin (Council). In the NT Jesus called 70 other disciples besides the 12, and gave them power to works all kinds of miracles.

    {Jacob's Mystical 72 Step Ladder}

    The Number 72

    The ancients say that Jacob’s Ladder had 72 steps. The number 72 denotes, Celestial Council, Fullness of the Nature (Name) of God and Resurrection. According to Hebrew history, each step on the Ladder represented a name of God. The 72 Names of God. It is called, The Shem hamphorash, meaning the unpronouncible name; which has the numerical value of 72. The Tetragramation (YHWH or YHVH) with all 7 or 10 of the Hebrew vowels.

    This name was too sacred to be written and could only be spoken by few. The high priest on the Day of Atonement used this name to supernaturally transport from the Holy Place to the Holy of Holies. He was not limited by the 18 inches thick veil that hung in front of him. The prophetic Levitical Choir chanted the YHWH with the Sacred vowels to bring destruction on their enemies during warfare. See 2 Chron. 20 And the king also had access to this name.

    Jacob’s Ladder is a revelation of the most mysterious nature of God within man, the heights and depths of ascending and descending. Jesus Himself said that He is that Ladder. He is the Original Blueprint of biological manifestation of God's DNA. John 1:51

    In Numbers 11 we find that 70 men were called and anointed with the spirit of prophecy to lead the church in the wilderness. They were not led by human intellect, but by thte spirit of prophecy. The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ. Rev. 19:10 Aaron and Moses, plus the 70. (2 + 70= 72). John the Baptist is preaching, preparing the way for Messiah. “And after these things the Lord appointed other 70 also...” Luke 10:1

    John the Baptist and Jesus, plus 70 others. (2 + 70= 72). This is the New Testament Spiritual Sandhedrin (Council), showing the way back to Divine manifestation in human form. The literal Sandhedrin made up of mostly Saducees, consisted of 2 clerks and 70 priest, 72. This was the Supreme Court of Israel. Most of the times only 71 were counting, so that when deliberating there would be an uneven number to prevent a hung jury.

    According to history the Old Testament Hebrew was translated into Greek by 70-72 scholars, under the order of Ptolemy II. It is called, the Septuagint, meaning, of the 70.

    WHAT ABOUT THE 144,000 ?

    What’s in the number 144 or 144,000 ? 72 x 2=144. In Rev. 21:17, we find the measurement of the wall of the holy city, New Jerusalem. This is not a literal skyscraper city somewhere in another part of the universe, that will one day float down to the Middle East. (That is a very dangerous and erroneous teaching.) Verses 9-10 clearly states that the New Jerusalem is the Bride, the Lamb’s wife. Furthermore, Jesus told us that we are the city set on a hill.

    The measurements of the wall (realm) in this metaphysical city is 144 cubits. 144 cubits = 300 ft or 72 yards, this is the measure of a man. God has given us the 5-fold Ministry to grow us up “..unto a Perfect (complete-mature) Man, unto the Measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:13 As stated early, 72 denotes Fullness.

    At the end of Revelation 13 we are introduced to the mark, name and number of the beast, which certain individuals will have IN, not on their right hand or forehead. Revelation 14 opens with the 144,000 on a Mystical Place of Worship called Mt. Zion, they have their Father’s name written IN their foreheads.

    These are Initiates of the Cosmic Mystery School of Prophets. They have ascended to the Mt. Zion Experience by way of Jacob’s Ladder. Step by step taking on the divine names/attributes of God, changing the sequences that dictates physical limitations and death. (When we descended to come to this lower vibration, we forget those names each step spiraling downward). The 144,000 - Symbolic of the 72 Initiates during Moses time and the 72 Initiates during Jesus time. 1000 denotes rest from the works of the flesh: also a number of no end.

    The 144,000 are the Overcomers, Sons and Daughters of God, the Manchild. A people no longer striving in themselves, they are redeemed from the earth, no longer bound by the drives of the earth nature/flesh. They are not taken off the earth. They are not contaminated by women (religious, carnal teachings, traditions), they are spiritual virgins. They are God’s Tithe, not following man, but the Lamb. They have tapped into the Christ within and are expressing Him. Another interesting thing, they have harps. The harp is associated with the prophetic, utterance of mysteries and dark sayings. Ps.78:2-3 The 144,000 are singing a song that no carnally minded person can learn. This is the sacred song that the ancient prophetic Levitical Choir sang. They sang the unprouncible name of God, the Tetragramation (YHWH) using the 7-10 mystical vowels; all 72 names of God which equals 72. We thank God for giving us the name, Jesus (Yeshua), and all that it stands for. He said that there would be a group of Initiates or Overcomers that he would reveal His new name unto. Rev. 3:12 Of course nothing is new to God, but it would be new to us. Could that be the most hallowed 72 names in one Name, the mystery of God within man expressed?? This 144,000 have the name In their forehead, which means, they are operating out of the Divine Mind.

