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Cíbola[1] es una ciudad legendaria llena de riquezas, que durante la época colonial se suponía en algún lugar del norte de la Nueva España, en lo que hoy es el norte de México y el suroeste de Estados Unidos.
[editar] Etimología
La palabra Cíbola procede de cíbolo, nombre español hoy desusado que se daba al bisonte, ya que el territorio del legendario reino en donde se suponía la existencia de las siete ciudades se extendía hasta las praderas en donde (hasta mediados del siglo XIX) existían millones de estos animales.
[editar] El origen de la leyenda
Cíbola fue una de las fantásticas ciudades que existieron en una vieja leyenda que se originó alrededor del año 713 cuando los moros conquistaron Mérida, España; según la leyenda siete obispos huyeron de la ciudad no sólo para salvar sus vidas, sino también para impedir que los infieles moros se apropiaran de valiosas reliquias religiosas. Años después corrió el rumor de que se habían instalado los siete obispos en un lugar lejano, más allá del mundo conocido en esa época, y habían fundado las ciudades de Cíbola y Quivira.
La leyenda decía que esas ciudades llegaron a tener grandes riquezas, principalmente en oro y piedras preciosas. Esa leyenda fue la causa de que exploradores españoles y sus gobernantes trataran en vano de encontrar durante siglos las legendarias ciudades.
La leyenda creció a tal grado que con el tiempo ya no se hablaba únicamente de Cíbola y Quivira, sino de siete magníficas ciudades Aira, Anhuib, Ansalli, Ansesseli, Ansodi, Ansolli y Con, construidas en oro, cada una de ellas había sido fundada por cada uno de los siete obispos que partieron de Mérida al ser conquistada por los moros.
[editar] Crece la leyenda
De alguna manera la leyenda estaba viva en la época de las exploraciones españolas en el Nuevo Mundo, leyenda que fue alimentada por los náufragos de la fracasada expedición de Pánfilo de Narváez a la Florida en 1528, los cuales a su regreso a la Nueva España dijeron haber escuchado de boca de los nativos historias de ciudades con grandes riquezas. De esa larga caminata sobrevivieron cuatro hombres: uno de ellos fue Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, quien escribió un libro llamado Naufragios, en el cual describió la larga aventura a pie desde la costa de Florida hasta la costa de Sinaloa en México. Otro de los cuatro sobrevivientes fue un esclavo negro llamado Esteban, conocido como Estebanico.
[editar] En busca de las siete ciudades de oro
Al escuchar las noticias que relataban los náufragos de ciudades de riqueza sin límite ubicadas más al norte de la Nueva España, el virrey Antonio de Mendoza y Pacheco organizó una expedición encabezada por el fraile franciscano Marcos de Niza, quien llevaba como guía a Estebanico. Durante el viaje a un lugar llamado Vacapa (probablemente en alguna parte del estado de Sonora) envió el fraile a Estebanico por delante para investigar. Poco después Estebanico reclamó la presencia del fraile por haber escuchado de los nativos historias de ciudades colmadas de riquezas.
Al enterarse de eso, fray Marcos de Niza supuso que se trataba de las "Siete Ciudades de Cíbola y Quivira".
Estebanico no esperó al fraile, sino que siguió avanzando hasta llegar a Háwikuh, Nuevo México, en donde encontró la muerte a manos de los nativos que hicieron huir a sus acompañantes.
[editar] La historia de Marcos de Niza
El fraile Marcos de Niza regresó a la ciudad de México narrando que había continuado la exploración después de la muerte de Estebanico y había avistado a lo lejos una ciudad más grande que la gran Tenochtitlan (ciudad de México) y que los nativos de allí usaban vajillas de plata y oro, decoraban sus casas con turquesas y usaban perlas gigantescas, esmeraldas y otras joyas más.
[editar] Parte la segunda expedición en busca de las siete ciudades de oro
Al escuchar esas noticias, el virrey Antonio de Mendoza y Pacheco no perdió el tiempo y organizó una gran expedición militar para tomar posesión de aquellas riquísimas tierras que el fraile le había narrado con profusión de detalles.
Al mando de la misma quedó un amigo del Virrey, Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, quien llevaba como guía al fraile Marcos de Niza. El 22 de abril de 1540 salió Coronado de Culiacán al mando de un pequeño grupo de expedicionarios, en tanto el grueso de la expedición iría más lentamente a las órdenes de Tristán de Arellano (en cada villa española se reorganizaba la expedición terrestre), a la vez que partía otra expedición por mar al mando de Fernando de Alarcón para abastecer a la expedición de tierra.
