Occult Numerology
"In Freemasonry is embedded the core or the secret heart of the occult mysteries, wrapped up on number, metaphor and symbol."
Benjamin Crème, “The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom” (87)
"Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony ... spiritually as well as physically ... to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals.”
W. Wynn Westcott, “The Occult Power of Numbers” (15)
The numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33 and all multiples of them have esoteric meaning to the Brotherhood and are used in a variety of ways.
They are geometrically encoded in brand names and encrypted in corporate logos.

They are used as numbers of councilmen, signatories, and important documents. Dates with numerological significance are used to dedicate monuments, to stage false flag events and to plan assassinations. Without fail, the Brotherhood nearly always numerically or symbolically leaves its fingerprint.
By analyzing these sacred numbers and their interrelationships, occult ideas/secrets begin to surface.
"The numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33, 39 Any multiple of these numbers have special meaning to the Illuminati. Notice that the Bilderberg Group has core of 39 members who are broken into 3 groups of 13 members in each group. Notice that the core of 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. Take special notice that the 13 members of the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine. You know that the original number of states in the United States of America was 13. The Constitution has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention."
Robert Howard, “Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within our own Government”
What is the purpose of leaving a numerical trail of ones crimes and exploits? Is it an arrogant callingcard to share/show with other secret society initiates? Are they lucky numbers? Or do the numerals themselves contain some more mystical quality?
All of the above.
“These number codes have even deeper meanings than the more obvious ones of days, months, and the zodiac. Numbers also represent vibrational frequencies. Every frequency resonates to a certain number, color and sound. Some frequencies, represented by numbers, colors and sounds, are particularly powerful. Symbols also represent frequencies and they affect the subconscious without the person realizing it is happening. This is another reason why certain symbols are seen in secret societies, national flags, company logos, advertising and so on.”
David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (83)
Why is the highest military rank a 5 star general, who wears 5, 5 pointed gold stars? Why do Sheriffs wear a 6 pointed gold star? What do these occult amulets/symbols have to do with protecting the country?
“In Kritias, Plato wrote that the numbers 5 and 6 were sacred in Atlantis, where they were encoded in architecture, art, and ceremonial life ‘to honor the odd and even days.’ The Atlanteans’ choice of these numerals reflects their holistic religion, the ‘Navel of the World,’ whose adherents strove for spiritual synthesis and balance. The number 5 represents the male principle of conscious outward action, while 6 stands for female intuitive receptivity.”
Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (206)
The Atlantis significance will become more important later on, but for now suffice to say 5 represents the male principle of outward action. Ancient cultures all over the world shared the belief that the Sun represented the male principle while the Moon represented the female. So a “soldier,” or Sun warrior, wearing 5, 5pointed golden stars most certainly resonates strongly the male principle/energy.
Modern occultists believe 5 to be the Number of Death. The greatest intensification of any number is its triplicate, making 555 literally "Highest Death.” Could this be why the highest military rank (5 star generals) wear 5, 5 pointed stars on their uniform? Could this be why the US Pentagon building is 5 concentric, 5 sided pentagons, with an inner court of exactly 5 acres?
The codesigner of the Pentagon, Jack Whiteside Parsons, was indeed an occultist and high priest in the OTO secret society.
“Jack Parsons, American rocket scientist, founder of California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and a priest of the O.T.O., was, like Mormon Joseph Smith, a premier servant of Satan and a rebel against God. He even fancied himself to be the prophesied antichrist.

Parsons wrote this chilling paragraph in his diary: And thus was I antichrist loosed in the world; and to this am I pledged, that the work of the beast shall be fulfilled, and the way for the coming of BABALON be made open and I shall not cease or rest until these things are accomplished.”
Texe Marrs, “Codex Magica” (44)
During World War II, the US Department of War began construction of the Pentagon and changed its name to the Department of Defense. Since then, the US government has conducted countless undeclared wars and propagated them to the public as merely defensive measures, preemptive strikes, or unavoidable conflicts/standoffs.
Both the notorious Illuminists John D. Rockefeller and Amschel Bauer Rothschild had 5 sons. Massachusetts governor and 2008 presidential candidate Mormon Mitt Romney also has 5 sons. Again if 5 is the male energy of outward action, then 5 sons/suns is the highest resonator of that principle.
It is also interesting that so many of the corporate preplanned boy/girl bands, bands created by corporations, not by the musicians themselves, such as the Spice Girls, Pussy Cat Dolls, New Kids on the Block, Backstreet Boys, and N’Sync all have 5 band members and each member represents/acts/dresses in a certain unique way – the bad boy, the pretty boy, the prep, the hippie, etc.
The whole idea seems to follow an occult/zodiacal agenda, using personality types to sell products.
“In ancient and modern occultism the “E” is very important because it represents the fifth essence or the quintessence … It represents a spiritual power of transcendence The number 5. So you will always find something in a corporate logo that will tweak the “E” for a reason. It will always be highlighted in some way, or separated in some way, or dropped in some way.”
Michael Tsarion, “The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in The Media” Lecture at Conspiracy Con 2003
Take note of Es in corporate logos, since E is the 5th letter of the alphabet it is very often highlighted or drawn differently than the other letters. Intel drops the E, Acer makes the E superthin, Crest and Lee place a sunburst behind the E. EForce has the Illuminati pyramid and Microsoft Internet Explorer uses the “e” icon with Saturn’s ring around it. Also note the blue IntEL inside logo with the ring of Saturn. Other brands who change their E’s include EBay, ETrade, ESPN, Dell, Acer, Esprit, Express, EB, EA Sports/Games, A&E, FedEx, Enconcept Academy and many more.
There are most certainly occultists in high places on Madison Avenue and the advertising industry.
“In Scandinavia, the Great Odin had 12 names personified attributes. The Kabalists esteem the 12 permutations of the Tetragrammaton … In an ordinary pack of Playing Cards there are 12 Court Cards, but in the Tarot Pack there are also 4 Cavaliers. There were 12 recorded Appearances of Jesus after his death; to Mary Magdalene, to the Galician women, to two disciples, to Peter, to ten apostles, to eleven apostles, to seven apostles and others when fishing, to 500 brethren at once, to James the Less, to eleven apostles, to Stephen at his martyrdom, to Paul at his Conversion and to the apostle John.”
William W. Westcott, “Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues”

In the Bible there were 12 tribes of Israel, 12 brothers of Joseph, 12 judges of Israel, 12 great patriarchs, 12 old testament prophets, 12 kings of Israel, 12 princes of Israel, and Jesus’ 12 disciples. Later in the chapter on Astrotheology it will be shown how these 12s relate to the 12 signs of the zodiac, the 12 months of the year, the 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night.
We also have 12 days of Christmas, 12 grades in school, 12 step programs, 12 jurors, 12 notes before the octave, 12 eggs in a dozen, 12 inches in a foot, Majestic12, and 12 years of childhood before the “teens” and the Jewish Barmitsfa at 13.
“A common theme in all mystery school traditions is of 12 disciples, knights or followers surrounding a deity. The number 12 is a code, among other things, for the 12 months of the year and the houses of the zodiac through which symbolically travels the Sun, the ‘god’, symbolized as 13.
This is the ‘sacred 12 and one’ as some people describe it and it is one major reason why the numbers 12 and 13 keep recurring.

