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Message 1 of 49 on the subject |
The Pythagoreans had a diagram of 2 intersecting circles, one above, one below, with the circumference of one touching the center of the other. The 2 circles represented the spiritual and the material domains. The "transcendental" region where the circles intersect resembles a fish shape-exactly as used as the symbol for Christianity. The Pythagoreans called this shape vesica piscis. The ratio of the height of this fish symbol to its length is 153 : 265, which is the nearest whole number to the square root of 3 and the controlling ratio of the equilateral triangle. OK, OK, you didn't really think you could learn about Pythagoras without plowing through some math, did you?
remember that first number-153.Anyway, Now the stories of both Pythagoras and Jesus have them telling fishermen-who have failed to catch any fish all day-to cast their nets again. Miraculously, their nets come in full of fish. Pythagoras was said to have correctly predicted the exact number of fish caught. In his story, the mystic number is not revealed, but in the Gospel story of Jesus the number of fish caught is given-exactly 153!
Also, in the story of Jesus' feeding the multitudes with "loaves and fishes", Christ is quoted as trying to explain to his disciples the importance of the numbers of loaves, fishes, baskets of leftovers, numbers of people fed, etc. The idea is that these stories are not about a fish eating at all but about mathematical relationships and mystical numbers that reveal, to the initiated, hidden truths about the relationship of the spiritual and material dimensions.
The miraculous catch of 153 fish by Duccio,
14th century, shows Jesus on the shore (second miracle)
Examples of how Archimedes calculated pi.
Archimedes used a 96-sided polygon to find his estimate
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Message 35 of 49 on the subject |
Número 11, atentados de Oslo y Matemáticas Áureas
Publicado el 30 mayo, 2012
Ciertamente uno podría decir que existen demasiadas casualidades respecto a eventos catastróficos y la ocurrencia del número 11. Algunos de los últimos ejemplos nos remiten al gran terremoto de Sumatra, de 8,7 grados en la escala Richter, acaecido el pasado 11 de abril de este mismo 2012 y al terremoto y tsunami de Fukushima del 11 de marzo de 2011, que llegó a 9 de intensidad en la misma escala.

Vídeo sobre la la increible historia del número 11
Especialmente interesante son los datos que respectan a los atentados de Oslo. Los hechos sucedieron el día 22 de julio de 2011. Si comenzamos analizando la fecha hay algo que salta a la vista:
22 es múltiplo de 11 = 11+11 = 11×2
Además si tenemos en cuenta el día y el mes, tenemos:
Día= 22, mes=7
2+2+7 = 11 otra vez.
Hay otro detalle que se le ha escapado a la mayoría, pero que es de una importancia capital, ya que como pretendo establecer en este artículo, el uso del número 11 va asociado a números irracionales y trascendentales, como son Pi y Phi.
Pi= 3,14159265…
Phi= 1,618033988…
Los números irracionales son números especiales, ya que no pueden ser expresados con una fracción de números enteros y cuando además son trascendentales, es porque tienen un número de decimales no consecutivos infinito (es el caso de Phi y de Pi).

En realidad desde el prisma de las matemáticas áureas, he decidido nombrarlos números generatrices, ya que dichos números están intrínsecamente implicados, en la generación de lo que comúnmente denominamos realidad. Dicho de otra manera, sus propiedades matemáticas los sitúan en el centro de la matriz de generación de la realidad fractal.
Además tienen una propiedad maravillosa y es que después de la coma, literalmente generan infinitas combinaciones de números. Son como el motor que proyecta la realidad fractal hacia el infinito.

Volviendo al ejemplo de Oslo, si nos fijamos atentamente, los atentado sucedieron el día 22 del mes 7. Una de las aproximaciones históricas más conocidas del número Pi, que como sabéis define las propiedades no solo de la circunferencia, si no también de la esfera entre otras; implica precisamente a 22 y a 7, de forma que:

Una de las primeras referencias escritas de esta aproximación fraccionaria de Pi es el Papiro de Rhind. Un papiro de ejercicios matemáticos que data del antiguo Egipto, aunque no es la única manifestación. En los antiguos escritos védicos de la India, se habla del uso de una antigua escala musical que constaba de 7 tonos principales y de 22 semitonos o srutis.

Esto aunque pueda sonar chocante tiene una lógica aplastante, ya que la música y las resonancias armónicas en la que estos números especiales intervienen, son manifestaciones del mismo fenómeno, energía y esta se distribuye siguiendo las mismas matemáticas.
Otro ejemplo paradigmático fue Pitágoras, que además de matemático y filósofo, estudio en profundidad las armonías musicales y como estas proporciones matemáticas armónicas se aplicaban al Cosmos.

Volvemos a resituarnos en los lamentables sucesos de Oslo y aparte de la fecha me gustaría destacar dos detalles más que son tremendamente significativos. El número oficial de víctimas de los atentados acabó ascendiendo hasta 77. Para empezar este número por sí solo es múltiplo de 11. En concreto es:
11×7 = 77
Cabe destacar que otra vez tenemos una referencia aludida al número Pi, ya que:

No solo eso, si tomamos el recorrido en la circunferencia de Pi medios, obtenemos la medida de 90º, que describe la forma geométrica del ángulo recto que caracteriza al cuadrado, que también relaciona el próximo número irracional.

El siguiente número irracional, la raíz cuadrada de 2, que es fundamental, ya que determina la longitud de la diagonal de un cuadrado de lado 1:

7+7 = 14
Tenemos que la raíz de 2 y su inverso:

Es cuando sumamos el número oficial de heridos en los atentados, con el número de víctimas, que aparece el tercer actor de la obra, la raíz cuadrada de 3.
Heridos = 96
Víctimas = 77
Total = 96+77 = 173

Estas relaciones matemáticas son esenciales, ya que la raíz de 3 determina la longitud de la diagonal que une vértices opuestos y que por lo tanto determina la tridimensionalidad de un cubo o hexaedro de lado 1 y la distancia entre los lados de un hexágono.

Si unimos los tres números irracionales que hemos encontrado, aparece de forma natural la intersección de las circunferencias, la Vésica Piscis. La base de la matriz geométrica y matemática de generación de la realidad fractal.

Descubre mucho más sobre como funcionan las Matemáticas Áureas y como se han codificado a nivel histórico este conocimiento en el seminario del próximo 1 de julio.
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Message 36 of 49 on the subject |
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Message 37 of 49 on the subject |
108,864 – 954 – 792 – 756 – 216 – 144 – 114,048
Section IV, Part 11 – The Wonderful Numbers of Sacred Canon
Doug Krieger
Page-Flip Version
The 756’ Base Edge of the Great Pyramid of Giza as a Vesica Piscis
Attempting to put a conclusion to this formidable topic is, in a word: Absurd! Why? Because in the world of Sacred Geometry – which has had a “head start” on vast segments of Christendom – playing catch-up thereto, is no small task…but try we must, for our “sacred honor” and that of the Sun of Righteousness is on the line . . . it’s time we turned the Vesica Piscis on its head!