Coronado atravesó el actual estado de Sonora y entró en el actual estado de Arizona. Allí comprobó que las historias de Marcos de Niza eran falsas al no encontrar ninguna riqueza de las que el fraile había mencionado. Asimismo resultó falsa la aseveración del fraile que desde aquellas tierras se podía ver el mar, ya que como le dijeron los nativos a Coronado y lo comprobó él mismo, el mar se encontraba a muchos días de camino.
[editar] La Gran Quivira
En la actualidad, las viejas ruinas de un antiguo asentamiento indígena en Nuevo México se conocen como La Gran Quivira. Durante la colonización española el asentamiento fue llamado Pueblo de Las Humanas.
Francisco Vázquez de Coronado llamó Quivira a un asentamiento indígena cuya ubicación se desconoce hoy en día, y desde allí partió García López de Cárdenas en busca de un río del cual los indios Hopi les habían hablado.
Para cuando llegó García López al Gran Cañón que formaba el río Colorado, el río ya había sido visitado y bautizado en su desembocadura a cientos de kilómetros de distancia por Francisco de Ulloa en septiembre de 1539, quien llamó Ancón de San Andrés al delta del río, y ya Fernando de Alarcón lo había navegado 80 leguas río arriba y bautizado con el nombre de Río de Nuestra Señora del Buen Guía en agosto de 1540.
García López no pudo encontrar una senda o atajo para bajar desde lo alto del Gran Cañón hasta el río Colorado. Sin embargo, se considera que fue el primer europeo en visitar el Gran Cañón.
[editar] Cíbola en la cultura popular
La ciudad es citada en numerosas ocasiones por el escritor estadounidense Stephen King en su novela The Stand (títulos castellanos: "La danza de la muerte" —versión censurada— y "Apocalipsis" —versión completa—). Uno de los personajes, un pirómano demente, asocia a Cíbola con la ciudad de Las Vegas y la llama "Siete en Una". La última aportación a dicha cultura popular es la creación cinematográfica de Hollywood interpretada por Nicolas Cage en la película titulada National Treasure: Book of Secrets, en la que van descifrando paso a paso una serie de enigmas hasta dar con la mítica ciudad.
El festival de cine que tiene lugar en la ciudad de Chihuahua lleva este nombre.
En una novela reciente (El Presidente Olvidado. Rafael Carrera) el autor, Óscar René Cruz Oliva, relata que Pedro de Alvarado desvía la ruta para descubrir la costa (occidental) de India, para encontrar las Siete Ciudades de Cíbola, pero que encontró la muerte cuando se detuvo en lo que hoy son las costas de Jalisco en México. Rafael Carrera que vive la época de la "fiebre de oro" relaciona ésta, -en California EUA que fuera territorio mexicano en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII- con aquellas ciudades.
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El Mito de las Siete Ciudades de Cíbola se origina de forma más bien pecaminosa, en tiempos de la conquista de España por los moros. “Nace del cuerpo ...
www.taringa.net/posts/info/1065154/Cibola_-la-ciudad-perdida.htmlEn caché - Similares
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La historia de la conquista y colonización de América está poblada de geografías imaginarias, lugares y seres fantásticos construidos a partir de...
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Read about the legend of the Seven Cities of Cibola and Spanish conquistador Francisco Vazquez de Coronado in this article from National Geographic.
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The Cibola National Forest and Grasslands are located in New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma, and are part of the Southwestern Region. The Cibola National ...
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Events. All Day: Cibola Science Fair paperwork available this month ... 2012- 2013 Cibola High School. 1510 Ellison NW, Albuquerque, NM 87112 ...
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Marco Cibola Illustration. marco@workbymarco.com 416 801 6676. Main · Info · Quick Look. Illustration; Editorial 1 · Editorial 2 · Portraits · Advertising · Info/Maps ...
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The official website for Cibola County, New Mexico.
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La leyenda de las siete ciudades de oro de Cíbola. Este mito se originó en el siglo XII, cuando los Moros atacaron y conquistaron la ciudad de Mérida, ...
Coronado's Journey Through Sonora and Arizona
Coronado's Journey Through Sonora and Arizona:
In Brief:
In 1540, with a commission by the Viceroy of New Spain and funded by many investors, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado marched north from Compostela, Mexico, with a huge army, to conquer the Seven Cities of Cibola, discovered the year before by the priest, Marcos de Niza. The army contained around 350 Spaniards, some on horseback and more on foot, and around 900 Indian allies gathered from central Mexico, plus herds of livestock. Only a few women went on the expedition, including the wives of a very few Spanish soldiers. They expected to pay off the investments and get rich from gold and jewels in Cibola, but when they reached there in July, 1540, the found no wealth.
