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Resposta  Missatge 1 de 40 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 10/10/2011 04:17

Another proof the Modern/Roman calendar can't be right is that all time keeping instruments must have a starting point. If the starting point for dates is an arbitrary earthly one, such as the International Date Line (I.D.L.) instead of the heavenly conjunctions of the greater and lessor lights. You will have Friday the sixth day of the week on one side of the line and Saturday the seventh day of the week on the other side, and both sides of the line are in the same evening and morning.

It would be preparation day as the evening arrives on one side of the line, and the Shabbat day on the other side, a whole day apart. Then when one side of the line keeps the Shabbat and the other side keeps the preparation, the next day the other side of the line will keep it's Shabbat as the evening begins and the Shabbat will be over on the other side of the street at the same evening and they will go back to work on Sunday. One side will be working and the other keeping the Shabbat. Ask yourself; can the day be Qodesh on one side of the street and not on the other??? Only with man's calendar does this happen.

You do not have this problem with the Heavenly calendar of YaHuWaH because the starting point is in Heaven. For example, if both sides of the I.D.L. are looking at the moon and count six workdays and rest on the seventh, then as it gets dark, both sides will be keeping the same day; and both sides will be Qodesh to YaHuWaH.

Let us imagine the I.DL. running through Israel. Now, imagine Israelites camping on either side of the line. On one side, it will be the Shabbat day and on the other, it will be the preparation day. YaHuWuH does not work like that, because He is not the author of confusion. The Shabbat is the Shabbat for all His people when the evening starts. Can you imagine the day being Qodesh on one side of the camp and not the other???

Now, let us examine the currently accepted seven-day cycle. People Assume the weeks are Solar, when in fact they are Lunar. The Scriptures never mention a seven-day cycle. It is more a pattern of rest after six workdays, and the New moon is not one of the six work days. To prove the cycle wrong all one has to do is think. The earth is said to spin around once every twenty-four hours, causing a cycle. If someone were to walk east toward the sun while someone else stayed still, then the one walking would meet the sun earlier and earlier each day than the one sitting still. The one walking east would gradually gain time until they get 10 hours, 15 hours, and 24 hours ahead of the ones sitting still, a full cycle ahead.

Now if the one walking travels around the Earth, back to where the one standing still is, he will have gained one whole day, or cycle, because he made an extra cycle around the Earth while the other sat still and waited each day for the sun to rise. The traveler actually gained a sunrise at the end of the journey around the Earth, even if it took twenty years to complete.

This is a fact that cannot be denied. Now, given this fact, people keeping the earth's cycle by an earthly calendar that was introduced by Julius Cesar and it’s Modern I.D.L., have serious problems. If half of a group of people decides to go into the world to evangelize, and they migrate around the world keeping the seven-day cycle, when they meet up with the other half of the tribe twenty years later, or their descendants 2,000 years later, they would be one day apart in their Shabbat keeping, even though they have the same calendar and neither missed a beat on the seven-day so-called cycle.

Would you expect the travelers to go back around the world to get on the same day as the others? Or, would you expect them to deny the cycle of six workdays counting the New moon as one of them and just get back with the other half by losing a day and change the cycle they kept the last twenty years, or their ancestors did for the last 2,000 years?

If someone left Israel and traveled east around the world and came again from the west, they would be keeping the Shabbat a day ahead of the ones that stayed. This would not have been noticed if everyone in Israel had migrated around the world and came back because they were keeping the seven-day cycle and no one could tell them they were in another day, and both days could not be the day that YaHuWaH rested in the beginning.

You can prove all this by picturing two people on a merry-go-round, which would represent the Earth spinning and someone counting each time they came around. This counting person represents the sun. Now, if one person is sitting on the merry-go-round and the other walks toward the way they are spinning, the one walking will see and pass the person watching and counting, before the one sitting. The one walking sees the counter sooner and sooner and when the one walking gets back to where the one is sitting; the one walking will have been counted one more time as they passed the counter, which is representing the sun, in the same way as people migrate around the Earth. By keeping this cycle and this calendar; it is possible for 3 people to keep 3 different days as the Shabbat, and all be right according to the so-called Modern/Roman man made cycle. This is not so with the moon and the true cycles. The way you get 3 different Shabbats is if one went east and another west and the other stood still, one would gain a day the other would lose a day or revolution and the one would stay the same, making 3 different Shabbats.

People's minds are so conditioned to a seven-day weekly cycles, in the stead of the yearly cycle of 365 and 1/4 days broken by intermissions called Shabbats; they are worship days along with the New moon worship days. The year of 365 1/4 days which is broken up with days, or worship with no buying and selling.

The new moon is a worship day of no buying and selling but it is not a complete intermission/Shabbat. We have scripture where they traveled on that day. Moshe was commanded to set up the tabernacle on that day, it is the dark beginning of the month when Moshe reared up the tabernacle on earth, being a type or pattern of the dark beginning when YaHuWaH reared up his tabernacle in heaven and created heaven and earth.  Moshe was commanded to do the very same that YaHuWaH showed him in the Mount. Exo 40:1  And YaHuWaH spoke to Moshe, saying, Exo 40:2  On the first day of the month, on the first of the month, you shall raise up the tent of the tabernacle of the congregation.

Both Tabernacles were reared up on the dark New moon day or Rosh Chodesh (the Qodesh head or beginning). Therefore, the building of the Heavenly Tabernacle in the darkness and the repeat rebuilding days of the New moon from Conjunction area are parallel. This is the evidence that is needed in order to establish that Rosh Chodesh is reckoned from the evidence of the first sliver of a New moon, and not from the full moon as some have put forth. We also know that the rebuilding period for the moon can be up to about two and one half days.

