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The Mark
The concept of ‘as above, so below’ pervades the mark of the beast subject.
χξς (666) In Hebrew would be rendered:
The ם mem sofit is only at the end of Hebrew words so the only word which could be translated correctly is וסם (v’sam) starting at the left and going right. This makes sense as Greek is written from left to right and Hebrew is written from right to left.
סם(samek mem sofit) is translated into Hebrew as drug/poison…the vav in the front would be rendered ‘and’ or ‘adding’. Adding poison.
The Hebrew word for number is ‘mispar’ which is from the same root as the word for book, ‘sepher’.
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The number 666 then may be alluding, on a deeper level, to a poison book that is added to the Book of Life (Deuteronomy 12:32; Revelation 22:18-19). The Quran…The Talmud (Oral law)…The Gnostic Gospels…The Catholic Catechism… On a physical level what is the book of life? DNA. Adding poison to the book of life = adding ‘poison’ to DNA.
This word samek mem sofit is not used in Scripture. The root word is ‘sam’
However, looking at the word ‘sum’ which comes from this root, draws some interesting connections to 666.
Notice that this word is translated into English as name and mark. Also notice that the word shem שם is related to this word as it is a ‘df’ defective spelling. Shem is the word typically translated as name. It means the character, the breath of a thing.
The Hebrew letter shin is related to ‘fire’ in ancient thought. The Hebrew letter Mem is a pictograph of water. Water & fire.
![]( - Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 109
Notice what image is formed by combining fire and water in occultic thought. The Hexagram. Also notice that it is the combination of air (heaven) and earth. וסם means to add poison or שם the name of the beast…his character. The mixture of heaven and earth. As above so below…beast & man.
The Greek alphabet comes from the Phoenician alphabet which, in essence, is the same as Paleo Hebrew. χξς would be rendered in Phoenician as:
χ = which is a picture of crossed sticks
ξ= which is a picture of a thorn or branch
ς= Stigma means a mark and like the letter ξ was used to represent a coiled serpent.
Hence, the pictograph meaning of the χξς is a serpent on the branch of a tree. It is the equivalent of the tree of knowledge of good and evil click here.
The Pythagorean Triangle pg 70 “The superstition, which was so common throughout all antiquity, of realising the duality* by combining the worship of the serpent with that of a tree, or offering rites to the Ophite deity in a sacred grove, originated with the paradisiacal serpent and the tree of knowledge.”
*Duality is another way of saying ‘as above, so below’, the union of opposites. Good and evil, male and female, etc. Hence, the image of the serpent in the tree represents ‘as above, so below.’
The superstition mentioned above, according to the author of ‘The Pythagorean Triangle,’ is referring to the ‘dying and rising god,’ Bacchus, Osiris, Adonis etc. Hence, the author alludes to the serpent on the tree being linked with ‘resurrection/born again experience.’ This is the duality that the author is referring to as well. As above, so below. The ‘god’s (immortal) mixing with mankind (mortal).
Counterfeit sign of the true Messiah
“The Hexagram or six-pointed star, is a potent symbol of the interaction of the Divine with the mortal, of God with Humankind. It has particular significance in Judaism as the Star of David.
The Star of David, or magen David (‘Shield of David’), is a strong symbol of Jewish identity, and as a hexagram it represents the interaction of the Divine with the mortal*. It gets its name from the tradition that David carried a hexagram-shaped shield during his defeat of the giant Goliath. It has strong links with the Kabbalah, and is sometimes known as the Seal of Solomon or the Creator’s Star. When the Star of David is called the Creator’s Star, the six points each represents a day of the week and the center corresponds to the Sabbath.”
*The Hexagram is a picture of the ‘god-man’. The beast.
Some assign a benign origin to the hexagram symbol by saying it is two dalets combined together from the ancient Hebrew name of David.
David in Ancient Hebrew is:
These letters are explained as thus:
‘The meaning of the dalet is door, the meaning of the vav is nail. The meaning of this symbol when it is combined is the door to heaven and the door to earth is combined by the “Messiah” who comes to rule the earth as the king of mankind with a rod of iron, just as David did.”
