The precession of the equinox is observed as the stars moving across the sky at the rate of about 50 arc seconds per year, relative to the equinox. Conventional theory holds that this phenomenon is due to the gravity of the sun and moon acting upon the oblate spheroid of the earth causing the axis to wobble (the lunisolar theory). The alternative explanation advanced by the Binary Research Institute is that most of the observable is due to solar system motion, causing a reorientation of the earth relative to the fixed stars as the solar system gradually curves through space (the binary theory or model). We find the binary model better explains acceleration of the precession rate, better predicts changes in the rate, answers a number of solar system problems and has none of the paradoxes or inconsistencies associated with lunisolar precession theory.2 The Research section includes a summary of our basic work investigating the mechanics of precession, describes some of the problems with current theory and gives data to show that solar system motion is a better explanation for the observable known as the precession of the equinox. If you move your mouse over the word “Research” you will find this work broken into five further sections entitled: Introduction, Evidence, Calculations, Finding It and Papers and Articles. We invite you to browse. For a tutorial on our alternate view of precession please begin with the “Introduction” and keep clicking the “Next” button and it will carry you through each section of the presentation. If you have any comments or questions about this website or any of our work please feel free to email me at: Walter@BinaryResearchInstitute.org Warm Regards, Walter Cruttenden
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jul 302012
Charged objects like protons and electrons are connected by electromagnetism. Massive objects like planets and our Sun are connected by gravity. From falling balls to an electric shock, gravity and electromagnetism are the forces we experience daily.

Double stars are sometimes very special. These double stars are more massive than our Sun and can fit within a small city. Their protons and electrons have been crushed together under these extreme conditions. The forces we experience daily connect them and these forces have gone mad. The Universe most powerful gravity and electromagnetism connect these double stars.

These powerful forces are coordinated or synchronized through space. Swinging the double stars around one another in a violent dance, these forces generate a wave within space. A space-wave is a mysterious connection between double stars, their forces and their orbits.

Space-waves are mysterious and dark. The strongest light can never make these waves seen. We can detect a space-waves’ presence because they are generated. The simple table top experiment below models how space-waves are generated.
Five metronomes are set to 176 bpm and placed on a Foam Core board. When empty cans are placed underneath, the board is free to move from side to side and the metronomes are able to influence each other into synchronization. When the cans are removed the metronomes are no longer physically coupled and some of them begin to fall out of step.
Space-waves are like the back and forth shifting board. Everything is resting on this board; even light itself. Space-waves can bend lights’ path and shift an objects’ orbit. Einstein predicted these effects as a consequence of space-time.

We now know space-time is a space-wave. The space-wave connection to bending light and shifting orbits was successfully explained during an eight year research project. Amazingly, space-wave ripples effect is Dark Matter. The mysterious connection between double stars also proved electromagnetism and gravity could be unified as Einstein dreamed.

Mr. Jamahl Peavey at the Department of Physics of The Arlington School
For more details, see Indian Journal of Science and Technology peer-reviewed publication: http://www.indjst.org/archive/vol.4.issue.4/apr11jamal-5.pdf
Written and provided by the researcher himself: Mr. Jamahl Peavey, Physics and Mathematics Instructor/Mechanical Engineer at The Arlington School, Department of Physics, 115 Mill Street, Belmont, MA 02478.
Karl-Heinz Homann (April 29, 1933 – April 23, 2008):
Karl-Heinz was born in Oer-Erkenschwick near Recklinghausen, Germany. He had a background as a mechanic and machinist, and had a Master's Degree as an Electronic Technician. Most of his life he was self-employed, both in Germany and in Canada. He and his family emigrated to Canada in 1980. He spent his remaining years on a small farm near Peers, Alberta.
Every job was his hobby. He loved flying his airplane, enjoyed travel, hiking, reading and organic gardening, but his passion was mathematics and astronomy. He studied the knowledge and mysteries surrounding ancient cultures, especially of Ancient Egypt and the Great Pyramid which held an incredible fascination for him. In his avid reading, he came across Robert Temple’s book The Sirius Mystery and later during his own research, Karl-Heinz was intrigued by the work of R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz.
