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رسائل 1 من 30 في الفقرة |
It is said that Paris esoterically derives its name from 'Par Isis' ('near Isis'). There is a lot of evidence to support this. As Robert Bauval writes in Secret Chamber (p.341):
Napoleon had acquired two nicknames, one being 'L'Aigle' (the Eagle) and the other being 'L'Etoile' (the Star). That 'his star' was Sirius, the star of Isis, is not only made obvious by the coat-of-arms which he chose for Paris but, in a more arcane manner, it seems to have been linked to Napoleon's most famous monument, the Arc de Triomphe, also known as the the Place de L'Etoile (the Place of the Star), located on the western side of the so-called Historical Axis of Paris, better known as the Champs-Elysees, [which is oriented twenty-six degrees north of west]... The star Sirius, as seen from the latitude of Paris, rises twenty-six degrees south of east.
And sure enough the 'Axis of Paris' (the Champs Elysees) was designed to align with the sunset on ~August 6.
This first of all confirms that the date is to be seen as a special day of Sirius' rising, and makes it clear that August 6 is a 'magical date' that is considered very important by past and modern 'esotericists' whose knowledge stems from ancient Egypt. Judging from the 'rise of Schwarzenegger' masterfully brought about on this date in 2003, we can infer that there is something big underway at this time. The encoded symbolism of the Osirian resurrection - or the birth of Horus - should therefore be treated seriously. Indeed, we just may be talking about something akin to the 'rise of Antichrist' here, if that gets your attention... Think Napoleon; think Hitler.
Napoleon is often thought to have been an 'antichristic' figure especially in the context of Nostradamus' prophecies. We often hear that he was 'Antichrist 1', Hitler was 'Antichrist 2', and the third has yet to come... Well, Terminator 3 was in theaters last year just before Schwarzenegger's rise in politics. So we wonder: Was 'Terminator 3' an allusion to 'Antichrist 3'? The answer we find here is amusing and ominous.
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The heliacal rising of Sirius is the central element in all this that 'anchors' the ' Lucifer Time Code'. And we've already discussed how it is symbolically ...
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As I finished writing Part 1 of The Lucifer Time Code, I scratched my head wondering why I ended up emphasizing Arnold Schwarzenegger so much, which was ...
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رسائل 16 من 30 في الفقرة |
Sky Watching in Washington, D.C. - An Astronomer Looks at the Washington DC Map
If you are in DC the first week of May, you can go to the west side of the Capitol Building at sunset and looked toward the White House to see the sun. The image above shows the sun setting May the first, 20 degrees north of due west in DC. This event is the flip side of the story told by David Ovason about the sun setting over Penn Avenue in August, which you can see in the image below. Here you can see that the sun also sets there in May. Now, re-read his book where he talks about Pennsylvania Ave having been aligned to one sunset on one day.
If you are in DC the second week of November, you can stand on the west side of the CB to watch the sunset near the Jefferson Memorial to the left of the Wash Mmt. If you were there in February, the sun will be setting in the same place again after having made its southerly most pass in December. David Ovason never mentions that Maryland and Penn Aves are symmetrical to one another.
Penn Ave is NOT aligned to one sunset, but to two of them, just as Maryland Ave is!!
From page 339 Secret Architecture, "Both L'Enfant and Ellicott would have insisted that only one day (which is to say, one particular sunset) would mark precisely the orientation between the Capitol and the President's House." Parentheses are his.
I remind Serious Students that these dates, early Feb, May, Aug and November correspond to what are known as the 'cross-quarter' days - the days half-way between the solstices and the equinoxes. In the northern hemisphere the cold peaks statistically on about Feb 6th, while the heat of the summer peak about Aug 6th. The mid-points are in May and November.
Students of astrology should note that the solstice and equinoxes happen on the cusp (beginning) of the cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The cross-quarter days occur at 15 degrees of the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, 45+ days after the equinoxes and the solstices. If you know your zodiac symbolism you will recognize these four as relating to the four creatures which were depicted in Ezekiel and Revelation as - a bull, a lion, a man and an eagle. Here is a standard Royal Arch image used by Masons that bears the same creatures.
If you were to watch the sunset for a year from the west side of the Capitol, you would see the sun set in front of you in March and September, it would set on Penn Ave in May, it would set 31 degrees north of due west in late June, and on PA again in August - as Ovason points out.
Next you would see the sun set over Maryland Ave in November, it will set 31 degrees south of due west in Dec and over MA again in Feb. Instead of being oriented to one sunset on one day, the city appears to have been oriented to four sunsets on four days, as seen by Penn and Maryland Aves. The city is not aligned to the solstices but to the cross-quarter days; the fixed zodiac signs, not the cardinal ones.
Some of you may have seen David Icke's demonstration where he uses the image above from Charles Westrbrook's book to prove the DC streets were aligned to the solstices. Please note, first of all, that those three sets of lines are not all parallel, yet they are all labeled as a solstice alignment. (I have added the numbers on the right.)
If you study the solar arc, you will find that while the sun moves to 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator at the solstices, as seen from the equator, that arc widens as you move north or south on the globe. At the latitude of DC, the total solar arc is 62 degrees, 31 north and south. That is, the sun is located 31 degrees north of due east on June 21 in DC.
Since the sun moves 71% of the arc between the equinox and solstice in half that time (45 days), The cross quarter day sunrises and sets happen at 31 x .71, or 22 degrees from due east-west in DC. That matches the alignment of Penn and Maryland Aves.
Take a look at the DVD named "Riddles in Stone" at about 17:00, where they are discussing the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. When you look at the earth's orbit around the sun, you will see that on July 4th, the earth is at its far point from the sun, and it is in such a position that the sun aligns with Sirius. That means that the sun is in front of Sirius, so that you can't see it.
In the DVD, it points to the cornerstone ceremony for the Washington Monument, noting that the sun aligned with Sirius then. They fail to point out that the ceremony took place on July 4th, and that the sun aligns with Sirius then every year. Next they present an image of DC looking east -
They proclaim that on the day of the cornerstone ceremony for the monument, you would have been able to see Sirius rising in the east, and hovering over the Capitol Building as seen above. You now know that you can not see Sirius July 4th, since the sun lies directly in front of it then!! What you would have seen would have been the sun only. Sirius does not emerge from behind the sun until August, the time that David Ovason writes so much about.
Note also that in the DVD it is suggested that the pyramid was 'aligned' to Sirius; that is was built so that the light of Sirius would travel down one of the air shafts and fall on an initiate located in the Queen's Chamber. Have a look at a drawing of the Queen's Chamber and the shafts, and you can see that it is impossible for that to happen, as the southern shaft has a bend in it.
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رسائل 17 من 30 في الفقرة |
Constellation Virgo (as Isis) and Sirius (the Star of Isis).
The Goddess Freedom, a form of Isis, stands atop the US Capitol Building at Washington DC
This post is a complete mini-course in everything you need to know to make virtuous use of March Equinox 2012.
A Sacred Earth Circle Is Cast
Last year the Heart of Ophiuchus rose in the East at 3 of the 4 seasonal turning points of 2011 while the Crowned Head of Ophiuchus’s Serpent of Wisdom rose alongside Virgo at Due East on the September Equinox.
The Serpent is an esoteric form of Sophia – Wisdom. Virgo of course is the celestial embodiment of Isis. And September is the ‘solar month of Virgo.’ How perfect was that?
Pretty darned.
Through this celestial alchemy process the Queen of Heaven can be seen to have used the 2011 Solar Cycle of Earth to seed Healing, Wisdom & Transformation Light at each of the 4 turning points of our Seasonal Year, thus casting a Magic Circle around the Sun from Stonehenge and Squaring it.
In so doing the Heart of Ophiuchus has brought into the Sacred Circle the Triple Goddess — Maiden, Mother, Crone in spring, summer and winter. In autumn She unveiled Herself fully in her own Zodiac Sign Virgo as Isis, the Virgin Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Eve in the Garden accompanied by Sophia, the Serpent of Wisdom Crowned.
CME 2012 March 07 | Click to view movie
The Solar Logos Participates
While the Earth on her tilted axis was moving from Station to Station around the Solar Star with the Zodiac Constellations as Her starry backdrop, the Sun was participating in this ritual too. Every single X-Class Solar Flare in 2011 found Constellation Ophiuchus at one of the Cardinal Directions (NEWS) or inside the Sacred Circle at Stonehenge.
I should note for the record that we have already had several X-Class Solar Flares in 2012 and this pattern of Ophiuchus camping on all of the X-Class Flares did not repeat itself this year. However, having sustained this extraordinary Ophiuchus-X-Class Solar Flare connection throughout the year in 2011 we conclude with a high degree of certainty that 2011 was a year of Sacred Circle preparation for Ceremonial Celestial Magic to commence at March Equinox 2012.
Moving to our consideration of the present, as we began gathering information for this article, the Sun began to crackle with Solar Flare energy.
Aurora in Iceland March 8, 2012
On March 7 at 00:24 UT, exactly 2 weeks to Equinox, an X-5.4 Class CME hurled Solar Plasma earthward. The sky chart of this burst one more time finds the Heart of Ophiuchus rising Due East at Stonehenge in accompaniment with the waxing gibbous Moon in its astronomical alignment with Alpha Leo, Regulus, the Heart of the Lion.
We received feedback from a number of sensitive people who all reported the same uplifting sensations and visions being generated by the quality of the Solar energy that reached Earth as it coincided with the conjunction of the Full Moon and Mars retrograde in Constellation Leo on March 8.
Scientifically measurable effects were reported as mild. There were no Communication system interruptions reported though simultaneously I must tell you by its very nature Ophidian Current ultimately does interrupt communications at cosmically fundamental levels to create insertion points and facilitate change. If Light Workers are feeling good, it means the last round of high intensity Ophiuchus Solar Matter has already been processed by folks who resonate with the higher frequencies of new incoming Light.
Geomagnetic storming conditions overflowing into March 9th were reported as “favorable” as the Moon floated through the Coma-Virgo X-Ray/Radio Galaxy Streaming described in Essays for Astrologers: Constellation Virgo (Virginis).
Asclepius’s ‘daughter’ & serpent handler Hygeia (“Hygeine”), pre-patriarchal age Goddess of Health
The March 7 X-5.4 Class Ophiuchus solar event also puts us on notice that the Solar-Ophiuchus Consciousness connection with Stonehenge has been reestablished and the energy that washed over the planetary sphere between March 7-9 was in all likelihood in preparation for the Ceremonial Magic to be co-created on the first Equinox of 2012.
As I write this sunspots are growing and harbor energy capable of producing more X-Class flares. As always, we will continue to monitor Solar activity and keep you fully updated.
Isis-Snake Goddess connection unveiled
Speaking of preparation, please bear with me while I work into the fabric of this post a number of back stories necessary to give context to the March 2012 Equinox. If we were in some other year I might not spend this much time on it. But given this is the year we’ve all been talking about and waiting for, I’m sure you’ll agree thoroughness is called for.
The first issue I want to bring forward involves the mainstream impression that the Ancient Gods of Healing & Wisdom Asclepius (Greek) and Imhotep (Egyptian) are the alpha and omega of Constellation Ophiuchus’s personality and essence. This simply is not the case.
Which figure depicted in this Sculpture is the Serpent Handler? | Asclepius and ‘daughter’ Hygeia, Roman Diptych, c. 400/430 AD Museum on Merseyside, Liverpool
The name of the constellation is “serpent holder,” not Asclepius. Seekers after Truth quickly learn that overlooking little details such as this is sometimes all it takes to sabotage a lifetime of work.
In researching spiritual anthropology and the genealogy of the gods beginning with the Myth of Asclepius (written in Patriarchal times), we are able to navigate our way through the tangled web of history and myth to find the original serpent holder was not a god but a goddess of nature whose place was usurped and whose stories were rewritten by warrior culture conquerors. Not even her name survived the cover-up.
Egyptian art and artifacts found at Knossos together with Minoan Crete artifacts found in the tombs of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III are strongly suggestive of a cultural exchange between Egypt and Crete, two sophisticated civilizations whose ports were linked by the Greco-Egyptian-Phoenician Trade Routes.
Geraldine Gesell argues that the snake goddess was not a household goddess as no snake goddess has ever been found in a true domestic context. Rather, the “Snake Goddess” had the broader function of universal Mother or Earth Goddess and was thereby principally a fertility deity.
Women in the Aegean – Snake Goddess, Christopher L.C.E. Whitcombe
One of the hieroglyphic signs used to write the word sa, meaning to protect, is a looped cord made of linen thread or leather. It was suggested above that the looped cord projecting above a “knot” between the breasts of both the “Snake Goddess” and the votary may be symbolical. It may in fact represent a magical knot, or sa, to which the Minoan “sacral knot” may be related. The loop of the knot has been identified as a sign of the vulva.
Sa was also the name given to the “the blood of Isis.” On statues of Isis, or of women dressed as Isis (such as that from the Ptolomaic period in the Staatlichen Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, Munich, …), the Isis-knot is shown between the breasts in the same position it appears on the “Snake Goddess” and on the votary.
Women in the Aegean – Snake Charmers, Christopher L.C.E. Whitcombe
Hence it is the question of identity and gender that holds the key to understanding the esoteric and intrinsic meaning of the 13th Zodiac Constellation and what it has to do with the theme of the March 2012 Equinox.
Isis & the planetary grid system
Isis, Goddess of the Throne
Throughout world history Master Planners, Architects and Builders have used sacred geometry to design structures of certain proportion and to align city streets, buildings and monuments with megaliths, sacred sites, the sun, moon and key planets in our solar system, the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, and certain fixed stars including in particular Constellation Virgo (as Isis) and Sirius (the Star of Isis).
This practice has created a sprawling network and energy grid binding the Earth, Moon, Sun and Stars together as though this specialized design drives some sort of great cosmic engine.
In an attempt to harness the Power of Isis, Goddess of the Throne, the grid builders have incorporated Her numbers, shapes and forms into the system and brought Her to life iconically in paintings and statues. But there the reverence for Her seems to have ended as in all other respects expressions of the Divine Feminine in Nature on this planet (the Domain of Isis) have been methodically invalidated, violated, and abused.
Call me a hopeless romantic. It is my contention that it takes more than tokens to secure the patronage of The Great Lady Isis, Goddess of the Throne, Agriculture, Inundations, Motherhood and Magic.
Washington DC | Obelisk inside Vesica Piscis
Hence our Mission will be to serve as enlightened and willing vessels for the Light and Life Force of the Queen of Heaven to bring balance to what we will take for the moment as a competent planetary grid system.
Those who are up for the task will join with the Queen of Heaven in infusing the Grid with Light. I’m not talking about the kind of light that’s going to empower the people who think they’re currently in power. I’m talking about a current of energy that’s going to be more in the nature of an anti-virus at first. Later it will heal, regenerate and nurture.
We’ll take it slowly at first. We may have cause as we go along to question some symbols on the grid that we don’t understand, such as why great towering obelisks are protruding from the centers of some of the Vesica Pisces. Have the master builders presumptuously bound Isis & Osiris together in ceaseless coupling without asking Them?
This posture did not work well for Ouranos.
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رسائل 18 من 30 في الفقرة |
15 August : a date a great historical significance
Today, 15th of August, is a national holiday in many countries around the world, including many Catholic countries (Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Austria, Poland, many Latin American countries, etc.) and Orthodox countries (Greece, Russia), but also in Japan, Korea, India, Bangladesh, Bahrain or Egypt. Yet, almost all of them celebrate something different, and dozens of other events could be celebrated.
Japan, Korea and Hawaii commemorate the end of WWII in the Asia-Pacific region. 15th August also coincide with the establishement of the Republic of Korea (in 1948).
India, Bangladesh and Bahrain remember their respective independence day. In Egypt, it is the Flooding of the Nile that is celebrated.
The Catholic and Orthodox celebrate the Dormition and Assumption of Virgin Mary. Interestingly, it is not a public holiday in very Catholic Ireland.
Poland, the most Catholic European country with Ireland, holds the Polish Armed Forces Day on this religious holiday, so they have two celebrations. Greece, the seat of Orthodox Christianity, also has its Armed Forces Day on 15 August, as if to find a way to satisfy both secular and religious people.
Italy also avoided a Catholic-only holiday by commemorating an ancient Roman holiday in honor of Augustus (Feriae Augusti).
Napoleon Bonaparte was born on 15 August 1769, and France used to celebrate the Saint Napoleon during the Empire (1804-1814). Some people claim that the modern national holiday is still held in his honour and not for the Asumption.
If you look at the major historical events that happened on 15 August, you will notice that it is a particularily meaningful date.
It is when Charlemagne suffered his worst military defeat, at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass (778), in which Roland was killed (as romantically remember in the Song of Roland, the oldest major work of French literature).
It is the foundation date of several militaro-religious orders, like the Knights of Rhodes (in 1309) or the Jesuits (in 1534).
It is the day of the foundation of Panama City (capital of Panama) and Ascuncion (capital of Paraguay). The Panama Canal opened to traffic on 15 August 1915.
On 15 August 1461, the Empire of Trebizond surrenders to the forces of Sultan Mehmet II, marking the real end of the Byzantine Empire, and thus the end of Greek-speaking and Christian influence in the Near and Middle East.
It is also on this 15 August that were founded the Cathedral of Cologne (once the tallest building in the world), and the Cathderal of Honolulu (the oldest Roman Catholic cathedral in continuous use in the USA).
One of the most important event in recent economic history took place on 15 August 1971. It is when President Richard Nixon ended the convertibility of the United States dollar into gold, changing the millenia-old significance of gold in the value of currency.
In short, 15th August is a contradictory day for Catholic and Orthodox people. It is a liturgical feast of both religions, and maks the founding of two very important Catholic orders and Catholic cathedrals. Yet it is also the remembrance of the end of the Orthodox Byzantine Empire, and the debacle of Charlemagne, official defender of the Catholic church, in Muslim Spain. It is weird to hold a Christian holiday on the anniversary of two of the worst Christian defeats against the Muslims.
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رسائل 19 من 30 في الفقرة |
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رسائل 20 من 30 في الفقرة |
Or is it conveying a more metaphoric message? Well, of course it is. :) And it's not so hard to decipher either, if one is aware of the underlying significance of Paris in all this, which we are. As explained before, it was the mythological figure named 'Paris' whose 'Judgment' along with the Golden Apple led to the ancient world war known as the 'Trojan War'. (Remember, the Golden Transit Line passing through the Genesis Crossroads is expressing the idea of the Golden Apple among others.) And it was a girl named 'Helen' whose abduction by Paris following his fateful beauty contest 'Judgment' that really, literally brought about the Trojan War. Paris and Helen - the city Paris and St. Helens. Get it? In other words, the combination of Paris, the US Golden Transit Line, and Mt. St. Helens is screaming 'Trojan War (is coming)!' - and that's ominous because 'Trojan War' is easily a euphemism for 'World War'. Regardless of how literal this 'warning' is, it's definitely a serious signal.