We will deliberately use a number of the “tools” accustomed within the Sacred Geometry community in order to achieve maximum effect (as is the case with the vesica piscis and rhombus; and thereby regain the imagery and, in particular, the environs of our ultimate destiny: The New Jerusalem!
Now, if we could illustrate these two circles often used in the creation of a Vesica Piscis; to wit: As so proposed with the Vesica Piscis, using the base edge of the Great Pyramid of Giza (756’) as the length of the Vesica Piscis the other measurements are thereby pronounced:
Length of Vesica Piscis (Base Edge of GPG) = 756’
Width of VP = 436.5’ (Keeping proportion as in 756’:436.5’ = 265:153
756’ = “18” = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
436.5’ = “18” = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
756’ + 436.5’ = 1,192.5’
1,192.5’ = 1 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 5 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
The “Diamond Shape” or Rhombus Created with 756’ Equal Sides = 4 Edges of the Base of the GPG
4 * 756’ = 3,024’ x 12” = 36,288” = “27” (as in 3 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 8 = 27) = Messiah Revealed
Full Length of the Triangle Created (4 ea.) of the following:
½ of 756’ = 378’ (base also “18”) + 756’ (opposite its right angle) + 654.72’ (to tip of triangle) – therefore:
378’ + 756’ + 654.72’ (as per Pythagorean Theorem) = 1,788.72’
1,788.72’ = “33” = 1 + 7 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 2 = 33
“33” Is Messiah “Cut Off” at Age “33”
There are 4 such triangles so created or
4 * 1,788.72’ = 7,154.88’ = “33” (as in 7 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 8 + 8 = 33)
“33” Is Messiah “Cut Off” at Age “33”
The Edge of the GPG has been measured @ 418 Cubits (Egyptian Royal)
418 * 20.618181818+” = 8,618.4’ x 12” = 718.2’ = “18” New Jerusalem Standard (as in 7 + 1 + 8 + 2 = 18)
The Triangle Created: Base: 756’ + 718.2’ + 718.2’ = 2,192.4’ = “18” New Jerusalem Standard for
2 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 4 = “18”
Likewise – if this Triangle were “flipped” to the opposite side of the Vesica Piscis:
An Additional 2,192.4’ appears (2 Triangles)
2,192.4’ + 2,192.4’ = 4,384.8’ = “27” Messiah Revealed for…
4 + 3 + 8 + 4 + 8 = 27
If Four Triangles were formed using ½ the base of 756’ or 378’ and the full height of 480.69’ and the 718.2’ GPG Edge =
378’ (base – for four triangles) + 480.69’ (Petrie Height) + 718.2’ (Royal Egyptian Edge) =
378’ + 480.69’ + 718.2’ = 1,576.89’ = “36” – The Eternal God as in a 360° Circle – No Beginning or Ending
1 + 5 + 7 + 6 + 8 + 9 = 36
4 Triangles @ 1,576.89’ = 6,307.56’ = “27” Messiah Revealed
6 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 6 = 27 or
4 * 36 = 144 – The Wall of the New Jerusalem
In INCHES everything is amplified…
1,576.89’ * 12” = 18,922.68” = “36” The Eternal God
18,922.68” * 4 Triangles = 75,690.72” = “36” The Eternal God and, of course
The Eternal God is bound to Messiah Revealed as in 75,690.72” / 12” = 6,307.56’ = “27”
The Two Large Triangles Created using the 756’ Base Edge of the GPG Creates:
Two Perfect Equilateral Triangles with 756’ Base and each leg at 756’ or
756’ + 756’ + 756’ = 2268’ = 2 + 2 + 6 + 8 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
2268’ x 2 (both sides) = 4,536’ = 4 + 5 + 3 + 6 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
4,536’ x 12” = 54,432” = 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 2 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
2,268’ x 12” = 27,216 = 2 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 6 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
The Diameter Created by the Vesica Piscis in Each of the Circles
Range 873.02’ to 872.92’ (due to height of GPG vs. width of Vesica Piscis) – therefore:
873’ is the Diameter – therefore – 8 + 7 + 3 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard
873’ * Giza Pi of 480.69/153 = 3.1417647 (“33”) =
873’ * 3.1417647 = 2,742.7605 = “33” Messiah Cut Off/Sacrifice = Circumference of Circle
2 + 7 + 4 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 5 = “33” (Carried to four digits after the decimal) or…
873’ * 3.1417647 = 2,742.7605882 (carried 7 placements to completion) = Circumference of Circle
2 + 7 + 4 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 8 + 8 + 2 = “51” or 24 Hebrew Sacred Canon + 27 Christian Sacred Canon = 51
The Purposes of God Almighty Revealed in both Sacred Canons
AREAS & CIRCUMFERENCES CIRCLES – GPG Base of 756’ Measurement of
Circles: 2,742.7605 + 2,742.7605 (both circumferences) = 5,485.521 = “30”
5 + 4 + 8 + 5 + 5 + 2 + 1 = 30 = Messiah’s Ministry Commencement – Priesthood Commencement Age 30
Area of a Circle = π * r2
A = 3.1417647 (Giza Pi @ 480.69/153 and 31417647 = “33” Messiah) * 873/2 = radius of 436.5 (“18” NJS)
A = 3.1417647 * (436.5)2
A = 3.1417647 * 190,532.25 (Note: “27” Messiah Revealed)
A = 598,607.4972616 (7th Placement of Completion “7”)
A = 5 + 9 + 8 + 6 + 7 + 4 + 9 + 7 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 6 = “70” = Seventieth Week of Daniel Completion – Second Coming
“70” = Completion of Human History = Second Coming of Messiah (Daniel 9:24-27 & Daniel 12:10-13)
Combined “70’s” of Two Circle Areas: 70 * 70 = 490 = “49” = Work of the Spirit of God
“49” = 49 Years to Year of Jubilee and 49 (7*7 = 7 conduits to 7 lamps – Zechariah 4 – “But by My Spirit”)
RHOMBI (Plural for Rhombus)
LARGER RHOMBUS – Trapezoid Made of 2 Equilateral Triangles
Perimeters: Larger = 756’ x 4 = 3024’ (cubed) * 3 = 9,072’ * 12” = 108,864 – Sun of Righteousness
Area: Larger = 756’ x 756’ = 571,536 sq. ft. = “27” Messiah Revealed as in 5 + 7 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 6 = 27
Area with 6 Faces for Larger Rhombus: 571,536 sq. ft. x 6 (faces) = 3,429,216 = “27” Messiah Revealed
3 + 4 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 27
Cubic Capacity: Larger Rhombus (if cubed) = 756’ x 756’ x 756’ = 432,081,216 cu. ft. = “27” Messiah Revealed
4 + 3 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 27
Perimeters: Smaller = 718.2’ * 4 (base edges) = 2,872.8 Linear Feet = “27” Messiah Revealed
2 + 8 + 7 + 2 + 8 = 27
Cubing Smaller Rhombus = 2.872.8’ * 3 (12 edges) = 8,618.4 Linder Feet = “27” Messiah Revealed
8 + 6 + 1 + 8 + 4 = 27
View the Number Set = “864” surrounds “18” – Sun of Righteousness “clothes” the Woman, the New Jerusalem “18”
Area of Smaller Rhombus = 718.2’ * 718.2’ = 515,811.24 sq. ft. = “27” Messiah Revealed
5 + 1 + 5 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 27
Area with 6 Faces for Smaller Rhombus: 515,811.24 sq. feet x 6 (faces) = 3,094,867.44 sq. ft. = “45”
“45” = Second Coming of Messiah – Taken from the difference between 1,290 days of desolation and 1,335 blessing
1,335 less 1,290 = “45” – Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord, Hosanna
Cubic Capacity of Smaller Rhombus: 718.2’ x 718.2’ x 718.2’ = 370,456,632.568 cu. Ft. = “54” = Harmony
3 + 7 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 8 = “54” Plato’s Optimal Number of Society wrought under Messiah
Larger Rhombus: Width = 756’ + Length = 1,309.41’ (Note: 2 “sets” of “18”) = 2,065.41’ = “18”
2 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 1 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
Smaller Rhombus (GPG Precise Dimensions): Width = 756’ + Length = 490.69’ * 2 = 961.38’
756’ + 961.38’ (Note: 2 Giza Pyramid Elevations as per Petrie) = 1,717.38’ = “27” Messiah Revealed
1 + 7 + 1 + 7 + 3 + 8 = 27
Combined Rhombi: Larger Rhombus 2065.41’ + Smaller Rhombus 1,717.38’ = 3,782.79’ = “36” The Eternal God
3 + 7 + 8 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 36 as in 360° = the Circle = without Beginning or Ending
Twenty Triangles Created (see graphic) from “all angles” = 180° * 20 = 3,600°
3,600 = Amplification of the Eternal God
In sum, the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza at 756’ has absolutely profound meaning if a Vesica Piscis is used as the length of the “fish” thus created – giving it a width of 436.5’ or “18” and 436.5’ + 756’ (its width and length) = 1,192.5’ = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement. The astounding calculations and extrapolations encountered by the creation of a Vesica Piscis at the base of the GPG can only mean that the Almighty wholly purposed this “Monument to the LORD at the Border of Giza to be the Altar unto the LORD in midst of Egypt!
The “153 fish” in the original Vesica Piscis
In returning to the original Vesica Piscis as seen below:

In the smaller rhombi which are 153’ by 153’ the actual equilateral triangles created (which total 32), the perimeter of each of these 32 equilateral triangles is 153’ x 3 = 459’ (or “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement) and 32 x 459’ = 14,688 = “27” (as in 1 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 8 = 27) or “Messiah Revealed” – demonstrating that Messiah is “for” the New Jerusalem. “Messiah (Christ) also loved the Church and gave Himself for her” (Ephesians 5:25). However, each of the diamonds (16 each) are likewise 153 by 153 and are, therefore, 4 * 153 = 612’ (perimeters) x 16 = 9,792’ = “27” Messiah Revealed as in 9 + 7 + 9 + 2 = 27.
The larger rhombus enclosing the 16 rhombi has a “width” (left to right at the vertices) of 153’ * 4 = 612’ – however, its length (from top to bottom – or “head of the fish to tail of the fish”) has a measurement of 1060 feet. Therefore, since the radii of each circle is 612’, their diameters are both equal to 1,224’ or both radii are equal to 612’ + 612’ or 6 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 2 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement. The ratio of the 265/153 (of the ancients) is 1:73 and that of the 1060/612 is 1:73.
Using the Giza Pi or 480.69’ / 153 = 3.14176471 * 1,224’ (diameter of the circle) = 3,845.52’ (circumference of the circle) or “27” as in 3 + 8 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 2 = 27 or “Messiah Revealed” – however, combining the circumferences of both circles we have: 3,845.52’ * 2 = 7,691.04 which is, likewise, “27” (Messiah Revealed as in 7 + 6 + 9 + 1 + 4 = 27).
The square area (flat) of each of the entire rhombus created or 612’ x 612’ = 374,544 sq. feet or “27” as in 3 + 7 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 27 or Messiah Revealed and if this rhombus were cubed with 6 faces/sides it would be 374,544 sq. ft. * 6 = 2,247,264 sq. ft. or “27” as in 2 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 2 + 6 + 4 = 27 or Messiah Revealed (again). Likewise, each of the 153’ by 153’ rhombi are equal to (in area) of 23,409 or “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement as in 2 + 3 + 4 + 9 = “18” and since there are 16 of them = 16 * 23,409 = 374,544 or (again) equal to “27” Messiah Revealed as in 3 + 7 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 27. Also, if all were cubed as in six faces per each of the 16 rhombi we would have: 374,544 * 6 = 2,247,264 cubic feet or “27” Messiah Revealed as in 2 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 2 + 6 + 4 = 27.
The area of each of the circles (overlapping as well included) is: A = π * r2 or A = 3.14176471 (480.69’/153) * (612’)2 or 3.14176471 * 374,544’ = 1,176,729 sq. feet or “33” (Messiah’s Sacrifice) as in 1 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 33 and both circles would be 1,176,729 * 2 = 2,353,458 sq. feet = “30” which is the commencement of Messiah Ministry; therefore, “27” – “30” and “33” – all aspects of Messiah’s Ministry and Sacrifice and Revelation are seen herein.
72,864 and the Nautical Mile
Another rather spectacular number set is discovered when the feet in a Nautical Mile is multiplied by 12” or by 12. Therefore: 6072’ are in a Nautical Mile x 12” = 72,864.
This presents immediate recognition of the Name of God “72” and of the 1° or 72 years of the Great Precessional’s 25,920 year cycle alluding to the 12 Stars (constellations of the Mazzaroth/Zodiac) which are as a garland atop the head of the Woman of Revelation 12, clothed with the Sun and the Moon beneath her feet.
Not only does 72,864 equal “27” (Messiah Revealed as the Suffering Servant) but places the “heavens” and the Great God (72) in alignment with the Sun of Righteousness (864) as a fractal of the Sun’s diameter of 864,000 miles.
If the Moon’s diameter in inches (i.e., 2,160 mi. x 5280’ = 11,404,800’ x 12” = 136,857,600”) were subtracted from the Earth’s diameter in inches (i.e., 7,920 mi. x 5280’ = 41,816,600’ x 12” = 501,799,200”) we arrive at the Fullness of Messiah “33” – as in 501,799,200” – 136,857,600” = 364,941,600” (as in 3 + 6 + 4 + 9 + 4 + 1 + 6 = 33) demonstrating Messiah’s connection between both celestial bodies and all the more when the distance between Earth and Moon at apogee (furthest distance of orbits) is 252,000 Miles or 25.20” Sacred Cubit is the fractal (resemblance) of the Moon’s distance from the Earth in miles at apogee. (Note: “27” = the full revelation of Messiah in the Christian Sacred Text of 27 volumes with emphasis upon the “suffering servant”… “30” is the commencement of Messiah Ministry on Earth – 30 years of age; and “33” is the age when Messiah was “cut off” according to history and to Daniel 9:26.
To be in line with NASA’s measurements – we find that at Perigee (closest distance between Earth and Moon) there is a distance of 225,623 and precisely 252,088 – when we subtract these TWO NUMBER SETS from each other as in 252 – 225 = “27” and when we add their other configurations as in 623 + 088 or as in 6 + 2 + 3 + 8 + 8 = “27” – then we discover that the Moon’s relationship to the Earth is a marvelous uncovering of Messiah’s “27” and together 27 + 27 = 54 or 5040 – the full realization of Plato’s Optimal Number. I don’t think this is at all an extrapolation of coincidence but of Divine Measurement; and, when we add both sets together a marvel occurs: 2 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 8 + 8 = “45” which is the very Sun of Righteousness Who is destined to appear with Healing in His Wings – His coming in Glory for His beloved Earth, on behalf of the reflection of His glory, the Woman clothed with the Sun and the Moon beneath her feet! Again:
“And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days…Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days…till the end…for you shall arise to your inheritance, at the end of the days” (Excerpts of Daniel 12:11-13)…
1,290 days of desolation – 1,335 the time of blessedness = 45 days
1290 – 1335 = 45 |
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Message 38 of 49 on the subject |
The Longer and Shorter Nautical Mile
The necessity for longer or shorter versions of the same units of length arises as a result of the shape of the earth. Sir Isaac Newton was the first to demonstrate that the Earth was NOT a perfect sphere – i.e., the equator’s circumference is wider than the polar circumference. Between equator and the poles there has always been an “ancient measurement” of 90 degrees or 5400 minutes of latitude (90 x 60 minutes = 5400 min.). Now, if the Earth were a perfect sphere the distance per degree would be the same; however, as demonstrated by the “average nautical mile” or “minute” of latitude at 50° we discover that it is too long to replicate a minute of latitude as you get closer to the equator. In these regions navigators used a shorter nautical mile (not 6072’ as in a “long nautical mile”) but one of 6048 ft. This 6048 ft. “short nautical mile” is the length of a minute of latitude at 10° and is found on modern tables.
The corresponding degree of latitude of the above makes it numerically convenient whereby the length of 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 = 362,880 feet. It is from this very standard of measurement we discover the base of the GPG as in 3,024 ft. * 12” = 36,288.0 or 9! Or 6,048 ft. / 2 = 3,024 ft. * 12” = 36,288” – and, of course, the 6,048’ “short nautical mile” at Earth’s equator is equal to 6 + 4 + 8 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement and 6,048’ x 12” = 72,576” or 7 + 2 + 5 + 7 + 6 = “27” = Messiah Revealed.
The difference between the long and short nautical miles:
6072’ – 6048’ = “24” = Number of Governance in the New Jerusalem or 24 ft.
6072 x 12” = 72,864 = “27” (Messiah Revealed) and
24’ x 12” = 288 = 2 + 8 + 8 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
72 = 1° of the Great Precessional/Mazzaroth as in 72,864
864 = Diameter of the Sun or the Sun of Righteousness as in 72,864
6048’ (Short Nautical Mile) x 12” = 72,576”
72 and 576
72 = 1° of the Great Precessional or 72 years
72 years x 360° = 25,920 Years of the Great Precessional/Mazzaroth/Zodiac
576 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
576 = 5760 or the Longer Value in Feet of an Egyptian Mile
6048’ (Short Nautical Mile) / 2 = 3024’ = Base Perimeter of GPG
72,864” – 72,576” = 288” = 2 + 8 + 8 = “18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
I would be remiss if I did not leave you with this somewhat astounding calculation:
Earth’s Long Nautical Mile in Inches = 72,864” (or 6072’ x 12” = 72,864”)
Earth’s Short Nautical Mile in Inches – 72,576” (or 6048’ x 12” = 72,576”)
7 x 2 x 8 x 6 x 4 = 2,688
7 x 2 x 5 x 7 x 6 = 2,940
(Note: The smaller 72576 calculation’s “numeric product” is greater than the larger 72864)
2940 less 2688 = 252
252 is a fractal of the 25.20” Sacred Cubit
The Moon and the Earth and the Sun
But there is much more to Earth’s distance to the Moon and to the Sun – here’s a lesson plan for teaching children designed by the Toyota Foundation in concert with the Challenger Center for Space Science Education, 2006. This is given word for word to highlight the “space conspiracy” and to assist the group entitled: “They Are Without Excuse” – to wit (Note: The parentheses are theirs, not mine; however, highlighting is mine!):
