Princess Diana’s Engagement RING

Honey – Referred to as the food of the gods.
Moon – symbol of the flood goddess.
Prince William and Kate – Marry on April 29th, 2011.
April 29th, the Eve of the 66th full year since Hitler’s death.
April 30th, the HONEY-MOON begins on the anniversary of Hitler’s death.
May 1st, MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! the ritual celebration of Beltane, goddess of death.
MAY 1st, 2011 – 444 DAYS from LINCOLN’S Birthday (including February 12, 2010)
2010 OLYMPICS FEBRUARY 12,2010 TO MAYDAY, MAY 1, 2011=444 DAYS
The LION KING / LINCOLN, is on the move!
Julian Assange = Jewel-Lion A-Sange, or BLOOD in French
WikiLeaks exposing cables involving Tunisia, initiated the protest for DEMOCRACY.
Tunisia initiated the overthrow of Mubarak in Egypt in the drive for DEMOCRACY.
Egypt’s protest initiated protests in Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Jordan, and in LIBYA, all calling for DEMOCRACY.
Kilauea Volcano, home of Pele, goddess of volcanos.
APRIL 19 – A Very Peculiar Day Corresponding to the Number 6
April 19, 1933 – FDR takes the USA off the GOLD STANDARD
1933 to 2011 = 78 years – coincides with 6 on the 7th clockface
78 = 7+8 = 15 = 1+5 = 6
April 19, 1993 – WACO TEXAS MASSACRE
1993 to 2011 = 18 years – coincides with 6 on the 2nd clockface
18 = 6+6+6
April 19, 1995 – OKLAHOMA BOMBING / OK-LA-O-BOMB-A suggesting LA and Obama
1995 to 2011 = 16 years, the number associated with LINCOLN and OBAMA, 4×4 and 4 and 4, or 4 QUARTERS, the 4 SQUARE FOUNDATION coinciding with 4 on the 2nd clocface – 4+2=6
April 19, 2005 – Pope BENEDICT 16th becomes pope – suggesting BENEDICT ARNOLD the BETRAYER
16 = the number of LINCOLN the LION KING and OBAMA
2005 to 2011 = 6 years
More subliminal suggestion in the numbers 19, 109, 119 and 29
April 19 is the 109th day of the year.
The 4 Corner Cross States are located at 109 degrees W.
The vertical border of the 4 Corner Cross Sacrifice States points exactly to EASTER ISLAND – relating to the EASTER SEASON of SACRIFICE.
Easter 2011 begins on Palm Sunday April 17.
PASSOVER occurs on APRIL 19th 2011.
GOOD FRIDAY corresponds with April 22.
The Royal Wedding takes place on April 29th.
APRIL 29th is the 119th DAY OF THE YEAR.
119 = 9-11 in reverse
… and even more symbolic numbers!
April 7, 2011 – Japan experienced another huge aftershock of 7.1 mag.
April 7, 2011 = 04/07/11 = 4+7=11 + 11 = 22
March 11, 2011 = Japan’s EQ 9 mag.
March 11, 2011 = 03/11/11 = 3+11+11 = 322
Radioactive IODINE 131 is leaking from the FUK-U-shima Nuclear Plant.
The scientific symbol for Iodine is ‘I’, the 9th letter.
The number 131 coincides with 11 on the 11th clockface.
IODINE 131 = 9-11.
William and Kate’s Silver Ring Symbolism…
$20 Commemorative COIN For William And Kate

Prince William Sound EQ And Hurricane Katrina
April 29, 2011 – 66 YEARS to the day, that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were married
Just one day before they either, committed suicide, or were secreted out of Germany to who knows where. In any respect, what is significant with this date, is that it coincides with William and Kate’s wedding date.