De Lubicz says an interesting thing while talking about the Egyptians use of Sirius to time their yearly calendar events. He said:
For it is remarkable that owing to the precession of the equinoxes, on the one hand, and the movement of Sirius on the other, the position of the sun with respect to Sirius is displaced in the same direction, almost exactly to the same extent. [R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, Sacred Science, Inner Traditions (1982)]
It was this short statement that launched Karl on his decision to find out if this was true. His detailed observations over a 20 year period show definitively that Sirius does not precess. This may have been why the Egyptians were so interested in Sirius and why it’s heliacal rising (first annual appearance of the star just before sun rise) became the calibration point for their calendar system. The beauty of their use of Sirius is that they did not have to worry about leap years at all and yet this system will maintain accuracy better than the Gregorian calendar. What Pope Gregory’s experts didn’t know was this crucial piece of information: Sirius does not precess.
The fact that Sirius seems to maintain its position relative to the position of the sun was a surprise to most scientists (aware of precession), when it was first noticed by the French scientific community following the Egyptian discoveries of Napoleon (and the Dendera Zodiac) in the early 1800’s. Perhaps to save the lunisolar theory of precession, or at least to make sense of physics as then taught, physicist, astronomer, mathematician Jean-Baptiste Biot (21 April 1774 – 3 February 1862) proclaimed that this phenomenon was an oddity of the latitude and horizon around Dendera, meaning it just seemed as if Sirius was immune to the effects of precession. And to this day this is the assumption of many astronomers and astrophysicists. Physicist Jed Z. Buchwald, professor of history and science and technology (Caltech and MIT) commented on this topic in his article Egyptian Stars Under Paris Skies, when he noted:
The rising of Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens and important to Egyptians as the signal for the annual flooding of the Nile, was assumed by the French physicists to move with relation to the sun as do the constellations of the zodiac. It does not, however, as we see here.

The curved line dividing the lit from the dark regions represents the horizon near Dendera. The blue lines show the locations of the ecliptic with respect to the horizon at five helical risings separated by hundreds of years. The vernal points mark the equinoxes at these times, and the circled numbers on the lower right indicate the corresponding positions of Sirius. Sirius remains about the same distance from the equinoxes—and so from the solstices— throughout these many centuries, despite precession.
As far as we know Karl Heinz Homann is the first to conduct an extended study of the timing and position of Sirius using modern instruments. It is either an amazing coincidence that horizon and latitude of Edmonton Canada mimic the horizon and latitude of Dendera Egypt, or Mr. Homann has made an incredible discovery.
Karl Homann, this remarkable man, using a simple set of tools measured the position of Sirius religiously and timed its passing the center line of the cross hairs in his fixed telescope against the atomic time (from Fort Collins) beeping from a radio in his observatory. This is a form of what is typically referred to as a meridian transit observation. Karl found that the view from the location available at his home in Canada was better if he pointed his telescope to the Southwest rather than due South which is used for a true meridian transit. He took readings each year usually from December to April and sometimes was able, by careful timing and clear skies, to stretch the range of available dates from September to June. After June, Sirius passes behind the Sun and the attendant glare hides Sirius for 2 months or so.
I personally had the pleasure of visiting Karl-Heinz and seeing his laboratory with the famous telescope pointed to the southwest. We enjoyed tea until the appropriate sidereal time when Karl knew Sirius would soon be passing in front of the telescope lens (late in the afternoon I was there). Prior to this I was not even aware that Sirius was so easy to see in the daylight! Listening to the signal time beeping in the background I watched the front edge of Sirius touch the vertical line in the scope (first contact) then pass through as the earth moved the telescope across this portion of the sky. Karl recorded the exact time and gave a big smile – he knew the implications were profound.
Walter Cruttenden
[This page was updated June 19, 2012.]
Why Does Sirius Move in the Opposite Direction to Precession? Why Does the Rate of Sirius Motion Almost Exactly Cancel Precession?
"We scientists would claim that in the absence of precession, the tropical year and the sidereal year would be equal."
Prof. Douglas P. Hube, Dept. of Physics University of Alberta (Click here for a paper on this written by Karl-Heinz Homann's son, Uwe.)
The following graph displays actual measured daily transit readings of Sirius (blue line) and compares these readings to the precession rate (red line) of the rest of the stars in the sky. This clearly demonstrates that Sirius does not precess. The question is—why does this happen?
Mr. Homann concludes below that: "These observations clearly indicate that the so-called 'precession of the earth' is NOT a scientific fact, and that the Sirius system has a noticeable gravitational influence on our solar system."
Editor's Note: Though Mr. Homann uses the term "Meridian" in his discussion below, in fact (and as he explains) Sirius didn't pass directly overhead but rather the telescope was pointed to the Southwest.
