NASA gives Zarya/Horus the (3)3rd Degree

On November 20th, 1998 the first module of the new International Space Station (IS(I)S) was launched at 6:40 AM GMT from the Baikonour Cosmodrome in Kazakstan. The timing of this launch was evidently designed to coincide with a number of significant celestial alignments consistent with NASA's long established ritual pattern. The precise nature and meaning of these alignments took on different characteristics depending on just where you stood within the vast Cosmodrome.
Located just north of the former city of Leninsk in central Kazakstan, initial construction of the Baikonour facility was commenced on May 5th, 1955 and the first launch was in 1957. By 1989, the Cosmodrome encompassed an incredible 1560 square km. and over 80 launch pads.

Launch pad 333
Zarya, which translates into "sunrise" or "rising sun" in English, was launched from pad 333 at its precisely scheduled time despite Russian requests to have the launch delayed. NASA, citing a number of minor technical considerations, refused the Russian request and the launch went off as originally scheduled and was witnessed by NASA administrator Dan Goldin. Considering that the IS(I)S program was already a year behind schedule, another minor delay would not, despite NASA protestations to contrary, have led to a significant problem. Only when you consider the symbolic significance of the moment does this steadfast insistence make sense.
"Rising sun" of course, is Horus in the ancient Egyptian pantheon of gods. "Horus in the Horizon" or more literally "Horus-rising," is symbolic of the transformation between the dimensions of life and death. To the Egyptians, the symbol of their sun-god rising each morning was a comforting reminder that the good god Osiris ruled over the underworld to the west and that rebirth was promised. Recent studies have connected Horus directly to the Sphinx and to the planet Mars, which shared the name Horatkhi, which means "Horus in the Horizon." The Sphinx was also painted red for much of its documented history, and this also ties quite nicely with the planet Mars which was known as "Horus the Red" to the Egyptians.
The number 33 and its variants also have an unusual significance in our space program. 33 seems to pop up everywhere, like the landing site of Mars Pathfinder on "Horus the Red" at 19.5° N by 33° W. The one and only launch pad at the White Sands Missile range where Werner Von Braun and his Nazi co-horts ran the post war V-2 tests was launch pad 33. The landing strip at Kennedy Space Center in Florida where the shuttle lands is runway 33. And on and on. The number is of course the top level of the Masonic Scottish Rite, which so many astronauts and executives in NASA's history are members of.
So the symbolism of "Horus" launching from pad 333 (which just happens to be 3,300 km from Giza) is fairly obvious. But, as usual, it gets better.
The 6:40 AM GMT launch time was a moment of incredible celestial convergence over Baikonour. The only problem with tracking down the most significant would seem to be in the size of the complex itself. At least one source gives the location of the Cosmodrome as 45° 56' N by 63° 18' E. This might be considered the center of Baikonour, but the locations of pads and other facilities are spread out.
Assuming for the moment that the Lat. and Lon. given above is "real," it has already been documented that some interesting things are taking place in the sky.

Namely Sirius/Isis, consort of Osiris and mother of Horus, namesake of the International Space Station, was at precisely 33° below the western horizon.
The interesting thing is that as you move about the Cosmodrome, other even more interesting alignments are taking place above the launch site. Just a few arc minutes south and west of the "center" (but still well within the confines of) the Cosmodrome, at the exact moment of the launch of Zarya/Horus/Mars, "Horus the Red," Mars itself, was 33° above western horizon at Baikonour.

And of course, no event during this extraordinary period in NASA's history would be complete without checking the position of Comet Encke, the heart of the Taurid meteor stream and the focus of so many events around the resurrection of John Glenn's astronaut career.

And of course, Encke (the summerian version of Osiris who's son was Marduk -- or Mars!) was found directly due east and at precisely 19.5° below the horizon.
This recurrent -- and indisputable -- astronomical pattern keeps harkening back to the same theme. Mars, Mars, Mars! That NASA carefully planned this launch to coincide with these celestial events, indeed that this must have been the sole reason for selecting this launch date and time, cannot be statistically refuted. Despite the slings and arrows of our critics, who ignore contradictory expert opinion without justification or statistical analysis and dismiss this all as "coincidence," it is clearly evident that this signal contains a message. Moreover, this signal is increasing in both strength and frequency, perhaps implying that we are near the brink of an event of major significance ("Bring in NASA with December Seven." anyone?). It may be merely the joining of Zarya and and Unity to form IS(I)S, but we suspect there is something more significant on the horizon.
As for Unity, well, let's just say we expect a slight delay in the countdown.
It should be recalled that one of the models for a manned mission to Mars is to simply strap engines on the IS(I)S and go there. Perhaps this is the ultimate aim of all these Martian references?
Whatever the case, the question before us is how much longer are they going to get away with this? We have done our part in exposing the ritual pattern and virtual usurpation of our space program. But what are you, as the public who pays for these cabalistic hi-jinx, going to do to stop it? We suspect that Dan Goldin and NASA are waiting for you to answer that very question.