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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 10/12/2011 07:50
With Some of my Personal Corrections Made to the Info

Posted by: yinonyavo Jul 21 2008, 03:25 PM
Quite by "accident", I came across some History on Halloween that was at one time more well known. While doing some research on the Star of David, I ran across some talmudic references to the Pleiades and the Flood of Noah. When I looked further for other sources about this, I found that there is more ancient legend about this connection and the "missing" star of the Pleiades, than all other myths or legends of all the other constellations combined. Evidently, historians would agree that some kind of change occured in the Pleiades at the time of a worldwide catycismal event, for accounts of it are found in every culture, from native American to native Australian. The time of the flood is given in scripture as the 17th of the second month, which, in our calender year falls around the end of Oct/1st of Nov. ....The occurance of somekind of festival of the dead, or recognition of the Pleiades at this time of year, also goes back into ancient history, again, in nearly every culture.... thus the probable original source of Halloween. More reason that this is odd, is the extremely small size and dimness of this little cluster of stars, which is actually part of the constellation of Taurus the Bull, or "reem" as it is called in Hebrew. In several versions of the talmud, the Pleiades is additionally believed to be a possible location of God's sign in the future of the end times judgment.
n the course of this research I found that the geographic position of six of the seven churches of Rev. are nearly identical with the six visible stars of the Pleiades. ...and they are located on the "shoulder" of the Taurus mountains of Turkey in the same position as they appear in the constellation of Taurus. The connection has also been made betweeen the two because of the ref. in Amos 5 of the Pleiades (Kimah) as the seven stars, and the seven stars in Rev. as the messengers of the seven churches.
The Jewish sages, in some accounts believe that the change will be in the form of a Star of David. They are also the only ones who speak of the change associated with the flood as being TWO missing stars rather than one, as all the others. This is also interesting, in that now under a powerful telescope the very faint star named Estrope, which is generally not visible except under perfect conditions, is found to be a double star.
Anyone else ever found references to any of this? It was new to me, but evidently was well known at one time.
Here are some excerpts from an article on this subject, which was originally posted on a site called "Jewish voice" :
In recent centuries, Egyptologists have concluded that the pyramids may be much older than we have first suspected and MAY HAVE BEEN EXISTENT AT THE TIME OF THE FLOOD OF NOACH. Here is where it gets interesting because the Constellation KIMAH is associated directly with the Flood of Noach in Talmudic and Midrashic literature! So we can begin to see why God quizzed Job with questions about the KIMAH and Orion contextually related to a "flood of waters" in verse 34: Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters may cover you?
The Torah sages wrote that God "took two stars away from KIMAH and brought the flood!"
This is alluded to in at least four places in Talmud Rosh HaShana, 11b and Talmud Baba M'tzia, 106b. It is also found in two other rabbinic writings: Ta'anith I bottom of 64a; and B'midbar Rabbah 10. The word KIMAH itself is found in more than a dozen places in the Jerusalem Talmud, 10 places in the Babylonian Talmud, 16 places in Rashis commentary to the Babylonian Talmud and 16 places in the Tosefta to the Babylonian Talmud. Every Orthodox rabbi and most non-Orthodox rabbis should be well familiar with this constellation and its relationship to the flood of Noah.
Here are a few of the most specific references:
Talmud Rosh Hashana 11b: It has been taught: In the sixth hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month. R. Joshua said: That day was the seventeenth day of Iyar, when the constellation of KIMAH sets at daybreak and the fountains begin to dry up, and because they [mankind] perverted their ways, the Holy One, blessed be He, changed for them the work of creation and made the constellation of KIMAH rise at daybreak and took two stars from the KIMAH and brought a flood on the world. R. Eliezer said: That day was the seventeenth of Heshvan, a day on which the constellation of KIMAH rises at daybreak, and [the season] when the fountains begin to fill. FOOTNOTE TO THE TALMUD: There seems to be some confusion in the text here. To make it astronomically correct we should read (with the Seder Olam) in the dictum of R. Joshua, When KIMAH rises at daybreak, and in the dictum of R. Eliezer, sets at daybreak.
In the month of Adar, corresponding to mid-February to March, the KIMAH appears to be overhead at the time the peasant finishes his work, viz., about four in the afternoon. Thus R. Papa states that seed time is governed by Adar (and KIMAH).
Elsewhere in Talmudic literature, knowledge is compared to the KIMAH, which causes the ripening of fruits and gives them taste. Since taste is a function of smell (try holding your nose when something tastes bad ... it works for my son) and the attribute by which the Talmud states the Torah devout will recognize the Messiah is by his smell; there is an ancient opinion that when the time of the Messiah nears, the people will look for a sign in the constellation KIMAH. Bre**** Rabbah 10.
Contextually the constellation may be related to the exiled House of Joseph, because it is alternatively called, Taurus or the constellation of the ox or bull. This is alluded to in B're**** (Genesis) 49:5-6 (where the rabbinim interpret the "ox" who is maimed by Simeon and Levi as Joseph); and again in the blessing of Moses on the House of "Joseph-JUDAH", found in D'varim (Deutoronomy) 33:13-17, where "Joseph-JUDAH" is called by Moses, "the firstling of Hashem's "YAHWEH" bullock," who has the horns of the "re'eym." (verse 17). The constellation itself with its box-like head and two horns, reminds one of the head of a bullock. Deuteronomy 33:17 goes on to state that with the horns of the re'eym, HASHEM "YAHWEH" will "gore" nations together to the ends of the Land. And these nations are the myriads of Ephraim and the thousands of Manasseh -- the House of "Joseph-JUDAH". Moses Ben-Maimon also known as Maimomides and the Rambam, states of this verse: "the two horns represent the two branches of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh JUDAH'S BROTHERS."
In Psalm 22:22, Hashem "YAHWEH" answers "from the horns of the Re'eym." The next verse, verse 23 states: "I will proclaim Your Name to my brethren." The Jewish sage Radak wrote that this meant when HASHEM raised the horn of the re'eym, that those who knew Hashem should tell what they know to their brothers, "the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel who had been exiled to Chalach and Chabur."
The Talmud, Tosefta and other rabbinic writings present this record of the KIMAH as the only constellation which has undergone any observable change since Creation. Consequently, if there were to be a sign in the Heavens that would be accepted by the rabbinim or leaders of Judah today, especially as it pertains to validating the Return of the House of "Joseph-JUDAH", it might be an occurrence in KIMAH that would rectify the change recorded in the earlier rabbinic writings and alluded to in Scripture
The second mention of the KIMAH in Scripture is found in Amos 5:8.
Oseh KIMAH uchsil ve hofeych laboker tzalmavet veyom lailah hechshich Literally, "He who made the KIMAH and CHESIL (Orion) and turns darkness into morning and day He darkens as night."
This alludes to the fact that the KIMAH traverses the pre-dawn sky "turning darkness into morning" ON THE SAME PLANE AS THE SUN, whose course through the sky turns day into night.
Rabbinic exegesis of 5:8 "turning day to night and night to day," contains a profound spiritual truth. understanding will be turned upside down. Those who think they understand will be shown that they do not. And those whose understanding has been questioned or put down by the former will be exalted. More understanding will be added to them. But we can't lose sight of the fact that this reversal of understanding literally relates to a change in the heavens in the context of the Return of the House of Joseph. The natural conclusion to draw is that the change in KIMAH indicates a sign in the heavens that may SIGNAL the Return or some related event.
And then there is the mystery which has puzzled humanity as long as mankind has gazed at the stars above. The mystery is why the KIMAH is called the Constellation of Seven Sisters, when only six stars are visible with the naked eye? Is it possible that one of the stars was a doubled star? Or, was it possible that before the flood, the constellation's six stars formed a seventh, the Cocav David or Star of David? If this Cocav David will again appear in the pre-dawn sky, what does it mean?
The context in which Hashem "YAHWEH" has couched this "mystery of the Seven Sisters") is a lamentation over the House of Israel.
Only such a heavenly sign may convince the House of Judah to recognize that Hashems "YAHWEH" plan to restore Tzion (Zion) includes the non-Jewish House of "Joseph-JUDAH"
This may be conjecture, but let us propose that the secret of the Seventh Sister IS the rising again of the degel Tzion (a banner) to regather, recall and return the House of Israel. The modern Israeli flag, under which the Jewish population in the modern Jewish state has thus far reunited is such a banner. But the rabbinim are looking for such IN THE HEAVENLIES, as indicated by the Rambam, Radak and other sages quoted above..
Earlier we mentioned that the KIMAH in Talmudic literature "causes the ripening of fruit." Ephraim in Hebrew means "double-fruitful." The blessings of fruitfulness associated with "Joseph-JUDAH" also are evident in Genesis 49 and again in Deuteronomy 33. But in Genesis 48:19, Ephraim is also called the "melo ha-goyim." This term is translated "multitude of nations" but its literal meaning is "the fullness of the goyim or Gentiles." The return of the Gentiles" the "return or rescue" (Gr.. sothesetai) to of ALL of (the House of) Israel-JACOB-YISRAEL. "YAWEH'S" KINGDOM on Earth. or the return of the Hebrews to the house if house of "Yisrael". THE HOUSE OF KING DAVIDS THRONG in yerushalayim- jerusalem "THE CITY OF DAVID"
ASTRAPE - Strongs 796 = Lightning or bright shining (Strongs), = the gleam of a lamp (Thayers) = a flash such as lightning (Liddell & Scott), illumination of the sky accompanying cosmic phenomenon; also a derivative form ASTRO pertains to any star or constellation (Bauer, Arndt, Gingrich)
PAROUSIA - Strongs 3952 presence, arrival, advent. (Thayers)
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the the messiah "KING DOVID "DAVID" be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the MESSIAH KING DAVID. The analogy to the sign of the coming of the MESSIAH KING DAVID and the flood of Noach is again striking, especially because the change in the constellation Kimah is tied to the flood and by implication, this eschatological sign.

Talmudic References To The Pleiades And The Flood Of Hoah My ...

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 13 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/12/2011 08:40