It's also telling that the name 'Helen' may have been derived from an Indo-European root (*wel-) meaning 'to turn' just as 'tower' is etymologically related to the term 'turn'. And it is the 'Tower Axis' of Paris that intersects the Golden Transit Line traversing the US to form the Genesis Crossroads from where the 'Shadow Midway' and the MAAF runways both pinpoint another 'tower', Mt. St. Helens. Since the 'Tower Axis' or the Champ de Mars Axis is also a 'War Axis' (traditionally Mars = war), the double reference to 'tower/turn' can be interpreted as a double reference to 'war'... Trojan/World War.
The Discovery STS-116 going up on/near Pearl Harbor Day or Damage Plan Disclosure Day, which is just around the corner now, should add much to this Communication - though the 'messages' from the 'tower' are always multicontextual and have many levels that are seemingly designed to step by step 'initiate' those seeking knowledge, helping us - if we can control our egos - build our own 'stargate' and 'ascend to heaven' so to speak. (Those always looking only for evil conspiracies and someone out there to blame for everything negative in the world will find what they are looking for on one level and get stuck in that mental trap, preventing themselves from moving toward higher knowledge. Evil can be done with fire, but fire itself is neither evil nor good but a lens that magnifies who we are.)
Getting back to quatrains II-48, II-41, and Donald Rumsfeld, the basic foundation for the pattern analysis there was the Samhain cross-quarter day/window. Traditionally, Samhain (the eve of which is Halloween) is November 1, but astronomically and more accurately it falls on ~November 7, the day of the US midterm elections this year. The Paris Historical Axis is aware of this as it annually aligns with the Samhain sunrise (Nov. 9-11).

