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Message 1 of 57 on the subject |
5. Lactantius declaró (De Morte 44) que el emperador vio a Cristo en un sueño en donde le ordenó que pintara en los escudos de su ejército “Chi-Rho” (primeras dos letras de la palabra Cristo en griego: Χριστός -ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ- (khristos)) las cuales forman el monograma cristiano;

7. El Labarum o Chi-Rho según In Vita Constantini de Eusebio, se afirma que antes de la batalla vio una cruz sobre el sol con la inscripción “Bajo este signo vencerás”, esa noche Cristo se le apareció y le dijo que pintara la cruz (llamado Labarum) en los escudos de sus soldados (Vita 1: 27-32); la autenticidad de Vita (335 o 338) es generalmente admitida;

[Nota del Traductor: Pueden observarse otros ejemplos del Monograma de Cristo, Crismón o Labarum en el Museo Pio Cristiano, del Vaticano. El cual es generalmente representado junto con las letras griegas Alpha (A) y Omega (minúscula ώ o mayúscula Ω, según la propia descripción que Jesucristo hace de sí mismo (Apocalipsis XXII,13)] |
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Message 13 of 57 on the subject |
Ok, now you know; then it helps to also become aware of the concomitant paradigm, that the official history of the “Discovery” of America by Columbus is also one big plain HOAX. None of the goings-on that were implicit in the saga behind the scenes, is ever told to you, oh little mortal. Of course the illuminati elites were keenly in the know regarding the fact that the Earth is not flat but a globe, after all this was open knowledge among the ancient Greeks, so why in hell would they have not known something that was already acquired part of the science of the age for almost a thousands years before already in the occidental world…? Of course Inspector Clouseau, the underlying plot involved the dissolution of the Knights Templar in 1314 AD, which fled France as they had advanced warning that King Philip of France and Pope Innocent were conspiring to strike at them, so that the King could erase the enormous debt he had incurred to the Templars, and the Church could now own the vast real estate the Templars owned. But then again, these are merely the outskirts of the saga; the Templars had enacted the CRUSADES to “liberate” Jerusalem, in themselves just a cover for the same agenda to locate/own/control all ancient repositories of Atlantean technology in the Middle East, therefore there was a Saga-Behind-The-Saga, sort of like peeling an onion layer after layer. The Templars fled to Scotland (and I assume they already knew about Spitsbergen further Northwest), then some of those back to their American pre-Columbus outposts which they had been establishing centuries before already. It’s completely self-evident there were factions not fond of each other both within the Church and the Monarchy(and european Monarchies in general), and those who knew about these secret crucial things were certain not confiding in those who they distrusted, producing a rift that is at the bottom of all this convoluted history behind the “Discovery” of America.
Admiral Lord Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald
Along these lines appears this SCOTTISH naval hero of the British Crown, who is publicly demoted after a fake scandal and is hired by Chilean liberator Bernardo O’Higgins the son of the No. 2 man for the Spanish Crown in the entire Americas -one irish nobleman robbed by Cromwell, Ambrose O’Higgins-. This Ambrose to his death and to this day carries the eerie title of “MARQUIS OF OSORNO” which has never been an important outpost or military strategic location, yet Osorno borders with Chiloe Island, you catch my drift…? In other words his strange title only can be explained as being a CODE for the Chiloe ref in respect to the mythical quest for the “Ciudad de los Cesares” or “El Dorado”. Sure, there are for ex the Jackson’s in the Osorno region of Chile who are the legal direct descendants of the Ambrose O’Higgins family, but they bear no titles or riches whatsoever, the few of them still around if at all are strictly rural owners of small lands in the Rio Rahue near coastal mountain area (an area composed of many native indians); this out of sync “Marquis of Osorno” title is thus the tip of the iceberg of the hidden agenda I’ve described, the small trace of the larger saga. Much later in the 20th century a doctor in philosophy from the Gregorian University (a St Ignatius of Loyola founded institution in Europe, a stronghold of the Jesuits), one Francisco Valdes Subercaseaux of aristocratic Chilean lineage from the capital Santiago, becomes an evangelizer monk within this exact geographic spot in the Rio Rahue (and also the larger Araucania at the northern edge of the Chilean Patagonia), a legendary figure in the region who befriended the indians and whom they respected and considered as true friend; he was then abruptly named the Bishop of Osorno, and one but cannot hint at the possibility of a still latent during the 20th century interest in these hidden things. Specially since as soon as one school in that small southern german colonization city went broke, new Bishop Valdes