Coronado sent out side parties that discovered the Grand Canyon and the mouth of the Colorado River. A naval support expedition also sailed up the lower Colorado River, but failed to rendezvous with the land army. After Coronado conquered Cibola, he occupied other pueblos in New Mexico and marched as far as Kansas but never found gold. The expedition was regarded as a failure.
(The rest of the expedition is described on our page "Coronado's Journey Part II: Through New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas")
Many people forget that about 2/3 of the Coronado expedition members were what Spaniards called "Indian allies"-- warriors from central Mexican towns who had allied with the Spanish to defeat the Aztecs in 1520. |
Read About the Expedition
The most engaging popular history of the expedition was the book by historian Herbert Bolton, called "Coronado: Knight of the Plains," first published in 1949 by the University of New Mexico Press and still in print. Bolton was a brilliant writer and tells many engaging tales based on a synthesis of the chronicles plus his own research on the ground, following his estimate of the route both in Mexico and the U.S.
Scholarship has continued about the expedition, the life of the soldiers and native allies, and the location of the route since Bolton's time. The best modern collection of engaging research papers and photos of artifacts is "The Expedition to Tierra Nueva," edited by Richard and Shirley Flint, published in 1997 by the University of Colorado Press (one of the few southwestern states that Coronado didn't reach!). The Flints are currently editing a second collection based on a conference in 2000.
Tracking the Expedition's Route: Sleuthing for Clues and Artifacts
For over 100 years, the exact route of Coronado has been an American mystery. Generations of scholars have tried to retrace the steps of the army from their descriptions of villages, rivers, mountains, and native communities. National commissions have grappled with the problem of designating a "Coronado Trail" that tourists could follow, but clues were sparse, and politics raised its head when various factions tried to claim parts of the route for their state. Because we don't know just where they were, it is tantalizingly hard to interpret the Coronado chronicles' descriptions of native villages and other sites they visited.
An exciting race against time will be played out in the 21st century. In our lifetimes, many potential Coronado sites are being destroyed by urban growth, vandalism, and plowing of fields for agriculture. However, if amateur sleuths report possible Spanish artifacts, it may still be possible to locate more of Coronado's camps and document exactly where the army went. See our web page on helping scholars to locate Coronado sites.
Discoveries in the 1980s and 1990s, such as the identification of Coronado campsites near Albuquerque and near Floydada, Texas, have started to pin down the route. Using sites where artifacts have been found, researchers can better reconstruct the clues to other sites mentioned in the chronicles.
The First Part of the Adventure: Through Sonora and Arizona to the Seven Cities of Cibola
The army was ordered to assemble in Governor Vasquez de Coronado's headquarters in Compostela, west of Mexico City near the coast. The muster roll was taken there on February 22, 1540. This was long before "American History" started in the United States; it was exactly 192 years before the birth of George Washington! The army chronicles describe how the army marched from Compostela to the last frontier outpost, the town of Culiacán, on the coast. On the way, the encountered the party of Melchior Diaz, who had been sent north to check the 1539 findings of the priest-explorer Marcos de Niza. Diaz reported that winter snows had prevented him from traveling further north than the present-day southern Arizona. He had more or less confirmed Marcos's discovery of Cibola, but, like Marcos, he was unable to confirm or report that gold was present in Cibola. From Marcos' report – or rather from rumors about it – the soldiers had conceived that Cibola was full of gold. Thus, in an irony of history, Coronado's army, even before reaching Culiacán, began to blame Marcos for deceiving them, even though his own report had said nothing about gold in Cibola.
Reconstruction of Coronado's 1540 march north to Cibola and the Rio Grande pueblos, based on later descriptions by chroniclers who traveled with the army. Details are sketchy, but the positions of Old Culiocon, Cibola, Corozones, and Chichilticalli are believed to be known at least approximately. |
Because of the report of Diaz, and perhaps beginning to have doubts himself, Coronado decided to charge ahead with a modest band of about 75-80 horsemen, 25-30 footsoldiers, and some native allies, to find out what was really in Cibola. They left the main army and the livestock, who would travel more slowly and catch up to them. The chronicles of the expedition describe how Coronado's vanguard then marched then north into terra incognito, guided by Marcos de Niza along the route he pioneered the year before. A first major stop was the native town called Corazones by the Spanish. (The name means "Hearts," after a feast of deer hearts given there to Cabeza de Vaca's party). Based on geographic clues, scholars virtually all agree that this was near the town of Ures, Sonora, on the Rio Sonora. Coronado established a major camp or staging area at Corazones. It was moved on several occasions and occupied three different sites on or near the Sonora River, but has never been found by archaeologists.