Thus you have the 12 tribes of Israel, 12 princes of Ishmael, 12 disciples or followers of Jesus, Buddha, Osiris and Quetzalcoatl. There is also King Arthur and his 12 Knights of the Round Table (the zodiac circle), Himmler and his 12 knights in the Nazi SS, and the woman (Isis, Semiramis) with a crown of 12 stars in the Book of Revelation.
In Scandinavia and that whole northern region you find the Odin mysteries, again inspired by the same Aryan race from the Near East. In this tradition, you find twelve ‘Drottars’ presiding over the mysteries with Odin. The sacred 12 and one again. These stories are not literally true, they are mystery school symbolism. This continues today with these same symbols used by the Brotherhood secret society network in national flags, coats of arms, advertising and company logos.
That Brotherhood creation, the European Union, has a circle of 12 stars as its symbol. We are talking sacred numbers and geometry here. The proportions of Egyptian statues, whether big or small, were multiples or sub multiples of 12 or 6.”
David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” 823

Still mystically related to the 12, is the more arcane 13. 13 is the 12 around 1. There are 12 Jurors and 1 Judge. 13 is the master with 12 disciples. 13 is the experiencer of the 12 signs of the zodiac. There are only 12 months in the Gregorian sun calendar but there are 13 months in the lunar calendar.
13 represents the moon and the female energy, the essence of which has long been silenced by the Illuminati and religious Sun/Son worship. This is why 13 is propagated in popular culture as being an unlucky number. It is meant to be unlucky for you, not for the initiated elites who understand its mystical qualities.
In the Old Testament, the number 13 takes on the connotation of revolution and rebellion.
Genesis 144 reads, “Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and the thirteenth year they rebelled.”
"Hence every occurrence of the number thirteen, and likewise of every multiple of it, stamps that with which it stands in connection with rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration, revolution, or some kindred idea."
E.W. Bullinger, “Number in Scripture” (205).
Alexander the Great ruled for 13 years and bought his horse Bucephalas for 13 gold coins (then he died at 33). During the Salem witch trials of 1692, 13 women were executed. When the colonies were being setup, (New) York Rite Freemasonry had 13 degrees.
The original American flag had 13 stars and 13 stripes for the original 13 colonies. Mason Pierre L’Enfant designed at 13 street pentagram in the middle of Washington D.C. The D.C. Freemason Temple of Understanding is located 13 blocks north of the White House, directly in line with the Washington Monument obelisk.
In 1913 the criminal Federal Reserve was founded; it is composed of 12 regional banks dominated by the New York Federal Reserve Bank. In 1933 they began printing bills with Illuminati pyramids and Bohemian Grove owls on them. Those bills also encode the number 13 repeatedly.
There are 13 stars above the eagles head, 13 steps on the Pyramid, 13 letters in Annuit Coeptis, and 13 letters in Et Pluribus Unim. There are 13 vertical bars on the shield, 13 horizontal stripes at the top of the shield, 13 leaves on the olive branch, 13 fruits, and 13 numbers.
In the Department of Treasury seal on the front, there is a Free Masonic square, like the compass/square on the Masonic seal and if you get a magnifying glass, you’ll see there are 13 holes in the square.
Small wonder Bankruptcy is Chapter 13.

"Since the date, 1776, is placed on the bottom course of the pyramid [on the Great Seal of the U.S.], and since the number 13 has been so important in the history of the United States and in the symbols of the seal, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the 13 courses of the pyramid may represent 13 timeperiods of 13 years each.”
Paul Foster Case, “The Great Seal of the United States”
Since 1776 in Roman numerals is at the base of a 13step pyramid on the dollar bill, one could interpret this as 13 cycles of 13 years (13x13 = 169).
Certain researchers have convincingly shown how every 13 years from July 4th, 1776 to 1945 (169 years later) major steps forward in the Brotherhood “Great Work” have been taken.
In 1776 America and the Illuminati were founded; in 1789 the Illuminati stirred the French Revolution, adopted the US constitution, and Great Seal; in 1802 Washington D.C. was incorporated into the States; and on it goes every 13 years up to 1945 when the New World Order’s United Nations formed, and 33rd president and 33rd degree Freemason Harry Truman ordered atomic genocide and brought the world into “the Nuclear age.”
In fact this 13time, 13year cycle ended on July 4th, 1945 and it was exactly 33 days later on August 6th when B29 bomber Enola Gay, on Mission No. 13, dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima (and another on Nagasaki 3 days later).
In 1948 the Rockefeller Fund funded a new government building at 1313 east Sixtieth Street. In 1962 the “Cuban Missile Crisis” lasted 13 days, and 13 months later, to the day, JFK was assassinated 11/22/63 (11+22 = 33). He was shot in the exact same 3 spots as Mason Hiram Abiff, who, representing the persecution of the Templars on Friday the 13th, 1307, was struck in the back, the throat, and the head.
The Apollo 13 spacecraft took off at 1:13 (13:13 military time) and suffered the explosion two days later on April 13, 1970. Michael Jordan, the most successful sports star in history played 13 seasons and retired jersey #23 on January 13, 1999.
“Do you really think all of this is coincidence? What are the odds? So what are we really looking at? We have President George Bush Jr. who is 13th cousin of Britain's Queen Mother, and of her daughter Queen Elizabeth and is a 13th cousin once removed of the heir to the throne, Prince Charles.
Officially becoming the 43rd President on December 13th of a nation, who had originally 13 colonies, who celebrates its independence day July 4 which is exactly 13 days after Summer Solstice on June 21. In this calculation, June 22 is counted as 'Day 1. Whom some consider this country to be the 13th tribe of Israel.
Bush who rules from the White House which the cornerstone was laid by a Masonic Ritual on Saturday, October 13, 1792, when the Georgetown Lodge No. 9 of Maryland gathered for the ceremony, which is surrounded by 13 approximately straight lines of avenues which [mason] L'Enfant planned for the city which were symbolic of the [13] stripes of the national flag.”
Robert Howard, “George Bush Jr. and the Number 13”
Fritz Springmeier, David Icke and others have documented there are 13 main Illuminati bloodlines.
Fritz Springmeier, in his book “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” lists the 13 leading Illuminati families as: Astor, Bundy, Collings, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell and Van Duyn. Other researchers differ on which 13 families are atop the pyramid. Some say for example the Disney, Oppenheimer, Payseur, Warburg or Windsor families are top 13, but all researchers agree on families like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
Using gematria, each letter of the alphabet encodes a number from 126, A = 1, B = 2 and so on. A word or anagram becomes numerologically significant when it can be mathematically manipulated into sacred numbers.
For instance:
America Online is called AOL, A = 1, O = 15, and L = 12.
These numbers can easily generate and thus resonate sacred 13 through simple means. 1+1512 = 13
CBS (Columbian Broadcasting Systems) – 3, 2, 19 = 3219 = 13
NBC (National Broadcasting Company) – 14, 2, 3 = 1+4x2+3 = 13
CNN (Cable News Network) – 3, 14, 14 = 3+1+4+1+4 = 13
TBN – 20, 2, 14 = 20214 = 13
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) – 3, 9, 1 = 3+9+1 = 13
DHS (Department of Homeland Security) – 4, 8, 19 = 4x819 = 13
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) – 6, 2, 9 = 62+9 =13
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) – 6, 5, 13, 1 = 65+131 = 13
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) – 5, 16, 1 = 5+1+6+1 = 13 MI6 (Military Intelligence 6) – 13, 9, F = 1+3+9 = 13F (Freemasonry?)
WHO (World Health Organization) – 23, 8, 15 = 2x38+15 = 13 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) – 14, 1, 6, 20, 1 = 1x20+6+114 = 13
USA (United States of America) – 21, 19, 1 = 2x1+1+9+1 = 13 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) – 14, 1, 20, 15 = 1412015 = Negative 13
NSA (National Security Agency) – 14, 19, 1 = 1+419+1 = Negative 13
“They’re the ones in the government. They’re the ones behind professional sports. The owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is a Knight of Malta. The owner of the Detroit Lions is a Knight of Malta. All your top owners of these ball clubs, for the most part, are Knights of Malta, getting the people whooped up in this hoopla over games and sports, while they’re busy creating a tyranny.
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/atlantean_conspiracy/atlantean_conspiracy39.htm |
2 a 4 de 4
So, that was one of the things in the Protocols—that they would create ‘amusements’. Another one they used was Walt Disney, 33rddegree Freemason Disneyworld, Disneyland. Another one was Milton Hershey, with Hershey Park. They create all of these amusements and games and pastimes to get the people drunk with pleasure, while they’re busy overthrowing the Protestant form of government.”
Robert Howard, “13 and 33 The Freemason’s Signature”
NFL (National Football League) – 14, 6, 12 = 12+641 = 13
NBA (National Basketball Association) – 14, 2, 1 = 142+1 = 13
NHL (National Hockey League) – 14, 8, 12 = 1x4+81+2 = 13
MLB (Major League Baseball) – 13, 12, 2 = 13x1+22 = 13
PGA (Professional Golfers Association) – 16, 7, 1 = 1x6+7x1 = 13
NASCAR (National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing) – 14, 1, 19, 3, 1, 18 = 14+1+19183x1 = 13
These numerological equivalents may seem forced or too contrived to be consciously created, and it is possible that some of these 13s are coincidental, but highly implausible that they all are. The Brotherhood has shown time and again their obsession with these codes and numbers.
Take 3 or 4 random letters and see if you can reduce them numerologically to 13.