Notice the ‘as above, so below’ theme. Truly, Messiah Yahshua was Elohim in the flesh…this is why the adversary seeks to bring about a counterfeit that will be part ‘god/elohim’ part man. The beast will be part fallen angelclick here.
The Star of David – Dr. Asher Eder “In the culture of India, where it must have been known since ancient times, the six-pointed star still plays a role. It is found there in Hindu temples and shrines, and also on the flag of Indian ships, while in Nepal it is embroidered on the front of the king’s headgear. There, it is considered a symbol of harmony between spirit and matter. In Yoga schools, this idea is well expressed by graphic representations of the human chakras with the star marking the heart chakra as the central and connecting link between the three lower “carnal” chakras and the three upper “spiritual” chakras. While the lower and upper chakras are all represented by Sanskrit letters, it is noteworthy that only the heart chakra is depicted by an abstract sign, the six-pointed star. In the tantric teaching, the star serves as a symbol for relationship between man and wife. Some Indian tribes of North America have used it “since ancient times as a symbol expressing the wisdom of ‘as it is above, so it is below’, as well as the union of spirit and matter, heaven and earth.“
Secret Teachings of All Ages pg 143
“What the sun is to the solar system, the spirit is to the bodies of man; for his natures, organs, and functions are as planets surrounding the central life (or sun) and living upon its emanations. The solar power in man is divided into three parts, which are termed the threefold human spirit of man. All three of these spiritual natures are said to be radiant and transcendent; united, they form the Divinity in man. Man’s threefold lower nature- consisting of his physical organism, his emotional nature, and his mental faculties-reflects the light of his three fold Divinity and bears witness of It in the physical world. Man’s three bodies are symbolized by an upright triangle, when united in the form of a six-pointed star, were called by the Jews ‘the Star of David,’ ‘the Signet of Solomon,’ and are more commonly known today as the ‘Star of Zion.’ These triangles symbolize the spiritual and material universes linked together in the constitution of the human creature, who partakes of both Nature and Divinity. Man’s animal nature partakes of the earth; his divine nature of the heavens; his human nature of the mediator.”
![]( - Transcendental Magic – Eliphas Levi
The phrase surrounding the oroboros in the above image is ‘Quod Superius Macroprosopus, Quod Inferius Microprosopus.’ It is equivalent to the Latin phrase ‘Quod superius sicut quot inferius’ which means ‘As above, so below.’
Macroprosopus: Spiritual Theosophical Dictionary on Macroprosopus
“Macroprosopus (Ancient Greek). ‘A Kabalistic term, made of a compound Greek word: meaning the Vast or Great Countenance (See “Kabalistic Faces”); a title of Kether, the Crown, the highest Sephira.
It is the name of the Universe, called Arikh-Anpin, the totality of that of which Microprosopus or Zauir-Anpin
“the lesser countenance”, is the part and antithesis. In its high or abstract metaphysical sense, Microprosopus is Adam Kadmon, the vehicle of Ain-Suph, and the crown of the Sephirothal Tree, though since Sephira and Adam Kadmon are in fact one under two aspects, it comes to the same thing. Interpretations are many, and they differ.”
“Microprosopus (Latin) [from Greek mikros small + prosopon face]
Qabbalistic rendition of the Chaldean phrase Ze`eyr ‘Anpin (Short Face), which designates the nine smaller Sephiroth, in contradistinction from the Macroprosopus (Long Face). Microprosopus or the nine Sephiroth are the manifested universe or Third Logos unfolded in manifestation; whereas Macroprosopus (the Crown or Kether), the first and highest of the Sephiroth, is the First and Second Logoi considered as a unit, the purely spiritual universe and its roots. Hence the Microprosopus is the Logos manifested, and of such logoi there are many in boundless space. Naturally each such universe has its own Macroprosopus, Crown, or Kether, all these universes being united by their divine-spiritual roots in the Boundless.”
In short the above image of the hexagram is a form of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life which in reality is the tree of knowledge. |
The Land & inheritance is linked to being marked.
