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SEA UN CIENTIFICO CON LA BIBLIA: El Número de Oro; Phi; la Divina Proporción
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جواب  رسائل 1 من 5 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 13/07/2011 22:30

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 13/07/2011 22:56

جواب  رسائل 3 من 5 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 13/07/2011 23:05

جواب  رسائل 4 من 5 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 13/07/2011 23:07

Phi / The Golden Proportion in Nature

Phi in Plant Forms:

When one looks into the absolutely vast amount of information that has been collected on the extensive number of forms in which Nature employs the proportion of Phi, it is obvious that there is no other specific number that recurs throughout life on Earth with such regularity. If we were to attempt to deal with all of the instances of Phi in Nature, we would be forced to dedicate an entire website, if not several, to the subject. In fact, there are many books and websites that focus solely on the subject of the Golden Ratio in Nature. Because of the fact that many other authors have already dealt with this subject in exhaustive studies, Nature’s Word will only deal with “the tip of the iceburg” – it is suggested that the interested reader look to other sources for more information after reading that which is presented here.

To begin with, let’s start with Phi as it is found in the realm of plant life. If the central stem of a plant is looked at closely, it can be seen that as the plant grows upward, leaves or branches sprout off of the stem in a spiraling pattern. In other words, in an over-simplified example, the plant grows up an inch, and a leaf or branch sprouts out of the stem. Then the plant grows up another inch, and once again a leaf or branch sprouts out, but this time it sprouts out in a different direction than the first. Once again, the plant grows upwards and another leaf or branch grows out of the stem, and once again we find that the leaf or branch has sprouted in a different direction than the one before it. If we were to connect the tips of the leaves or branches that have grown out of the stem, we would find that they create a very definite spiral pattern around the central stem.

In an overwhelming number of plants, a given branch or leaf will grow out of the stem approximately 137.5 degrees around the stem relative to the prior branch. In other words, after a branch grows out of the plant, the plant grows up some amount and then sends out another branch rotated 137.5 degrees relative to the direction that the first branch grew out of.

All plants use a constant amount of rotation in this way, although not all plants use 137.5 degrees. However, it is believed that the majority of all plants make use of either the 137.5 degree rotation or a rotation very close to it as the core number in their leaf or branch dispersion, sending out each and every leaf or branch after rotating 137.5 degrees around the stem relative to the prior branch.

If we were to multiply the value of 1 over Phi to the second power (0.3819659…) times the total number of degrees in a circle (360), we obtain for a product nothing other than 137.50… degrees. As an alternate way to look at the same idea, if we were to take the value of 1 over Phi (0.6180339…) and multiply it by 360, we obtain approximately 222.5 degrees. If we then subtract 222.5 from 360 we again find 137.5 degrees – in other words, the complimentary angle to 1 over Phi is 137.5 degrees, which also happens to be the value of 1 over Phi to the second power times 360.

So, if we have followed the described mathematics, it is clear that any plant that employs a 137.5 degree rotation in the dispersion of its leaves or branches is using a Phi value intrinsically in its very form. Considering our discussion in the prior section on Phi in geometry, it is interesting to note the off-balance five-pointed star that can be seen in the leaf pattern of plants that employ a 137.5 rotation scheme when they are viewed from above.

Two images have been provided here – one with five leaves, and the other with ten, so that the lopsided five-pointed design can be more easily understood. The red lines in both images connect the tips of the leaves in the order that they grow up the stem.

It can definitely be said that there is a perfectly good “scientific” reason why plants would happen to utilize a 137.5 rotation in the spiraling growth of their leaves. Simply put, this exact amount of rotation causes the least amount of overlap of any given leaf by those leaves located higher on the stem. If the ten-leaf image is viewed at left, it can be seen that every leaf is completely exposed when viewed from the top. Far from being merely aesthetic, this means that each leaf receives the maximum amount of sunlight to assist in photosynthesis, the process by which plants turn carbon dioxide into energy for growth and sustenance. In addition, the Phi rotation contributes greatly to the overall balance of the plant, no matter what size it grows to become.