Also, the article below was prepared before this data was digitized and so his text has been changed only in these items: 1) his original graphs were hand drawn on graph paper and we are able to provide clearer and more readable graphs and 2) his original graphs were originally set up on ten-day intervals and now they are presented on a simple date oriented time line. Here are links to copies of Mr. Homann's original hand-drawn graphs, which he labeled Graphic1, Graphic2 and Graphic3.
Each of the 8 graphs below can be clicked to bring up the pdf data file with the readings that it represents. These data files are comprised of Mr. Homann's original data and the adjacent columns show the Excel calculations for the day length variations (y-axis) per day. This is the actual measured variation around the central value of 235.9094618 seconds, which is the difference between the length of the sidereal day and the mean solar day.
Finally, the pdf data files show the term "Calculated Avg =>" to show where we added interpolated points to provide continuity in the lines of the graphs. This seems to happen when Mr. Homann was re-adjusting the transit and its tripod. These are mostly evident in his early years and the later data, especially after 1994, has almost no omissions, adjustments or re-calibrations. Further to this, we tried to stay faithful to his hand drawn graphs which were put together from notes that are in the original manuscript. This was done to smooth the appearance of the graphs and they are consistent with his originals (see above).
Explanation of the Graphics of the Meridian Transit Periods of Sirius
By Karl-Heinz Homann
DESCRIPTION OF THE FUNCTIONS: The x-axis is a linear measure of time for the years mentioned. The axis represents 'mean sidereal time' of 86164.0905382 seconds per day as a fundamental time-constant. The vertical y-axis represents the daily positive and negative time deviation in seconds from mean sidereal time, as determined by the meridian transit period of Sirius for the days indicated.
METHOD OF MEASUREMENT: A basic transit instrument of 25x magnification is solidly mounted. The optic is permanently aligned in a southwesterly direction. This type of alignment offers an optimal period of observation with respect to Sirius throughout the year. The precise time reference signal used to measure the transit intervals of Sirius is the UTC atomic-time radio signal from WWV Fort Collins/Colorado.
ERROR ANALYSIS: The following errors of measurement were taken into consideration: The so-called observer's "personal error" of maximum ± 0.5 seconds between two successive meridian transits of Sirius. In terms of overall accuracy this error is of course drastically reduced by longer time intervals between two successive transits, e.g. ten-day intervals. As a matter of fact, a 6-year period between two successive transits, in order to determine a mean sidereal day with respect to Sirius makes such error almost negligible. Furthermore, any periodic and non-periodic time fluctuations, regardless of their cause, are naturally included in the measurement. Hence, absolutely no time corrections have been applied neither to the actual measurement of the meridian transit periods, nor in calculating the mean sidereal day with respect to Sirius. Errors due to factors like optical refraction, aberration, proper motion, geographical position, continental drift, time-signal propagation delay, atmospheric conditions, etc were found to be insignificant with respect to the above method of measurement.
ANALYSIS OF THE DATA: A thorough analysis of the data would require a comparison with data obtained over the same time periods by the International Earth Rotation Service, US Naval Observatory or NASA, for example.
As the following graphs show, several major and minor fluctuations in sidereal time have occurred over certain periods throughout the years 1989 to 2000. For instance, a significant deviation from mean sidereal time occurred in the spring of 1989, when Sirius A, Sirius B and the sun were in direct conjunction and earth was still in the perihelion section of its orbit (see also diagram Solar system - Sirius system). Interesting is the fact that also a major time deviation from the negative into the positive range occurred during this conjunction at the end of February 1989. Furthermore, seemingly 'regular' fluctuations appear around March of each year. Also, at the end of 1989 towards the beginning of 1990, as earth went through its perihelion, significant positive deviations were observed. In the following years, around the same period, only positive deviations occurred, although diminishing in magnitude.
 Graph 1
 Graph 2
 Graph 3
 Graph 4
 Graph 5
 Graph 6
On April 6, 1994 the transit instrument was aligned in a more westerly direction in order to extend the observation period into the month of June. This presented a challenge, as the bright light of the sun made Sirius almost invisible to the naked eye. However, I was able to detect Sirius on the 21 of June as it went through the transit. This was only possible due to an approximate pre-determination of its position by computation, based on the previous measurements. These particular observations have shown that over a period from the beginning of May to June 21, a daily positive deviation of Sirius from mean sidereal time occurred by about 100ms per day on average.
Extended sidereal time-measurements from 6 April 1994 to 6 April 1996 revealed a total negative time deviation of 1.6 seconds from tropical-sidereal time. According to 'precession' this difference should be about 3.34 seconds per year. Hence a total negative deviation of about 6.68 seconds was to be expected, but did not occur in reality.