Subercaseaux proceeded in 1960 to call the progressive leaning JESUITS FROM MARYLAND IN THE US (that is almost Washington and Langley-Virginia for those lacking in coordinates), when the Osorno small city already had a very well established German School (Deutsche Schule), a French School, an Osorno College School, an Inmaculada Concepcion School for the girls run by Italian nuns, plus all the usual public schools. SEEMS TO ME A LOT OF FOREIGN SCHOOLS FOR SUCH A SMALL IRRELEVANT CITY at the northern edge of Chilean Patagonia, DON’T YOU THINK…? (at the time its population aprox a paltry 60 thousand). Now I’m exerting great care for precise minutia here, since that very region is also rife with outlandish tales concerning an alleged “Nazi Immigration” after World War 2 (not related to the 1st massive government sponsored German immigration from 1852 to 1930), so details do matter here; if you are slow in the head let me spell it up and serve it in a platter for you, as what actually was happening was not “only” an interest by the Nazis in that era during World War 2, BUT BY A LOT OF COUNTRIES IN THE DEVELOPED WORLD. In other words, as the Nazis were making strides in their secret search for Atlantean lost technology, it’s completely evident they classified the Patagonia as one of the “hot-spots” for that, and proceeded to establish some contacts there making profit of the extensive previous German massive colonization in the region. But you see, centuries before them the European JESUITS had already established themselves in the island of Chiloe in Chilean Patagonia (only to be later expelled mysteriously by the Chilean government in an obscure episode, thus Bishop Valdes Subercaseaux was sort of welcoming the Jesuits back, symbolically so), and later our super spy mercenary by default the famous sea wolf Lord Thomas Cochrane also ventured deep into the region, conquering the northern Valdivia port, and later without success attempting to take also the island of Chiloe from the Spanish Crown -their last outpost in the Americas-. But in Part I you saw I proposed some “alternative” interests by our brazen Lord Cochrane, to possibly attempt to reach by sea & lake the BARILOCHE region of Argentina across the Andes (which are quite shallow at that latitude), and who does not yet know that lately Bariloche has been sindicated by a string of conspiracy researchers as a suspected last secret refuge of none other than… Adolf Hitler (acc to those who insist he did not really die in Berlin)…! A quick YouTube search on the matter will illustrate the point, some videos even from official Argentinian TV researching the subject…!, loaded with exquisite detail apparently -if one is to believe any of such claims-.
In Red the older pre-1960 massive earthquake still ship navigable RIVER INLET (from now abandoned port at La Barra of Rio Bueno tying up with Rio Rahue at the inland fork called Trumao) deeper into the Osorno lakes region in southern Chile, in the Conquest days the essential route inland and into Bariloche from the Pacific Ocean, since Chiloe Island below was a tough stronghold of the Spanish Crown until a very late date in history
I strongly suspect the ocean estuary Northeast of Chiloe Island ending today in Cochamo, connected much closer to
Bariloche in Argentina than today, perhaps linking with lake branches that have since then disappeared with the region’s
highly active history of massive earthquakes, changing the topography. This would mean that the Spanish during the early
Conquest days had much easier access mostly by sea from Chiloe Island into Bariloche in Argentina, and that perhaps
Lord Thomas Cochrane was already aware of this route as an alleged secret Templar, and attempted to venture in there;
this extrapolation is better grasped with an enlargement of the area map ending in PEULLA right before Bariloche, below:
PEULLA in Lake Todos los Santos (All the Saints Lake) opposite to PETROHUE , the gateway into Bariloche in Argentina. Notice the "almost" connection from sea estuary at Cochamo & Ralun, with this connecting lake (the present day still existing direct water connection via Rio Petrohue is not navigable in many portions, due to unpassable river rapids -the famous Saltos del Petrohue-; another possibility is that these extreme rapids did not exist as such before some massive earthquakes, of course)
Also do observe the following linguistic fractals:
(St Peter’s Square or Piazza San Pietro)
It seems to me a fractal synchronicity linking at each end of the All the Saints Lake the allegorical figures of:
“PETER” (Petrohue) & ”PAUL” (Peulla)
Lake Todos los Santos water crossing through from PETROHUE to PEULLA into Bariloche -Argentina, with majestic Volcan Osorno behind; THIS EMBLEMATIC VOLCANO COULD HAVE SERVED AS AN IMPOSSIBLE TO MISS ROUTE LANDMARK
tourists disembarking in PEULLA from PETROHUE in Chile on their route to Bariloche in Argentina; the waters of Lake Todos los Santos are notoriously EMERALD (at one point it was indeed called LAGO ESMERALDA), in my opinion another strong impossible to miss route landmark. Were the "saints" alluded in the present name of the lake, a covert ref to the very early TEMPLARS of pre-Columbus days...?
