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General: 16 Esoteric Astronomy - Secrets in Plain Sight - YouTube
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 10/02/2015 16:38

16 Esoteric Astronomy - Secrets in Plain Sight - YouTube

www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcojACnm4Ag27 Oct. 2010 - 11 min. - Subido por Secretsinplainsight
Secrets In Plain Sight is an awe inspiring exploration of great art, architecture, and urban ...
  • 16 Esoteric Astronomy - Secrets in Plain Sight,good - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF0OiO3kZUI19 Feb. 2013 - 7 min. - Subido por magicsaturn156
    Beautiful orrery(solar system model) avaiable in online store: http://www[dot] orrery[dot]cc ...
  • 16 Esoteric Astronomy - Secrets in Plain Sight - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt2LJUjsCRM26 Abr. 2012 - 7 min. - Subido por An0nYm0u5r3v0lut10n
    Secrets In Plain Sight (www.secretsinplainsight.com) is an awe inspiring exploration of great ...
  • 16 Esoteric Astronomy - Secrets in Plain Sight - Transcript Vids

    transcriptvids.com/v/gcojACnm4Ag.html8 Dic. 2012
    To understand astronomy one needs to have some background. Here's my crash course on ...
  • Esoteric Astronomy: 'Secrets in Plain Sight' (Video) - disinformation

    18 Apr 2012 ...Secrets In Plain Sight” is an exploration of great art, architecture, and urban
    design which skillfully unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry, ...
  • this time it's on Esoteric Astronomy - Secrets In Plain Sight

    4 Oct 2010 ... I've released another video; this time it's on Esoteric Astronomy (11min). It's really
    a crash course in six easy lessons: Earth Astronomy; Galactic ...
  • E books -biggest world secrets - SlideShare

    30 Nov 2012 ... The Secret of Numerology ဂဏန္းေဗဒင္ပညာ by san aye 4905 views · charles
    ..... of how the ancients had a phenomenal understandingof astronomy. ... Iraq, by
    an Englishman Sir Austen Henry Layard as heexcavated the site ..... within the '
    triangle'.15 So havewalls or roads creating intersecting lines.16 ...
  • [PDF] 

    Emu Dreaming - Australia Telescope National Facility

    began to hear more about these astronomical connections, and even came
    across the ... .16 I SCI'ence I May 2008 ... At the Ngaut Ngaut site in South
    Australia, tally-marks carved into a rock .... sniggered some insensitive and plain
    stupid comments about "secret women's business" ... Many of the esoteric
    indigenous stories.
  • [PDF] 

    volume 18 - issue 03 - STScI

    10 Jan 2002 ... picture from Hubble”—Jeff Hester's image of the Eagle Nebula, M16. More than
    any ... esoteric goals. From my ... thereafter, our new web site recorded 14 million
    hits from people coming to ... selection of astronomical objects as possible. ...
    secrets from her grasp and give ourselves a basis for understand-.
  • The Message of the Sphinx A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of ...

    www.academia.edu/.../The_Message_of_the_Sphinx_A_Quest_for_the_ Hidden_Legacy_of_Mankind
    15 16 23 Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval – THE MESSAGE OF THE .... Sphinx
    but changed his mind after making an initial visit to the site in 1990. ...... This is
    not a matter of historical speculation, or of theory, but of plain, measurable facts.
    ...... of both history and astronomy',3 and which would be found to contain 'a
    secret ...

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    Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 11 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/02/2015 16:41

    Myers says the white horse is a symbol of the center of the galaxy. I find that intriguing and I’ve always remembered it. There is a white horse in the heavens, known as the Monoceros constellation. Its single horn points directly at the silver gate (see my Esoteric Astronomy video). The crossing of the milky way (blue line) and the ecliptic (red arc) happens at two points that the ancient Egyptians called the silver and golden gates.


    Image courtesy of Stellarium open source software; constellation art by Jonathan Meuris

    The soul passes through the silver gate at birth and the golden gate at death and continues on its journey to the center of the galaxy.

