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CALENDARIO HEBREO-SHABBAT LUNAR: Ayuno del 9 de Av (nueve del quinto mes)
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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Messaggio originale) Inviato: 04/06/2011 05:20
Entra al vinculo arriba y podras estudiar las Parashot con sus respectivos Haftara, ver videos, Torah y mucho mas en nuestro sitio: YISRAEL EJAD...

Porque nos afligimos y ayunamos en el mes de AV

Av (אָב; del acadio abu "cañas, juncos", que se recolectaban para estas fechas; llamado también Menajem Av; del hebreo menajem "el que consuela", por las desgracias y calamidades acaecidas a los judíos en este mes a lo largo de la historia), es el undécimo mes del calendario hebreo moderno, que comienza su cómputo a partir del mes de Tishrei con la Creación del mundo, y el quinto mes según el ordenamiento de los meses en la Torah, que comienza por Abiv (Nisán), en conmemoración de la salida de los hebreos de la esclavitud en Egipto.
El nombre de este mes en la Torah es simplemente "el quinto mes", siguiendo la numeración ordinal, del mismo modo en que es llamado el resto de los meses del año hebreo en la Torá: "El sacerdote Aarón subió a Hor de la Montaña, según la orden de יהוה, y murió allí, el año cuarenta de la salida de los israelitas de Egipto, el mes quinto, el primero del mes" (Números 33:38)

Su nombre actual, Av, tiene sus orígenes en los nombres de los meses de la antigua Babilonia, provenientes del idioma acadio, y de aquí fueron adoptados por los judíos allí desterrados entre 586 a. C. y 536 a. C., luego de haber sido llevados al exilio por el rey Nebujadretzar II. Av no aparece en la Torah con su nombre babilónico, sino que lo hará en la literatura eclesiástica posterior: la Mishná y el Talmud. Es un mes del que se dice, por contraposición al mes de Adar, que "desde que comienza Av, se escatima en alegría" (Mishná, Tratado de Ta'anit ("Ayunos"), 4:1); y de ahí que se le llame también "Menajem Av", en referencia al consuelo que el pueblo de Israel recibirá a sus sufrimientos, recordados en este mes, cuando llegue el Mashiaj.
Av es siempre un mes completo de 30 días, y cae en pleno verano (boreal), paralelo a los meses gregorianos de julio y agosto, según el año. Su signo del Zodíaco es Leo, el rey de los animales; por haberse dicho de Israel que "he aquí que el pueblo se levanta como leona, se yergue como león" (Números 23:24), y se levantará airoso como león de sus catástrofes.

Normas de aflicción en ayuno de Av

1 - El pueblo de Israel fué condenado a no entrar a Eretz Israel

El 9 de Av regresaron los jefes de las tribus de explorar la Tierra de Israel y maldijeron la tierra diciendo: ´´La tierra que visitamos es una tierra que se come a sus habitantes´´ (Bamidbar 13:32). Luego de este aciago mensaje de los exploradores, los ánimos del pueblo bajaron, y lloraron toda la noche quejándose a Moshé y Aharón por haberlos traído a morir al desierto, prefiriendo haberse quedado en Egipto.

En este día 9 de Av, El Eterno castigó al pueblo de Israel, impidiéndoles entrar a la Tierra Prometida pues, como está escrito: ´´Verán la tierra que les prometí a sus padres; y todo el que la desprecie no la verá´´. (Bamidbar 14:23).

2 - Es destruído el Primer Templo
En el año 3338, luego de tres años de sitio a la ciudad de Yerushalaim, Nabuzaradán, ministro de Nebujadretzar, destruye las murallas de la ciudad e incendia el Templo y gran parte de la ciudad. Tras la destrucción de Jerusalem, el pueblo es deportado a Babilonia, junto con su rey Jizquiahu (Ezequías).