YaHuWaH did rest the seventh day, or after the six workdays, but from the beginning it was the Eighth SEQUENCE OF EVENTS that He rested.  YaHuWaH created the Heaven and the Earth, end of conjunction of all things contained in Him creation being created out of and from the place of the Olam haba.  This was Before He made things on the earth on those six days. Everything was dark on that day, and it is a worship day before the first workday of the week just as in the beginning at creation when the Sons of YaHuWaH shouted (shouting and or trumpeting) for joy and applauded His handy work. Job 38:6  On what were its bases sunk? Or who cast its cornerstone, Job 38:7  when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of Elohiym shouted for joy?  

The Scripture teaches that they were without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep/waters. All this was before the first work day. Then the Ruach of YaHuWaH moved upon the face of the waters, and said, "Let there be light," but the heaven and earth was already here “before” He divided the light, (which He calls day) from the darkness, (which He calls night), then the evening and morning were the first workday, but before that, there was a dark earth and a dark Heaven with a dark moon in it, and as it is called in "With beginning" (Bo Reshiyth).

The first day on Creation would represent a type of the first work day and the first light from darkness; hence the first day after the first sliver. The first day would also represent a type of Equinox, more specifically a vernal equinox. Elohiym always was in the Olam haba (the place where He was before Creation, a timeless place); The Word was Him and was with Him, the Light, or for better reference the first sliver of light as a type of Rosh Chodesh ( The bringing forth of the word from conjunction with Him). In other words the very 1st work day in creation could have been the 1st Work Day of the year, the 1st work day of the Month or moon, And the 1st work day of the Week, and NOT the first work day of the week ONLY as some teach; hence Bo reyshiyth, translated as “with beginning”.

Day two the second work day. Day three the third work day.

The fourth day - the fourth work day, the day of the appointing of the moon and the sun, the moon, three days before first quarter. Remember you had evening and morning, evening and morning, evening and morning, before day four. You also had light, green things, night and day, creation of the Heavens, etc. before He made/appointed the sun and moon to rule and for the calendar. If the 4th work day of the week was also the 4th work day of the month, then the 7th day would be after the six work days and the 8th day of the month. So one can see there should have been a dark New moon before the 1st work day in the beginning when the heavens were dark. And even if there was not a dark New moon before the 1st work day, there would be one in the 2nd month in creation.

The fifth day was the fifth work day. The sixth day - the sixth work day, and the creation of man. Then the Shabbat, this would be a type of first quarter.

Nowhere in the scriptures does it say YaHuWaH created (Bara) the Heavens and the Earth in six days. It does say for in six days YaHuWaH made (yasar) Heaven and Earth. (See Exodus 20:11; Exo 20:11  For in six days YaHuWaH  made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all which is in them, and He rested on the seventh day; on account of this YaHuWaH blessed the sabbath day and sanctified it. )

The period of days between the last sliver of moon light and the rebuilding to the first sliver of New moon light can vary between one and two and one half days. This therefore, breaks up the so-called continuous cycle of sevens of man’s calendar.

The same Hebrew word for in the beginning of your months is the same Hebrew word for in the beginning when YaHuWaH created the heavens and earth or set up his tabernacle (Num 28:11 almost the same root; Num 28:11  And in the beginnings7218 of your months2320 ye shall offer7126 a burnt offering5930 unto YaHuWaH;3068 two8147 young1121, 1241 bullocks,6499 and one259 ram,352 seven7651 lambs3532 of the first1121 year8141 without spot;8549 ; Deu 11:12 is exact same root; Deu 11:12  A land776 which834 YaHuWaH3068 thy Elohiym430 careth1875 for the eyes5869 of YaHuWaH3068 thy Elohiym430 are always8548 upon it, from the beginning4480, 7225 of the year8141 even unto5704 the end319 of the year.8141 ).  It is not a complete rest but it is a day of worship with no buying and selling, therefore it is not one of the six ordinary workdays of the week. Ezekial 46:1 “the gate of YaHuWaH’s house is to be shut the six workdays of the week but is to be opened on the Shabbat and day of the New moon”

We are commanded to blow the Chatsotserah (silver trumpets) in the “beginning” of our months (Num 10:10  And in the day of your gladness, and in your appointed times, and in your new moons, you shall blow the Chatsotserah-trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings. And they shall be to you for a memorial before your Elohiym. I am YaHuWaH your Elohiym. ) and we are also commanded to blow the Chatsotserah and Shofars on the Shabbat which is a miqra (Qodesh assembly) which is AFTER six days of NOT blowing the Chatsotserah. It is a fact that the Chataotserah and Shofars are to be blown on these days throughout the 365 and 1/4 days each year but NOT on the six ordinary workdays as Ezekiel 46:1 proves.  The Chatsotserah (silver trumpets) are only to be blown on the special days that YaHuWaH made special such as New Moon, Shabbats, and the different feast days throughout the 365 and 1/4 day year.

The bottom line is, the cycle of the 365 1/4 work day year is interrupted with worship days of YaHuWaH. This interrupts what most people call a weekly cycle (seven day cycle), but the intermission worship day (Rosh Chodesh) is not of the cycle. Roah Chodesh followed by a count of six workdays then worship (sabbath) is a pattern and not a cycle; no more than the Roman eight day week that was a cycle every 8 days before they adopted this seven day so-called cycle.

It has also been brought up by some that 12 months x 30 days = 360, and this may well have been so before the flood. However, for there to be dew to water the ground and no rain, the rotational period of the earth would have had to have been faster. Then after the flood, rain occurred because the moisture had risen up higher into the atmosphere because the rotational period had changed to 365 ¼ days, thereby decreasing gravity and allowing for more breakup in the clouds and rain. The second Adar is added to compensate for an accumulation of several years of the extra 5 ¼ days; this did not however change the pattern of the Shabbat.


