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Rispondi  Messaggio 1 di 23 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Messaggio originale) Inviato: 08/11/2011 14:36

The Masonic Blazing Star, not to be confused with the 5-Pointed Star, is one of the most important symbols of Freemasonry.


Blazing Star

The information, below is attributed to Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 1929 in which Masonic scholars define the Masonic Star of Freemasonry.

Hutchinson said: “It is the first and most exalted object that demands our attention in the Lodge.”

Like many other Freemason symbols, it undoubtedly derives this importance, first, from the repeated use that is made of it as a Masonic emblem; and second, from its great antiquity, as a symbol derived from older systems.

Part of the Furniture of the Lodge:  In the earliest monitors, immediately after the revival of 1717, the Masonic Blazing Star is not mentioned, but it was not long before it was introduced. In the instructions of 1735, it is detailed as a part of the furniture of a Lodge, with the explanation that the “Mosaic Pavement is the Ground Floor of the Lodge, the Blazing Star, the Centre, and the Indented Tarsel, the Border round about it!”

Star of Bethlehem:  In the lectures credited to Dunckerley and adopted by the Grand Lodge, the Blazing Star was said to represent “the star which led the wise men to Bethlehem, proclaiming to mankind the nativity of the Son of God, and here conducting our spiritual progress to the Author of our redemption.”

3 Ornaments of the Lodge:  In the Prestonian lecture, the Masonic Blazing Star, with the Mosaic Pavement and the Tesselated Border, are called the Ornaments of the Lodge.

The Prestonian lecture goes on to explain:

Moses on the Mount:  “The Masonic Blazing Star, or glory in the center, reminds us of that awful period when the Almighty delivered the two tables of stone, containing the 10 commandments to His faithful servant, Moses on Mount Sinai, when the rays of His divine glory shone so bright that none could behold it without fear and trembling.


It also reminds us of the omnipresence of the Almighty, overshadowing us with His divine love, and dispensing His blessings amongst us; and by its being placed in the center, it further reminds us, that wherever we may be assembled together, God is in the midst of us, seeing our actions, and observing the secret intents and movements of our hearts.”

Divine Providence

Star of Bethlehem:
 In the lectures taught by Webb, and very generally adopted in the United States, the Masonic Blazing Star is said to be “commemorative of the star which appeared to guide the wise men of the East to the place of our Saviour’s nativity,” and it is subsequently explained as hieroglyphically representing Divine Providence.

Prudence:  In Hutchinson’s system, the Masonic Blazing Star is considered a symbol of Prudence…for Prudence is the rule of all Virtues; Prudence is the path which leads to every degree of propriety; Prudence is the channel where self-approbation flows for ever; she leads us forth to worthy actions, and as a Blazing Star, enlighteneth us through the dreary and darksome paths of this life”…(Spirit of Masonry, edition of 1775, Lecture 5, Page 111).

Back to Divine Providence:  But the commemorative allusion to the Star of Bethlehem seeming to some to be objectionable, from its peculiar application to the Christian religion, at the revision of the lectures made in 1843 by the Baltimore Convention, this explanation was omitted and the allusion to Divine Providence, alone, was retained.

The Creator:  The Freemasons on the Continent of Europe, speaking of the symbol, say: “It is no matter whether the figure of which the Masonic Blazing Star forms the center be a square, triangle, or circle, it still represents the sacred name of God, as an universal spirit who enlivens our hearts, who purifies our reason, who increases our knowledge, and who makes us wiser and better men.”

In the lectures revised by Doctor Hemming and adopted by the Grand Lodge of England at the Union in 1813, and now constituting the approved lectures of that jurisdiction, we find the following definition:

The Sun:  “The Blazing Star, or glory in the center, refers us to the sun, which enlightens the earth with its refulgent rays, dispensing its blessings to mankind at large and giving light and life to all things here below.”

Hence, we find that at various times the Masonic Blazing Star has been declared to be a symbol of

1. Divine Providence
2. The Star of Bethlehem
3. Prudence
4. Beauty
5. The Sun

Before we can attempt to decide upon these various opinion, and adopt the true signification, it is necessary to extend our investigations into the antiquity of the emblem, and inquire what was the meaning given to it by the nations who first made it a symbol.

Sabaism, or worship of the stars, was one of the earliest deviations from the true system of religion. One of its causes was the universally established doctrine among the idolatrous nations of antiquity, that each star was animated by the soul of a hero god, who had once dwelt incarnate upon earth. Hence, in the hieroglyphical system, the star denoted a god.