RABBI ARTHUR SEGAL:IYAR 27:NOAH LEFT ARK:rainbow:Methuselah:Tubal-cain:Lamech:Og

RABBI ARTHUR SEGAL:IYAR 27:NOAH LEFT ARK:rainbow:Methuselah:Tubal-cain:Lamech:Og
The Timeline in Parasha Noach:
 Developing Ritual to Save the Earth and All Life
Rabbi Dr. Arthur Segal
I have had many many rabbinic teachers in my life. Certainly there are countless many in my past 13 year journey with ten of those years leading to Semikha-ordination.  I would like to dedicate this exegesis to my teacher in my post-Semikha study and in fellowship, Rabbi Arthur Waskow, of the Shalom Center in Philadelphia, and one of the pathfinders in the Jewish Renewal movement. It is his writing on this topic and his study with me less than a week ago, which prompted my writing of this. 
When we read the story of  Noah, which begins at the end of the first parasha of the Torah {Beresheit} and continues and ends in the second parasha (Noach), many of us gloss over the specific timeline that is given to us. We can all quote and sing along to Gospel or folk songs with the words 'forty days and forty nights,' but how many of us truly paid attention to the specific time references?
The Torah, we are taught, never uses even a letter without assigning it some lesson to teach us. 'Shiv'im Panim laTorah':  "There are seventy faces to the Torah: Turn it around and around, for everything is in it." (Midrash Bamidbar Rabba 13:15). Yet here are specific dates, very specific.   We do not find dates again until Exodus, telling us of the times of the feast of Matzah and of the Passover. (Ex. 12:1-19).
Genesis does not tell us when Abraham was born, or even when the first brit milah was held. But we will see such a specific time line for the time in the Ark that it appears like the itinerary from a voyage on a cruise ship, with every port and event listed.
Along with this timeline are valuable lessons that tend to be overlooked.
It is very easy for us as self- proclaimed modern Jews to be dismissive of the Noah story as parable, waxing wise and saying it is a Hebraic rewriting of the Gilgamesh fable, stating that most cultures have a flood tale, and that paleontology proves it to be a story we can skip over as a Bubbie meiser  (Yiddish grandmother's story). In fact it is our modernity, and post-modernity, that makes the Story of Noah, most important for us today.
Allow to me to comment on something about the tasks of Rabbis. Talmudic Judaism never imagined a time when Judaism would become big business, as they abhorred the corruption in Ezra's Temple, and the money oriented priesthood. Rabbis were to do three things according to our Talmud Bavli Tractate Pirkei Avot 1:1: 'They [the Men of the Great Assembly] would always say these three things: Be cautious in judgement. Establish many talmidim. And make a safety fence around the Torah.' This lets us know clearly the role of rabbis. We can judge and make decisions for the good of the community. We are supposed to teach, indeed make more rabbis. And we are to take the written law, aka Torah, and make laws that protect it, as well as to keep us from breaking the laws.
Our Talmudic rabbis could never imagine a time when Rabbis were acting as CEOs of mega synagogues, as fund raisers of millions of dollars, umpires, or actually having to behave as a Maitre D' at a Jewish eating society.
Just as individual Jews have an obligation 'not to stand idly by when a neighbor's blood is spilled', ( Lev.19:16), Rabbis have an obligation to respond to challenges of their times. We can depend on our traditions, but not depend solely on them. We can use our texts to reshape , renew, and reconstruct Judaism when either our people, or society in general , calls upon us to do so.
In fact we are granted this permission in the Talmud: Rabbi Jannai  taught: "If the Torah had been given in immutable formulations, it could not have endured. Thus Moses pleaded  with the Lord: 'Master of the Universe, reveal unto me the final truth in each problem of doctrine and law,' To which the Lord replied: "There are no pre-existent final truths in doctrine or law; the truth is the considered judgement of the majority of authoritative interpreters in each generation.' [Talmud Yerushalmi Tractate Sanhedrin 4:2.]
I will leave discussion as how one determines a majority, and who are 'authoritative interpreters', to another day. Judaism has no finality in doctrine and new doctrine (literally teachings), are needed when in comes to humankind standing on an abyss of the Earth's destruction of life, this time not by a Flood of ha Shem, but by our own selfish will.
Let us look at the Noah story and make it our own for our generation. Let us concentrate on the timeline.
Noah was 500 years old when he had his three sons. (Gen: 5:32). Mankind did 'great wickedness' and every thought mankind had, was ' always evil. ' (Gen: 6:5). The Talmud and Midrash go into detail of their horrid behaviors, and I cover this in Rabbi Arthur Segal: RABBI ARTHUR SEGAL:GENESIS 6:9-11:32:PARASHA NOACH:Rainbows All Over Your Blues
As we move into Parasha Noach we see a very interesting word to describe mankind's actions: Hamas. [Gen. 6:11]. It is some times translated as robbery, but God is not going to destroy the world because of theft. If He did, the wall that Wall Street is named for could not hold back the floods that would be sent today. Humans  behaved unnaturally. I am not just referring to the type of 'unnatural acts' that our modern prophet Lenny Bruce, speaking as a the  Lone Ranger, in his 'Thank you Mask (sic) Man,' when he asks to 'have' 'Tanta (sic) the Indian' and his horse.
 Noah's neighbors were out of synchrony with the Earth. They mixed animal species , they mixed vegetation species, they had incest that would make the Manson 'family' look tame. They objectified women in the most cruelest of  ways. And they did rob each other.  They ignored the seasons. They ignored the Earth and ecology. They consumed and gobbled from each other, all life, and the Earth itself.  Please read the above D'var on Noach for the gory details. So Hamas is truly extreme  terror. Humans made a Hell on Earth as well as a Hell of Earth. 
And God says in Gen. 6:7 He will 'blot out man,' whom He "reconsiders..having made.' And God only made Humankind one Parasha ago. My Duracel  battery lasts longer.
Our time line begins in Gen. 7:4. God gives humans a reprieve of seven days. In fact the Talmud says the Ark took 120 years to build. [Talmud Bavli Tractate Sanhedrin 57a].  During this 120 years, humankind had a chance to ask Noah, "Wassup?' And Noah would have the chance of changing someone from their Hamas ways. But no one asked and Noah didn't go out of his way to teach either. [Midrash Genesis Rabbah]. However, Tractate Pirkei d' Rabbi Eliezer chapter 23 says Noah and his grandfather Methuselah did go out and preach to the masses, who ignored them.
Rashi says these seven days were for Noah to observe shiva  for Methuselah who just died. The Midrash says all the animals observed shiva  also.  But we can see how these seven days could have been a teach-in for mankind with God as the Rabbi. God plays the story of Genesis creation in reverse. The Talmud Bavli Tractate Sanhedrin 108b says He starts with the seventh day of rest, then the 6th day of Mankind's and land animals' creation,  working  back to Day One when the earth was 'astonishing empty' and only God 'hovered on the surface of the waters.' And it was dark. There was no time. There was no day, and no night. (Gen. 1: 1-5). During these 7 days, God actually had the sun set in the East and rise in the West, to have time reverse. And Humankind scoffed.
(There is a Midrash that says the sun and moon set and rose backwards during Abraham's time, but he prayed all night, and God set them back correctly. Midrash Genesis Rabbah 42:8)
The Midrash also says that during this 7 day shiva for Methuselah, God sat shiva for all of the creatures He would be killing. (Midrash Genesis Rabbah 32:7).
The time line continues. Noah is 600 years old. His sons are circa 100 years old. And in this year, in the second month, on the 17th day, water came from below and from above. (Gen.  7:11). And it rained forty days and forty nights.  (Gen. 7:12), and then the flood increased. It tossed the Ark and the flood was not a cruise joy ride. The Torah uses words to show that it was terror in the Ark during the flood. The Torah has words like 'increased', 'raised', 'lifted', 'strengthened', 'increased greatly', 'strengthened very much' etc. And the Ark drifted. (Gen. 7:17-19). In fact it was tossed about like a child's toy boat in a bath tub.
And why water? A Midrash teaches that because there was so much animal to animal  sex (of different species), and human to animal sex, part of humankind's Hamas was an earth filled with the misuse of the fluid of life, semen. Measure for measure, God used water as punishment to wash this disgust away.
Before we continue we must decide what is the second month. The rabbis debate this. Is it the Autumn month that we call Cheshvan? The rabbis say that Adam and Eve were born on the first day of Tishrei. The rabbis call One Tishrei , Rosh ha Shana.  But it is not a New Year of the Jews, but a New Year of  Humankind. So the month after Tishrei could be the second month, i.e. Cheshvan.
Or is the first month, Nissan, which is also the Hebrew Rosh ha Shana when Hebrews became a freed people?  This would make the second month Iyar.
The rabbis decide it must be the spring month of Nissan, as the first month,  as that is when all of the other nations' sages consider the year to begin. This was the opinion of Rabbi Joshua.(Talmud Bavli Tractate Rosh Hashana 11b). But he did not base his opinion on when other nation's sages agreed that the New Year began in Spring, alone.  Rabbi Joshua based his opinion on when the constellation, Pleiades (Kimah in Hebrew), sets at day break and fountains dry up. But God reversed this to punish humankind and made Kimah rise at day break and made the fountains overflow.
Kimah is said to also be responsible for giving fruits their individual tastes and smells based on Job 38:31. One makes a beracoth not only for the fruit, but one to thank Ha Shem for the smell of  a ripe fruit. This 7 star cluster is known as the Seven Sisters and is in the constellation Taurus. In Hebrew Kimah is derived from the word for cluster.[kum=heap or accumulate]. Job 38:31-34 has God asking Job:  " Can you  bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?   ....Can you shout an order to the clouds and cover yourself with a flood of water? '   Talmud Yerushalmi Tractate Ta'anit 64a goes even further than Rabbi Joshua  in the Bavli, and says that Kimah is the 'cause of the flood.' And what Zodiac sign is  for the month of Iyar? Taurus.