Believers in Messiah are the CHOSEN PEOPLE who are MARKED with the MARK OF YHWH, they will receive the INHERITANCE. The counterfeit is the false chosen people, the mark of the beast, the false inheritance. Lamsa Aramaic translation Eph 1:4 Just as from the beginning he has chosen us through him, before the foundation of the world, that we may become holy and without blemish before him. Eph 1:5 And he marked us with his love to be his from the beginning, and adopted us to be sons through Jesus Christ, as it pleased his will. Eph 1:11 in whom we also have been chosen to an inheritance, being marked according to the purpose of the One working all things according to the counsel of His own will, Chosen is translated from the following Greek word: G2820 κληρόω klēroō Thayer Definition: 1) to cast lots, determine by lot 2) to choose by lot 3) to allot, assign by lot 3a) on to another as a possession 4) in NT: to make a lot, ie a heritage, private possession Part of Speech: verb Parte de la oración: verbo A Related Word by Thayer's/Strong's Number: from G2819
This division of land and the inheritance received is associated with being marked:
Psa 87:5 And it shall be said to Zion, This man and that man was born in her; and the Highest Himself shall establish her.
Psa 87:6 In recording the peoples YHWH shall mark down, This man was born there. Selah. Selah.
Marked and Chosen Rom 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, that is, the redemption of our bodies. Rom 8:24 For we live in hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for if we see it, why should we yet hope? Rom 8:25 But if we hope for that which we do not see, then do we wait for it in patience. Rom 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helps our weaknesses: for we do not know what is right and proper for us to pray for: but the Spirit prays for us with that earnestness which cannot be described. Rom 8:27 And he who searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, for the Spirit prays for the saints according to the will of God. Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Rom 8:29 He knew them in advance and he marked them with the likeness of the image of his Son that he might be the first-born among many brethren. Rom 8:30 Moreover, those he did mark in advance, he has called, and those he has called, he has declared righteous, and those he has declared righteous, he has glorified
The adversary seeks to counterfeit Isaiah 14:2 where Israel rules and reigns with Messiah.
Isa 14:2 And the peoples shall take them and bring them to their own place. And the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of YHWH for slaves and slave girls. And they shall be captives of their captors; and they shall rule over their oppressors. Who is the oppressor of true Israel in the end? The Assyrian.
Isa 14:24 YHWH of Hosts has sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so it shall be; and as I have purposed, it shall rise up; Isa 14:25 to break Assyria in My land, and trample him on My mountains. Then his yoke shall depart from them, and his burden shall depart from his shoulders. Isa 14:26 This is the purpose that is purposed on all the earth; and this the hand that is stretched out on all the nations.
The Hebrew word for blink is 'patah' from the root 'pat'.
The root word comes from 'pat' which is the word for a woman's privy. This links to the first birth, blinking/awakening (picture of resurrection) is linked to the 2nd birth.
Another amazing link to the 2nd birth/birth of the manchild of Revelation 12 is seen Isaiah 8
Isa 8:18 Behold, I and the children (Messiah & His Body) whom YHWH has given to me are for signs and wonders (mophat) in Israel from YHWH of Hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion.
As seen in the study 'Shadows of Messiah – Geology' click here , the earth is a picture of the body of Messiah which is likened to an eyeball.
Yisrael is a people & a land which YHWH looks upon at all times which is a microcosm of all the earth.
Talmud – Derech Eretz Zuta 9 'The world is like a human eyeball. The white of the eye is the ocean surrounding the world, the iris is the continent, The pupil is Jerusalem, And the image in the pupil is the Holy Temple.
Deu 11:11 But the land, whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills and valleys, and drinketh water of the rain of heaven: Deu 11:12 A land which the LORD thy God careth for: the eyes of the LORD thy God are always upon it , from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year.
Rev 5:6 And I saw, and behold, in the midst of the throne, and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, was a Lamb standing, as having been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God , having been sent out into all the earth .
Each time we blink (aphaph -from aph, shadow of His wings) it is a picture of being overshadowed by the Most High, where the tears renew the eye, this is a picture of baptism and being born again click here . This concept is further seen in the Psalms where the resurrection is connected with renewed sight.
Psa 17:15 As for me, in righteousness I will look upon Your face; when I awaken, I shall be satisfied by Your image.
The sun, the eye, and the Son are all linked through the English etymology of the word 'sun'.