Lunar Based Shabbat

www.lunarsabbath.com/.../conclusive_evidence...En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
The Title “LORD” which the translators of the Bible used when they removed .... It can be seen that the Shabbat comes after six workdays and the New Moon is ...

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Resposta  Missatge 26 de 40 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 21/06/2016 00:38

Reply  Message 21 of 28 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 17/06/2016 22:49

Reply  Message 22 of 28 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 17/06/2016 22:51

Reply  Message 539 of 550 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 05/06/2016 23:11
Reply  Message 224 of 224 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/06/2016 13:40

TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010


“If one proceeded to announce that there is still nowadays a work of the former Egyptians, one of their books that escaped the flames that devoured their superb libraries, and which contains their purest doctrines on interesting subjects, everyone who heard, undoubtedly, would hasten to study such an invaluable book, such a marvel. If one also said that this book is very widespread in most of Europe, that for a number of centuries it has been in the hands of everyone, the surprise would be certain to increase. Would it not reach its height, if one gave assurances that no one ever suspected that it was Egyptian; that those who possessed it did not value it, that nobody ever sought to decipher a sheet of it; that the fruit of an exquisite wisdom is regarded as a cluster of extravagant figures which do not mean anything by themselves? Would it not be thought that the speaker wanted to amuse himself, and played on the credulity of his listeners?”
- Antione Court de Gebèlin, The Game of Tarots,
from le Monde Primitif (1781)


RING ONE: hidden element

3 Rings linked together, their centers being vertices (corners) of an equilateral Triangle.

Viewed in this diagram, we are looking at a 2-dimensional map of Earth from its side, represented by One ring of our choosing (blue):

Orient the planet so the Great Pyramid at Giza (30˚N) lays at one of the vertices, the Earth’s center at another, and its axis’ North pole at the third.

Exploring this set of relations, it can be demonstrated that the architectural proportions of the Great Pyramid at Giza exhibit a means of utilizing the measure of Earth to express the mathematical constant, π. To understand how we must suspend, for a moment, our habit of thinking of number in purely quantitative terms and consider the ways in which some numbers are also inherently bound to specific geometric forms - like with ‘square’ (1² 2² 3² 4² 5²...) or ‘cubed’ (1³ 2³ 3³ 4³ 5³...) numbers we see a sum attached to a particular shape. Other shapes each possess their own sequence of numbers also attached to their change in proportion.

These are called ‘figurate numbers’, and tradition has it they were introduced into Greek mathematics by the pre-Socratic philosopher, Pythagoras, in the 6th century BC. A student of the ancient mystery schools, it is likely he acquired this knowledge during his journeys to Chaldea & Egypt; but all that is really required to calculate the number sequences tied to these shapes is a stack of pebbles and time to spare, counting out the variety of polygons & devising ways of stacking them to construct polyhedrons.

To the careful interpreter of nature a pattern was discernible amidst this numerical data - One that, properly placed, could be applied to the measure of all things. It is suggested here that the Great Pyramid at Giza, in relation to the 3-Ring structure given above, embodies this application.

Let us then imagine the Great Pyramid as keystone to a system of ‘projective numerology’ - an application of mathematics using figurate numbers to model distances and proportions as shapes, and translating them into their related forms as ‘seen’ from different angles & in other dimensions.

At the root of any square pyramid’s architecture is its’ seked - an ancient Egyptian ratio of angular measure used to determine the slope of a pyramid’s sides and thus its’ height.

Utilizing the seked of the Great Pyramid, the perimeter of a square pyramidal base equals the circumference of a circle whose radius is equal to that pyramid’s height.

Within our 2-dimensional map, as our planet rotates upon its’ axis, the Pyramid appears to move from one end of a vesica piscis to the other, as if turning on a Wheel whose rim is the 30th parallel. Thus, in one quarter turn (11/14 ≈ π/4) the Pyramid appears to move in a perpendicular line to the base of the equilateral Triangle articulated within our 3-ring diagram.


The distance of this perpendicular line from the Great Pyramid to the Earth’s polar axis is 3430 nautical miles, or 10x the cube of seven.

Let us then imagine this distance as a stack of 10 cubes, 7x7x7.

A ‘quarter turn’ (11/14) of the Earth thus ‘apportions’ a 10x10 square of these cubes:
10² x 14/11 = 127.27272727...

So, by the logic induced with this arrangement of proportions, distances can be pictured in the mind’s Eye as figurate numbers of octahedral symmetry with 7-unit sides. Reading the Run & Rise of the Great Pyramid’sseked both forward and backward we get a formula for modeling a linear distance of the Earth’s measure as a column made of figurative cubes.
[3d:2d = 343 : 127 ]

As such, we can picture the square pyramid monument atop this ‘column’ as pointing to the center of an imaginary 11th cube.

It follows, then, that a 12-hour rotation (180˚) measures a distance from center-point to center-point of the cubes at either end of a column 22 cubes of 7 long.

The center point of a unit cube has a specific relationship to the vesica piscis traversed in this 12-hour ‘distance’ within our diagram, as Two rings sharing a single radius give a rational approximation for √3, which is also the space diagonal of any unit cube.

In other words, with respect to a unit cube, the √3 is the distance between opposite corners of that cube. Tracing these space diagonal lines joins the opposing corners, all of which intersect at the center of that cube, and thereby delineate the edges of six square pyramids joined at their apex.

