Envía la canción 'Maria Magdalena' a tu celular |
I´ll never be maria magdalena, (you´re a creature of the night) maria magdalena, (you´re a victim of the fight - you need love) promise me delight (you need love) Why must i lie, find alibis? when will you wake up and realize? i can´t surrender to you, play for affection and win the prize, i know those party games, too... I´ll never be maria magdalena, (you´re a creature of the night) maria magdalena, (you´re a victim of the fight - you need love) promise me delight (you need love) i´ll never be maria magdalena, (you´re a creature of the night) maria magdalena, (you´re a victim of the fight - you need love) promise me delight (you need love)
Fuente: musica.com |
Duran, Duran seven ragged tiger
Encodes Draco Cat eye nebula seven fractal week days and will get ragged after doomsday fire. Below left the tiger eye inside the fractal heptagram star. Top right the Islamic new moon and Venus pentagonal cycle codex.
Vesica piscis
Fermentation - nigredo - bread and wine of Christ La vesica piscis (vejiga de pez en latín) es un símbolo hecho con dos círculos del mismo radio que se intersecan de manera que el centro de cada círculo está en la circunferencia del otro. Esta forma se denomina también mandorla (que significa "almendra" en italiano). Era un símbolo conocido en las antiguas civilizaciones de Mesopotamia, África y Asia.
Biología Animal: el ojo de los gatos
A diferencia de los humanos, los felinos y más precisamente los gatos domésticos cuentan con ojos que pueden ver casi en lo que nosotros percibimos como plena oscuridad. Cómo ven los gatos y algunas preguntas más serán respondidas hoy en OjoCientífico.
Gatos y humanos
Es verdad que los gatos pueden ver mejor durante la noche que los humanos, pero sucede totalmente por el contrario durante las horas de sol.
Esta cualidad de poder ver mejor en la oscuridad es compartida por varios animales entre ellos los perros. Esto se debe a que estos animales cuentan con un tapetum lucidum, esto es un tejido que se ubica en la parte posterior de los ojos de los animales.
El tapetum lucidum hace que el ojo absorba mucha más luz antes de llegar a la retina. De esta manera con menos luz ellos pueden ver mejor porque igualmente más luz está entrando en su retina.
Por otra parte como dijimos estos cuentan con peor visión durante el día, teniendo así un umbral de detección de luz siete veces menor que las personas, el tapetum lucidum también es el culpable de esto ya que por permitir mayor iluminación debe limitar la calidad de la visión durante períodos de mucha luz.
Durante las horas de luz el gato cierra constantemente su iris de esta manera consigue una mejor y más fina profundidad de campo.
Con profundidad de campo nos referimos al espectro nítido de visión. Si ustedes ponen un dedo al frente suyo podrán ver que pueden enfocar su vista hacia el dedo o hacia el fondo, eso es controlar la profundidad de campo de la vista.
Los gatos son animales depredadores, por esta razón al igual que el resto de los depredadores estos cuentan con los ojos al frente de la cabeza. De esta manera pierden un amplio espectro de visión hacia los lados, pero ganan visión en profundidad, para así poder cazar mejor.
Los felinos cuentan con una banda central dentro del ojo llamada raya visual. Gracias a esta raya estos pueden distinguir cierta cantidad de colores, pero no todos.
Entre los colores que pueden distinguir encontramos:
- tonos verdosos
- azul
- celeste
Sin embargo se cree que no pueden ver los colores con mucha definición, y solamente pueden percibirlos a corta distancia.
Otra característica de la visión gatuna es su amplitud de vista. Estos cuentan con una amplitud visual de unos 200º (grados). Por otro lado los humanos contamos con un rango aproximado de 180º. Aunque esto no parezca mucho, lo es.
La membrana nictitante es un párpado extra con el que cuentan algunos animales incluyendo los gatos. Este párpado extra sirve como protección, tanto para bacterias como para posibles amenazas mayores.
03/06/2007 - Subido por xjavier77
16/08/2010 - Subido por josete09loquillo
Busqueda para LEOPARDO
1. Cantares 4:8: Ven conmigo desde el Líbano, oh esposa mía; Ven conmigo desde el Líbano. Mira desde la cumbre de Amana, Desde la cumbre de Senir y de Hermón, Desde las guaridas de los leones, Desde los montes de los LEOPARDOs.