The Talmud Bavli Tractate Zevachim 113b gives more supporting evidence that Iyar is the month of the start and end of the Ark's journey. The rabbis speak of a large bullock, a giant Taurus if you will, who was in  modern measurements, 3 miles long, who could not fit into the Ark. Its name is Re'em. Noah strapped  it to the side of Ark, and Noah feed it. Some translate Re'em as a unicorn, but  using that view, based on its size, it may have been a giant rhinoceros. King David had a run in with a Re'em in the Midrash.
As an aside, April , corresponding to Nissan, was the first month of the year, until King Charles IX of France officially changed the first day of the year from April 1 to January 1 in 1564 in the Edict of Roussillon . This confusion caused many to still celebrate New Years on April One, having them called "April fools.' In the eighteenth century the idea of April fools, was often posited as going back to the time of Noah. According to an English newspaper article published April 13, 1789, the day had its origin when Noah sent his dove off too early, before the waters had receded. The reporter said Noah did this on the first day of the Hebrew month that corresponds with April. The newspaper was off. It wasn't The Forward.  
Rashi uses the Seder Olam (ch. 4) and gives various reason why the second month could be either Cheshvan or Iyar. Rashi on Genesis 7:11 quotes two opinions on whether the flood began in Cheshvan or Iyar (the 2nd month from Tishrei or from Nissan). The rest of Rashi's calculations assume it started on the 17th day of Cheshvan. 
The Mechilta (Midrash on Exodus) of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and the Midrash HaGadol on Exodus 12:2 say, "'This month is for you' - The forefathers did not count from it." This is similar to what the Mechilta of Rabbi Yishmael says on that verse, "'This month is for you' - Adam did not count from it." In other words, the entire concept of calculating months based on the moon and starting from Nissan did not apply before the Jews left Egypt. Similarly, Rabbi Avraham bar Chiya HaNasi (early 12th century) writes in his Sefer HaIbbur 2:5, the most important book written on the Jewish calendar, "Observing this commandment, that is the lunar month and the intercalation of the year, we were obligated only from the Exodus." Rabbi Yitzchak HaYisraeli (14th century) writes similarly in his Yesod Olam 4:2.
But for our purposes we will agree with the Talmud and Rabbi Joshua which claims Nissan as the Jewish first month, and hence Iyar is the month of the beginning, (17th), and ending (27th) of the time spent on the Ark. If we look at our calendars, the 17th is two days after Pesach Sheni, the second Passover.  Hebrews had this day if they were not ritually pure on the 15th of Nissan to partake of the Pascal lamb sacrifice. As with Noah, God gives us second chances. With our Earth today, however, science is telling us this is our last chance to do real Tikun Olam.
Almost all life was killed. The Torah doesn't mention sea life being killed, and a later Midrash tell us tall giants survived called Nephilim  which we revisit with the King of Og. The defeated King Og, given only a few words in Numbers, is now described at a giant with an iron bed, nine cubits in length and four cubits in width measured by "the cubit of that man" (Deut. 3:11). Targum Yonatan (an Aramaic translation) says that Og was one of the race of giants who survived the Great Flood. The Rashbam (Rabbi Shlomo ben Meir, Rashi's grandson, of twelfth-century France) says that when Og was a baby he was so big he broke his wooden cradle. Talmud Bavli Tractate Niddah 61a says Og swam  to the Ark and stayed on the rooftop for the voyage . Nephilim were half human and half animal from the aforementioned bestiality. They are mention in the Noah story (Gen.6:4). A Midrash says they were so tall, that the flood at its worst, only covered them up to their ankles.
The fish were spared because  they didn't partake in the Hamas-like unnatural acts of the land animals and birds. (Talmud Bavli Tractate Zevachim  113b). And of course the inhabitants of the Ark were spared. 
And the floods increased for 150 days. (Gen. 7:24).  And then the rain and fountains of hot water stopped. [Gen. 8: 3]. And the waters diminished for 150 days.[Gen. 8:3 ]. And the Ark rested on the 17th day of the seven month in Ararat, in what is now Turkey. That is Tishrei 17, the third day of Sukkoth. And the waters continue to recede  so that on the ten month's first day, one could see the tops of mountains. That is One Tevet, Chanukah's 7th day.
And 40 days after that, which would be the 11th month's 11th day, Shevat 11,  Noah sent out a raven and then a dove. To see why the raven didn't do what Noah wanted I again refer you to the above mentioned D'var on Noach. In seven more days, which would be the 18th of the tenth month, Shevet 18, Noah sent out the dove again. He returned with an olive branch. And in seven more days , on the first of the 12 month the dove went out again and didn't come back. Noah knew the dove found dry land. So we are told that on the first day of the  first month, One Adar,  when Noah was 601 years, the earth was dry but pretty muddy (Rashi). But Noah stayed in the Ark, and waited for the earth to be 'fully' dried. And this was on the second month on the 27th day. This is lunar year plus 11 days, or one solar year. It is Iyar 27.
The Tractate Perkei d' Rabbi Eliezar Chapter 23, states that during the year's voyage there was no sunlight. The only way Noah and his family knew when to feed the animals is because Noah brought special precious gems on board that sparkled in the day, and were dull at night.
What are we being taught? That fruit bearing trees, like olives, can grow just fine after a flood, without mankind around to interfere  with them. We learn that the dove would rather eat a bitter olive leaf than have to depend on Noah's (humankind's)  handouts. The cost to nature is too high when man interferes.  The dove, a symbol of peace, a symbol of light, due to is color, and even its name Yonah which sounds like Yom, day, does best when mankind is at peace and in synchrony with the Earth. 
We learn of the importance of the moon to give us our lunar months and days, and eventually our Mo'ed, our appointed times for agricultural tasks and celebrations, as well as our spiritual holy days.   And we learn of the importance of the sun to not only dry the land but to bring us light, and in effect control the seasons, that the moon marks for us.
And what of humankind? We are rocked about in a boat with animals for a year. We care for them. We feed them. We have to make sure they survive or a species could be lost. The Midrash says Shem took care of the cattle, Ham feed the birds, and Japheth  took care of the insects.  Noah took care of the beasts. One day he forgot to feed the lions, who bit him on his leg. We learn humility. We actually become the servants of other life forms. They are not there for only for our pleasure and usage. We learn in this new creation story, that we cannot think anthrocentrically. When Adam is told that he can 'rule' (Gen: 1:26) over every living thing, including 'herbage', and 'subdue' the earth (Gen. 1:28), it is part of the covenant that includes him not eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
We broke that contract.
Humans are pure before we broke our first covenant.  We have no yetzer ha ra. We are selfless, and not self seeking,  as God, a Heavenly Parent is providing every thing to us, like babies in adult bodies. With no yetzer ha ra, we would have never harmed the earth or other creatures. In fact, God tells us to be vegetarians, in fact vegans . We aren't given permission to eat eggs, or dairy. We are told we can eat vegetables, grains and fruits (Gen. 1:29). And we are naked, having no need of animal furs or skins.
So a new covenant is struck with humans via Noah. And this hasn't changed with the covenants made with Abraham or Moses for one wandering Semitic tribe, we call Hebrews. This Noachide covenant exists for all humans.
And in contrast to what God said in Gen: 6:7, He says in Gen: 8:21, 'in His heart', that 'man's heart is evil from his youth', and that He won't 'smite' all living beings again. God puts on a  no-smoting patch. God in a sense is doing Midrash on Himself.
Humankind  hopefully learns, but God also learns. He made Humans pure in the Garden, thinking that they would be happy being in a perpetual, hopefully dry, Woodstock. He made man like angels for the first few hours of our lives. We were Pure. But He gave us free will. And the yetzer ha ra, like a snake wrapped around our mind, speaks loudly to us. If we let it, it can drown out the 'still small voice' of the yetzer tov. And with that free will, we did not want to be angelic. We wanted to do our will. We ate of the forbidden fruit. And like an alcoholic who will find one glass of wine not enough, and finds that same one glass of wine is too many, as once he drinks, he cannot stop on his own will power or self knowledge, we have been eating and drinking things forbidden to us, metaphorically, ever since.
Note how 8:21 has God saying this promise in His 'heart.' It is not at this time mentioned to mankind. He allows humans to eat animals, birds and fish. We cannot kill each other.  But we cannot eat of the flesh of  a live animal.(Gen. 9:4). And rather than say we will 'rule' and 'subdue' , when we multiply,  God says animals, birds, fish, and even the heavens and earth will have 'fear' and will 'dread ' mankind. (Gen. 9:2). This is a clear warning to humankind that if not checked, as God warned Cain, before he killed Abel, that our yetzer ha ra, is at our 'door'   ready to pounce on us.
But God tells us, we can 'conquer' our yetzer ha ra (Gen: 4:7). It is obvious to me, that the Noachide covenant, taking the Cain and Abel story into the context of this new negative Mitzvah of not killing our 'brother,' (Gen. 9:5), includes the mitzvoth of not being a 'dread' to the earth and other creatures, and not putting them or ourselves in ' fear.'  The Earth is our 'door' to our and our 'brothers' ,' Home. This Home is the habitat for all 'moving things' and 'herbage.'
God the makes a covenant out loud, not just with humans, but with every living thing. He says He won't produce another flood to kill any of us. (Gen. 9:11). Hence He no longer has humans subduing animals, but acting as equal partners with them in this Divine contract. Instead of putting fear into animals, fish, and birds, and by extension the Earth, mankind has an obligation to bring about peace and harmony, and an ecological balance with mankind and his/her environment.
And God's seal is the Rain Bow. Why? Because when the first time it started to rain again, Noah and his sons, as well as Mrs. Naamah Noah and the sons' wives would be scared to death.  Should they get umbrellas or run back to the Ark?  The Rain Bow, which comes with rain, tells them an umbrella is sufficient this time. When sunlight hits rain drops at a specific angle, the light enters the drop, is reflected inside, and then exits the drop. Entering and exiting the drop, the colors are separated. We see red light exiting from a raindrop because that drop is at just the correct  42 degree angle between our eye and the sun so that the red light coming from the sun is refracted, reflected, and refracted again right into our eye. Blue light comes from another raindrop at a slightly different angle. All the raindrops that are at a certain angle between our eye the sun form a circle in the sky. That is why the rainbow is a bow of a circle.
And this circle is beautiful to the eye. It reminds us that God and the Earth do quite well without humans interference. The Bow is a product of water and sun, to remind us that the Sun dried the waters of the deluge. And that in this combination of light refracted through water are all of the colors of the Universe, all the animals of the earth, all the different peoples on this planet, all the different colors of vegetables and fruits, all the different shades of various landscapes, from tan deserts, white glaciers, to emerald rain forests.  Indeed the Rain Bow is symbolic of the Breath of Life of YahWah Himself.
The bow  and arrow  was an instrument of death invented by Methuselah's son's (Lamech) son Tubal-cain. (Gen. 4:22). The Midrash tells of how Tubal-cain  and his father, Lamech, were out hunting, and Tubal-cain saw a deer. He asked his father, Lamech, to shoot the deer. The 'deer' turned out to be Lamech's great-great-great grandfather and Tubal-cain's  great-great-great- great grandfather. This was Cain, the world's first murderer. Tubal-cain's  sister is Naamah. One of Lamech's son's was Noah. (Gen. 5:29).  Lamech had many wives. Noah, the Midrash tells us, married his half- sister. The bow now becomes a symbol of life. 
And this leads us back to the unheard part of the covenant in Gen. 8: 21 and now 22: God will 'continuously, all the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.' Unless if we humans with 'dread and fear' ruin our environment, our seasons, with its food supply, are guarenteed to come to us. When we are spiritually connected to ha Shem and His nature, every sun rise and sun set, every new fruit in its season, as well as every rainbow, is a time to show gratitude, make beracoth, and ask God to keep our yetzer ha ra at bay, so that we treat the Earth, and all of its inhabitants, animals, plants and minerals, as our 'fellows' and partners in the Noachide covenant.
But the Midrash doesn't let us get away this easy. The Midrash Tehellim on Psalm 7 tells us that "Mr. Falsehood" asked Noah for a ride on the Ark. And Noah said yes, but only if you bring  a mate. And "Falsehood' brought on board "Ms. Injustice." And they got off the Ark on the 27th of Iyar, the same day as the animals, birds, and Humankind did.
Falsehood and injustice are with us. Humankind was not saved with a surgical removal of our yetzer ha ra. We have it still and the Talmud says God always provides a cure for every problem. The way we keep our yetzer ha ra in check is via prayer, meditation, mitzvoth and ritual. Some Jewish communities during the Omer days of the 17th of Iyar to the 27th Iyar teach about ways to save the Earth and put these ways into actions. Others do similar during the Shabbat weekend when Parasha Noah is read.(This year October 24, 2009's weekend).
The Kabbalah tells us that  "taiva," the Hebrew word for "Ark," also means "word." Humankind has done a poor job of using the Earth as our Ark. Paraphrasing Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, we have each drilled a hole under our seat in our Ark, stating proudly, "Hey, don't bother me. The hole is under my seat."  We need now to use the power of words to teach to ourselves and others to fix these holes. If we do not we all will drown. While God promised us He will not destroy the Earth, He has warned us that we can, did, and may very well do again. We can prevent "the waters of Noah" (Is 54:9) destroying us this time, if we have the will to do so.
I would be remiss with myself if I did not end with a modern Psalm. Forty years ago, this weekend, I was at Woodstock with a half million of my closest friends. I was in a deluge, and it was frightening. Noah was not there to provide an Ark, nor feed us. Noah was not there to provide 'rest,' as his grandfather meant his name to be. Noah was not there to provide comfort, as the name his father Lamech gave him meant (Menachem). (Tractate Pirkei d'Rabbi Eliezer chapter 23).
In those days, we listened to the music and thought we could create the life that it depicted in our own world. We tried to find that life with the Summer of Love, a long Woodstock weekend of Peace and Music at Max Yasgur's farm near Bethel, New York and with be-ins, love-ins, dorm room all night rap sessions and other music festivals.
While Neil Armstrong was taking a giant leap for mankind in the summer of 1969, we were starting to take a giant leap for Woodstock. We tried to create a life of love, peace, and kindness with protest marches and taking over the offices of University presidents.  Music and its lyrics were always the constant even if our behaviors were incongruent. The lyrics always brought me back to the best ideals of Judaism.

Max Yasgur died in February 1973 and was interred at Liberty, New York's Ahavath Israel Cemetery.  I said kaddish for him.

Already, I saw that the quest for a world filled with love, peace and kindness was leaving most of my friends' hearts and mine. Graduation was on our minds and the Vietnam War was no longer a threat to us. Graduate schools, marriage, and economic security had become paramount in our lives. Going to the first Earth Day in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, and going to subsequent  ones, stopped.  Saying kaddish for a man who  just four years earlier, gave his land and had it damaged beyond repair, so that we could profess our "Woodstock Nation" and its glowing ideals was not enough. Something was amiss spiritually, and our Earth has suffered for it.

I came upon a child of God
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, where are you going
And this he told me
I'm going on down to Yasgur's farm
I'm going to join in a rock n roll band
I'm going to camp out on the land
I'm going to try an get my soul free
We are stardust
We are golden
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the Garden.

Then can I walk beside you
I have come here to lose the smog
And I feel to be a cog in something turning
Well maybe it is just the time of year
Or maybe its the time of man
I don't know who l am
But you know life is for learning
We are stardust
We are golden
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the Garden

By the time we got to Woodstock
We were half a million strong
And everywhere there was song and celebration
And I dreamed I saw the bombers
Riding shotgun in the sky
And they were turning into butterflies
Above our nation
We are stardust
Billion year old carbon
We are golden
Caught in the devil's bargain
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the Garden.

(Woodstock, Joni Mitchell, (c) 1969)

May Ha Shem make it so.


Rabbi Dr. Arthur Segal









A Short Snap Shot of Rabbi Arthur Segal

Rabbi Arthur Segal
United States
I am available for Shabbatons, and can speak on various aspects of Jewish history, (from the ancient past to modern day, and can be area specific, if a group wishes), Spirituality, developing a Personal Relationship with God, on the Jews of India and other 'exotic' communities, and on Talmud, Torah and other great texts. We have visited these exotic Jewish communities first hand. I adhere to the Mishna's edict of not using the Torah as a 'spade', and do not ask for honorariums for my services. I am trans-denominational and renewal and spiritually centered.
 I am available to perform Jewish weddings,  and other life cycle events, ONLY IF, it is  a destination wedding and the local full time pulpit rabbi is unavailable, or if there is no local full time pulpit rabbi,  or it is in my local area and all of the full time pulpit rabbis are unavailable.
 My post-doc in Psych from Penn helps tremendously when I do Rabbinic counseling. My phone number and address will be made available once I am sure of one's sincerity in working with me.
Rabbi Segal is the author of three books and many articles on Torah, Talmud and TaNaK and Jewish history. His books are : The Handbook to Jewish Spiritual Renewal: A Path of Transformation for the Modern Jew, A Spiritual and Ethical Compendium to the Torah and Talmud, and  Spiritual Wisdom of our Talmudic Sages. The first two are published by Amazon through their publishing house, BookSurge. 

Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 13 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/12/2011 08:41


www.dafyomi.co.il/rhashanah/.../rh-in-011.htmEn caché - Traducir esta página
... over Yisrael (namely, Iyar), that he built the house for Hash-m]" (Melachim 1 6:1 ). ... 24) [line 44] MAL'U YAMAI U'SHENOSAI - my days and years have been filled; ... All agree, however, that we may that a child born in the middle of the seventh .... constellation of Kimah, [a) a cluster of more than one hundred stars in Aries, ...
  • Daf Yomi DafYomi Daf-Yomi: Daf Yomi - Rosh Hashanah 12 - Highlights

    dafnotes.blogspot.com/.../daf-yomi-rosh-hashana...En caché - Traducir esta página
    17 Dec 2006 – Rabbi Yehoshua maintains that the Flood began on the seventeenth of Iyar, a day on which the constellation Kimah (a small constellation ...
  • Daf Yomi DafYomi Daf-Yomi: 2006-12-17

    dafnotes.blogspot.com/2006_12_17_archive.htmlEn caché - Traducir esta página
    23 Dec 2006 – Rabbi Yehoshua maintains that the Flood began on the seventeenth of Iyar, a day on which the constellation Kimah (a small constellation ...
  • Hebrew astronomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_astronomyEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Some constellations are mentioned in the Bible, such as Orion in the Book of Job ... Kimah, which may be the Pleiades, Aldebaran, Arcturus, or Sirius. .... in order to ripen the fruit; in the seventh through ninth months (autumn) it travels above ... The learned of Israel say, "The sun moves by day beneath the firmament, and by ...
  • Full text of "Astronomy in the Old Testament"

    www.archive.org/.../cu31924029281842_djvu.t...  - Traducir esta página
    The splendid constellation of Orion with its strikingly characteristic ...... the seventeenth day of the month Iyar, on which Kimah is accustomed to rise in ...
  • RABBI ARTHUR SEGAL:summer+winter,day+night shall not cease:NOAH ...

    www.zimbio.com/.../RABBI+ARTHUR+SEGAL...  - Traducir esta página
    30 Aug 2009 – Note how the saga begins on the 17th of the Second Month, ... Is it Cheshvan after Tishrei, or is it Iyar, after Nissan? ... on when the constellation, Pleiades (Kimah in Hebrew), sets at day break and fountains dry up. ...

    rabbiarthursegal.blogspot.com/.../rabbi-arthur-se...  - Traducir esta página
    16 Aug 2009 – Kimah is said to also be responsible for giving fruits their individual ... is known as the Seven Sisters and is in the constellation Taurus. ..... Some Jewish communities during the Omer days of the 17th of Iyar to the ...
  • [DOC] 

    Celestial Events –2002 (5763) and Beyond

    www.betemunah.org/beyond.doc  - Traducir esta página
    Formato de archivo: Microsoft Word - Versión en HTML
    The Laws Concerning Idolatry 1:1-2 "In the days of Enosh (before Noah), .... said: That day was the seventeenth day of Iyar, when the constellation of Pleiades sets ... the world, He took two stars from Kimah and brought a flood upon the world. ...
  • Astro Torah: June 2010

    astrotorah.weeklyshtikle.com/2010_06_01_archi...  - Traducir esta página
    1 Jun 2010 – 26 Iyar is an extremely plausible date for this event and it certainly falls ..... The night of the seventh day of our Exodus his battalions were drowned in the sea. ... the heavens as a star in the star cluster called Kimah, the Pleiades. ... is the Aramaic word for the constellation Orion, Kesil. ...
  • Babylonian Talmud: Baba Mezi'a 106

    www.come-and-hear.com/.../babamezia_106.ht...En caché - Traducir esta página
    An objection is raised: If it was a year of blasting or mildew, or the seventh ... the days of famine they shall be satisfied,18 would have been fulfilled for me. .... Adar , and [the first] half of Nisan, cold months; [the second] half of Nisan, Iyar, ... Kimah is the name of a constellation, conjectured by Jast. to be Daco, not the Pleiades. ...
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    1. Kemah Days

      17 opiniones de Kemah Days Inn. Revisá precios en 5 Hoteles Kemah

    Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 13 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/12/2011 08:45

    The Heavenly Sign

    the World Awaits?

