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1. Después que cesó el alboroto, llamó Pablo a los discípulos, y habiéndolos exhortado y abrazado, se despidió y salió para ir a Macedonia.
2. Y después de recorrer aquellas regiones, y de exhortarles con abundancia de palabras, llegó a Grecia.
3. Después de haber estado allí tres meses, y siéndole puestas asechanzas por los judíos para cuando se embarcase para Siria, tomó la decisión de volver por Macedonia.
4. Y le acompañaron hasta Asia, Sópater de Berea, Aristarco y Segundo de Tesalónica, Gayo de Derbe, y Timoteo; y de Asia, Tíquico y Trófimo.
5. Estos, habiéndose adelantado, nos esperaron en Troas.
6. Y nosotros, pasados los días de los panes sin levadura, navegamos de Filipos, y en cinco días nos reunimos con ellos en Troas, donde nos quedamos siete días. (FILIPOS=ILUMINACION=LANZA DE LONGINO)
1. Mateo 28:1: Pasado el día de reposo, al amanecer del primer día de la semana, vinieron María Magdalena y la otra María, a ver el sepulcro.
2. Marcos 16:2: Y muy de mañana, el primer día de la semana, vinieron al sepulcro, ya salido el sol.
3. Marcos 16:9: Habiendo, pues, resucitado Jesús por la mañana, el primer día de la semana, apareció primeramente a María Magdalena, de quien había echado siete demonios.
4. Lucas 24:1: El primer día de la semana, muy de mañana, vinieron al sepulcro, trayendo las especias aromáticas que habían preparado, y algunas otras mujeres con ellas.
5. Juan 20:1: El primer día de la semana, María Magdalena fue de mañana, siendo aún oscuro, al sepulcro; y vio quitada la piedra del sepulcro.
6. Hechos 20:7: El primer día de la semana, reunidos los discípulos para partir el pan, Pablo les enseñaba, habiendo de salir al día siguiente; y alargó el discurso hasta la medianoche.
7. 1 Corintios 16:2: Cada primer día de la semana cada uno de vosotros ponga aparte algo, según haya prosperado, guardándolo, para que cuando yo llegue no se recojan entonces ofrendas.
7. El primer día de la semana, reunidos los discípulos para partir el pan, Pablo les enseñaba, habiendo de salir al día siguiente; y alargó el discurso hasta la medianoche.
8. Y había muchas lámparas en el aposento alto donde estaban reunidos; (LA MISMA CASA DE MARIA LA MADRE DE JUAN MARCOS, OSEA ADONDE FUE LA SANTA CENA.)
9. y un joven llamado Eutico, que estaba sentado en la ventana, rendido de un sueño profundo, por cuanto Pablo disertaba largamente, vencido del sueño cayó del tercer piso abajo, y fue levantado muerto.
10. Entonces descendió Pablo y se echó sobre él, y abrazándole, dijo: No os alarméis, pues está vivo.
11. Después de haber subido, y partido el pan y comido, habló largamente hasta el alba; y así salió. (JUAN 20 TIENE FUERTE RELACION CON EL ALBA, EN EL CONTEXTO A LA RESURRECCION DE CRISTO E INCLUSO ESTA MUY REALCIONADO CON PENTECOSTES)
12. Y llevaron al joven vivo, y fueron grandemente consolados.
13. Nosotros, adelantándonos a embarcarnos, navegamos a Asón para recoger allí a Pablo, ya que así lo había determinado, queriendo él ir por tierra.
14. Cuando se reunió con nosotros en Asón, tomándole a bordo, vinimos a Mitilene.
15. Navegando de allí, al día siguiente llegamos delante de Quío, y al otro día tomamos puerto en Samos; y habiendo hecho escala en Trogilio, al día siguiente llegamos a Mileto.
16. Porque Pablo se había propuesto pasar de largo a Efeso, para no detenerse en Asia, pues se apresuraba por estar el día de Pentecostés, si le fuese posible, en Jerusalén. (PENTECOSTES / PENIEL (ESCALERA DE JACOB) / PENTAGONO / VENUS / VENECIA / JUAN MARCOS) EL PENTAGONO ES EL NEXO VENUS / SIRIO CON LA FESTIVIDAD DE PENTECOSTES
17. Enviando, pues, desde Mileto a Efeso, hizo llamar a los ancianos de la iglesia.
18. Cuando vinieron a él, les dijo: Vosotros sabéis cómo me he comportado entre vosotros todo el tiempo, desde el primer día que entré en Asia,
The only way the Hebrew speaking Jews and the Greek speaking Jews could have arrived at Pentecost on the same day is by Lunar Sabbaths. This is an absolute because the word Sabbath in Leviticus 23:11 is the Hebrew word for the weekly Sabbath and thousands of people have this knowledge including the Hebrew speaking Jews.
On the other hand, thousands of people including the Greek speaking Jews have the knowledge that the morrow after the Sabbath is referring to the 16th (Day after the 15th/weekly Sabbath) of the first month every year because in the Greek Septuagint it says, “on the morrow of the first day the Priest shall of wave it”, it is a FACT that the first day in the Septuagint is referring to the 15th or first day of unleavened bread, and the morrow after the 15th, (or 1st day), is the 16th.
We know from the book of Acts that they where Greek speaking Jews as well as Hebrew speaking Jews from every nation kindred and tongue, including Greek speaking Jews from Alexander Egypt, gathered for the day of Pentecost. Some read from the Septuagint and some read from the Hebrew text and both had to have known that the 15th was the weekly Sabbath because they were at Pentecost on the same day and started there count from the same day.
The point is this, when these Greek speaking Jews read the Septuagint and started their count for Pentecost on the morrow after the 15th every year and they arrived on the same day as the Hebrew speaking Jews that began the count on the morrow after the weekly Sabbath, this can only mean one thing and that is that the Hebrew speaking Jews and the Greek speaking Jews understood the 15th to be the weekly Shabbat and they started their count for Pentecost on the same day as the Greek speaking Jews that read from the Septuagint, i.e. from the morrow of the 1st day of unleavened bread.
In other words, these thousands of people on both sides are right because the ones that believe the morrow after the 15th, which is the 16th, is right and the ones that believe the morrow after the weekly Sabbath, which is the 16th is right.
Later on their fathers had compromised the lunar week for the Roman week and the Pentecost debate began.
Both Josephus and Philo records that the count for Pentecost begins on the 16th which is the morrow after the Sabbath and the Septuagint was read and quoted from, same as the Hebrew text, and everyone was at Pentecost on the same day and there was no controversy among them concerning Pentecost until they adopted the false Roman week that is followed today.
The Universally Jewish Encyclopedia and another 100-year-old Jewish Encyclopedia by Funk & Wag, both records that ancient Israel originally kept lunar weeks and lunar Sabbaths.
Philo the Jew, which lived at the same time our Saviour did, records that the weeks were by the moon and also Clement of Alexander. Most people know that the month were originally by the moon but failed to realize that the 4 phases of the moon were used for the weeks.