2. Isaías 11:6: Morará el lobo con el cordero, y el LEOPARDO con el cabrito se acostará; el becerro y el león y la bestia doméstica andarán juntos, y un niño los pastoreará.
3. Jeremías 5:6: Por tanto, el león de la selva los matará, los destruirá el lobo del desierto, el LEOPARDO acechará sus ciudades; cualquiera que de ellas saliere será arrebatado; porque sus rebeliones se han multiplicado, se han aumentado sus deslealtades.
4. Jeremías 13:23: ¿Mudará el etíope su piel, y el LEOPARDO sus manchas? Así también, ¿podréis vosotros hacer bien, estando habituados a hacer mal?
5. Daniel 7:6: Después de esto miré, y he aquí otra, semejante a un LEOPARDO, con cuatro alas de ave en sus espaldas; tenía tembién esta bestia cuatro cabezas; y le fue dado dominio.
6. Oseas 13:7: Por tanto, yo seré para ellos como león; como un LEOPARDO en el camino los acecharé.
7. Habacuc 1:8: Sus caballos serán más ligeros que LEOPARDOs, y más feroces que lobos nocturnos, y sus jinetes se multiplicarán; vendrán de lejos sus jinetes, y volarán como águilas que se apresuran a devorar.
8. Apocalipsis 13:2: Y la bestia que vi era semejante a un LEOPARDO, y sus pies como de oso, y su boca como boca de león. Y el dragón le dio su poder y su trono, y grande autoridad. |
Why the Bull, because it is Venus, the Goddess, cube of domine 9 clockwise, coming in the last pentagonal rosae crucis cycle of the ages on June 6 2012 announcing the Age of Aquarius that will last up to the 21 December 2012 going back to Piscis in the precession of the equinoxes through her death regenerative sexual purification fire , the Cancer walking back crab and 96 code , the scarab beetle Egyptian code and the up side down Cassiopea Andromeda Jelly fish code. Lady Gaga bull horns with his fingers and all seeing eye with the bolt make up Notice her rhombic nails doomsday vesica piscis Jesus code. More about the rhombic reptilian doomsday key viewtopic.php?f=22&t=27309Egyptian Goddess Hathor/Isis represented with the Sun through the middle of the bull horns. She was also represented by the golden calf.
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Last edited by INDIGOMEROVINGIAN on Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Queen Cassiopeia, wife of king Cepheus of Æthiopia, was beautiful but also arrogant and vain; these latter two characteristics led to her downfall. Her name in Greek is Κασσιόπη, which means "she whose words excel". The boast of Cassiopeia was that both she and her daughter Andromeda were more beautiful than all the Nereids, the nymph-daughters of the sea god Nereus. This brought the wrath of Poseidon, ruling god of the sea, upon the kingdom of Ethiopia.
The constellation is in a circumpolar position, i.e. it revolves around the pole star, Polaris, and being so close to the pole, its position appears to change dramatically throughout the night. The five brightest stars trace the shape of a slightly distorted M, known as the Celestial M, when above the pole, and a W, known as Celestial W, when below the pole, when Cassiopeia is in an upside-down position.
Cassiopea, is the name of the genus of the "upside-down" jellyfish.
Pliny the Elder described Adulis, which port he said was the Ethiopians' principal trading town. He also stated that the term "Ethiopia" was derived from an individual named Aethiops, said to be the son of Hephaestus (aka Vulcan).[5] This etymology was followed by all authorities, until around 1600, when Jacob Salianus in Tome I of his Annales first proposed an alternate hypothesis deriving it from the Greek words aitho "I burn" and ops "face". This is according to a Spanish priest by the name of Francisco Colin (1592–1660), in his book "Sacra India" which includes a lengthy chapter on Ethiopia. Colin mentioned Salianus' opinion as one tentative new hypothesis for the source of the name.[6] The 'burnt face' derivation next appeared in works by German authors Christopher von Waldenfels (1677) and Johannes Minellius (1683), and was soon adopted as standard by most European scholars.
