"Three tables bore the Grail, a round one, a square one, and a rectangular. All three have the same surface and their number is Two One"
take a rectangle of proportions 2 units by 1 unit.
The diagonal from corner to corner is
2 squared + 1 squared = Root 5
Add the square
Root 5 + 1
divide it by 2
(Root5 + 1)/2 becomes 1.618 Golden section.
1.618/0.618 = 1 + 1.618 = 2.618
but we haven't finished yet.
2.618 x 12/10 = 3.146. A close approximation to PI.
12/10 is the interval of a third in music the interval between the major and minor scale. The mason Cathedral builders knew this. This monophonic tone was first used by the Troubadours and continues with Gregorian Chants.
What did they use? A Calculator? Well sort of.
They used a Druids cord.

Put this into 4 x 4 x 5 configuration and the angle is that of the slope of the Great Pyramid. It's also the seven angles in a seven pointed star.