But guess what…? Lord Thomas Cochrane most famously captured the Spanish frigate ship ESMERALDA at Callao in
Peru (Nov 1820) at the near-end end of the Spanish Crown in South America; in honor of such event Chile later
built its iconic training ship called ESMERALDA (built in Cadiz-Spain in 1951 as repayment from Spain to Chile)
Chilean historic ESMERALDA training ship visiting Pearl Harbor
The world’s 1st powered (by steam) ship was built by none other than… -you guessed it- Lord Thomas Cochrane, who commissioned it for use in his assignment under Bernardo O’Higgins in Chile’s Independence struggle against the Spanish Crown. Strange that what was then an avant-garde and cutting-edge technology built at the world center of maritime and warfare activity -England- by the former British Empire’s most renowned Admiral, was to be deployed so far away , don’t you think…? Unfortunately the construction plans did not play out well, and the ship’s engine had to be redesigned, thus arriving 6 months later than scheduled in Chile. BUT IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE UNDERLYING SAGA I HAVE SUMMARIZED FOR YOU, IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE THAT A SECRET TEMPLAR (WHICH I SUGGEST LORD THOMAS COCHRANE WAS) NEEDED A POWERED SHIP TO GUARANTEE THE TRANSPORT OF HIGHLY SENSITIVE ANCIENT MATERIAL EITHER TO OR FROM THE PATAGONIA, SINCE A SHIP ENGINE MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANY PIRATE SHIP TO RACE AGAINST IT. Call it “extreme insurance”, which makes you think how important was whatever was to be transported. Oh, and the name of the ship…? You also guessed it:
the “RISING STAR” (another code name for “Lone Star”)
*A 410/480 ton vessel with a 60 Horse Power engine, the 1st steam warship ever to cross the Atlantic East to West (1821-1822)*
Svalbard - Spitsbergen; GLOBAL SEED VAULT, its architecture eerily reminiscent of the mythical NOAH'S ARK
A current day example of such agendas to store in safe vaults at very remote places things crucial for human survival is found in none other place than SPITSBERGEN, where the world’s emergency Global Seed Vault is located; it seems to me this location is simply following a much more ancient (post Atlantean and/or post Egyptian) similar use. In my other older blog I once mentioned the below synchronicity:
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Message 14 of 57 on the subject |
The Sun-like stars on the ground are represented … and once again mirroring the Hiram Abiff star map where the great Star fortress (a big feature in Dan Browns Angels and Demons) is the ultimate star… the star of Bethlehem. This star secret is also found on the seal of the American one dollar bill by overlaying one seal over the other.
Ref 1 - Masonic history part one.
Ref 2 - National Treasure - George Washington secret.
More importantly a secret probably shared between the most followed religions, a secret that could unite them all… the icon of the Hebrews… the Menorah and the Star of David, the icon of Christianity the XP Chi-Rho and the Bethlehem star … and the icon of Islam, the Crescent and the star Ref.
If there is just one thing you only have time to compare on this page to get the meaning of the sacred pattern of Orion showing the way alignment to what appear conclusively to be three sun-like star in specific positions near the Pleiades... Then compare the star pattern of no (4) out of the group of four images above titled - 'The Secret', compare it with the stars over the Vatican on Christmas eve with the Popes at midnight… and the Hiram Abiff star map... all 3 are a match.
The Vatican layout is the same pattern too… how much more evidence than this do scholars need?
The three Sun-like stars are shown in the third image below... all three of which Wayne believes is the secret of the Solar Trinity. Something not worth worshiping, but something one should feel a sense of greatness about if these star systems with planets are the places of our ancestors... people that evolved in another star system... a place that has little to do with The Creation of the universe. Is it so bad that we are descendant of Angelic beings... Aliens... that took over from Neanderthal as he became extinct in the last Ice age? I think not.