3 - Es destruido el Segundo Templo
Después de 70 años de destierro en Babel (Babilonia), Ezrá HaSofer, junto con parte del pueblo, retorna a Jerusalem para reconstruir el Templo, tarea ardua y penosa que tarda más de 20 años, debido a la falta de medios y a los ataques de los bandidos. Herodes, años más tarde, contribuye a su embellecimiento, en pago a las atrocidades que había realizado (mató a los Sabios de la época), elevando la explanada del Templo por medio de muros de contención, de cuyos restos nos queda el Kotel HaMaaraví (El muro Occidental) o Muro de los Lamentos.

En el Año 3830 de la Creación, 70 de la era Común, Yerushalaym es sitiada por Epifanus, quien había sido enviado desde Roma para retener la revuelta de Palestina, Rabbí Yojanán Ben Zakay aconseja a los dirigentes de la revuelta (Birionim) no hacer frente a los romanos, sino permanecer encerrados dentro de las murallas, ya que predice el desmoronamiento del Imperio Romano pues la ciudad contaba con suficientes víveres y alimentos para subsistir. Sin embargo, los ´´Birionim´´ no pueden soportar la vergüenza del sitio y, para obligar al pueblo a salir a la guerra, queman los almacenes de alimentos.
Con la oposición de los ´´Birionim´´, Rabbí Yojanán Ben Zakay decide abandonar Jerusalem y forma un asentamiento en Yavne.

El 9 de Av del año 3830, luego del nombramiento de Spifanus como César de Roma, se envió a Titus en su lugar, quien conquista Jerusalem, incendiando el Templo.
4 - Caída de Betar

Después de la destrucción del Segundo Templo, quedó un gran asentamiento judío denominado Betar, dirigido por Bar Kojvá. Los defensores de la ciudad que eran famosos por su valentía hacen frente al gran ejército romano.

Tal era la fuerza y la valentía de Bar Kojvá, que el mismo Rabbí Akiba lo consideró el Mesías (´´Creció la estrella de Yaakob´´). Sin embargo, le respondió Rabbí Yojanan Bar Torta: ´´Akiba, mucha hierba debe crecer y aún no llegó el Mesías (aún no llegó la época Mesiánica)´´.

Tres años y medio sitió Adriano a la ciudad de Betar y las tefilot (plegarias) de Rabbí Eleazar Hamolay (tío de Bar Kojvá) retenían la caída, hasta que un día, tras sospechar Bar Kojvá de su tío como desertor, lo golpea y lo mata. En ese mismo día cayó la ciudad en manos de los romanos, el 9 de Av de 3882.

Leyes del 17 de Tamuz al 9 de Av - Las tres semanas

Estas tres semanas fueron denominadas por nuestros Sabios ´´Entre las Penurias´´, ya que fueron símbolo de luto por la destrucción de nuestros Templos.
Cada generación en la que no fue reconstruido el Templo en sus días debe considerarse como si éste hubiese sido destruido por sus transgresiones. Es por eso que nuestros sabios impusieron diferentes hábitos de luto. Por su multiplicidad y diferencia entre comunidad y comunidad, traeremos sólo parte de estas costumbres (en caso de duda se deberá consultar al rabino de la comunidad).

No se celebran fiestas o acontecimientos alegres, como por ejemplo, las bodas, excepto aquellos eventos que no se pueden postergar como un Berit Milá o un Pidión Haben.

Hay que evitar decir la bendición ´´Sheheheianu´´ por un fruto o un vestido nuevo. (Esta bendición la fijaron los Sabios para agradecer al Todopoderoso en los momentos de alegría o en acontecimientos especiales).

La tradición Sefaradí acostumbra, en la misma semana que cae el 9 de Av, a disminuir la alegría por negocios, construcciones de placer o plantaciones de jardines o flores.

En esta semana, también esta prohibido cortarse el cabello, afeitarse, lavar ropa, usar ropa limpia, lavarse, comer carne y beber vino (las últimas dos prohibiciones no rigen en Shabat).