At the end of a Roman week you have a Roman sabbath and at the end of a Lunar week you have a Lunar Sabbath.
Click Here for True Pentecost http://lunarsabbath.info/id4.html
Click Here and see that Philo and the Jews of our Saviour's day kept Pentecost 50 days AFTER the 7th Sabbath, which is in line with Lev-23, and "NOT" 50 days after the wave sheaf,
For more information Click Here For The Truth
For more information you may call or write to: Bro. Arnold Bowen 3466 Hightower Tr. Conyers, Georgia 30012 USA Or call (770) 483-8542 Email to: YHWHpeople@aol.com
Amos 8 Proves Pentecost in the 4th month
Amos 8:4-6
4Hear this, O ye that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of the land to fail, 5Saying, When will the new moon be gone, that we may sell corn? and the sabbath, that we may set forth wheat, making the ephah small, and the shekel great, and falsifying the balances by deceit? 6That we may buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of shoes; yea, and sell the "refuse" of the wheat?
It is likely that the merchants would have said this around wheat harvest, when the "refuse"/chaff of the wheat was still handy and everyone was anticipating the new grain, not something that they would say every New month/moon.
The Hebrew word for “refuse” is
From H5307; a falling off, that is, chaff; also something pendulous, that is, a flap:—flake, refuse.
The only time I see that they could sale this chaff would be at the beginning of the wheat harvest when everyone was busy buying the fresh grain.
Another reasonthat Amos 8 fit quite well with lunar Sabbatarians doctrine of my persuasion is because the “very first day” that the new (Pentecost) wheat harvest can be set forth for sale is “always” after the last weekly Sabbath of the month/moon (on the 29th) which is “always” followed by a one or two day new moon feast and this is likely when this statement would be made by the wicked, “When will the new moon be gone, that we may sell corn? and the sabbath, that we may set forth wheat,” i.e. the earliest anyone could sale wheat would be after the new moon day.
The crooked merchants could hardly wait for the Sabbath and new moon day to be over so they could cheat the people in selling them grain from this new fresh wheat, which was mixed with the refuse (chaff). The chaff should be separated from the wheat but the chaff could be mixed in with the wheat around Pentecost and sold "after" the Sabbath and new moon had passed but not before. i.e. you have Pentecost then Sabbath then new moon and then they could set the wheat out for sale but no one would sale or buy it until after the new moon and Sabbath was gone.
The reason I believe that the vision that Amos 8 is talking about is one the three festival/chag each year, which is always celebrated at one of the three harvests, Passover, Pentecost, or tabernacles, is because,
#1. Singing in the temple is mentioned in verse 3, and singing on the Chag/feast is a Law of YHWH.
Psalm 81
1 Sing aloud unto Elohim our strength: make a joyful noise unto the Elohim of Jacob.
2 Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the psaltery.
3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon/month, in the time appointed/full moon, on our solemn “feast” day/Chag.
- For this was a statute for Israel, and a “law” of the Elohim of Jacob.
So we see here that singing on the Chag/feast is a Law of YHWH and this is what they were doing in Amos 8:1
#2 Amos was shown a basket of summer fruit in verse 1 & 2 and in Deuteronomy YHWH commanded that the firstfruits of the harvests was to be brought in a basket, on these feasts/Chags which always commemorates something.
1And it shall be, when thou art come in unto the land which YHWH thy Elohim giveth thee for an inheritance, and possessest it, and dwellest therein; 2That thou shalt take of the first of all the fruit of the earth, which thou shalt bring of thy land that YHWH thy Elohim giveth thee, and shalt put it in a basket, and shalt go unto the place which YHWH thy Elohim shall choose to place his name there. 3And thou shalt go unto the priest that shall be in those days, and say unto him, I profess this day unto YHWH thy Elohim, that I am come unto the country which YHWH sware unto our fathers for to give us. 4And the priest shall take the basket out of thine hand, and set it down before the altar of YHWH thy Elohim. 5And thou shalt speak and say before YHWH thy Elohim, A Syrian ready to perish was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous: 6And the Egyptians evil entreated us, and afflicted us, and laid upon us hard bondage: 7And when we cried unto YHWH Elohim of our fathers, YHWH heard our voice, and looked on our affliction, and our labour, and our oppression: 8And YHWHbrought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great terribleness, and with signs, and with wonders: 9And he hath brought us into this place, and hath given us this land, even a land that floweth with milk and honey. 10And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land, which thou, O YHWH, hast given me. And thou shalt set it before YHWH thy Elohim, and worship before YHWH thy Elohim: 11And thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which YHWH thy Elohim hath given unto thee, and unto thine house, thou, and the Levite, and the stranger that is among you.
The above is on a Chag and so far we have seen the commanded singing that takes place on the Chag and the basket of the summer firstfruits that is commanded to be brought on the Chag but is the word for feast/Chag mentioned in Amos 8 which would conclusively prove that Amos 8 has to do with a Pilgrim festival/Chag? Yes it is mentioned in verse 10.
10And I will turn your feasts (Chag) into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it as the mourning of an only son, and the end thereof as a bitter day.
The commanded feast/Chag is going to be changed from a day of singing and rejoicing to a day of mourning for the wicked that is spoken of in verse 4 which are concerned more with the feast and new moon being over so they can sale the grain and cheat the poor, than keeping the commandments of YHWH.
I believe that Amos 8 is a vision of the end time when our Saviour comes (on the day of Pentecost) to gather His wheat into the barn and destroy the wicked and we are told that day should not take us unawares and most people do not even know when the true Pentecost is. There are many Scriptures that prove He is coming again on Pentecost as He did on Mount Sinai when He came with 10 thousands of his saints and gave the Law to Moses, written in stone, (3000 souls destroyed) and as He came on the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts and put His laws in their heart by the Holy Spirit (3000 souls saved). I have many Scriptures to support a Pentecost second coming but that is not the intent here.
If Amos 8 had to do with a feast/Chag, and I believe it does, it has to be the feast of Pentecost/Chag because the New Moon is mentioned which does not fit with the feast of Passover, Tabernacles, or the traditional count of 50 days from wave sheaf which is around 6 days after the New Moon of the 3rd month is over.
The reason the Amos 8 feast does not fit with the Passover Chag when the new barley crop is ready on the morrow after the Sabbath that the Priest waves the wave sheaf is because the new moon is still approximately 15 days away and there would be no need to say when will the new moon be gone that we may sale barley. Notice the grain in Amos 8 was talking about wheat and summer wheat at that. The barley and Winter wheat are spring crops. The same will be the true for the Chag/Feast of Tabernacles which is also on the 15th and is not near a new moon day. And as I said above, the traditional Pentecost is after the new moon of the third month and there would be no need for such a statement as “when will the new moon be gone.”