The English proper noun sun developed from Old English sunne (around 725, attested in Beowulf), and may be related to south (more on this below on the section on directions). Cognates to English sun appear in other Germanic languages, including Old Frisian sunne, sonne (“sun”), Old Saxon sunna, Middle Dutch sonne , modern Dutch zon, Old High German sunna, modern German Sonne , Old Norse sunna, and Gothic sunnō. All Germanic terms for the Sun stem from Proto-Germanic *sunnōn.
The word 'sun' also traces back to the Latin word 'sol.'
The English word 'son' has similar etymological roots to 'sun'. Interestingly, it traces back the Old Irish meaning to give birth, as has been discussed above in connection with the blinking of the eye, awakening and the rising of the sun in the morning.
Sun, 8, Resurrection
The word for 8 in Hebrew is:
This comes from the root:
The root of 8 comes from 'shem' (name/character) which is the same root as sun 'shemesh.'
Further connecting the sun & the number eight is the word oil. The Holy Spirit is likened to oil (1Samuel 16:13; Zechariah 4:2-3; Revelation 4:5). The sun moves upon the spirit/wind (Ecclesiastes 1:5-6)
רח is the root of the word 'Ruach', the Spirit.
The sun's cycle makes an interesting form when it moves throughout the sky during the year. This phenomenon is known as the 'analemma.' If you photographed the sun once a week at the same time of day for an entire year, you would have a photo of the analemma, the sun's apparent path on the sky over the course of a year, which looks like a figure-eight.
The Sun is moving in a continual 'figure eight' path.
Could this be why the infinity symbol is portrayed as the number 8 on its side? Is this where the image of the 'Ourobouros' (serpent eating its tail) comes from? The heathen mystery religions are a counterfeit of the Truth of the Holy Scriptures, perverting the heavenly bodies and their meanings. The Mazzaroth (Constellations) teach of the Gospel of Messiah. His birth, death and resurrection. So what is seen in the mystery religions? Stories of Christ figures born of virgins, dying as atonement for mankind, and resurrecting etc. The Almighty allows these religions (Deu. 4:19) in order to give unregenerate man a taste of the Truth so that when the time comes for them to return to Him, their minds are already somewhat prepared and so that no man can have an excuse because He has been calling to us to repent from the beginning (Psalm 19; Rom 1:19; 10:18)
The Analemma & DNA
Not only does the analemma form a figure eight, but it also is in the form of a double spiral, just like the DNA double helix.
Uriel's Machine pg 226 “The origin of the double spiral was discovered by an American artist called Charles Ross. He set up an experiement where he arranged a lens in front of a wooden plank, so that it focused the sun's rays on the plank and burned a track on the wood. Each day he put a new piece of wood in the plank-holder and after 366 consecutive days he plotted out the pattern the sun's rays had burned into the planks. He found that the resulting shape was a perfect double spiral. During the summer the track formed a tight clockwise spiral, whilst in the winger it formed a widely spaced anti-clockwise spiral. At the equinox the track began to straighten out as the loose winter spiral stopped and was transformed into a tight spiral moving in the opposite sense.”
The Covenant El Pacto
When YHWH cut the covenant with Abraham on Passover, He walked between the pieces of the sacrificed animals as a burning torch. In ancient times when a covenant was cut, the two covenant partners walked through the halves of the split animal(s) in a 'figure eight'. They would lay each half to the side of each other and stand in between the two bloody halves of flesh, with their backs to each other. Then they would walk right through the bloody halves, making a figure eight, and come back to a stop facing each other.
Gen 15:17 And it happened, the sun had gone down, and it was dark. Behold! He aquí! A smoking furnace and a torch of fire that passed between those pieces!
The number 8 points to the Sun of Righteousness
Molad Molad
Sun & moon are 'one' at the new moon (twinkling of eye)
Rabbi Nathan Bushwick writes in his book, “Understanding the Jewish Calendar,” page 71, “As the moon moves around the Earth, there is one moment it is exactly between the Earth and the sun. At that moment the Earth faces the dark side of the moon. Already for about a day before this moment the moon has not been visible from any point on the Earth and it will remain invisible for about a day more. This moment is call the molad [mean], the birth of the new moon. We (Jews) use the molad as the official beginning and end point of the cycle of the moon.” Molad is Hebrew for the word “birth or renewal.”