But if it is our spiritual origins and God that you seek ... be sure to see the new evidence Wayne has presented at Oneism.org.
Proof of the sacred cross of Christ as Orion... Click here.
For the full Vatican story... Click here.
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Message 15 of 57 on the subject |
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Message 16 of 57 on the subject |
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Message 17 of 57 on the subject |
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Message 18 of 57 on the subject |
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Message 19 of 57 on the subject |
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Message 20 of 57 on the subject |
Constantine the roman emperor who was resposible for the Nicene Creed that put together the Bible for political purposes as he wanted the early Christians to fight on the side of Rome was into some other stuff also. The point was to get the old testament added into the new "State Religion". We have been sold a story that is so heavily and deliberately encoded that still has some eliments of truth/fact in there it just needs decoding. These are examples of coins used in the roman empire under the rule of Constantine. This is the Seal of Constantine. Pay CLOSE attention to the back of the seal. He was Mr. "In hoc signo vinces" In this sign you will conquer which really turns out to be soemthing else. The kights templar were central to the plan for the Holy Roman Empire........ Below a masonic diagram. What an empire we have been consistantly given new rewritten dogma for old for the puposes of keeping us asleep to the real game going on behind the scenes. To keep us bound to their will while they rule over us.
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Message 21 of 57 on the subject |
Circular Dendera Zodiac
In the roof temple of Hathor at Dendera we find the circular Dendera zodiac.

Dendera Zodiac, temple of Hathor
In the picture below we notice that Horus (1) is depicted in his barque on the Milky Way on the green cross. This cross represents the Galactic Cross since it runs through the signs Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo. Horis needs his barque to cross the Milky Way (Great River in the sky) during a precession cycle when the Sun shifts through the Galactic Equator at Great Celestial Conjunction solstices and equinoxes as a result of precession.
Notice also that the bull with horns and solar disk (Taurus) is depicted multiple times (blue circles 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10). These bulls got the solar disk in between their horns and demonstrate that Isis-Hathor must have been regarded very important by the zodiac makers since it is referenced six times in the zodiac! The four bulls head on a pillar (9) might represent the four Great Celestial Conjunctions that occur during a Great Year. During a Great Year, the Sun aligns with the Milky Way near the Gemini-Taurus nexus on two equinoxes and two solstices, hence four conjunctions! Also the bull (2) with the horns and solar disk on the pillar next to Isis represents a conjunction of the Sun and Milky Way on the Gemini-Taurus nexus. Notice that Isis makes a four pointed cross with her flail and sceptre! Egyptian Pharaohs were buried in this gesture. The presence of all these bulls with the solar disks could mean that the Dendera Zodiac encodes Great Celestial Conjunctions.

1 Horus 2 Cow with solar disk 3 Leo with tail up 4 Cow with solar disk 5 Leo with tail down 6 Cow with solar disk 7 Taurus 8 Cow with solar disk 9 Cow with solar disk 10 Cow with solar disk

Dendera Zodiac, red circles contain the signs of Leo. The blue circles contain the signs of Taurus. In the black circle Horus in depicted in his barque on the Milky Way and the Galactic Cross (green cross)
In the picture below all of the signs of the zodiac are encircled and numbered. Notice that the signs are not evenly distributed. There are also two four pointed crosses in the zodiac. The green cross represents the Galactic Cross since it runs exactly through the signs Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo and Taurus. The second cross red cross runs next to the signs Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Aries and I suggest it represents the Earth Cross.
The Earth Cross (red cross) is held by Horus (falcon headed deity) who’s depicted in twofold in the outer rim of the zodiac. Horus is holding the Earth Cross because he represents the Sun that moves along the zodiac during the precession cycle. The Galactic Cross (green cross) is held by the female deity Isis. Isis is associated with the fixated Galactic Cross since she corresponds with the Gemini-Taurus nexus where the ecliptic and the Milky Way intersect.
1 Aries 2 Taurus 3 Gemini 4 Cancer 5 Leo 6 Virgo 7 Libra 8 Scorpio 9 Sagittarius 10 Capricorn 11 Aquarius 12 Pisces
13 Lion
Dendera Zodiac contains an 8 pointed cross. The green cross represents the Galactic Cross. The red cross represents the Earth Cross, the red arrows correspond with the counter clockwise direction of precession
Apparently the designers of the zodiac wanted to preserve the symmetry of the 8 pointed cross otherwise the Earth Cross would have been drawn straight through the signs Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Aries as was done with the Galactic Cross. However for the Earth Cross the signs are depicted next to the cross.