The numbers can only be manipulated a limited number of ways.
“Many movies have the number 13 in the title. 13 Frightened Girls (1963), 13 East Street (1952), 13 Floors (1991), 13 West Street (1962), 13 Fighting Men (1960), 13 Ghosts (1960), 13 Lead Soldiers (1948), 13 Men and a Gun (1938), Apollo 13 (1995). We even have a rating for movies PG13. In case you didn't know it, Hollywood is owned by the masons. Obvious isn't it. John Wayne was a mason. How many of us played cowboys and Indians? No one wanted to be the Indian. Indians got killed we all knew that.
This was Hollywood's way of glorifying the mass murder of a race of people Same way in Germany. The kids played Nazi SS and Jews. Every kid wanted to be a Nazi, never the Jew or Christian. Gene Rodenberry creator of Star Trek series was a mason. Even the name Vulcan was the name of a false Roman god. The communicator is a pyramid. By the way Star Trek was created to get us ready for a fake alien invasion to usher in the New World Order.”
Robert Howard, “13 and 33 The Freemason’s Signature”
M is the 13th letter of the alphabet.
McDonalds (shown repeatedly by Fritz Springmeier and others to be in the service of the Illuminati) uses the M and often underlines it in advertisements making a 13 on its side. Arby’s and Westell also have similar 13s encoded in their logos.
Since M looks like a 3 on its side, Hershey’s M+M’s give us 33, another Illuminati number.
Other potentially relevant double M’s include: Master Mason, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Magic Mushroom, and MaxiM Magazine; possible MKUltra victims Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn Manson, Eminem (Marshall Mathers), and Marky Mark; creations of 33rd degree Mason Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse; Masonic Warner Bros.
Mighty Mouse; and video game characters Mega Man and Mario Mario.
At the Vatican there are 32 archways on each side of the courtyard with a giant obelisk in the middle. The Pope's cassock has 32 buttons and his head represents the 33rd.
The symbol for the Soviet Union has 32 rays emanating from the sun being the 33rd.
On 3/3/03 the UN World Prayer Center called for everyone to pray simultaneously at 3:30pm. The ceiling in the United Nations General Assembly room has a large circular light surrounded by 32 smaller lights. The UN building is 39 (13x3) stories high and sits on land donated by Mason/Illuminist David Rockefeller. The United Nations flag shows the globe divided into 33 sections encircled by olive branches.
The flag also happens to be blue just like the first 3 “blue degrees” of Masonry.

There are 13 degrees of YorkRite Masonry and 33 degrees of ScottishRite.
Our measuring system originated in Masonic France in the 1790s which explains why 13 standard inches is equal to exactly 33 metric centimeters. Ice freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and changes to water at 33 degrees, corresponding precisely with the Masonic degrees of illumination. 33 is the first “degree” solid ice can melt/move freely.
The very idea of measuring heat by degrees is Masonic. So is your diploma (degree), and getting “the third degree” comes from the Masonic third degree ceremony in which the initiate must answer many probing, personal questions.
The eagle, one of the main symbols of ScottishRite Freemasonry, is found on the dollar bill. It has 32 feathers on its right wing symbolizing the 32 formal degrees of ScottishRite Masonry, but he’s looking at his left wing which contains an extra 33rd feather representing the 33rd degree held by many world leaders and historical figures. Head of the Supreme Council of World Freemasonry Albert Pike invented the 33rd degree of Freemasonry in 1832.
He was Chief Judicial Officer and CoFounder of the KKK (K = 11th letter, 11x3 = 33)
“In Hebron he [King David] reigned over Judah seven years and six months [7+6 = 13]: and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years [33] over all Israel and Judah.”
2 Samuel 5:5
There are multiple references to 33 in the bible: 33 days of purification (Leviticus 12:4), 33 sons and daughters of Israel (Genesis 46:15), and 3300 officers of King Solomon (1 Kings 5:16). King David reigned in Jerusalem for 33 years (1 Kings 2:11). The Star of David is two triangles, meaning two 3s – 33. There are exactly 33 titles in the Old Testament for the antichrist and 13 in the New Testament. Most importantly, Jesus was baptized at age 30, began his 3 year ministry, then died and was resurrected at age 33 (Luke 3:23).
Also see (1 Chronicles 3:4, and 1 Chronicles 29:27).
“The sun enters at the 30th degree but is not totally clear until the 33rd degree, as it is of a certain size also. This is why they said in the Bible that the ministry of Christ begins at 30 and finishes at 33. This reference would have been unmistakable to anyone aware of the secrets of astrology. The number is connected to the initiation of the ‘Sun’ of god not ‘Son,’ passing through the zodiac. This is why the Freemasonic lodges also utilize the number.”
–Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
In astrology, the sun officially transitions into a new sign of the zodiac at the 33rd degree (a concept well-known long before Christianity). For more information regarding the astrological origins of the Christian mythos reference the chapter titled “Astrotheology.”
 Dante’s Divine Comedy divided into 3, 33 cantos sections: 33 Cantos of Inferno, 33 Cantos of Purgatorio, and 33 Cantos of Paradiso.
The human foot has 33 muscles. The Indy 500 traditionally starts with 3 rows of 11 (33) race cars. There is a band called 311. The Bank of America logo is 3 sets of 11s making 33. The Queen Mother’s time of death was reported 3:15 (both hands on 3 = 33).
Enron CEO Kenneth Lay bought the entire 33rd floor of his building and lived in condo number 33. The “Windows” logo covertly encodes 33 in the window panes.
The double Bali Indonesia bombings on Oct. 12th, 2002, and Oct. 1st, 2005, were 11 days short of 3 years apart.
“11/11/2004 they offed Yasswer Arafat and pronounced him dead officially at ‘3:30’am. The same day the UN/WHO meets to discuss the 'bird flu' for the first time.
‘3 months and 11 days’ later on 2/22/2005 the CDC starts scaring the American people with more avian flu mutation propaganda, mentioning possible military enforced 'quarantines' coming for the American people. All true. Already happened …
The space shuttle taxis to launch pad #39 on runway #33 in Florida. The elite sacrificed Columbia STS 107 with 1 astronaut from each of the 7 continents over the 33rd parallel on ‘2/1’/03, [33] the 11th year anniversary to the morning of a speech Bush I delivered in front on the UN calling for the "New World Order". Bastards! again and again. …
Janet Reno was appointed on ‘3/11’/1993. 39(13x3) days later they burned everyone alive in the WACO church. ‘3/11’/1985 was also the date of Mikhail 'NWO' Gorbachov's inauguration.”
Eric Rainbolt, “The Cryptocracy Book” (78)
Roosevelt and Hitler came to power in 1933 and both were committed to the establishment of the New World Order. The Masonic Great Seal with the Latin “New World Order” was added to the dollar bill in 1933. Walt Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason and Disneyland has a “Club 33.”
The Magic Kingdom castle was designed after the New Shvanstien castle in Bavaria where the Illuminati was formed. During WWII 33rd degree Winston Churchill gave us the “V for Victory” two finger salute which since the 60s became “Peace.” Before this Masonic sign stood for Victory or Peace, it was a symbol of the 33rd degree.
There are 3 joints to the knuckle on two fingers making 33 then held apart like a V is about 33 degrees. 33rd degree Mason Buzz Aldrin and son of a 33rd degree Mason Neil Armstrong Jr. supposedly performed a Masonic ceremony 33 minutes after arriving on the moon, held the Masonic flag, and took pictures of each other.