    Ancient Writings of Torah Sages

    Predicted Change in Star Cluster Kimah


    If the sages of Torah are correct and Y'shua the Nazarene's predictions come to pass, the world will some day see a dramatic sign in the Heavens above.  Two stars in the star-cluster known as Kimah (a.k.a. Pleiades, the Seven Sisters and the "neck" of the bull, Taurus) are to be moved from their place and form a Cocav David in the early pre-dawn sky. 



    Exactly when this world-changing phenomenon would occur -- (maybe it has occurred already and the light of these stars in a different position has not yet reached us) -- is not certain, although we do have some clues if we go by the historic events that caused these two stars to earlier be removed from their place.

    These references are found in more than a dozen places in the  Talmud. We also find a cryptic reference to the star-cluster Kimah as the "sign of the coming of the Son of Man," in the New Testament Gospel of Matthew.



    What interests us about this star cluster and this "sign," is its purpose.  Especially:

    Why was the cluster most directly related to the House of Joseph singled out?




    If and when this sign occurs, will it be of such magnitude to persuade the Orthodox and Torah observant of the House of Judah to welcome the descendants of the non-Jewish Assimilated Northern Kingdom led by the House of Joseph, to return to their historic possessions?

    The answer to both of these questions may lie in the ancient writings about Kimah and the clarification of those writings by the shaliah and messiah to the Assimilation, Y'shua.  Since Y'shua singled out this sign to an audience of JUDAH, as pertaining to him personally, JUDAH is within its rights to claim that only if and when the sign is fulfilled, is his office validated and applicable to JUDAH.


    On the other hand, since the more than 3,600 Greek manuscripts from which the New Testament was compiled have been found to be filled with errors rooted in theological presuppositions of the editors and translators, surely even the Christian world needs to see this sign come to pass to validate its faith. And for Orthodox "Joes," such an extra-biblical sign (alluded to in the writings of Torah sages), validates the core message of Y'shua and its continuity with Torah and Tanach as the promised "shaliah" to the Lost (Assimilated) Sheep of the non-Jewish Northern Kingdom called the House of Israel.


    So much is at stake as we delve into this sign, that it behooves us to take a deep breath and ask for the help of Hashem and for wisdom, understanding and discernment before we proceed.


    We begin with the two mentions of the Kimah in the Tanach. First, is Job 38:31:

    Can you KASHEYR the MA'ADABOT of Kimah, or PATEY'ACH the MOSHICHOT of Orion?

    The King James translates this, Canst thou "bind" the "sweet influences" of Pleiades or "loose" the "cords" of Orion. The context of the verse is Hashem's challenge to Job to know his place as part of Hashem's Creation and to understand that this "binding and loosing" of heavenly powers is the domain of Hashem alone.


    But, the context (verses 32-35 below) also gives us a mini-lesson in astronomy and helps us realize that in the day of Job, the constellations and star clusters, especially the Pleiades, Orion and Ursa Major were among those known.

    32 Can you bring forth MAZZAROT (the 12 major constellations identified with the Zodiac) in his season? or can you guide AYISH (the Great Bear or Ursa Major) with his sons (the minor constellations)?
    33 Do you know the ordinances of heaven? Can you set the dominion thereof in the earth?
    34 Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters may cover you?
    35 Can you send out BARAKIM (lightnings), that they go, and say unto you, Here we are?

    To understand exactly what Job 38:31 may be alluding to, we need to define -- or I should say REDEFINE -- some terms and then plug in the definitions that make the most sense in the context of this passage.  Our sources will be the authoritative Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Lexicon (BDB) and the Sefer Milim of the Targumim, Talmud Babli, Yerushalmi and Midrashic Literature by Marcus Jastrow (Jastrow).

    KAYSHEYR - Strongs 7194 = tie or link together (BDB) = fold (Jastrow).

    MA'ADABOT - Strongs 4575 = bonds or bands or a group (BDB) = chains or things that bind (Jastrow).

    PATEYACH - Strongs 6605 = open, free or loosen (BDB) = stretch out (Jastrow)

    MOSHICHOT - Strongs 4189 = a cord or something used to draw items together (BDB) Jastrow agrees. We might add that an everyday item used as a MOSHICHOT is a BELT.

    So you could accurately retranslate Job 38:31:

    Can you FOLD the chains (that bind together) the Kimah or LOOSEN the cords (or belt) of Orion?

    Some 40 years ago, my Father, who was the commandant of an allied POW camp of Italian prisoners who rebuilt Egypt and the Sudan after World War II, told me of his first visit to the Egyptian pyramids, which always held a fascination with him.  He made that visit under a black moonless but starlit sky, and noted that the three stars of the belt of Orion hovered above the three pyramids below in the Giza plain.  What struck him as curious was that the three pyramids did not quite form a straight line.  Rather one of them was offset, he told me, REMARKABLY SIMILAR, he had observed, TO THE BELT IN THE CONSTELLATION ORION!


    In recent centuries, Egyptologists have concluded that the pyramids may be much older than we have first suspected and MAY HAVE BEEN EXISTENT AT THE TIME OF THE FLOOD OF NOACH. Here is where it gets interesting because the Constellation KIMAH is associated directly with the Flood of Noach in Talmudic and Midrashic literature! So we can begin to see why Hashem quizzed Job with questions about the KIMAH and Orion contextually related to a "flood of waters" in verse 34: Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters may cover you?


    The Torah sages wrote that Hashem

    "took two stars away from KIMAH and brought the flood!"

    This is alluded to in at least four places in Talmud Rosh HaShana, 11b and Talmud Baba M'tzia, 106b.  It is also found in two other rabbinic writings: Ta'anith I bottom of 64a; and B'midbar Rabbah 10.  The word KIMAH itself is found in more than a dozen places in the Jerusalem Talmud, 10 places in the Babylonian Talmud, 16 places in Rashi’s commentary to the Babylonian Talmud and 16 places in the Tosefta to the Babylonian Talmud.  Every Orthodox rabbi and most non-Orthodox rabbis should be well familiar with this star-cluster and its relationship to the flood of Noah.

     Here are a few of the most specific references:

    Talmud Rosh Hashana 11b: It has been taught: ‘In the sixth hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month. R. Joshua said: That day was the seventeenth day of Iyar, when the constellation of KIMAH sets at daybreak and the fountains begin to dry up, and because they [mankind] perverted their ways, the Holy One, blessed be He, changed for them the work of creation and made the constellation of KIMAH rise at daybreak and took two stars from the KIMAH and brought a flood on the world. R. Eliezer said: That day was the seventeenth of Heshvan, a day on which the constellation of KIMAH rises at daybreak, and [the season] when the fountains begin to fill.  FOOTNOTE TO THE TALMUD: There seems to be some confusion in the text here. To make it astronomically correct we should read (with the Seder Olam) in the dictum of R. Joshua, ‘When KIMAH rises at daybreak’, and in the dictum of R. Eliezer, ‘sets at daybreak’.

    In the month of Adar, corresponding to mid-February to March, the KIMAH appears to be overhead at the time the peasant finishes his work, viz., about four in the afternoon. Thus R. Papa states that seed time is governed by Adar (and KIMAH).

    Elsewhere in Talmudic literature, knowledge is compared to the KIMAH, which causes the ripening of fruits (or the time of harvest) and gives them taste.  Since taste is a function of smell (try holding your nose when something tastes bad ... it works for my son) and the attribute by which the Talmud states the Torah devout will recognize the messiah is by his keen sense of smell; there is an ancient opinion that when the time of the messiah nears, the people will look for a sign in the KIMAH. B’reshit Rabbah 10.



    Contextually the star cluster may be related to the exiled House of Joseph, because it (the star cluster) lies within the head of Taurus or the constellation of the ox or bull, which is the sign of Joseph.  This is alluded to in B'reshit (Genesis) 49:5-6 (where the rabbinim interpret the "ox" who is maimed by Simeon and Levi as Joseph); and again in the blessing of Moses on the House of Joseph, found in D'varim (Deutoronomy) 33:13-17, where Joseph is called by Moses, "the firstling of Hashem's bullock,"  who has the horns of the "re'eym." (verse 17).  The star cluster itself with its box-like head and two horns, reminds one of the head of a bullock.


    Deuteronomy 33:17 goes on to state that with the horns of the re'eym, HASHEM will "gore" nations together to the ends of the Land.  And these nations are the myriads of Ephraim and the thousands of Manasseh -- the House of Joseph. Moses Ben-Maimon also known as Maimomides and the Rambam, states of this verse: "the two horns represent the two branches of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh."  


    In Psalm 22:22,  Hashem answers "from the horns of the Re'eym."  The next verse, verse 23 states: "I will proclaim Your Name to my brethren."  The Jewish sage Radak wrote that this meant when HASHEM raised the horn of the re'eym, (by causing the neck of the bull to twist back to its original position) that those who knew Hashem should tell what they know to their brothers, "the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel who had been exiled to Chalach and Chabur."


    The Ba'al HaTanya wrote "just as the re'eym lifts its lowered horn with a single sudden jerk, (of its neck) so does Israel's salvation arise suddenly, without hesitation or delay."  The illustration below shows how this could happen if one of the horns (the star at bottom right) moved from position A to position G through a range of vector products, AA through GG.


    This means the two horns would be linked, tied, bound or chained together at the neck (as is the case of the horns on a bull and as indicated in Hashem's challenge to Job referring to the "chains" of Kimah) and would move in sync with each other.



    The Talmud, Tosefta and other rabbinic writings present this record of the KIMAH as the only constellation or star cluster which has undergone any observable change since Creation, although the reference to "loosening" Orion's belt could indicate a change.    Consequently, if there were to be a sign in the Heavens that would be accepted by the rabbinim or leaders of Judah today, especially as it pertains to validating the Return of the House of Joseph, it might be an occurrence in KIMAH that would rectify the change recorded in the earlier rabbinic writings and alluded to in Scripture.


    The second mention of the KIMAH in Scripture is found in Amos 5:8.

    Oseh KIMAH uchsil ve hofeych laboker tzalmavet veyom lailah hechshich  Literally, "He who made the KIMAH and CHESIL (Orion) and turns darkness into morning and day He darkens as night."

    This alludes to the fact that at a certain time of the year and at a certain latitude, the KIMAH traverses the pre-dawn sky "turning darkness into morning" ON THE SAME PLANE AS THE SUN, whose course through the sky  turns day into night.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 13 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/12/2011 08:46

    And then there is the mystery which has puzzled humanity as long as mankind has gazed at the stars above. The mystery is why the KIMAH is called the Constellation of Seven Sisters, when only six stars are visible with the naked eye? Is it possible that one of the stars was a doubled star? Or, was it possible that before the flood, the constellation's six stars appeared to form a seventh, the Cocav David or Star of David? If this Cocav David will again appear in the pre-dawn sky, what would it mean?


    The Scottish rite of the ancient order known as the Poor Fellows Soldiery of the Holy House of the Temple (the Knights Templar) promoted an esoteric belief that the Pleaides was originally 12 stars but five identified with the belt of Orion and two major stars in that constellation went missing! This could tie to ancient Native American prophecy, which we are still investigating and could link the Cherokee nation and the Hopi nation.