The Prophet Amos:  To this signification, allusion is made by the prophet Amos (Amos 5:26), when he says to the Israelites, while reproaching them for their idolatrous habits: “But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chium, your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.”

Egyptian Idolatry:  This idolatry was early learned by the Israelites from their Egyptian taskmasters; and so unwilling were they to abandon it, that Moses found it necessary strictly to forbid the worship of anything “that is in heaven above”; notwithstanding which we find the Jews repeatedly committing the sin which had been so expressly forbidden.

Saturn was the star to whose worship they were more particularly addicted under the names of Moloch and Chium, (already mentioned in the passage quoted from Amos).


The planet Saturn was worshiped under the names of Moloch, Malcolm or Milcom by the Ammonites, the Canaanites, the Phoenicians, and the Carthaginians, and under that of Chium by the Israelites in the desert.

Saturn was worshiped among the Egyptians under the name of Raiphan, or as it is called in the Septuagint, Remphan. (For more about the Septuagint, see Freemasonry and the Bible.

(Acts 7:43): St. Stephen, quoting the passage of Amos, says: “ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god, Remphan”. (also see Acts 7:43).

Hale, in his Analysis of Chronology, says in alluding to the above passage:

“There is no direct evidence that the Israelites worshiped the Dog-Star in the wilderness, except this passage; but the indirect is very strong, drawn from the general prohibition of the worship of the sun, moon and stars, to which they must have been prone.

This was peculiarly an Egyptian idolatry, where the Dog-Star was worshiped, as notifying by his heliacal rising, or emersion from the sun’s rays, the regular commencement of the periodical inundation of the Nile.

The Israelite sculptures at the cemetery of Kibroth-Hattaavah, or graves of lust, in the neighborhood of Sinai, remarkably abound in hieroglyphics of the Dog-Star, represented as a human figure with a dog’s head.

There is express evidence that they sacrificed to the Dog-Star. In Josiah’s description of idolatry, where the Syriac Mazaloth (improperly termed planets) denotes the Dog-Star; in Arabic, Mazaroth.”

Notwithstanding a few discrepancies that may have occurred in the Masonic lectures, as arranged at various periods and by different authorities, the concurrent testimony of the ancient religions, and the hieroglyphic language, prove that the star was a symbol of God.

It was so used by the prophets of old in their metaphorical style, and it has so been generally adopted by Masonic instructors.

Masonic Blazing Star...As A Christian Emblem

The application of the Masonic Blazing Star as an emblem of the Savior has been made by those writers who give a Christian explanation of our emblems, and to the Christian Freemason, such an application will not be objectionable.

But those who desire to refrain from anything that may tend to impair the tolerance of our system, will be disposed to embrace a more universal explanation, which may be received alike by all the disciples of the Order, whatever may be their peculiar religious views.


Such persons will rather accept the expression of Doctor Oliver, who, though much disposed to give a Christian character to our Institution, says in his Symbol of Glory, page 292, “The Great Architect of the Universe is therefore symbolized in Freemasonry by the Blazing Star, as the Herald of our salvation.”

Waved Pointed Star:  John Guillim, the editor in 1610 of the book A Display of Heraldrie, says: “All stars should be made with waved points, because our eyes tremble at beholding them.”

In the early Tracing Board, the star with five straight points is superimposed upon another of five waving points.

But the latter (five waving–points) star has now been abandoned and we have in the representations of the present day, the incongruous (to Mackey) symbol of a Masonic blazing star with five straight points.

Letter G:  In the center of the star, there was always placed the letter “G”, which like the Hebrew word, “Yod”, was a recognized symbol of God, and thus the symbolic reference of the Blazing Star to Divine Providence is greatly strengthened.

Credit and full acknowledgement is given to Albert Mackey, Mackey’s Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Volume 1, Page 138 and 139, 1929, for the above information.

Simon-Sez:  Whew! That was a long one. Sorry about that, but I felt that you deserved as full a history and the biblical relevance from the different points of view of Masonic scholars throughout history about the Masonic Blazing Star instead of a simple and trite answer that our Masonic Blazing Star is the symbol of Deity.

Freemasonry is fascinating, but rarely is it that simple. ...And Fat-Free?...only on this website. :)

I would also be remiss not to mention that within the Scottish Rite degrees there are similar but slightly different explanations of the Masonic Blazing Star within that organization, but that is beyond the scope of the Basic Freemasonry I attempt to share with you, here.

For those of you who are interested, the "Fat-Free" version of the above information is below.