The Spanish then proceeded north. They gave different names to each "valley" or segment of a given river. They used the name Señora for the part of that river north of a gorge just upstream from Corazones. (This name, in the form Sonora, is still used for that river. In this valley, they used the place name Arispa or Ispa. It was written differently by different Spanish chroniclers trying to render the Indian name phonetically. (This corresponds to the town of Arispe in the Rio Sonora, a prominent Spanish, and later Mexican, town since the 1700s.) Based on this correspondence in names, most modern sleuths believe the army marched up the Rio Sonora. This matches other clues, as seen below. However, a few such as Charles di Peso, have argued that "Ispa" refers to the Bavispe River, the next river east of the Rio Sonora, even though this theory would require that the name Sonora was moved one valley to the west by later generations.
The army recorded marching a few days from the "Señora valley" north to a north-flowing stream, which they called the "Nexpa" after a local Indian name. This appears to be the San Pedro River in southern Arizona, which is a few days north across pleasant grasslands from the Rio Sonora headwaters. A few days downstream on the "Nexpa," they turned right for a few days to the base of some mountains, where they camped at a well-known campsite near a mysterious ruin called Chichilticale (usually pronounced Chee-CHIL-tee-CAHL-ley; the spelling varies). This name means "red house" in the Nahuatl language of the Aztecs, and was possibly introduced by Aztec traders. Coronado and the men were disappointed that this famed building was only a ruin of mud walls. This mysterious ruin has disappeared and its location is uncertain, but as a number of authors have proposed, it must be one of the pueblo ruins of Southeast Arizona built in the late 1200s or 1300s and abandoned around 1400. The finding of Coronado artifacts at such a site might confirm a major point on the Coronado route, and establish a treasured site in the history of North America. Though forgotten today, Chichilticale was obviously an important paint on the prehistoric native trade route to Cibola, since Coronado's chroniclers divide the trip up into thirds: Compostela to Corazones, Corazones to Chichilticale, and Chichilticale to Cibola. (Sauer, 1932; Haury, 1984; Duffen and Hartmann, 1997; and Lee and Hartmann, in press; all give further speculation about the site of the lost Chichilticale ruin, which was so important in the days of Coronado. See our Bibliography page.)
The shady grove of Cottonwood trees at the Eureka Springs ranch was an historic campsite for travelers in the 1800s, and may be within a few miles of the now lost ruin of Chichilticale, where the army camped in Southern Arizona. |
At Chichilticale, the route led through across a pass and then into the 15-day final mountainous pobladoor depopulated wilderness that led to Cibola. This was the stretch from the Gila River across the White Mountains pine forest to Cibola (Zuni, New Mexico). Coronado's vanguard, reached the first town in the province of Cibola on July 7, 1540. This was the town now called Hawikuh (HA-wee-koo), first recorded by Marcos de Niza in 1539 phonetically as the Latinized, but otherwise similar sounding name Ahacus (A-ha-cu). Today it is an abandoned ruin on the Zuni Reservation. The Zunis tried to defend this pueblo, and a pitched battle was fought, lasting an hour or so. On another page of this web site, a vivid description of the battle for Cibola has been synthesized from the eyewitness accounts by several participants, including Coronado himself.
Excavations at Hawikuh were conducted in 1917-28 by the archaeologist Frederick W. Hodge. In the 1990s, Kansas archaeologist Frank Gagne reexamined materials from that site, now in Museum of the American Indian in New York, and found copper crossbow arrow points, or "bolt heads" as they are called, from the Spanish crossbows. Crossbow bolt points, are diagnostic of the Coronado expedition because it was the only army on Southwest American soil armed principally with crossbows. By the time the Spanish returned to New Mexico around 1600, firearms were coming into use. Gagne remarked that certain copper points from this site were so similar to points from other known Coronado sites that they could have been made by the same individual craftsman.
Coronado's vanguard fought their way into Hawikuh pueblo and occupied the town after the natives left, but it was a hollow victory, as they perceived it. There was no gold or jewels, and the soldiers blamed Marcos for this misfortune even though Marcos' report did not predict gold, and (contrary to popular histories) it is hard to establish that Marcos ever predicted vast transportable wealth in Cibola. The rest of the army caught up with the vanguard a few weeks later.
Hoping to find wealth that would make a profit for the expedition, Coronado sent out side parties that discovered the Hopi Pueblos of north-central Arizona (no gold there, either) and the Grand Canyon. He also sent Melchior Diaz, the officer who had gone north to check Marcos' report, to find the naval support expedition under Alarcon. Diaz marched across fearsome deserts to the Colorado River and found a message left by Alarcón. The naval support expedition had sailed up the lower Colorado River, but failed to find the land army and had departed, along with many of the personal supplies of the soldiers. Coronado had to decide what to do next.
| Back To Main Page |
| Background to the Coronado Expedition | Cast of Characters | The Mysterious Journey of Friar Marcos De Niza | Battle of Hawikuh at Cibola |
| Coronado's Journey Through New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas | Discovering a Campsite in Texas | Help Scholars find New Coronado Sites |
Rabu, 18 November 2009
CIBOLA is a new brand from Bali,it is a brand new street wear that created about 3 years ago by a couple of teenagers that love their life so much, and know how to have fun 24-7, those kids are the new generations
New Mexico's Cibola National Forest
To view detailed information on recreation sites in the Cibola National Forest, select a site from the scrolling list and then click on the Select button. Or click on a zoom icon in the map to view a detailed map of the forest.