Illuminati facebook secret doomsday codes on plain sight : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... =3&theaterhttp://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... =3&theater333 Jesus age and Freemasons degree, component from Alpha Aquarius and Omega Libra to the Pyra-mid-le fire. "You and me: we are one, I can not hurt you without hurting myself." Mahatma Gandhi. Meaning Cat eye Draco Nebula and Cassiopeia, the black burned face Queen of Ethiopia.
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Last edited by INDIGOMEROVINGIAN on Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Schrödinger Cat eye nebula Ammonia avenue Draconian suicide Alan Parsons project - La Sagrada Familia - Eye in the sky Gaudi Finca Guell Hesperides dragon Barcelona - Cat-a-lonia 4 Cats restaurant The paradox has been the subject of much controversy both scientifically and philosophically, to the point that Stephen Hawking has said, "every time I hear about that cat, I begin to get my gun", referring to the quantum suicide, a variant of the experiment of Schrödinger. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_catSchrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects. The scenario presents a cat that might be alive or dead, depending on an earlier random event. Although the original "experiment" was imaginary, similar principles have been researched and used in practical applications. The thought experiment is also often featured in theoretical discussions of the interpretation of quantum mechanics. In the course of developing this experiment, Schrödinger coined the term Verschränkung (entanglement). Origin and motivation Schrödinger intended his thought experiment as a discussion of the EPR article—named after its authors Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen—in 1935.[1] The EPR article highlighted the strange nature of quantum entanglement, which is a characteristic of a quantum state that is a combination of the states of two systems (for example, two subatomic particles), that once interacted but were then separated and are not each in a definite state. The Copenhagen interpretation implies that the state of the two systems undergoes collapse into a definite state when one of the systems is measured. Schrödinger and Einstein exchanged letters about Einstein's EPR article, in the course of which Einstein pointed out that the state of an unstable keg of gunpowder will, after a while, contain a superposition of both exploded and unexploded states. To further illustrate the putative incompleteness of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger describes how one could, in principle, transpose the superposition of an atom to large-scale systems. He proposed a scenario with a cat in a sealed box, wherein the cat's life or death depended on the state of a subatomic particle. According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead (to the universe outside the box) until the box is opened. Schrödinger did not wish to promote the idea of dead-and-alive cats as a serious possibility; quite the reverse, the paradox is a classic reductio ad absurdum.[2] The thought experiment illustrates the counterintuitiveness of quantum mechanics and the mathematics necessary to describe quantum states. Intended as a critique of just the Copenhagen interpretation (the prevailing orthodoxy in 1935), the Schrödinger cat thought experiment remains a typical touchstone for all interpretations of quantum mechanics. Physicists often use the way each interpretation deals with Schrödinger's cat as a way of illustrating and comparing the particular features, strengths, and weaknesses of each interpretation. [edit]The thought experiment Schrödinger wrote:[3][2] One can even set up quite ridiculous cases. A cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat): in a Geiger counter, there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so small that perhaps in the course of the hour, one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability, perhaps none; if it happens, the counter tube discharges, and through a relay releases a hammer that shatters a small flask of hydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has decayed. The psi-function of the entire system would express this by having in it the living and dead cat (pardon the expression) mixed or smeared out in equal parts. It is typical of these cases that an indeterminacy originally restricted to the atomic domain becomes transformed into macroscopic indeterminacy, which can then be resolved by direct observation. That prevents us from so naively accepting as valid a "blurred model" for representing reality. In itself, it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory. There is a difference between a shaky or out-of-focus photograph and a snapshot of clouds and fog banks. —Erwin Schrödinger, Die gegenwärtige Situation in der Quantenmechanik (The present situation in quantum mechanics), Naturwissenschaften (translated by John D. Trimmer in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society) Schrödinger's famous thought experiment poses the question, when does a quantum system stop existing as a superposition of states and become one or the other? (More technically, when does the actual quantum state stop being a linear combination of states, each of which resembles different classical states, and instead begins to have a unique classical description?) If the cat survives, it remembers only being alive. But explanations of the EPR experiments that are consistent with standard microscopic quantum mechanics require that macroscopic objects, such as cats and notebooks, do not always have unique classical descriptions. The thought experiment illustrates this apparent paradox. Our intuition says that no observer can be in a mixture of states—yet the cat, it seems from the thought experiment, can be such a mixture. Is the cat required to be an observer, or does its existence in a single well-defined classical state require another external observer? Each alternative seemed absurd to Albert Einstein, who was impressed by the ability of the thought experiment to highlight these issues. In a letter to Schrödinger dated 1950, he wrote: You are the only contemporary physicist, besides Laue, who sees that one cannot get around the assumption of reality, if only one is honest. Most of them simply do not see what sort of risky game they are playing with reality—reality as something independent of what is experimentally established. Their interpretation is, however, refuted most elegantly by your system of radioactive atom + amplifier + charge of gunpowder + cat in a box, in which the psi-function of the system contains both the cat alive and blown to bits. Nobody really doubts that the presence or absence of the cat is something independent of the act of observation.[4] Note that no charge of gunpowder is mentioned in Schrödinger's setup, which uses a Geiger counter as an amplifier and hydrocyanic poison instead of gunpowder. The gunpowder had been mentioned in Einstein's original suggestion to Schrödinger 15 years before, and apparently Einstein had carried it forward to the present discussion.