The continuous measurement of 6 April 1994 to 5 April 2000 confirmed this fact conclusively. In that period the total negative deviation of 'Sirius time' from the total mean sidereal time accumulated to 4.1 seconds. This means about negative 0.68 s per year (!). Again, according to 'precession' a negative time difference of 6 × 3.34 s or about 20 seconds should have occurred, but did NOT occur with respect to Sirius!
 Graph 7
 Graph 8
As a matter of fact, the mean rotation period of the earth relative to Sirius is nearly identical to the time interval of the mean sidereal day of 86164.09054 seconds.
Noteworthy is also the fact that very significant time fluctuation occurred each year during the period of April through October over the years 1994 to 2000. Depending on the cloudy conditions the observation period lasted usually around 195 to 200 days, with the exception of 1997 and 2000. The overall result was that only negative time deviations in the range of 7.08 to 10.34 seconds were observed in those periods, as the following calculations show: Meridian Transits of Sirius for the periods of April to October - 1994 to 2006 *
Note: The actual time difference between the mean solar day of 86400 seconds and the mean sidereal day of 86164.0905382 seconds is exactly 235.9094618 seconds per complete rotation. Due to earth's orbital motion this difference accumulates in a complete revolution of the earth to the time period of one complete solar day. Hence, the total number of earth's rotations in one complete 360° period of revolution around the sun is expressed by the following two equations: 86400 s ÷ 235.9094618 s = 366.24219878 365.24219878 × 86400 s = 366.24219878 × 86164.0905382 s
Definitions: t1: the accumulated solar day/sidereal day time difference, as measured per period of observation n: the total number of Sirius transits that occurred per period of observation t2: the actual yearly mean solar day/sidereal day time difference of 235.90946 s multiplied by n t3: [t1 - t2] total sidereal time difference per period of observation

INTERPRETATION OF THE DATA: Significant time deviations in earth's period of rotation, as measured with respect to Sirius have occurred over certain months (e.g. in the spring of 1989, when Sirius A, Sirius B and the sun were in direct conjunction). Some minor, but nevertheless distinct deviations appear at regular yearly intervals (usually around March). Since these deviations occur annually, the gravitational influence of the moon or perturbations caused by other planets in the solar system can be excluded. Since such deviations from mean sidereal time CANNOT be caused by an increase or decrease in the speed of earth's rotation, I suspect a combined 'gravitational' effect of the sun and the Sirius system on the earth's axis of rotation. In my article "Some more thoughts on gravitation" I have tried to describe how the Sirius system might be responsible for a 'curvature in space' that can reach as far as to our solar system. As we know, the revolution of Sirius B and Sirius A around their common center of gravity over a period of about 49 years proceeds in an almost vertical plane relative to the planetary plane of our solar system. This motion could cause a periodic fluctuation in the curvature of space, similar to an ocean where a calm wind would create long-stretched waves. If a ship were to sail on such waves, its mast will gently swing back and forth. Likewise, during the earth's orbit around the sun the axis of the earth would 'oscillate' due to these periodic fluctuations of the space-curvature between sun and Sirius. Although the speed of earth's rotation remains unchanged (!), a positive or negative time-deviation from mean sidereal time can be measured, depending on the magnitude and direction of the oscillation of the axis, the sidereal point of reference and the latitude on earth from which the measurements are taken. As a matter of fact, the International Earth Rotation Service observes significant daily variations in earth's sidereal rotation period.
It is also very important to remember that despite some major variations in earth's period of rotation, the mean time interval of the sidereal year or earth's complete orbit period basically remains constant. Even more surprising is the observation that the mean time interval of the sidereal year, as measured with respect to Sirius is nearly identical (by less than one second) to the time interval of the tropical year. According to the theory of 'precession', a yearly time difference of about 1223 s is supposed to occur between a sidereal year and the tropical year.
