The Astronomical and Geometrical Origin and Meaning of the 4th of July Celebration
Excerpt from Moors and Masonry by Abdullah El Talib Mosi Bey
Unveiling the Masonically Buried Ancient Star Alignment of Sirius, Orion (3) Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) to the Public
The Sirius (1) Orion (3) Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) Star Alignment; the Layout of Washington, D.C.; the 1st Degree Freemason Tracing Broad; the Winding Staircase;
33 Degrees in the Scottish Rites Order and the Star of David (“Jewish Star, Hexalpha, Sixpointed Star”)

The Heliacal Rising of Sirius
The European Masons’ selection of July 4th as the day to celebrate their independence from the English Crown is based on the European Masons’ knowledge of Egyptian and Moorish Science, Culture and Philosophy of Cosmic Law and Nature. The phrase “Nature’s Law and Nature’s God” written in the Declaration of Independence is the foundation law and key to establishing and maintaining civilization and government. Indeed the European Masons are standing on the shoulders of the Ancient Moabites, Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Canaanites and Hittites. The European Masons honor the “Ancient Ones” by observing the important astronomical event the “Heliacal Rising of Sirius” which occurs between July 3rd and July 7th with their “Independence Day” on July 4th – The Fourth of July Independence Celebration.
“Sirius was both the most important star of ancient Egyptian astronomy, and one of the Decans (star groups into which the night sky was divided, with each group appearing for ten days annually). The heliacal rising (the first night that Sirius is seen, just before dawn) was noticed every year during July. Early Egyptians used this to mark the start of the New Year (‘The Opening of the Year’). It was celebrated with a festival known as ‘The Coming of Sopdet’. -Crystalinks
What occurs astronomically is Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, reappears in the sky after being behind the Sun for 70 days. This astronomical phenomenon is referred to as the “Heliacal Rising of Sirius”. The word, heliacal, means pertaining to the Sun. The root word hel is derived from the Greek and means Sun and the suffix al denotes an adjective and means ‘pertaining to’. The “Helical Rising of Sirius” occurs shortly after the Summer Solstice which is on June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. The solstice is a fixed point determined by geometrical measurements that marks the outer limits of the Sun’s apparent motion. The European Masons hold the Summer Solstice in high regards because it signals the near onset of annual floods, especially the flooding of the Nile River, which coincides with the Helical Rising of Sirius which occurs between July 3th and July 7th when Sirius enters Cancer. During this time the Earth’s orbit places the planet the furthest from the Sun. This astronomical phenomenon is called Aphelion. Have you ever wondered why the word BITCH is defined as a female dog? The association of the hot days of Summer with the phrase “Dog Days of Summer” is derived from Sirius being known as the Dog Star because of the bright star’s prominence in the constellation Canis Major. Sirius is located to the South in the sky and East of Orion and the stars in Orion’s belt appear to point toward Sirius. Sirius is associated with Isis, the goddess of the eastern horizon in the sky. Therefore Sirius is the Eastern Star. The names of the women’s secret orders referred to as the Order of the Eastern Star (OAS) and the Daughter of Isis are based in the astronomical event – the “Heliacal Rising of Sirius”. The Star Sirius is personified as Isis, standing in a celestial boat with a five – pointed star over her head, and facing Osiris on the right standing in his boat. Also, Isis was depicted as a large dog, or shown in Rome riding side-saddle on a large dog. So, now you know that the word BITCH being defined as a female dog is rooted in astronomy. Rise up Isis – Sirius, the Dog Star - the BITCH!
Ancient culture which has positive references to women has been suppressed through linguistic craftsmanship and words of art. The linguistic manipulation of words that reflect the creative and intuitive nature of women leads to the psychological subjugation of women. Restoring positive ancient cultural references of women through Linguistics and Etymology will increase women’s insight of their divinity, creative power and role as the custodians of ancient civilization.
Sirius – The Female Dog
Why is a dog associated with women?
Why are women called a Bitch, a word that means female dog?
Is there an astronomical origin to the female dog?