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cat eye 1111 gaudi.JPG [ 53.24 KiB | Viewed 15703 times ]
indigomerovingian wrote:
Schrödinger Cat eye nebula Ammonia avenue Draconian suicide Alan Parsons project - La Sagrada Familia - Eye in the sky Gaudi Finca Guell Hesperides dragon Barcelona - Cat-a-lonia 4 Cats restaurant The paradox has been the subject of much controversy both scientifically and philosophically, to the point that Stephen Hawking has said, "every time I hear about that cat, I begin to get my gun", referring to the quantum suicide, a variant of the experiment of Schrödinger. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_catSchrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects. The scenario presents a cat that might be alive or dead, depending on an earlier random event. Although the original "experiment" was imaginary, similar principles have been researched and used in practical applications. The thought experiment is also often featured in theoretical discussions of the interpretation of quantum mechanics. In the course of developing this experiment, Schrödinger coined the term Verschränkung (entanglement). Origin and motivation Schrödinger intended his thought experiment as a discussion of the EPR article—named after its authors Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen—in 1935.[1] The EPR article highlighted the strange nature of quantum entanglement, which is a characteristic of a quantum state that is a combination of the states of two systems (for example, two subatomic particles), that once interacted but were then separated and are not each in a definite state. The Copenhagen interpretation implies that the state of the two systems undergoes collapse into a definite state when one of the systems is measured. Schrödinger and Einstein exchanged letters about Einstein's EPR article, in the course of which Einstein pointed out that the state of an unstable keg of gunpowder will, after a while, contain a superposition of both exploded and unexploded states. To further illustrate the putative incompleteness of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger describes how one could, in principle, transpose the superposition of an atom to large-scale systems. He proposed a scenario with a cat in a sealed box, wherein the cat's life or death depended on the state of a subatomic particle. According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead (to the universe outside the box) until the box is opened. Schrödinger did not wish to promote the idea of dead-and-alive cats as a serious possibility; quite the reverse, the paradox is a classic reductio ad absurdum.[2] The thought experiment illustrates the counterintuitiveness of quantum mechanics and the mathematics necessary to describe quantum states. Intended as a critique of just the Copenhagen interpretation (the prevailing orthodoxy in 1935), the Schrödinger cat thought experiment remains a typical touchstone for all interpretations of quantum mechanics. Physicists often use the way each interpretation deals with Schrödinger's cat as a way of illustrating and comparing the particular features, strengths, and weaknesses of each interpretation. [edit]The thought experiment Schrödinger wrote:[3][2] One can even set up quite ridiculous cases. A cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat): in a Geiger counter, there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so small that perhaps in the course of the hour, one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability, perhaps none; if it happens, the counter tube discharges, and through a relay releases a hammer that shatters a small flask of hydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has decayed. The psi-function of the entire system would express this by having in it the living and dead cat (pardon the expression) mixed or smeared out in equal parts. It is typical of these cases that an indeterminacy originally restricted to the atomic domain becomes transformed into macroscopic indeterminacy, which can then be resolved by direct observation. That prevents us from so naively accepting as valid a "blurred model" for representing reality. In itself, it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory. There is a difference between a shaky or out-of-focus photograph and a snapshot of clouds and fog banks. —Erwin Schrödinger, Die gegenwärtige Situation in der Quantenmechanik (The present situation in quantum mechanics), Naturwissenschaften (translated by John D. Trimmer