The meridian transit measurements of Sirius have shown that neither a time difference of 6 × 1223 s, nor a difference of 6 × 3.34 s has occurred over the 6-year observation period from April 1994 to April 2000. These observations clearly indicate that the so-called 'precession of the earth' is NOT a scientific fact, and that the Sirius system has a noticeable gravitational influence on our solar system. Obviously, Newton's laws of gravitation cannot explain Einstein's universe. In that respect, it requires further study to see if the 49 year cycle of the Sirius system can provide us with an explanation of the large fluctuations and annual irregularities in earth's rate of rotation that have also been observed around 1941 by experts at the US Naval Observatory. Additional Comment: Two other phenomena should be mentioned that took place during the conjunction of Sirius A, Sirius B and the sun around the beginning of February to the end of March 1989, as the function of the time deviation entered from the negative into the positive range (see Graph 1). During this time our outermost planet Pluto, whose revolution period of 248.421 years is exactly 5.0004 to 1 in relation to the Sirius B - Sirius A's orbit period of 49.68 years, went through the perihelion of its very eccentric orbit. On 23 March 1989 an 800 m long 'rock' came in strikingly close proximity to our earth at a speed of about 70.000 km/h. Missing our earth by only a few hours - thereby sparing us a gigantic catastrophe - it also went through its perihelion between sun and Sirius. Thanks to astronomers, who discovered it as it already disappeared again into the vastness of space, a major widespread panic was avoided. These celestial phenomena are not subject to plain coincidence, but are lawful celestial mechanical events. In fact, the Sirius system determines the second (empty) focus point, which is essential for the elliptic orbits of these and other celestial bodies in our solar system. Keep in mind that even our earth has its perihelion around January 2, as it passes through the conjunction of sun and Sirius each year.
http://www.binaryresearchinstitute.org/srg/SiriusResearch.shtml |
On the ship Argo were 50 'Argonauts' and the leader of whom was 'Jason'. Here we have our first breakthrough. The name 'Jason', according to Robert Temple ('Sirius Mystery') means 'appeaser'. In '1999: Final Solution', if you recall, it was mentioned that even though it is almost always translated as "King of terror", the original French words of X-72's second line may well have been "Roy deffraieur", instead of "Roy d'effrayeur", in which case the meaning changes to something like 'appeasing King'! Whichever the original French words may be, both are so similar that I'd say both "appeasing King" and "King of terror" were meant. (As we will see, punning is a serious method of communicating esoteric knowledge.)
Next, let us examine the etymology of the word, 'ark'. According to Temple, the words 'ark', 'Argo', etc. are likely derived from the Egyptian words, 'arq' and 'arqi'. It is, then, intriguing that the Great Sphinx which the Arabs call the 'Father of Terror' (thus relating to the 'King of Terrors' of X-72 as discussed in '1999: FS'), is also called 'arq ur' (7/1 Update: this may not be accurate information) - making another link with X-72. Furthermore, 'arki' and some other 'arq'-related words refer to Saturn, the most significant interpretive element applied to X-72 in '1999: FS'.
The next development, which will add a whole new dimension to the issues being discussed, is the connection between Argo/ark and Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky and the celestial counterpart of Isis (the relevance of Isis was brought up in '1999: FS'). Temple does a very extensive exposition on how the myth of Argo/ark relates to Sirius, mainly through the number '50' and the notion of 'weight'. For example, as mentioned earlier, the Argo held '50' Argonauts. It also carried '50' daughters of Danaos. The reason '50' is important is because the orbital period of Sirius B around Sirius is 50 years. Sirius B is a dark, small, and "heavy" 'white dwarf' that is a great contrast to its very bright companion, Sirius. As Temple shows in his book, this 'invisible' Sirius B somehow seems to be as important as Sirius, if not more important, to some unclear 'source' that gave us mythological stories which apparently are a secret information passed down through history in 'coded' forms. Sirius B should not have been known to ancient people, yet there appear to be many coded references to Sirius B in myths. But in the case of the Dogon people in southwest Africa, their tradition preserved information about our solar system and the Sirius system not metaphorically but literally - which prompted Temple to investigate the matter originally. And the Dogon literally claimed that Sirius B, which they called 'Digitaria', had a 50-year orbit around Sirius when they shouldn't have even known that there is a dark companion to Sirius.
We are also told that the Anunnaki, the Sumerian 'gods' who were discussed in '1999: FS', were also 50 in number and called 'the fifty great gods' thus also associated with Sirius also. Moses' Ark of the Covenant, too, comes to be involved with 50, thus Sirius also, as it was to Moses that "God" commanded to establish the 50-year cycle of 'year of jubilee - strengthening the link between Noah's ark and the Ark of the Covenant. Temple further points out that the "foot race" which was the origin of the Olympic Games was held at the end of the 50 months or 49 months in alternate years. The switching between 50 and 49 is intriguing since Sirius B's orbital period is somewhat less than 50 years and the alternate counting can be seen as a way of adjusting to match Sirius B's orbit. At any rate, again there is a connection with X-72 as the Olympics was a key theme in '1999: FS'.