La tradición Ashkenazí, en cambio, acostumbra a comenzar con todas estas leyes desde Rosh Hodesh Av (principio de mes).

Leyes del 9 de Av

El ayuno de Tishá BeAv comienza, al igual que el ayuno de Yom Kipur, desde la puesta del sol de la víspera, y no desde el amanecer como los demás ayunos.

Para indicar el comienzo del ayuno, nos obligaron nuestros Sabios a realizar la ´´Seudat Mafséket´´ (comida de separación o interrupción) antes de la puesta del sol. Esta comida debe ser una comida pobre y de luto, por lo que prohibieron comer carne o beber vino durante ella, permitiendo sólo un plato principal y frutos.

Hay quienes acostumbran a comer lentejas o huevos hervidos, sentados en el suelo en señal de luto, y sin participar tres o más varones juntos para que de esta manera no estén obligados a recitar el ´´Zimún´´ (invitación protocolar para la bendición de la comida).

Seudat Mafséket se considera solamente la última comida después del mediodía. Si coincide la víspera del 9 de Av en Shabbat, no se cumplen con estas medidas sino que se puede comer aún en la Seudat Shelishit (tercera comida del Shabat), lo que se desee.

Estas son las prohibiciones que fijaron nuestros Sabios para Tishá BeAv en señal de luto y arrepentimiento:

La comida, la bebida, el lavado, el ungüento, el calzado de cuero, la vida matrimonial, y el estudio de la Torá (a excepción de la Meguilat Ejá, el Libro de Yob, y las Profecías de desgracias recordadas en la Torá, con sus explicaciones respectivas.

A diferencia de los demás ayunos, las mujeres embarazadas o las que amamantan deben ayunar. Sin embargo, dentro del primer mes después del parto o cualquier enfermo al que pueda afectarle el ayuno, no deberán ayunar, pues los Sabios no obligaron al ayuno en caso de peligro físico.

La prohibición del lavado, tanto con agua caliente como fría, rige solamente cuando se realiza por placer, pero por necesidad (como el que sale del baño), o por suciedad, o al despertarse, está permitido. En el caso de los lavados de manos obligatorios, solamente se debe arrojar agua hasta los nudillos de los dedos.

Un ungüento prescripto por el médico está permitido, a diferencia de las cremas de manos, cosméticos, etc.

Nuestros Sabios sólo prohibieron el uso del calzado de cuero, pero los zapatos totalmente de tela, goma o plástico están permitidos. En caso de necesidad o en lugares de peligro por escorpiones o serpientes, está permitido el uso de botas, aún si éstas están confeccionadas con cuero.

No se saluda al amigo, en señal de luto, y tampoco se debe pasear para no olvidar el significado del día. Debemos, en otras palabras, disminuir los placeres en esta jornada.

Aunque la prohibición del trabajo, o de realizar negocios, depende de la costumbre del lugar, todo el que trabaje en Tishá BeAv no verá bendición de su trabajo.

Se acostumbra a no usar Tefilín ni el Talit Gadol hasta después del mediodía, para colocárselos durante la tefilá de Minjá, y hay quienes acostumbran a dormir en el suelo en señal de luto.

Si Tishá BeAv coincide con el día después del Shabat, no se deben cambiar los zapatos hasta después del ´Barejú´´ que dicen en la sinagoga en la salida del Shabat (por eso se debe procurar llevar los zapatos de tela en la víspera, pues no se debe demostrar luto en Shabat).

Shalom Lejá!