On 2/7/03 a Columbia night club blast killed 33.
33rd degree Free Masonic director James Cameron attended the Houston, Texas opening of his film ‘Titanic,’ which began playing at exactly 3:33pm, with 2 other (making 3) 33rd degree Free Masons.
Stanley Kubrick was murdered exactly 666 days before the start of 2001, his Space Odyssey. 2001: Space Odyssey was first shown in 1968, 33 years before 2001.
Rosemary’s Baby was filmed in the Dakota building where John Lennon, who personally knew Polanski, was shot to death. In the movie, the elites (including cameo by Church of Satan founder Anton LeVay) demand her baby for success and fame. One year after, Polanski’s pregnant wife Sharon Tate was murdered by Charles Manson’s followers.
Manson was later seen frantically waving Masonic gestures at his trial.
“John F. Kennedy was killed over currency right next to the 33rd degree latitude line in the 11th month on the 22nd = 2 x 11 right when he entered the pyramid. Where they killed him, with a triangle hit of masonry, they erected an Egyptian obelisk with the eternal flame of masonry on top. Ronald Reagan was shot in the 3rd month on the 30th day 3 + 30 = 33. George Bush Sr. aren't you a 33rd degree mason, and wouldn't you have benefited from Reagan's death? Were not your policies radically different from Reagan's? Didn't you ride his coat tails into office? You would have NEVER have been President if it wasn't for Reagan.”
“Masonic – Occult Numerology” by “Duke”
“Little more than two months after taking office, President Reagan was struck by an assassin's bullet which, but for a quarter of an inch, would have propelled Bush into the Oval Office seven years before his time. Oddly enough, the brother of the would-be assassin, John W. Hinckley, had scheduled dinner with Bush's son Neil the very night Reagan was shot. Hinckley's Texas oilman father and George Bush were longtime friends. It should also be noted that Bush's name—including his then little publicized nickname ‘Poppy’ along with his address and phone number were found in the personal notebook of oil geologist George DeMohrenschildt, the last known close friend of Lee Harvey Oswald.”
Jim Marrs, “Rule by Secrecy” (32)
Jesus was crucified by the Roman government and died for 3 days at age 33. Alexander the Great also died at 33. Pope John Paul I was murdered after being in power for only 33 days.
David Koresh, leader of the Branch Davidians at Waco Texas was killed by the US government at 33 years old near the 33rd parallel.
Oklahoma City bombing suspect Timothy McVeigh was also murdered by the government at 33. There were 33 victims in the suspicious Virginia Tech shootings in April, 2007.
“Significant though it was, the JFK assassination is only one among many calculated murders that have happened along, or close to, the 33rd Parallel. The number of murders of people of high position and key witnesses along the 33rd Parallel is significant.”
Day Williams, “Masons and Mystery at the 33rd Parallel”
Many significant events in modern history have taken place on the 33rd parallel. For example 33rd degree Free Mason and 33rd president of the US Harry Truman entered us into the Nuclear age with the A Bomb test at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site in White Sands, New Mexico. He later authorized two more to be dropped near the 33rd parallel at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
About 3 years later at the 33rd parallel in Roswell, New Mexico was the famous UFO sighting and subsequent AREA51 base. JFK was murdered at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas near the 33rd Parallel on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33). Dealey Plaza is shaped like a pyramid with missing capstone and was also the site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas.
The Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta, Georgia was also on the 33rd parallel.
“In Spiritual Numerology, '33' symbolizes the highest spiritual conscious attainable by the human being."
Elizabeth van Buren, “The Secret of the Illuminati” (1612)
Three very significant 33s relate to the human body and spirituality, and it is likely the esoteric understanding of these 3, 33s that is coveted by Masons of the 33rd degree. First, there are exactly 33 turns in a complete sequence of human DNA.
This biological fact was likely known by the ancients, whom as will later be shown, were far more advanced scientifically/technologically than portrayed in the Rockefeller vertebrae in the human spine.

In ancient Kundalini Yoga, the Kundalini serpent energy is said to rise from the root chakra, coiling up and around the spine until illuminating the crown chakra of spiritual enlightenment.
This may sound like bogus Eastern mysticism until this sacred number 33 shows parallels in the world of Western occult studies. The ancient Hebrew/Kabalistic “Tree of Life” contains 33 permutations of consciousness 22 paths, 10 known/drawn sephiroth, and an 11th hidden sephiroth left undrawn in most renditions.
Just as the Kundalini serpent coils up the 33 vertebrae of the spine, the Tree of Life is often drawn with a serpent coiling up and around, showing the path to take towards Kether, the crown (chakra).
“The Paths represent the successive stages of the unfolding of cosmic realization in human consciousness; in old pictures a serpent is often depicted as twined about the boughs of the Tree. This is the serpent Nechushtan ‘who holdeth his tail in his mouth,’ the symbol of wisdom and initiation. The coils of this serpent, when correctly arranged upon the Tree, cross each of the Paths in succession and seem to indicate the order in which they should be numbered.
With the help of this glyph, then, it is a simple matter to arrange all the tables of symbols in their correct positions upon the Tree, granted that the symbols are given in their correct order in the tables. In certain modern books which rank as authorities upon the subject the correct order is not given, the writers apparently holding that this should not be revealed to the uninitiated.
But as this order is given correctly in certain older books, and, for the matter of that, in the Bible itself and the Qabalistic literature, there seems to me no point in deliberately misleading students with spurious information.”
Dion Fortune, “The Mystical Qabbalah” (256)
"A symbol for the limbic system and the kundalini energy, the lizard, also represents the cyclical movement of energy through the universe and the space/time continuum: birth-death-rebirth ad infinitum."
Aurum Solis
“Many people regard Kundalini as a new age fad. Nothing could be further from the truth. Kundalini can be considered the oldest known science. In previous ages, people raised Kundalini under the guidance of teachers and in controlled circumstances, preserving what they learned as an esoteric knowledge. But we have entered a period of time in which the esoteric becomes exoteric.”
Genevieve Lewis Paulson, “Kundalini and the Chakras” (7)

The serpent wound around the tree that talks with Eve in Genesis references this process of spiritual illumination. The ancient caduceus symbol of Hermes/Mercury/Thoth, now used by the western pharmaceutical industry, also symbolizes this process. Two intertwining snakes (which look exactly like our 33 sequence double helix DNA) climb a straight, vertical pole (which looks like our 33 vertebrae spine) and end at the “circle of light” crown chakra which has sprouted wings.
These are the same “wings” pins worn by the military/police/pilots and given to children on commercial planes.