There is another very important reason why this was done. If we look at the sign Cancer (4) we notice that it is not placed on the Earth Cross (red cross) where it should have been if the signs were evenly distributed, instead Gemini (3) takes its place. Cancer (4) is placed to the left and pushed upwards on the Galactic Cross along with Leo (5)! This odd placement of Cancer could suggest the conjunction of the Earth Cross and Galactic Cross!
The conjunction of both crosses is also suggested by depicting Leo twice in the zodiac. Leo is depicted once near the Earth Cross (13) and once where he really belongs on the Galactic Cross (5) (see picture above)
In addition the tail of the lion near the Earth Cross (13) is turned up over his back while the lion is looking at its own tail. The tail of the lion near the Galactic Cross (5) has his tail turned down. The tail has swayed in counter clockwise direction, the direction of precession in the Dendera Zodiac (notice the red arrows on the Earth Cross). As a result of the counter clockwise rotation of the Earth Cross, it becomes conjunct with the Galactic Cross where the second lion is depicted! In addition the Lion on the Galactic Cross (5) is now depicted on a barque as if he’s travelled!
Left : Lion (13) corresponding with the Earth Cross Right: Lion (5) corresponding with the Galactic Cross, this lion is placed inside a barque!
Dendera Zodiac and Great Celestial Conjunctions
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz has pointed out that there are two hieroglyphs (1, 8) used on the exterior of the zodiac disk that represents the cardinal directions East and West (see picture below). In other words the axis (blue line) drawn through these glyphs represents an equinoctial axis and Schwaller de Lubicz believed that this line encoded the start date of the cult of the sacred bull Apsis and the inauguration of the new Pharonic calendar around 4240 BC. This time coincidentally happens to be close to the previous Great Celestial Conjunction!
Let’s have a careful look at the equinoctial line (blue line); it passes in between Gemini (5) -Taurus (6) and Sagittarius (4) -Scorpio (3). In other words the equinoctial axis also represents the Galactic Equator. Both the Galactic Equator and the equinoctial axis align! Gemini occurs twice (5, 7), once on the Galactic Equator (5) and once on the rim (7) near the East glyph (8). At the other end of the Galactic Equator we find Sagittarius (4) and Scorpio (3). Near the West glyph on the Galactic Equator we find Isis and the cow with the solar disk in between the horns placed on a pillar (2)! This glyph suggests the Sun on the Milky Way near the Gemini-Taurus nexus; it’s the symbolism behind Isis-Hathor that we decoded above!
We therefore conclude that Schwallar de Lubicz equinoctial axis is in fact encoding the Great Celestial Conjunction about 6480 years ago when the vernal equinox aligned with the Galactic Plane near the Taurus-Gemini nexus. In other words the equinoctial line through the hieroglyphs of East and West (blue line) in the Dendera zodiac encodes the Great Celestial Conjunction around 4480 BC. This is within a 240 year range of Schwaller de Lubicz estimated year. Since the year 4480 BC for the previous Great Celestial Conjunction is an estimation that is based on a Platonic Year (25920 years) that various within time, it’s safe to suggest that the previous Great Celestial Conjunction was indeed targeted by the Dendera zodiac.


1 West glyph 2 Isis-Taurus 3 Scorpio 4 Sagittarius 5 Gemini 6 Taurus 7 Gemini 8 East glyph 9 Horus on pillar

Dendara Zodiac Swaller de Lubicz. On the outer rim the hieroglyphs of the cardinal directions east and west appear.
But let’s also point out an inconsistency as well! The blue line in the picture above denotes the equinox axis that aligns with the Milky Way at the Gemini-Taurus nexus in the constellation Gemini. However at the opposite side of the Galactic Equator at the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus, the equinox axis runs through Scorpio (3) instead of Sagittarius (4) which is incorrect! Fortunately there is a very specific reason for this and we can pardon the zodiac makers; Sagittarius had to be used for another Galactic Equator axis in de zodiac as well and it can’t be in two places at the same time. If we take a look at the axis that reads ‘Axis of the Temple’ (vertical red line, picture above) we notice that this line runs through Gemini (5) and Sagittarius (4), this is the correct axis for the Galactic Equator! In addition Horus (Sun) appears on the pillar (Milky Way) (9). Horus is actually represented here as the falcon (Horus is the falcon headed deity) on a papyrus stem, but the symbology is identical, solar god on the pillar, the Sun on the Galactic Equator.