    The context in which Hashem has couched this "mystery of the Seven Sisters") is a lamentation over the House of Israel.  That means that Amos 5 pertains ONLY to the Assimilated descendants of the Northern Kingdom and NOT to the faithful and Torah observant among the Jewish people (The House of Judah).


    In verse 2 of Amos 5, the prophet states that this "virgin of Israel" has fallen (abandonned the Torah and violated it by intermarriage and idolatry) and has been scattered.  Even today, there is none to raise her up, because the focus of Christian ministry has been only the latter part of  the messianic mission ... to be Hashem's salvation to the goyim or Gentiles. See Redefining the mission and message of messiah


    The first part of Isaiah 49:5-6, says it is a light thing that Hashem's servant (who rabbinim and pastors alike agree is the anointed one or messiah), should be Hashem's vehicle to restore the preserved of Israel, but this servant also should become Hashem's Y'shua (Salvation) to the goyim or Gentiles.


    Only such a heavenly sign may convince the House of Judah to recognize that Hashem’s plan to restore Tzion (Zion) includes the non-Jewish House of Joseph and excludes the ultra-nationalist Palestinians wanting their own state in the territories given by Hashem to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and more specifically to Judah and Joseph. Otherwise, the House of Joseph mentioned by name in Amos 5:6 and 5:15 has quite a challenge ahead of them.  Hashem is calling a remnant of these "Joes"  to leave behind everything they own and move lock, stock and barrel not just to the land of Israel, but specifically to the unannexed territories in the Land of Israel currently occupied by Palestinians hostile to the Jewish state.


    The Return of the descendants of Joseph to their biblical territories -- territories which comprise about two-thirds of the unannexed "West Bank" and Southern Lebanon below the Litani River and all of the Golan -- is the reward for which Rachel's weeping and intercession will be rewarded. (See exegesis of Jeremiah 31:15-18) But when they Return, this House of Joseph will be called upon to fight a war alongside Judah (Obadiah 18) against the enemies of Israel.


    Amos 5:6 and 5:15 then become crucial to understanding the sign of the KIMAH sandwiched between in 5:8.


    Rabbinic exegesis of 5:8 "turning day to night and night to day," contains a profound spiritual truth.  understanding will be turned upside down. Those who think they understand will be shown that they do not.  And those whose understanding has been questioned or put down by the former will be exalted.  More understanding will be added to them. But we can't lose sight of the fact that this reversal of understanding literally relates to a change in the heavens in the context of the Return of the House of Joseph. The natural conclusion to draw is that the change in KIMAH  indicates a sign in the heavens that may SIGNAL the Return or some related event.


    This may be conjecture, but let us propose that the secret of the Seventh Sister IS the rising again of the degel Tzion (a banner) to regather, recall and return the House of Israel.   Such a Cocav David of six stars viewed from planet Earth may have a blue hue, which could connect to the Hopi legend about the Blue Star Kachina dance.  Before his death in 2001, the late chief Mike Gashwarzi at the village of Old Oraibi on Third Mesa, received a six-pointed blue star for use in this future ceremony.  


    The modern Israeli flag, under which the Jewish population in the modern Jewish state has thus far reunited is such a banner.  But the rabbinim are looking for such IN THE HEAVENLIES, as indicated by the Rambam, Radak and other sages quoted above.


    In the Last Days, followers of Y'shua also are told to look into the Heavens for specific signs. This raises the question of whether the sign the rabbinim expect is the same sign that Y'shua promised would be revealed to his followers and which would validate his mission as the shaliah (one sent) to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.


    Earlier we mentioned that the KIMAH in Talmudic literature "causes the ripening of fruit" (or harvest).  Ephraim in Hebrew means "double-fruitful."  The blessings of fruitfulness associated with Joseph also are evident in Genesis 49 and again in Deuteronomy 33. SEE Blessings of Joseph.


    But in Genesis 48:19, Ephraim is also called the "melo ha-goyim."  This term is translated "multitude of nations" but its literal meaning is "the fullness of the goyim or Gentiles."  The shaliah Paul in Romans 11 refers to this "fullness of the Gentiles" as triggering the "return or rescue" (Gr.. sothesetai) of ALL of (the House of) Israel. SEE Return of the House of Joseph.


    This return may be alluded to again cryptically in Y'shua's multiplication of the loaves and fish. In Genesis 48:16, Ephraim and Manasseh, are told they will "multiply like fish for a Rov (majority) in the midst of the land." (literal meaning of vayidgu larov b'kerev ha-aretz).  That multiplication of Ephraim and M'nashe, together with the Torah (the 5 loaves) results in the return of all 12 tribes (the 12 baskets).


    Most mystifying, however was Y'shua's declaration of a Heavenly sign that would signal the coming of the Son of Man, a title by which he often referred to himself, but a name by which Ezekiel, also a tzaddik, was known.


    Matthew 24 calls for signs in the Heavenlies when the REDEMPTION draweth nigh. Y'shua told his followers to “stand erect and look up” into the night skies when they hear of earthquakes, famines, floods and other “natural” disasters occuring on the face of the Earth.


    Two especially bright objects appear in the night and pre-dawn sky. The first is the moon, whose monthly waxing and waning is observed by the Orthodox and Torah observant to commemorate and remember Hashem's promises of everlasting mercy to the House ruled by King David.  As surely as the moon increases and diminishes on a monthly cycle, Hashem will fill the flaw of the moon (representing the coming of the Son of David by the Jewish community but representing the House of Joseph or descendants of Rachel by the Joeish community).  The latter are mindful of a covenant associated with the renewal of the moon ... one struck between King David and the Benjaminite Crown Prince Yonatan, the son of King Saul.  This covenant between Yonatan and David at the last meeting of the two before Yonatan's death, obligates David to remember the HOUSE that would have been ruled by Yonatan, the House of Joseph, when King David enters into his kingship.


    David was true to his promise. He remembered Yonatan's own children including the cripple Mephibosheth and he was the only King of Judah who was able to hold together the separate monarchies under the banner of a united Israel.  This was no small feat because of the political differences between the houses of Joseph and Judah respectively, marked primarily by their geography and the resurfacing enmity and vexation between the children of Rachel and the children of Leah.  See Return of the House of Joseph. But at David's death and the reign of King Solomon the unity began to unravel primarily because of the unfair taxation of the Israelites to the north for Solomon's Temple building project ... and support of his wives.


    The second bright spot in the pre-dawn sky is the star cluster, KIMAH, which travels across the sky like a chariot ON THE SAME EAST-WEST COURSE AS THE SUN DOES IN THE DAYTIME, at a certain latitude and season, but it usually is setting in the West as the Sun is rising in the East.


    With these thoughts in mind, we now turn to Y'shua's reference to a specific sign in the Heavenlies in Matthew 24:23-39.

    23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is messiah, or there; believe it not.
    24 For there shall arise false messiahs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if possible, they shall deceive the very

    EKLEKTOS - Strongs 1588 = choice, select, that is, the best of its kind or class, excellence preeminent: applied to certain individual Christians (Thayer's).

    Here we submit that Y'shua could well be referring to the Assimilation of Israel among the Gentile church.

    25 Behold, I have told you before.
    26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
    27 For as the
    ASTRAPE cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the PAROUSIA of the son of man be.


    ASTRAPE - Strongs 796 = Lightning or bright shining (Strongs),  = the gleam of a lamp (Thayers) = a flash such as lightning (Liddell & Scott), illumination of the sky accompanying cosmic phenomenon; also a derivative form ASTRO pertains to any star or constellation (Bauer, Arndt, Gingrich) 

    PAROUSIA - Strongs 3952 presence, arrival, advent. (Thayers)

    ASTRAPE is not necessarily a bolt of lightning, which strikes at random and does not necessarily light the sky from east to west.  Rather this presence, arrival or advent, Y'shua describes is likened to a cosmic phenomenon that may directly refer to a specific star cluster or constellation.

    Much of the Greek  of the next two verses is problematic and I have no idea to what Y'shua is referring. So I will resume with verse 30:

    30 And then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth KOPTO, and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
    31 And he shall send his angels (messengers) with a great sound of a shofar, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.


    KOPTO (Strongs 2875) = beat the breasts, the implication is grief or mourning = jolted, startled or stricken in mind (Liddell Scott)

    While most of verses 30-31 is written with imagery estranged from human experience, whatever this phenomenon  -- the sign of the son of man in heaven shall be -- will JOLT, STARTLE and STRIKE in the minds of those, especially not prepared for it.

    32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
    33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
    34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
    35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
    36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
    37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the son of man be.
    38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
    39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    The analogy to the sign of the coming of the Son of Man and the flood of Noach is again striking, especially because the change in the constellation Kimah is tied to the flood and by implication, this eschatological sign.

    Maggid ben Yoseif




    Radio interviews with Maggid ben Yoseif, on Torah To The Nations with David Mathews, Hebrew Nation Radio Network.

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    About Maggid ben Yoseif



    Goring with the horns of the 're'eym - Jerusalem Torah Voice in Exile

    www.torah-voice.org/pleiadesstarcluster.htmEn caché - Traducir esta página
    R. Joshua said: That day was the seventeenth day of Iyar, when the constellation of KIMAH sets at daybreak and the fountains begin to dry up, and because they ...
  • Talmudic References To The Pleiades And The Flood Of Hoah My ...

    indigosociety.com/showthread.php?...En caché - Traducir esta página
    1 entrada - Última entrada: 19 Ago 2008
    R. Joshua said: That day was the seventeenth day of Iyar, when the constellation of KIMAH sets at daybreak and the fountains begin to dry up, ...
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    crusadefortruth.blogspot.com/.../sign-of-coming-...En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    8 Dec 2004 – R. Joshua said: That day was the seventeenth day of Iyar, when the constellation of KIMAH sets at daybreak and the fountains begin to dry up, ...

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 13 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/12/2011 08:53
    Ancient Writings of Torah Sages Predicted Change in star-cluster
    Kimah(Judgment Cometh)

    If the sages of Torah are correct and Y'shua the Nazarene's (as
    Warhol's Cometh) predictions come to pass, the world will shortly see
    a dramatic sign in the Heavens above (Second sun). Two stars in the
    star-cluster known as Kimah (a.k.a. the Seven Sisters - Maia
    constellation at the head of the bull, Taurus) are to be moved from
    their place and form a 'Y' in the early pre-dawn sky.

    Exactly when this world-changing phenomenon would occur -- (maybe it
    has occurred already and the light of these stars in a different
    position has not yet reached us) -- is not certain, although we do have
    some clues if we go by the historic events that caused these two stars
    to earlier be removed from their place.

    These references are found in more than a dozen places in the Jerusalem
    Talmud, 10 places in the Babylonian Talmud, 16 places in Rashi's
    commentary to the Babylonian Talmud and 16 places in the Tosefta to the
    Babylonian Talmud. We also find a cryptic reference to the
    Constellation Kimah as the "sign of the coming of the Son of Man," in
    the New Testament Gospel of Matthew.

    What interests us about this constellation and this "Cometh sign," is
    its purpose. Especially:
    "Why was the constellation most directly related to the House of
    Joseph singled out?"
    If and when this sign occurs, will it be of such magnitude to persuade
    the Orthodox (Coffee Boy's) and Torah (Warhols friends) observant of
    the House of Judah to welcome the descendants of the non-Moorish
    Assimilated Northern Kingdom led by the House of Joseph, to return to
    their historic possessions Aka the Pirate Republic. The Restoration of
    the holy Kingdom of FAZ... or the Arr Har har har Wrath of My beloved
    Gran'Da'Dy King Hasan ibn Ahmad Raisuli...

    The answer to both of these questions may lie in the ancient writings
    about Kimah and the clarification of those writings by the Prophet (to
    Judah) and Messiah (to the Assimilation), Y'shua. Since Y'shua singled
    out this sign to an audience of JUDAH, as pertaining to him personally,
    JUDAH is within its rights to claim that only if and when the sign is
    fulfilled, is his office validated and applicable to JUDAH. On the
    other hand, since the more than 3,600 Greek manuscripts (The remants of
    ancient writings survived under the form of Bad Greek Translation, of
    ancient Hasanite holy Texts and scrolls) from which the New Testament
    was compiled have been found to be filled with errors rooted in
    theological presuppositions of the editors and translators, surely even
    the Christian world needs to see this sign come to pass to validate its
    faith. And for the false "Joes," such an extra-biblical sign (alluded
    to in the writings of Torah sages), validates the core message of
    Y'shua and its continuity with Torah and Tanach as the promised
    "shaliah" to the Lost (Assimilated) Sheep of the House of Israel.
    So much is at stake as we delve into this sign, that it behooves us to
    take a deep breath and ask for the help of Hashem and for wisdom,
    understanding and discernment before we proceed.

    We begin with the two mentions of the Kimah in the Tanach. First, is
    Job 38:31:
    Can you KASHEYR the MA'ADABOT of Kimah, or PATEY'ACH the MOSHICHOT of
    The King James translates this, Canst thou "bind" the "sweet
    influences" of Pleiades or "loose" the "cords" of Orion. The context of
    the verse is Hashem's challenge to Job to know his place as part of
    Hashem's Creation and to understand that this "binding and loosing" of
    heavenly powers is the domain of Hashem alone.
    But, the context (verses 32-35 below) also gives us a mini-lesson in
    astronomy and helps us realize that in the day of Job, the
    constellations, especially the Pleiades, Orion and Ursa Major were
    among those known.