22:7 ≈ π
To the Egyptian god Thoth, equated with the Greek god, Hermes, and particularly the Roman god, Mercury, this ratio is significant in describing the number of conjunctions aligning Mercury & Earth with the Sun every 7 years. Also known as a ‘synodic cycle’, this is an example of what ancient Greek astronomers called an exeligmos, or ‘Turn of the Wheel’ - describing any period wherein Sun, Moon, and/or planets return to conjunction(s) from which they started. The term is still used today, but is more specifically applied to the Triple Saros cycle of reckoning lunar eclipses, each 120º of longitude apart, eventually returning to a point relatively close to where they began: exeligmos. The Romans used the term annus magnus, or ‘great year’ to describe the same class of periodic event.

As we shall see, each of the planets have a harmonic ratio of conjunctions with our planet Earth, and with each other. By fixing the Earth to the center of our ecliptic plane, the motion of other planets relative to our position appear as serpentine spiro-graph patterns, looping in close when aligning into conjunction with the Sun, and looping out to trace a wide arc that coils about the Earth until looping in again for another conjunction.


Venus: Earth

Consistent within our model of 10 cubes of seven, the Great Pyramid (pointing to the center of an eleventh) also corresponds to the tip of an octahedron of 7 = 231. And it just so happens that 11x 231 is the number of days in the exeligmos of Mercury & Earth, 22:7. In addition, the measure of the Great Pyramid’s base side lengths (440 cubits each) give a total base area measuring approximately 231 meters square.

Being a close approximation of the value π, and our annus magnus with the planet Mercury (Hermes/Thoth), let us then imagine this column of 22 cubes of 7 as the staff of his Caduceus. As we shall see, the cycles of the other planets can be represented as the serpents entwined about this Staff, their helices in tune with the ratio of their exeligmos.

Imparting more than just the inevitable passage of Time, they were the very music of the spheres by which the harmony of creation was made known to the ancient Geometers. Our 3-Rings establish the base unit of an entire system of weights & measures (metrology) by symbolizing an angular dimension constructed by the movement through Time of the Great Pyramid, like the point of a metronome entrained to the Earth’s tempo. In effect attuning the mathematical constant π with Mercury's Great Year  & the linear measure of Earth's size in units of angular measure. 'Squaring' the circle much like the Great Pyramid's seked.

1 nautical mile = 1.15 miles
The nautical mile used as our base unit of measure for obtaining the distance in cubes of seven is also a unit of angular measure equivalent to 1/60th degree of Earth longitude (=1 minute of arc degree). Converting this into survey land miles = 1/10² the number of days between Earth:Mercury conjunctions (=115).

22:7 = 12 hrs @ 30˚north (12x 30 = 360)
180˚ = 10,800 arc minutes of degree = 50x 216, the cube of 6
216 also equals the number of degrees between Earth:Venus conjunctions (x5 = 1 Earth:Venus pentagram = exeligmos). So, by subdividing each degree of arc into 60 minutes, Earth’s 180˚ rotation (22:7) upon its’ axis thereby possesses a kind of numerological resonance regarding its harmonic with Venus, the exeligmos of the pentagram. Reputedly a symbol of good will among the Pythagoreans, the pentagram also provides an easy means of obtaining the golden ratio.


12 : 1 = (22/7) = 60 minutes
In this way our measure of both Time & Space define each other by weaving together the value π with the ‘divine proportion’ of the golden ratio.

Of the numerous other curious facets to this TooL of Hermetic Metrology, establishing not only our system of weights & measures, its choice of cubes & octahedrons also exhibit a direct connection to speeds of both sound & light:

1 meter
=distance trave1ed by sound 1/343th of second
=distance trave1ed by light 1/299,792,458th of second

343 = cube of 7
299,792,458 = c = speed of light in meters per second
1296000 / π = number of square degrees in one whole sphere
c / 1296000 = 231.321....
231 = octahedron of 7

Stranger still, the proportions outlined above are also paralleled in the numerical structure of the Tarot de Marseilles’ pattern of 22 major arcana trumps when applied to the Hebrew alphabet - in turn derived from Egyptian (via proto-Sinaitic) hieroglyphs which depicted the symbols those letters are still associated with.

We see traces of this tradition within our own English alphabet with the letter A: also the glyph for an Ox head (turned upside-down) having the same origin as the Hebrew letter aleph.

Referred to by 'occultists' as the Book of Thoth (though never adequately explained why), the key to unlocking this puzzle, as with any cryptological TooL, is knowing where to place the cypher, or sifr - the arabic word from which we also get Zero, or ‘nothing’, the rank of every Tarot deck’s Fool [aleph=0].

And this role proves more than suitable for One who ushers in what ultimately reveals a prank, of sorts... leading to what is arguably the greatest punch-line in history.
Reply  Message 920 of 920 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 20/06/2016 21:00

Resposta  Missatge 27 de 40 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/06/2017 18:16
Templarios=masones - La Rochelle en Francia, Roslin en Escocia y Rosslyn en Virginia - fantasía de "Jesús"

Los masones indican que su historia tendría sus inicios con los templarios (14min.53seg.).

Templarios - los francmasones e iluminati                         tenían solo otros nombres antes - y esos                         extremistas son los destructores principales del                         mundo
Templarios - los francmasones e iluminati tenían solo otros nombres antes -
y esos extremistas son los destructores principales del mundo

[Así vemos lo que han hecho en Escocia y qué hacen en "América"]:

En la ciudad de Washington hay una zona que se llama Rosslyn (en Virginia), y ese Rosslyn está en una línea horizontal con la Casa Blanca - y justamente es el mismo nombre como Roslin de los francmasones en Escocia (14min.58seg.). Roslin en Escocia fue el lugar donde los templarios han fugado viniendo de La Rochelle in Francia, y en Roslin en Escocia se reunieron otra vez para instalar su Orden de Templarios (caballeros templarios). Allá han celebrado su fantasía de ser "herederos" de una "línea genética" [de fantasía] de un "Jesús" [de fantasía] (15min.20seg.).