    The Horsehead Nebula (discovered in 1888) is just below the star Alnitak in the Orion constellation. It is so called because the dark gas and dust literally looks like a horse’s head:


    I find it particularly interesting that the Horsehead Nebula is designated Barnard 33.

    We are in the Orion Spur of the Milky Way galaxy. Spurs suggest horses do they not?

    Orion spur

    The most famous white horse was of course Pegasus.


    Image courtesy Radomil under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

    Pegasus was sired by Poseidon and foaled by Medusa. In fact Pegasus is the god of horses, having created them out of waves. Poseidon’s trident reminds me of Shiva’s trident and the pair of tridents in the 9/11 Memorial museum pavilion (see Freedom Tower).


    Pegasus was sacred to the Muses.

    Minerva among the Muses

    Minerva among the Muses by Hendrick van Balen the Elder (1620s)

    The following crop circle appeared at the base of Cherhill on 17 July 99. Its nine triangles remind one of the nine Muses.

    Incidentally I drew this crop circle and published it in my Crop Circle Coloring Book.


    The word Muse is probably derived from the Indo-European root men-, which is also the source of Greek Mnemosyne, English “mind”, “mental” and “memory” and Sanskrit “mantra”. -Source

    Mnemosyne is the mythological mother of the Muses and personification of memory.

    Inside the human brain the hippocampus plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory and spatial navigation. -Source

    The hippocampus looks like a seahorse:


    Image courtesy Professor Laszlo Seress under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

    Hippocampus means seahorse in Latin:


    There are actually two seahorses near the center of the human brain, one on each side. -Source

    Poseidon would ride seahorses wouldn’t he? Or don’t you remember? Gerald Santana found this case in point from the Apotheosis of George Washington under the Capitol Dome:

    Neptune white horses

    The band MUSE makes some very interesting music and I enjoy listening to them, although I’m never really sure where they stand. MUSE is rife with Masonic, Illuminati, and mind control symbolism. Benjamin Singleton feels the same way; read his Duality of Muse post.

    One picture that stands out are the band members of MUSE in front of a white horse. This is certainly not accidental and I’m sure you’ll agree if you read Benjamin’s post.

    Muse whitehorse

    Image source

    Everything in duality has two sides. If the white horse at the center of human memory can be conquered then the mind can be controlled:

    And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. -Revelation 6:2

    Four Horsemen Apocalypse

    Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Viktor Vasnetsov (1887)

    We must conquer the conquerors by raising our consciousness to a higher level. Einstein didn’t get everything wrong, he had a brilliant mind:

    ‘Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.’ -Albert Einstein

    If you recall my Foundation Stone post, the Cherhill obelisk is 33 degrees from the foundation stone at the center of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, underlining its incredible significance.


    Find your center.

    ©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 11 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2015 03:44

    Never A Straight Answer

    NASA has created many secrets in plain sight. I blogged a bit about Apollo 11 in a previous post, in relation to why 11 “happened to be” the first mission to officially land a man on the moon.

    Apollo 11

    Did you know the Apollo 11 astronauts brought some very interesting flags to the moon? Of course they left the Stars and Stripes (whose numerical symbolism I go into in my NY Part 2 video), but here is some little-known evidence of two other flags that went to the Moon on Apollo 11 which were returned to Earth:

    The Vatican City Flag

    Vatican City Moon Flag

    As the fine print reads President Richard Nixon presented this flag to “the people of Vatican City” which was carried to the Moon by Apollo 11 and returned along with some moon fragments pictured at the top.

    The Scottish Rite Flag


    The cover of Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara’s book depicts the flag mentioned in Aldrin’s above letter, although they may have Photoshopped it over the US flag for dramatic effect. I don’t hold it against them as NASA has sure done a lot of airbrushing themselves (airbrushing is what people did in the old days before Photoshop).


    The authors have say this in their eye opening book:

    However, if you looked closely at the sky over the Apollo 11 landing site, 33 minutes after Landing, not only was Sirius (“Isis”) at 19.5 degrees…[the tetrahedral angle] but, so was the constellation of “Columba”—from which St. Columba and the Apollo 11 Command Module both ultimately drew their names. “The Dove” came with its own sets of coded “double meanings”—relating to ancient Egyptian systems for measuring the Earth, and “previous, now destroyed, ancient civilizations” (one version of which even shows up in the Old Testament, as the familiar Noah story of “releasing a dove after the Great Flood”)…. -Dark Mission page 252


    Doves and pigeons constitute the bird family Columbidae.