    32 Can you bring forth MAZZAROT (the 12 major constellations identified
    with the Zodiac) in his season? or can you guide AYISH (the Great Bear
    or Ursa Major) with his sons (the minor constellations)?
    33 Do you know the ordinances of heaven? Can you set the dominion
    thereof in the earth?
    34 Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters
    may cover you?
    35 Can you send out BARAKIM (Baraka Rock Lightning ), that they go, and
    say unto you, Here we are?

    To understand exactly what Job 38:31 may be alluding to, we need to
    define -- or I should say REDEFINE - (TEDDYBEAR STORY OF MY
    GRAN'DA'DY)some terms and then plug in the definitions that make the
    most sense in the context of this passage. Our sources will be the
    authoritative Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Lexicon (BDB) and the Sefer
    Milim of the Targumim, Talmud Babli, Yerushalmi and Midrashic
    Literature by Marcus Jastrow (Jastrow).

    KAYSHEYR - Strongs 7194 = tie or link together (BDB) = fold (Jastrow).
    MA'ADABOT - Strongs 4575 = bonds or bands or a group (BDB) = chains or
    things that bind (Jastrow).
    PATEYACH - Strongs 6605 = open, free or loosen (BDB) = stretch out
    MOSHICHOT - Strongs 4189 = a cord or something used to draw items
    together (BDB)

    Jastrow agrees. We might add that an everyday item used as a MOSHICHOT
    is a BELT. (The Golden Turban of the invincible King used By Hashem as
    Belt, because the theft of his Holy and sacred lands, with all the
    tombs-Shrines of the Prophets and the holy ones, the Kingdom FAZ was
    stolen from its rightful owners- The Mesbahiyya Saints of the Holy
    Family - the leaders of all faith's)

    So you could accurately retranslate Job 38:31:
    Can you FOLD the chains (that bind together) the Kimah or LOOSEN the
    cords (or belt) of Orion?

    TO THE BELT IN THE CONSTELLATION ORION! (Warhol dress himself in the
    sacred cloth's of Hashem with the Turban Of His Gran'Da'Dy as belt)...
    or the comet coming from the Astroide belt... The left over of a 5th
    planet that exploided Long times ago... in the Times of Cane who
    murdered his brother Abel... But that is a other story.

    In recent centuries, Egyptologists have concluded that the pyramids may
    be much older than we have first suspected and MAY HAVE BEEN EXISTENT
    AT THE TIME OF THE FLOOD OF NOACH. Here is where it gets interesting
    because the Constellation KIMAH is associated directly with the Flood
    of Noach in Talmudic and Midrashic literature! So we can begin to see
    why Hashem quizzed Job with questions about the KIMAH and Orion
    contextually related to a "flood of waters" in verse 34: Can you lift
    up your voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters may cover you?

    The Torah sages wrote that Hashem
    "took two stars away from KIMAH and brought the flood!"
    This is alluded to in at least four places in Talmud Rosh HaShana, 11b
    and Talmud Baba M'tzia, 106b. It is also found in two other rabbinic
    writings: Ta'anith I bottom of 64a; and B'midbar Rabbah 10. The word
    KIMAH itself is found in more than a dozen places in the Jerusalem
    Talmud, 10 places in the Babylonian Talmud, 16 places in Rashi's
    commentary to the Babylonian Talmud and 16 places in the Tosefta to the
    Babylonian Talmud. Every Orthodox rabbi and most non-Orthodox rabbis
    should be well familiar with this constellation and its relationship to
    the flood of Noah.

    Here are a few of the most specific references:
    Talmud Rosh Hashana 11b: It has been taught: 'In the sixth hundredth
    year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the
    month. R. Joshua said: That day was the seventeenth day of Iyar, when
    the constellation of KIMAH sets at daybreak and the fountains begin to
    dry up, and because they [mankind] perverted their ways, the Holy One,
    blessed be He, changed for them the work of creation and made the
    constellation of KIMAH rise at daybreak and took two stars from the
    KIMAH and brought a flood on the world. R. Eliezer said: That day was
    the seventeenth of Heshvan, a day on which the constellation of KIMAH
    rises at daybreak, and when the fountains begin to fill. FOOTNOTE TO
    THE TALMUD: There seems to be some confusion in the text here. To make
    it astronomically correct we should read (with the Seder Olam) in the
    dictum of R. Joshua, 'When KIMAH rises at daybreak', and in the
    dictum of R. Eliezer, 'sets at daybreak'.

    In the month of Adar, the KIMAH appears to be overhead at the time the
    peasant finishes his work (Augustus- September), viz., about four in
    the afternoon. Thus R. Papa states that seed time is governed by Adar
    (and KIMAH).

    Elsewhere in Talmudic literature, knowledge is compared to the KIMAH,
    which causes the ripening of fruits (or the time of harvest) and gives
    them taste. Since taste is a function of smell (try holding your nose
    when something tastes bad ... ) and the attribute by which the Talmud
    states the Torah devout will recognize the Messiah is by his smell;
    there is an ancient opinion that when the time of the Messiah nears,
    the people will look for a sign in the constellation KIMAH. B're****
    Rabbah 10.

    Contextually the constellation may be related to the "exiled House"
    of Joseph (The Son"s of Faz, Badly translated to Joseph), because it
    is alternatively called, Taurus or the constellation of the ox or bull
    (and Try to Find Warhol Blinking stars - Maia Constellation). This is
    alluded to in B're**** (Genesis) 49:5-6 (where the rabbinim interpret
    the "ox" who is maimed by Simeon and Levi as Joseph); and again in the
    blessing of Moses on the House of Joseph, found in D'varim
    (Deutoronomy) 33:13-17, where Joseph is called by Moses, "the firstling
    of Hashem's bullock," who has the horns of the "re'eym." (verse 17).
    The constellation itself with its box-like head and two horns, reminds
    one of the head of a bullock.
    Deuteronomy 33:17 goes on to state that with the horns of the re'eym,
    HASHEM (Ha-SEAN) will "gore" nations together to the ends of the Land.
    And these nations are the myriads of Ephraim and the thousands of
    Manasseh -- the House of Joseph. Moses Ben-Maimon also known as
    Maimomides and the Rambam, states of this verse: "the two horns
    represent the two branches of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh." (England
    and America)

    Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 13 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/12/2011 08:54
    In Psalm 22:22, Hashem answers "from the horns of the Re'eym." The next
    verse, verse 23 states: "I will proclaim Your Name to my brethren." The
    Jewish sage Radak wrote that this meant when HASHEM raised the horn of
    the re'eym, that those who knew Hashem should tell what they know to
    their brothers, "the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel who had been exiled to
    Chalach and Chabur."

    The Ba'al HaTanya wrote "just as the re'eym lifts its lowered horn with
    a single sudden jerk, so does Israel's salvation arise suddenly,
    without hesitation or delay." How this could happen if one of the horns
    (the star or Cometh of Warhol) moved from position A to position G
    through a range of vector products, AA through GG.

    This means the two horns would be linked, tied, bound or chained
    together (as is the case of the horns on a bull) and would move in sync
    with each other.

    The Talmud, Tosefta and other rabbinic writings present this record of
    the KIMAH as the only constellation which has undergone any observable
    change since Creation. Consequently, if there were to be a sign in the
    Heavens that would be accepted by the astronomers of today, especially
    as it pertains to validating the Return of the House of Joseph, it
    might be an occurrence in KIMAH that would rectify the change recorded
    in the earlier rabbinic writings and alluded to in Scripture

    The second mention of the KIMAH in Scripture is found in Amos 5:8.
    Oseh KIMAH uchsil ve hofeych laboker tzalmavet veyom lailah hechshich
    Literally, "He who made the KIMAH and CHESIL (Orion) and turns darkness
    into morning and day He darkens as night."

    This alludes to the fact that the KIMAH becomes a second Sun "turning
    darkness into morning" ON THE SAME PLANE AS THE First SUN, whose course
    through the sky turns day into night.

    And then there is the mystery which has puzzled humanity as long as
    mankind has gazed at the stars above. The mystery is why the KIMAH is
    called the Constellation of Seven Sisters (Well because of the Location
    of the Constellation of Maia aka Warhol's blinking Stars), when only
    six stars are visible with the naked eye? Is it possible that one of
    the stars was a doubled star? Or, was it possible that before the
    flood, the constellation's stars formed a seventh, the Cocav David or
    Star of David? If this Cocav David (Golden § Dhabi King) will
    again appear in the pre-dawn sky, what does it mean?

    The context in which Hashem has couched this "mystery of the Seven
    Sisters") is a lamentation over the House of Israel. That means that
    Amos 5 pertains ONLY to the Assimilated descendants of the Northern
    Kingdom and NOT to the faithful and Torah observant among the Jewish
    people (The House of Judah).

    In verse 2 of Amos 5, the prophet states that this "virgin of Israel"
    has fallen (abandoned the Torah and violated it by intermarriage and
    idolatry) and has been scattered. Even today, there is none to raise
    her up, because the focus of has been only the latter part of the
    messianic mission ... to be Hashem's salvation to the goyim or
    Redefining the Mission and Message of Messiah

    The first part of Isaiah 49:5-6, says it is a light thing that Hashem's
    servant (who rabbinim and pastors alike agree is the anointed one or
    messiah descendant from Ha-shem the Sun of Noah), should be Hashem's
    vehicle to restore the preserved of Israel, but this servant also
    should become Hashem's Y'shua (Salvation) to the goyim and Gentiles.
    (This Means that first the children of Jacob England§Germany§America
    must have Faith in the Son of Man Cometh of Warhol. The People of Judea
    did not receive education for almost 70 years and became so dumb as
    donkey's, Remember that Prince David was standing alone when he fought
    Goilath, David's man were sleeping because they had drunk)

    Only such a heavenly sign (Cometh of Warhol) may convince the House of
    Judah to recognize that Hashem's plan to restore Tzion (The Lion -
    Me, Warhol) includes the non-House of Joseph (Children of Jacob)... the
    promise given by Ha-shem to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and more
    specifically to Judah and Joseph. Otherwise, the House of Joseph
    mentioned by name in Amos 5:6 and 5:15 has quite a challenge ahead of
    them.(Sur We must free our holy lands from all vermin) Hashem is
    calling a remnant of these "Joe's"(Saly Rovers) to leave behind
    everything they own and move lock, stock and barrel not just to the
    land of Israel, but specifically to the unannexed territories in the
    Land of Maghreb currently occupied by Alawit state, build on lies, the
    invader of the Fezzian Republic is in reality Naked and he does know
    it, why he kills people like me.

    The Return of the descendants of Joseph to their biblical territories
    - Granada' Gibraltar- territories which comprise about two-thirds of
    the Al Gharb, which the Alawit state has not annexed and all of the
    Mount of Thar -- is the reward for which Rachel's(Queen of England)
    weeping and intercession will be rewarded. (exegesis of Jeremiah
    31:15-18) But when they Return, this House of Joseph will be called
    upon to fight a war alongside Judah (Obadiah 18) against the enemies of

    Amos 5:6 and 5:15 then become crucial to understanding the sign of the
    KIMAH sandwiched between in 5:8. ( KIMAH or Judgment - Y2k12 Cometh
    of Warhol)
    Rabbinic exegesis of 5:8 "turning day to night and night to day,"
    contains a profound spiritual truth. understanding will be turned
    upside down. Those who think they understand will be shown that they do
    not. And those whose understanding has been questioned or put down by
    the former will be exalted. More understanding will be added to them.
    But we can't lose sight of the fact that this reversal of understanding
    literally relates to a change in the heavens in the context of the
    Return of the House of Joseph. The natural conclusion to draw is that
    the change in KIMAH indicates a sign in the heavens that may SIGNAL the
    Return or some related event.

    This may be conjecture, but let us propose that the secret of the
    Seventh Sister IS the rising again of the degel Tzion - The Lion
    (banner) to regather, recall and return the House of Israel. But the
    rabbinim are looking for such IN THE HEAVENLIES, as indicated by the
    Rambam, Radak and other sages quoted above.

    In the Last Days, followers of Y'shua also are told to look into the
    Heavens for specific signs. This raises the question of whether the
    sign the rabbinim expect is the same sign that Y'shua promised would be
    revealed to his followers and which would validate his mission as the
    shaliah (one sent or Good one) to the Lost Sheep of the House of
    Earlier mentioned that the KIMAH in Talmudic literature "causes the
    ripening of fruit" (or harvest). Ephraim in Hebrew means
    "double-fruitful." The blessings of fruitfulness associated with Joseph
    also are evident in Genesis 49 and again in Deuteronomy 33. Blessings
    of Joseph.