Could it be that there is another Great Celestial Conjunction encoded in the Dendera zodiac?

Dendera, Winter Solstice Sunrise
In the picture above the winter solstice at Dendera is depicted. Notice that the azimuth of the winter solstice sunrise at Dendera is 116 º 30’. The angle between Swaller de Lubicz equinoctial axis and the Axis of the Temple in the zodiac is exactly 26 º 6’ (See bottom of the picture above).
But this angle also happens to be the exact angle between the vernal equinox axis and the winter solstice axis!
The accuracy is stunningly precise! But what does it mean?
If we rotate the red line of the Axis of the Temple that we just identified as the Galactic Equator over an angle of 26 º 6’ in the direction of precession, that is to say in a counter clockwise direction, the axis will align with Schwaller de Lubicz equinoctial line. We therefore suggest that the red line of the Axis of the Temple also corresponds with the winter solstice axis (see picture above). But if this is true we have a winter solstice axis aligned with the Galactic Equator, in other words we’ve found another Great Celestial Conjunction!
This Great Celestial Conjunction occurred half a precession cycle ago around 10.500 BC when the Sun aligned with the Galactic Equator near the Gemini-Taurus nexus (Isis-Hathor association) on the winter solstice. This time corresponds with the Egyptian first time or Zep Tepi and the time of the Great Flood. Not only the Sumerians and Babylonians paid much attention to the Great Celestial Conjunction of half a precession cycle ago (Great Flood), but the Egyptians as well!
Rectangular Dendera Zodiac
In the Hypostyle Hall at Dendera we find the rectangular zodiac. The zodiac is flanked by two deities that are both adorned with 8 pointed crosses (rose like). The 8 pointed cross exists of a 4 pointed cross with large petals and one with small petals that are superimposed. The crosses appear from head to toe and four additional crosses are depicted near the head that may represent the four Great Celestial Conjunctions in a Great Year.
Rectangular zodiac Dendera
The rectangular Dendera zodiac expresses the importance of the ecliptic-Milky crossings in various ways and it seems to be the most important message of this zodiac. All deities in the bottom bar are placed inside barques beneath the zodiac signs; they suggest they are travelling along the ecliptic. The barque is required to cross the great river in the sky, the Milky Way when the gods travel along the ecliptic in a precession cycle. Near the female’s head with the 8 pointed crosses, the winged disk of Ra is depicted. Ra as the solar god travels along the ecliptic during a precession cycle.
Top: the four signs associated with the Galactic Equator and deity in circle Bottom left: Winged disk of Ra as the sun travelling along the ecliptic Bottom centre: Notice the 8 pointed crosses from head to toe on the deity Bottom right: The bull Taurus with the solar disk in the nape of his neck
At the exact place where the ecliptic crosses the Milky Way at the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus a deity is placed seated inside a circle in a boat! I suggest that he’s inside a womb since this place is the birthplace of the Sun on the Galactic Cross. He’s the only deity that is seated; all other deities are standing erect. The zodiac signs that are associated with the ecliptic-Milky Way crossings are placed in the sequence Taurus, Sagittarius, Gemini, Scorpio and not in the natural order they occur in the zodiac. Grouping them together in this way expresses the fact that these signs are important and belong together. They belong to the Galactic Equator! In addition in the zodiac Taurus the bull is depicted with the solar disk on his back (Isis-Hathor association, sun on the Milky Way near Gemini-Taurus).
http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/great%20celestial%20conjunction%20crosses2.html |
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Message 22 of 57 on the subject |
¿ Pensáis que "las 10 TribusPerdidas de Israel" en realidad son las actuales naciones europeas y occidentales?