    Egyptians used to mummify birds, Celtic priestesses used to talk to birds to foretell the future in their sacred groves, in ancient Rome augurs would observe natural signs, especially the behavior of doves, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action.

    Ornithomancy (Gk. οἰωνίζομαι) is an Ancient Greek practice of reading omens from the actions of birds, equivalent to the Augury employed by the ancient Romans. Although it was mainly the flights and songs of birds that were studied, any action could have been interpreted to either foretell the future or relate a message from the gods. These omens were considered with the utmost seriousness by Greeks and Romans alike.

    Rock dove

    Image courtesy Alan D. Wilson under the under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license

    This casts a new light on things such as the Space Shuttle Columbia, the District of Columbia, Columbia University, the Goddess Columbia, the country of Columbia, and of course Christopher Columbus himself.

    Columbus may very well have been the last Templar. See here and here.

    Yes I am trying to learn the Language of the Birds but so far I hear only cheeps and squawks:

    In mythology, medieval literature and occultism, the language of the birds is postulated as a mystical, perfect divine language, green language, adamic language, enochian language, angelic language or a mythical or magical language used by birds to communicate with the initiated.

    Odin hrafnar

    Image: The two ravens Hugin and Munin on Odin’s shoulders.

    Excuse me but a little bird told me to go feed the pigeons…

    Thanks to Cort Lindahl for some of the above avian connections.

    The Orion Connection

    What does the Orion constellation have to do with the Greek Sun god Apollo? Pretty much nothing at first glance. But wait, what’s this?

    Apollo patch

    The original Apollo mission insignia depicts the Orion constellation:

    Orion is Osiris

    The ancient Egyptians saw Orion as Osiris, Lord of the Dead. Osiris was father to Horus, god of the Sun, just like Apollo was Sun god to the Greeks.

    The much more recent Orion spacecraft has this insignia highlighting the three belt stars:

    Orion Spacecraftlogo

    Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert connect the belt stars of Orion to the three pyramids of Giza in their famous book The Orion Mystery:


    Here’s another Apollo mission patch that I find intriguing:

    Apollo Stonehenge

    What does Stonehenge have to do with NASA and the Apollo missions to the Moon?

    Nothing on the literal level and everything on the occult level.

    See my Stonehenge episode for more info on how ancient Egypt is connected to this oldest of temples in the UK.

    Note also the galactic cross centered in the night sky. This reminds me of the Galactic Cross written about here.


    …and the Royal portals at Chartres Cathedral which is covered in my Chartres Part 2 episode.


    The four winged beasts of the apocalypse or evangelists as they became known correspond with the astrological signs Aquarius, Scorpio (ancient symbol was a bird), Taurus, and Leo. Jesus sits inside a vesica pisces in the royal portal (central entry of Chartres). Here is another depiction:


    ©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 11 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2015 03:54

    One Times Square

    One Times Square at 42nd and Broadway is 111m in height (see my Repeating Ones post). It was the second tallest building in New York City when it opened in 1904.


    Times Square is known today as:

    The Crossroads of the World

    Times Square Evening

    Image courtesy Michael McDonough under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

    The Square that is a Triangle

    The New York Times opened its new headquarters and somehow persuaded the city of New York to rename the triangular Longacre plaza a “square” in their honor. I find that interesting because squares and triangles are sacred design templates used in much occult architecture and urban design.