Philo also called the Pentecost wheat summer fruit and when I was growing up we had bushel baskets, peck basket etc. to put the fruit of corn, peas, etc. in.
The bottom line is if Amos 8 has to do with a feast/Chag, it conclusively proves a fourth month Pentecost because that is the only way it can be because of the new moon.
Tracing the count to Pentecost from the wave sheaf in the first month to the day that Aaron proclaimed was a feast/Chag to YHWH in the fourth month instead of the traditional third month Pentecost.
If we can successfully trace the count from the wave sheaf to a day that Aaron proclaimed was a Chag, (Hebrew word for one the three major feasts of YHWH), it conclusively proves that Leviticus 23:15-16 should be interpreted or understood that there are "TWO" counts involved in counting to Pentecost, one for the seven Sabbath complete and the other for the 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath. The instructions were to count seven sabbaths and number 50 days.
(Leviticus 23:15-16)
15And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete: 16Even unto the morrow "after" the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD.
The following chart shows that if you count seven lunar sabbaths complete (which do not include New Moon days when counting out the weeks) unto the morrow "after" the seventh Sabbath and then number 50 days, it will be the exact same day that Aaron, YHWH high priest, proclaims a Chag to YHWH.
Remember Chag is a very specific Hebrew word which is only used to refer to one the three major feasts of YHWH and is NEVER used any other way. It was in the fourth month that Aaron proclaimed it which rules out Unleavened Bread and Tabernacles, leaving only "Pentecost" which was AFTER 50 days were numbered AFTER the 7th Lunar Sabbath complete as Lev-23:16 calls for.
"1st Month"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8th/Sabbath 9 10 11 12 13 14th the Lamb slain between the evenings
15th Sabbath and 1st day of feast of Unleavened Bread and day Houses Passed over in Egypt and thrust out of Rameses Num-33:3
16th is wave sheaf and "beginning" of count for the "7 sabaths" complete.
17 18 19 20 21 22nd "1st Sabbath" 23 24 25 26 27 28 29th"2nd Sabbath".
"2nd Month "
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8th "3rd Sabbath" 9 10 11 12 13 14 15th "4th Sabbath"
16th - 1st day of manna (Ex-16:1-29) 17 18 19 20 21 22nd "5th Sabbath" 23 24 25
26 27 28 29th "6th Sabbath"
" 3rd Month"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8th "7th Sabbath"complete and the "9th" day is the "first day" "AFTER" 7th Sabbath and the 1st day of the SECOND count where you are to NUMBER 50 days and then bring a new meat offering to YHWH. Lev-23:15-16
10th is 2nd day after 11/3rd 12/4th 13/5th 14/6th 15 is Sabbath and 7th day of the count
16/8th day of the count to Pentecost and day they came to the Mount (Ex-19:1-3) see alsoThe Book Of Jubilees Ch. 1:1 they were also told on 16th to be ready for 3rd day Ex-19:11
17/9th day of count 18/10th day of count and it was also the 3rd day when YHWH spoke to people (Ex-19:10-24)
19/11th day of count and also 1st day that Moses goes Into Mt. for 40 days and 40 nights. Ex-24:4-18
20/12th day of count and 2nd day Moses in mt. 21/13th 22/Sabbath and 14th day of count to Pentecost 23/15th 24/16th
25/17th 26/18th 27/19th 28/20th 29th/Sabbath and 21st day of the count to Pentecost and a 30 day month would make it the 22nd day of the count to Pentecost.
"4th Month"
1/23rd day of count 2/24th 3/25th 4/26th 5/27th 6/28th 7/29th 8th/30th and Sabbath
9/31st day of count 10th 32ndday of count 11/33rd 12/34th 13/345th 14/36th 15th Sabbath and 37th day of count to Pentecost
16/38th 17/39th 18/40th 19/41st day of count 20/42nd 21/43rd 22/44th 23/45th
24/46th 25/47th 26/48th 27/49th 28th/50th "DAY" is numbered and then the New Meat offering is brought on the 29th Sabbath. The beginning of the 29th was the 40th NIGHT of Moses's stay in the Mount and the 29th morning is the day that the Law and tables of stone was ACTUALLY given to Moses Ex-31:18 and Deut- 9:11 as YHWH promased inEx-24:12 which was "AFTER" the 50th day was numbered. It was the day the Law was given, and the only way to Commemorate this Monumental event on the same day is to follow the instruction that was given by YHWH, not man.
Brother Arnold
I can show where the "ancient Celtic" people observed the "firstfruits" of the "wheat harvest" in the "summertime" around the last day of "July" or the first day of August which is in harmony with counting the 50 days "after" the seventh Sabbath complete instead of 50 days from the wave sheaf or after the first Sabbath.
The following was gleaned from web sites under "Lammus" which means "loaf mass" although paganism has crept in as it has in all the feast of YHWH, we can still get an idea of how things were done if we know the scriptures.
LUGHNASADH Kathleen Dupree
The "grain is ripe for harvest". Apple trees and gardens bear forth the fruits of "summer." This is the time of "Lughnasadh," the ancient Celtic festival held in celebration of the "first fruits" of the harvest. The modern Irish spelling, Lúnasa, is the name of the month of "August' in Irish Gaelic. Lughnasadh, an older spelling, is often used to designate the name of the seasonal festival that surrounds the "first" day of the month of August. In Scots Gaelic the day is known as Lunasda or Lunasdal. This is the time that marks a rest from labor, a time to take stock of what the "summer sun" has yielded. It is a time to celebrate and enjoy the outcome of our daily toil. At this gathering were held games and contests of skill as well as a great feast made up of the first fruits of the summer harvest.
In the Celtic nations of Europe traditions surrounding Lughnasadh still continue from pre-Christian times. Most often, celebration of the holiday occurs on the first Sunday of August or the Sunday just before the first day of August. In modern Ireland the tradition still continues that on the last Sunday of "July" families ascend into the hills of the countryside to pick bilberries. The bilberries are symbolic of the bounty of Mother Earth at this time of year and of the fruits harvested in that ancient time when Tailltiu made a place for the grain that would feed the generations to come after her. With the coming of Christianity to the Celtic lands, the old festival of Lughnasadh took on Christian symbolism. Loaves of bread were baked from the first of the harvested grain and placed on the church altar on the first Sunday of August. The Christianized name for the feast of Lughnasadh is Lammas which means "loaf mass". And, of course, there are the fairs which are still held all across Europe and America.
Lughnasadh (Old Irish pronounced IPA: [lu¢°nəsə>) is a Gaelic holiday celebrated on the first of August, or at the time of the ripening of the local berry crop, or on the full moon nearest the midpoint between the summer solstice and autumnal equinox.