Maimonides states that: “the new moon is defined as the 'moment in which the sun and moon, in their uniform motion, become conjoined in a certain part of the sky, which occurs in the same way everywhere in different areas” (Sanctification of the New Moon, Bk 3, trtse. 8, p. 89, ch 6).
This is also called the 'twinkling of the eye'
Rabbi Eliezer describes the molad(conjunction) as a “twinkling of an eye” in Rabbi Eliezer-The Course of the Moon p55
1Co 15:52 In a moment, in a glance of an eye, at the last trumpet; for a trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall all be changed.
The resurrection is at the twinkling of an eye. The righteous will bud forth and fly when there is “no moon”.
Psa 72:7 In His days the righteous shall flourish (bud, fly-the resurrection) , and plenty of peace, till the moon is not ( בלי ירח when there is no moon, ie the molad/conjunction).
Flourish = parach
On a deeper level, this link between birth/resurrection and the molad/conjunction is seen at Golgotha during the crucifixion of Messiah. The sun was darkened (Luke 23:45). In the natural, the sun is only darkened during a solar eclipse which can only occur during the conjunction between the sun and moon. It is at this time, when the sun was darkened that the bride of Messiah was born. Just as Eve came forth from the side of Adam when he slept (death), so too the bride of Messiah came forth from His side when blood and water fell at Calvary.
On an even deeper level, this link between the molad/conjunction and birth/rebirth is seen in the word 'chodesh' which means renewal and is applied to the new moon/month. Chodesh comes from 'chad.'
Chad/Echad means unity and is the picture of 2 becoming one. This happens when a man and woman come together and 'know' each other. This is connected with the new moon and the sun and moon coming together to become 'one.' The Hebrew word for the male privy is arak which is the same word for the shaft of the Menorah. On a deeper level this shows that light going into darkness is when 'chad' takes place. Further illustrating this is the word menorah itself. It comes from the Hebrew word ner which is seen when farmers plow their fields in order to plant seed. The ground that is broken up is saturated with water and the light that reflects from the sun is what ner means. Again light comes forth from darkness as is seen in Gen 1 and in the moon cycles. The seed is planted in the earth, which is likened to a womb according to David in Psalm 137. On another level this represents being born again click here . The biblical definition of being born again begins when He plants His seed (His Word) in our hearts. The seed must die and be born again into a new creature. This is what baptism is about, we descend into darkness to begin our new lives and come forth again. The new moon begins at darkness then light comes forth 1-3 days later. Messiah resurrected after 3 days, His people resurrect after 3 days (Hos 6). Messiah speaks of the seed dying as a picture of resurrection (John 12:24) and Shaul connects this as well (1 Cor 15).
Interestingly, when the sun and moon come together during a solar eclipse a hexagram is formed. As seen above, the hexagram is a symbol of the union between man and woman. This is yet another example of man taking something from Yah's creation and perverting it by making it an image engraved by his own device.
This hexagonal formation as a result of the sun and moon coming together is linked to the occult symbol of the 'Vesica Pisces.'
Teléfono y control del correo electrónico se convierte en rutina de negocios en EE.UU
Empresas de vigilancia privadas se han convertido en una industria de 85 mil millones de dólares. Dicen que ahora 12 años después del 9/11 dentro de un radio de 10 millas de cada hogar en los Estados Unidos hay una empresa privada que se encarga del gobierno para controlar las llamadas telefónicas y correos electrónicos, “ Susan Lindauer , periodista y escritor de Washington DC
![Teléfono y control del correo electrónico se convierte en rutina de negocios en EE.UU Teléfono y control del correo electrónico se convierte en rutina de negocios en estados unidos Teléfono y control del correo electrónico se convierte en rutina de negocios en EE.UU](éfono-y-control-del-correo-electrónico-se-convierte-en-rutina-de-negocios-en-estados-unidos.jpg)
La administración Obama ha reconocido el informe del diario The Guardian que estaba recogiendo los registros telefónicos de la compañía de comunicaciones de Verizon. Defendió la práctica diciendo que era necesaria para proteger a los estadounidenses contra los ataques.