For quite some time I had been aware of that Donald Rumsfeld was likely part of all this Paris-driven scheme. It does sound strange, but it was hard to ignore the fact that the Defense Secretary's name essentially denotes 'Elysian Fields' - the most famous portion of the Historical Axis ('Champs-Elysees' = Elysian Fields).
- 'Donald' means 'ruler of the world' and relates to the 'Sun-king' motif woven into the Super Torch Ritual/Damage Plan scheme, especially in the form of a Sun-king figure making a dramatic exit. The typical pattern we've been monitoring was that the Sun-king exit theme tends to be expressed around the time of what I've been calling an 'Orange Alignment' (i.e. alignment involving Mercury, Venus, and the Sun); and there was one forming around November 10-11, precisely coinciding with the Historical Axis-sunrise alignment window. This is very intense in terms of symbolism because the design and the existence of this Axis in Paris owes much to the French monarch Louis XIV, also known as... 'The Sun King'.
- 'Rumsfeld' means 'fame field' (at least according to one source) and easily relates to the Elysian Fields which is traditionally a realm of the men of renown or 'heroes'. In the Book of Genesis these 'men of renown' are associated with the forbidden heaven-earth interbreeding committed by the 'sons of God':
Genesis 6:4 - There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
This is what directly led to the ultimate 'Judgment' in the form known to us the 'Great Flood' that almost totally destroyed/cleansed the earth. Recall that there was a big controversy involving the Republican party (Mark Foley at the center) that had to do with or at least something close to pedophilia just weeks before the elections. So the pattern was there for a great 'Judgment' of the Republican party via the midterm elections, and I did point this out repeatedly before the crushing defeat of the Republican party actually manifested in reality, losing both houses of Congress to the Democrats (which was thought possible but unlikely by most). And another important pattern I've been pointing out for some time is the parallel between the results and surrounding circumstances of the elections and what's likely coming for the Pope/Church, notorious for tolerating/covering up priest pedophile activities. Pope Benedict XVI is closely linked to the cover-up part and will most likely suffer the consequences (harsh 'Judgment') in the near future. The Pope/Church - the self-proclaimed 'sons of God' - and the 'Great Flood' are on a collision course, in other words.
What made Samhain '06 cross-quarter window stand out for Rumsfeld was the combination of the aforementioned political 'Judgment' situation related to Genesis (the 'land of Genesis' is today's Iraq where the US military led by Rumsfeld invaded and made a huge mess) and the development arising just days before the midterm elections involving respected military publications declaring it was time for Rumsfeld to go (as a response to Bush telling reporters that he would keep Rumsfeld as his Defense Secretary until the end of his presidency).

