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August 2003 & Birth of Horus
On August 6, 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger dramatically announced his decision to run for governor of California. Two months later he won the very high-profile and bizarre recall election. We should soon enough begin to see the true nature of this development and what it could mean for the future of the United States - the sinking Titanic. Tellingly, there was much that was 'ritualistic' about the election of Schwarzenegger:
Arnold's Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, a story about the beginning of Armageddon, was released in 2003 before the recall election.
One of Arnold's most popular films is Total Recall (1990), a futuristic story about Mars. In August '03, the month Arnold made his dramatic announcement, the Red Planet was at its closest point to Earth in recorded history. Consequently 2003 was the 'year of Mars'.
Arnie starred in The Running Man (1987). Combined with Total Recall, it is almost as if his running in the California '(total) recall' election was an event long 'prophesied' by Hollywood.
Only 8 days after Arnold announced his 'Running Man' status for the 'Total Recall' election there was as a historic 'total blackout' on the opposite coast of the US and Canada (Aug. 14). Incidentally the recall election had much to do with California's energy crisis involving blackouts; and there was a striking conceptual symmetry created by the proximity and locality of the two events. After all, 'Total Recall' meaning 'regaining awareness' is the very opposite of 'blackout', meaning 'losing awareness. Note also that the storyline of Total Recall involves controlling and manipulating energy/resources.
The ominous aura of a dark setup is intensified by the involvement of Sirius - the brightest star in the night sky - identified by ancient Egyptians with their goddess par excellence Isis, the wife-sister of Osiris (the god of the dead), with whom she had a son named Horus. August 6 (or so) happens to be the day of Sirius' heliacal rising (= dawn rising) as viewed from Giza/Cairo, the astronomical center of ancient Egypt. This is very meaningful. Here is my comment from August 20, '03:
As I noted on the day of the event, Schwarzenegger's dramatic election announcement on Aug. 6 was probably - consciously or subconsciously - meant to coincide with the heliacal rising of the star Sirius - an event that signaled for ancient Egyptians the beginning of the annual life-giving flood of the Nile (signifying the resurrection of Osiris...). Notice the conceptual parallel here: Sirius announcing the coming of the flood/Osirian resurrection and Arnie announcing his intention to become the governor of California. (The name 'Schwarzenegger' being very 'black' resonates with Osiris being the god of death/blackness.)
[Update: Actually, the date August 6th may be a little off here. I was relying on Robert Bauval's information on this but it seems it was not quite accurate. Or, it may just be that determining the heliacal rising date is just tricky which it is. It can have a range of dates or a 'window'. But even without this particular connection, the date is still highlighted by Paris, the 'Isis city', which is still, or even more, significant.]
Mythologically, the death of Osiris takes place concurrently with the conception/birth of his son Horus. In ancient Egypt, the distinction between Osiris and Horus was quite blurry as they were essentially two sides of the same coin. Horus was the reincarnated or resurrected Osiris - just as every ancient Egyptian king was perceived as Horus who upon death would become Osiris. The Sirius heliacal rising signaling the revitalization of Osiris (signified by the annual inundation of the Nile in midsummer) could therefore be viewed as the birth of Horus. And this leads to the next key point...
In ancient Egyptian tradition Horus had an alter ego in Mars ('Horus the Red'), the very planet that was so brilliant in the night sky around August 2003. As if this weren't enough, there was an amazing celestial alignment on Aug. 23 involving the Sun, Regulus, Jupiter, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The Sun-Regulus conjunction ('Regulus Day') traditionally signifies the birth of Horus - but this particular 'Regulus Day' in 2003 was extra special because of the additional major planets joining the conjunction. [Click image for animation.]
Adding up these and many other clues, the underlying symbolic message became quite clear to me - an Horus was born in August 2003... and his name was Arnold Schwarzenegger. The intense coherence of the Mars-Horus-election-'Total Recall' association was getting just too freakish to ignore. (See Endgame VI for more on Schwarzenegger.)
And the dark nature of this 'Horus' was suggested by numerous clues, including the following...
It is said that Paris esoterically derives its name from 'Par Isis' ('near Isis'). There is a lot of evidence to support this. As Robert Bauval writes in Secret Chamber (p.341):
Napoleon had acquired two nicknames, one being 'L'Aigle' (the Eagle) and the other being 'L'Etoile' (the Star). That 'his star' was Sirius, the star of Isis, is not only made obvious by the coat-of-arms which he chose for Paris but, in a more arcane manner, it seems to have been linked to Napoleon's most famous monument, the Arc de Triomphe, also known as the the Place de L'Etoile (the Place of the Star), located on the western side of the so-called Historical Axis of Paris, better known as the Champs-Elysees, [which is oriented twenty-six degrees north of west]... The star Sirius, as seen from the latitude of Paris, rises twenty-six degrees south of east.
And sure enough the 'Axis of Paris' (the Champs Elysees) was designed to align with the sunset on ~August 6.
This first of all confirms that the date is to be seen as a special day of Sirius' rising, and makes it clear that August 6 is a 'magical date' that is considered very important by past and modern 'esotericists' whose knowledge stems from ancient Egypt. Judging from the 'rise of Schwarzenegger' masterfully brought about on this date in 2003, we can infer that there is something big underway at this time. The encoded symbolism of the Osirian resurrection - or the birth of Horus - should therefore be treated seriously. Indeed, we just may be talking about something akin to the 'rise of Antichrist' here, if that gets your attention... Think Napoleon; think Hitler.
Napoleon is often thought to have been an 'antichristic' figure especially in the context of Nostradamus' prophecies. We often hear that he was 'Antichrist 1', Hitler was 'Antichrist 2', and the third has yet to come... Well, Terminator 3 was in theaters last year just before Schwarzenegger's rise in politics. So we wonder: Was 'Terminator 3' an allusion to 'Antichrist 3'? The answer we find here is amusing and ominous.
The following passage is from the Book of Revelation, apparently talking about an antichristic figure:
And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
The two names given here, 'Abaddon' and 'Apollyon', both mean the same thing - 'Destroyer'... or even 'Terminator'! And Arnold is not only the Hollywood 'Terminator', he's also been Conan the Destroyer (1984)! The name 'Napoleon' has also been interpreted to mean none other than 'destroyer'... The parallel goes even further as we find that just as Napoleon had the nickname 'the Eagle', the name 'Arnold' means 'eagle rules'.
So, yes - the title 'Terminator 3' does scream 'Antichrist 3'... at least on a symbolic level.
What's more ominous, the chapter/verse number of the Revelation passage above from the New Testament happens to be... 9:11. We are about to see just how fitting this 'coincidental' reference is.
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