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General: Artificial intelligence for business.
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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 2 en el tema 
De: Jonsiret  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 16/07/2024 01:14
The SEQUESTO AI platform is trained on large amounts of data and uses advanced machine learning algorithms. This allows her to provide accurate and relevant answers, minimizing the risk of human error. Automated systems can also be continually improved based on analysis of new data and user feedback. SEQUESTO https://sequesto.com/industries/software/ uses data analytics algorithms to personalize responses, which improves the customer experience. The platform is able to take into account the client’s history of interactions with the company, his preferences and needs, offering customized solutions. This creates a feeling of care and attention to each client, which contributes to increased loyalty.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 2 en el tema 
De: Jeroa de Huétor Enviado: 16/07/2024 09:08
¡¡¡Os Apetece un café
Amig@s de nuestra casita!!!
¡¡¡Estimad@ Amig@!!!

Buenos Días

Gracias por tus lindos aportes
Es un placer leerte
Un cariñoso abrazo.

Agradecerte por tan lindos
detalles al participar
en tu casita...
La que se llena de encanto
con tu presencia...


graciasporvisitarnosjx4.gif picture by aromademujer

SELLO.gif image by Linda_Pautierna

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