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General: Why does Apple review apps?
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De: Merten  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 19/05/2022 14:44

Sometimes they do. I started using Pages on my iPads several years ago. At first, it was a bit wonky. One annoying bug was that the automatic spell check underline was offset in some Microsoft Word documents created in Word and then imported into Pages.

So, I wrote a review of Pages, mentioning that bug. An Apple engineer sent me an email asking if I could send screen shots and the document file. I did, and by the next update, the bug was gone.

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De: Joshua Medel Enviado: 21/05/2022 08:37
Hello, Apple's one year limited warranty is a voluntary manufacturer's warranty. It grants rights independent of those under consumer protection law, including but not limited to rights in relation to non-conforming products. Therefore, the benefits provided by the apple https://apple.pissedconsumer.com/review.html One Year Limited Warranty are in addition to, and not in lieu of, your rights under consumer protection laws. Hope it works.

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