in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society) Schrödinger's famous thought experiment poses the question, when does a quantum system stop existing as a superposition of states and become one or the other? (More technically, when does the actual quantum state stop being a linear combination of states, each of which resembles different classical states, and instead begins to have a unique classical description?) If the cat survives, it remembers only being alive. But explanations of the EPR experiments that are consistent with standard microscopic quantum mechanics require that macroscopic objects, such as cats and notebooks, do not always have unique classical descriptions. The thought experiment illustrates this apparent paradox. Our intuition says that no observer can be in a mixture of states—yet the cat, it seems from the thought experiment, can be such a mixture. Is the cat required to be an observer, or does its existence in a single well-defined classical state require another external observer? Each alternative seemed absurd to Albert Einstein, who was impressed by the ability of the thought experiment to highlight these issues. In a letter to Schrödinger dated 1950, he wrote: You are the only contemporary physicist, besides Laue, who sees that one cannot get around the assumption of reality, if only one is honest. Most of them simply do not see what sort of risky game they are playing with reality—reality as something independent of what is experimentally established. Their interpretation is, however, refuted most elegantly by your system of radioactive atom + amplifier + charge of gunpowder + cat in a box, in which the psi-function of the system contains both the cat alive and blown to bits. Nobody really doubts that the presence or absence of the cat is something independent of the act of observation.[4] Note that no charge of gunpowder is mentioned in Schrödinger's setup, which uses a Geiger counter as an amplifier and hydrocyanic poison instead of gunpowder. The gunpowder had been mentioned in Einstein's original suggestion to Schrödinger 15 years before, and apparently Einstein had carried it forward to the present discussion.
Kaon - Koan...
K - aon / K -oan Rhombus 11 - 1 - 15 -14 Solar system - Acuarius - 1111 - Leo ( Judea ) Kohen (or Kohain; Hebrew: כֹּהֵן, "priest", pl. כֹּהֲנִים Kohanim) is the Hebrew word for priest. Jewish Kohanim are traditionally believed and halachically required to be of direct patrilineal descent from the Biblical Aaron. The noun kohen is used in the Torah to refer to priests, both Jewish and non-Jewish, such as the Jewish nation as a whole,[1] as well as the priests (Hebrew kohanim) of Baal (2Kings 10:19). During the existence of the Temple in Jerusalem, Kohanim performed the daily and holiday (Yom Tov) duties of sacrificial offerings. Today kohanim retain a lesser though somewhat distinct status within Judaism, and are bound by additional restrictions according to Orthodox Judaism. Cohen (and its variations) as a surname Main article: Cohen (surname) The status of kohen in Judaism has no necessary relationship to a person's surname. Though it is true that descendants of Kohanim often bear surnames that reflect their genealogy, there are many families with the surname Cohen (or any number of variations) who are not Kohanim nor even Jewish. Conversely, there are many Kohanim who do not have Cohen as a surname. There are numerous variations to the spelling of the surname Cohen. These are often corrupted by translation or transliteration into or from other languages, as exemplified below (not a complete list). English: Cohen, Cowen, Cahn, Cahan, Carne, Cohn, Conn, Conway, Cohan, Cohaner, Cahanman, Chaplan, Kaplan (Cohan is also an Irish surname and Conway is also a surname of Welsh origin) German: Kohn, Cohn, Kogen, Korn, Kuhn, Kahn, Cön/Coen, Katz (a Hebrew abbreviation for Kohen Zedek (כהן צדק) i.e. "righteous priest") Dutch: Cohen, Käin, Kohn, Kon, Cogen French: Cahen, Cohen, Caen, Cahun,Kahane Hungarian: Kohen, Kovacs, Káhán Russian: Kogan, Brevda, Kagedan/Kagidan (in Hebrew, this name is spelled "kaf-shin-daled-nun" and is an acronym for "Kohanei Shluchei DeShmaya Ninhu," which is Aramaic for "priests are the messengers of heaven"). Kazhdan/Kazdan/Kasdan/Kasdin/Kasden/Kogan/Kogensohn/Kagan/Kaganovich/Kaganovsky are also possible variations of this name Serbian: Koen, Kon, Kojen Polish: Kon Italian: Coen, Cohen, Prohen, Sacerdote (Italian for "priest"), Sacerdoti, Sacerdoti Coen Spanish: Coen, Cohen, Koen, Cannoh, Canno, Canoh, Cano Basque: Apeztegui "priestly house", in basque "apaiz" (priestly) and "tegi" (house). Also Apéstegui, Apesteguia, Apaestegui, Aphesteguy Portuguese: Cão, Cunha Persian: Kohan, Kahen, Kohanzad, Kohanchi, Kohani Turkish: Kohen Arabic: al-Kohen Ancient/Modern Hebrew: Kohen, HaKohen, ben-Kohen, bar-Kohen Others: Maze/Mazo (acronym of mi zera Aharon, i.e. "from the seed of Aaron"), Azoulai (acronym from ishah zonah ve'challelah lo yikachu, meaning "a foreign or divorced woman he shall not take;" prohibition binding on Kohanim), Rappaport, Kahane However, by no means are all Jews with these surnames Kohanim. Additionally, some "Cohen"-type surnames are considered stronger indications of the status than others. "Cohen" is one of the hardest to substantiate due to its sheer commonality. In contemporary Israel, "Moshe Cohen" is the equivalent of "John Smith" in English-speaking countries - i.e., proverbially the most common of names. Gloria Steinman Steinem was born in Toledo, Ohio. Her mother, Ruth (née Nuneviller), was a Presbyterian of Scottish and German descent, and her father, Leo Steinem, was the son of Jewish immigrants from Germany and Poland. [2][3] The Steinem's lived and traveled about in the trailer from which Leo carried out his trade as a traveling antiques dealer.[4] _________________ E.T.A.E
With the inquisitor's permission lets get into the Chinese draconian purple mysteries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_Forbidden_enclosureThe Purple Forbidden enclosure (紫微垣) is one of the San Yuan(三垣) or Three enclosures. Stars and constellations of this group lie near the north celestial pole and visible all year from temperate latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Hidden Virtue 陰德 2 Draco Hidden matters of the Emperor and prohibited to know Celestial Pillar 天柱 5 Draco / Cepheus Pillar of the local post decree, also responsible for supporting earth Canopy Support 杠 9 Camelopardalis / Cassiopeia The handle of canopy Canopy of the Emperor 華蓋 7 Cassiopeia Umbrella shelter used by the emperor Inner Steps 內階 6 Ursa Major The ladder to connect of Purple Palace The Emperor and also the Prince matters http://homepage.ntlworld.com/simon.quinn/rune.htmlThe illustration is the ancient symbol for the alchemic material soapstone.Alchemy is generally known to be the practice of turning metal into gold.This obviously yields comparison with the recent album The Gold Experience (along with the NPG's Goldnigga and the track 3 chains O Gold from the 0(+> album).The books introductory text on the origins of alchemy features the following: "In the Dark Ages the practice of alchemy was under ban. The church opposed it as a black and satanic art. Rulers suppressed it since they feared that the power of individuals to manufacture an unlimited supply of gold would undermine the fundamentals of their absolutistic reign." The substance Soapstone is compacted talc,and as an elixir it was believed it could help to cross "the veil of dimensions","Cross the Line"-Prince ,1988,"Together we'll love through all space and time"-7,1992.The outer layers of the Christ the Redeemer sculpture are made of soapstone. Rio de Janeiro Soapstone (also known as steatite or soaprock) is a metamorphic rock, a talc-schist. It is largely composed of the mineral talc and is thus rich in magnesium. It is produced by dynamothermal metamorphism and metasomatism, which occurs in the areas where tectonic plates are subducted, changing rocks by heat and pressure, with influx of fluids, but without melting. It has been a medium for carving for thousands of years. Magnesium ( /mæɡˈniːziəm/ mag-nee-zee-əm) is a chemical element with the symbol Mg, atomic number 12, and common oxidation number +2. It is an alkaline earth metal and the eighth most abundant element in the Earth's crust [2] and ninth in the known universe as a whole.[3][4] Magnesium is the fourth most common element in the Earth as a whole (behind iron, oxygen and silicon), making up 13% of the planet's mass and a large fraction of the planet's mantle. The relative abundance of magnesium is related to the fact that it is easily built up in supernova stars from a sequential addition of three helium nuclei to carbon (which in turn is made from three helium nuclei). Due to magnesium ion's high solubility in water, it is the third most abundant element dissolved in seawater.