The Cibola National Forest ties together separate land areas extending from the Zuni Mountains near Arizona all the way east to grasslands around Clayton at the Texas border. Altogether, there are better than 1.6 million acres of rugged mountains, open plains, lakes and streams ranging in elevation from 5,000 to over 11,000 feet. Some of these lands – such as the Sandia Mountains above Albuquerque – can be accessed within five minutes from New Mexico´s largest city, yet others contain some of the state´s wildest and least populated areas, like the stretch between Datil and Magdalena. Both the Sandias and Manzano Mountains east of the Rio Grande contain designated "No Vehicle" Wilderness Areas; two others – the Apache Kid and Withington Wildernesses – are west of the river below Socorro. The Cibola´s lands and campgrounds are administered from Ranger District Offices in Grants (for the Mt. Taylor and Zuni Mountains area), Magdalena (for the Datil, Magdalena, and San Mateo Mountains), Tijeras (the Sandias), and Mountainair (Manzanos). The Kiowa National Grasslands office is in Clayton. In total, there are nearly 50 separate picnic and camping destinations within the forest accessible by car, jeep, horse, hiking, or even aerial tramway. Whether fishing the Canadian River or McGaffey Lake, hunting for elk and mule deer on 11,301 ft. Mt. Taylor, or watching the hawks soar through the Manzanos, the forest´s wildlife population will keep anyone´s interest. Historians and archaeologists, too, can trace the paths of "those who came before" within the Cibola boundaries. There´s even downhill skiing at Sandia Peak. Now you can proceed to trace your own path through this remarkably varied National Forest that strings outstanding outdoor experiences all across Central New Mexico like jewels in a fine necklace. Any questions that aren´t covered, e-mail us at the New Mexico PLIC at plic@nm.blm.gov.Address & Phone:2113 Osuna Road NE, Suite A Albuquerque, NM 87113-1001 Voice & TTY: (505) 761-4650To National Forests & Grasslands
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Read about the legend of the Seven Cities of Cibola and Spanish conquistador Francisco Vazquez de Coronado in this article from National Geographic.
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16 Apr 2012 – Seven wonders of the world. Seven pillars of wisdom. Seven naked-eye planets. Seven Sisters (Pleiades). Seven seas. Seven cities of Cibola ...
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16 Apr 2012 – Seven wonders of the world. Seven pillars of wisdom. Seven naked-eye planets. Seven Sisters (Pleiades). Seven seas. Seven cities of Cibola ...
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In 1539, the Spaniard Francisco Vasquez de Coronado led a large expedition north from Mexico to search for wealth and the "Seven Cities of Cibola". Instead of ...
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12 Jul 2012 – What are the name of the seven stars in the constellation Pleiades's? ChaCha Answer: ... Seven Cities of Cibola were seven legendary cit.
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Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápidaZUÑI,1 lineal descendant of the glamorous Seven Cities of Cibola so eagerly sought .... the city of Cibola, where he met people who refused to allow him to enter, and ...... are named. Orion's Belt is Ípilakya (“single file”); the Pleiades are Qíle- ...
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... church cibola seven cities of goldcounty history rockland ny seven lakes lake .... denton tx the seven sisters of the pleiades lyrics the dubliners seven drunken ...
Clb,Maya day-sign, «», "<>• *"• Cibola, seven cities of, 90S. Cicero. 488, 696,637. Cleza de ... Pleiades, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Polaris). Clrcumpolar region ...
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The booty-loving Spaniards, who first found this land, were in search of the seven cities of Cibola, with their fabled hoards of gold and portals of turquoise, the ...
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After our deployment to Hawaii, we landed in Santa Fe, City of Holy Faith in 1996. ... closer to the 7 Cities of Cibola, the Sangre de Cristo (Blood of Christ), an etheric city ... and our beloved Dove Mother Ship from the Pleiades, our starry home!
Welcome to the Pleiadean Dove's 1999 Christmas and Year 2000 New Millennium Light Pilgrimage! This New Millennium Light Pilgrimage include Anchoring and Upgrading Light Ceremonies held at ancient sacred sites in several of the United States of America's Western States.