Ancient celebration Lughnasadh was one of the four main festivals of the medieval Irish calendar: Imbolc at the beginning of February, Beltane on the first of May, Lughnasadh in August and Samhain in October. The early Celtic calendar was based on the lunar, solar, and vegetative cycles, so the actual calendar date was variable. Lughnasadh marked the beginning of the harvest season, the ripening of "first fruits," and was traditionally a time of community gatherings, market festivals, horse races and reunions with distant family and friends. Among the Irish it was a favored time for handfastings - trial marriages that would generally last a year and a day, with the option of ending the contract before the new year, or later formalizing it as a more permanent marriage.[1>[2>[3>
One historical example of handfastings as trial marriages is that of "Telltown marriages" - named for the year and a day trial marriages contracted at the yearly festival held in Telltown, Ireland. The festival took place every year at Lughnasadh (August 1), and the trial marriage would last until the next Lughnasadh festival. At that time, they were free to leave the union if they desired.
August 1 is the 213th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (214th in leap years), with 152 days remaining.
Lughnasadh 2006 Lughnasadh (pronounced lune-ah-sah) was "a summer festival of the ancient Celts," celebrated around August 1. My understanding is that it is known that it was celebrated at either the full moon or the new moon closest to the midpoint between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox. Since the midpoint is on August 6th, that means that this year, Lughnasadh falls on either July 25 (the new moon).
Colors: Gray, green, gold, yellow Symbols: All grains, breads, threshing tools, athame Date: Occurs 1/4 of a year after Beltaine. True astrological point is 15 degrees Leo, but tradition has set August 1st as the day it is typically celebrated. Since the Ancients Celts passed their days from sundown to sundown, the celebration would usually begin the night before on July 31st.
This "sabbat" is also known as the celebration of bread. As bread was one of the main staples of our ancestors, the ripening of the grain was the cause for great celebration. The reaping, threshing and preparation of these breads spawned great ritual and ceremony to ensure bounty for the following year.
This time of the year finds us with fields to harvest, the first of a bountiful crop that will hold us through the winter months. Even though the hottest days of summer are upon us, we have but to observe to see that fall is just around the corner. Shadows are growing longer as the days slowly become shorter. Squirrels are busily gathering food for the coming winter. It is a time to begin canning produce from the garden, a time to save and preserve.
Some ideas for celebration include: • Sacrifice bad habits and unwanted things from your life by throwing symbols of them into the sabbat fire. • Bake a loaf of bread in the shape of a man and sacrifice him in your ritual. Make him a part of your feast but save a piece to offer the gods. • Take time to actually harvest fruits from your garden with your family. If you don’t have a garden, visit one of the pick-your-own farms in your area. • Include bilberries or blueberries in your feast; these were a traditional fruit, whose abundance was seen as an indicator of the harvest to come. • Gather the tools of your trade and bless them in order to bring a richer harvest next year. • Share your harvest with others who are less fortunate. • Decorate with sickles, scythes, fresh vegetables & fruits, grains, berries, corn dollies, bread. Colors are orange, gold, yellow, red and bronze.
January - Wolf Moon February - Storm Moon March - Chaste Moon April - Seed Moon May - Hare Moon June - Dyad Moon July - Mead Moon "August – “Corn Moon” September - Harvest Moon October - Blood Moon November - Snow Moon December - Cold Moon
Bilberries are rarely cultivated but fruits are sometimes collected from wild plants growing on publicly accessible lands, notably in Fennoscandia, Scotland, Ireland and Poland. Notice that in Fennoscandia, it is an everyman's right to collect bilberries, irrespective of land ownership. In Ireland the fruit is known as fraughan in English, from the Irish fraochán, and is traditionally gathered on the last Sunday in July, known as Fraughan Sunday.
Bilberries were also collected at Lughnassadh, the first traditional harvest festival of the year, as celebrated by the Gaelic people. The crop of billberries was said to indicate how well the rest of the crops would fare in their harvests later in the year.
In English-speaking countries, August 1 is Lammas Day or loaf-mass day, the festival of the first wheat harvest of the year. On this day it was customary to bring to church a loaf made from the new crop. In many parts of England, tenants were bound to present freshly harvested wheat to their landlords on or before the first day of August. In the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, where it is referred to regularly, it is called "the feast of first fruits". The blessing of new fruits was performed annually in both the Eastern and Western Churches on the first, or the sixth, of August. The Sacramentary of Pope Gregory I (d. 604) specifies the sixth.
In "mediæval times" the feast was known as the "Gule of August", but the meaning of "gule" is unknown. Ronald Hutton suggests that it may be an Anglicisation of gwyl aust, the Welsh name for August 1 meaning "feast of August", but this is not certain. If so, this points to a pre-Christian origin for Lammas among the Anglo-Saxons and a link to the Gaelic festival of Lughnasadh
The Old Ways: Lammas by Doug and Sandy Kopf
Lammas, the festival of the First Fruits of the Harvest, is the first festival of the Waning Year. It is celebrated on July 31, while the climate (in the United States) is essentially still Summer.
Lammas takes its name from the Old English "hlaf," meaning "loaf" and "maesse," meaning “feast”. Lammas has often been taken to mean Lamb-mass, because on August 1, the next day, is the Feast of St. Peter's Chains, at which lambs are taken to church for blessing. (Can't you just picture a priest of the early Church saying, "Lammas? We can do that HERE! Just tell them to bring their lambs to Church!)
This festival is also called "Lugnasadh" (Loo-nah-sah), which has an entirely different meaning. The element "nasadh" relates to the Gaelic, "to give in marriage," and so would mean the "Marriage of Lug," rather than Lugh's Mass, which is a common interpretation. There is also some debate as to who the bride is, if there is one. Some authorities favor Tailltiu (Lugh's foster mother) and others favor Eriu, i.e., Ireland, herself.
Although we do not celebrate a marriage at this time, preferring the loaf-feast concept, it is interesting to note that July 31 is exactly nine months prior to Beltane, which was once celebrated as the beginning of the New Year.
Until recent years, in Scotland, the first cut of the Harvest was made on Lammas Day, and was a ritual in itself. The entire family must dress in their finest clothing and go into the fields. The head of the family would lay his bonnet (hat) on the ground and, facing the Sun, cut the first handful of corn with a sickle. He would then put the corn Sun-wise around his head three times while thanking the God of the Harvest for "corn and bread, food and flocks, wool and clothing, health and strength, and peace and plenty." This custom was called the "Iolach Buana."
In the British Isles, the custom of giving the First Fruits to the Gods evolved into giving them to the landlord. Lammas is now the traditional time for tenant farmers to pay their rent. Thus, Lammas is seen as a day of judgment or reckoning. From this practice comes the phrase "--at latter Lammas", meaning "never", or "not until Judgment Day."
An old custom that can be re-created today is the construction of the Kern-baby or corn maiden at Lammas. This figure, originally made from the first sheaf, would be saved until spring, "then" ploughed into the field to prepare for planting. (The Maiden thus returns to the field at Spring.) Most of us, today, have no first sheaf nor shall we prepare a field at Spring, but as a means of adding continuity to our festivals, the maiden can be made from the husks of corn served at the Lammas Feast, then saved for use as a brideo'g at Candlemas.