The origin of this symbology goes back to the ancient Atlantean myth, precursor to the Genesis story.
At the center of Atlas’ garden was the great Tree of Life, just as in the Garden of Eden. This tree produced unique golden apples of immortality, reserved only for the most purified and holy beings. Atlas’ 7 daughters were known as “the Hesperides” and their main duty was tending and defending the Tree of Life.
Assisting them in its protection was a familiar friend coiled around the tree.
“To assist the Hesperides in its protection, a serpent called Ladon entwined about the bough … The Hesperides are sometimes given as seven in number.
As such, they may correspond to the seven major chakras, or metaphysical energy centers that, collectively, comprise the human personality.
So too, the Tree of Life symbolizes the spinal column, along which the chakras are arranged. This interpretation suggests that kundalini yoga originated in Atlantis, from which it spread around the world.
Indeed, the Tree of Life is a theme frequently encountered in many European and Asian traditions of Atlantis and Lemuria, respectively.”
Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (121)
Thus it would seem that the secret of 33, the secret held by 33rd degree Freemasons is one regarding spiritual consciousness, one that dates back to ancient Egypt and Atlantis. The Masonic symbol of a pillar holding up the Earth no doubt relates to this Atlantean mythos, in which Atlas held the world on his shoulders. In the dictionary, one definition of “Atlas” is the anatomical term for the first cervical vertebra which supports the head.
This means the 33rd vertebra from the bottom (as the serpent travels), the very vertebra which supports our heads/minds, is actually called “Atlas.” So the Atlas vertebra holds up the world (our minds).
Atlas has 7 daughters (chakras) who guard the Tree of Life (spinal column) and its golden apples of immortality (???).

This mystery will be further explored in the “Atlantis” chapter.
ABC (American Broadcasting Company)– 1, 2, 3 =1+2 and 3 = 33 (Note: ABC towers in LA are two triangular buildings. Two triangles of 3 sides signifies 33)
PBS (Public Broadcasting System) – 16, 2, 19 = 162+19 = 33
XFL (Extreme Football League) – 24, 6, 12 = 24+6+1+2 = 33
IBM (International Business Machines) – 9, 2, 13 = 9+2[11]1+1+1 and 3 = 33
UK (United Kingdom) – 21, 11 = 2+1[3]x11 = 33
UN (United Nations) – 21, 14 = 2+1[3] and 41[3] = 33
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) – 14, 1, 19, 1 = 141+19+1 = 33
HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) – 8, 1, 1, 18, 16 = 8+11+18+1+6 = 33
Negative forty is the temperature at which the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales correspond; that is, -40°F = -40°C. Just as ice melts at 33 degrees, just as 13 inches equals 33 centimeters, just as 666 divided by 212 Fahrenheit (boiling point of water) is equal to Pi 3.1415, the serendipitous lineup of Fahrenheit and Celsius at 40 perfectly coincides with Masonic/Mystery school numerological knowledge and the Bible.
Their are 120 different variations of the number 40 in the Bible. Isaac and Esau were 40 years old when they took their wives. Noah endured 40 days and 40 nights of flood rains. Moses was with God for 40 days and nights on Mount Sinai receiving the 10 commandments. Then Moses led Israel out of Egypt at age 80 (2x40) and after 40 years of eating manna and wandering in the wilderness he died at age 120 (3x40).
Goliath presented himself to Israel for 40 days. Several Israelite kings and leaders ruled for 40 years such as David, Solomon, Eli and Saul. 12 spies explored the Promised land for 40 days. Jesus fasted, prayed and was tempted by Satan for 40 days in the desert. Modern Christians observe Lent/fasting for 40 days before Easter.
After the crucifixion/resurrection before his ascension into heaven, Jesus spent 40 days with his disciples.
“Adam enters Paradise when he is 40 years old; Eve follows 40 years later; during the Great Flood it rains for 40 days and 40 nights; Seth is carried away by angels when he is 40 and is not seen for 40 days; Moses is 40 when he goes to Midian and he stays for 40 years; Joseph is 40 years old when Jacob arrives in Egypt; Jesus goes into the wilderness for 40 days.
The Bible is the word of God? No.
It is written in the esoteric code of the mystery schools. The Arabian literature was also compiled by and for initiates of the mysteries and here you find the same codes. The Arbaindt (the forties) are stories which all relate to the number 40 and their calendar has 40 rainy and 40 windy days. Their laws constantly refer to 40.”
David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (83)
Rabbi Akiva, the greatest expositor of the Oral Torah, began learning how to read Hebrew when he was 40 years old. A mikvah consists of 40 se'ah (approximately 200 gallons) of water. 40 lashes is one of the punishments given out by the Sanhedrin. In Hinduism, many popular religious prayers consist of forty shlokas or dohas (stanzas).
The most common being the Hanuman Chalisa (chaalis is the Hindi term for 40). In Muslim cultures the dead are usually mourned for forty days. AdDajjal roamed around the Earth in forty days. Khadijah was forty years old when she married Muhammad. Muhammad began to receive the word of God, the Quran, from the angel Gabriel when he was 40 years old, and within 4 years he converted a group of 40 followers. Some Russians believe that ghosts of the dead linger at the site of their death for forty days.
40 is a mystical number signifying some sort of trial/testing/transition period and spiritual growth. However, in the Bible it is always 40 days or 40 years, never 40 weeks. This lends credence to the conjecture that the 7day week is a relatively modern Christian creation, and also points to this glaring void 120 uses of 40 days/years, but never once use 40 weeks!
Could this be because it is exactly 40 weeks (9 months) that a woman carries her developing baby in the womb before birth? Could it be the flood waters of the mother and Noah is the baby protected by an ark? Why was Moses in Egypt, Mises in Syria, Minos is Crete, Manou in India and all the precedents floated on a basket down a river, then later said to “part the Red Sea?”
Why in the Bible are women said to be “unclean” for 40 days after the birth of a boy? Manna (translates “what is it?”) is what Moses ate for 40 years in the desert.
Could the Bible be referring to Momma’s manna in the womb?
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
Revelation 13:1618

One of the most well-known mystical numbers is the biblical 666 mark of the beast. The beast causeth all to receive a mark without which they may not buy or sell. Currently thousands of people in America and Britain have voluntarily embedded VeriChip microchips inside their bodies. These microchips contain their medical, financial, and other records and are satellite traceable anywhere in the world.
At this point being chipped is optional, and we can buy/sell with or without one, but in the near future, the Brotherhood international bankers plan to implement their world cashless society. Just a few years ago people scoffed at such an idea. Now it is commonplace, thousands are being chipped, and laws are gradually being implemented for mandatory chipping of pets, prisoners and Alzheimer’s patients.
Micro chipping or tattooing is actually the final stage in the Beast’s plan. Many other steps toward this financial controlgrid have already been taken and bare the 666 mark.
For example, the scannable barcode found on every corporate product.
"It is interesting to note that the Greek word translated 'mark' is charagma which comes from the Greek word charax, which means 'a palisade, like a picket fence.' When one realizes that this specific word was used back in the first century, and we see today the use of the computerrelated bar code, we find the possibilities becoming more than a reality in our day and age."
Robert Van Kampen, “The Sign” (231)
Thus the Greek root meaning of the “mark” is a palisade, a picket fence, a succession of vertical bars, just like the barcode. Furthermore the beast’s number 666 is encoded into each UPC.
"The interpretation of the Universal Product Code marks is most revealing in that the three numbers '666' are the key working numbers for every designed Universal Product Code. Every group of Universal Product Code marks has in it three unidentified numbers. All three of these numbers are 6, making the use of the numbers '666' the key to using this identifying marking system … There is no deviation. Every Universal Product Code has three unidentified marks whose number equivalent '6' encoding it with the code number '666'."
Bob Fraley, “The Last Days in America” (225, 228)