Según Steven M.Collins varias de las naciones de Europa han sido pobladas por los israelitas huidos de Israel cuando la invasión del imperio Asirio.De hecho los Sajones en inglés Saxons parece que vienen de Isaac-sons , es decir hijos de Isaac.Isaac , por supuesto que sin ser una de las tribus era el abuelo de cada uno de los líderes de las 12 tribus. Dinamarca en danés es Danmark , es decir , "marca de Dan".Dan era una de las tribus perdidas.También se dice que Iberia viene de Heber o Eber que fue otro antepasado de los hebreos o Israelitas.También Hibernia, que era el nombre de la actual Irlanda , parece que tienen el mismo origen.Igualmente as Islas Hébridas o el río Ebro. Los judíos que pueblan el actual Israel no son de "las Diez Tribus Perdidas".Ellos vienen de la tribu de Judá que no fue cautiva cuando la conquista Asiria. Además British vendría del hebreo Brit (convenio) e Ish (hombre o pueblo). Incluso México sería una palabra del hebreo: Mexiko, Mexika, Meshikha (Meshija), Meshiakh (Meshiaj), Mesiah.En la época del rey Salomón Israel era un gran reino aliado a los fenicios.Ellos tenían contacto con la actual España y con las Islas Británicas.Según Steven M.Collins una descendiente del rey David fue llevada a las Islas Británicas y dieron origen a la actual Casa Real Británica y de ahí al resto de monarquías europeas. El rey Juan Carlos, como el resto de monarcas europeos sería judío de Judá : http://debates.coches.net/showthread.php… En el Escorial están klas estatuas de los supuestos antepasados de los reyes españoles: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivo:Mon…Steven M.Collins también dice que antes de Cristóbal Colón (1492 d.C.) e incluso de los vikingos (1000 d.C.) , este imperio Israelita-Fenicio del rey Salomón tenía contacto e incluso comercio con algunos de los habitantes de la antigua América. No os confundáis de blog , hay otro Steven M.Collins.Ahí os dejo un artículo de su blog: http://stevenmcollins.com/WordPress/?p=3… La pega es que es en inglés sólo. Disfrutad
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Message 23 of 57 on the subject |
59. Hechos 2:30: Pero siendo profeta, y sabiendo que con juramento Dios le había jurado que de su descendencia, en cuanto a la carne, levantaría al CRISTO para que se sentase en su trono,
60. Hechos 2:31: viéndolo antes, habló de la resurrección de CRISTO, que su alma no fue dejada en el Hades, ni su carne vio corrupción.
61. Hechos 2:36: Sepa, pues, ciertísimamente toda la casa de Israel, que a este Jesús a quien vosotros crucificasteis, Dios le ha hecho Señor y CRISTO.
62. Hechos 2:38: Pedro les dijo: Arrepentíos, y bautícese cada uno de vosotros en el nombre de Jesu CRISTO para perdón de los pecados; y recibiréis el don del Espíritu Santo.
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Message 26 of 57 on the subject |
 Sunrise Beltane Glastonbury
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Message 27 of 57 on the subject |
 O - I - K O = 15 =1111 I = 9 K = 11 At the right the Arch TT - Pi -cis - vesica  Traffic film 2000 - Scorpio Scorpion 911 Mithra scorpion - cosmic egg code - bull sacrifice - Taurus in El-even coordinates, God El -even, symmetry of Gemini and the Gem. Mithra is Venus, transit of the sun on 6-6 and birth of sun Christ, end of the pentagonal cycle of the ages towards the galactic center regeneration fire, black sun and Jesus crucifixion and resurrection on Christmas.   33 key encrypted behind - pyra-middle and 3 = 11 binary 33 =1111  In ancient Roman religion and mythology, Janus is the god of beginnings and transitions,[1] thence also of gates, doors, doorways, endings and time. He is usually a two-faced god since he looks to the future and the past. The Romans dedicated the month of January to Janus. The function of 'god of beginnings' has been clearly expressed in numerous ancient sources, among them most notably perhaps Cicero, Ovid and Varro.[22] As a god of motion he looks after passages, causes actions to start and presides over all beginnings, and since movement and change are bivalent, he has a double nature, symbolised in his two headed image.[23] He has under his tutelage the stepping in and out of the door of homes,[24] the ianua, which took its name from him,[25] and not viceversa.[26] Similarly his tutelage extends to the covered passages named iani and foremost to the gates of the city, including the cultic gate called the Argiletum, named Ianus Geminus or Porta Ianualis from which he protects Rome against the Sabines.[27] He is also present at the Sororium Tigillum, where he guards the terminus of the ways into Rome from Latium.[28] He has an altar, later a temple near the Porta Carmentalis, where the road leading to Veii ended, as well as being present on the Janiculum, a gateway from Rome out to Etruria.[29]
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