When I saw this, I couldn't help but infer that Rumsfeld will not only go but go right after the elections. Virtually no one was expecting him to go the way he did on Nov. 8, but this was foreseeable, as was done, using the Paris-driven cross-quarter time code.
But, as already stated, also influencing my thinking was the Nostradamus quatrain II-48 or what I've been calling the 'Paris quatrain'.
Quatrain II-48 The great army which will pass the mountains. Saturn in the Arc turning of the fish Mars: Poison hidden under the heads of salmon, Their chief hung with cord of polemars.
Simply put, the quatrain is a 'map' in words describing the Axis region of Paris, highlighting landmarks such as the Champs-Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, etc.
Line 1: 'The great army which will pass the mountains'
- Paris: 'Great army' = the 'Grande Armee' section of the Paris Axis, as well as the Grande Arche also known as Arche de la Défense' (=> military/army) marking the western edge of the Axis.
- Timing clue: The combination of 'army' and 'mountains' evokes the Turin Olympics (2006), the former being the 'Olympians' and the latter Turin (name meaning 'mountains').
Line 2: 'Saturn in the Arc turning of the fish Mars'
- Paris: 'turning of fish Mars' = the circular road going around the Arc de Triomphe, as well as the Eiffel Tower standing in the Champ de Mars ('Field of Mars'). ('Turning' is etymologically related to 'tower' and the Eiffel Tower stands right beside a river named Seine which can mean 'fishing net', making the Eiffel Tower a form of Martian fish caught in the net).
- Timing clue: 'Turning'/Tower denotes 'revolution', or more specifically 'French Revolution'. There was something of a mini-French Revolution (intense riots) in and around Paris in November 2005 peaking on November 7th which is an astronomical cross-quarter day (Samhain) when the Paris Axis aligns with sunrise. And it was of course exactly one year before the US midterm elections which too was a great 'Judgment' event.
Line 3: 'Poison hidden under the heads of salmon'
- Timing clue: Salmon is abundant in British Columbia (western Canada) and Vancouver (the largest city there) just south of Alaska is where the next Winter Olympics will be held.
- Alaska has HAARP, a form of (atmospheric) 'poison', hinted during the closing ceremony of the Turin Olympics.

Line 4: 'Their chief hung with cord of polemars'
Timing clue/outcome: Line 2 had 'fish Mars' and line 3 had 'heads of salmon' - implying that the 'chief' or 'head' here in line 4 is Martian in nature. There is a 'Face on Mars' connection here but we won't go into that aspect at this time. Instead, here we are to see in it the 'chief of war' (Mars = god/planet of war). The 'war' being the Iraq War, the 'chief of war' would refer to Rumsfeld (Secretary of Defense), Bush, Cheney, Saddam, and such. All these 'war chiefs' were severely 'judged' during the Samhain cross-quarter window early November '06 via getting sentenced to death by hanging (Saddam), midterm elections (Bush & Republican party), and getting fired (Rumsfeld).
Paris: The Paris Historical Axis is in alignment with sunrise during Samhain, particularly November 9-11. The last word 'polemars' would be 'Pole Mars' which is none other than the Eiffel Tower - i.e. a 'pole' standing in the Champ de Mars.
So you can see how well it all fits... But there was more to line 3:
'Poison hidden under the heads of salmon'
This correlates with the fact that I had highlighted Thanksgiving Day as a key window to watch.

There was a great convergence of relevant timelines/codes on November 23rd, including one directly involving the Paris Historical Axis, or more specifically a grand monument standing at the western edge of the Axis, called the 'Grande Arche'.

It's in a place called La Defense, and accordingly the monument is usually called the 'Arche de la Defense' - again evoking Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense.
But the curious anomaly of this Gate is that it's not quite aligned with the Axis and has a 6-degree deviation. As a result, it produces a set of sunrise/sunset alignment dates that are different from those of the Axis.

