The god of volcanoes and blacksmiths as well as alchemy, Vulcan is often identified with Tubal-Cain of the Genesis bloodline of Cain theoretically carrying the ‘angelic’ essence or genes of the Anunnaki/Nephilim/Watchers/Fallen Ones or Lucifer which morphs into the ‘Grail bloodline’ popularly associated with Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The stuff of The Da Vinci Code…
Read on here: http://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/lucifer_rising.htm
pleae click the link and have a look at what goro has put together..using the movies they present to us..has he found a pattern in movies?..he provides evidence but then it is up to the individual to decide for themselves..i really enjoyed the article and will check out more of his work..