"We have come together here on this August Eve, to celebrate Lammas, the First Harvest, and the first day of the harvesting season. In these more modern times it may be hard for some of us to relate to the old ways of farming, planting and harvesting crops. Of deciding what seeds to keep for future planting. The work of the harvest, the chopping away and turning under of the chafe. Even though most of us no longer farm, Lammas is still a time when we should stop and consider what has happened in the past seasons of our lives and what we expect to take place in the seasons to come. This is a time to be aware of the things we have for which we are grateful and decide what things we need to let go of and let pass away from us."
"Lammas was the medieval Christian name for the Celtic holiday of Lughnasadh. Lammas literally translates 'loaf-mass' and is the Feast of Bread in August. Lammas is a time of appreciation for nature, for Mother Earth and her gifts. In ancient times on this day loaves were baked from the first grain harvest and laid on the church altars as offerings. At this time the best of the first fruits of the harvest were sacrificed in order to ensure that future crops would be even better and more bountiful. Our Ancestors understood that we must first give in order to receive."
Even the Oak trees observe first fruits in the 4th month.
In August at the height of the summer when most other trees are wilting from the heat, the oak produces a new leaf called “Lammas shoots” thus adding new colour and freshness to the tree. These new leafy shoots are golden-pink when young, turning from pale to dark green as they harden. In autumn the oak tree is at its most majestic as its leaves change colour again turning from dark green to various shades of yellow, orange, russet and a pale golden brown. The leaves sometime stay on the tree until the following spring or until the new buds forming for the next year push them off. http://www.controverscial.com/Oak.htm
I could comment on these and might later but the evidence clearly shows a later Pentecost was observed by ancient Israel.
See True Pentecost at http://lunarsabbath.info/id4.html
For more information you may call or write to: Bro. Arnold Bowen 3466 Hightower Tr. Conyers, Georgia 30012 USA Or call (770) 483-8542 Email to: YHWHpeople@aol.com
¿casualidad o causalidad? ¿No es otra evidencia que PENTECOSTES es en luna llena?
The Count To Shavuot
The Counts Beginning
Modern Yisrael, outside of the land, has no crop to harvest. Therefore, Yisrael cannot reap from a crop they do not possess. However, instructions from Scripture does serve to establish the commanded count to Shavuot, (Pentecost) which is called the Feast of Weeks.
“And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven Sabbaths shall be complete: Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto Yahuweh.” (Lev. 23:15-16).
‘The morrow after the Sabbath’ or the day of the Wave Sheaf Offering can only be the second day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread or the sixteenth day of the first month. “Seven Sabbaths shall be complete:” (Vs. 15). A Scriptural number is not complete until the end of the specified numbering is attained, but at that point it is complete. For example: When one counts seven Sabbaths of years the result is 49 years complete. The next year will be the 50th year, a separate count added to the first count. The same is true of the commanded count to Shavuot. It is seven Sabbaths complete, and a number after the seven is in addition to the seven, in this case, plus 50 days.
Let us note an important fact here. It is not a day count of 49 days plus one day! Rather, it is a count of weeks (Heb. Shabuwa) , which are seven sevens. Furthermore, it is called a ‘week’ count because it parallels the creation week, so that The Scriptural nomenclature is a seven ‘shabuwa’ (weeks) count of the Sabbaths that occur after the 16th day of the first month, plus 50 days.
What are we counting here?
The seven Sabbath count spans from the third Sabbath (22nd day) of the first month through the first Sabbath (8th day) of the third month. Add New Moon days and the day following the seventh Sabbath and the total is expanded several days exceeding the commanded "seven Sabbaths complete:"
The command in the Torah is : “...after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number fifty days;...” (Lev. 23:16). The word 'number' (S. 5608) is translated from the Hebrew word 'caphar', meaning to tally, enumerate, count or recount. There is no need to recount or count again to the third Sabbath of the first month, for that count was complete at the seventh Sabbath, but the recount is to number again fifty days (Heb. yowm, day or days) . The Hebrew word 'yowmam', means 'daily' and does not apply in this case.
There are two parts to the count. The first part is the seven sevens count. That part is seven weeks (Heb. Shabuwa) each made up of six work/commerce days plus a Sabbath in each week, but it does not include New Moon days. In a successive day count, if the New Moon days and 30th days are included, the count would be beyond the Sabbath count. A successive day count would have to include the New Moons that occur within the seven sevens count and would therefore be inaccurate.
That false method of counting to Shavuot applies even to the false crescent new Moons. A successive day count simply does not fulfill the requirement for a seven weeks count. A count of seven weeks sums up to 49 days, but it is the day after the seven Sabbaths that the fifty day count begins. The seven week count is followed by another complete successive day count of fifty days.
Now, for the second part of the command: “Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto Yahuweh” (Lev. 23:16). Here is where the successive day count is applied. It is after the seven Sabbaths. The numbering is an explicit count of seven Sabbaths plus fifty days starting on the 9th day of the third month, which is the day after the seventh Sabbath.
Fifty days after the seventh Sabbath places Shavuot with the beginning of summer harvest at another Sabbath on the 29th day of the fourth month. It is the Feast of First Fruits of the summer harvest when the wheat that was planted the previous winter is harvested.
More Evidence
Shortly after Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread at Jerusalem, the Master Teacher of Righteousness rested at a well in Samaria and made this statement to His disciples: “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” (Jn. 4:35). His visit to Samaria and His statement were made near the end of the first month when He said the harvest was yet four months away, placing the harvest in the 5th month, which is the harvest season in the summer.
The count to Shavuot starts at the barley harvest of Abib grain and ends with the mid year harvest of rye, oats and early wheat at the beginning of summer. The feast is celebrated using the early wheat harvest: “And thou shalt observe the Feast of Weeks, of the first fruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year’s end.” (Ex. 34:22). The ‘year’s end’ is not the solar year’s end; it is the agricultural year’s end, and the pilgrimage feasts when bread made from the wheat harvests are baked into leavened loafs for the feasts.
The summer harvest of produce from the land is not only for food to be stored away but, it also for honoring Yahuweh with the firstfruits. “Honour Yahuweh with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.” (Prov. 3:9-10). Furthermore, it is not only the grains, but other produce as well: “And to bring the firstfruits of our ground, and the firstfruits of all fruit of all trees, year by year, unto the house of Yahuweh” (Neh. 10:35).
Barley harvest begins in the spring, but wheat and oats are not available until mid May and later, while grapes and fruit trees follow in mid-summer and after. None of the tree fruits are available in the spring before the summer solstice, which does not occur until after the seven Sabbath count, usually on June 21st.
New wine is the sweet wine that is made from grapes of the current summer crop, and defined as being made of the fermented juice of any of various kinds of grapes So, it is an issue of common knowledge; it is wine that is available only from the fresh grape crop that is produced in the summer season.