The assignment commenced on the Solstice - December 22, 1999 and ran untill January 4, 2000.
Why the American Southwest?
The Inter-Galactic Council explained to us that their first star-seeded upgrade on this continent took place in the deserts of Nevada, Mexico, New Mexico, ColoRAdo, Utah and Arizona 36,000 years ago during the LemuRIan times. This same upgrade also extended into Central and South America. The Anazasi came much later at sacred ceremonial centers like Chaco Canyon, Mesa Verde, and Bandelier. Sacred sites such as Mt. Shasta and Sedona were parts of the old MU colonies and were star-seeded over a million years ago.
Why the Pleiadean Doves?
We have been working (in this lifetime) for over half a century, with our inner circle of Light Workers subtly guiding the evolution of cultures on many worlds and many mansions. We have worked with the Earth since its inception. We had extensive Missions here during Hyperboria, Pan, Lemuria, Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Mayapan. During the last two decades, we have completely encircled the globe since we consciously embodied in HU form in this Mission and, at the behest of the Inter-Galactic Council, have performed ceremonies in:
- Tibet, 1989
- India, 1989
- Egypt: We took 11 lightworkers to Giza and Luxor to inaugurate the "11:11 Opening of the Doorway and Star Gates" on January 11, 1992.
- Thailand, 1988
- Philippines, 1987
- Greece, 1992
- Paris, 1990
- Central America, 1983
- Mexico, The entire continent! We also took 12 Lightworkers with us to inaugurate the "Harmonic Convergence" August 16-17, 1987; 1979-1980; 1996.
- Canada, 1978 and 1991
- Every state in the United States of America, 1984 - to the present.
- China
- Hawaii - 1986 and 1995
After our deployment to Hawaii, we landed in Santa Fe, City of Holy Faith in 1996. This led us to re-connect with our Mother Ship, called the Dove, which has been guarding and protecting, over lighting, as it were, the American Southwest Quadrant for over two decades! Our present level of grid work has brought us closer and closer to the 7 Cities of Cibola, the Sangre de Cristo (Blood of Christ), an etheric city of magnificent light over the Sangre de Cristo mountain ranges in ColoRAdo and New Mexico; and our beloved Dove Mother Ship from the Pleiades, our starry home!
In issue #25 of the STAR LOVE NETWORK JOURNAL, now renamed the AQUARIAN PERSPECTIVES INTER-PLANETARY JOURNAL, we wrote the main feature, "MOTHER SHIP OVER SANGRE de CRISTO MOUNTAINS", "Thirty miles from Santa Fe, last week, we stopped the automobile, pulled over to the side of the ancient cliff dwellings where earthlings have lived for thousands of years and watched the Mother Ship hover for about twenty minutes. Then a smaller craft appeared from beneath the Ship and we could hear a distant, audible sound becoming louder and clearer. It was the voice of our beloved Kadar MonKa who began telling us about the city": "There is a lush paradise where the blessed dwell, where only the pure in heart may enter. This place knows not suffering, aging, need, poverty, loneliness, hunger, war, greed nor crime. It is a veritable oasis where no solitary instance of a negative deed has ever transgressed its realm. This place can be equated to Mount Olympus, Shambhalla, Shangri-La, Avalon, or another place which mortals have dubbed as ‘the dwelling of the Gods,’ for indeed, that is exactly what this place is – a dwelling of Ascended Beings, Gods and Goddesses, Extra- terrestrials by all means, only of goodly design.”
Our beloved friend and wise counselor from Mars, Kadar MonKa appeared to clarify the main points in our Mission. “Your Mission is to serve as beacons, way showers and energy transmitters for this city. The overall goal is to have the city begin its manifestation process thereby beaming down into this dimension, certain of its aspects."
This will see:
- Gods and Goddesses walking again with humankind
- Star Ships Landing to work with humankind
- The Cosmic Parents of the various HU cultures (goodly ETs) coming to be with their progeny
- New temples and Pyramids built to house the new energy, heal the sick, regenerate the aged
- Overall, this will integrate into human society all of the wonderful things we mentioned at the start of this story so that the Earth will regain her glory and redeem mankind from suffering such as want, neglect, poverty, illness, aging, and war! So Mote It Be!
Later Kadar MonKa personally took us up in his scoutship for a tour of the Sangre de Cristo etheric city. We saw many old friends and relatives and were reminded once more what it feels like to be really healthy. We saw many who appeared to be in their thirties but were known to be well advanced in years. Most of them wore simple robes and long flowing hair. They were beautiful and perfect in every way. These Great beings possessed vast supernatural powers, with great spiritual knowledge, supreme technological abilities, everything the Earth once had, and is heading to be once more.