Rosslyn en Virginia están en una línea                         horizontal con la Casa Blanca (!)    La fuga de los templarios extremistas con                         sus fantasías de un "Jesús" de La                         Rochelle a Roslin en Escocia desde 1307, mapa
Rosslyn en Virginia están en una línea horizontal con la Casa Blanca (!) - la fuga de los templarios extremistas con sus fantasías de un "Jesús" de La Rochelle a Roslin en Escocia desde 1307, mapa

El viernes, el 13 de octubre 1307 la mayoría de los templarios fueron tomados presos, sus propiedades fueron confiscados, fueron interrogados y torturados a la muerte por los agentes del rey francés lo que solo siguió a una orden del papa (15min.39seg.).

Rosslyn (en Virginia) tiene 2 dos características, un pueblo de baile y un cementerio del ejército de la marina (marine corps memorial). Una línea directa del centro de ese cementerio al centro de la iglesia en Roslin en Escocia toca la punta de la pirámide vial completada de Washington DC (16min.20seg.).

Edimburgo cerca de Roslin: la "milla real"

El rey David I de Escocia instaló edificios en una distancia de una "milla real". La distancia entre la fachada del convento Holyrood y la torre del Castillo de Edimburgo es una "milla real" - y eso es la misma distancia como la "milla real egipcia" (16min.54seg.). Y:

Una milla real egipcia = 8/7 de una milla internacional (statute mile) (16min.58seg.).

Milla real en Edimburgo, instalada en 1128                         apr. por el rey David I de Escocia, el letrero   La "milla real" entre el Castillo                         de Edimburgo y el convento de Holyrood
Milla real en Edimburgo, instalada en 1128 apr. por el rey David I de Escocia, el letrero - la "milla real" entre el Castillo de Edimburgo y el convento de Holyrood


El radio polar de la Tierra tiene 3.456 millas reales (con una precisión de 99,995% valor moderno), ver el libro de Richard Heath "Sacred Number" (17min.10seg.).

El radio polar de la Tierra es 3.456 millas                         reales (ver Richard Heath: "Número                         santo" (inglés: "Sacred Number") 
El radio polar de la Tierra es 3.456 millas reales (ver Richard Heath: "Número santo" (inglés: "Sacred Number")
El rey David instaló esa estructura de Egipto en Escocia y con eso él instaló el gobierno de los caballeros templarios (17min.18seg.). Después inició la arquitectura gótica que vino del Medio Oriente. Así es bien posible que el rey David tenía conexiones con Jerusalén (17min.33seg.).

Resposta  Missatge 28 de 40 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 07/07/2017 00:21

Also:  “Harleston says of Teotihuacan’s builders: ‘When they draw a line, they’re telling you an area. When they draw an area, they’re telling you a volume.  When they put volume, they’re telling you time.”

Geodesy and geodetic placement of “sacred sites” of ancient origins has long been affirmatively suspect – especially, the Great Pyramid of Giza.  Geodesy involves a fundamental understanding of plane or solid geometry, astronomy relative to latitude and longitude with latitude of more recent vintage since ships-clock (cir. 1540) came into vogue.   These geodetic or geometric relationships both on earth and in the heavens are a frequent haunt of pagans and occultists and of novel interest to science – though science with its unfortunate proliferation of skeptic is apt to go off into “metric tangents” and miss out on all the “fun!”For quite some time researchers have been documenting the astronomical alignments of ancient archaeological and megalithic stone sites all over the world. But discovery of their geodesic alignment has been more recent. Geodesy refers to the theory and practice of surveying to determine the position of specific points on Earth’s surface. It is distinguished from plane surveying in that it deals with areas whose dimensions are so great that the curvature of the Earth must be taken into account. Geometric geodesy involves the creation of a mathematical model of Earth, while physical geodesy studies Earth’s gravity field.  The discovery of the precise alignment of Mayan sites along the 90th parallel is significant because it demonstrates that the Maya were aware of Earth’s curvature and knew the advanced formulas used in geodesy.

Note: Carl Munck, archaeocryptographer, introduces an ancient Pyramid Matrix, in which ancient monuments – across the globe – encode their exact positions with respect to latitude and longitude. The science of decoding these monuments is called archaeocryptography. For latitude, ancient monuments were referenced to the same (modern) equator. For longitude, these monuments were referenced to a former Giza, Egypt Prime Meridian – discovered by Munck – that ran from pole to pole across the Great Pyramid.


Resposta  Missatge 29 de 40 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 14/03/2018 19:44

Stephen Hawking: ¿Por qué dijo que debemos irnos de la Tierra?

El famoso científico y físico Stephen Hawking murió este martes (miércoles en Reino Unido) a sus 76 años


La humanidad tiene que atreverse a ir donde nadie ha ido nunca, asegura el científico. (Foto: AP)


El célebre físico británico Stephen Hawking les pidió a los países líderes en el mundo que envíen astronautas a la Luna de aquí al año 2020 "por el bien de la humanidad".

También deberían construir una base lunar en los próximos 30 años y enviar astronautas a Marte hacia 2025, según el científico.

El profesor Hawking cree que este objetivo serviría para revitalizar el programa espacial, forjar nuevas alianzas y dar a la humanidad un sentido de cara al futuro.

"Expandirnos hacia el espacio cambiará completamente el futuro de la humanidad", dijo en el festival científico y artístico Starmus, en Noruega.


Neil Armstrong

"Espero que una a los países competitivos en un objetivo, para enfrentar el reto común que tenemos todos".

"Un nuevo y ambicioso programa espacial animaría (a los jóvenes) y estimularía el interés en otras áreas, como la astrofísica y la cosmología".

Hawking también les respondió a aquellos que argumentan que sería mejor gastar nuestro dinero en resolver problemas en este planeta.