The Masonic Blazing star is not only a Masonic symbol, but an ancient and historic one. 

From early days, Man has always looked to the heavens for guidance.  


The Sun God:  The sun is also a star.  We find that early man worshipped the Sun as a god.  In Egypt, we find that stars were also chosen as symbols of earthly heroes who once lived on earth and whose spirits were immortalized in the form of a tangible (something you can see, feel or touch) object. 

The Dog Star:  Egyptian idols and gravestone contain representations of Sirius, the Dog Star.  The Dog Star is actually 2 stars called Sirius A and Sirius B. 


Due to the fact that the Dog Star is 8.6 light years away, without a telescope of the magnitudinal category of the Hubble Telescope, using the naked eye, we see it as one star. 

Sirius is the brightest star in the sky because it is approximately twice the size of our sun. 


Heliacal Rising:  The Dog Star has a heliacal rising.  When the Dog Star would first become visible on the Eastern horizon approximately once a year, ancient peoples made note of it.  A heliacal rising is when the star becomes visible upon the Eastern horizon at dawn, travels through the sky and "sets" in the West, much like our sun.  Our sun and moon are visible for approximately 12 hours each day. 


However, depending upon a star's placement in the sky, a star with a heliacal rising may appear on the Eastern horizon and slowly "rise"  higher in the sky each day, until it "sets" in the West several months later.

Egyptian Calendar:  The ancient Egyptians based their calendar on the heliacal rising of Sirius and devised a method of telling the time at night based on the heliacal risings of 36 stars called decan stars (one for each 10° segment of the 360° circle of the zodiac/calendar).

Agricultural Calendar:  The Sumerians, the Babylonians, and the ancient Greeks also used the heliacal risings of various stars for the timing of agricultural activities.

Seafaring Travelers used the stars as a guide, much as we use a map, today. 


Star of Bethlehem:  For Christians, it represents God's light, ...the star of Bethlehem which guided the Wise Men to the manger whereupon they found the Son of God. 


It is for that reason that the star resides at the pinnacle (the very top) of every Christmas tree, as a symbol of God's guidance.


Astronomy and Astrology:  The ancients believed that the stars in the sky were connected to earthly events. Miracles were routinely associated with the birth of important people. 


Hence, the study of astronomy and astrology were conceived.  While many people scoff at these beliefs, today; we must also be cognizant of the deeply held belief in this system. 

Halley's Comet:  For those people who reject this theory completely, we must not forget that famous Freemason, Mark Twain, American author and humorist, who was born in 1835, two weeks after the closest approach to Earth of Halley's Comet.  In 1909, he is quoted as having said: 

"I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835.  It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it."  His comment was prophetic.  He died in April of 1910, (age 75) one day after the comet's closest approach to Earth.

From ancient civilizations to modern man,...our Masonic Blazing Star is a symbol of Divine Providence...the symbol of Deity which represents:






Omnipresence (the fact that the Creator is always present in our lives)

Omniscience (the fact that the Creator both sees and knows everything about us, including our thoughts and the secrets of our hearts)



...And throughout history, the Masonic Blazing Star is an ancient emblem of faith which shines for each of us, no matter which specific religion we embrace.

It makes its appearance in several of the Degrees.

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Rispondi  Messaggio 2 di 23 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 08/11/2011 15:15


The long awaited National Geographic documentary on the translation of the 1700 year old gospel of Judas was broadcast worldwide on Sunday the 9 th of April 2006. For those who did not get to see it, it contained the very controversial claim that Christ had set up Judas to turn him in, and that Judas acquiesced to his wishes.

The entire English translation of the Judas gospel is available as a download on:

Aside from revealing Judas’ supposed disparate role, the documentary does not expand on a critical secret that Jesus may have shared with Judas in confidence that may have been for his ears only.

What inspired Wayne’s reasoning in the crucial two lines that follows, is an interesting ‘coincidence’ that occurred during the National Geographic transmission of the documentary. They showed the stars in the sky exactly as in the image below, which Wayne has theorised in ‘The Hidden Records’ saga: That the ancients seemed to suggest that one needs to follow the well known three belt stars of Orion in a line to find the location of the ‘mystery’ star integral to ‘The Hidden Records’.

The translation in the text below vividly describes secret knowledge about a single star that it refers to as being Judas’ star also. The quote is as follows:

“ Lift up your eyes and look at the cloud and the light within it and the stars surrounding it.”