    But in Genesis 48:19, Ephraim is also called the "melo ha-goyim." This
    term is translated "multitude of nations (Brotherhoods)". " The shaliah
    Paul in Romans 11 refers to this "fullness of the Gentiles" as
    triggering the "return or rescue" (Gr.. sothesetai) of ALL of (the
    House of) Israel. Return of the House of Joseph. (Maghribian
    Immigrants all over the world)
    This return may be alluded to again cryptically in Y'shua's
    multiplication of the Fig loaves (since Adam and Eve invented the
    cloth's, at the Mount of Figs or we say mount Sarsar) and fish (Hi hi
    hi... I love fishes would Jesus say). In Genesis 48:16, Ephraim and
    Manasseh, are told they will "multiply like fish in the midst of the
    land." (literal meaning of vayidgu larov b'kerev ha-aretz). That
    multiplication together with the Torah (the 5 loaves) results in the
    return of all 12 Moorish tribes World Wide (the 12 baskets).

    Most mystifying, however was Y'shua's declaration of a Heavenly sign
    that would signal the coming of the Son of Man, a title by which he
    often referred to himself, but a name by which Ezekiel also was known.

    Matthew 24 calls for signs in the Heavenlies when the REDEMPTION
    draweth nigh. Y'shua told his followers to "stand erect and look
    up" into the night skies when they see earthquakes, famines, floods
    and other "natural" disasters occuring on the face of the Earth.
    (This should be clear for the Users of the astronomy group of
    UseNet.... Keep on reporting if you see falling Fire or other
    Catastrophes that may be linked to the Comet of Warhol)
    Two especially bright objects appear in the night and pre-dawn sky. The
    first is the Venus, whose dailey waxing and waning is observed by the
    Orthodox and Torah observant to commemorate and remember Hashem's
    promises of everlasting mercy to the House ruled by King David.(Saint
    Family Mesbahiyya) As surely as the Venus increases and diminishes on a
    yearly cycle, Hashem will fill the flaw of the Cometh (representing the
    coming of the Son of David ''Gran'Dady's little Sun, right Me
    Warhol)). But another covenant is associated with the renewal of the
    Calendar of the Maia ... one struck between King David and the
    Benjaminite Crown Prince Yonatan, the son of King Saul. This covenant
    between Yonatan and David at the last meeting of the two before
    Yonatan's death, obligates David to remember the HOUSE that would have
    been ruled by Yonatan, the House of Joseph, when King David enters into
    his kingship.

    David was true to his promise. He remembered Yonatan's own children
    including the cripple Mephibosheth and he was the only King of Judah
    who was able to hold together the separate monarchies under the banner
    of a united Israel. This was no small feat because of the political
    differences between the houses of Joseph and Judah respectively, marked
    primarily by their geography and the resurfacing enmity and vexation
    between the children of Rachel and the children of Leah. Return of the
    House of Joseph.

    The second bright spot in the pre-dawn sky must be, KIMAH(Judgement
    Cometh), which travels across the sky like a chariot ON THE SAME

    Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 13 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/12/2011 08:55
    With these thoughts in mind, we now turn to Y'shua's reference to a
    specific sign in the Heavenlies in Matthew 24:23-39.

    23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Messiah, or there;
    believe it not.
    24 For there shall arise false messiahs, and false prophets, and shall
    shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if possible, they shall
    deceive the very EKLEKTOS. (Electors - Right Don't believe
    Politicians as that Wannabe president, Al Gore with his global Warming
    Film, full of Half truth's and bull**** about the Cometh Doom - they
    Don't have the solutions as me, Warhol the Sun of Blackbeard)

    EKLEKTOS - Strongs 1588 = choice, select, that is, the best of its kind
    or class, excellence preeminent: applied to certain individual
    Here we submit that Y'shua could well be referring to the Assimilation
    of Israel among the Gentile church.

    25 Behold, I have told you before.
    26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert;
    go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
    27 For as the ASTRAPE cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the
    west; so shall also the PAROUSIA of the Son of man be.

    ASTRAPE - Strongs 796 = Lightning or bright shining ( as the Rocket
    fired on the Temple one ), = the gleam of a lamp (Thayers) = a flash
    such as lightning (Liddell & Scott), illumination of the sky
    accompanying cosmic phenomenon; also a derivative form ASTRO pertains
    to any star or constellation (Bauer, Arndt, Gingrich)
    PAROUSIA - Strongs 3952 presence, arrival, advent. (Thayers)
    ASTRAPE (Hard Rock falling from the sky in the shape of Patato) is not
    necessarily a bolt of lightning, which strikes at random and does not
    necessarily light the sky from east to west. Rather this presence,
    arrival or advent, Y'shua describes is likened to a cosmic phenomenon
    that may directly refer to a specific Cometh star or constellation.
    verse 30:

    30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then
    shall all the tribes of the earth KOPTO, and they shall see the Son of
    man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
    31 And he shall send his angels (messengers) with a great sound of a
    shofar, and they shall gather together his elect and the holy Zacca
    (Temple Tribute) from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the

    KOPTO (Strongs 2875) = beat the breasts, the implication is grief or
    mourning = jolted, startled or stricken in mind (Liddell Scott) (KOPTO
    means They shall start to have understanding for the cometh of Warhol)

    While most of verses 30-31 is written with imagery estranged from human
    experience, whatever this phenomenon -(Cometh of the Sun of man, on all
    media's stations of the world)- the sign of the Son of man in heaven --
    shall be will JOLT, STARTLE and STRIKE in the minds of those,
    especially not prepared for it.

    32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender,
    and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
    33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is
    near, even at the doors (of Orion).
    34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all
    these things be fulfilled.
    35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
    36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of
    heaven, but my Father only.
    37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of
    man be.
    38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and
    drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah
    entered into the ark,
    39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall
    also the coming of the Son of man be.

    The analogy to the sign of the coming of the Son of Man and the flood
    of Noah is again striking, especially because the change in the
    constellation Kimah is tied to the flood (Tsunami) and by implication,
    this eschatological sign.

    Maggid ben Yosef

    (the correct Name of the original writer of this Text should be Mehdi
    Hasan Ibn Ahmed ibn Battota,,. the Joe King von FAZ... Aka The
    Holywood hero Von Saly)

    Lots of things coming in fours these days, and there's more. Think of
    the it, as the job description for the Messiah, what He was called to
    accomplish. All of them being from Isaiah, they tell a terrific story
    about the Old man von the Testament, we shall witness resurrection of
    beloved Sun and all his prophecy shall be so fulfilled

    The Fazi Green Knight Von Saali reporting from Tingis ...

    Sherif of Wazzan: Great Raisuli, we have lost everything. All is
    drifting on
    the wind as you said. We have lost everything.
    Raisuli the Magnificent: Sherif, is there not one thing in your life
    that is worth losing
    everything for?...

    From "The Wind and the Lion", by John Milius

    Right He sacrefied his Life for the Beloved Son of the Blackbeards, so
    that history goes on... Warhol the little sun of the Magnificent

    Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 13 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/09/2014 01:21
    ROSH HASHANAH   =RH =   1/1  =     1  /NISSAN  (EXODO 12:1,2-EZEQUIEL 45:18)
    LEVADURAS            =LEV=15/1  =     15/NISSAN  (LEVITICO 23:6)
    DILUVIO UNIVER.   =DIL  =17/2  =     17/ISHAR    (GENESIS 7:11)
    OCHO DE SIVAN     =SIV =  8/3  =        8/SIVAN
    SHAVUOT                 =SHA=1  /5  =     1  /AV           (APROXIMADO) (ESDRAS 7:8,9)
    13 DE ELUL              =ELU=13/6  =     13/ELUL
    TROMPETAS           =TRO=1  /7  =     1  /TISHRI    (LEVITICO 23:24)
    YOM KIPUR              =YK   =10/7  =  9-10/TISHRI   (COMIENZA EN EL 9 DE TISHRI-LEVITICO 23:32)
    TABERNACULOS    =TAB= 15/7  =     15/TISHRI   (LEVITICO 23:33)
    SIMCHAT TORAH    =STO=22/7  =     22/TISHRI    (OCTAVO DIA) (LEVITICO 23:39)
    JANUKAH                  =JAN =24/9  =     24/KISLEV   (AGEO 2:18,20)
    11/11 (DIA N-306)    =SHE=11/11=      11/SHEVAT (GENESIS 8:6/CALENDARIO DE NOE)
    PURIM                       =PUR=15/12=14-15/ADAR      (ESTHER 9:15,21)
     Años lunares en funcion al calendario gregoriano 
    22/2  8/3     9/4  29/4 20/6   1/8 18/8  26-27/8   1/9    8/9    8/11  15/11 24/12  24-25/1  SI-11/2
    23/2  9/3   10/4  30/4 21/6   2/8 19/8  27-28/8   2/9    9/9    9/11  16/11 25/12  25-26/1  SI-12/2
    24/2  10/3 11/4  1/5   22/6   3/8 20/8  28-29/8   3/9  10/9  10/11 17/11 26/12  26-27/1  SI-13/2
    25/2  11/3 12/4  2/5   23/6   4/8 21/8  29-30/8   4/9  11/9  11/11 18/11 27/12  27-28/1  SI-14/2
    26/2  12/3 13/4  3/5   24/6   5/8 22/8  30-31/8   5/9  12/9  12/11 19/11 28/12  28-29/1  SI-15/2
    27/2  13/3 14/4  4/5   25/6   6/8 23/8  31-  1/9   6/9  13/9  13/11 20/11 29/12  29-30/1  SI-16/2 
    28/2  14/3 15/4  5/5   26/6   7/8 24/8      1-2/9   7/9  14/9  14/11 21/11 30/12  30-31/1  SI-17/2
      1/3  15/3 16/4  6/5   27/6   8/8 25/8      2-3/9   8/9  15/9  15/11 22/11  31/12 31/1-1/2 SI-18/2
      2/3  16/3 17/4  7/5   28/6   9/8 26/8      3-4/9   9/9  16/9  16/11 23/11    1/1     1-2/2     SI-19/2
      3/3  17/3 18/4  8/5   29/6 10/8 27/8      4-5/9 10/9  17/9  17/11 24/11    2/1     2-3/2     SI-20/2
      4/3  18/3 19/4  9/5   30/6 11/8 28/8      5-6/9 11/9  18/9  18/11 25/11    3/1     3-4/2     SI-21/2
      5/3  19/3 20/4 10/5    1/7 12/8 29/8      6-7/9 12/9  19/9  19/11 26/11    4/1     4-5/2         NO
      6/3  20/3 21/4 11/5    2/7 13/8 30/8      7-8/9 13/9  20/9  20/11 27/11    5/1     5-6/2         NO
      7/3  21/3 22/4 12/5    3/7 14/8 31/8      8-9/9 14/9  21/9  21/11 28/11    6/1     6-7/2         NO
      8/3  22/3 23/4 13/5    4/7 15/8   1/9    9-10/9 15/9  22/9  22/11 29/11    7/1     7-8/2         NO
      9/3  23/3 24/4 14/5    5/7 16/8   2/9  10-11/9 16/9  23/9  23/11 30/11    8/1     8-9/2         NO
    10/3  24/3 25/4 15/5    6/7 17/8   3/9  11-12/9 17/9  24/9  24/11   1/12    9/1     9-10/2       NO
    11/3  25/3 26/4 16/5    7/7 18/8   4/9  12-13/9 18/9  25/9  25/11   2/12  10/1   10-11/2       NO
    12/3  26/3 27/4 17/5    8/7 19/8   5/9  13-14/9 19/9  26/9  26/11   3/12  11/1   11-12/2       NO
    13/3  27/3 28/4 18/5    9/7 20/8   6/9  14-15/9 20/9  27/9  27/11   4/12  12/1   12-13/2       NO
    14/3  28/3 29/4 19/5  10/7 21/8   7/9  15-16/9 21/9  28/9  28/11   5/12  13/1   13-14/2       NO
    15/3  29/3 30/4 20/5  11/7 22/8   8/9  16-17/9 22/9  29/9  29/11   6/12  14/1   14-15/2       NO
    16/3  30/3   1/5 21/5  12/7 23/8   9/9  17-18/9 23/9  30/9  30/11   7/12  15/1   15-16/2       NO
    17/3  31/3   2/5 22/5  13/7 24/8 10/9  18-19/9 24/9    1/10  1/12   8/12  16/1   16-17/2       NO
    18/3    1/4   3/5 23/5  14/7 25/8 11/9  19-20/9 25/9    2/10  2/12   9/12  17/1   17-18/2       NO
    19/3    2/4   4/5 24/5  15/7 26/8 12/9  20-21/9 26/9    3/10  3/12 10/12  18/1   18-19/2       NO
    20/3    3/4   5/5 25/5  16/7 27/8 13/9  21-22/9 27/9    4/10  4/12 11/12  19/1   19-20/2       NO
    21/3    4/4   6/5 26/5  17/7 28/8 14/9  22-23/9 28/9    5/10  5/12 12/12  20/1   20-21/2       NO
    22/3    5/4   7/5 27/5  18/7 29/8 15/9  23-24/9 29/9    6/10  6/12 13/12  21/1   21-22/2       NO
    23/3    6/4   8/5 28/5  19/7 30/8 16/9  24-25/9 30/9    7/10  7/12 14/12  22/1   22-23/2       NO
    8 DE SIVAN=7/5
    YOM KIPUR=3-4/9
    JANUKAH (8VO DIA)=23/11 (GENESIS 8:6)
    SECUENCIA LUNAR DE 1999-2000

    Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 13 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/10/2014 17:53

    Diluvio de Noé

    La leyenda del Diluvio de Noé comienza en Acuario durante la era astrológica de Tauro, y sigue la trayectoria del sol a través de la eclíptica de Acuario a Piscis a Aries a Tauro a Géminis. Para mayor referencia, véase el Edén para Babel y un mapa de la Zodiac .