[5] Magnesium is a highly flammable metal, but while it is easy to ignite when powdered or shaved into thin strips, it is difficult to ignite in mass or bulk. Once ignited, it is difficult to extinguish, being able to burn in nitrogen (forming magnesium nitride), carbon dioxide (forming magnesium oxide and carbon) and water (forming magnesium oxide and hydrogen). This property was used in incendiary weapons used in the firebombing of cities in World War II, the only practical civil defense being to smother a burning flare under dry sand to exclude the atmosphere. On burning in air, magnesium produces a brilliant white light which includes strong ultraviolet. Thus magnesium powder (flash powder) was used as a source of illumination in the early days of photography. Later, magnesium ribbon was used in electrically ignited flash bulbs. Magnesium powder is used in the manufacture of fireworks and marine flares where a brilliant white light is required. Flame temperatures of magnesium and magnesium alloys can reach 3,100 °C (3,370 K; 5,610 °F),[7] although flame height above the burning metal is usually less than 300 mm (12 in).[8] Magnesium may be used as an ignition source for thermite, an otherwise difficult to ignite mixture of aluminium and iron oxide powder. The magnesium-bodied Honda RA302 of Jo Schlesser crashes and burns during the 1968 French Grand Prix. Schlesser was killed. The magnesium car body did not cause the fire or the death, but it greatly hindered attempts to douse the fire with water Supernovas detonate in Milky Way every 50 years 18:08 06 January 2006 by Kelly Young Gamma rays from a rare aluminium isotope produced by exploding stars appear to permeate our galaxy, the Milky Way. The new measurement has allowed astronomers to predict a supernova rate of two explosions per century in our galaxy, confirming the supernova rate seen in other galaxies. The researchers also calculated that about 7.5 stars are born in our galaxy every year. Massive stars and supernova explosions create a radioactive isotope of aluminium - aluminium-26. The decay of the isotope to magnesium creates gamma rays that astronomers are able to observe. The team used ESA's INTEGRAL spacecraft, launched in 2002, to examine the distribution of gamma rays in the disc of the Milky Way. Astronomers could see that the gamma rays were coming from the central region of the galaxy and not simply from local hot spots in the foreground, near Earth. Instant snapshot Matter closer the centre of the galaxy rotates faster than matter farther out, counterbalancing the increased gravitational tug at the heart of the Milky Way. This means the gamma rays are affected differently by the Doppler shift, and this can be detected from Earth: gamma-rays produced in regions closer to Earth would be shifted less. Gamma rays penetrate the dust and gas that obscures many of the star-forming regions of the galaxy. "This observation of aluminium-26 creates an instant snapshot of the galaxy for us," says Dieter Hartmann, an astronomer at Clemson University, South Carolina, US, and a member of the research team. "It has drawn us an accurate picture that we haven't had before." Based on the distribution of gamma rays, Roland Diehl, of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany, and colleagues estimated that the aluminium-26 in the galaxy has a mass equivalent to that of three suns. Aluminium-26 has a half life of 750,000 years, allowing researchers to track the number of recent supernovae. They inferred that one supernova explosion about every 50 years would be needed to generate the amount of aluminum-26 seen in the galaxy, though none have been recorded for a while: "We've actually been overdue now for 300 years," Hartmann told New Scientist. "Our galaxy isn't the biggest producer of stars and supernovae in the universe, but there's still plenty of activity," Diehl notes. "A sustained star formation rate of this magnitude is just what one needs to drive its chemical and dynamical evolution, which has led to life on Earth." Supernovas: Making Astronomical History Fusion and Building Chemical Elements Binding Energies http://snews.bnl.gov/popsci/fusion.htmlAs time progresses, a massive star comes to resemble a nuclear-fusion onion, with reactions progressing in layers. The very center of the star will be "burning" the heaviest elements, with lighter nuclei "burning" in successive layers, out from the center. We might find, for example, a core in which oxygen fuses to silicon and sulfur, surrounded by layers in which neon fuses to oxygen and magnesium, carbon fuses to neon and magnesium, and so forth.Fu Chinese blessing Trident - Satan - Kraft foods - Purple Cadbury - Cat eye nebula gamma rays Resuming