From all his research into the paranormal, to Wayne this description has the traditional biblical account of what is designated today as an ‘unexplained flying object’, creating both cloud and light. What is even more important to the author is the next line that follows the aforementioned:

“The star that leads the way… is your star.”

Because the sentence makes no real sense in the context of ‘literal’ stars, Wayne cannot help wondering if there is an alternative interpretation to this sentence. Perhaps the full Judas Gospel story will be published in a week or two by National geographic and will expand on the interpretation possibilities. Wayne has a feeling that due to the visual depiction of the stars shown on the documentary the interpretation most likely reads:

“The stars that lead the way… to your star.”

If such an interpretation is found to be acceptable with the text… to Wayne and his human origin theory, this might be the last piece of the puzzle here.

The ultimate message here might be an indication that Christ’s true lineage is the same as Judas and therefore the same as humanity’s, thus concluding as Christ’s ‘ultimate’ secret that he wanted to divulge to Judas before he was crucified. In other words, we are all of divine lineage and there should be no discrimination between nations from here forward.

Was Judas handed the secret of the ‘Sang Real’… which became the ultimate secret also of the renaissance age?

It would be premature to jump to any conclusions at this stage but if this were indeed the case, this alternative interpretation would be totally on a par with the mystery of the ‘three wise ones’ in the Gospel of Mathew:

“The ‘three wise ones’ follow from the east to locate the important star associated with the birth of Christ” (see image below).

Click here for the video preview of the Judas Gospel documentary with evidence of the star depiction in the sky towards the end of it:

The image of the sky was focused on three times during the documentary. Could it be that the scholars have found tangible additional information on the Judas codex, perhaps as a sketch beneath the body text that would inspire the film producers to depict this cosmic pattern?

For Wayne’s latest biblical research on what the secret about the star in question might be, click on the Christ icon on the home page on this website. Also look at the prime star map at the top of the home page and compare the similarity of how to use the thee star alignment to locate a very important Sun-like star in ‘The Hidden Records’ saga that is encrypted in just about every ancient civilisation. (It might look upside down to people in the northern hemisphere but this is how Orion looks from South Africa). Is this match a coincidence, or is the discovery of the century about to be proved once and for all? All we can do is to wait with baited breath.

Rispondi  Messaggio 3 di 23 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 08/11/2011 15:48

The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History ... caché - Traducir esta página
10 May 2011 – Orion (associated with the god Osiris) is aligned with the King's Chamber .... Osiris, as the highest degree of secret initiation possible in the ancient Egyptian religion – it is the ultimate secret of the mysteries of Isis. ... In Masonic lodges, Sirius is known as the “Blazing Star” and a ...... May 10, 2011 at 5:33 pm ...

Rispondi  Messaggio 4 di 23 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 13/05/2014 14:47
  • HD 283271 - Star of the Gods - Google Earth Community - Google ...
    In the Solar System HD 283271 15.74 light years from D G5 spectral types of
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  • HD 283271 - Wikipédia
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    csillag a Bika csillagképben, látszólagosan közel a Fiastyúkhoz (Plejádok).
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  • I wish data form the system HD 283271 - SETI@home
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    2009, 0:49:08 UTC. I wish data form the system HD 283271, it's a sun-like G5 star
  • Star Map Egypt - Wayne Herschel author - The Hidden Records ...
    Astronomers can confirm that the Solar Temple obelisk is the only monument in
    the entire pyramid field to emulate a 'Sun-like' star (Ref HD 283271 'G' ...
  • MARS PYRAMIDS PLEIADES LINK - PROOF - Hidden Records by ... Sep. 2011
    Tony D'Elia punched in coordinates 03:59:32,24:23:19 for HD 283271 and google sky shows ...
  • HD 283271 - SIMBAD query result
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  • Rispondi  Messaggio 5 di 23 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 13/05/2014 14:49

    Rispondi  Messaggio 6 di 23 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 13/05/2014 14:53




    Wayne Herschel, an author in the field of archaeo-astronomy launched his book internationally in 2002, and believes he has found the forgotton 'forbidden' secret behind Egypt's enigmatic Sphinx.

    It was a secret that was hidden over the ages due to it revealing the sacred and equality of all human races... a secret that would hardly sit well with countries obsessed in plundering foreign nations for their treasures and to enslave their people.

    Existing theories to date suggest that the side profile of the Sphinx represents the stars of Leo. However they do not explain convincingly why its architects would have chosen this constellation for its template. Wayne Herschel, an explorer of ancient civilisations for the last 17 years, proposes an entirely new theory. In his book, 'The Hidden Records', he sets out to prove that the Sphinx is the key to unlocking the secret behind a grand unified '50 pyramid' star map.