Now we begin to see that Phi is not only a highly philosophical number, but in fact leads to maximal efficiency in certain lifeforms as well. If the rate of rotation were even slightly varied from 137.5 degrees, the minor discrepancy added up with every passing leaf rotation would lead overall to a formidable loss of efficiency. The rate of rotation governed by Phi is, once again, the only number that can produce such perfected efficiency, and it remains so regardless of the eventual size and scale that the plant attains.

If we continue up the stem or out a branch of many plants we find at their termination that part of the plant in charge of passing on the seed, known as the flower. Flowers often consist of a seed pod or seed base surrounded by petals. It is no coincidence that if we were to count the number of petals on any given plant, chances are better than average that the number of petals will be a number from the Fibonacci series – which we already learned intrinsically expresses the Phi ratio. The following table lists a few of the plants that have Fibonacci numbers in the petals of their flowers.

of Petals
Type of Flower
2 Enchanter’s Nightshade
3 Iris, Lilies, Trillium
5 All edible fruits, Delphiniums, Larkspurs, Buttercups, Columbines, Milkwort 
8 Other Delphiniums, Lesser Celandine, some Daisies, Field Senecio
13 Globe Glower, Ragwort, “Souble” Selphiniums, Mayweed, Corn Marigold, Chamomile
21 Heleniums, Asters, Chicory, Doronicum, some Hawkbits, many wildflowers 
34 Common Daisies, Plantains, Gaillardias, 
55 Michaelmas Daisies 
89 Michaelmas Daisies 

The grouping of seeds in a plant’s seed pod or seed base is often directly governed by Phi as well. Perhaps the most beautiful (and well known) example of the use of Phi in seed organization is in the majestic plant known as the sunflower. In the seed base located in the center of the sunflower’s large flower, the seeds are laid out according to a very specific geometric pattern. If it is closely observed, one can see that there is a pattern involving two sets of spirals that criss-cross, with one set of spirals turning clockwise, and the other turning counter-clockwise. At each location where two spirals cross a seed can be found. The number of spirals turning counter-clockwise happens to be 55, and the number of clockwise spirals happens to be 89 – both Fibonacci numbers. If the rotational rates of these two sets of spirals are analyzed, it will be discovered that they are also ruled by the Golden Spiral discussed in the last section.

Pine trees are also heavily influenced by Fibonnaci numbers and the Phi proportion. The needles that grow from pine tree branches do so in small groups. If the number of needles is counted in a given group, the answer will most certainly be a Fibonacci number, with different species of pine making use of different Fibonacci numbers – most often 3, 5, or 8 needles per group.

In addition, the surface pattern of the pinecone is determined by the Phi ratio, once again being generated by two counter-rotating sets of spirals much as we saw with the sunflower. In pinecones we find either five and eight spirals turning against one another, or eight and thirteen, depending on the species of the pine tree that bore it. Do not fail to note that the pinecone serves the same function and the sunflower’s flower does – that of seed-bearer.

The same counter-spiraling Golden Spiral pattern can be observed in the seed distribution of many cacti. This example shows the pattern particularly clearly.

Perhaps the easiest way for the reader to do a bit of sacred geometry research on their own is to venture into their own refrigerator and cut up some common vegetables and fruits. The tiny seeds that lace the outside of a strawberry are laid out in a pattern determined in the same way that sunflower seeds, pine cones, and cacti are. A pineapple’s outer surface is ruled by the same pattern. Cutting an apple in half horizontally (from side to side, not top to bottom) reveals an excellent five-pointed star distribution of seeds. The tiny florets of cauliflower and broccoli are grouped by fives, the groupings of which themselves are grouped into larger groups of fives in an astonishing fractal-style pattern. If a head of cabbage is cut in half sideways, the Phi rotation described above in association with branches and leaves can be clearly seen in the dense white parts of the vegetable.