Gobekli Tepe in Turkey 11.000 years old, the cross and the cat/beast Cat mummies British Museum Horns bulls = V = Roman numeral 5 = Venus pentagonal cycle Lady gaga bull horns eye, bolt and rhombic nails, she lived in the Pythian Temple, her parents still live there. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythian_Temple_(New_York_City)Cremaster cat - lion beast slayed by Hiram Abiff apprentice over the cross pentagon/Venus and tomb - death resurrection key
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_________________ E.T.A.E |
Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
The Egyptians say that fire comes down from heaven upon the cow, which thereupon conceives Apis. The calf which is so called has the following marks: He is black, with a square spot of white upon his forehead, and on his back the figure of an eagle; the hairs in his tail are double, and there is a beetle upon his tongue”.(31) When an Apis Bull died the priests would find a young bull with these markings and it would become the new Apis. The new Apis would then be brought to Memphis where he would be kept in luxury by the priesthood.(32) After their death, the Apis bulls were mummified and buried in the Serapeum at Saqqara.(33)
Freemasons password Horus falcon - top right JA - BUL - ANI official World cup ball http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/egyptian/bookodead/book5.htmPapyrus of Ani; Egyptian Book of the Dead [Budge] 240 BC THE PAPYRUS OF ANI (THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD) Translated by E.A. Wallis Budge THE CHAPTER OF OPENING THE MOUTH OF THE OSIRIS ANI. World cup inauguration ceremony -Dung beetle - pushes back the dung/sun - reversion from 6 to 9 Abbey Road 19-69 and the beetle key - Zebra duality - checkerboard Masonic floor First name of the Beatles group was Beetles David Rockefeller's million dollar beetle collection Note the 1111 code in saved image - Forbes magazine http://images.forbes.com/media/2010/11/ ... 90x220.jpgFrom Xeper Church of Satan founded by Colonel Michael Aquino CIA director of Mk Ultra, Xeper, Kefer, is Egyptian beetle german word for beetle is Kafer -Volkswagen Nazi code. https://xeper.org/setne/pages/osk0.htm
The Secret to use of the Book is to always, remember two things:
1. That is no god, spirit or demon outside yourself that will aide you in any way -- only be your own power exercised in all domains of your life will Become a god.
2. You are not a god yet, you must strive, you must Work and Play, Learn and Teach.
There is only enemy to Initiation. It's name is Boredom. It has an ally called "laziness." Learning to defeat these will keep your feet on the Path of the Left.
Our role model, Setne Khamuast (Set is Beautiful, a Power Appears in Thebes) was the first Egyptologist. He was interested in the past both in terms of accuracy and magical efficacy. In the City of London in the Year XXIX, I called his Ak form a Ka statue in the British Museum. He was present at the first Working of our Order and His magical Purpose remains among us.
I would like to comment on the founder's name: Setne Khamuast, whose name means "Set is Beautiful, a Power Appears in Thebes." Most books will tell you that the name Setne just means Sem Priest. Better books will mention that Setne was the poetic description of the leopard skin, but neglect to say anything about Set. Setne is the name for the leopard skin that Sem Priests wore during the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony. It was the garment they wore to visit the Pool of Kepheru to bring back the deceased and to gain their own power.
Yeah) (Sing a song, brother) If the sun refused to shine, I don't mind, I don't mind. (Yeah) If the mountains fell in the sea, Let it be, it ain't me. Got my own world to live through And I ain't gonna copy you. Now, if 6 turned up to be 9, I don't mind, I don't mind. If all the hippies cut off their hair, I don't care, I don't care. Did, 'cos I got my own world to live through And I ain't gonna copy you. [ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/j/jimi+hendr ... 71549.html ] White-collar conservatives flashing down the street Pointing their plastic finger at me. They're hoping soon my kind will drop and die, But I'm gonna wave my freak flag high . . . HIGH! Hah, hah Falling mountains just don't fall on me Point on mister Buisnessman, You can't dress like me. Nobody know what I'm talking about I've got my own life to live I'm the one that's gonna have to die When it's time for me to die So let me live my life the way I want to. Yeah . . . Sing on brother, Play on brother . . . Sem priest
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