    The House of the Temple Elevation


    Correlation with square rotated 45 degrees with HQ of Scottish Freemasonry by DCsymbols.com

    The District of Columbia Mile Markers


    Original plan for DC is interrupted by Alexandria Virginia today in lower portion of square

    Chartres Cathedral Plan


    Idea for plan John James; correlation to Cesare Cesariano’s Vitruvian man correlation by Scott Onstott

    Chartres Cathedral Section


    Correlation of rare triangular Tree of Life shown in Morals and Dogma with section by Scott Onstott

    Temple Church LondonTempleChurchPlan

    Geometric analysis by John Smout; three cubes correlation by Scott Onstott

    Musical Octaves


    The Cuboctahedron


    Cuboctahedron is at the center of Buckminster Fuller’s philosophy and Nassim Haramein’s advanced physics

    The Time Ball

    The New York Times moved its headquarters away from Times Square only 9 years after One Times Square was built.

    Notice that it isn’t called “The New York Times Square” but directly references time in the name “Times Square”.

    Maybe that is why people were so easily sold on the concept of the time ball dropping ritual to celebrate the new year, something that has been happening in Times Square since 1907.

    Waterford Crystal designed this 12 foot diameter crystal ball for the new millennium in 2000. The time ball is a complex polyhedron that marries pentagonal and hexagonal structures like a stellated soccer ball which I talk about in the Repeating Ones post.

    Time ball

    The Time Ball Location

    Mark Gray has discovered amazing spatial relationships centered on the Time Ball’s location.

    The distance from the Time Ball to the torch on the Statue of Liberty is 5.55 miles. The torch is of course a symbol of illumination and the Illuminati.

    SOL Timeball

    The distance from the Time Ball to the tomb of Ulysses S. Grant, 18th president (6+6+6) of the United States is 6660 meters.


    In my Phoenixes post I mentioned that a patent for the city was issued in 1874 by President Ulysses S. Grant, and in 1881 it was incorporated as the City of Phoenix.

    “After the USA civil war, once General and then President Ulysses S. Grant, a 33rd degree Freemason, wanted to move the Capital of the USA to Phoenix, Arizona” -Source

    Phoenix Arizona sprawls over 33°N. The Phoenix metropolitan area is called the Valley of the Sun. Heliopolis means City of the Sun.

    The distance from the Time Ball to the center of the new Freedom Tower (aka One WTC) is 3.3 miles.

    Timeball FreedomTower

    The Ritual Drop

    The time ball is raised to the top of a pole on the top of One Times Square at 6pm on Dec 31st. At 11:59pm the illuminated ball starts to descend a total of 77 feet coming to rest at the bottom of the pole at midnight. At the precise moment of the New Year the illuminated ball is extinguished and billions of people kiss each other and exude tons of psychic energy.

    Every year up to one million people gather in Times Square to watch the ball drop and an estimated one billion people watch the event on TV.

    What an amazing amount of energy is sent through the crystal ball in Times Square to father time:

    456px LoC Rotunda Clock detail Father Time

    Father time in the Rotunda Clock in the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building

    Computer permissions are wide open when they are set to an octal value of 777. Compare that with the octagonal Freedom Tower and you’ll see how everything is connected.


    The Great White Way

    “The Great White Way” is a nickname for a section of Broadway in the Midtown section of the New York City borough of Manhattan, specifically the portion that encompasses the Theatre District, between 42nd and 53rd Streets, and encompassing Times Square.

     The Milky Way resembles a Great White Way in the night sky.


    The phenomenon of Galactic Alignment popularized by John Major Jenkins will occur at the crossroads of the galaxy if you will, that is the end of the Mayan long count calendar which will occur on 21 Dec 2012 at 11:11 AM GMT. See my Esoteric Astronomy video for more info.


    The end of the Mayan calendar and this talk of a Ball Drop Ritual reminds me of another type of ball game:

    Coba Ballcourt

    Mayan ballcourt at Coba

    At least the Ball Drop in Times Square doesn’t end up like this!

    El Tajin Ballcourt Mural Tom Aleto

    Image courtesy Thomas Aleto under the  Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

    Or does it? What happens to the focused energy of one billion people when the ball drops?

    ©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 11 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2015 16:32
    BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 25/05/2013 21:14
    El Sol sobre Orión a las 12 del solsticio del 21 de junio
    12 horas del mediodía del Solsticio del 21 de junio. Hemisferio norte. Orión portando la luz. Imágenes obtenidas con stellarium.org
    Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 5 of 5 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 12/02/2015 13:26

    Swastika and Extraterrestrials at Coronado Navy Base

    The Coronado Swastika has been known for a while but I thought I’d post it here. It’s hard for me to believe that this was an accident.