“As with all similar triangles, we can find proportional relationships in the sizes and distances from Earth to the Moon and to the Sun. For example, if we ask the question ‘how many Moons would fit between Earth and the Moon?’ we would answer the question by dividing the Moon’s distance by the Moon’s diameter. (Answer: approx. 108) If we ask the question ‘how many Suns would fit between Earth and the Sun?’ we would answer by dividing the Sun’s distance by the Sun’s diameter. (Answer: approx 108) These ratios are approximately the same.” (Challenger Center for Space Science Education, Lesson Plan, Grade Level 6-8, 2006, p. 2).
Now, determination of planetary distances from the Earth is done through Parallax. Not to go into extended discussions on astronomy, however, I’ve come up with a little Pythagorean problem of my own:
If in a Right Triangle where “a” (side A:B see associated graphic) is known as 252 (dropping all zeroes) – i.e. the distance of the Moon to the Earth is known as 252; and where “c” (side B:C) is known as 95,040 – i.e., distance of Earth to the Sun; then what is the distance of the Moon to the Sun or the distance of “b” (side A:C) – o.k. class, let’s solve for side A:C or “b”…
c2 = a2 + b2 or (95,040)2 = (252)2 + b2 =
c2 – a2 = b2 or (95,040)2 + (252)2 = b2 =
9,032,601,600 – 63,504 = b2
9,032,538,096 = b2
√9,032,538,096 (i.e., b2) = 95040
95040 = b or 95040 * 95040 = approx. 9,032,601.600 or 95039.6659085037 or 95040
Now, isn’t that interesting? The distance from the Moon to the Sun at full Right Angle is 95,040,000 – which, in essence is that of the Earth (although it is impossible in a triangle to have two right angles – therefore, the distance from the Moon to the Sun is just below the 95,040,000 but only slightly), and “rightly so” in that the angle of the Earth is nigh 89°51’ – but so close that to round it off is not a spectacular fete of prejudice. Therefore, what we have here, class, is not a failure to communicate – but a clear and present Geometer Who knew precisely what He was up to – I mean to have 2 such angles of 90° (rounding up) adds up to “18” as well! Could we then say the following?
95,040,000 + 95,040,000 + 252,000 = 190,332,000 miles = “18” Standard of the New Jerusalem as in 1 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 2 = “18” or that 18 + 18 + 9 = “45” (as in 95,040,000 = 18 + 95,040,000 = 18 + 252,000 = 9 = 45) – and there’s that “Blessed” number again! This is absolutely Messiah’s effort to communicate to His Bride that He is coming for her – She is the Woman of Revelation 12 Clothed with the Sun and the Moon beneath her feet – She is obviously upon the Earth – which “opens up” for her as she flees from the Dragon – thus, Earth, Sun and Moon and the Mazzaroth atop her head as a 12-Star Garland of Victory – for her Seed will “bruise his (the Serpent’s) head” (Genesis 3:15).
Also: Area of a Triangle = Area = (a * b) / 2 – where “a” = 252 and “b” = 95,040; therefore: 252 * 95,040 = 23,950,080/2 = 11,975,040 = 27 as in (1 + 1 + 9 + 7 +5 + 4 = 27). Messiah “fills” the Triangle of the Earth – Moon and Sun! Likewise, the 190,332,000 Mile Linear distance among the Earth, Moon and Sun = 190,332,000 mi. * 5,280’ = 1,004,952,960,000’ = “36” which is the Eternal God overseeing Messiah’s quest for The Woman clothed with the Sun and the Moon beneath her feet.
The Moon’s circumference based on its 2160 Mile Diameter is (C = π * d) = C = 3.14 * 2160 mi. = 6,782.4 miles x 5280’ = 35,811,072’ x 12” = 429,732,864 inches (circumference of the Moon in inches) or if we use 2160 mi. x 5280’ = 11,404,800’ (Michell’s 114,080) then our calculations, of course are the same: C = 3.14 *11,404,800’ = C = 35,811,072’ x 12” = 429,732,864 inches. However, using the Earth’s Circumference at 24,840 Statute Miles juxtaposed to Michell’s 24,883.2 Statute Miles we have some interesting results by subtracting the constant circumference of the Moon from the Earth’s two separate circumferences (and we’ll also calculate the 21,600 mile Nautical Circumference…let’s take a look:
Moon’s Circumference:
In Miles: 6,782.4 miles
In Feet: 35,811,072’
In Inches: 429,732,864”
Earth’s Nautical Mile Circumference:
In Nautical Miles: 21,600 miles
In Feet: 131,155,200’ (Note: Must be measured by 6072’ in a Nautical Mile)
In Inches: 1,573,862,400” (Note: Based on 131,155,200’)
Earth’s Statute Mile Circumference based on the 1.15 traditional factor:
In Statute Miles: 24,840 miles (= “18” NJS)
In Statute Feet: 131,155,200’ (Using 5,280’ in a Statute Mile = “18” NJS)
In Statute Inches: 1,573,862,400” (Note: Based on 131,155,200’) = “36” Eternal God)
Michell’s Earth Circumference based on 7,920 Statute Miles x 3.14181818 (New Jerusalem Pi) =
In Statute Miles: 24,883.2 miles (= “27” Messiah’s Revelation in Sacred Christian Canon)
In Statute Feet: 131,383,295.923968’ (Note: Abundance of decimals here and “73”??)
In Statute Inches: 1,576,599,551.087616 (Note: Abundance of decimals here and “83”??) |
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Message 39 of 49 on the subject |
Now, the Nautical Mile Circumference difference from that of the Earth’s using 21,600 miles:
Earth’s Circumference:
21,600 miles
Moon’s Circumference:
-6,782.4 miles
14,817.6 = “27” (Messiah Revealed in Sacred Christian Canon of “27”)
(1 + 4 + 8 + 1 + 7 + 6 = 27)
Earth’s Circumference in Feet:
Moon’s Circumference in Feet:
95,344,128’ = “36” (The Eternal God without Beginning or Ending = 360°)
Earth’s Circumference in Inches:
Moon’s Circumference in Inches:
- 429,732,864”
1,144,129,536” = “36” (The Eternal God, etc.)
Earth’s Circumference in Statute Miles:
24,840 Miles (based on 1.15 factor on 21,600 Nautical Miles)
Moon’s Circumference in Statute Miles:
6,782.4 Miles
18,057.6 Miles = “27” (Messiah Revealed in sacred Christian Canon of 27 Volumes)
Michell’s Earth Circumference
Earth’s Circumference in Statute Miles:
24,883.2 miles (= “27” Messiah’s Revelation in Sacred Canon)
Moon’s Circumference in Statute Mile:
-6,782.4 miles
18,100.8 miles (“18” and Two Sets of “18” – NJS very impressive)
Earth’s Circumference in Feet:
Moon’s Circumference in Feet:
95,572,223.923968’ = “72” (The Name of God)
Earth’s Circumference in Inches:
Moon’s Circumference in Inches:
- 429,732,864.000000”
1,146,866,687.087616” = “81” (Unknown or “18” Backwards?)
The Moon’s radius of 1080 miles, however, bears some observation. Although the 11,404,800’ of the Moon’s Diameter and the subsequent 114,048 holds some amazing properties – especially, as it integrates with the Earth’s Statute Mile Diameter of 7,920’ – however, Moon’s radius of 1,080 miles x 5280’ = 5,713,200’ holds significance as well in that 5 + 7 + 1 + 3 + 2 = “18” just as 11,404,800’ equals “18.” Furthermore, difference between the radius of the Moon and the other dimensions we used in calculating the difference of sundry circumferences is of major importance in that the “108,864” combines the Moon and the Sun in their relationship to the Earth; therefore, viewing 114,048, that simply is not the case.
Earth’s Diameter in Statute Miles:
7,920 Miles (fractal of one edge of the New Jerusalem – 7,920,000’)
Earth’s Radius in Statute Miles:
3,960 Miles (Note: Both 792 and 396 = “18” NJS)
Earth’s Diameter in Feet:
95,040’ (fractal of the distance between Earth & Sun at apogee 95,040,000 miles)
Earth’s Radius in Feet:
47,520’ (“18” NJS as is 95,040 = “18” NJS)
Moon’s Diameter in Statute Miles:
2,160 Miles (fractal of 216 Name of God or 21,600 Nautical Earth Cir.)
Moon’s Radius in Miles:
1,080 Miles (fractal of the “18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Moon’s Diameter in Feet:
11,404,800’ (Mitchell’s favorite as 114,480)
Moon’s Radius in Feet:
5,702,400’ (Note: Both calculations add up to “18” NJS)
Moon’s Diameter in Inches:
136,857,600” (“36” the Eternal God)
Moon’s Radius in Inches:
68,428,800” (“36” the Eternal God)
At this juncture – and using the Statute Mile Calculations for Earth and Moon Diameter to be 7,920 and 2,160 in that order, some very significant number associations are discovered; however, the “108” of the “108,864” does not “shine” until we see the differences in the Earth/Moon Calculations:
Diameter Differences Between Earth and Moon:
Earth Diameter in Miles:
7,920 Miles
Moon Diameter in Mi.:
2,160 Miles
Difference in Miles:
5,760 Miles (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Earth Diameter in Feet:
41,817,600’ (“27” Messiah Revealed in the Christian Canon of 27 Volumes)
Moon Diameter in Feet:
11,404,800’ (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Difference in Feet:
30,412,800’ (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Earth Diameter in Inches:
501,811,200” (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Moon diameter in Inches:
136,857,600” (“36” The Eternal God without Beginning or Ending = 360°)
Difference in Inches:
364,953,600” (“36” The Eternal God, etc.)
Radii Differences Between Earth and Moon:
Earth Radius in Miles:
3,960 Miles (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Moon Radius in Miles:
1,080 Miles (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Difference in Miles:
2,880 Miles (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Earth Radius in Feet:
20,908,800’ (“27” Messiah Revealed)
Moon Radius in Feet:
5,702,400’ (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Difference in Feet:
15,206,400’ (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Earth Radius in Inches:
250,905,600” (“27” Messiah Revealed)
Moon radius in Inches:
68,428,800” (“36” Eternal God)
Difference in Inches:
182,476,800” (“36” Eternal God)
Comparisons between Earth’s Moon and Earth’s Sun, likewise, reveal some exotic differences of no small repute…. as are their radii; however, we will only examine the larger measurements to highlight the astronomical relationship between the Moon and the Sun at their diameters:
Diameters of Sun and Moon Compared:

Diameters in Miles:
Sun Diameter in Miles:
864,000 Miles (“18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement)
Moon Diameter in Miles:
2,160 Miles (216 Name of God & 21,600 Nautical Mi. Earth Circumference)
Difference in Miles:
861,840 Miles (“27” Messiah Revealed)
Diameter in Feet:
Sun Diameter in Feet:
4,561,920,000’ (“27” Messiah Revealed)
Moon Diameter in Feet:
11,404,800’ (“18” New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement)
Difference in Feet:
4,550,515,200’ (“27” Messiah Revealed)
Diameter in Inches:
Sun Diameter in Inches:
54,743,040,000” (“27” Messiah Revealed)
Moon Diameter in Inches:
136,857,600” (“36” Eternal God without Beginning or Ending)
Difference in Inches:
54,606,182,400” (“36” Eternal God without Beginning or Ending)
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Message 40 of 49 on the subject |
Finally, if we were to take the “108,864” and say that there is a relationship between the Moon’s Radius “1,080 miles (i.e., “108” and the Sun’s Diameter (i.e., 864,000 miles – i.e., “864”) that is not out of the question – and, in point of fact nails it down in its totality because this is presented, and, as well, so is the “18” (108) of the New Jerusalem and the Sun of Righteousness as is the 864, which also is “18”.
“108,864” – Comparing the Moon’s Radius with the Sun’s Diameter
Radius/Diameter in Miles
Sun’s Diameter in Miles:
864,000 Miles (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Moon’s Radius in Miles:
1,080 Miles (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Difference Sun/Moon in Miles:
862,920 Miles (“27” Messiah Revealed)
Radius/Diameter in Feet
Sun’s Diameter in feet:
4,561,920,000’ (“27” Messiah Revealed)
Moon’s Radius in feet:
5,702,400’ (“18” New Jerusalem Standard)
Difference Sun/Moon in feet:
4,556,217,600’ (“36” The Eternal God)
Radius/Diameter in Inches
Sun’s Diameter in Inches:
54,743,040,000” (“27” Messiah Revealed)
Moon’s Radius in Inches:
68,428,800” (“36” The Eternal God)
Difference Sun/Mon in Inches:
54,674,611,200” (“36” The Eternal God)
The merits of the Moon’s dimensions juxtaposed to those of the Earth’s and their differences be that in diameter, radius or circumference are very impressive – as is their distance from one another; therefore, the “108” as part of the “108,864” is the preference of the “soul’s sum” as far as this author concerns because of its position within the Revelation and its glory is not of its own but that of the Sun.
Where the Sacred Geometry Community and the Sun of Righteousness Collide
Back in 1951 an Oscar-winning film entitled, When Worlds Collide, was released, bringing sci-fi to new levels of Hollywood’s rendition of the end of the world as we know it. Most perished on planet Earth, but some escaped to live another day on another planetary object – I think it was Mars – in any event, not much compromise was reached between the two planets, both were wiped out!
John Michell is determined to survive – and to some extent thinks that we can all reach a happy conclusion – however, and be that as it may, the “traditionalists” amongst the “New Jerusalem Awareness” community (if we could be all clumped together) doesn’t do too well as the monotheists are big into “us vs. them” or expressed in another way: “What fellowship has light with darkness?”
But if you are of John Michell’s persuasion, “light and darkness” can somehow subsist because they are all part of the cosmos which permits their toleration and ipso facto they, if they resolve to do so, can somehow get along and of necessity and design (according to Michell) get along for the betterment. Simultaneously, however, Michell sees the ill-gotten measurements of Atlantis doomed to failure (which it apparently did) but Magnesia’s equilibrium ascending – thus, Babylon the Great is destroyed and Jerusalem, the Holy, is left to live another day!
But here’s one area of occurrence that is irrefutable:
“Modern students of ancient metrology, or units of measure, have been hampered by their use of the irrelevant metric system in their researches. The French metre is a modern contrivance of the late eighteenth century, based on an inaccurately measured quarter of the earth’s circumference through the poles, of which the metre was made a ten-millionth part. This new fangled unit bears no relation to any ancient unit, and by using it for antiquarian research modern scholars have concealed from themselves the key to the elucidation of ancient metrology. This key is in number. All the ancient units relate to each other, and to the dimensions of the earth, by the same code of number as is found in every other ancient form of art and science” (New View Over Atlantis, John Michell, Thames and Hudson, New York, 1995, pp. 125-6).
Irrefutable? Absolutely – I mean, how can we not concur with Michell’s metrology…we would be destroying our own arguments. An example:
“Newton (Sir Isaac Newton) needed to know the earth’s true dimensions. In his time these were no longer known, but Newton understood that the units of measure in the Temple at Jerusalem and the Egyptian Pyramids represented accurate geodetic fractions. He was particularly interested in the Jewish ‘sacred cubit’, reputed to be a six-millionth part of the earth’s polar radius, and his Dissertation on the subject was included in his Lexicon Propheticum” (Ibid., p. 125).
Now, I would tend to agree but disagree agreeably here in that since “our system” is predicated upon the “12” then it would be appropriate to suggest that the “Jewish ‘sacred cubit’, reputed to be a twelfth-millionth part of the earth’s polar radius” or, if you would, one-hundred-and-twenty-millionth would ring a bit more true in that (1/120,000,000 demands amplification due to measurements in “inches.”)
Polar Radius of the Earth = 3,949.92 miles (statute) and 3,949.92 x 5,280 = 20,855,577.6 Feet * 12” = 250,266,931.2” / 120,000,000 (as in “1/120,000,000) = 2.08555776+ or 2.09’ * 12” = 25.02” which was in point of fact the “Hebrew Sacred Cubit” measurement with which Sir Isaac Newton ultimately achieved as a result of the “improvements” done on his research by John Taylor (Note: Taylor took Newton’s 2.0736’ or 24.8832” (i.e., 2.0736’ * 12” = 24.8832”) “sacred cubit” measurement – which measurement is a fractal of Michell’s Earth Circumference in Statute miles (i.e., 7,920 * 3.1418181818 = 24,883.2 miles). Now Taylor, according to Michell, improved upon Newton’s measurement by recognizing that Newton’s “sacred cubit” of 2.0736’ or 24.8832” was “equal to six-fifths of the longer Egyptian cubit of 1.728 feet or 20.736” (Note: six-fifths of 20.736” = 24.8832”) and, consequently, too short to represent a “ten-millionth part of the earth’s polar radius” (for a precise ten-millionth part of the earth’s polar radius would have to be somewhere around 3,950 miles x 5280’ = 20,856,000’ and a ten-millionth of this is 2.0856’ or 25.0272” as in 2.0856’ x 12” = 25.0272”) (Dimensions of Paradise, Michell, p. 110).
Therefore, Taylor proposed a “larger version” of the Sacred Cubit and simply multiplied 2.0736’ by the fraction of 176/175 (which expresses the two different versions of the other two) and arrived at a more accurate Sacred Cubit of 2.0854491’ or 25.0253892” or, if you would, the 252 and that unit does indeed equal to a “ten-millionth” of the polar radius of the Earth with that radius equal to 3,949.7142 miles.
We, on the other hand, have calculated the Sacred Cubit’s measurement at 2.1’ or 25.20”, therefore, the Earth’s radius is calculated, based upon the “ten-millionth” concept @ 21,000,000’ or 21,000,000 / 5280’ = 3,977.27272727 miles (in that the repetition of the “27” connotes Messiah Revealed upon the Earth). Interestingly enough in rounding the numbers to whole numbers (i.e., 3,949.92 or 3,949.71 to 3950 and 3,977.272727 to 3977) and subtracting the smaller from the larger as in 3977 – 3950 = “27” which again brings us back to Messiah – somewhat inescapable. Likewise, this 27 mile difference looks like this: 27 mi. x 5,280’ = 142,560’ or 1 + 4 + 2 + 5 + 6 = “18” and we’re once again back to the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement.
So – that’s where we concur; however, where we do not concur:
“It is, of course, absurd to associate 666 or any other number solely with ‘the forces of evil.’ No number in itself is exclusively representative of a moral quality whether negative or positive, for every natural principle has its own rightful place in the universe and its influence can be disposed in either direction. In any case it is inconsistent to relate moral principles to numbers, for numerical relationships are precise and unalterable while morals are neither, being simply mores, customs adopted by general consent in response to the circumstances at a particular time and place. The deluded utopians, who shattered Glastonbury Abbey for the devil’s temple, ignored what a wiser, more realistic generation had found acceptable; that a true cosmology must encompass every created element. The New Jerusalem is not planned by human architects and lawyers, and its elements are not selective, for they comprehend the universal scheme” (New View Over Atlantis, John Michell, p. 188).
Indeed, morals related to numbers in this manner are unfashionable! But to say that “morals are neither” – i.e., moral values are “simply mores, customs adopted by general consent in response to the circumstances at a particular time and place” is simply not true. The implication here is a vacuous “moral compass” does not exist in civilizations – we are but a consensus of mores wherein if enough of us agree, then it’s fine and dandy? There can be no consequence for evil because evil by its being belongs in civilization. Neither does a “true cosmology” have to “encompass every created element” just because it’s there – nor is the New Jerusalem altogether inclusive – an expression of the so-called “universal scheme.” Let me explain – and, if I am wrong here – forgive, but I’m trying to be fair and reasonable, but I do not think that Michell understands the gravity of his surmisings.
First all, the tearing out of human hearts by the gazillions as an Aztec ritual to appease the gods, in particular and abhorrently the “Sun god” - cannot under any “cultural circumstance” or definition be construed to a time and place where cultural mores prevail and ipso facto “let’s get it on!” Worse yet, purging an entire people as a manifestation of Darwinian survival of the fittest by gassing millions of Jews, Gypsies, Gays, Communists, Religionists, Slavs, Mentally Ill and “terrorists” does not commend itself to the present cultural mores. Oozing with relativism of the Oxford-Cambridge variety, no less, Michell attempts to ingratiate his “open forum” by announcing that every evil bird may enter in to the New Jerusalem; whereas, that simply is not the case:
“But outside (i.e., outside the Holy City, New Jerusalem) are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie” (Revelation 22:15). Likewise: “But there shall by no means enter it (i.e., the Holy City) anything profane, or causes an abomination or a lie” (Revelation 21:27).
The “Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings” for a reason: We need healing! We’re talking water “clear as crystal” – nothing muddied! That said, Michell has left open the door for a “purified exclusivity” by stating elsewhere in his writings that purification of negative elements needs be the case in order for there to be harmony in the New Jerusalem; however, again, he retrenches; throws all absolutists into the same tyranny of the tyrant – be they religionists or ideologues gone mad. Yet, he holds out the super ideal:
“In deriving all the forms of nature from ideal, unmanifest prototypes, traditional philosophy reverses the evolutionists’ notion of human ascent from lower creatures and inculcates the opposite myth, that we are descendants from a divine creation and may properly aspire to reenter the primeval paradise. That point of view is incompatible with the outlook of modern science; nor does it commend itself to the authorities of church and state who flourish by virtue of the belief that human nature, being flawed, needs constant suppression. (Such a belief is in the interests of tyrants, allowing them to blame the populace for disturbances that might otherwise be attributed to their own policies.) Traditional cosmology therefore calls for a different form of science and a different approach to government from those that obtain today…The style of government that occurs naturally under the influence of canonical worldview is a hierarchy representing the order of the heavens.” (New View Over Atlantis, pp. 236-7) |
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Message 41 of 49 on the subject |
Out there? Yes – but the impression left is one seeking his own utopia and not finding it in any earthly model but a heavenly only – yet that “heavenly” abides uncompromised in its exclusivities – notwithstanding Michell’s reinterpretation of this “preexistent archetype” revealing itself to John on the Isle of Patmos as an “inclusive personal cosmology that gives insight into the reality behind the apparent forms of the present” (Ibid. p. 240). Bringing us, back again, to the HOLY City, New Jerusalem….and the geodesies thereof….
Geodesy and the New Jerusalem and why the Metricksters will never see her!
Geodesy and geodetic placement of “sacred sites” of ancient origins has long been affirmatively suspect – especially, the Great Pyramid of Giza. Geodesy involves a fundamental understanding of plane or solid geometry, astronomy relative to latitude and longitude with latitude of more recent vintage since ships-clock (cir. 1540) came into vogue. These geodetic or geometric relationships both on earth and in the heavens are a frequent haunt of pagans and occultists and of novel interest to science – though science with its unfortunate proliferation of skeptic is apt to go off into “metric tangents” and miss out on all the “fun!”
“For quite some time researchers have been documenting the astronomical alignments of ancient archaeological and megalithic stone sites all over the world. But discovery of their geodesic alignment has been more recent. Geodesy refers to the theory and practice of surveying to determine the position of specific points on Earth's surface. It is distinguished from plane surveying in that it deals with areas whose dimensions are so great that the curvature of the Earth must be taken into account. Geometric geodesy involves the creation of a mathematical model of Earth, while physical geodesy studies Earth's gravity field. Geodesic studies are referred to in many practical fields of endeavor, including mineral resource location, reduction of the effects of natural hazards, cartography, and study of Earth's propagation of gravitational and electromagnetic energy. The discovery of the precise alignment of Mayan sites along the 90th parallel is significant because it demonstrates that the Maya were aware of Earth's curvature and knew the advanced formulas used in geodesy. (69)”
With disdain and contemptuous arrogance – fed by supposed intellectual objectivity and a bent toward experimentation guaranteeing the ever-evolving state of technology which deems all things absolute as contrary to pure science and worthy of the skeptic’s scorn in that all is subject to experimentation’s ever-evolving discoveries which seemingly “contradict” any absolute thesis or synthesis – they who “professing to be wise…became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man…exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen” (Romans 1:22-23, 25). This antagonism is in and of itself illogical in that “discovery” from whence invention thrives should be a process of confirmation based on universal laws and immutable standards whereby our emerging universe is held in awe bordering on the miraculous.