The list literally goes on and on. The reader is encouraged to look around him or herself and find Phi leaf cycles, Golden Spirals, and Fibonacci groupings in the plants of their own environment. There is no lack of examples to be found – in fact, it is safe to say that one could look for the rest of their life and there would still be more examples of Phi’s use in plant life to be found.

Phi in Insect and Animal Forms:

As with plants, the proportion of 1:1.618 can be found in the structure of many insect and animal bodies.

Probably the most famous of all uses of Phi related proportions is that of the Nautilus shell, which adheres quite directly to the Golden Spiral. As mentioned prior, the Golden Spiral is the most perfect spiral when considering self replication through continual growth, and it is for this very reason that many shelled creatures employ it in their forms. By growing in this manner the shell can grow to any size and retain excellent balance and structural integrity.


Many other sea animals besides the Nautilus utilize the Phi proportion in their bodily forms as well. If we consider for a moment the pentagon – Phi relation, many examples immediately leap to mind. Amongst them we find (images above left to right) the Sea Cucumber (which reveals its pentagonal symmetry when sliced horizontally), Radiolarian, Starfish, and Stingray.

Continuing with our look at pentagonal symmetry, take a look at the proportions of a domestic cat’s face:


Perhaps most relevant to all of us is the fact that the Phi proportion can be found throughout the human body. The idea of the pentagonal symmetry of the human body may have been most popularized by Leonardo DeVinci’s artwork (presented in the earlier section “One in Nature”), and here is represented quite cleary in a similar image:

But the human body / phi connection do not stop at the simple relation of the human body to the five pointed star. The Phi proportion itself can be found in the very bones that form our body’s skeleton. For example, the three bones of any finger are related to one another by 1.618…:

Also, the wrist joint cuts the length from fingertip to elbow at 0.618:

The navel divides the length of the body from head to tow at the Golden Section, the brow divides the face from the peak of the skull to the bottom of the chin, and the bottom of the nose marks the same division between the chin and brow.

These are not all of the Phi proportions that can be found in the human body, but they are certainly enough to show that Phi is not only a number that can be found in the natural world all around us, but is also something that is within us – an intrinsic part of our very physicality.



جواب  رسائل 5 من 5 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 10/10/2011 02:57

Nineteen - Prime Number of the Moon

The Earth - Moon - Sun system is a numerical contruction based especially on the numbers 18 and 19. The first, eighteen, is a canonical or harmonic number because it only contains powers of 2 and 3, the first two primes. The second, 19, is a prime number divisible by no lower number. As a prime 19 has the cache of being associated with Creation and indeed the Moon manifests 19 very strongly in a number of ways.

Known to the (classical) Greeks as the Metonic period, in 19 solar years the Moon's phase and its location in the stars repeats to quite high accuracy. Since the Sun illuminates the Moon to generate its phase, then the Sun also must be in the same relative position to the Moon, nineteen years later.

Also known to the Greeks (but demonstrably known also in prehistory)  there is a period of just over 18 years in which an eclipse of a given sort will recur. Thus, after 18 years of an eclipse (solar or lunar) one can make an important prediction of another, similar one. This "just over 18 years" is in fact the time it takes for exactly 19 eclipse years - bringing 19 in again - a type of year (346.62 days long) mentioned in the previous article and associated with the movements of the lunar nodes - the crossing points at which all eclipses take place.

In the 1990's, probably 1993, an amazing "fact" arose for me. If one builds an 18:19 right angled triangle, the third side is almost 6 in length. Conversely, if 19 and 6 are used then the base becomes 18.027 solar years long and the Saros period is 18.030 years long. It seemed to me that this near-Pythagorean triangle of 18:19:6 had been incorporated in the relative lengths of the solar and eclipse year and hence in 19 times these.


The Near Pythagorean Triangle that occurs with 18:19 when the third side is whole,
to accurately approximate the Saros Period of 18.030 years or 19 eclipse years.