As you can see, the Samhain sunrise alignment date/window is shifted from Nov. 9-11 to Nov. 23-26, overlapping Thanksgiving (11/23). And based on other data points, the focus appeared to have been placed most intensely on that holiday.
The news headlines on Thanksgiving '06:
Nov 23: Ex-Russian spy dies in hospital

It was all about a poisoned Russian ex-spy. Poisoned. At (apparently) a sushi bar - giving us a fish/'salmon' connection. (Salmon is famously eaten by bears, the symbol of Russia.) And it's become one of the biggest news stories of November '06 still developing and keeping people fascinated.
Here, again, is line 3 from the 'Paris quatrain':
'Poison hidden under the heads of salmon'
Why should it be... 'prophetic'? It's just a story about a poisoned ex-spy... or is it? There is actually something deeper going on here, 'signals' being transmitted on a number of levels and radiation/nuclear is obviously a key part that apparently foreshadows what's still ahead, likely involving the 'Trojan War' theme.
And of course, just days after the poison/radiation death event came the very high-profile Papal visit to Turkey - which is none other than the ancient land of Troy, i.e. a Trojan land... as well as the land where Noah's Ark supposed made land fall ('Great Flood' theme). Prior to the trip there were numerous signs that there was potential danger there for the Pope, but by Nov. 27 (the day before the pope's arrival in Turkey) my view had become that the dark scenario was already being expressed via a novel making waves in Turkey at the time. As reported by the media:
Turkish thriller stirs unease ahead of pope visit
Visiting Turkey for the first time, Pope Benedict survives an assassination attempt staged by Western intelligence agencies bent on provoking a war with Iran.
Sound far-fetched? "The Assassination of the Pope" is pure fiction, of course. But a pot-boiler that few would have taken seriously 10 days ago has touched a deep vein of anxiety in Turkey, which has invited Benedict to visit on Nov. 28.
My comment posted on STRUG (11/27/06):
...I'd say things are now looking more like the Pope will survive his Turkey trip coming up this week. The above situation is eerily close to the projected potential scenario and by attracting a lot of attention to it the novel is actually decreasing the 'pressure' for the storyline to manifest in reality... for now. I'm also basing this assessment on new 'signals' detected recently which have now evolved into a surprisingly unified and coherent model still looking ominous for the Pope. [...]

It's interesting to note that Pope John Paul I, the one before John Paul II, was likely poisoned and his reign cut short only after a month following his ascension to the throne. There are various 'clues' suggesting this is somehow relevant to the current pope situation which will certainly continue to develop in the coming weeks and months. (Around Christmas, among others, is an interesting window to watch.)
In any case, closely following the Papal Turkey visit we'll have the Discovery STS-116 mission (launch currently scheduled for 12/7), which is very important. It spells 'Rose Line' and 'Great Flood'.... very Christmassy in fact.

And so the Communication continues into 2007 and we are in for a 'deja vu'...
Century II-41 La grand' estoille par sept jours bruslera, Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir: Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera, Quand grand pontife changera de terroir. The great star will burn for seven days, The cloud will make two suns appear: The large mastiff will howl all night When the great pontiff changes his abode.
Quatrain II-48 and II-41 are inseparable... as you may or may not know. And you can see what that implies above.
Get ready for the birth of the double sun.

Oh, and 'Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus'...
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رسائل 21 من 30 في الفقرة |
Geometrically, the swastika can be regarded as an irregular icosagon or 20-sided polygon. The proportions of the Nazi swastika were fixed based on a 5 × 5 diagonal grid.[5]
Characteristic is the 90° rotational symmetry and chirality, hence the absence of reflectional symmetry, and the existence of two versions of swastikas that are each other's mirror image.
A right-facing swastika might be described as "clockwise" or "counter-clockwise".
The mirror-image forms are often described as:
- clockwise and anti-clockwise;
- left-facing and right-facing;
- left-hand and right-hand.
"Left-facing" and "right-facing" are used mostly consistently referring to the upper arm of an upright swastika facing either to the viewer's left (卍) or right (卐). The other two descriptions are ambiguous as it is unclear whether they refer to the arms as leading or being dragged or whether their bending is viewed outward or inward. However, "clockwise" usually refers to the "right-facing" swastika. The terms are used inconsistently in modern times, which is confusing and may obfuscate an important point, that the rotation of the swastika may have symbolic relevance, although ancient vedic scripts describe the symbolic relevance of clock motion and counter clock motion.[citation needed] Less ambiguous terms might be "clockwise-pointing" and "counterclockwise-pointing."
Nazi ensigns had a through and through image, so both versions were present, one on each side, but the Nazi flag on land was right-facing on both sides and at a 45° rotation.[6]
The name "sauwastika" is sometimes given to the left-facing form of the swastika (卍).[7]
[edit] Origin hypotheses
Among the earliest cultures utilizing swastika is the neolithic Vinča culture of South-East Europe (see Vinča symbols).
More extensive use of the Swastika can be traced to Ancient India, during the Indus Valley Civilazation.
The swastika is a repeating design, created by the edges of the reeds in a square basket-weave. Other theories attempt to establish a connection via cultural diffusion or an explanation along the lines of Carl Jung's collective unconscious.
The genesis of the swastika symbol is often treated in conjunction with cross symbols in general, such as the sun cross of pagan Bronze Age religion. Beyond its certain presence in the "proto-writing" symbol systems emerging in the Neolithic,[8] nothing certain is known about the symbol's origin. There are nevertheless a number of speculative hypotheses. One hypothesis is that the cross symbols and the swastika share a common origin in simply symbolizing the sun. Another hypothesis is that the 4 arms of the cross represent 4 aspects of nature - the sun, wind, water, soil. Some have said the 4 arms of cross are four seasons, where the division for 90-degree sections correspond to the solstices and equinoxes. The Hindus represent it as the Universe in our own spiral galaxy in the fore finger of Lord Vishnu. This carries most significance in establishing the creation of the Universe and the arms as 'kal' or time, a calendar that is seen to be more advanced than the lunar calendar (symbolized by the lunar crescent common to Islam) where the seasons drift from calendar year to calendar year. The luni-solar solution for correcting season drift was to intercalate an extra month in certain years to restore the lunar cycle to the solar-season cycle. The Star of David is thought to originate as a symbol of that calendar system, where the two overlapping triangles are seen to form a partition of 12 sections around the perimeter with a 13th section in the middle, representing the 12 and sometimes 13 months to a year. As such, the Christian cross, Jewish hexagram star and the Muslim crescent moon are seen to have their origins in different views regarding which calendar system is preferred for marking holy days. Groups in higher latitudes experience the seasons more strongly, offering more advantage to the calendar represented by the swastika/cross.
Mosaic swastika in excavated Byzantine(?) church in Shavei Tzion (Israel)
Carl Sagan in his book Comet (1985) reproduces Han period Chinese manuscript (the Book of Silk, 2nd century BC) that shows comet tail varieties: most are variations on simple comet tails, but the last shows the comet nucleus with four bent arms extending from it, recalling a swastika. Sagan suggests that in antiquity a comet could have approached so close to Earth that the jets of gas streaming from it, bent by the comet's rotation, became visible, leading to the adoption of the swastika as a symbol across the world.[9] Bob Kobres in Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse (1992) contends that the swastika like comet on the Han Dynasty silk comet atlas was labeled a "long tailed pheasant star" (Di-Xing) because of its resemblance to a bird's foot or track. Kobres goes on to suggest an association of mythological birds and comets also outside China.
In Life's Other Secret (1999), Ian Stewart suggests the ubiquitous swastika pattern arises when parallel waves of neural activity sweep across the visual cortex during states of altered consciousness, producing a swirling swastika-like image, due to the way quadrants in the field of vision are mapped to opposite areas in the brain.[10]
Alexander Cunningham suggested that the Buddhist use of the shape arose from a combination of Brahmi characters abbreviating the words su astí.[3]
[edit] Archaeological record
The earliest swastika known has been found from Mezine, Ukraine. It is carved on late paleolithic figurine of mammoth ivory, being dated as early as about 10,000 BC. It has been suggested this swastika is a stylized picture of a stork in flight.[11]
In India, Bronze Age swastika symbols were found at Lothal and Harappa, on Indus Valley seals.[12] In England, neolithic or Bronze Age stone carvings of the symbol have been found on Ilkley Moor.
Swastikas have also been found on pottery in archaeological digs in Africa, in the area of Kush and on pottery at the Jebel Barkal temples,[13] in Iron Age designs of the northern Caucasus (Koban culture), and in Neolithic China in the Majiabang,[14] Dawenkou and Xiaoheyan cultures.[15] Other Iron Age attestations of the swastika can be associated with Indo-European cultures such as the Indo-Iranians, Celts, Greeks and Germanic peoples and Slavs.
The swastika is also seen in Egypt during the Coptic period. Textile number T.231-1923 held at the V&A Museum in London includes small swastikas in its design. This piece was found at Qau-el-Kebir, near Asyut, and is dated between AD300-600.
The Tierwirbel (the German for "animal whorl" or "whirl of animals"[16]) is a characteristic motive in Bronze Age Central Asia, the Eurasian Steppe, and later also in Iron Age Scythian and European (Baltic[17] and Germanic) culture, showing rotational symmetric arrangement of an animal motive, often four birds' heads. Even wider diffusion of this "Asiatic" theme has been proposed, to the Pacific and even North America (especially Moundville).[18
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رسائل 22 من 30 في الفقرة |
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27 Dec 2010 – Prince William and Kate Middleton were both born at auspicious times. ... of the Sun and the Moon – on the Summer Solstice has dazzled many ...
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Remember, Prince William was born on 21 June 1982, on Summer Solstice, one of the most important days in the annual Satanic calendar. Listen: "Midsummer ...
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6 publicaciones - 2 autores - 21 Jun. 2011
Today at 12:15:57 am Christian40 says: i hope that restored has peace and blessings from God's word Smiley November 09, 2012, 12:04:29 ...
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Prince William was born in London, England, at 9:03 pm, on June 21, 1982. His birth took place just after a solar eclipse on the Summer Solstice, an especially ...
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... and Satanic worship on this longest day of the year - the summer solstice. ... Prince William's birth was not only accompanied by a Solar Eclipse but by an even ..... Prince William was born in 1982 only months after Greece became number ...
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29 Apr 2011 – The remarkable birth of Prince William on a Solar Eclipse – meeting of the ... she was born on the Lunar Eclipse just after the Winter Solstice in the ... The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and masculine in nature.
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17 publicaciones - 14 autores - 5 Oct. 2011
Born on the Summer Solstice during a solar eclipse, Prince William is a living embodiment of the dying and reborn solar king of the ancient ...
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UTF8&t=h&hq=olympics+2012&hnear=London,+UK&ll=51.545013,- 0.019433&spn=0.000166,0.000428&z=21. Prince William was born on the Summer Solstice ...
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5 Mar 2002 – The summer solstice and solar eclipses are apparently important as well. SECRET IDENTITY OF THE ANTICHRIST: PRINCE WILLIAM / KING ...
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رسائل 23 من 30 في الفقرة |
...which happened to be the exact angle of the Phoenix constellation rising on the horizon within an hour after the "Mystery Missile launch" at sunset that day.