    In 1995 author R. Bauval suggested that the three pyramids at Giza represented the three stars of Orion's 'belt'. However because his theory did not find a way to incorporate the entire field of pyramids, let alone the Sphinx, academics had difficulty accepting it.

    In 2003 Wayne Herschel published his cosmic interpretation of the Sphinx which helped him interpret the pyramids in a completely new way. He discovered that the angle at which the Sphinx intersects the collective three Giza pyramids on the ground, is virtually identical to the angle at which the brightest star of Leo, aligns with the collective row of stars that form Orion's 'belt'. (See the image below).

    Here are the critical clues in reasoning the theory. The Sphinx appears to have its stare fixed on the rising stars each night (not just the rising Sun). Then at a very unique moment in the night sky, the Sphinx watches its mirror image of itself rising in a perfectly upright stance as Leo.

    It is here where the Sphinx is literally crying out:

    "All the pyramids in Lower Egypt represent a ring of adjoining constellations around the Earth, and the secret of the star map begins here at my feet with Leo."





    But there is more to the secret of the Sphinx merely telling us that all the pyramids reproduce a string of constellations. It is also the key to deciphering the pyramid mystery itself. It is showing the observer where to begin in cracking the mystery of the star map, urging one to follow the three star alignment direction of Orion's 'belt' as a 'cosmic signpost' to what seems to be the ultimate star.

    Herschel's idea that the whole pyramid field in Lower Egypt represents stars was inspired by one of the oldest known prophecies. The mystic Hermes Trismegistus. claimed:

    "Egypt is an image of the heavens… the 'whole' cosmos dwells here.

    "Herschel subsequently conducted an experiment to prove all the pyramids in Lower Egypt represent stars. He overlaid a transparency of the stars onto a map of the pyramids. The result was breathtaking. All the brightest stars within the known constellations were represented in one complete 360 degree ring along side the Milky Way (which is also a ring around the Earth). All the brightest stars had all the pyramid counterparts on the ground. The star map started with the brightest star in the night sky Sirius... logical to start with one could say... and it has one star that is different to all the other 49 bright stars in the complete star map. It has this unique star set at the exact centre of the pyramid field... is this the 'x' that marks the spot? Logic again would suggest!




    However, there were some important stars for which pyramids were apparently missing. In Giza for example, Herschel found four potential, as yet unrecognised pyramid ruins on an antique early map that would conclude a previously incomplete Orion interpretation at Giza.




    For the full story on this 'New Orion interpretation' and the comparison to Robert Bauval's original Orion interpretation... Click here.

    One finding would lead to another. Not only were his new correlations 'mirror images', but the pyramids were virtually divided into two separate layout scales on each side of the area of Abusir, thus providing another clue. It seems the Solar Temple obelisk was intentionally placed exactly at the epicentre of the pyramid field. What could this mean?

    The giant obelisk was most likely the only ever gold capped monument. Perhaps to highlight that it was more important than any other. At last the meaning of the star map becomes clear.

    Do we have the proverbial 'x' that marks the spot?

    Does it provide the reason that would have prompted the ancients to design their star map using giant structures in the first place? One thing is certain, the star seems to be of paramount importance as the place in the heavens that the three Orion 'belt' stars align with.





    The ancient Egyptians revered a Sun... but it was not our OUR Sun! Astronomers can confirm that the Solar Temple obelisk is the only monument in the entire pyramid field to emulate a 'Sun-like' star (Ref HD 283271 'G' spectrum) and it is relatively nearby.

    Here is the full measurement of the Sun-like star The correlation only occurred at its most precise position 17 250 years ago, perhaps documenting the dawning of humanity. All the other pyramids match bright stars that are nothing like our Sun. Herschel suggests the 'Sun' Temple was named after a 'Sun'-like star and has nothing to do with our Sun at all.








    Both halves of the star map (the two large images) are shown here as well as a zoom in on the Saqqara area with its real 'fly over' image. There are two independent layout scales on each side of the Sun Temple 'x' that marks the spot, located at the exact centre of the pyramid field. it is as if the ancients are saying as they do in all their ancient murals ... "look at the centre of the murals to see that which is most important. They did it with the Zodiac disc at Dendera.. they did it in the Senmut tomb... they did it in every important depiction involving the secrets of their star gods! The author is convinced that the reason for the pyramid star map was to isolate the 'star of the gods'. He believes it presents a whole new theory of who we are and where we come from.