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Rispondi  Messaggio 2 di 13 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 07/04/2015 03:45
via Mark Gray/ Keys to Cosmic Doorways: Tisha B'Av "the ninth of Av", is an annual fast day in Judaism which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jews from the Land of Israel. The day also commemorates other tragedies which occurred on the same day, including the Roman massacre of over 100,000 Jews at Betar in 132 CE. Instituted by the rabbis of 2nd-century Palestine, Tisha B'Av is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar and "a day which is destined for tragedy". "Tisha B'Av" means the "Ninth of Av" Av is the 11th month. Therefore, Tisha B'Av is the 9th of the 11th Month, or 9-11. Oddly "Tisha B'Av" in Jewish Gemetria = 911 The 2014 Date for Tisha B'Av is August 4th - August 5th, this Monday and Tuesday. The Ukraine is in crisis. The Gaza Strip is Hell on Earth, And Ebola is being Fed Ex'd in a human container to Atlanta

via Mark Gray/ Keys to Cosmic Doorways:
Tisha B’Av “the ninth of Av”, is an annual fast day in Judaism which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jews from the Land of Israel. The day also commemorates other tragedies which occurred on the same day, including the Roman massacre of over 100,000 Jews at Betar in 132 CE. Instituted by the rabbis of 2nd-century Palestine, Tisha B’Av is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar and “a day which is destined for tragedy”.
“Tisha B’Av” means the “Ninth of Av”
Av is the 11th month.
Therefore, Tisha B’Av is the 9th of the 11th Month, or 9-11.
Oddly “Tisha B’Av” in Jewish Gemetria = 911
The 2014 Date for Tisha B’Av is August 4th – August 5th, this Monday and Tuesday.
The Ukraine is in crisis.
The Gaza Strip is Hell on Earth,
And Ebola is being Fed Ex’d in a human container to Atlanta

Rispondi  Messaggio 3 di 13 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 31/07/2015 21:38

Photo By Mark Gray

Photo By Mark Gray

Mark Gray: The Western Wall or Wailing Wall (Arabic: حائط البراق, translit.: “Ḥā’iṭ Al-Burāq”, translat.: “The Buraq Wall”) is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the WESTERN side of the Temple Mount. It is a remnant of the ancient wall that surrounded Solomon’s Temple, and is one of the most sacred sites in Judaism. Just over half the wall, including its 17 courses located below street level, dates from the end of the Second Temple period, having been constructed around 19 BCE by Herod the Great. What does this have to do with thw World Trade Center Memorial?

Photo By Mark Gray

Photo By Mark Gray

Mark Gray: One world Trade center will be done in less than 1 year. It’s errection is symbolic of the “work of the ages”…and that work is going on inside of us….the powers to be are saying that the time is near.

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray

Mark Gray People will come to the 911 Memorial as part of a sacred Pilgrimage. Drawn like Angels to the Throne of God.

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray

Mark Gray: Let’s look at some early drawings of the Kaaba in Mecca I came across and compre them to the 911 Memorial……

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray

Many of the symbols found in this Masonic image are found in the hologram “performance”.


Dec. 3, 2013 8:43am 

One World Trade Center, sitting on the original six-building complex of the World Trade Center that was attacked by terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001, has been filmed from variousdizzying angles with its completion this year and was recently named the tallest building in the United States.

But aside from its impressive looks, there’s another feature that has received less attention but is well-known to those who find themselves on the lower side of Manhattan on a windy day.


The building, colloquially known as the Freedom Tower, emits an eerie, haunting sound in high wind storms.


7-1-2014: Lightning hits One World Trade Center


via Mark Gray/ Keys to Cosmic Doorways: Tisha B'Av "the ninth of Av", is an annual fast day in Judaism which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jews from the Land of Israel. The day also commemorates other tragedies which occurred on the same day, including the Roman massacre of over 100,000 Jews at Betar in 132 CE. Instituted by the rabbis of 2nd-century Palestine, Tisha B'Av is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar and "a day which is destined for tragedy". "Tisha B'Av" means the "Ninth of Av" Av is the 11th month. Therefore, Tisha B'Av is the 9th of the 11th Month, or 9-11. Oddly "Tisha B'Av" in Jewish Gemetria = 911 The 2014 Date for Tisha B'Av is August 4th - August 5th, this Monday and Tuesday. The Ukraine is in crisis. The Gaza Strip is Hell on Earth, And Ebola is being Fed Ex'd in a human container to Atlanta