The moment of sunset itself would have seen the constellation making its way up right below the horizon and the cruise ship. Thus throughout the "magical" period of light giving way to darkness, Phoenix was in the process of being resurrected from the Underworld (death), which is the very essence of the legendary firebird.
And this "Underworld", taken literally, would have been directly under their feet. At the time of the "Mystery Missile" (sunset), those on Catalina Island (or the whole West Coast for that matter) would have "seen" - if they could see through the earth - this celestial configuration:

At the nadir they would have seen Argo Navis - a defunct constellation - which is a big ship like Carnival Splendor, now broken up into a number of smaller constellations, the largest of which is called Carina (meaning "keel").
At sunrise - when Carnival Splendor was experiencing a fire emergency - Argo Navis was seen "sailing" right on the horizon due south partially submerged. The Carina section was underwater or in the "Underworld".

A clear, albeit coded, message was being sent... concerning in particular the Royal Couple/Wedding. It's no coincidence that November 8 was right in the middle of a Royal Engagement period (Oct 20-Nov 16).
Prince William and Kate Middleton. Or Catherine Middleton.
"Carina" and "Catherine" are variations of the same name. So is "Catalina". "Katherine/Catherine" is also said to derive from "Hecate," a Greco-Roman goddess of witchcraft, crossroads and... the Underworld.
Catalina = Carina = Catherine = Hecate = Underworld

Not just any Underworld, but in this case specifically "Avalon". That's the name of Catalina Island's only incorporated city (in effect its "capital"). "Avalon" also literally means "apple", a fruit that hides a 5-pointed star in its core.