The apostle Peter alluded to the summer crop at Shavuot when he responded to the local attendees who had charged the foreign guests with public drunkenness. “Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.” (Acts 2:13). Peter addressed the mockers: “For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day.” (Acts 2:15). The vineyard harvest begins six or seven weeks after the seven Sabbath count, so new wine would not be available at the end of the seven week count, but it was obviously available at the time of Pentecost.
The Count Conclusion
The Set Apart Feast of Firstfruits is celebrated every year around the world, but at the wrong time. It is lost because it is not celebrated according to the Creator's timetable. For thousands of years, calendars have come and gone leaving a path of confusion. Consequently, the true calendar that reveals the forecast for mankind has been lost from view. You can overcome the confusion by being faithful to the evidence given in Scripture, neither adding to it nor subtracting from it.
Copyright © 2008-2009 Emet Zerayah Email: emetzerayah@gmail.com
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16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
As Sun moves into the sign of Taurus I'm struck, once again, how wave-like is the order and "feel" of the 12 zodiac signs. How very different is each from its neighbour on either side. How each seems to be making up for its predecessor's failings yet providing ground for more diversity from its successor. Take Taurus for instance: preceded by impulsive, impatient Aries, Taurus slows things down, steadies the mind, plants feet firmly on the ground, unlikely to move at all unless some improvement or other is in the offing. Aries was ruled by energetic, war-hungry Mars, Taurus by gentle, arty Venus. On the other side of Taurus, in a few weeks' time will come Gemini - and off we'll go again extracting our feet from the mud of Earth, floating away on a new, Airy, wave driven by Mercury the great communicator - feet off the ground, eager to see and hear all that's current, ready for change however it might arise. Take any sign at all and try the same exercise. It always works. The waves flow on. Back to Taurus. A snippet from astrologer Ingrid Lind's little book, Astrology and Commonsense(NOTE: where "his/he" is used, in the 21st century we'd always say he/she or his/her......wouldn't we?)
It can be said of most of the signs that to have too much of them is a bad thing. Too much Taurus, for instance, gives the native a stolid, immovable, stick-in-the-mud quality. Nevertheless, it is like the flour in the cake: without it there would be no cake. Possessiveness and conservatism are Taurean keywords and if Aries is the primitive cave-man Taurus is the one who finds his piece of land and enters into the joys of ownership...........While Aries rushes about, Taurus sits and enjoys the fruit of his labours, with leisure to discover the music in nature, which he echoes in song. He is a man of peace and likes all the creature comforts he has created for himself. He will not pick a quarrel; but if he is finally aroused to anger it will be quite terrifying in its intensity.
From Alan Oken's Complete Astrology (1980) a few Taurus-related tid-bits:
The following are those nations, cities and peoples whose vibrations are very closely allied with the Sign of the Bull: Ireland, Switzerland (known as the center of international banking), Poland, Cyprus, Persia, Crete. Dublin, Mantua, Leipsig, Lucerne. The ancient Egyptians and the Druids.
Ancient Egypt was a country very much under the influence of the Bull and its polar opposite, Scorpio......Bull worship was a very significant aspect of the Egyptian religious cults......Osiris was often depicted as a man with a bull's head and living bulls were regularly selected by the priests to represent this god on Earth...........Some of the symbols used in the cult of Osiris the Bull remain with us today. If you look at the back of a one-dollar bill, for example, you will see an eye (symbol of Osiris) above a pyramid on a field of green (colour of the Earth).
We find many other references to the Bull throughout ancient history. Over 4000 years ago in Akkadia, Taurus was called the "Bull of Light" or Te Te. This double name refers to the two important groups of stars in its body i.e. the Pleiades and the Hyades. The Assyrians called their second astrological month A-aru or the "Directing Bull". The Chaldeans, who were great astrologer-astronomers, used the symbol of the winged bull-king very extensively in their architecture.
There are archived posts on zodiac sign Taurus and "my Taureans" - easily accessed by clicking on "Taurus" in the Label Cloud in the sidebar. Photographs for passing Taurus-types: rather good bull sculptures we happened upon on our drive to Austin, Texas. First stood in the middle of nowhere, a field by the side of a deserted road, part of a Sculpture Ranch somewhere nearby, the other stood in a field close to Throckmorton Tx. (From husband's camera.) ![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WgC1Gb7qXPQ/Ta9gBzv8B6I/AAAAAAAAR2c/wJN0K2PcxVI/s800/taurus%2Bsculp2.jpg) closer... ![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RYUBJuOri4Q/Ta9ggzVYvKI/AAAAAAAAR2k/5OYyE1YDBg4/s800/taurus%2Bsculp.jpg) ![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-YNlDqI-ak-o/Ta9i3m1YugI/AAAAAAAAR2s/QUzexHqgjOg/s800/taurus3.jpg) ![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-AsnUCiWrp8k/Ta9i9dooCBI/AAAAAAAAR20/PSKRnvxHwFo/s800/taurus4.jpg)
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Gálatas 4
1. Pero también digo: Entre tanto que el heredero es niño, en nada difiere del esclavo, aunque es señor de todo;
2. sino que está bajo tutores y curadores hasta el tiempo señalado por el padre.
3. Así también nosotros, cuando éramos niños, estábamos en esclavitud bajo los rudimentos del mundo.
4. Pero cuando vino el cumplimiento del tiempo, Dios envió a su Hijo, nacido de mujer y nacido bajo la ley,
5. para que redimiese a los que estaban bajo la ley, a fin de que recibiésemos la adopción de hijos.
6. Y por cuanto sois hijos, Dios envió a vuestros corazones el Espíritu de su Hijo, el cual clama: ¡Abba, Padre!
7. Así que ya no eres esclavo, sino hijo; y si hijo, también heredero de Dios por medio de Cristo.
8. Ciertamente, en otro tiempo, no conociendo a Dios, servíais a los que por naturaleza no son dioses;
9. mas ahora, conociendo a Dios, o más bien, siendo conocidos por Dios, ¿cómo es que os volvéis de nuevo a los débiles y pobres rudimentos, a los cuales os queréis volver a esclavizar?
10. Guardáis los días, los meses, los tiempos y los años.
11. Me temo de vosotros, que haya trabajado en vano con vosotros.
12. Os ruego, hermanos, que os hagáis como yo, porque yo también me hice como vosotros. Ningún agravio me habéis hecho.
13. Pues vosotros sabéis que a causa de una enfermedad del cuerpo os anuncié el evangelio al principio;
14. y no me despreciasteis ni desechasteis por la prueba que tenía en mi cuerpo, antes bien me recibisteis como a un ángel de Dios, como a Cristo Jesús.