The incorporation of Sirius behaves likes a big piece of the puzzle and yields more and more connections. For example, Sirius B was in some ways compared to Mercury - and Mercury/Gemini is of course one of the big themes in '1999: FS'. Also, Anubis, a mythological character Temple associates with the orbit of Sirius B, happened to be identified with Saturn - again a major element derived from X-72, etc. 'Seven', also a major theme derived in '1999: FS', is not left out as Sirius was known to Egyptians as 'Sept' which in French (and probably in other languages too) means 'seven', the 'lucky' number. So, the first line of X-72, "1999 and seven months ('sept mois')", could be seen as '1999 and the month of Sirius'... but it would point to July anyway as July was the month of Sirius' important 'heliacal rising'. It's all coming together.
It is carefully and convincingly illustrated by Temple that Sirius is related to the idea of 'weight/heavy'. Interestingly, the Egyptian word, 'tchens', also meaning 'weight/heavy', resembles 'chance' which is almost synonymous with 'luck'. I feel it's possible that there is a connection there. But more significantly, the notion of 'weight' connects Sirius and Argo as the main/brightest star in the Argo constellation, Canopus, is also known as 'Wazn', 'Weight'. And it is said that Enki, the Sumerian Saturn, ruled Canopus.
7/1/99 Update :
Canopus was also known as 'the Rudder' (of the Argo), i.e. the stern of the ship. Interestingly, this relates to the movie 'Titanic' as the 'stern' of the Titanic plays a key role in the movie - it is where Rose and Jack first meet as Rose tries to jump into the ocean, and it is also where Rose and Jack end up being as the Titanic finally sinks into the ocean. Note also that there are a number of references to 'weight/heaviness': Seeing Rose's engagement ring Jack says to her (paraphrasing) 'wow, look at this, you'd have gone straight to the bottom of the ocean!' (referring to the size/heaviness of the ring). Also both the young Rose and the 100-year old Rose felt the 'Heart of the Ocean', the blue diamond pendant, to be a "heavy, dreadful thing", and the old Rose throws the pendant into the ocean from the 'rear end' of the ship she was on, and if you're observant you'd see in the scene that at the rear of the ship there is a big 'arc'-shaped structure enclosing Rose. By the way, Rose being 100 years old in the movie is also a 'hint' for '100' is also closely associated with Sirius B (its orbit was somehow counted 'double', i.e. 100). This also nicely explains why I came up with '100' as one of the key numbers in 'Babylon Matrix'.
If you've seen the movie, you'd also notice that the 'prow' of the Titanic plays a big role also. It is where Jack leans forward, spreads his arms and screams "I'm the king of the world!", and where Jack lets Rose extend her arms like a bird also and "fly". Temple identifies Dodona, where the Greek ark is said to have descended, as the geodetic prow of the Argo. And I noticed that Dodona happens to be at about 39.5 degrees N. latitude which happens to be the exact angle of one of the Great Pyramid's so-called 'air shafts' that specifically targeted the star Sirius. As if to confirm the significance of the angle/latitude, ~39.5 N also happens to be the latitude of Mt. Ararat where Noah's ark is thought to have landed. Jack and Rose extending their arms sideways forming a 'cross' with the body is also meaningful to the 'Sirius complex' as the Dogon reports that there is another star, Sirius C, in the Sirius system which supposedly has a satellite they call 'star of Women' and it is represented by the sign of a 'cross' in their tradition. It may not be a coincidence that there is to be a astrological 'grand cross' on/around Aug. 18, '99 - the exact date of Cassini's earth-flyby. Another interesting point regarding Sirius is that the hieroglyphic sign for Sirius (triangle) is identical to the sign for 'thorn' (or 'teeth'). Notice how 'thorn' is relevant to a 'rose' - Titanic's Rose, NY's state flower being a rose, and rose as a symbol of knowledge, etc. Congruently, not only was Isis, Sirius' counterpart, considered the goddess of 'wisdom', Sirius B was associated with the description, 'two stars of knowledge'.
Sirius could also be associated in various ways with the 'serpent', the ancient symbol of hidden wisdom and secret knowledge. A good example is the serpent in the story of Genesis which lets Eve east the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Interestingly, it's been suggested that the name 'Eve' relates to words meaning 'serpent' and 'life'. Also, Eve is sometimes viewed as the ancestral mother of the Nephilim, and the Nephilim themselves were described as 'serpents'. The Nephilim are the "fallen angels" that parallel the Anunnaki who were earlier associated with Sirius.