    Here are the coordinates: 32°40’33.58″N 117°09’27.77″W

    How asleep could you expect an architect to be to build a compound in the shape of a swastika on a US military base?

    800px Flag of Nazi Germany 1933 1945

    (Flag of Nazi Germany from 1933-1945)

    If the architect was a Nazi or just into sacred Buddhist symbolism then how could the higher ups in the military not notice this obvious plan either?

    The Wikipedia article on the Naval Amphibious Base in Coronado says this was an ‘oversight’ back in 1967 when it was designed and again when it was built in 1970.

    The Navy has fully utilized this building complex for more than 35 years, and intends to continue the use of the buildings, as long as they remain adequate for the needs of the service. However, in early 2007 the San Diego chapter of the Anti-Defamation League and U.S. Representative Susan Davis  began quiet talks with the Navy, and on September 26, 2007 the Navy announced that they would budget up to $600,000, starting in the fiscal year that begins October 1, to modify the buildings’ walkways, “camouflage” landscaping and rooftop photovoltaic cells to hide the swastika look from the air.

    Nothing seems to have changed as of the date 8/24/2010 on the Google Earth satellite imagery. I’m not sure how PV panels on the roof and landscaping could ever hide this obvious symbol.

    Extraterrestrials in Coronado?

    I have another story about the Coronado base that comes down through my family. My great uncle eventually became an Admiral in the US Navy and I did meet him once before he died when I was about 17 years old. In fact he was quite a war hero in WWII.


    His daughter tells me this story with her permission to publish:

    In Paris he was part of some very hush hush stuff at SHAPE. Wonder about that. [See Bob Dean interview on Project Camelot] And of course I told you on his death bed he said it was time to continue building the space ships…in Coronado I saw an ET one night and my Dad was downstairs with Military men…I remember he didn’t dismiss me just looked wide-eyed when I described the ET. I told him it talked to me but didn’t seem to have a mouth…I was 3 or so…he asked if it was scary and I said No…it was friendly but strange looking…I believe my Dad was the third youngest Admiral in history…have you seen the film by Mitchner – Bridges Of Tokorei? It was about him…Brilliant Guy…like you…Dad was the lead…played by William Holden…Mitchner interviewed him for the book…can rent it and play instantly on amazon…2.99! One of Dads’ favorite stories was about how he hated Roosevelt…said there Dad was out to sea in the thick of it and Roosevelt said they weren’t at war…you know Dad actually talked very little about things in the military…I had no idea what a war hero he was until I found a box of newspaper articles written about him…box was in the garage…all of his medals rather embarrassed him…and isn’t it interesting you were both interested in architecture! He saw symbols in everything…like a puzzle to be solved…

    The Ancient Aliens show on the History Channel is very well done. It’s honestly the first time that I haven’t been disappointed with the depth of coverage on a TV show talking about ETs. They have an episode on Aliens and the Third Reich which ties in with the confluence of symbolism in this post.

    ©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 11 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 16:37

    Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 11 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 17:12

    Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 11 en el tema 
    De: mollychopps22 Enviado: 09/07/2022 17:52
    wonderful post

    Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 11 en el tema 
    De: mollychopps22 Enviado: 15/07/2022 14:59
    I don

    Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 11 en el tema 
    De: mollychopps22 Enviado: 15/07/2022 15:01
    I don't know what could be better than a profession related to astronomy. I really regret that I didn’t go to study as an astrologer, it’s amazing and incredibly beautiful to watch the stars. I read a lot about astronomy, I use https://freebooksummary.com/category/astronomy for this. I even bought myself a telescope, it cost me a lot. But I don't regret a single gram.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 11 en el tema 
    De: nimexy Enviado: 27/07/2022 10:07
    Do you appreciate the return of the Fall Guys? astonish the players. Young people from all over the world have been drawn to Fall Guys since its comeback.

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