The city is invisible as it is made of subtle etheric web-like substance. Being there is like constantly receiving magical elixirs and special potions as well as gifts of every imaginable design. Everything appears to be one beautiful transcendent, omnipotent existence. Jade and precious jewels line both sides of the streets, constantly giving natural energies to all who glide by. The trees look like crystals of different shapes and colors. Pegasus and unicorns live there with a whole legion of fairies, gnomes and other members of the Middle Kingdom. The SpacePort admits travelers from all over the Omniverse. We witnessed at least 35 different types of star crafts coming and going.
Lady Aphrodite approached us and spoke: “Return to our earthling brothers and sisters, and remind them of what you have seen here again. For your spirits have come from these realms and so have many of those now serving on the Earth. So too, is it the destiny of all humankind to dwell in a place like this. We all work for the day when all of creation on earth will bask in paradise cities like these.”
“No matter that some think of you as egoistic for telling these tales; no matter that your Mission is seemingly stopped in its tracks when it is about to enter or record a new step for humankind; none of these matters, for every step we take, as long as we are on the path, is another step in the direction of assisting humankind to reach these shores.”
The Sangre de Cristo etheric city has, as its mission, to pattern HU culture after its lofty design. It is the blueprint for the inevitable way that HU culture will exist during this Aquarian Golden Age.
Kwan Yin, who also helps this city from her home in Shambhalla, startled us by her appearance and said, “I knew the time will come when we will meet again, as we have worked together since time immemorial, in helping to lessen the burden of HU-kind and aid this planet in her evolutionary process. There is so much cleansing to be done and we need more souls to coordinate in this transmutation to the next dimension. Go and advise more to awaken and go about their task. With much love in your hearts, there is nothing impossible.”
That article was written in 1997, and 2 years later we were nestled deep within the Sangre de Cristo mountains at our TAOS ASHRAM. We have since had many experiences with the Mother Ship and the Etheric City. Per the guidance of the Inter-Galactic Council, we began ceremonies and classes working with Earth's bio magnetic electric crystalline grids, ley lines, vortices and power chakRAs here at the TAOS ASHRAM.
To commence this portion of the mission, we were directed by our Pleiadean Guides from the Dove Mother Ship to gain Pyramids and MerKAbahs as star tools to do the work .
The Council of 18 EL-ders, one from each planet in this solar system, (there are many so-called undiscovered and unnamed planets in this system), are now upgrading intelligence on this planet. We will be bringing 3 advanced star technologies with us who will use to monitor and channel through the necessary energies to accomplish these upgrades. These star tools are called:
Individual information concerning these tools will now be offered:
- UNIXITRON: Projects Pure Light Consciousness from the Divine Mind of St. Germain. It is the star tool this Grand Alchemist and Hierophant of the Aquarian Age uses to perform his Divine Alchemy of turning the Earth into Spiritual Gold, rather than that from which it has been vibRAting for several millenniums! Now is the time for the Earth to be magically transposed into a Great Ball of Love Light! The crystals we will be planting at all sacred sites have been charged in our UNIXITRON, "purified in the Love of CHRISTRON, in order to be manifested in METATRON and so consolidated as the One and Triune Light"
- The UNIXITRON ascends all-ways - thus causes a change in all those living, moving, breathing and taking its life within the sacred bio magnetic crystalline electric grids of the Earth, whereby there is an ascending movement toward the nucleus being, toward the Holy Being, toward divinity, absolute and total."
- Thus when we plant our crystals in Los Alamos. Las Vegas and Reno, we know that Hu KIND will now have a Greater impetus to do right: to love, to care, to share. Gone will be the illusions, the sins, the hate, the crimes, etc., to phase out of the HU experience such impetus to seek gratification through the senses without care, without love. Thus the vast empires of this illusion - Las Vegas, Los Alamos and, as they call it, the biggest little city in the world ... Reno. Now these interests will just die out and those who re-main will profit by switching their fortunes into systems that help people. Thus, no one loses- WE ALL GAIN! WIN - WIN - WIN - No one loses!
- Thus the Battlecry of the Seattle WTO re-sisters will WIN: "PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT PEOPLE ... NOT BUSINESS!"
2. MERKABAH: "Divine Light vehicle used by the Masters to probe and reach the faithful in the many dimensions of the Divine Mind. The Merkabah can take on many forms of a brilliant violette in the physical worlds." - KEYS OF ENOCH, Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Academy for future Science. We brought our MerKaBah which is in the form of internally joined points of the Icosahedron, and the resulting lines from a Dodecahedron, a regular polyhedron consisting of 12 faces and 20 vortices. Constructed in this manner, our MerKaBah projects the vortices of the Dodecahedron which may be imaged as being 22 energy projections within YOUR inner-space that YOU can project through the MerKaBah casting LOVE!