    To add fuel to the fire, Herschel believes that he has found evidence of a repeating geometric blueprint of the human form within other ancient pyramid and megalithic star map representations found across the globe.

    The geometric blueprint is unique only to the human form and is identical to the original geometric man codex documented by a Roman engineer and writer, Marcus Vitruvius, who lived 25 years before the birth of Christ.




    Leonardo Da Vinci has acceded to fame for his Vitruvian man, however few realise he reproduced it from an ancient manuscript. Da Vinci did not show the raised arms as you see here, but chose to reposition the arms where the square touches the circle.

    He may have chosen to depict his version like he did to avoid the same fate that the German scholar, Agrippa (who lived at the same time as Da Vinci), faced for duplicating Vitruvius' work as seen in the image above. Agrippa died a horrific death. He was burned at the stake.

    Without digressing too much, it is worth considering a few very important 'what if' scenarios.

    One would naturally expect that if the star maps are true then why doesn't the Christ story mention it?

    If what was encapsulated in the representation of the human form by Agrippa and Da Vinci had relevance to these star maps, why did Christ make no mention of this? It is indeed a very sensitive question and is currently open to debate on the author's website. There are many sources of early translations of the gospels that include references to the star associated with Christ's birth and other stars, such as Orion and the Pleiades. There is also a lot more being debated than this.

    For starters, the meaning of 'Sang-real' has been rumoured to mean 'sacred lineage'.

    What if the Holy Grail is real and contains an inscribed record of who we are and where we come? For arguments sake let us assume that it does. What if the ultimate secret was given to Judas by Christ (as the Judas codex seems to suggest) on a beautiful metal plate that was uniquely inscribed? (Wayne Herschel has a strong feeling that in Renaissance art this metal plate is shown symbolically behind Christ's head). If one refers to the recently discovered Judas gospel, one could even conclude that there is a chance Judas may have been captured by the Roman authorities with this artefact that was to become known as the grail in his possession. An artefact that had inscribed on it detail of humanity's lineage. for more, click the Grail link on the home page carousel.

    If this hypothetical scenario does indeed prove to be true, then one would have to ask whether the Roman authorities murdered him to cover up the existence of this amazing artefact, and more specifically its contents.

    Perhaps we are approaching a new renaissance age in which humankind will begin to question its true origins? It seems likely now that Vitruvius was not the first person to portray the human form in this unique way.

    In his book, 'The Hidden Records', Herschel goes to great lengths in detailing the snowball effect of his story. He claims confidently that the geometry of the human blueprint is a code that fits accurately into the layout at Giza, as well as that of Stonehenge, and last but not least in the layout of the most controversial place of all. In the layout of what are perceived to be pyramids in an area researchers call 'Cydonia'.

    In later years it appears this geometry of the 'human code' was also encrypted in the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci and of his contemporary, Nicolas Poussin.

    It may sound completely fabricated and fictional having such a vast collection of coincidences here, but in light of the importance of the claims, the author has made his fundamental research freely available for all to see. The human codex research, Renaissance paintings and star map images are now available at website.

    In summary, the author believes that by encrypting the human form in ancient pyramid star maps in this unique way (a code that later made its reappearance in the paintings of the Renaissance era) the ancients appear to show us that the human lineage is 'divine' so to speak and from above.

    Coincidently the recent Judas gospel codex discovery makes another earth shattering claim, the significance of which seems to have eluded most observers. Christ beckons Judas to look at the night sky and says to him:

    "Follow the star above… it is also your star".

    If the star maps are truly genuine, surely someone with a mission as unique as that of Christ would have wanted to pass on to humanity this extraordinary piece of knowledge, even if it was not ready for his time. He probably would want it to be revealed in the future at a time when it was safer to debate such a 'provocative' version of humankind's genesis.

    In time, the star maps and human code theory may well challenge the mystery of the 'missing link', which academics on evolution are still grappling with to this very day. Perhaps human beings evolved elsewhere in our vast universe, replacing Neanderthal after arriving here on Earth.

    The author has taken his Egyptian star chart template and has tested it on Stonehenge in the UK, Angkor in Cambodia, Tikal in Guatemala and on a nearby planet rumoured to have pyramid ruins. The results delineated on the internet and in great detail in his book speak for themselves.

    So… at the end of the day, what does all this new material offer humanity?

    A clear message is decipherable in three of the most conclusive cases of the star maps. They all appear to display the unique human blueprint geometry code. A pictographic story can be interpreted in relation to the star pattern.