    This 72,000 x 2 group also represent Melchizedek, the Eternal Cosmic High Priest Order. The mysterious robe of Aaron, the high priest had bells and pomegranates on the hem. It was worn only on the most holy day of the year, the day of At-One-Ment. It is said that there were 72 bells and 72 pomegranates alternating around the hem of the robe. 72 + 72=144 To touch the hem of the Melchizedek Priest garment, is to touch or experience the Name that brings immortality. (Aaron was only the shadow of Melchizedek). Although we don’t consciously know this sacred name that equals 72, I believe through the baptism in the Holy Ghost we are able to speak that unknown name. “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue..speaks to God, no man understands him, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.” I Cor. 14:2































    The number 144 or the 144,000 on Mt. Zion are not literal measurements or number of certain people. That is a mystical number denoting, Fullness, Maturity, Overcoming the physical plane, and Rest. These are not natural,or religious Jews, nor they from the Jehovah’s Witness denomination. The only Jew that God recognizes for this experience is the spiritual one. “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly (race, religion, nationality): .. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly (grace, relationship, holy nation).” Rom.2:28-29 Why is that so hard for modern Christianity to understand?!




    {Notice the similarity in the Human Backbone and Spine with Jacob's Ladder.}

    There are 33 vertebrae in the human spinal column: 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoraic, 5 lumbar in the small of the back, 5 fused vertebrae forming a solid bone, the sacrum (tail bone). Looks like an inverted pyramid and was also called "the seat of immortality.” In the coccyx, at the bottom of the sacrum are fused 4 bones. If you were to multiply the number of vertebrae, 33 by 2, counting both sides of the vertebrae on the spinal column we will find the number 66. (33 x 2=66) 6 is the number of man, for he was created on the 6th day, there are also 66 books of the Bible given to man. (66 + 6=72) See the similarities of Jacob’s Ladder and the Spinal Column.

    Below notice the Human Skull. It has 22 bones, it sits at the top of the spinal column. The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, the 22nd letter, Tav, means Light. There is much to be said about this which we will deal with in other writings. At the top of Jacob’s Ladder stood Yahweh, the Light of the world. The light of the body is the eye (mind-brain), says Jesus.


    The Human Skull Has 22 Bones. 22, the Number of Light.

    Now look at our DNA below. You will clearly see Jacob's Ladder, the double helix and chromosones. Within our DNA is Light (bio-photons), as Jacob saw the Lord of Light standing at the top of this spiral staircase that leads to heaven within. Each level of consciousness changes the mis-sequence codes or forgotten names of God to the original, until All is restored and we become the Tetragammation.

    For those that have eyes to see and ears to hear, we have revealed some of the metaphysical/ spiritual aspects of Jacob’s Ladder. How it relates to the prophetics times we are in and the anatomy of man.

    Above the 72nd step, of your ascent awaits Yahweh to welcome you home into All that you are. As your spirit and soul completely awakens out of the sleep which you were lowered into, you will realize the Awesomeness of your experience and God. In every dark season and certain place of your life, the angels of God were there. Continue to climb ! Only stop to rest for a moment to realize how far you’ve come, be thankful, for you are closer today. The highest experience is yet to come.

    May you enter a new height as you ascend in God. I can hear the Voice of the One who stands at the top of the 72nd step saying,

    Come up here, there’s more that you must see and learn- Come up here, to the fullness of My Spirit, Return.

    Don’t be afraid, My angels will escort you each step of the way- Rest in Me, My Word will guide you to the light of the new day.

    As you experience the many aspects of Me, you will discover your true self- With each step of faith there will be less of you left.

    May the Lord Jesus, by His Holy Ghost cause this word to explode in your innermost being, becoming a reality day by day. May the spirit of wisdom and revelation knowledge be imparted into your life in a greater measure. I declare and decree all your need to be met - Experience Abundance on every level of your life. Experience Healing, Deliverance, Peace and Joy - In the name of Jesus, type of the unpronouncible 72 names of God in One. So be it!!


    by John Lewis

    Contact Age to Age Ministries




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