Más temprano, el periódico The Guardian obtuvo un alto orden de la corte federal secreto que requiere la compañía telefónica Verizon a entregar toda la información relativa a las llamadas de los clientes, para la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional.
El registro contiene tanto las llamadas dentro de los EE.UU. y entre los EE.UU. y otros países. La información incluye el número de teléfono, números de tarjeta de llamada, los números de serie de los teléfonos usados y el tiempo y la duración de las llamadas. No incluye el contenido de una llamada o direcciones de las personas que llaman o información financiera.
El Tribunal de Vigilancia de Inteligencia Extranjera secreto concedió la orden al FBI el 25 de abril, y le da al gobierno el acceso ilimitado a los datos de período de 3 meses, que termina el 19 de julio.Porque en la historia estamos unidos en el teléfono por Susan Lindauer, periodista y autor de Washington DC.
El gobierno de Obama dijo que la práctica era necesaria para proteger a los estadounidenses contra los ataques. Podría implicar que las fuerzas de seguridad de Estados Unidos están trabajando en la prevención de un ataque terrorista concreto?
“No, de hecho, apenas están entrando al negocio de rutina en Washington. Empresas de vigilancia privadas se han convertido en una industria de 85 mil millones de dólares. Dicen que ahora 12 años después del 9/11 dentro de un radio de 10 millas de cada hogar en los Estados Unidos no es una empresa privada que se encarga del gobierno para controlar las llamadas telefónicas y correos electrónicos. Verizon se les pide entregar números de teléfono sin embargo, hay personal de todos los lugares de los Estados Unidos que están realmente escuchando sus llamadas telefónicas y leer los mensajes de correo electrónico y entonces ellos se refieren a, y quiero ser claro en esto porque la privacidad ha muerto en los Estados Unidos.
Muchos estadounidenses creen erróneamente que la propaganda gubernamental que estas vigilancia sólo se aplica a las comunicaciones internacionales de la comunidad o que están dirigidas a individuos violentos individuos potencialmente radicales . Así americanos domésticos piensan que están exentos de esta ley y que de alguna manera están escapando, eso es sólo el mal chicos cita en cita que van a ser clavado. Pero en realidad lo que sucede es que la NSA está buscando palabras de código. Cada vez que dices la palabra terrorismo o de Al-Qaeda, o atentado Boston o NRA, o el control de armas, cualquier cosa, tienen zumbido, y las palabras de moda son añadidos – es un diccionario de palabras de moda Cada vez que usted. decir que una de esas palabras que número de teléfono y llamada obtiene etiquetado y alguien realmente tiene que venir y escuchar a ellos. Se ha convertido en una colección masiva de datos. “
Además de razones de seguridad puede haber otras razones para la recogida de datos de las llamadas telefónicas?
“No se trata de la seguridad de terrorismo, porque, por supuesto, sabemos que cada ataque terrorista desde el 9/11 ha sido planeado por el FBI. Cada ataque ha consistido en la infiltración del FBI FBI reclutamiento, la financiación y lo que hacen es establecer a estas personas y luego ir y que detenerlos para que puedan tener una tasa de captura de alta. Estos son los agentes del FBI que están construyendo sus carreras de esto y esto es mucho más que un escenario de atrapamiento. No es terrorismo local indígena. Pero, ¿qué tiene que sucedió es que Estados Unidos ha llegado a ser tan débil económicamente, hay desintegración trabajo, desintegración de la comunidad, la clase media se está derrumbando ante nuestros ojos. Hay tanta presión. Las personas que creen que estarían a salvo si lo hicieran todas las cosas correctas y obedecían las reglas, se obtendría una educación, usted conseguiría un trabajo, te levantas una familia, usted trabaja el sistema, y el sistema podría funcionar para usted. Todo lo que ahora se ha ido. Así que, realmente tienen miedo de la gente y el gobierno ahora es mucho miedo de los estadounidenses y que es la seguridad de que están preocupados. No es de terroristas extranjeros, es malestar interno. “
Si nos fijamos en la historia no desde el punto de vista político, pero desde el punto de vista empresarial, ¿cree usted que Verizon ahora corre el riesgo de perder muchos de sus clientes?