    Herschel believes its meaning is paramount in uniting all of humanity as one if the star map 'message' is true. Once we step back and review the original sources of great teachings from those that came from above, the truth emerges. It speaks clearly of the place of Creation of the universe, which has been told to humanity in many different lands, and sadly it has 'evolved' in every case, into very disparate interpretations that we call 'religion'.

    The original sources of sacred texts must be given priority for true meaning. It is here where we have the chance of uniting humanity in one truth and understanding of a gentle Creator of the universe who has given us the gift of life. Our confusion about what we believe is fast manifesting itself in an ugly religious war that is playing out right now. Is it a coincidence that for the first time ever missiles are landing at a historical site near the northern boarder of Israel known as the valley of Meggiddo? It is here that prophecy has written where we will fight our last war.

    If there is just a hint of truth in Wayne Herschel's collection of ancient star maps and his theory on the human blueprint, it should be reason enough for scholars to test it.

    And if there is one crucial question that still remains unanswered it has to be: Who is the cosmic message intended for?

    Why on earth is the grand secret represented with such massive constructions and pointing skywards?

    Why can it only be deciphered completely, when it is viewed from a satellite?

    Compare Egypt to Stonehenge ... then Tikal then Mars .


    A forgotten symbol on the Dendera zodiac disc unlocks the secret of the position of the stars in the ancient night sky... ALL SCHOLARS GOT IT WRONG! And so did the authors that followed 1920's scholars errors on the meaning of some simple fundamental symbols meaning...






    ancient alien artifact expo

    ancient alien artifact expo

    Rispondi  Messaggio 7 di 23 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 13/05/2014 15:31

    Wayne Herschel The Lost Symbol - YouTube Dic. 2009 - 10 min. - Subido por Wayne Herschel
    HDTV version update pt2 - Dec 09 - Image shows Vatican viewed from above - St Peter's Key ...
  • Gypsey Paradox | The hidden records by Wayne Herschel
    27 Dec 2013 ... Wayne Herschel, an author in the field of archaeo-astronomy ... in the entire
    pyramid field to emulate a 'Sun-like' star (Ref HD 283271 'G' ...
  • Alleged NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence ...
    In line with where Wayne Herschel will eventually end up with his tales, ..... is
    Wayne's "god star", the home of his version of "Ra", HD 283271.
  • humans on other stars and planets - Who controls our planet?
    Wayne Herschel has discovered that the pyramids and other antic sites ... The
    key target is Star HD 283 271 / TYC 1817-20-1 sun-like G5 @ 15.7 ly: Ra 3h 59m

  • Rispondi  Messaggio 8 di 23 di questo argomento 
    Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 13/05/2014 15:38


    Article by Alice Smith
    In the article that follows, Wayne Herschel takes his star ancestor, human origin theory from his book ‘The Hidden Records’ to completely new heights. It also includes an update on the Senmut tomb breakthrough in Egypt.

    This star map above all others holds utmost purity and definition with chronology and it speaks out loudly:


    Quite a bold opening statement that would by right demand a lot of evidence to back it. Wayne has over 35 star maps found all over the world (see star map menu) repeating the same star area over and over and in each case defining each ancient culture's place of beginnings from this area in Taurus the Bull. Yes the ancients went way off track and became spiritually destructive and lost worshipping golden idols of a bull as the place of their origins as God, when they should have just remembered it with honour, not as God Creation but simply as their place of beginnings.

    His latest release (July 2007) is based on his analysis of the recently publicised historical Freemason document, ‘The Hiram Key’ (seen above left). In this article it will be referred to as the: ‘Hiram Abif star map’. 

    Over the past few years, Freemasons have come from all over the world, quite conspicuously one might add, to attend Wayne’s pyramid star map talks.

    Some very interesting comments were made in private conversations that transpired after the talks. A number of people told Wayne that they had always known that the stars his research focuses on are extremely important. They also admitted that they had never realised exactly why they were so important until now. Especially since it would seem that virtually all the ancient civilisations venerated these particular stars in some sort of a genesis theme.

    They commented that their once secret star depiction, which they refer to as their: “First Degree Tracing Board of the Key of Hiram” had recently become a publicly available historical document.

    They were confident that since it had become accessible to anyone on a well-known university internet site, it would be ethical to explore and research its meaning. It can be found on the University of Bradford (United Kingdom) site and is titled ‘The Hiram Key’. Ref – Click here

    After further discussion with Wayne, his Masonic visitors expressed great interest that his claims were positive and not just another nonsensical conspiracy theory or attack on Freemasonry.