It should also be mentioned that Jason, the leader of the 50 Argonauts earlier associated with Sirius, is associated with the 'teeth of a dragon'. This is interesting because 'teeth' as explained before can also refer to Sirius, and so the expression, 'teeth of a dragon', links Sirius to a 'dragon', i.e. 'serpent', as Temple points out. Furthermore, the cobra hieroglyph, 'ara', means both 'serpent' and 'goddess', as in Isis the goddess.
The Mars Connection
So what about Mars to which both X-72 ('1999' quatrain) and VI-97 ('45 degrees' quatrain) have been closely linked in 'Babylon Matrix' (VI-97) and '1999: Final Solution' (X-72)? As we will see, it appears that there is a definite Sirius-Mars-ark connection.
First, NYC/Long Island can be associated with 'knowledge' through the symbolisms of 'apple' ("Big Apple"), 'rose' (state flower), 'fire' (Statue of Liberty, its connection to Paris/'torch'), etc. and as we've seen in foregoing sections it's part of the 'ark' complex via VI-97. Furthermore from the 'apple' connection follows the notion of the 'serpent'. Now, all those 'knowledge'/Sirius connections of NYC can be transferred to Mars because, as illustrated in 'Babylon Matrix', NYC is also related to Mars, especially the Cydonia region with all the potentially artificial structures. Mars being red and circular is associatable with the 'apple', the red and round 'Big Apple' (NYC). Now, some might argue that the fruit Eve ate was not necessarily an 'apple', but we generally thought of it as an apple today and that has to count in symbolism. But there is a much more precise connection - the latitudes of NYC and Cydonia are exactly the same, 40.5~41N.
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Grandísimo Gurú burbujista
Fecha de Ingreso: 07-abril-2008
Ubicación: Cerca de mi casa
Mensajes: 3.544
Gracias: 6.973
3.247 Agradecimientos de 1.501 mensajes
Ignorar usuario para siempre
Si el sol y Sirio forman un Sistema de Referencia (Binario) Entonces hay quién interpreta la vesica piscis como un segmento del cruce de ambos 203. Calendar and cycles :
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Grandísimo Gurú burbujista
Fecha de Ingreso: 07-abril-2008
Ubicación: Cerca de mi casa
Mensajes: 3.544
Gracias: 6.973
3.247 Agradecimientos de 1.501 mensajes
Ignorar usuario para siempre
Gracias IM, como siempre por el enorme e inagotable (sic) saber. Comprende que estos conocimientos son muy complejos, y los "iniciados" vamos dando palos de ciego ( o garrotazos en el aire), y a veces hasta nos caemos y gateamos ridículamente, mientros fingimos mantener la compostura. Ante todo seriedad  El tema es que, que evidentemente confundimos conceptos. En concreto yo "trackeando" a Indigo Merovingian en la tela de araña  pues claro veo cosas de tu blog y tal.... I
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 Por lo que tomando este gráfico había creído entender (el cubo azul somos nosotros de dominio 9) "y ellos el 6" .....quizás he confundido dominios y fractal (sentido de giro de Sirio, como Venus dextrógiro, y el nuestro levógiro).
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 Y aluego nos pones un vídeo de Dickinson (Iron Maiden), dónde señalas (supongo que no es un juego de pistas, sino unos datos concretos...) "Lavar la oscuridad con la lluvia de plata No se lo rehúses - no se lo rehúses Lavar la oscuridad con la lluvia de plata No se lo rehúses - no tratan de ocultar ...