via Mark Gray/ Keys to Cosmic Doorways:
Tisha B’Av “the ninth of Av”, is an annual fast day in Judaism which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jews from the Land of Israel. The day also commemorates other tragedies which occurred on the same day, including the Roman massacre of over 100,000 Jews at Betar in 132 CE. Instituted by the rabbis of 2nd-century Palestine, Tisha B’Av is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar and “a day which is destined for tragedy”.
“Tisha B’Av” means the “Ninth of Av”
Av is the 11th month.
Therefore, Tisha B’Av is the 9th of the 11th Month, or 9-11.
Oddly “Tisha B’Av” in Jewish Gemetria = 911
The 2014 Date for Tisha B’Av is August 4th – August 5th, this Monday and Tuesday.
The Ukraine is in crisis.
The Gaza Strip is Hell on Earth,
And Ebola is being Fed Ex’d in a human container to Atlanta

Reply  Message 109 of 109 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 31/07/2015 00:29

Rispondi  Messaggio 4 di 13 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 15/11/2015 16:41
Hey Ralph

Your video game IDEA is also part of how I SEE the evolution of GOD Helmet. I had this IDEA in 2009 when I was reading DanIEL Winter's work. Although he SEES the coherence of mind & heart as an end to itself I sEE it as a means to an end. Let mi explain.

I see ascension as a part of CUbic enfoldment-unfoldment of 9 Levels over 3 Layers or Realms.

The 9 Levels each poses 3 Cubes = 9 x 81 dimension Specific Solfeggio Frequency CODES.

But how do we know which dimension WE are accessing and communicating with? How do we know that the RAndom Music being transmitted from your oversoul layers or you guardian angELs are infact the TRUE Music tuned for your healing and activation?

DanIEL Winter talks about Phire, Implosion, embedding and LOVE via coherence biofeedback.

I believe that by getting feedback regarding eeg and ecg coherence WE can KNOW that the music which is being created through RANDOM EVENT GENERATION as PINK NOISE is TRUE to one's heART or not. The goal is to monitor what sort of Solfeggio CODES are being generated @ the EDGE of CHAOS while at the same time maximizing coherence in MIND and heART. The Music is then modulated upon LIGHT LED and ELectromagnetic pulses as well as Infrasound. The magnetic coils are placed upon the tempolar lobes above the ears bilaterally. The Infrasonic transducer is placed upon the Crown Itself rattling the dome with BASS via 270 non-solfeggio freq.

There is much reasearch regarding the spiritual effects of Infrasound waves, talk about goose bump effects and BASS

The infinity sign @ the top of the Magician's head comes to MIND. 2 Sets of Fib seq.

This sort of Music can indeed do some exorcising and enabling 3D boxed fellows to talk to one's higher SELF. What would happen to churches, unholy scripts, and child molesting middle man?

So I like to get your feedback regarding the evolution of the God Helmet deSIGN.

Thanks regarding 1212 1215. Here is some interesting inPho from Tsarion regarding EL

“The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, EL. It is the reason why those that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. In fact the words, Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Temple, Circle, Gospel, Apostle, Disciple, Evangelists, etc., all derive from the Cult of EL.

Angels are messengers of god. But god was EL, which is why we have the names of the Archangels bearing the ‘el,’ suffix Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc,.”

Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”

“The plural term Elohim appears over 2500 times in the Old Testament but is falsely translated in most versions. This fact of plurality explains why in Genesis ‘Gods’ said, ‘Let us make man in our image.’

"As stated, Elohim refers to both ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses,’ and its singular form, El, served as a prefix or suffix to names of gods, people and places, whence EmmanuEl, GabriEl, BethEl, etc. Even ‘Satan’ was one of the Elohim.”

Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy”

The gods of ELohim are angELs, the messengers of god.