Each set of lines in the barcode stands for a number 19, so that for instance a skinny line next to a fat line might mean 1, a medium line next to a fat one 2, and so on. The code for 6 is two skinny lines next to one another. Notice every barcode has three sets of thin, parallel lines slightly longer than the others at the beginning, middle and end.
These particular lines register as void because they are barriers, but by being two thin lines, they encode the UPC number 6 thrice. Also notice there are always 13 numbers displayed beneath the barcode.
"What is the mark? Well the mark Brian, is the barcode. The ubitiqous barcode that you'll find on every bog roll, and every packet of johnny's and every poxiepot pie. And every … barcode is divided into two parts by three markers and those three markers are always represented by the number six. Six-six-six.
Now what does it say? No one shall be able to buy or sell without that mark. And now what they're planning to do in order to eradicate all credit card fraud and in order to precipitate a totally cashless society. What they're planning to do; what they've already tested on the American troops; they're going to subcutaneously laser tattoo that mark onto your right hand or onto your forehead."
“Naked”, British movie, 1993
Internal Revenue Code Book code #666 requires everyone to take the social security mark. Thankfully codes aren’t laws. 666 the beast = 3x6 = 18 like our 18digit tracking numbers stored in the 3story B.E.A.S.T super computer in Brussels, Belgium.
In 1974 Dr. Hanrick Eldeman, Chief Analyst of the Common Market Confederacy in Brussels unveiled the Beast.
“Every person in the world has been assigned an 18 digit tracking number, which consists of 3 groups of 6 numbers. The first 3 numbers assigned in the BEAST computer to everyone are 666. The next is one’s national code. The U.S. national code is 110. Then the next 3 numbers are your telephone area code, and then finally your 9 digit Social Security number. The code then is 666 + Nation code + Tel. area code + social security no. = BEAST I.D. no. for an individual.”
Dwight Kinman, “The World’s Last Dictator” (256)
“VISA Card is also interesting, to say the least. If you analyze the letters in VISA, you see three previous world empires represented. ‘VI’ is the number 6 in the Roman numerals, ‘S’ is the Stigma in the Greek culture whose value is 6, and lastly the ‘A’ in the Babylonian culture is 6 ... i.e, VISA = 666!”
Masonic – Occult Numerology by “Duke”
Vicarius Filii Dei is the official title of the pope.

It is Latin meaning “The Representative of the Son of God” and using Roman numerology equals exactly 666. (V=5, I=1, C=100, A=0, R=0, I=1, U[V]=5, S=0) Vicarius = 112, (F=0, I=1, L=50, I=1, I=1) Filii = 53, (D=500, E=0, I=1) Dei = 501, (112+53+501 = 666)
The name “George Bush” in Hebrew gematria equals 666. G = 3 (gimel), e = 5 (heh), o = 70 (ayin), r = 200 (resh), g = 3 (gimel), e = 5 (heh), B = 2 (beth), u = 70 (ayin), s = 300 (shin), h = 8 (cheth) totals 666. Amazingly “George Bush” equals 6 in Pythagorean, Chaldean, and ASCI numerology.
In the numeric computer language “American Standard Code for Information Exchange” (ASCII) values start with A=65 – Z=90. This means that the letter W = 87. Numerologically 87 must be broken to a single digit so 8+7 = 15 and 1+5 = 6. Thus in the American Standard computer language, World Wide Web = WWW = 666.
Every time you type a URL using the QWERTY keyboard, it is your Saturn/Satan ring finger that presses the 666
A huge spider sculpture displayed at Rockefeller center in 2001 is now at the National Gallery of Canada. There is another one at the World Court in Hague, Netherlands. The Bohemian Grove Shakespeare slogan erroneously states that “weaving spiders come not here.” Is all spider/web symbology any indication of the elite perspective?
The Boy Scouts of America motto ends “Everything is AOK” then they do the “OK” sign with their right hand on their forehead. If you look closely, the thumb and index finger make a circle, and the other three fingers reach up like three 6s.
So the OK is 666 and placing it on your forehead is just like in Revelation 13:16 2 divided by 3 equals .666. 666 divided by 212 Fahrenheit, the boiling point of water, is equal to Pi 3.1415. House Resolution 666 is an unconstitutional attack on 2nd and 4th amendment rights under the pseudonym of “crime prevention.”
U.S. Highway 666 leads to Dulce, New Mexico where a huge military underground facility is located. Personnel, soldiers, and civilians have incredible stories to tell about Dulce and the Dulce Wars. The Euro coin of the “Eurapeon Union” has 6 stars with 6 rods then 6 more stars = 666. Officially there are 660 rooms in Windsor Castle.
Those moral pillars of the community wouldn’t be hiding 6 rooms would they?
The Better Business Bureau is bbb which looks like 666 and its symbol is the illuminati torch/flame. BBB = 222 numerologically. The words “truth” and “wisdom” are both found in exactly 222 verses of the King James Bible. The word “Nazarene” is 222 in Greek gematria. The 222nd word of the New Testament is Alexandria. Alexandria in Strong’s concordance of the King James bible is number 222.
Alexandria Egypt is 222 miles round trip to the Great Pyramid.

In Alexandria, Virginia the George Washington National Masonic Memorial building stands 333 feet tall. Washington’s birthday has been moved from Feb. 11th to the 22nd, which is 222. George Washington’s Alexandria Lodge number was 22.
The Washington monument obelisk in Washington D.C. is 555 feet tall above ground with another 111 feet anchoring below (555+111 = 666) The word Christ is used 555 times in the New Testament, the temperature difference of the moon is 555 degrees, and the area of Mars is 55,555,000 square miles.
Pythagorean numerology only goes up to 9 and then starts over at 1 giving 2 or 3 letters per number.