The Astronomical Origin of the Dog Association to Sirius
Sirius’ Prominence in the Constellation, Canis Major – Great Dog
The Term ‘Female Dog’ and its connection to Astronomy and the Nile River
The ‘Life Giving’ qualities of the Nile River to the Nile Valley are compared to the ‘Life Giving’ qualities of a woman to her child. The ancient Egyptians personified Sirius the ‘dog star’ as Aset and Greeks personified the ‘dog star’ as Isis. The Egyptians personified Sirius as a woman because the annual astronomical event referred to as the Heliacal Rising of Sirius brought about the onset of the annual flooding of the Nile River which created a fertile green valley across the desert in the Nile Valley and provided the land with fertile silt / rich black soil and as a result fertilized the crops. Therefore, the Egyptians viewed the Nile River as the ‘Life Giver’ to the Nile Valley.
The Nile River - The Life Giver
As mentioned above, the ancient Egyptians based the New Year on the annual flooding of the Nile River. The Helical Rising of Sirius signaled the onset of the flooding of the Nile River. The Nile River’s annual flood gives fertile silt / rich black soil for agriculture to the Nile Valley and creates a fertile green valley across the desert. The Nile’s annual floods have been happening for thousands of years. Caroline Seawright in The Inundation gives the public insight into the knowledge that the Egyptian had about Sirius and the role the star played in ancient civilization. She also provides insight into why Sirius was personified as a woman.
Sirius, the Dog Star, Personified as a Woman
Inundation of the Nile River and its Association to Woman and the Fertility of the Womb
Caroline Seawright in The Inundation
“The ancient Egyptians viewed Sirius as the bringer of new life. This was because Sirius was newly visible in the sky at the time of the flooding of the Nile River, the life – giving inundation which yearly fertilized their crops.”
“The inundation was also around the time that the Egyptians noticed the rising of the ‘dog star’ Sirius. The goddess Sopdet (Sothis) was the personification of this star, represented as a woman with a star as her headdress, or as a seated cow with a plant between her horns (just as Seshat’s hieroglyph might have been a flower or a star.) Her star was the most important of the stars to the ancient Egyptians, and the rising of this star came at the time of inundation and the start of the Egyptian New Year. She was linked closely with Isis, just as her husband Sah (the star Orion) and son Soped were linked with Osiris and Horus.” -Tour Egypt
Woman – The Life Giver
The Placenta and the Umbilical Cord
As the Nile River is the “Life Giver” of the Nile Valley Civilization the woman is the “Life Giver” to her child. Expecting mothers provide nutrients and oxygen to their unborn child through the placenta to the umbilical cord. The placenta is connected by the umbilical cord through an opening in the baby’s abdomen.
Woman, Her Breast and Breast Milk – Life Sustaining
“Under the influence of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, women produce milk after childbirth to feed the baby. The initial milk produced is often referred to as colostrum, which is high in the immunoglobin IgA, which coats the gastrointestinal tract. This helps to protect the newborn until its own immune system is functioning properly, and creates a mild laxative effect, expelling meconium and helping to prevent the buildup of bilirubin (a contributory factor in jaundice.” -Wikipedia
Some Biochemical Points to Human Milk (eMedicine)
“Human milk contains various enzymes; some are specific for the biosynthesis of milk in the mammary gland, whereas others are specific for the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that facilitate the infant’s ability to break down food and to absorb human milk.”
“Under a microscope, the appearance of human milk is truly amazing. Although it is a fluid, human milk has substantial structure in the form of compartmentation. Nutrients and bioactive substances are sequestered within the various compartments of human milk.”
“Human milk provides appropriated amounts of proteins (primary alpha – lactalbumin and whey, carbohydrates (lactose), minerals, vitamins, and fats for the growing term infant. The fats are composed of cholesterol, triglycerides, short-chain fatty acids, and long – chain polyunsaturated (LCP) fatty acids. The LCP fatty acids are needed for brain and retinal development. Large amounts of omega – 6 and omega – 3 LCP fatty acids, predominatedly the 20 – carbon arachidonic acid (AA) and the 22 – carbon docosahexaenoic acids (DHAs), are deposited in the developing brain and retina during prenatal and early postnatal growth.”