When witches cast a speEL, they put the “Hex” (6) on someone, and when chefs deep fry something, they “Deep 6” it. It is the ELites who run the world today. Elite comes from the “IsraElites” which came from the Egyptian worship of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), hence IsRaEl.

So we have three types of CODE. Would this be a correct assumption?

Lunar 1212 or 1215
Solar 25811
Saturnic 1379 1376

Now back to the Cube.

"Jews and Muslims alike worship a huge black cube/box called Kabba at Mecca. Their god YHWH is known as the “Tetragramaton” meaning their 4 letter (4 sided?) God. The “Kabballah” of Jewish mysticism/Masonry comes from KabbaAllah or “CubeGod” around which people gather and ceremonially walk in circles."

Thus it can be said they are “circling the square.” Masons are also constantly referring to “circling the square” and “squaring the circle.”

So whats the relationship between hexagonal numbers and their corresponding Cubes?

The sequence of the centered hexagonal numbers is 1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271, 331, ...

The formula is an=3n²-3n+1.
There is 1, 1+7=8, 1+7+19=27, 1+7+19+37=64, ...
The series to the sequence of the centered hexagonal numbers is the sequence of the cube numbers.

Now I like to better understand the old formula and the new formula

27 + 37 vs 26 + 38 and their aSSociation with the hexagonal numbers. Can you shed some Light Ralph.



Rispondi  Messaggio 5 di 13 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 18/11/2015 18:44
Thirty-sEVEn 37 Point Mandala Offering 


The offering of a mandala containing the entire wealth of the universe is the highest ritual expression of devotion in the Buddhist tradition. 
-Robert Beer 
The Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols

How much MORE evidence do we need about the number 37 representing the number of the collective unconscious? 
Did you start reading on page 1? 

I do wish my name was SS, a.k.a. Steven SpIELberg, this would be a fucking blockbuster. 
Jesus H. Christ please explain why U R such a copy-KAt, and why your followers need to convert everybody to your way of thinking and feeling? 
You do not seem that original when folks go searching for a TRUTH that truly unifies. 
Why all of the smote, smoke and mirrors? 


2D version of the 37 Point Mandala Offering 


Bab-Ilu the Gate of God 

Note both images have 4 axis. 
xyz and t 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Rispondi  Messaggio 6 di 13 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 23/11/2015 16:21
Resultado de imagen para raphael key 528 cube

Rispondi  Messaggio 7 di 13 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 03/12/2015 00:32

DNA codons taken as Sun/Moon ratio yields the Fine Structure Constant 1/128 and 1/137 and 1/146


The ‘supernatural’ facilities of
Ratio or Reason
Mens or Mind

The relation of Man, the microcosm, with the Universe, the macrocosm, c1617

The spheres of the Sun, Moon and planets and the hierarchy of angels and archangels, lead to the trinity of God represented by the triangle at the top.
In the centre are the spheres of the four elements earth, water, air and fire marked with the four temperaments. 

From Utriusque cosmi… historia by Robert Fludd.
(Oppenheim, 1617-1619).

128 vs 137 vs 146

DNA codons taken as Sun/Moon ratio yields the newly discovered (reciprocal) value for the Fine Structure Constant 128.5 and also provides us with the old established (reciprocal) value of 137 too.

Stone layers on the top of the pyramid of Khufu
from an Italian aerial photography [3] – PhotoVideo

And whoever built the pyramids used RATIOS…I suspect.
The current height of the Great Pyramid is approximately 137 meters in the north-east corner according to trail blazing architect Jean-Pierre Houdin.
The original height was approximately 146.5 meters.

We can arrive at approximations using ratios based on two numbers which always sum to64‘.
are the number of DNA codons that all life on earth defaults to.

i.e. sum of 64 based on values for the sun + moon 

36 + 28 = 64

37 + 27 = 64

38 + 26 = 64

the ratios based on those numbers are



38:26 = 1.461538 

Did the builders use RATIOS because there is good REASON behind it…?