To their credit the Sacred Geometry community – though abiding the disgust of far too many academics and technocrats – must also contend with the majority of monotheists who view their pursuits as retrograde and vain attempts, at best, of pagan revival and frivolous conspiratorial occulted endeavors. Though to this author, the Sacred Geometric Community has fallen short of the grand prize, the New Jerusalem and her fullness of purpose, they have at least seen, especially through the apostolic efforts of John Michell, the suburbs of the Holy City and from this afar view have come imminently close to her profound and universal meaning; and certainly by framing their quests for universal understanding and sustainable social systems in terms of the Celestial City (or as in Plato’s case, Magnesia). Their approach to the City Whose Builder and Maker is God (even though that “god” is NOT the One of revelation and authority held by their antagonists amongst the aforesaid monotheists), as we all, is seen through a glass darkly but, nevertheless, they are searching to unlock the mystery of the New Jerusalem and to confirm their findings through geodetic discovery.

To them the “geometric construction” of the New Jerusalem presents cosmological realities which govern the universe – a universe numerically understood far more by the “ancients” who have left us a testament in their objects and writings to these realities whereby John’s vision of the Holy City is the culmination of all their most vivid aspirations; to wit, the elaborate geometric configurations from the New Jerusalem Diagram to intriguing planetary measurements of circles, squares, triangles, polygons of all sorts which provide immediate connectivity between earth and heaven’s realms – as well as those earthly objects of antiquity which replicate the heavenly dimensions of Paradise, and all within the context, preservation and accuracies of antiquity:
“Another relic of the archaic tradition that produced these divisions of time is our present system of measurement by units of feet, furlongs, and miles, with the acre as the unit of land measuring. Those measures, which are still found the most convenient today, were canonized and held sacred, because not only do they relate both to the human and to the astronomical scales, expressing the unity between macrocosm and microcosm, but they bring out the same numbers in the dimensions of the solar system as were given to the units of time.” (Dimensions of Paradise, Michell, p. 117).
As an aside, is it, therefore, any wonder that the Desolator – the infamous Antichrist – “…shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law” (Daniel 7:25).
But Michell persists, so great is his discord with the “moderns” – and their insidious efforts to fulfill the conclusion of Daniel 7:25…
“Modern researchers who accept the fiction that the English units are of recent origin, and adopt the habit of expressing the values of the old measures in terms of the newfangled meter, thereby disguise from themselves the most significant aspect of ancient metrology, its basis in canonical number. Were it not for that aspect, the business of establishing the exact values of the old units would be of merely academic interest. The fact that those units, as here, calculated in English feet, exhibit the same scale of numbers as found in ancient music and geometry is what makes the system of ancient metrology so relevant to the study of traditional science” (Dimensions of Paradise, Michell, pp. 114-5).
Now, in one phrase Plato summed up this universe as the “moving image of eternity.” However, time’s copy expressed in the created universe is inferior to the “state of eternity” it imitates – materiality is about to exist, is existing and has existed, and is expanding. The seen, though understood by the ancients as a reflection of the unseen, could never compare, if you would, “with the glory that should be revealed in us . . . while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen…for the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (II Corinthians 4:18).
In keeping with this “sacred perspective” Plato’s quest for an “exact numerical composition of his world soul” would be the closest that society could come to these heavenly realities wherein “fair, humane government [and its rulers] would have the benefit of a constant mathematical standard as guide and reference in all things” – bringing the superior world of the unseen, though “ethereal” and tending to the abstract, into substance and practicality for humanity’s time-locked restrictions; thus, the barrier between myth and substance – between fact and fiction – is breached.