“Human milk, in addition to its numerous nutrients that make it an ideal food source for the growing term infants, is a bioactive fluid that evolves from colostrum to mature milk as the infant matures. This bioactive fluid contains numerous factors and live cells that, in concert, promote the growth and well – being of the breastfeeding infant.”
Sirius associated with a wolf – wolf in canine family
Sirius Personified as a Dog in Ancient World Culture
The Capitoline She – Wolf (Lupa Capitolina)
Valentine‘s Day – Roman Festival of Lupercalia
Lupa - wolf

The Capitoline She –Wolf on display at the Capitoline Museums in Rome
Nursing the twins Romulus and Remus (Rome)
A Symbol for Possessing the Astronomical Knowledge of Sirius, the Dog Star and Her Role in World History and Culture
In Chinese astronomy Sirius is known as the star of “Celestial Wolf”.
The Wolf (Skidi) tribe knew Sirius as the “Wolf Star”.
Other branches referred to Sirius as “Coyote Star”
Dog god and dog goddesses are associated with the underworld
The Sumerian Bau
Merlin’s Black Dog of Celtic folklore
Eskimo goddess Sedna and Her dog companion
Greek Cerberus guarding the Gates of Hades
The Seri and Tohono O’odham of the southwest note the star as a dog that follows mountain shee.
The Alaskan Inuit of the Bering Strait called Sirius “Moon Dog”
The Blackfoot referred to Sirius as “Dogface”.
The Cherokee paired Sirius with Antares as a dog – star guardian of either end of the “Path of Souls"
“Coins retrieved from the island of Ceos in the Aegean Sea from the 3rd century BC feature dogs or stars with emanating rays, highlighting Sirius’ importance.”
The Romans celebrated the helical setting of Sirius around April 25, sacrificing a dog, along with incense, wine, and a sheep.
The Alignment of Sirius, Orion (3), Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) Displayed in the Layout of Washington, D.C.
The heliacal rising of Sirius is not the only astronomical event that occurs in the sky on July 4th. The alignment of Sirius, Orion (3), Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) illuminates the sky on that day as well. European Masons have preserved the ancient astronomical and geometrical knowledge of this star alignment in the layout of Washington, D.C., the Vatican and many other cities. The Compass and Square symbol displayed on Masonic buildings embodies the ancient astronomical and geometrical knowledge of star systems, star alignments, astronomical and geometrical layout of cities and the astronomical and geometrical information encoded in the architectural designs of buildings.
This excerpt from Moors and Masonry, projected to be released in the Fall of 2012 provides the general public with a proper view of Masonry. The people have been given a distorted view of Masonry which leads them to be disinterested in the masonically buried ancient knowledge of astronomy and geometry. Educating the general public about the ancient star alignment of Sirius, Orion (3), Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) will instill a greater appreciation for the Fourth of July Celebration which did not begin with the English Colonies in 1776.
The architectural layout of the Washington Monument / Obelisk, the Capitol Building and the White House reflects the alignment of Sirius, Orion (3), Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7). The Star of David (Jewish Star / Hexalpha / Six – pointed Star) embodies the principle expressed in the Declaration of Independence of Nature’s Law and Nature’s God. The upright triangle in the “Jewish Star” represents the ancient star alignment of Sirius, Orion (3), Taurus (5) and Pleiades (7) in the sky while the inverted triangle symbolizes the duplication of the star alignment in the layout of Washington, D.C., the Vatican and other cities throughout the world..
Sirius is brightest star in the sky.
Orion (3) is band of three stars aligned in a belt.
Taurus (5) is cluster of five stars.
Pleiades (7) is a group of seven stars.

Star Alignment Layout of Washington D.C 1st Degree FM Tracing Board Winding Staircase 3, 4, 5 Triangle

The Six Pointed Star The Blazing Star The Great Seal 33 Degree Arc 33 Degree Arc