- The Icosahedron enclosing the Dodecahedron represents the dual nature of this Universe that is about to change rapidly! No longer will there be negative for the balance will swing and the fulcrum will lead to a NEW MILLENNIUM of all positives - the new Star Guards-In: LOVE FAITH HOPE CHARITY. So Mote It Be!
- The MerKaBah has the charged energy to produce such massive waves of positive energy so the negative forces will simply vanish! So Mote It Be! OMmmmmmmmm . . . . .
The Following Entities have lent their energies to the glorious outcome of the Pilgrimage:
- BRahaMA/AbRAham ...
- Shiva ...
- Buddha ...
- White Buffalo Calf Woman ...
- Aphrodite
- Athena
- Ashtar
- MonKa
- Kwan Yin
- Mary
- Mother MU
3. SOLAR CROSS OMNIVERSAL RECEIVING STATION: Dr. Randall N. Baer, (Hebrew for Dove) a co-Naturopathic physician and friend of Dr. RA-Ja, collaborated together on perfecting this tool. Dr. Baer did sacred ceremony at Los Alamos years before leaving this dimension, and he provides the explanation of this tool:
"The process of communication is fundamentally one of matching intelligence codes to corresponding code levels of the UNIVERSAL ENERGY NETWORK (UEN), thus inducing correlative interactions. Consciousness can access only those UEN code-levels with which there is a code correspondence."
The codes we use are CODES OF LOVE AND LIGHT, as supplied by the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER OF LIGHT. The specific text for the Aquarian Age interpretation we use comes from the book, "CODE OF LOVE" which provides the impetus for the energy of the New Millennium:
See: http://www.unixi.com/
1. The Divine Government shall foster the Action of a Rhythmic Balanced Interchange between each Planet, System and Galaxy that forms the BEING OF THE ALL-BEING.
2. The Divine Government shall establish the Manifestation of Love as the only means, basis and motivation of all communication.
3. The Divine Government shall sustain the Unification of the Being from one point to another through the extension of the Divine Kingdom.
4. The Divine Government shall glorify man's sovereignty as a Free Being in recognition of Itself and in observance of the Divine Will.
5. The Divine Government shall make way for a direct relationship between all Lifestreams in accordance with the Divine Plan.
6. The Divine Government shall uphold the Supremacy of Love as the Light Source and Sustainer of all Creation.
7. The Divine Government shall harmonize each sector in the Universe Network by the Manifestation of Order, Light and Love.
We wholeheartedly endorse our good friend and compatriot, Da Vid, M.D. to assume the Presidency of the Americas.
The entire Northern, Central, and Southern portions of the American Continent shall merge and we will have one governing body:
Cast your vote today! See: www.lightparty.com
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SD INDEX Cibola Expeditions. seven cities & II 35. Spanish met white chiefs during II 744 ... SD INDEX Cimah [Kimah] (Heb), Pleiades ( Job ) I 647-8 &n ...
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Pleiades is one of the key centers for the propagation of Light. ...... Montezuma was the guardian of the Seven Cities of Gold or Cibola to the north in the Arizona ...
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one of many saviors I 653, 656-7. Pisces does not .... seven cities & II 35. Spanish ... Cimah [Kimah] (Heb), Pleiades ( Job ) I 647-8 &n ... seven, of Cibola II 35 &n ...
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Sister Thedra had told us in 1983 to look for the 7 cities of Cibola near Santa Fe. ... said, "As ambassadors from Venus and the Pleiades your visit is expected." ...
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legendary cities subtitle .... El Dorado -For centuries, legends of ElDorado and the Seven Cities of Cibola ... Like Machu Picchu, it is aligned with the Pleiades.
... established that the Seven Cities of Cibola, whose fame brought Coronado and ... the Moon Mother and the Morning and Evening Stars, the Galaxy, Pleiades, ...
... established that the Seven Cities of Cibola, whose fame brought Coronado and ... the Moon Mother and the Morning and Evening Stars, the Galaxy, Pleiades, ...
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The "seven sisters" (daughters of Atlas) is the name for a star cluster in Pleiades ... They are channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13 in the Greater New York City and Los ..... Cibola was one of the legendary Seven Cities of Gold the Spanish thought ...
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But the interesting thing in this calculation is that 364 = 7 x 52: thus, fifty-two ... of seven cores or nuclei, and dwelt in seven villages (the "seven cities of Cibola"). ... is a common property of the moon and the Pleiades: there are fifty-two weeks in ...
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7 (New York City Subway service), a service of the New York City Subway ..... Cibola was one of the legendary Seven Cities of Gold the Spanish thought existed. In the ... The number of daughters of Atlas in the Pleiades (also called the "Seven ...
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