Using Pythagorean numerology, the word “Fox,” like Rupert Murdoch’s FOX News actually encodes 666. So does Rockefeller’s Exxon (eXXOn = 666), the XBox (XbOX = 666), and movies like TripleX and the XMen Trilogy.
When something is XXX like for poison or pornography it is 666. When you write XOXOXO for hugs and kisses it also means 666666.
When every game of TicTacToe is finished, the 3x3 square filled with Xs and Os is actually 666 in every direction.
“Offbrand products are called "Brand X," and of course, there is the U.S. terrorist prison camp, Camp XRay at Guantanamo, Cuba. Today's youth have been called Generation X, and a lot of folks are concerned about a planet, or star, reported to be speeding toward us called Planet X that has occult significance …
He mentioned, too, the interesting use of the letter X in the Rx of drug stores; the use of the four-letter, abbreviated word Xmas to replace Christmas, and the fact that, in Black's Law Dictionary, it says that the sign or mark of X is sometimes made as a substitute for a man's signature on legal documents. And the continued use of the mysterious X abounds.
Children at play can be heard to say, ‘Cross my heart and hope to die.’ In the Greek alphabet, the letter Chi is denoted with the symbol X, and given the numerical designation of 600. The numerologists say that triple X, then, would yield the number 666. Black Muslim leaders obviously see X as a substitute name of great spiritual significance.
Two well-known Black Muslim leaders have been named Malcolm X and Louis X, names they chose for themselves. The latter, who was born Louis Eugene Wolcott in 1933 in New York City, changed his name to Louis X after his conversion to Islam by Black Muslim leader Elijah Muhammed. Today, he is known as Louis Farrakhan. It is well-known that Farrakhan is a 33° Prince Hall Mason.”
Texe Marrs, “Codex Magica” (2056)
Generation X plays their XBox game called XMen about people mutating due to XRay radiation. Meanwhile Fox’s XFiles, Sitchin’s Planet X, and Project Camelot’s “Mr. X” are telling us the aliens are coming. BrandX is generic and expendable. An Exhusband or wife has been crossed(Xed)out. There was no Generation W or Y, why are we Generation X? X marks the spot.
Could we be marked for something?
“The sign, or letter, X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the occult. The Illuminati elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events. The mysterious letter X seems to take on a wide and varied life of its own, with or without the secret aid of the elite sponsorship”
Texe Marrs, “Codex Magica” (205)
The meanings of 666 are many and varied. 6x6 = 36, and when added together, every number from 136 (1+2+3+ … 36) = 666. Creation was in 6 days. Man and the serpent were created on day 6. Man labors 6 days only, and has 6 names in the Bible: Adah, Ish, Enosh, Gehver, Anthropos, and Anar. 6x6x600 = 21,600 which is the number of nautical miles around the Earth.
Plato said in Kritias that 6 was a sacred number in Atlantis and represented the female intuitive/receptive moon power. The triplicate of any number in numerology is the highest intensification, so 666 means strongest female/moon energy. If Jesus Christ is the Sun/Son 555, then their Antichrist would be the Moon/Daughter 666. Also 6x6x60 = 2160, the precise number of years to pass through one sign of the zodiacal procession of the equinoxes.
This 25,920year, 360degree cycle, Plato’s “Great Year” is the long backwards wobble Earth takes through the signs of the zodiac. We move 1 degree every 72 years, so each sign of 30 degrees takes 2160 years to pass through. This knowledge well understood by the ancients is all contained in the Bible, but has been covered up and kept hidden over time by the priests and papacy.
The later chapter “Astrotheology” will explain how Pagan “Sun” worship has been propagated as Christian “Son” worship.
The numbers 7, 77, and 777 are considered lucky by both the Brotherhood and the general public. Triple Lucky 7’s, are used in slot machines for their mystical quality. 711 the convenience store encodes 7x11 = 77. The G7 summit (G = 7th letter) is numerologically 77. K&G Clothing stores as well (KG = 11x7 = 77). American Eagle is circa 1977 and includes the 77 on many clothes. Apollo 11 launched in the 7th month making 77. XBox has World Soccer 7 and the Winning 11.
The Pentagon is located on the 77th degree longitude and was supposedly hit by Flight 77 on 9/11.
Flight 175 (1+7+5 = 13) struck the South Tower at the 77th floor. .
“Hear my voice: ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.”
Genesis, 4:234

Here we have the biblical root of this sacred number. The biblical Lamech was a descendant of Cain, father of TubalCain, ancestor of Hiram Abiff, the first murderer, and an important Masonic hero.
Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah,
“If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.”
This resonates 7, 11, and 77 because Lamech’s revenge of 77 is 11 times Cain’s 7.
US Highway 77 is the site of many interesting happenstances that mark the “revenge of Lamech” theme as well. JFK was assassinated in Dallas near Highway 77. The Masonic Grand Lodge of Oklahoma in Guthrie is along US 77. Timothy McVeigh rented a Ryder truck on 77 and was taken to a country jail along 77 after his arrest. Both the Waco massacre and Oklahoma City bombing were on Highway 77.
Not only that, they both occurred the same day: April 19th, 1993 for Waco, April 19th, 1995 for Oklahoma City, then on April 19th, 2004 was the Chicago Sears tower bombing attempt. Exactly 444 days after Sears Tower, on 7/7/2005 (2+5 = 7 which makes 777) were the London underground bombings.
777 + 444 = 11:11, a very well-known mystical number, which like 7 and 77 is associated with the revenge of Lamech.
On 7/11/06 in Mumbai, India supposed “terrorist” train bombs killed 209 (2+9 = 11) commuters, using 7 bombs spaced exactly 11 minutes apart (77) from first to last blast.
On 7/11/07 the CIA published a “National Intelligence Estimate” predicting another imminent AlQaeda attack on America.
“Aleister Crowley believed Pan to be the Wizard of Oz, and attributed to him the number 77. The Z within the circle literally ‘spells’ out Oz, and the letter Z itself is made up of two 7s, one right side up and the other upside down (just look at the old Zellers logo).”
Jake Kotze, “The Brave New World Order”
So Oz resonates 77 due to “Z” being made of two 7s. There is the Wizard of Oz and Return to Oz movies, Oz Magazine, Oprah’s “Dr. Oz,” and the Oz HBO show. The abbreviation for ounces is Oz even though there is no “Z” in the word, so Oz (77) lines the grocery store shelves and products.
Zellers uses the Z inside an O logo and even spells out the “77” clearly.

ON is the Egyptian Sun God and word for light.
Dr. NO was the first 007 movie starring 33rd degree Mason Sean Connery who also starred in Zardoz (as in the WiZard of OZ). Boeing made a 707 plane and still continues the 7x7 line of planes today. When you sleep and “get some Z’s” you’re also getting some 77s. The word Zoo, meaning a place where animals are caged and observed, interestingly resonates 77.
Also the word Zodiac encodes not only Oz (77) but a much deeper numerological secret. If you change the letter order of Zodiac to Cadoiz, an interesting numerological “coincidence” is revealed: C=3, A=1, D=4, O=15, I=9, Z=26. 3.1415926 The first 8 digits of Pi are encoded in Zodiac.
Another more occult interpretation of 77 is 7x7 = 49. Many Buddhists believe, as written in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, that the soul takes 49 days between death and rebirth in the reincarnation process. Friends or family are supposed to read the Book of the Dead to the recently deceased for 49 days. Amazingly, it is also 49 days from conception when an embryo undergoes major changes to become a fetus. At 49 days, two very important things happen: (1) the newly formed pineal gland produces a giant spurt of DMT and (2) the gender of the baby is decided.
Could this be the moment of reincarnation?
Rene Descartes and many others believed the pineal gland, the eye in the pyramid, to be the seat of the soul, where the immaterial soul interacts with the material body. The pineal gland is the only asymmetrical organ in our heads, lying at the perfect geometric center of the brain. Every night our pineal glands produce small amounts of DMT tripping us out into various dream-states (getting some Zs).
The only other times this entheogen is naturally released is at the moment of death and the moment of Tibetan Buddhist rebirth, 49 days later. There is a movie called Ladder 49 and a band Br549.
Bob Dylan, a suspected Mason, sang a song called “Days of 49” with lyrics like,
“how oft’times I repine (like the “pine”al gland and “re”incarnation) for the days of old when we dug up gold in the days of 49.”
Dylan was also featured in “Oz” Magazine and sang “7 Curses,” “7 Days,” and “Death is Not the End.”
The Masonic Rolling “Stones” wrote “Highway 49” singing, “Out on the Highway 49 I have walked till I am dead” again resonating this theme. The band “Stiff Little Fingers” wrote a song called “Gate 49” singing, “I find that doorway in my mind when I want to be with you I just walk through gate 49.”
Their only other song with a number is “Johnny 7.”
The “77s” sing a song called “Sevens” beginning, “Did you know my eyes were blue? The day we met my heart was too.
Now you say the color’s changed. You’re staring down a darker shade.” Their only other songs with colors are all the same: Blue Sky, Dave’s Blues, Perfect Blues, and Wild Blue. Do you see pattern developing? Blank 77 sings Spirit of ’77. Other bands include Attaque 77, Linea 77, Breed 77, Kolapso 77, Charta 77, Resistance 77.
Nada Surf sings “Blizzard of ‘77” with lyrics about “tripping in 711” as in a DMT trip, perhaps?
Ozzy Osbourne sang the album “Blizzard of Ozz” and changed the S in Osbourne to a Z like Ozbourne. Hence we can say that “Os” also resonates the “Oz/77” theme as well.
This is affirmed in the TV series “LOST” which has an episode named “Enter 77” and Ozresonant “The Man Behind the Curtain” about a man (Ben) who claims he arrived on the island via hot air balloon, just like the Wizard of Oz. There were 48 survivors of the crash plus Claire’s baby or the French woman makes 49. Also in the Episode “Numbers” we see the countdown just as it hits 49.
When the show starts the word “Lost” floats toward the viewer cutting off the L and T leaving just the OS. “Lost” is full of occult numerology, symbology, and myths worthy of its own chapter.
J.J. Abrams, the writer of Lost is now writing the movie Star Trek “Lost” Frontier.
In Disney’s “Shark Tale” Will Smith voices the main character “OScar.” At the start of the movie, Oscar wears a hat with a big “O” right over his third-eye chakra, and for most of the movie Oscar has a black eye which is blue. Throughout the whole movie Oscar symbolically doubles as a third eye to De Niro’s shark character as hinted at by the poster.