"No niego la importancia de luchar contra el cambio climático y el calentamiento global, como Donald Trump, quien es posible que haya tomado la decisión más seria, y equivocada, sobre cambio climático que haya visto este mundo", afirmó.

"Estamos quedándonos sin espacio y los únicos espacios a los que podemos ir son otros mundos", explicó el físico teórico de la Universidad de Cambridge.

"Es el momento de explorar otros sistemas solares. Expandirnos puede ser lo único que nos salve de nosotros mismos. Estoy convencido de que los humanos necesitan irse de la Tierra".

Planes concretos

El director de la Agencia Espacial Europea, Jan Woerner, dijo que planea la construcción de una base lunar para remplazar la Estación Espacial Internacional en 2024 y está colaborando con Rusia para mandar una misión para evaluar un lugar potencial de establecimiento.

China se ha fijado el objetivo de mandar un astronauta a la Luna.

La NASA, en cambio, no tiene planes para volver a la Luna y centra sus esfuerzos en enviar astronautas a Marte de aquí a la década de 2030.

Hawking dijo que no hay un futuro a largo plazo para nuestra especie en la Tierra; o recibiremos de nuevo el impacto de un asteroide o seremos tragados por el Sol. Añadió que viajar a mundos distantes "elevaría a la humanidad".

"Si la humanidad va a continuar por otro millón de años, nuestro futuro está en atrevernos a ir a donde nadie ha ido antes".

"Espero lo mejor. Tengo que hacerlo. No tenemos otra opción".



Resposta  Missatge 30 de 40 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 13/04/2018 05:17

Conferencia Internacional del Meridiano

La Conferencia Internacional del Meridiano fue una conferencia celebrada en octubre de 1884 en Washington DC, en los Estados Unidos, para determinar un primer meridiano para uso internacional. La conferencia se llevó a cabo a petición del presidente de EE.UU. Chester A. Arthur. El tema a discutir fue la elección de "un meridiano para ser empleado como longitud cero común y como estándar de tiempo en todo el mundo" (Actas de la Conferencia Internacional del Meridiano de 1884, página 7). El resultado fue la selección del meridiano de Greenwich como un estándar internacional para la longitud cero grados.

Sandford Fleming propuso dividir el mundo en 24 husos horarios de 15° cada uno. En la conferencia de meridianos participaron 25 países: Alemania, Austri-Hungría, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Gran Bretaña, Guatemala, Hawai, Italia, Japon, Liberia, México. Paraguay, Países Bajos, Rusia, República Dominicana, Salvador, Suiza, Suecia, Turquía y Venezuela. Tres propuestas como meridianos base fueron planteadas: Un meridiano «internacional», situado sobre la isla de Hierro en España. (el territorio más occidental conocido en la época de Ptolomeo, en el siglo II antes de Jesucristo), y que fue fijado como meridiano nacional francés por orden de Louis XIII el 1 julio de 1634. El meridiano del Observatorio de Paris y el meridiano de Greenwich. (longitud actual 2° 20' 14" Est, y a 20° del meridiano de la isla de Hierro). La conferencia internacional de Washington decidió en la séptima sesión de un total de ocho sesiones del 22 octubre, con 22 votos a favor la adopción del meridiano de Greenwich. República Dominicana voto en contra y Francia y Brasil se abstuvieron.

« That the Conference proposes to the Governments here represented the adoption of the meridian passing through the centre of the transit instrument at the Observatory of Greenwich as the initial meridian for longitude. » (« Que la Conférence propose aux gouvernements représentés ici l'adoption du méridien passant par le centre de l'instrument situé à l'Observatoire de Greenwich comme méridien initial pour la longitude. »)

Resposta  Missatge 31 de 40 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 22/04/2018 18:18

Bryn Mawr ~ Philadelphia Revisited

Who is Ka Ra?

Why Cornet thought of the following, he cannot be sure.  He had been told telepathically by a spiritual entity called Ka Ra that his birth place and time were pieces to the Rennes-le-Chteau puzzle.  But how could this be?  Bryn Mawr, where he was born, is on the opposite side of the Atlantic Ocean from the Valley of Rennes.

Those who have tackled the Rennes-le-Chteau mystery almost invariably looked for answers in that valley or in ancient Egypt.  Most recently Andrews and Schellenberger (1996) developed a very complex solution through decoding esoteric documents in their search for the Tomb of God.  So, if the burial place of Jesus is located in France, why look for clues in America?  Furthermore, why should Cornet believe what Ka Ra told him?

First, let's try to understand who this spiritual entity Ka Ra is.  You won't find any reference to her in the Bible, in the encyclopedia, in ancient Egyptian texts or hieroglyphs.  That is because it is a New Name, constructed from the combination of the Egyptian word Ka with the name of Ra.  Ra is the feminine gender, while Re is the masculine gender.  Ka means spirit in ancient Egyptian.  Thus the name Ka Ra means Spirit of Ra.  If Ra represents the Sun God, then Ka Ra refers to the female aspect of the Sun God.  In addition, the Greek word "kara" means head or top, as in deity.  No coincidences here.

Who was it that was speaking telepathically to John in prison when he wrote what has become known as the Book of Revelation?

Sun God = Son = Jesus = Horus

sun_125.gif (16007 bytes)

Revelation 2.17: To him who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it.

The book of Revelation clearly states that when Jesus returns he will have a new name. This fact is repeated a second time in that book: Revelation 3.12: ...and my own new name.


E.A  "He Whose Home/Abode is Water"
(Sitchin, Divine Encounters, 1995)

For this exercise, don't get fooled by gender (see Deering, 1996: GOD, was she a man or is he a woman? The politics of religion).  This is the perfect ploy to keep those who think they have eyes, but do not want to see, from finding out the truth.  Follow the trail of clues wherever they may take you.