Also of great esoteric significance, "Avalon" is the name of the island where King Arthur is said to be resting and is expected to return from. In other words, Avalon is the "Underworld" of the Once and Future King. And King Arthur is of course a British king archetype.
The implication being the wedding/rise of Prince William and Kate is, whether by design or by coincidence, designed to become a modern analogue of the "Resurrection of King Arthur".
There is a sense of "destiny" permeating all this, hence also a heightened degree of predictability. I can say that having already demonstrated it publicly. And not just the timing of the Royal Engagement; I had the general time frame and symbolism down years ago. In a 2009 article "The Moonwalker Prophecy", for example:
Is this it? The long-awaited moment of the resurrection of the phoenix? A somewhat ironic rebirth of 'King William'? [...]
It's as if we are in for a major shift in the British Royal Family starting 2010 just in time for the 2012 London Olympics. [...]
A straightforward interpretation would be that Prince William will become King William in or around 2012. If not literal, then this should at least be a major symbolic storyline set to (if not already) drive key world events in/around 2010-2012. [red emphasis added]
(Note: Another/alternative scenario worth watching is the royal couple conceiving and/or having a baby in or around 2012.)
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رسائل 24 من 30 في الفقرة |
Precession the Christian prophecy of Revelations and the book of the seven seals was what Sauniere's regalia message was about  An interesting note The phrase "Third Reich", which eventually became a catchphrase that survived the Nazi regime, was originally coined by the German thinker Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, who in 1923 published a book entitled Das Dritte Reich. Looking back at German history, he distinguished two separate periods, and identified them with the ages of Joachim of Fiore: the Holy Roman Empire (beginning with Charlemagne in AD 800) -- (the "First Reich"), --The Age of the Father and the German Empire -- under the Hohenzollern dynasty (1871–1918) (the "Second Reich") -- The Age of the Son. After the interval of the Weimar Republic (1918–1933), during which constitutionalism, parliamentarism and even pacifism ruled, these were then to be followed by: the "Third Reich" -- The Age of the Holy Ghost. During the early part of the Third Reich many Germans also referred to Hitler as being the German Messiah, especially when he conducted the Nuremberg Rallies, which came to be held at a date somewhat before the Autumn Equinox in Nuremberg, Germany.talk about a Antichrist figure _________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
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رسائل 25 من 30 في الفقرة |
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رسائل 26 من 30 في الفقرة |
NO HAY DUDAS QUE EL 666 ES UN NUMERO QUE IMPERA EN EL NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL, UN NUMERO muy demonizado por la CRISTIANDAD y por el mundo seglar. Pero el numero 666 esta muy interrelacionado con el LUGAR SANTISIMO DEL TABERNACULO e incluso estaba interrelacionado con el REY SALOMON.
8. 1 Reyes 10:14: El peso del oro que Salomón tenía de renta cada año, era seiscientos sesenta y seis TALENTOS de oro;
HOY el mundo muy materialista, incluido a la religion misma, no ve y no quiere ver el NEXO ADAN CON LA SERPIENTE (GENESIS 3:15,22) CON EL SIMBOLO DEL DOLAR (MISMA SERPIENTE EN EL CONTEXTO A LAS DOS columnas de HERCULES o dos columnas de JACHIN Y BOAZ que estaban en el TABERNACULO e incluso tambien en el TEMPLO DE SALOMON). COMO UNA JERINGA SIRVE para introducirse una vacuna tambien sirve para DROGARSE. LA ENERGIA NUCLEAR SIRVE para fines pacificos pero tambien sirve PARA BOMBAS NUCLEARES. TODO ES RELATIVO Y LO MISMO SUCEDE CON EL DINERO, QUE LO MUY PROBABLE INSISTO, ES QUE SU SIMBOLOGIA SEA DUAL (FUTURO MESIAS Y FUTURO ANTICRISTO).
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. |
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. |
Observemos que en el idioma ingles aparece como MARCA EL MISMO NOMBRE DE MARCOS TAMBIEN EN EL MISMO IDIOMA. ¿CASUALIDAD O CAUSALIDAD? DETRAS DE MARCOS esta todo el 911.
EL 666, incluso tiene un fuerte nexo SABATICO/SA-BA-DO/SA-BI-DURIA/SO-PHI-A/PHI/NUMERO DE ORO=1.618033. ESTA TODO CODIFICADO PARA GLORIA DE YHWH TODOPODEROSO. La secuencia misma de APOCALIPSIS 13 LO EVIDENCIA en el contexto a la referencia a los mandamientos.
Apocalipsis 13
1. Me paré sobre la arena del mar, y vi subir del mar una bestia que tenía siete cabezas y diez cuernos; y en sus cuernos diez diademas; y sobre sus cabezas, un nombre blasfemo.
2. Y la bestia que vi era semejante a un leopardo, y sus pies como de oso, y su boca como boca de león. Y el dragón le dio su poder y su trono, y grande autoridad. (Hay un obvio nexo con DRACO y con la OSA mayor y obviamente EL LEON)
3. Vi una de sus cabezas como herida de muerte, pero su herida mortal fue sanada; y se maravilló toda la tierra en pos de la bestia,
4. y adoraron al dragón que había dado autoridad a la bestia, y adoraron a la bestia, diciendo: ¿Quién como la bestia, y quién podrá luchar contra ella? (Referencia obvia hacia el PRIMER MANDAMIENTO. "NO ADORAREIS A OTROS DIOSES")
5. También se le dio boca que hablaba grandes cosas y blasfemias; y se le dio autoridad para actuar cuarenta y dos meses.
6. Y abrió su boca en blasfemias contra Dios, para blasfemar de su nombre, de su tabernáculo, y de los que moran en el cielo. (TABERNACULO/TABERNA/VINO/PARALELO 33/LINAJE DE CRISTO)
7. Y se le permitió hacer guerra contra los santos, y vencerlos. También se le dio autoridad sobre toda tribu, pueblo, lengua y nación. (MARTE/MARTILLO/GUERRA/WAR/MARCOS)
8. Y la adoraron todos los moradores de la tierra cuyos nombres no estaban escritos en el libro de la vida del Cordero que fue inmolado desde el principio del mundo.
9. Si alguno tiene oído, oiga.
10. Si alguno lleva en cautividad, va en cautividad; si alguno mata a espada, a espada debe ser muerto. Aquí está la paciencia y la fe de los santos.
11. Después vi otra bestia que subía de la tierra; y tenía dos cuernos semejantes a los de un cordero, pero hablaba como dragón.
12. Y ejerce toda la autoridad de la primera bestia en presencia de ella, y hace que la tierra y los moradores de ella adoren a la primera bestia, cuya herida mortal fue sanada.
13. También hace grandes señales, de tal manera que aun hace descender fuego del cielo a la tierra delante de los hombres.
14. Y engaña a los moradores de la tierra con las señales que se le ha permitido hacer en presencia de la bestia, mandando a los moradores de la tierra que le hagan imagen a la bestia que tiene la herida de espada, y vivió. (Segundo mandamiento "No tendreis imagen...")
15. Y se le permitió infundir aliento a la imagen de la bestia, para que la imagen hablase e hiciese matar a todo el que no la adorase.
16. Y hacía que a todos, pequeños y grandes, ricos y pobres, libres y esclavos, se les pusiese una marca en la mano derecha, o en la frente; (MARCA/MARCOS/MARKETING/MERCADO/$$$$$$$$$)
17. y que ninguno pudiese comprar ni vender, sino el que tuviese la marca o el nombre de la bestia, o el número de su nombre. (NOMBRE DE LA BESTIA ES UNA REFERENCIA ESPIRITUAL A LA VIOLACION DEL TERCER MANDAMIENTO)
18. Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el número de la bestia, pues es número de hombre. Y su número es seiscientos sesenta y seis. (SA-BI-DURIA/SA-BA-DO/SO-PHI-A/NUMERO DE ORO PHI=1.618033. EN SABIDURIA ESTA CODIFICADO TODO EL SECRETO DEL 911, CON UN FUERTE CONTEXTO SABATICO, OSEA EL SANTO GRIAL. Numero de hombre es una OBVIA REFERENCIA A ADAN/HOMBRE. RECORDEMOS QUE ADAN, PRIMER HOMBRE Y EVA PRIMERA MUJER, AMBOS FUERON LLAMADOS ADAN POR YHWH)
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رسائل 27 من 30 في الفقرة |
2. Hebreos 11:10: porque esperaba la ciudad que tiene fundamentos, cuyo ARQUITECTO y constructor es Dios.
222,222,444,666,1110,1776 SIGUEN LA SECUENCIA DE FIBONACCI
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رسائل 28 من 30 في الفقرة |
Teléfono y control del correo electrónico se convierte en rutina de negocios en EE.UU
Empresas de vigilancia privadas se han convertido en una industria de 85 mil millones de dólares. Dicen que ahora 12 años después del 9/11 dentro de un radio de 10 millas de cada hogar en los Estados Unidos hay una empresa privada que se encarga del gobierno para controlar las llamadas telefónicas y correos electrónicos, “ Susan Lindauer , periodista y escritor de Washington DC