Similarly, in “Return to Oz” Dorothy wears a headband with a Z inside an O right over her third eye point once again showing this occult secret. Actually this is only kept secret from westerners, Hindu women wearing Bindi’s on their forehead’s are well aware of their spiritual significance in relation to the third eye.
The actress Robin Tunney is used repeatedly by the Masons in Hollywood to resonate this OZ theme. Three times in her movie career she has played characters named “Zoe” which is of course, OZ backwards. In the movie “Cherish” Tunney plays a character named Zoe and the movie poster has a series of O’s rippling out from her foot.
In the poster for the movie “Zodiac” notice how the line goes through the O and right up to Robin Tunnney’s name.

She is also in the HBOOZresonating “Prison Break” series.
OSmium is the 76th element. If you want to take these synchronicities to the limit, then it’s quite interesting to note that Lee Harvey OSwald was killed by CIA agent Jack Ruby, like Ruby Slippers from OZ. The precursor to the CIA was called the OSS and Marylin Manson (MM) sings the song (KK) KingKill 33 all about Lee Harvey OSwald.
How deep does the rabbit hole go?
“The famous Christian hero, St Bernard, defined God as ‘length, width, height and depth’ because he understood the effect of geometry and numbers on the energy fields. Pythagoras also stated that: ‘number is all’. The power of pattern, numbers, geometry and proportion, are some of the ‘great mysteries’ that have been denied the mass of the people.”
David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (110)
The Pentagon’s groundbreaking ceremony was on Sept. 11th, 1941, exactly 60 years to the day Flight 77 crashed into it. The Pentagon was designed by OTO priest Jack Parsons, who was friends with fellow OTO head Aleister Crowley. Crowley attributed, Pan the goat deity, with the number 77.
So Pan the goat (the allcreator/alldestroyer) is 77.
Bush Jr. just happened to be at an elementary school photo-op reading a book called “My Pet Goat” while the second plane hit the 77th floor of the South tower and Flight 77 hit the Pentagon at 77 degrees longitude.
Overlooking all this stood the Freemasonic Statue of Liberty on an 11pointed star pedestal wearing a 7pointed crown (7x11 = 77).
If all that isn’t eerie enough, a similar numerological “coincidence” occurred during the TWA Flight 800 disaster:
“July 17, 1996. TWA 800 took off from JFK Airport on Wednesday evening, July 17, 1996, and exploded a few minutes later over the Atlantic Ocean, near Long Island. Swiss Air 111 took off from the same airport on Wednesday evening, 9/2 (9+2=11) 1998, and went down in flames into the Atlantic Ocean off the province of Nova Scotia, Canada.
The number of weeks between these two accidents is exactly 111, the same as the Swiss Air flight number. This is a very clear hoof print of the Clandestine Luciferian Masons (CLuMs) who had sabotaged both airliners. TWA 800 and Swiss Air 111: the time between them is 111 weeks, or 777 days. The number 777 contains the mark of the revenge of Cain (7) and the mark of the revenge of Lamech (77).”
Robert Howard, “Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within our own Government”
Both satellite surveillance and hundreds of eyewitnesses along the Long Island coastline (whom the FBI never interviewed) clearly saw TWA Flight 800 shot by a missile fired from a small boat which then sped away.
“The divine legacy of ‘7’ is also found in the otherwise unexplained origin of the seven days of the week. Most of us take the 7day week for granted and assume it is a natural cycle. In actual fact, it is not a fixed cycle at all, and scientists have struggled for years to explain why this tradition should have originated. Theologians would claim that the answer lies in the Biblical seven days of creation, but the origin of the Biblical ‘days’ is almost certainly the seven tablets on which the Enuma Elish was written.
This is evident from the contrast between the first six Babylonian tablets describing Marduk’s acts of creation and the seventh tablet which is dedicated to a general exaltation of the god (and thus a parallel to the Biblical seventh day when God rested) ... But what is the ultimate origin of the sacred number ‘7’? Why did the Babylonians write their creation epic on seven tablets?
Whilst the seven stars of the Pleiades may ultimately be significant, Zecharia Sitchin has put forward a very interesting alternative theory, based on a literal acceptance of the ancient texts. Having already identified the association of twelve gods with twelve planets, he was intrigued by continual references to the god Enlil, known as the Chief God of the Earth, but also somewhat cryptically as ‘Lord of 7’.
This gave Sitchin the idea that Earth was somehow the seventh planet, and he quickly realized that Earth was indeed the seventh planet encountered by the gods as they traveled from Nibiru into the heart of the Solar System.”
Alan F. Alford, “Gods of the New Millennium – The Shattering Truth of Human Origins” 81
Earth was the 7th planet in the Sumerian rendering as their alien progenitors allegedly came from another system and counted Pluto as the first planet instead of Mercury.
There are 7 days in a week, 7 days in the JudeoChristian creation myth, and 7 Enuma Elish tablets describing Babylonian creation. There is 7Up, Seagrams 7, The 7 spheres, 7th heaven, 7 hathors, 7 chakras, the 7 seals, and 7 daughters of Atlas who guard the golden apples of immortality. Brad Pitt (Brad = 2+18+1+4 = 25, 2+5 = 7, Pitt = 16+9+2+0+2+0 = 29, 2+9 = 11) starred in the movies Se7en, 7 Years in Tibet, and Oceans 11.
(Note: he also starred in Less than Zero, 12 monkeys, Oceans 12 & 13, which makes a total of 7 numerologically significant movies to date).
“The numbers 7 and 40 are also code numbers in the Bible and the mysteries. So in the Bible we have seven spirits of God, the seven churches of Asia, seven golden candlesticks, seven stars, seven lamps of fire, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven angels, seven thunders and the red dragon in Revelation with seven heads and seven crowns. The story of Jericho has Joshua marching his army around the city for seven days, accompanied by seven priests carrying seven trumpets.
On the seventh day they circled Jericho seven times and the walls came tumbling down. In the story of Noah, seven pairs of each animal go into the ark and seven pairs of each type of bird. There are seven days between the prediction of the deluge and the rain and seven days between the sending of the doves. The ark comes to rest on the 17th day of the seventh month, Noah leaves the ark on the 27th day, and after the flood he begins his seventh century.”
David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (83)
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