Again, the combination of these numeric values and their impact and/or imposition upon physics, astronomy, music, governance, mathematics and veritably all hard and life sciences, including the socio-economic order, was so profoundly impacted by the Platonic world and their progenitors – and is to this day manifested in Michell’s work and others of his persuasion (let alone the purveyors within academia, philosophy and mathematics who search the same) – not giving them this recognition is intellectually disingenuous… for they earnestly sought and still do seek its altruistic sum be it for humanity’s supreme benefit or tolerable fame.
Our incursion into the world of mathematical absolutes – wholly justified in greater measure by dent of our own identification with the New Jerusalem as the superlative paradigm and ultimate consummation of the Creator-Messiah and His Holy City, the Woman, the Bride of the Lamb – may in fact reveal our own vulnerability or superficiality in this quest (it certainly reveals how ignorant we have been); however, the “Abrahamic faith” is altogether well-positioned to enter this fray in that as Abraham, we, as “he [ ] waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God . . . Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them” (Hebrews 11:10, 16).
In this engagement we have sought to comprehend the depth of these mystical calibrations and have discovered the “wisdom of this world” and there reasoning, and quite frankly, find emotive relief that they with us bear mutual concurrence regarding the Imperial Standard of Measurement and understand its preservation and hence its metrologies bear paramount worth to the world that then was and to the generation that seeks now to uncover its immediate and prophetic merits. Likewise, they share a refreshing disgust toward the pseudo-science of the metric system – however, Michell nods to their stupidity under his concept of fusion wherein the inadequacies of the metric system based upon “10” will compensate the error of their way by finding the “life” of the “12” amongst the ancients and “life out of death” could very well be the result.
The Moon and Sun (i.e., 108,864) are there; the “all in all” the “Same [circle] – yesterday, today and forever” and the “Perfect One” (i.e., 27) endures the measurement of the of Divine Dimensions (i.e., 252) – certainly, we must differentiate our conclusions of THE matter in that though we concur of numbers’ credulity, they, like faith, must foresee an object of their definition – that is, they do reveal the unseen world, the Holy City in “no uncertain terms.” Every day and its 86,400 seconds in a 24-hour time frame bear witness of the day (the sun’s diameter in miles, 864,000) …to the Sun of Righteousness whose evening reflection upon Earth’s Moon (1080 radius) attests to the Woman, “clothed with the Sun, with the Moon beneath her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars” (Revelation 12:1) – for these 12 Stars, we affirm, are the constellations of the Mazzaroth (i.e., Zodiac) wherein the Moon’s diameter of 2,160 miles when “cubed” bears 12 edges whose product is 25,920 miles (i.e., 2,160 x 12 = 25,920 miles or the Moon “cubed”), the precise fractal of the 25,920 years of the Great Precessional in the heavens! And this is affirmed by earth’s most measured artifact of antiquity, the Great Pyramid of Giza, for when cubed gives us in inches a 12-edged linear measurement of 108,864 inches (756’ x 12 = 9,072 x 12” = 108,864 linear inches).
On the other hand, Michell and followers of the ultimate form of reconciliation designed in the New Jerusalem Diagram “acquires this view of things…cultivates the habit of distinguishing and qualifying the opposite elements in any situation, and applying his knowledge of proportion to locating their point of balance…to achieve this he may take sides and adopt causes, but he is incapable of fanaticism or moral self-righteousness, seeing in everything the operations of two rival but interdependent forces, neither of which can entirely vanquish the other nor long prevail over it without producing reaction” – therefore, in ‘the yin term in the cabalist’s equation 666 + 1,080 = 1,746’ the number of ‘fusion.’” (Dimensions of Paradise, John Michell, p. 206).
This “philosopher” of whom Michell speaks, by this definition, appears incapable to aspire in the very quest for the absolute sum, unless that absolute is a commitment to its perpetual motion – always out of reach, “always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth” (II Timothy 3:7). Demonstratively, the admission of divine intervention through redemption and Messianic deliverance does not, nor should not, polarize the soul to the indignant extremes in a world of black and white (us vs. them) – notwithstanding, to subscribe to a world of “absolute relativity” is not only oxymoronic but unnecessary and not the result of the Spirit’s work upon and within the human soul.
“The taming of the shrew” cannot come about by fusion unless the shrew perish – even so, “I am crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the Son of God, who love me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
Here is where Reconciliation – the Reconciler – draws a line in the sands of time and declares that the geodetic monument most measured purposefully omitted its capstone and left the archaeological discovery of an empty sarcophagus in its midst a sign most assuredly that the “empty tome” mirrored the missing Capstone. In a word – Deliverance – Pharaoh’s hand will never be tamed, nor shall we escape without so great a salvation and deliverance through the miracle of the opening of the Red Sea and the “blood upon the lintel and doorposts” – that’s why the journey we’re taking as Pilgrim in his progress, is a supernatural day-by-day encounter with the Living Christ, the Deliverer out of Zion –
“A Star shall come out of Jacob…Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you…For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you…the Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising…then you shall become radiant, and your heart shall swell with joy…[for] His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of His praise…His brightness was like the light; He had rays flashing from His hand…And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the Day Star rises in your hearts…I, Jesus, am the Bright and Morning Star…I (Paul, the Apostle) saw a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, shining around me…But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.” (Number 24:17; Isaiah 60:1-5; Habakkuk 3:3-4; II Peter 1:19; Rev. 22:16; Acts 26:13; Malachi 4 1-2).