The hieroglyphic symbol for Ka is represented by a pair of upheld arms ka2.jpg (2182 bytes)while Ra is represented by  the sun disc.  When the symbols for Ka and Ra are combined, one gets Ka Ra.  The hieroglyphs below are from E.A. Wallis Budge: Osiris & the Egyptian Resurrection (1973).  They show these two symbols combined as part of other hieroglyphs, but not as a separate deity called Ka Ra.  The best place to hide something is right in front of someone.  Note that the Ka and Sun Disc symbols are placed at the top of the Tets, symbolizing Kara (head or top).

Tet (Ded) of Life Tet (Ded) of Osiris
TetofLife.jpg (56877 bytes) TetofOsiris.jpg (79625 bytes)

If Jesus = Horus and Lazarus is Greek for Osiris,
what is the meaning of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead?
Was it a cleverly disguised Egyptian ritual and not a miracle?

horosir2.jpg (38701 bytes)


Saturn: Source of Measure
Mr. Pietsch shows how Saturn rings true.

Canon of Measure and the "K" or "Ka" Symbol

excerpt from Saturn: Source of Measure
by Bernard  I. Pietsch

"Sacred measures are hidden only in the sense of being obscured by the filter of phenomenal or local observation. They are founded on that which is beyond mere appearance. Because they are relative to a larger framework than that which is visible here on Earth we sometimes refer to Canon measures as cosmic values.

"One of the keys to the domain of the cosmic is represented by the  "K" symbol. K represents the ratio with which we part the veil. From the phenomenal world we enter the cosmic realm—a dimension where Time, Distance, Velocity, Number, and Geometry become co-in-ci-dent with one another, where one is an expression of all, where everything is in one thing, and where the law "as above, so below" becomes observable. Here the application and utility of Number in all its forms transcend the limitations imposed upon it by ordinary logic. Here, Number can become Time, distance, angle, ratio, logarithm. We have but to invoke the magic inherent in Number, and all is made available.

"K is the number 1.01430555. With it, the first measures to be unveiled are those of Time. The ancients understood the intimate and inseparable relationship of Time with all dimensions. (With K we will reveal the legendary "harmony of the spheres." But first some groundwork must be laid.)

"For a number of important reasons we adopt the solar year indicated by the base of Cheops Pyramid as the value 365.15 days which is 36,515 inches around the perimeter of the base. This number divided by K produces the Sacred or Cosmic Year of 360 days. The same length of time is involved but the relationship of the year to the circle of 360 is clearly established. From this ancient Sacred Year we derive the following units:

360 Days
525816 Minutes
8763.6 Hours
24.34333 Hours
1460.6 Minutes
87636 Seconds

"The derivation of the Sacred Day of 24 hours 20 minutes and 36 seconds is not only a mathematical construction. This is also the day (mean cosmic) responded to by plants and organisms. These circadian rhythms tend to be about 20 minutes longer than the mean solar day of 24 hours; biological rhythms in humans as well seem to follow this cycle. Also notice the number of minutes in the Cosmic Year: 525816. Dividing this by 100 renders the number for the feet in the Canon Mile. The mile has its origin in sacred time."



The Masonic - Knights Templar Connection

Cornet realized that his late wife Bonnie had grown up in Collingswood, NJ, directly across the Delaware River from Philadelphia.  Ka Ra told him that his wife's childhood home was a piece to the puzzle.  When he studied the Rennes-le-Chteau diagrams in GenIsis, he could not help but notice that the town of Rennes-le-Chteau is located on the west side of the Extended Pentagram, while the town of La-Borde-de-l'Auguste is located on the southeast side of the pentagram.  He realized that the town where he was born, Bryn Mawr, is located on the west side of Philadelphia, while the town of Collingswood, where Bonnie grew up, is located on the southeast side of Philadelphia. Furthermore, La-Borde-de-l'Auguste means "edge of August," and his birth day (31 August)(MISMO DIA DE LA MUERTE DE LADY DY/PRINCESA DIANA) is at one edge of August.  He later discovered that this date on the ancient Egyptian calendar was very special to the Egyptians.  It was the day the Ennad is in festivity, and the day the Hier (to the throne) is established.  When he discovered that Philadelphia means "Womb or Birthplace of Isis", he immediately saw the connection to the Extended Pentagram that Wood (1986) had so thoroughly linked to the Goddess Isis.  He got partial confirmation when he discovered that Bryn Mawr is Welch for "high ground," or "great hill."  Rennes-le-Chteau is located on a high plateau, and therefore is synonymous with high ground.

Image from GenIsis
thmb2.jpg (9687 bytes)

The Knights Templar became associated with the Valley of Rennes.  The Masons became associated with Philadelphia.  Early Masonic tradition and beliefs hold much in common with those of the outlawed Knights Templar, although the two organizations are very different (see The Miter and the Trowel).  Robinson was correct in his conclusion that there was a strong Templar influence in the early development of Freemasonry (Robinson, 1989).

Wood discovered that various towns and landmarks in the Valley of Rennes were positioned at key points on an invisible set of gigantic esoteric diagrams, which could be seen only in their entirety (if visible) from high above the ground (much like the Nozca lines in Peru). 

runway 12-06-00.jpg (17254 bytes)

Campbell and Wood uncovered additional features of these diagrams which belied any thought that they might be the fruits of vivid imagination.  Andrews and Schellenberger (1996) reveal more data from decoding some of the same esoteric texts.  Their data indicate that the authors of those texts were very much aware of the Sacred Geometry laid out by the positions of towns and landmarks in the Valley of Rennes.  But in order for those towns to have been located where they are, someone had to be the architect and engineer who planned the layout before any construction began.  And that someone had to have the surveying tools with which to accomplish this Herculean task.  The following five figures come from GenIsis (Wood, 1986).