La administración Obama ha reconocido el informe del diario The Guardian que estaba recogiendo los registros telefónicos de la compañía de comunicaciones de Verizon. Defendió la práctica diciendo que era necesaria para proteger a los estadounidenses contra los ataques.
Más temprano, el periódico The Guardian obtuvo un alto orden de la corte federal secreto que requiere la compañía telefónica Verizon a entregar toda la información relativa a las llamadas de los clientes, para la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional.
El registro contiene tanto las llamadas dentro de los EE.UU. y entre los EE.UU. y otros países. La información incluye el número de teléfono, números de tarjeta de llamada, los números de serie de los teléfonos usados y el tiempo y la duración de las llamadas. No incluye el contenido de una llamada o direcciones de las personas que llaman o información financiera.
El Tribunal de Vigilancia de Inteligencia Extranjera secreto concedió la orden al FBI el 25 de abril, y le da al gobierno el acceso ilimitado a los datos de período de 3 meses, que termina el 19 de julio.Porque en la historia estamos unidos en el teléfono por Susan Lindauer, periodista y autor de Washington DC.
El gobierno de Obama dijo que la práctica era necesaria para proteger a los estadounidenses contra los ataques. Podría implicar que las fuerzas de seguridad de Estados Unidos están trabajando en la prevención de un ataque terrorista concreto?
“No, de hecho, apenas están entrando al negocio de rutina en Washington. Empresas de vigilancia privadas se han convertido en una industria de 85 mil millones de dólares. Dicen que ahora 12 años después del 9/11 dentro de un radio de 10 millas de cada hogar en los Estados Unidos no es una empresa privada que se encarga del gobierno para controlar las llamadas telefónicas y correos electrónicos. Verizon se les pide entregar números de teléfono sin embargo, hay personal de todos los lugares de los Estados Unidos que están realmente escuchando sus llamadas telefónicas y leer los mensajes de correo electrónico y entonces ellos se refieren a, y quiero ser claro en esto porque la privacidad ha muerto en los Estados Unidos.
Muchos estadounidenses creen erróneamente que la propaganda gubernamental que estas vigilancia sólo se aplica a las comunicaciones internacionales de la comunidad o que están dirigidas a individuos violentos individuos potencialmente radicales . Así americanos domésticos piensan que están exentos de esta ley y que de alguna manera están escapando, eso es sólo el mal chicos cita en cita que van a ser clavado. Pero en realidad lo que sucede es que la NSA está buscando palabras de código. Cada vez que dices la palabra terrorismo o de Al-Qaeda, o atentado Boston o NRA, o el control de armas, cualquier cosa, tienen zumbido, y las palabras de moda son añadidos – es un diccionario de palabras de moda Cada vez que usted. decir que una de esas palabras que número de teléfono y llamada obtiene etiquetado y alguien realmente tiene que venir y escuchar a ellos. Se ha convertido en una colección masiva de datos. “
Además de razones de seguridad puede haber otras razones para la recogida de datos de las llamadas telefónicas?
“No se trata de la seguridad de terrorismo, porque, por supuesto, sabemos que cada ataque terrorista desde el 9/11 ha sido planeado por el FBI. Cada ataque ha consistido en la infiltración del FBI FBI reclutamiento, la financiación y lo que hacen es establecer a estas personas y luego ir y que detenerlos para que puedan tener una tasa de captura de alta. Estos son los agentes del FBI que están construyendo sus carreras de esto y esto es mucho más que un escenario de atrapamiento. No es terrorismo local indígena. Pero, ¿qué tiene que sucedió es que Estados Unidos ha llegado a ser tan débil económicamente, hay desintegración trabajo, desintegración de la comunidad, la clase media se está derrumbando ante nuestros ojos. Hay tanta presión. Las personas que creen que estarían a salvo si lo hicieran todas las cosas correctas y obedecían las reglas, se obtendría una educación, usted conseguiría un trabajo, te levantas una familia, usted trabaja el sistema, y el sistema podría funcionar para usted. Todo lo que ahora se ha ido. Así que, realmente tienen miedo de la gente y el gobierno ahora es mucho miedo de los estadounidenses y que es la seguridad de que están preocupados. No es de terroristas extranjeros, es malestar interno. “
Si nos fijamos en la historia no desde el punto de vista político, pero desde el punto de vista empresarial, ¿cree usted que Verizon ahora corre el riesgo de perder muchos de sus clientes?
“Desafortunadamente, no porque la mayoría de los estadounidenses creen que las medidas de seguridad son necesarias para protegerlos del terrorismo. Y un montón de gente, las libertades civiles están muy decepcionados con el espíritu americano que no ha podido enojarse. Es necesario que haya una protesta, es necesario ser una reacción en contra de Verizon, pero por desgracia no creo que va a pasar. Creo que habrá un momento de indignación y luego el siguiente ciclo de noticias entraré, y que es en gran medida causada por los medios corporativos en los Estados Unidos, que mantiene el estribillo deshonesta “.
Ataque terrorista doméstico frustrado por teléfono recopilación registros – EE.UU. Presidente de Intel
El presidente del comité de Inteligencia de la Cámara dice que la continua búsqueda de la NSA de los registros telefónicos frustró un ataque “significativo” terrorista en los Estados Unidos en los últimos años.
El representante republicano Mike Rogers, de Michigan defendió la colección grabaciones telefónicas en conferencia de prensa en el Capitolio el jueves. Dijo que la información obtenida de los registros permitió autoridades estadounidenses para detener un “caso importante”.
Se negó a dar más detalles, pero dijo que estaba en contacto con las autoridades estadounidenses en proporcionar más información.
Dijo que la búsqueda de la NSA es para registros comerciales y constantemente se está revisando. Dijo que no se hace nada sin la aprobación del tribunal.
Colección de discos Phone legal – Tecla legislador republicano EE.UU.
El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes del comité de inteligencia, dijo el jueves que la recopilación de los registros telefónicos de Verizon era legal y autorizada por el Congreso .
El representante republicano Mike Rogers , dijo a periodistas que el programa de registro de llamadas de la administración no abusó de las libertades civiles y se ha utilizado para detener un ataque de “significativo” terrorista en Estados Unidos .
“Fue un ataque significativo que ocurrió en los últimos años”, dijo Rogers en rueda de prensa. Se negó a dar más información, diciendo que estaba clasificado.
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رسائل 29 من 30 في الفقرة |

7. Génesis 49:17 Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
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رسائل 30 من 30 في الفقرة |
I have been absent for a while, but now I remember why I used to love this blog. Thank you, I'll try and check back more often. How frequently you update your web site?
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