The above numbers if you correlate them to the Great Pyramid suggests a story.

The ratio 38:28 corresponds to the original finished height of the Great Pyramid of 146.5 meters

The ratio 37:27 suggests where we are today 137 is the inverse of alpha the fine structure constant 1/137
The ratio 36:26 is associated with the number 128 which has been associated with an older universe, an older larger alpha of 1/128 (see below)

So it appears I may have stumbled onto a simple and elegant pattern linking an oscillating ‘alpha’ to the height of the Great Pyramid.
I must conclude that in the vicinity of 128-129 meters, approximately 9 meters below the current summit of 137 meters is a treasure yet to be found.

“We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up to now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future.”
– Max Planck
The Universe in the Light of Modern Physics (1931)

The reason I needed Max to walk the Planck and take the plunge into a new frontier is because it appears that the speed of light, and along with it, the fine structure constant are both in jeopardy of no longer being ‘constants’.

Current advances:
The fine-structure constant and quantum Hall effect

The fine-structure constant  is of dimension 1 (i.e., it is simply a number) and very nearly equal to 1/137.

It is the “coupling constant” or measure of the strength of the electromagnetic force that governs how electrically charged elementary particles (e.g., electron, muon) and light (photons) interact.

At shorter distances corresponding to higher energy processes or probes (large momentum transfers), the screen is partially penetrated and the strength of the electromagnetic interaction increases since the effective charge increases.

Thus  depends upon the energy at which it is measured, increasing with increasing energy, and is considered an effective or running coupling constant. Indeed, due to e+e- and other vacuum polarization processes, at an energy corresponding to the mass of the W boson (approximately 81 GeV, equivalent to a distance of approximately 2 x 10-18 m), (mW) is approximately 1/128 compared with its zero-energy value of approximately 1/137.

Thus the famous number 1/137 is not unique or especially fundamental.

Speed of light may have changed over time

The number is 137…not 42

The Great Pyramid–Martin Gardner *outdated skepticism*

Now I wrote this back in 2009:

And then I found this post I had written:

i.e. the fine structure constant (1/128 or 1/137) is somehow connected to the ‘zodiac’ and the 4 gospels.

That was then, this is now.  

We have since acquired a simple SUN/MOON ratio that can be applied to the CUBE of 64 based on 4^3 which happens to match up nicely with the number of codons of our DNA, that forms the basis for all life on earth.

It all sounds like a blueprint, or a grail tale worth preserving and placing into a chest or an ark, and calling it the holy of holies batman. DNA knowledge and wisdom regarding the preservation of life on earth would/should be a big deal.

And the association to the 64 Hexagrams that comprise the 5000 year old I Ching is not a coincidence, as others have noted too.

Those 64 codons form the codes which comprise our DNA, which is the common denominator of ALL life on earth, presenting itself as a candidate worthy of ‘grail’ status.

We have already noted the connection between the numbers 37 + 27 = 64 AND the fine structure constant called alpha, recognized as 0.00729, 1/137, and simply 137.



27/37 = 0.729729 

Then Frank C. Higgins reminded me that long ago the ancients had assigned the number 36 to the SUN and 28 to the MOON

So I did the obvious. I took the SUN/MOON as a ratio. And the results were stunning to say the least.
Could it be this simple?

Recall that Ha/tha (as in Hatha yoga) means Sun/Moon.




Which brings us back to the beginning of this blogpost and the number 1.258
One of the numerical clues that I am following as I time travel, remembering what I already seem to know?

My former firefighter badge was #1258

So it appears the SUN/MOON ratio is directly connected to the maintenance of our DNA
a.k.a. known as the Holy Grail
the Ark of the Convenant
and the buried treasure


eks marks the spot

Famous early x-ray image of DNA a.k.a. PHOTO 51 taken by Rosalind Franklin
Her role in the discovery of the double helix:
Reply  Message 67 of 67 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/12/2015 21:27


…are DEM BONES a reference to DNA?