Circle of Churches Pentagram-Meridian The Crescents Temple of  Solomon The Serpent
thmb3.jpg (28239 bytes) thmb4.jpg (13671 bytes) thmb5.jpg (21659 bytes) thmb6.jpg (20124 bytes) thmb7.jpg (9146 bytes)

Now let's go to Philadelphia, and see what Cornet uncovered using the clues given to him by David Wood and Ka Ra.


Resposta  Missatge 32 de 40 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/07/2018 14:23
Resultado de imagen para torres gemelas 911


pi aproximacion

Entre los que se encuentran el mismo 22 de Julio (22/7=3.1428), y curiosamente también el 21 de diciembre…


Pero el día oficial de π es el 3-14…




858. 1 Corintios 11:9: y tampoco el varón fue creado por causa de la MUJER, sino la MUJER por causa del varón.

63. Marcos 2:27:

Marcos 2:27: También les dijo: El DÍA DE REPOSO fue hecho por causa del hombre, y no el hombre por causa del DÍA DE REPOSO.



City Coordinates: 40°43′N 74°0′W
φ Latitude, λ Longitude (of Map center):

Above:  On Google Earth you can see the peak of Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia.  Encampment is to the right of peak.


Resposta  Missatge 33 de 40 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 20/04/2019 14:41
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Math in Architecture and the Golden Section

math in architecture

The Golden Section (aka Golden Mean, and Golden Ratio) phys.org

We use math in architecture on a daily basis to solve problems. We use it to achieve both functional and aesthetic advantages. By applying math to our architectural designs through the use of the Golden Section and other mathematical principles, we can achieve harmony and balance. As you will see from some of the examples below, the application of mathematical principles can result in beautiful and long-lasting architecture which has passed the test of time.

Using Math in Architecture for Function and Form

We use math in architecture every day at our office. For example, we use math to calculate the area of a building site or office space. Math helps us to determine the volume of gravel or soil that is needed to fill a hole. We rely on math when designing safe building structures and bridges by calculating loads and spans. Math also helps us to determine the best material to use for a structure, such as wood, concrete, or steel.

“Without mathematics there is no art.” – Luca Pacioli, De divina proportione, 1509

Architects also use math when making aesthetic decisions. For instance, we use numbers to achieve attractive proportion and harmony. This may seem counter-intuitive, but architects routinely apply a combination of math, science, and art to create attractive and functional structures. One example of this is when we use math to achieve harmony and proportion by applying a well-known principle called the Golden Section

Math and Proportion – The Golden Section

Math in Architecture

Perfect proportions of the human body – The Vitruvian Man – by Leonardo da Vinci.

We tend to think of beauty as purely subjective, but that is not necessarily the case. There is a relationship between math and beauty. By applying math to our architectural designs through the use of the Golden Section and other mathematical principles, we can achieve harmony and balance.

The Golden Section is one example of a mathematical principle that is believed to result in pleasing proportions. It was mentioned in the works of the Greek mathematician Euclid, the father of geometry. Since the 4th century, artists and architects have applied the Golden Section to their work.

The Golden Section is a rectangular form that, when cut in half or doubled, results in the same proportion as the original form. The proportions are 1: the square root of 2 (1.414) It is one of many mathematical principles that architects use to bring beautiful proportion to their designs.

Examples of the Golden Section are found extensively in nature, including the human body. The influential author Vitruvius asserted that the best designs are based on the perfect proportions of the human body.

Over the years many well-known artists and architects, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, used the Golden Section to define the dimensions and proportions in their works. For example, you can see the Golden Section demonstrated in DaVinci’s painting Mona Lisa and his drawing Vitruvian Man.

Famous Buildings Influenced by Mathematical Principles

Here are some examples of famous buildings universally recognized for their beauty. We believe their architects used math and the principals of the Golden Section in their design:


The classical Doric columned Parthenon was built on the Acropolis between 447 and 432 BC. It was designed by the architects Iktinos and Kallikrates. The temple had two rooms to shelter a gold and ivory statue of the goddess Athena and her treasure. Visitors to the Parthenon viewed the statue and temple from the outside. The refined exterior is recognized for its proportional harmony which has influenced generations of designers. The pediment and frieze were decorated with sculpted scenes of Athena, the Gods, and heroes.

Math in Architecture

Parthenon Golden Section

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Built on the Ile de la Cite, Notre Dame was built on the site of two earlier churches. The foundation stone was laid by Pope Alexander III in 1163. The stone building demonstrates various styles of architecture, due to the fact that construction occurred for over 300 years. It is predominantly French Gothic, but also has elements of Renaissance and Naturalism. The cathedral interior is 427 feet x 157 feet in plan. The two Gothic towers on the west façade are 223 feet high. They were intended to be crowned by spires, but the spires were never built. The cathedral is especially loved for its three stained glass rose windows and daring flying buttresses. During the Revolution, the building was extensively damaged and was saved from demolition by the emperor Napoleon.

Math in Architecture.

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Taj Mahal

Built in Agra between 1631 and 1648, the Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum designed by Ustad-Ahmad Lahori. This jewel of Indian architecture was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife. Additional buildings and elements were completed in 1653. The square tomb is raised and is dramatically located at the end of a formal garden. On the interior, the tomb chamber is octagonal and is surrounded by hallways and four corner rooms. Building materials are brick and lime veneered with marble and sandstone.

Math in Architecture and the Golden Section

Taj Mahal designed by Ustad-Ahmad Lahori

As you can see from the above examples, the application of mathematical principles can result in some pretty amazing architecture. The architects’ work reflects eye-catching harmony and balance. Although these buildings are all quite old, their designs have pleasing proportions which have truly passed the test of time.



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