“Desafortunadamente, no porque la mayoría de los estadounidenses creen que las medidas de seguridad son necesarias para protegerlos del terrorismo. Y un montón de gente, las libertades civiles están muy decepcionados con el espíritu americano que no ha podido enojarse. Es necesario que haya una protesta, es necesario ser una reacción en contra de Verizon, pero por desgracia no creo que va a pasar. Creo que habrá un momento de indignación y luego el siguiente ciclo de noticias entraré, y que es en gran medida causada por los medios corporativos en los Estados Unidos, que mantiene el estribillo deshonesta “.
Ataque terrorista doméstico frustrado por teléfono recopilación registros – EE.UU. Presidente de Intel
El presidente del comité de Inteligencia de la Cámara dice que la continua búsqueda de la NSA de los registros telefónicos frustró un ataque “significativo” terrorista en los Estados Unidos en los últimos años.
El representante republicano Mike Rogers, de Michigan defendió la colección grabaciones telefónicas en conferencia de prensa en el Capitolio el jueves. Dijo que la información obtenida de los registros permitió autoridades estadounidenses para detener un “caso importante”.
Se negó a dar más detalles, pero dijo que estaba en contacto con las autoridades estadounidenses en proporcionar más información.
Dijo que la búsqueda de la NSA es para registros comerciales y constantemente se está revisando. Dijo que no se hace nada sin la aprobación del tribunal.
Colección de discos Phone legal – Tecla legislador republicano EE.UU.
El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes del comité de inteligencia, dijo el jueves que la recopilación de los registros telefónicos de Verizon era legal y autorizada por el Congreso .
El representante republicano Mike Rogers , dijo a periodistas que el programa de registro de llamadas de la administración no abusó de las libertades civiles y se ha utilizado para detener un ataque de “significativo” terrorista en Estados Unidos .
“Fue un ataque significativo que ocurrió en los últimos años”, dijo Rogers en rueda de prensa. Se negó a dar más información, diciendo que estaba clasificado.
3. 1 Reyes 10:14: El peso del oro que Salomón tenía de renta cada año, era seiscientos sesenta y seis TALENTOS DE ORO;
1. Apocalipsis 13:18: Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el número de la bestia, pues es número de hombre. Y su número es seiscientos sesenta y seis.
Pasar a Urban legend of 666 panes - It has been claimed by some that the glass panes in the Louvre Pyramid number exactly 666, "the number of the ...
15/02/2008 - For those that have seen the movie The Davinci Code may recall that the Louvre Museum in. Paris , France and its I.M. Pei designed glass ...
03/04/2008 - I take it you are refering not to the Louvre itself but to the entrance Pyramid in the central courtyard. It consists of 603 rhombus-shaped and 70 ...
3 respuestas
19 Jun. 2006
3 respuestas
11 Jun. 2006
Louvre Museum Pyramid - 666 Panes - Leonardo da Vinci, Mary Magdalene, No ... of Brown's detractors, who claims that the Pyramid has 793 panes of glass.
12/05/2006 - The Louvre, Da Vinci Code Movie, Pyramid, Tom Hanks .... The idea that there are 666 panes of glass in the Pyramid is based on an urban ...
02/02/2010 - 20 publicaciones - 7 autores
Washington obelisk is 666 feet tall Symbolism / Mind Control / Subliminal ... Sirius Symbolism: Washington D.C., New York City, and the 2008 ...
El Monumento a Washington (Washington Monument) normalmente hace referencia al gran ... en el extremo oeste del National Mall de Washington D.C. Es un monumento .... En 1848 los miembros de la Sociedad decidieron empezar la construcción del obelisco y dejar el .... FIRST STONE AT HEIGHT OF 152 FEET LAID
Location of Washington Monument in United States Washington, D.C. central ... and the world's tallest obelisk, standing 555 feet 5 1⁄8 inches (169.294 m).
The height of the obelisk is 555.5 feet, which is equal to 6,666 inches. The mall in Washington DC is laid out so the gardens and streets form the image of an owl. ... side of the monument measures 55.5 feet long, which is equal to 666 inches.
You may know that when Washington DC was in the early planning stages, L' Enfant the ... Thus the true height of the obelisk is 666 feet, accurately reflecting the ...
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