15. ¿Dónde, pues, está esa satisfacción que experimentabais? Porque os doy testimonio de que si hubieseis podido, os hubierais sacado vuestros propios ojos para dármelos. (PABLO, UN BENJAMINITA, TENIA PROBLEMA DE LA VISTA. ES OBVIO EL NEXO ESOTERICO CON MARIA LA MAGDALENA, EN EL CONTEXTO AL DOLAR. BENJAMIN, EL HIJO DE JACOB Y RAQUEL, ES UN TIPO DE JUAN MARCOS.)
16. ¿Me he hecho, pues, vuestro enemigo, por deciros la verdad?
17. Tienen celo por vosotros, pero no para bien, sino que quieren apartaros de nosotros para que vosotros tengáis celo por ellos.
18. Bueno es mostrar celo en lo bueno siempre, y no solamente cuando estoy presente con vosotros.
19. Hijitos míos, por quienes vuelvo a sufrir dolores de parto, hasta que Cristo sea formado en vosotros,
20. quisiera estar con vosotros ahora mismo y cambiar de tono, pues estoy perplejo en cuanto a vosotros.
21. Decidme, los que queréis estar bajo la ley: ¿no habéis oído la ley?
22. Porque está escrito que Abraham tuvo dos hijos; uno de la esclava, el otro de la libre.
23. Pero el de la esclava nació según la carne; mas el de la libre, por la promesa.
24. Lo cual es una alegoría, pues estas mujeres son los dos pactos; el uno proviene del monte Sinaí, el cual da hijos para esclavitud; éste es Agar.
25. Porque Agar es el monte Sinaí en Arabia, y corresponde a la Jerusalén actual, pues ésta, junto con sus hijos, está en esclavitud.
26. Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es libre.
27. Porque está escrito: Regocíjate, oh estéril, tú que no das a luz; Prorrumpe en júbilo y clama, tú que no tienes dolores de parto; Porque más son los hijos de las desolada, que de la que tiene marido.
28. Así que, hermanos, nosotros, como Isaac, somos hijos de la promesa.
29. Pero como entonces el que había nacido según la carne perseguía al que había nacido según el Espíritu, así también ahora.
30. Mas ¿qué dice la Escritura? Echa fuera a la esclava y a su hijo, porque no heredará el hijo de la esclava con el hijo de la libre.
31. De manera, hermanos, que no somos hijos de la esclava, sino de la libre.
Gálatas 6
1. Hermanos, si alguno fuere sorprendido en alguna falta, vosotros que sois espirituales, restauradle con espíritu de mansedumbre, considerándote a ti mismo, no sea que tú también seas tentado.
2. Sobrellevad los unos las cargas de los otros, y cumplid así la ley de Cristo.
3. Porque el que se cree ser algo, no siendo nada, a sí mismo se engaña.
4. Así que, cada uno someta a prueba su propia obra, y entonces tendrá motivo de gloriarse sólo respecto de sí mismo, y no en otro;
5. porque cada uno llevará su propia carga.
6. El que es enseñado en la palabra, haga partícipe de toda cosa buena al que lo instruye.
7. No os engañéis; Dios no puede ser burlado: pues todo lo que el hombre sembrare, eso también segará.
8. Porque el que siembra para su carne, de la carne segará corrupción; mas el que siembra para el Espíritu, del Espíritu segará vida eterna.
9. No nos cansemos, pues, de hacer bien; porque a su tiempo segaremos, si no desmayamos.
10. Así que, según tengamos oportunidad, hagamos bien a todos, y mayormente a los de la familia de la fe.
11. Mirad con cuán grandes letras os escribo de mi propia mano.
12. Todos los que quieren agradar en la carne, éstos os obligan a que os circuncidéis, solamente para no padecer persecución a causa de la cruz de Cristo.
13. Porque ni aun los mismos que se circuncidan guardan la ley; pero quieren que vosotros os circuncidéis, para gloriarse en vuestra carne.
14. Pero lejos esté de mí gloriarme, sino en la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, por quien el mundo me es crucificado a mí, y yo al mundo.
15. Porque en Cristo Jesús ni la circuncisión vale nada, ni la incircuncisión, sino una nueva creación.
16. Y a todos los que anden conforme a esta regla, paz y misericordia sea a ellos, y al Israel de Dios.
17. De aquí en adelante nadie me cause molestias; porque yo traigo en mi cuerpo las marcas del Señor Jesús.
18. Hermanos, la gracia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo sea con vuestro espíritu. Amén.
La Espiga de Trigo
![](http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2426/3864/200/spica_Master.2.jpg) La constelación zodiacal de Virgo es una de las figuras formada por estrellas más grande del cielo. Desde el hemisferio sur la vemos al anochecer finalizando el Otoño y a comienzos del Invierno. Está ubicada entre los signos zodiacales de Leo y Libra y representó para los griegos a Astrea, divinidad relacionada con la justicia, aunque a veces se le asocia con Deméter, la diosa de las cosechas. Ese es el motivo del porqué su estrella principal se llame Spica, nombre latino que significa : "La Espiga de Trigo", ya que, Virgo aparece en el cielo sosteniendo un puñado de espigas de trigo entre sus manos. Para el astrónomo contemporáneo, Spica es una estrella azul de tipo espectral B1 que tiene una temperatura superficial de 22400 K. Se sitúa a 263 años luz de nosotros, su magnitud absoluta es de -2,43 y su brillo aparente es de +0,98. En tamaño es unas 8 veces más grande que el Sol, su masa unas 11 veces la de nuestra estrella y su brillo intrínseco es equivalente al emitido por 2100 estrellas idénticas al Sol. Hoy se conjetura que Spica podría ser un sistema triple de estrellas y no doble. La más conocida de las estrellas de Virgo, se aleja de nosotros a una velocidad de 1 kilómetro por segundo, y su densidad podría ser 1000 veces la del acero. mundoslejanos@gmail.com
Éxodo 34:22: También celebrarás la fiesta de las semanas, la de las primicias de la siega del TRIGO, y la fiesta de la cosecha a la salida del año.
19. Jueces 15:1: Aconteció después de algún tiempo, que en los días de la siega del TRIGO Sansón visitó a su mujer con un cabrito, diciendo: Entraré a mi mujer en el aposento. Mas el padre de ella no lo dejó entrar.
20. Rut 2:23: Estuvo, pues, junto con las criadas de Booz espigando, hasta que se acabó la siega de la cebada y la del TRIGO; y vivía con su suegra.
40. Cantares 7:2: Tu ombligo como una taza redonda Que no le falta bebida. Tu vientre como montón de TRIGO Cercado de lirios.
2:23 Aconteció que al pasar él por los sembrados un día de reposo, sus discípulos, andando, comenzaron a arrancar espigas. 2:24 Entonces los fariseos le dijeron: Mira, ¿por qué hacen en el día de reposo lo que no es lícito? 2:25 Pero él les dijo: ¿Nunca leísteis lo que hizo David cuando tuvo necesidad, y sintió hambre, él y los que con él estaban; 2:26 cómo entró en la casa de Dios, siendo Abiatar sumo sacerdote, y comió los panes de la proposición, de los cuales no es lícito comer sino a los sacerdotes, y aun dio a los que con él estaban? 2:27 También les dijo: El día de reposo fue hecho por causa del hombre, y no el hombre por causa del día de reposo. 2:28 Por tanto, el Hijo del Hombre es Señor aun del día de reposo.