William And Kate/Diana Wedding
With the symbolism of William giving Kate his mother Diana’s Engagement Ring, the Oedipus Complex of sexually possessing your mother in marriage and killing your father is subliminally suggested. The royal family is not at all adverse to the idea of incest, as it is, that the royal families of Europe affectionately look upon Queen Victoria as the Grandmother of Europe. Even Diana and Charles were distant cousins.
The ancient Athenian Greek tragedy play called ‘Oedipus The King’ was first performed in 429 BC. This is regarded by many as the Greek Tragedy par excellence.
429 BC = 04/29 or APRIL 29TH
William and Kate/Diana’s Wedding
Not only did William give Kate the BLUE SAPPHIRE ENGAGEMENT RING, encircled with 14 DIAMONDS.
Diana died 14 years ago, on August 31, 1997.
Kate wore a BEAUTIFUL BLUE DRESS as they announced their engagement to the world, exactly as Diana did when announcing her engagement to Prince Charles.
The similarities between Kate and Diana are staggering. Suffice it to say, that both are stunningly beautiful, able to captivate with their presence alone, and seemingly genuine personalities. The activity surrounding Kate and her fashion, and her sexual appeal relates to that extended to Diana as she wove her way into the hearts of the world to become the QUEEN of HEARTS.
On the chart immediately below, the painting in the lower left corner shows Oedipus explaining the Riddle of the Sphinx to the female Sphinx, which is symbolic of his Mother. This is the same symbolism associated with the Mother and Child, or Madonna and Child worship going back to ancient Babylon amd Egypt and now to modern day Mary and Jesus mythology.
The name OEDIPUS suggests the female sexual anatomy referred to flippantly as a PUSSY, which is a CAT which in turn is KATE.
KATE is a CAT which is the SPHINX which is the symbol of the female LUNAR GOD who is known by many names, and in particular, as DIANA.
Modern day psychologists refer to this sexual obsession that boys have with their mothers as the Oedipus Complex, which seems to arrive at the 3rd stage of sexual development called the PHALLIC STAGE, between the age of 3 to 6 years.
The symbolism in this ‘Menage et Trois’ type wedding, is suggesting the FLOOD of the LUNAR GODDESS. The actual day and time are not important, as TIME is ILLUSORY and does not exist. What is worth noting, is that the FLOOD of JUDGMENT will appear to occur when the luciferian Thought Process deems it crucial to bring it into our 3D conscious illusory reality.

William – The Sun / Kate – The Moon = SOL-O-MON
With the symbolic union of William the Sun/Son of ‘God’, and Kate being the Mother ‘God’, or the Moon Goddess Diana, the subliminal relating to the Sacrifice Pillars of Solomon’s Temple are in motion. (Keep in mind that the 2 Pillars are Al-AQSA, or ALASKA, and the 11 Western States, which is the Foundation Stone, or Judgment Stone). Just as the world became a very different illusory place to experience after the WTC attack of 9-11, so too will the world be a very different place after the events which are unfolding throughout the world, and those events still to come. In a very sick sort of way, the best is yet to come.
The relationship of the Royal Wedding to the EQ’s and Oil Disasters of recent times, and how they relate symbolically to Hitler’s life, marriage and death, are intended to suggest another HOLOCAUST = HOLY CAUSE. Even as Hitler exterminated many Jewish people, he also eliminated Blacks, Christians, homosexuals, and basically anyone not following the desired path which would keep in step with his vision of the Third Reich, or Holy Roman Empire reborn.
This Holy Roman Empire rebirth is the subliminal of a New Age, or a New World Order, which is always coming in the future in this 3D illusory life experience. For this reason the marriage and death dates associated with Hitler are again being associated with the Royal Wedding. A New World which will never be established, but will always be just out of reach like the proverbial carrot on a stick, and one that the masses will follow after, blindly, as they’re herded into the cozy gas chambers for delousing, which, in the United States of America is referred to as Homeland Security. The borders are being tightened so the masses can be deloused for sacrifice, with no option to relocate. Even if relocation were an option, the Sacrifice of Solomon’s Temple cannot be avoided by physical relocation. For the events that will bring to pass this ritual will be so far reaching as to make physical relocation useless. Just ask the Japanese, the Haitians, the Indian Ocean countrymen, of their experiences, and the reality sets in, that what’s meant to come to pass is beyond human comprehension in the 3D sense.
The only way of escape is through emotional disconnection to this 3 dimensional illusory joke. Everything within this 3D realm has an aspect of such incredible lunacy and insanity, and still, the people look to the leaders, the elite, the power-brokers for salvation and relief. When in reality, all of these elite movers and shakers, and the many not so elite conspiracy truthers, who are attempting to cause the masses to rise up like a lion to replace the head haunchos with yet another set of elitists, are the ones perpetuating the emotional connection to the 3D illusory experience. Escape is only accomplished by realizing that there is no path to follow to achieve oneness and the paradise state. For a path suggests distance, which is space, which is time, and Time and Space do not exist. Therefore, those who attempt to initiate a revolution of violence or non-violence, are leading the masses into a gas chamber of horrific proportions, even as they’re cheered for setting them free from the illusory bonds of corruption and deceit, only to be bound with a new fresh set of fetters, even stronger than the first. The only way of escape is through the mind, and the total emotional disconnect from believing that any of this hellish 3D experience has any validity or worth.
The Royal Wedding is a major ritual marker in the luciferian agenda. The Son, born when the sun was at its highest point in the sky, on the Summer Solstice, and born of a mother who was born on July 1, (Canada’s birthday) as the sun is descending and leading into the Flooding of the Nile on July 4, (USA birthday) and the regeneration of things to come. This is the Sacrifice of Solomon’s Temple, set in motion, for an illusory time, and an illusory place, in the not to distant future. The only way of escape is to come out of the Trance, … and reclaim what each of us already are, … which is the Wisdom State of All Knowing, … we are the Paradise State and nothing will ever change that Eternal State of Being.
Once this sacrifice is fulfilled according to the mathematical attitude of the luciferian agenda, the whole insane process will start all over again.