    However, given the parallels Wayne’s research has with their document, he has been urged to be circumspect in how he presents his own views. With this in mind, it must be stated at the outset that the opinions, views and interpretation expressed in this article are unequivocally Wayne’s own and not those held by Freemasonry, unless referred to in the university link on this web page.

    Wayne is not a Freemason and in the article that follows has taken it upon himself to approach this sensitive document with the greatest of respect. He comments:

    “I fully agree with the Masonic interpretation of God as an all-seeing all-knowing grand architect of the Universe. For them, geometry is a fundamental element found in all Creation, which I agree with. No doubt this viewpoint would explain the significance of the divine proportions in Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man”. Click here

    “I’m not really sure about any of the negative conspiracy theories that have targeted Freemasonry as nothing has transpired that can be proved”.

    “The society most likely recognises the earliest renditions of divine proportions of man with a five-pointed star in a circle. For some, this would no doubt have negative implications. However, I believe this is largely because of the misunderstandings surrounding this iconology.”

    To see the secret of the pentacle and human form geometry Click here

    The premise of Wayne’s theories as presented in his first book, ‘The Hidden Records’, is that there are only two Sun-like stars in the heavens (in the vicinity of the Pleiades) that he felt the ancients believed were very important. Both are stars that astronomers have already documented as being like our Sun and hence if there were planets in their vicinity with water, then life as we know would be quite probable there.

    It seemed that for the ancients, the one star was without doubt more important than the other. Perhaps directly linking to humanity’s grand arrival as colonists (which will be elaborated on in this article). Later in his research, it transpired that there was a third Sun-like star. This would have further concluded his correlation theory and given it a whole new twist. But for reasons that follow, he could not include the third Sun-like star and its significance, in his first book.

    Scholars have been quick to notice that Wayne’s Egyptian, Stonehenge and Mars star maps have no star correlations for a critical monument found in the same place in all three. It is from this supposed omission that they conclude that his Pleiades correlation theory is inconclusive. Since the Freemasons have released a lot of their history to the world more recently, the moment has presented itself to show the missing detail and the truth will not be hidden any longer. It has been kept under wraps for too long and his publishers purposely chose to omit it from his book, ‘The Hidden Records’.

    • Firstly because of its sensitivity at the time. It looked too similar to what is shown in the Freemason document that he will examine in this article. Nobody had dared to write about its meaning in any significant way, let alone publish it.
    • Secondly, the inclusion of the extra star would further complicate an already complex story.
    In 2003, at the time when ‘The Hidden Records’ was being published, images intended for the book were deliberately cropped to hide the correlating monuments for the aforementioned third star. The objective was to make Wayne’s star map easy to follow and supposedly appear different to what was being shown in the Freemason document.

    For the un-cropped images in which correlating monuments for the third star are shown, go to the end of this article. Explanations as to its meaning will follow here.
    Examine the image below set at a time on a computer star atlas at approximately 17 000 years ago. You will notice that at that very ancient epoch, three nearby Sun-like stars can be discerned in the positions shown. If one computes star positions with today’s date, strangely enough the Pleiades look the same as they did 17 000 years ago (little movement) but because these Sun-like stars are closer to us, their apparent movement vectors are much more dramatic and hence very measurable. (The Sun-like stars today are in slightly different positions).

    The ‘new’ Sun-like star (not incorporated in the author’s book) can be seen in the image below. It is the first example in Wayne Herschel’s research of an exact spectrum match to our Sun, a G2 spectrum. (The other two are G5 spectrums).

    It is catalogued as:
    TYC 1799 1026 1 star ref – click here

    It becomes evident from the astronomical illustration above that there are three measurable Sun-like stars that conclusively match the ancient star maps that are integral to Wayne’s research. Star maps associated with records of ancient visitors who came from above. With three ‘targets’ having been identified, they hold enormous potential for the research being conducted by SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence).

    All SETI needs to do is to aim their largest radio telescopes at these stars and listen for something in the common radio spectrum that is a little more than just natural static.

    However, SETI believes that aliens will be motivated to send a message to Earth of their own accord. The organisation also believes that such a message will tend to come through on a less common, quieter radio frequency and hence SETI listens on this frequency.

    In response to Wayne’s proposal, Seth Shostak – one of SETI’s head researchers – commented in an email to Wayne in 2005 that they are scientists and not interested in theories like this when considering targeting Sun-like stars.

    To date, these potential stars that seem to suggest the possibility of life as we know it, apparently have NEVER been targeted.

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