The Astrological Black Sun
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Horus | Black Sun 2012"The Black Sun is conjunct the Sun on December 24th; this is analogous to an "eclipse" of the Black Sun, although in contradistinction to a typical eclipse, the dark Sun is blotted out by the visible Sun. Some alchemists consider this a bad time in which to attempt alchemical workings, since the Black Sun, the source of "contact with eternity," is furthest from the Earth and occluded by the visible Sun"
"Contact with the Black Sun is associated with the experience of burning away the dross of the personality, leaving the gold or essential nature of the first matter. It is analogous in some ways to the Abyss that lies before Binah; in the thelemic holy book "Liber 231," the symbol of the Black Sun, whose Djinn is Chiva-abrahadabra-cadaxviii, is attributed to the path of Cheth, which crosses the Abyss. Much of the symbolism of Liber Cheth is appropriate to the Black Sun as a result. The pseudo-sephirah of Da'ath also resonates with the symbolism of the Black Sun. It is the invisible sun, or as Kenneth Grant refers to it, "Tiphareth Within." The planetary forces of the Tree of Life revolve around Tiphareth, but Da'ath is the empty second focus, not really a sephirah in its own right, but a void or space-mark in the Tree. This mystery is further alluded to in the God-Name of Tiphareth, "IHVH Aloah va-Da'ath." Yet further, we find the gematric result that Hebrew ThPhARTh = 1081 = Greek "Hê Abyssos," "the abyss." It would be disrespectful to the Secret Chiefs responsible for the keeping of this secret to comment further"