The simplest thing to realise about the Saros is that 223 (a prime) lunations occur within it and that in 19 years, 235 lunations complete the Metonic. The difference is 5 + 7 = 12 lunations, the length of the lunar year. This is true because such cycles exhaust their variety in a symmetrical fashion, so that there is, in a sense, a lunar year (of 12 lunar months) at both the beginning and the end of the Metonic. An eclipse one lunar year (12 lunations) into the 19 years will result in an eclipse at the end - and the whole thing is continuous whilst, for the sake of understanding, we must measure starting points. In reality, continuously, the Moon's position is a repetition of where it was 19 years ago as well as where it will be in 19 years.


The actual triangle has the Saros period as 223 lunations and the Metonic as 235 lunations long giving an 18.030 year Saros period. The "unit" becomes 12 lunations and the third side 6 times 12 = 72. 235 divided by 19 is, of course, 12 and 7/19ths of a lunation or 12.36842105 rather than the actual of 12.36826623 lunations per solar year, yet accurate to 99.998748% which is why the Metonic is an accurate 19 year synchronicity.

The Paradigm of Number Field as Cosmic Generative Principle

Something needs to change about how we view co-incidences between such a triangle and the reality found in time. The geometry represents a property found within the number field itself and this is the credible explanation for such a geometry "being used", that the number field can do very special things when these special relationships between numbers can be embodied within dynamical systems. Rather like the strange attractors of chaos theory, such arrangements allow far simpler time relationships to occur that seem mystical to us but are in fact artifices of number.

I am not saying that this is a physical explanation (yet) for how the Moon could have come to have such relationships based around 19. Rather, that these relationships do work in the same sense that a machine allows things to be achieved that are otherwise impossible. Were such work associated with the number field, just as harmony is, then such structures in time echo to the fundamental structure of the universe prior to any Big Bang. In this sense, they might function like natural laws based on number rather than on physics, as in gravitation and the like.

The Golden Mean is already a perfect example of such an edifice since, it is the only real number proportion to one where the reciprocal and the square have the same fractional part (0.6180 = the reciprocal and 2.6180... the square). This artifice is found broadly in life but astronomically in the orbit of Venus through the Fibonacci series (see Matrix of Creation and Sacred Number on this).  Venus manifests phi just as the Moon manifests the properties of the number field relating to 19. Jupiter and Saturn manifest 18:19 in their synodic periods to give us the seven day week.

Mystifying numerical relationships, that appear regressive to modern science, probably belong to the number field, a field that few study in depth or with practical application. If these relationships are found, as I and others have shown, in the practical dynamics of the Earth's environment; then the association with prehistorical knowledge and then later mysticism has given a false impression of superstitious thinking when the facts speak for themselves - of a valid numerical not physical knowledge.

How this works can be shown using the triangle of the previous entry involving 18.618 and 19.618:


 The third side is quite interesting, apparently physically meaningless*, being just over 10 times the reciprocal of phi. I would like to work out an intermediate hypotenuse that is 19 long - the Metonic in years whilst the Draconic is 18.618 years (year of the lunar nodes) which period is 19.618 eclipse years long.

*The actual length of the third side is 6.1835265 which was rounded up in the diagram to 6.184. However, the number of lunations in half a year is 6.18413, two numbers within 99.99% of each other. There are 6800.076 days in a Draconic period of 18.618 solar years and 19.618 eclipse years in the same period making the form of the triangle correspond to the same period and the division of it by different units, the solar and eclipse years.

192 - (18.618)2 = 361 - 346.62 = 14.38 and the sqrt is 3.792. If we divide the third side above (6.1835) by this the result is 1.631. This is nearly 1.618 as if, with N:N+1 and N=N.618, the whole number hypotenuse is found near the golden mean point on the third side, as below:


One finds that as N has reached 1552.618:1553.618, that the ratio of this integer intermediate hypotenuse has reached 0.61800034. At 3472.618, the lower section is almost exactly 1/golden mean, to nearly one part in 500 million.

 In nature, such a working fact could generate an integer relationship where it would otherwise be highly unlikely.


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