    Primera Imagen

    Noé personifica Acuario del Waterman.

    9 Estas son las generaciones de Noé. Noé era un hombre justo y honrado en su generación; Noé caminó con Dios. (Génesis 6: 9)

    Los animales entraron en el arca de dos en dos.

    9 de dos en dos, macho y hembra, entró en el arca con Noé, como mandó Dios a Noé. (Génesis 7: 9)

    Cuando el sol pasa a Aries, la tierra estaba seca. El cordero simboliza la tierra.

    14 En el mes segundo, a los veintisiete días del mes, se secó la tierra. (Génesis 8: 13-14)


    Segunda imagen

    El Argo Navis es una gran constelación de tal manera que se dividió en tres constelaciones: Carina, Puppis y Vela, en representación de la quilla, popa y vela respectivamente. Se encuentra mucho más al sur en el Trópico de Capricornio celestial. Los tres sectores de Capricornio, Acuario y Piscis contienen una gran cantidad de constelaciones acuosas y eran conocidos por antiguos como el mar.

    Noé envió un cuervo a buscar tierra firme. El cuervo se fue de aquí para allá hasta que las aguas se secaron.

    7 y envió un cuervo; y se fue de aquí para allá hasta que las aguas se secaron sobre la tierra. (Génesis 8: 7)

    Después envió una paloma.

    8 Y envió á la paloma, para ver si las aguas se habían retirado de sobre la faz de la tierra; (Génesis 8: 8)

    Hay un mito griego clásico construido alrededor del Argo Navis, llamado Jason y la búsqueda del vellocino de oro . La historia sigue el sol en todo el zodíaco.

    Tercera imagen

    Noé se emborrachó y se quedó desnudo en su tienda de campaña. Cam vio su desnudez y le dijo a sus dos hermanos.

    20 Noé fue el primer labrador de la tierra. Él plantó una viña;
    21 y bebió del vino, y se embriagó, y yacía descubierto en su tienda.
    21 Y Cam, padre de Canaán, vio la desnudez de su padre, y dijo a sus dos hermanos que estaban afuera. (Gen. 9: 20-22)

    En Tauro, vemos Orion como Noé, Auriga como jamón y los gemelos Géminis como Sem y Jepheth. Los tres hijos están mirando hacia abajo a su padre.

    Sem y Jafet cubrieron su padre, pero no vieron su desnudez.

    23 Entonces Sem y Jafet tomaron la ropa, la pusieron sobre sus propios hombros, y andando hacia atrás, cubrieron la desnudez de su padre; sus rostros fueron rechazados, y no vieron la desnudez de su padre. (Gen. 9:23)

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    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 17/10/2014 14:19

    Génesis 9

    1. Bendijo Dios a Noé y a sus hijos, y les dijo: Fructificad y multiplicaos, y llenad la tierra.
    2. El temor y el miedo de vosotros estarán sobre todo animal de la tierra, y sobre toda ave de los cielos, en todo lo que se mueva sobre la tierra, y en todos los peces del mar; en vuestra mano son entregados.
    3. Todo lo que se mueve y vive, os será para mantenimiento: así como las legumbres y plantas verdes, os lo he dado todo.
    4. Pero carne con su vida, que es su sangre, no comeréis.
    5. Porque ciertamente demandaré la sangre de vuestras vidas; de mano de todo animal la demandaré, y de mano del hombre; de mano del varón su hermano demandaré la vida del hombre.
    6. El que derramare sangre de hombre, por el hombre su sangre será derramada; porque a imagen de Dios es hecho el hombre.
    7. Mas vosotros fructificad y multiplicaos; procread abundantemente en la tierra, y multiplicaos en ella.
    8. Y habló Dios a Noé y a sus hijos con él, diciendo:
    9. He aquí que yo establezco mi pacto con vosotros, y con vuestros descendientes después de vosotros;
    10. y con todo ser viviente que está con vosotros; aves, animales y toda bestia de la tierra que está con vosotros, desde todos los que salieron del arca hasta todo animal de la tierra.
    11. Estableceré mi pacto con vosotros, y no exterminaré ya más toda carne con aguas de diluvio, ni habrá más diluvio para destruir la tierra.
    12. Y dijo Dios: Esta es la señal del pacto que yo establezco entre mí y vosotros y todo ser viviente que está con vosotros, por siglos perpetuos:
    13. Mi arco he puesto en las nubes, el cual será por señal del pacto entre mí y la tierra.
    14. Y sucederá que cuando haga venir nubes sobre la tierra, se dejará ver entonces mi arco en las nubes.
    15. Y me acordaré del pacto mío, que hay entre mí y vosotros y todo ser viviente de toda carne; y no habrá más diluvio de aguas para destruir toda carne.
    16. Estará el arco en las nubes, y lo veré, y me acordaré del pacto perpetuo entre Dios y todo ser viviente, con toda carne que hay sobre la tierra.
    17. Dijo, pues, Dios a Noé: Esta es la señal del pacto que he establecido entre mí y toda carne que está sobre la tierra.
    18. Y los hijos de Noé que salieron del arca fueron Sem, Cam y Jafet; y Cam es el padre de Canaán. (HAY UN NEXO ESPIRITUAL CON LAS BODAS DE CANA)
    19. Estos tres son los hijos de Noé, y de ellos fue llena toda la tierra. (Hay que acotar que NOE, SET, JAFET Y CAM MAS SUS ESPOSAS SON 8, OSEA EL NUMERO DE LA RESURRECCION)
    20. Después comenzó Noé a labrar la tierra, y plantó una viña; (Esta relacionado con las BODAS DE CANA, EN UN CONTEXTO AL VINO, OSEA LA SANGRE DE CRISTO. DICHAS BODAS FUERON EN UN SEPTIMO DIA, PERO CONSIDERANDO LA LUNA LLENA, EL OCTAVO)
    21. y bebió del vino, y se embriagó, y estaba descubierto en medio de su tienda. (HAY UN NEXO CON LA FIESTA DE LAS TIENDAS, TABERNACULOS O CABAÑAS=LEVITICO 23:33)
    22. Y Cam, padre de Canaán, vio la desnudez de su padre, y lo dijo a sus dos hermanos que estaban afuera.
    23. Entonces Sem y Jafet tomaron la ropa, y la pusieron sobre sus propios hombros, y andando hacia atrás, cubrieron la desnudez de su padre, teniendo vueltos sus rostros, y así no vieron la desnudez de su padre.
    24. Y despertó Noé de su embriaguez, y supo lo que le había hecho su hijo más joven,
    25. y dijo: Maldito sea Canaán; Siervo de siervos será a sus hermanos.
    26. Dijo más: Bendito por Jehová mi Dios sea Sem, Y sea Canaán su siervo.
    27. Engrandezca Dios a Jafet, Y habite en las tiendas de Sem, Y sea Canaán su siervo.
    28. Y vivió Noé después del diluvio trescientos cincuenta años.
    29. Y fueron todos los días de Noé novecientos cincuenta años; y murió.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 13 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/05/2016 16:21
    Reply  Message 10 of 12 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/05/2016 12:34
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    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/05/2016 12:37

    Reply  Message 12 of 12 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/05/2016 12:38
    BARILOCHENSE6999 03/05/2016 13:09
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    Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 13 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/03/2018 17:28
    Resultado de imagen para EL FARO SEGUNDA MARAVILLA DEL MUNDO
    Resultado de imagen para EL FARO SEGUNDA MARAVILLA DEL MUNDO
    Resultado de imagen para EFESO EFECTIVO CASH
    Resultado de imagen para siete maravillas del mundo antiguo
    Resultado de imagen para siete maravillas del mundo antiguo
    Resultado de imagen para siete iglesias de apocalipsis

    Apocalipsis 1

    1. La revelación de Jesucristo, que Dios le dio, para manifestar a sus siervos las cosas que deben suceder pronto; y la declaró enviándola por medio de su ángel a su siervo Juan, (ES OBVIO QUE SI DIOS LE DIO, ES QUE CRISTO NO ES OMNISAPIENTE, NI SIQUIERA EN EL CIELO. OSEA QUE CRISTO NO ES DIOS TODOPODEROSO. "SIERVO JUAN" ESTA EN CLAVE CON REFERENCIA A JUAN MARCOS. RECORDEMOS QUE CRISTO SIEMPRE LO HACE EN EL CONTEXTO AL SALMO 119.)
    2. que ha dado testimonio de la palabra de Dios, y del testimonio de Jesucristo, y de todas las cosas que ha visto.
    3. Bienaventurado el que lee, y los que oyen las palabras de esta profecía, y guardan las cosas en ella escritas; porque el tiempo está cerca.
    4. Juan, a las siete iglesias que están en Asia: Gracia y paz a vosotros,del que es y que era y que ha de venir, y de los siete espíritus que están delante de su trono; (UNA CLARA REFERENCIA A LAS PLEYADES)
    5. y de Jesucristo el testigo fiel, el primogénito de los muertos, y el soberano de los reyes de la tierra. Al que nos amó, y nos lavó de nuestros pecados con su sangre,
    6. y nos hizo reyes y sacerdotes para Dios, su Padre; a él sea gloria e imperio por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.
    7. He aquí que viene con las nubes, y todo ojo le verá, y los que le traspasaron; y todos los linajes de la tierra harán lamentación por él. Sí, amén.
    8. Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, principio y fin, dice el Señor, el que es y que era y que ha de venir, el Todopoderoso. (SALMO 119)
    9. Yo Juan, vuestro hermano, y copartícipe vuestro en la tribulación, en el reino y en la paciencia de Jesucristo, estaba en la isla llamada Patmos, por causa de la palabra de Dios y el testimonio de Jesucristo.
    10. Yo estaba en el Espíritu en el día del Señor, y oí detrás de mí una gran voz como de trompeta,
    11. que decía: Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, el primero y el último. Escribe en un libro lo que ves, y envíalo a las siete iglesias que están en Asia: a Efeso, Esmirna, Pérgamo, Tiatira, Sardis, Filadelfia y Laodicea. (UNA CLARA REFERENCIA A LAS PLEYADES, OSEA A LA CONSTELACION DEL TORO / TAURO)
    43. Génesis 33:17: Y Jacob fue a Sucot, y edificó allí CASA para sí, e hizo cabañas para su ganado; por tanto, llamó el nombre de aquel lugar Sucot.
    12. Y me volví para ver la voz que hablaba conmigo; y vuelto, vi siete candeleros de oro,
    13. y en medio de los siete candeleros, a uno semejante al Hijo del Hombre, vestido de una ropa que llegaba hasta los pies, y ceñido por el pecho con un cinto de oro. (¿CINTURON DE ORION?)
    14. Su cabeza y sus cabellos eran blancos como blanca lana, como nieve; sus ojos como llama de fuego;
    15. y sus pies semejantes al bronce bruñido, refulgente como en un horno; y su voz como estruendo de muchas aguas.
    16. Tenía en su diestra siete estrellas; de su boca salía una espada aguda de dos filos; y su rostro era como el sol cuando resplandece en su fuerza. (LAS SIETE ESTRELLAS SON LAS PLEYADES. ES OBVIO QUE NUESTRO SEÑOR ES ORION. APARENTEMENTE EL SOL EN SU FUERZA ES UNA REFERENCIA AL SOLSTICIO DE VERANO, OSEA AL 20/21 DE JUNIO.)
    17. Cuando le vi, caí como muerto a sus pies. Y él puso su diestra sobre mí, diciéndome: No temas; yo soy el primero y el último; (ES CLARO QUE CRISTO HACE REFERENCIA AL SALMO 119, EN EL MARCO A QUE EL ALFA=HOMBRE Y OMEGA=FEMENINO, OSEA AL YIN Y YANG, AL HOMBRE Y LA MUJER, AL SOL Y LA LUNA, EL PRIMERO Y EL ULTIMO, ETC, ETC, OSEA EL CORAZON ESOTERICO DEL 911/ 119)
    18. y el que vivo, y estuve muerto; mas he aquí que vivo por los siglos de los siglos, amén. Y tengo las llaves de la muerte y del Hades. (UNA REFERENCIA A MATEO 16:18)
    19. Escribe las cosas que has visto, y las que son, y las que han de ser después de estas. (JUSTO EN EL 1:19, UNA REFERENCIA AL PASADO, PRESENTE Y FUTURO OSEA A LA "MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO")
    20. El misterio de las siete estrellas que has visto en mi diestra, y de los siete candeleros de oro: las siete estrellas son los ángeles de las siete iglesias, y los siete candeleros que has visto, son las siete iglesias.
    Escribe las cosas que has VISTO, y las que son, y las que han de ser después de estas.
    pasado, presente y futuro ("MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO")

    Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 13 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/09/2022 01:11
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