We say to those like John Michell who definitely find themselves on this journey, “Come with us – you already are of them who know this world is out of balance – but the burden is too great – lay its deplorable weight beneath the cross as Pilgrim did and continue the journey out of the City of Destruction, across the Slough of Despond and finally Death’s River …unto the Celestial City, for she awaits your arrival on that day to an inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you . . . To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time.”
Doug Krieger
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Message 42 of 49 on the subject |
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Message 43 of 49 on the subject |
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Message 44 of 49 on the subject |
24 * 74 = 1776
HECHOS 12:12 (12+12=24 HORAS)
24 * 36 = 864
24 * 33 = 792
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Message 45 of 49 on the subject |
So far so good over on Toequest, who can dispute the evidence anyhow?
Raphael wrote: |
And if path 13 can be connected to the letter #13, i.e. the M, that would be sweet too. Intersecting with path #14 or the letter N would be a bonus.
Quote: |
The following example shows how the value of 9 is encoded within the structure of the alphabet. It is revealed by folding the alphabet in half. Envision the alphabet written out along a ribbon. Now fold the ribbon in half, directly between the two middle letters, M and N. If you were to hold the folded ribbon up to a light you would see the 26 letters now form 13 pairs of letters. The first pair is A/Z. The second pair is B/Y, and so on all the way to the end where you have M/N.
Now combine the Alpha-Numeric Value (ANV) of the first letter "A" with the ANV of the last letter "Z", and add them together. Do the same with each pair of letters. Thus, [A]1+ [Z] 26 = 27. Reduced, 2+7=9. The same with B added to Y, and C added to X, and so on.
This "folding" process results in 13 pairs of letters. The number 13 is important to the whole Mayan calendar system. Interestingly and synchronistically, the reduced ANV of the word THIRTEEN is 9! Moreover, the ANV of TWENTY SIX is 6. Then 9x6=54, the same as the ANV of the word MAYAN which is 54! Coincidence or encoded clue?
4) 13 x 27 = 351, the mirror version of the ANV of the name of the Aztec/Toltec god, QUETZALCOATL, the ANV of which equals 153. Also the sum of the alphanumeric values of the letters in the english alphabet is 351. Notice both 351 and 153 reduce to 9 when the digits are cross added.
5) The ANV of KUKULCAN (the Mayan name for the same god) is 94 which reduces to 13 at the first level of reduction. |
26(trinity) 27(quarternity) 153 fish in jesus's net = 137

The hemisphere's of the brain can match as well as the zodiac.

The all seeing eye of Da'at given by Ma'at.

Were would path MN be? The middle pillar runs right through Daath. So they try to hide the path from the daath? Epic Fail !!  _________________
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Message 46 of 49 on the subject |
Sabemos que Vesica Piscis esta en funcion al a los 153 peces de Juan 21:11.
 Aqui tenemos a Pi - la circunferencia del toro y la vesica piscis 256/153 equivalente a la raiz cuadrada de 3 En el hipercubo las coordinadas binarias de Piscis son decimal 3 y binario 11 153 los pescados de Jesus en la biblia
Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum. Es decir, "la sabiduría ha edificado aquí su casa". Resulta curioso que la misma frase aparece en el Evangelio de María Magdalena, un texto apócrifo. Se dice que en el interior de esta iglesia y de otras muchas de Venecia está escondido el tesoro de los templarios. Pero no hay ninguna prueba de ello. Para terminar ya con esta entrada me gustaría que nos acercásemos un momento a uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Venecia: el Palacio Ducal.
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Message 47 of 49 on the subject |

Sabemos que Vesica Piscis esta en funcion al a los 153 peces de Juan 21:11.
 Aqui tenemos a Pi - la circunferencia del toro y la vesica piscis 256/153 equivalente a la raiz cuadrada de 3 En el hipercubo las coordinadas binarias de Piscis son decimal 3 y binario 11 153 los pescados de Jesus en la biblia

I have a lot to say about pythagorean triangles in my videos. In particular I have found many references to 5:12:13 triangles and 5:12 rectangles (that’s 2 of the triangles put together) in Stonehenge and the whole region surrounding it, in Washington DC, Paris, and Jerusalem. Someone who listened to my first Red Ice interview contacted me with a major discovery he made in regards to the 5:12 proportion. Brace yourself…

A rectangle measuring 5 feet by 12 feet has an area of 8640 square inches. This is something I can work with. I’m never going to be able to build an 864 foot solar Osiris talisman on a geodetic hot spot, but I think I can manage making a few raised garden beds measuring exactly 5 by 12 feet. And where I live in Canada (above 50 degrees North) can really use more resonance with the Sun.
If you saw SIPS Volume 1, you might recall that Stonehenge has its station stones which describe a 5×12 rectangle.
from SIPS Volume 1
Stonehenge is also 33.33° from Solomon’s Temple.

Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum. Es decir, "la sabiduría ha edificado aquí su casa". Resulta curioso que la misma frase aparece en el Evangelio de María Magdalena, un texto apócrifo. Se dice que en el interior de esta iglesia y de otras muchas de Venecia está escondido el tesoro de los templarios. Pero no hay ninguna prueba de ello. Para terminar ya con esta entrada me gustaría que nos acercásemos un momento a uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Venecia: el Palacio Ducal.
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