Mateo12:1 En aquel tiempo iba Jesús por los sembrados en un día de reposo; y sus discípulos tuvieron hambre, y comenzaron a arrancar espigas y a comer. 12:2 Viéndolo los fariseos, le dijeron: He aquí tus discípulos hacen lo que no es lícito hacer en el día de reposo. 12:3 Pero él les dijo: ¿No habéis leído lo que hizo David, cuando él y los que con él estaban tuvieron hambre; 12:4 cómo entró en la casa de Dios, y comió los panes de la proposición, que no les era lícito comer ni a él ni a los que con él estaban, sino solamente a los sacerdotes? 12:5 ¿O no habéis leído en la ley, cómo en el día de reposo los sacerdotes en el templo profanan el día de reposo, y son sin culpa? 12:6 Pues os digo que uno mayor que el templo está aquí. 12:7 Y si supieseis qué significa: Misericordia quiero, y no sacrificio, no condenaríais a los inocentes; 12:8 porque el Hijo del Hombre es Señor del día de reposo.
![La estrella Spica en el ecuador celeste hace 2000 años](http://asteromia.net/estrellas/mapas-estrellas/spicaecuadorceleste.jpg)
Al inicio de la ERA CRISTIANA SPICA/ESPIGA estaba justo en el ECUADOR.
¿PORQUE SPICA estaba exactamente en el ECUADOR?
32. Génesis 30:6: Dijo entonces Raquel: Me juzgó Dios, y también oyó mi voz, y me dio un hijo. Por tanto llamó su nombre DAN.
1. Génesis 35:19: Así murió Raquel, y fue sepultada en el camino de Efrata, la cual es Belén.
2. Génesis 48:7: Porque cuando yo venía de Padan-aram, se me murió Raquel en la tierra de Canaán, en el camino, como media legua de tierra viniendo a Efrata; y la sepulté allí en el camino de Efrata, que es Belén.
- La Virgen María es la constelación de Virgo. América está en Virgo. El antiguo símbolo de Virgo es una "m" cambió. Esto explica por qué el nombre de María como otras madres vírgenes, como la madre de Adonis, Mirra, o el de la madre de Buda, Maya, comienza con una M. Virgo (constelación de Virgo) también se conoce como la "Casa del pan", y la representación de Virgo es una Virgen que sostiene una gavilla de trigo. Esta "casa del pan" y su símbolo de trigo representa agosto y septiembre, cuando la cosecha. A su vez, Belén (Belén), es la traducción literal de "La Casa del Pan". Belén es también la referencia a la constelación de Virgo, un lugar en el cielo, no en la Tierra.
BETHLEHEM (CASA DE PAN), esta relacionado con el NACIMIENTO DE BENJAMIN/LOBO/PERRO/CAN MAYOR/SIRIO segun GENESIS 35. Cuando el mismo nace, muere RAQUEL y es enterrada en BETHLEHEM.(GENESIS 35). Concretamente la ESPIGA/SPICA es el mismo BENJAMIN. Esto explica del porque WASHINGTON D.C ESTA DISEÑADO EN FUNCION A SIRIO E INCLUSO LA MISMA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU. Vemos que astronomicamente SPICA estuvo en el ECUADOR aproximadamente en el 30 despues de Cristo. ¿QUIEN ES EL NUEVO BENJAMIN?
35:14 Y Jacob erigió una señal en el lugar donde había hablado con él, una señal de piedra, y derramó sobre ella libación, y echó sobre ella aceite. 35:15 Y llamó Jacob el nombre de aquel lugar donde Dios había hablado con él, Bet-el. 35:16 Después partieron de Bet-el; y había aún como media legua de tierra para llegar a Efrata, cuando dio a luz Raquel, y hubo trabajo en su parto.
35:17 Y aconteció, como había trabajo en su parto, que le dijo la partera: No temas, que también tendrás este hijo. 35:18 Y aconteció que al salírsele el alma (pues murió), llamó su nombre Benoni; mas su padre lo llamó Benjamín. 35:19 Así murió Raquel, y fue sepultada en el camino de Efrata, la cual es Belén. 35:20 Y levantó Jacob un pilar sobre su sepultura; esta es la señal de la sepultura de Raquel hasta hoy. 35:21 Y salió Israel, y plantó su tienda más allá de Migdal-edar.
Comparando la estatua de la la libertad o Columbia que tiene una LUZ EN LA MANO, en un contexto a que VIRGO tiene una espiga, es obvio que EL MENSAJE ES QUE LA ESPIGA ES LA LUZ MISMA, OSEA EL GRIAL. LA MUJER DA A LUZ UN HIJO. SPICA ES EL GRIAL MISMO. COLUMBIA/ISHTAR/STAR/ESTHER en la tora era de BENJAMIN. SEGUN JUECES 15:37 se la relaciona con MIGDAL-GAD (TORRE DE GAD) que tiene segun la kavala fuerte relacion con VIRGO. GOD/DOG/GAD es sinonimo, insisto, de BENJAMIN.
29. Deuteronomio 33:12: A Benjamín dijo: El amado de Jehová habitará confiado cerca de él; Lo cubrirá siempre, Y entre sus hombros morará. 2. 2 Samuel 12:24: Y consoló David a Betsabé su mujer, y llegándose a ella durmió con ella; y ella le dio a luz un hijo, y llamó su nombre Salomón, al cual amó Jehová,
Noten que SAL-O-MON es AMADO DE JEHOVA AL IGUAL QUE BENJAMIN. SAL-O-MON (SOL Y LUNA) es una referencia al SUEÑO DE JOSE de GENESIS 37, en el contexto al SOL/JACOB Y RAJEL/LUNA. En el contexto a SAL-O-MON (NUEVO BENJAMIN ESPIRITUAL) EL SOL ES DAVID Y LA LUNA BETZABE. Por eso la tora dice que JEHOVA AMO A SALOMON AL IGUAL QUE BENJAMIN. Cuando CRISTO en MATEO 12 afirma que tambien el ES SALOMON, confirma esotericamente que el TAMBIEN TIENE UNA LUNA/MARIA MAGDALENA y un BENJAMIN/PERRO/LOBO/JUAN MARCOS. EL secreto de la DUALIDAD DE CRISTO DE SER DAVID Y SALOMON tiene este mensaje esoterico. ESTE TAMBIEN ES EL SECRETO DE LA DUALIDAD OSIRIS/HORUS y ORION/SIRIO que son dos caras de la misma moneda. IRIS, insisto es una referencia al PACTO DE NOE de GENESIS 9:11 (ARCO IRIS) Y OR-ION esta relacionado con la SEÑAL DE JONAS.
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