The pirate hardy har har Sir Issac Newton’s Coat of Arms next to Rosalind Franklin’s x-ray of DNA.

i.e. what all SAGES see is that the X marking the treasure is the same perspective as looking down/from above the double helix.

Oh ‘Dem Bones!

EzekIEL 37:1-27

And curiously what does the inverse, i.e. Moon/Sun ratio or 28/36 yield?

.777777 …

Which brings us back to the IDEA of the CUBE and how many firefighters died on 911.
The number is 343.

7x7x7 = 343

‘ALPHA’ stew

We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up to now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future.

-Max Planck

Joe E. Mason writes on his Great Dreams website:

The number 128 has been part of many incredible coincidences. When it is multiplied by nine, the total is 1,152, a Gematria number, meaning “Witness.” It can be derived from the cycle of time number, 432, as 4 x 32 = 128.

One form of the star is found in quilting designs. Using four colors, there are a total of 128 diamond shapes in the pattern, 16 in each section. The quilting design is called, The Lone Star, The Texas Star, or The Bethlehem Star.

Joe E. Mason may have been onto something about the numbers 1152.

Swastika – 396 – ABHA Kingdom – 1251 – Yin Yang – Greek KEY fret pattern – Saturnalia


East meets West and the meeting point is ‘alpha’ (fine structure constant) herein we have evidence of a language that the universe utilizes to ‘replicate’ itself.
How does the universe get information from the ‘source’ to the outer reaches of both outer space and inner space?

Alpha (1/137) vs. Alphabets
Anything man can do the universe has already accomplished on some level and it was probably better designed too.

Spring Temple Buddha is 128 metres

36:28 = 1.28

The Spring Temple Buddha is a statue depicting Vairocana Buddha located in the Zhaocun township of Lushan County, Henan, China, built in 2002. It is located within the Fodushan Scenic Area, close to National Freeway no. 311. At 128 m (420 ft), which includes a 20 m (66 ft) lotus throne, it is the tallest statue in the world.

Please note the height of the Buddha is 128 meters including a 66 ft. lotus throne.

Noah’s Ark is 137 meters long

37:27 = 1.37

God spells out to Noah the dimensions of the ark, 300 cubits by 50 by 30 – if using the 18″ cubit, these dimensions are approximately 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high (137.2 by 22.86 by 13.72 meters) – with three internal divisions (which are not actually called “decks”, although presumably this is what is intended), a door in the side, and a sohar, which may be either a roof or a skylight.

Noah’s Ark – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please note the height of the Great Pyramid is 137 meters high and it overlooks 66 1/3 ft. sphinx, in contrast to the Spring Temple Buddha that sits on a 66 ft. lotus.

It is the largest monolith statue in the world, standing 73.5 metres (241 ft) long, 19.3 metres (63 ft) wide, and 20.22 m (66.34 ft) high. It is the oldest known monumental sculpture…

Current height of the Great Pyramid is 137 meters but the original height is estimated to  have been about 146.5 meters, which brings us to the next ratio based on 38:26.

It all suggests to me that the original pyramid capstone would have been about .5 meter in height and it also suggests that we could expect to find something in the Great Pyramid at a height of about 128-129 meters, i.e. based on the S/M (sun/moon) ratio of 36/28.

38:26 = 1.46 



Rispondi  Messaggio 8 di 13 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/12/2015 17:57
London 2012 77th Year since 1936 Berlin NAZI Fire Torch Lighting---111 from Passover---77 from Pentecost

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 07/07/2018 18:11
Resultado de imagen para sirius 11th september

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 23/11/2020 12:06

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 04/02/2021 19:50
vortex math | Mathematics geometry, Sacred geometry, Sacred geometry symbols

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 30/11/2021 19:21

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 29/04/2022 17:45

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