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Hold this image up to a mirror. What do you see? The SS looks like a 22 surrounded by 7 symmetrical doves. 22/7 = pi
pi >>> 22/7 and >>> 3 1/7 just something I noticed
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5916&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=84 |
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Raphael wrote: |
The 22:7 ratio of the Sun/Mercury synodic cycle reveals a reciprocal 7 representation of Pi. Also, Mercury’s inclination relative to the ecliptic is approximately 7 degrees. Mercury traces 22 isosceles triangles within a 7 year period, completing itself a full co-relational circle through the Zodiac at the completion of this seven year period.  The gematria of 314 = Wise Man or Magician = attributes of Mercury/Hermes/Thoth = Mercury/Hermes/Thoth 353 = Hermes 671 = SATOR mirror ROTAS 671 = Adonai 671 = AMA DEUS (love & will) 671 = ThROA = 61 x 11, Ain = 61, (nothing or zero and 11 is the number of the magical expansion) 671 = Rota = the Wheel of Fortune (22 Keys of R.O.T.A.) 671 = Athor = the Lady of the path of Daleth 671 = Yeshu Ha-Notzri (written without "ayin") why no "J" in hebrew alphabet? 671 - 176 = 495 (FOUR NINE FIVE = 144 = 9)
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The unification of Ehyeh, Elohim and Adonai milui with the 3 YHVH = (161+300+671) + 78 + 2 (kolel) = 1215, which is (5 x35), and there are 300 phrases of value 1215 in the Torah. "The bread of life came down from God in heaven." (390 + 86 + 90 + 214 + 18 + 78 = 671) BREAD = αρτος = 671 |
Let's keep in mind that the roman goddess PAX = 681 (XP), I believe it hold's significance to pi. 232 + 671 = 903, which is recognizable as the sum of all the positive integers through 42, which is a connection to the 42 Letter Name of God that is the Tree of Life and that fuses Zeir Anpin with Malchut, and is necessary for bringing about the Geula (final redemption) as it was for bringing about Creation and the Torah. Magic sum of the 11x11 Magic Square: M(11) = 671 Sum of digits: 14, Base 9 = 5 http://www.rodurago.net/en/index.php?site=details&link=11 http://www.mathrecreation.com/2010/07/de-morgans-magic-square.html
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Magic Squares: Moon____= (9²+1)/2 = #369 9 81 369 3321 Earth___=(10²+1)/2 =#505 10 100 505 5050 Daath__=(11²+1)/2 =#671 11 121 671 7381  |
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I C, the pillars are giving birth. /irgo's legs extend down to Libra's / Scorpio's balances were the pillars reside.
The Babylonian "Chelae Scorpionis" is Libra's balances in sidereal Scorpio!
For those wondering, yes, our astrological signs have been tampered with with as well, the degrees are way off. Eastern sidereal astrology is the truth! Is there anything they don't have there hands in?
It's the same directly opposite side of the zodiac with the bulls horns & Cap El lA, with Capella being north of the horns.
PerSeuS (Algol = negative feminine energy) is chasing CapELLA. (masculine positive energy = the lamb)
In-Between the bulls horns & capella is were we will find our 137 axis (F#4.5) or the nuclear axis.
The light bends with the the sound !! 1 black hole in the east, 1 white hole in the west, or we can rotate the ying yang 90 degrees.
There is a invisible white hole in Scorpio that the stinger is pointing to, it is the starting point of the west pillar. (at 9 on the major scale)
And that my friend is why Zuben EL chemali is the only star in the sky that is green, hydrogen green that is.
Here is the BRANE of the operation
3 x 3 / 81 Permutations of the Lo Shu

P.S. 19.47 major (related to ADAM) 25.52 minor (related to EVE)
Those are two mirror numbers or mirror partners above & below G on the musical scale. Could note A on the scale be 19.47?
Hmmmmm, Zuben EL, Algol, & Scheat are all on the 19.5 degree mark with Capella at 20.
The 19.47 degree angle is linked geometrically to the Mercury synodic hexagram circumscribed by the Earth's orbit.
22:7 = Mercury-Earth Synodic Cycle (22 x 116 = 2552 : 2555 = 7x 365)
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How much MORE evidence do we need about the number 37 representing the number of the collective unconscious? Did you start reading on page 1?
I do wish my name was SS, a.k.a. Steven SpIELberg, this would be a fucking blockbuster. Jesus H. Christ please explain why U R such a copy-KAt, and why your followers need to convert everybody to your way of thinking and feeling? You do not seem that original when folks go searching for a TRUTH that truly unifies. Why all of the smote, smoke and mirrors?
2D version of the 37 Point Mandala Offering
Bab-Ilu the Gate of God
Note both images have 4 axis. xyz and t
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
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