Sulfurosas y la quema, escupiendo el sol El principio de la creación, de la de oro Una ventana hacia el oeste, una estrella resplandeciente por encima de En Tauro, que empieza y la escalera ha comenzado
No intente y no me culpes por tus pecados Para que el sol me ha quemado negro Su vida vacía - este mundo en que vivimos Me tiro de nuevo
Dragón de cuatro cabezas de los cuatro grados de fuego "Esta claro que Acuario es la entrada en la Primavera Galáctica (Plata) con una lluvia (inundación entre otros "inconvenientes") Aldebarán (el que sigue, a la zaga.......de las Grandes...Estrellas .....las Pléyades) OK Latest Info J. Cube New Jerusalem Cube Descends in 2012"New Jerusalem Cube Descends in 2012 Vincent Bridges, co-author of A Monument to the End of Time, (item 37), has continued his research, concluding that the Cross at Hendaye encodes information on the formation of a "cube of space" over the 20-year period between 1992 * and 2012. This is formed by the alignment of 3 axes; the ecliptic, the galactic, and the "planetary equinox axis". On each equinox, an Earth cube is formed, which rotates with precession, and aligns with the Heaven cube every 13,000 years. The mid-point in the alignment of these cubes, when they are perfectly aligned, will be on the autumnal equinox of 2002. The 20-year period ending on Winter solstice 2012 is the "eschatological moment when the New Jerusalem descends to Earth", as described in the Revelation to St. John (which does describe it as a cube, but by my reckoning, a cube of side 1500 miles (12,000 stadia - Rev.21:16). The process must be aided by a ceremony every equinox, in which the kabbalistic tree of life is "projected onto the Celestial sphere", a technique developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, during the late 1800s. The method is combined with the Enochian magical system devised by Sir John Dee in Elizabethan times. Both of these have geometrical connections to these nesting cubes, described as the "Gnosis Gnomon", like the throne of Osiris. The results of a failure would be "dire". "The New Jerusalem Cube is the switch box, and, to follow the analogy, if it is wired wrong or not at all, then it explodes when the juice is turned on. The current is already running, and the sparks are popping all over the planet".
Success would mean, "New Jerusalem then becomes the unitary model which allows the earth cube and the solar hyper-cube to nest within the higher dimensional flow coming from galactic central. It would mediate the centropic to entropic collapse of light into matter by stabilizing the oscillation between 3 and 4 D, in other words, a virtually eternal reality constructed from mind mirroring matter with its own light". It will connect celestial & terrestrial grids allowing 4 D existence. More here.
The "Enochian transformer cube" must be resonant by 2002, when it will start crystallising. If not, it will start to fragment over the 10 years to 2012."
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 Amén Recordemos que el rojo y azúl son los colores de lo material (terrenal) y lo espiritual....... JOHN007DEE WORLDWIDEIMPLICACIONES  THE CUBE OF SPACE AS IT RELATES TO THE FOUR CUSPS OF THE ZODIAC. THE DOTTED CIRCLE REPRESENTS THE SUN'S APPARENT PATH THROUGH THE CONSTELLATIONS. New Jerusalem then becomes the unitary model which allows the earth cube and the solar hyper-cube to nest within the higher dimensional flow coming from galactic central. It would mediate the centropic to entropic collapse of light into matter by stabilizing the oscillation between 3 and 4 D, in other words, a virtually eternal reality constructed from mind mirroring matter with its own light.   The window of opportunity to create this is very narrow, and the results of failure seem to be dire. The resonant alignment would seem to produce an implosion of energy/information from the galactic core. The New Jerusalem Cube is the switch box, and, to follow the analogy, if it is wired wrong or not at all, then it explodes when the juice is turned on. The current is already running, and the sparks are popping all over the planet. E) THE RADICAL IMPLICATIONS In my examination of the Enochian system, I discovered that the core of the system, the tablets of the elements, form an unfolded hyper-cube/hyper-octa matrix. Since the Enochian alphabet itself develops out of an octa/hyper-octa language crystal we might suspect that the entire system is designed to translate the hyper-dimensional energy cascade created by the alignments of the Cube of Space. This means that the Enochian system might just be the best way we have of dealing with the influx of energy/information form the galactic core. Since the spring equinox of 1998, we have been doing regular equinox alignments of the Cube of Space by projecting the Tree of Life on the Celestial sphere. Spring '98 took place at the Newport Earth Institute in Newport, New Hampshire. Fall '98 and spring '99 happened at Temple Strange in Mt. Gilead. Fall '99 was on a mountain top in east Tennessee, and the mandate for the future is to travel. Each alignment has been exponentially greater in energy than the one before. This past equinox, strange eruptions from the sun were noticed and photographed by the SOHO satellite and the earth's magnetic field went haywire for a few days. The moment of maximum resonance, the fall equinox of 2002, is the mid point in an alignment pattern that started with the summer sunrise in 1992 and reaches completion with the winter solstice sunrise of 2012. In 2012, when the sun rises in conjunction with the center of the galaxy, the hyper-cube cascade reaches critical and the Cube crystallizes or fragments. We can think of 1992 to 2002 as the period when the wave front of the cube takes shape. It goes into resonance in 2002, and depending on the feedback modulation from the earth cube, crystallizes over the next ten years, or begins to break-up immediately, dissipating entirely by 2012. Therefore we only have six equinoxes left to create our Enochian transformer cube within the projected Celestial Tree.
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