I just found this thread.
Imagine Ken, VM, and Raf all getting along and working together?
Am I hallucinating or in
heaven? Wait earth
IS in heaven ... we made it !!!
vision-master wrote:
the mind = the brain?
Don't forget the heart:
Count the connection points.

I counted the connection points on the zvaztika.
the 9th would represent the galactic core [
the centre] the HeArT
[funny cause yesterday i put that as my 'location' perhaps I'll add heart]
The galactic core which harrim says is a concentration of light so brilliant that it cannot be percieved by man and therefore appears black.
The first model of this galaxcy I saw was a 4-armed galaxy.
A zvaztica.
energist wrote:
vision-master wrote:
After the pole-shift (clockwise rotation) will right brain thinking dominate human consciousness?
I'd like to know that too and I hope so!
can I please get off this ride called the earth now?
I find this amusement park has become boring and predictable at the end of the daze.
The serpentine roller coaster ride has flat-lined.
The go-round is no longer merry.
The clowns are no longer scary nor funny.
The bumper cars go too slow.
The xyz house of mirrors where the lost fool manifests, has lost its appeal.
Raphael wrote:
vision-master wrote:
that is a big ride

There is no ride at the centre. Everything is done.
NO wait ... they say some galaxies feed off each other ... another ride or just more mindcontrol
New formulas, new symbols, new templates ... ?
Might have to pull out your slide-rule again raf.
Is this what Ralph has been re-bleating about...
Trying to pound it into our thick skulls:
1 have honestly attempted to learn from Raf, the threads are [2my liking] littered with so many insults, chatter/arguments, and links/sidetracks 1 have honestly found it difficult, if all the stuff that isnt simple and to the point could be edited ... then could 1 follow the threds?
The essence of the svazitaka 4example can be described in 1 sentence = mystery solved.
1 need the readers digest condensed version of all this = simplify.
it is in the Age of Pisces that we run into trouble.
And if we go through pole reversal and rotation reversal, then Aquarius is the midpoint of two directions of a looooong Pisces.
So the Age of Aquarius may not exist?
Everytime earth gets there things reverse?
Imagine if there were a pole reversal at Capricorn, earth may never see the age of aquarius which the New Age Ppl sang to me about so often.
Jesus [who is the alpha and omega [and represents Pisces] would be the beginning and end in this model.
I might vote this the best thread so far on 4um [zvaztika = 4 arms = 4um]
But I dont vote. I leave that to others.
Hint what do you C @ the

At the centre is the pole, it made me think [rare but happens] If the earth [and sun? theory=ken?] experience polar reversal, could galaxies do the same?

4 lines divide the zodiac [circle] into the 12 houses [mansions in heaven -jesus] at the centre they all join like the szaztika. The 12 houses are then subdivided into the 4 elements = the elbow bend of svaztika arms.
It's one symbol for the disaster at the heart of Aquarius, which is somehow key to Creation.
This would be THE WORD, which is the superasterism of Aquarius-Phoenix-Horologium.
[Jesus Christ]= THE-WORD = UNI-VERSE ... 1m not learning much here Ken, can you tell us more about this quote?
Horologium = clock/time, Phoenix = rebirth/restart, Aquarius = ???????
1 - west
#2 - north
#3 - east
#4 - south
#5 - top(space)
#6 - bottom(earth)
#7 - center of galaxy
#8 - time
#9 - God's intention or direction of creation
The (9) directions apply to both micro and macrocosm.
Actaully you described the 9 as being the 4 cardinal points, height/depth/centre, and spin x2.
Add micrcosm [inward] and macro [outward]
and the above 9 can be multiplied by 4 no? [doubled going out then doubled agin going in]
= 9x4=36 [3+6=9 the number that never changes, going in division, or out mulitiplication].
aianawa aianawa nui
scientist of last ten years have proven molten core theory is incorrect and iron crystaline core is now their truth , makes sense to me on a spiritual level, lol
Q 4 aianawa aianawa nui:
Can u give more info here?
links? Some of us dont know anything

or are beginners.
My GF ... Miss InFormation ... -[Mr. In4mation]I just like to watch the
BE YOU T Full girl dance. Inspiring.
Doesnt matter much which way, Love is in my heart 4 her.
I see both and love/admire her divine beauty. If I concentrate [hocus focus] I can make her go either way, or flip back her and forth in a half circle [facing me, but not facing away, the spirit is in the face not the ass]. It may be to the benefit of life on earth to have her continue in her present rotaion, some argue saying a cataclysm is needed. Some are already in the right brain, no reversal is needed 4 these 1s.
If you look closely at the spinning doll, u will c that she is closer to the left side of the frame.
This is unfair in an open study as it puts the figure off balance and probabilities increase to favor one side [guess witch 1?]
If she continues in her present rotation this may be said 2b symbolic of ppl 'learning 2 get along'
not via govt/religion [pls] but on an individual basis.
This has been interesting, did 1 learn anything here?
. o +