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Reply  Message 1 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 31/01/2012 16:41


Enviar_Letra Imprimir_Letra
Enviar letra a un amigo Imprimir letra
Envía la canción 'Maria Magdalena' a tu celular

I´ll never be maria magdalena,
(you´re a creature of the night)
maria magdalena,
(you´re a victim of the fight - you need love)
promise me delight
(you need love)
Why must i lie, find alibis?
when will you wake up and realize?
i can´t surrender to you,
play for affection and win the prize,
i know those party games, too...
I´ll never be maria magdalena,
(you´re a creature of the night)
maria magdalena,
(you´re a victim of the fight - you need love)
promise me delight
(you need love)
i´ll never be maria magdalena,
(you´re a creature of the night)
maria magdalena,
(you´re a victim of the fight - you need love)
promise me delight
(you need love)

Fuente: musica.com

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Reply  Message 130 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/02/2013 01:40

Reply  Message 131 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 11/02/2013 01:43
ROCK/ROCA (33 Y 47)
rock in Simple Gematria Equals: 47 ( r



Reply  Message 132 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 12/02/2013 04:25

Reply  Message 133 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 12/02/2013 04:32
ROCK/ROCA (33 Y 47)
rock in Simple Gematria Equals: 47 ( r



Reply  Message 134 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/02/2013 19:07
Fecha de Ingreso: 22-febrero-2012
Mensajes: 852
Gracias: 460
1.720 Agradecimientos de 663 mensajes
Ignorar usuario para siempre
El tema central de la ceremonia de los juegos olimpicos de Londres se dice van a ser los carros de fuego, inspirado en el poema de William Blake ' Traeme mi carro de fuego"

Carros de fuego es un 1981 de cine británico . Cuenta la historia basada en hechos reales de dos atletas en el Juegos Olímpicos de 1924 : Eric Liddell , un devoto de Escocia cristiana que corre por la gloria de Dios, y Harold Abrahams , un Inglés Judio que corre a superar los prejuicios.
La película fue escrita por Colin Welland y dirigida por Hugh Hudson . Fue nominado para siete premios de la Academia y ganó cuatro, incluyendo Mejor Película . Se ocupa el puesto 19 en el Instituto Británico de Cine de la lista @ s de 100 mejores películas británicas .
El título del filme se inspiró en la línea, "Tráeme mi carro de fuego", del William Blake poema adaptado en el popular británica himno "Jerusalem" ;. el himno se escucha al final de la película [ 1 ] La frase original "carro (s) de fuego" es de 2 Reyes 2:11 y 6:17 en la Biblia.

2 :11 recordemos a Whitney Houston

2 Reyes

11 Aconteció que mientras ellos iban caminando y hablando, un carro de fuego, con caballos de fuego, los apartó a los dos, y Elías subió al cielo en un torbellino. 12 Al ver esto, Eliseo clamó: «¡Padre mío, padre mío! ¡Carro de Israel y su caballería!»

17 Y oró Eliseo, diciendo: «Te ruego, Jehová, que abras sus ojos para que vea.» Jehová abrió entonces los ojos del criado, y éste vio que el monte estaba lleno de gente de a caballo y de carros de fuego alrededor de Eliseo.

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Tumbas Tracias en Bulgaria

Phaëton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

En la mitología griega , Faetón o Faetonte ( / f eɪ . ə t ən / o / f eɪ . ə θ ən / ; griego : Φαέθων "brillante") era el hijo de Helios y la oceánide Clímene . Genealogías alternativas menos comunes hacen de él un hijo de Clímeno por Merope [ 1 ] , de Helios y Rhode (por lo tanto un hermano completo de la Heliadae ) [ 2 ] o de Helios y Prote [ 3 ] .
Tal vez la versión más famosa del mito se nos da a través de Ovidio en sus Metamorfosis (libro II). Phaeton busca la seguridad de que su madre, Clímene , está diciendo la verdad de que su padre es el dios del sol Helios (como su marido es Merops , un rey mortal). Cuando Faetón obtiene la promesa de su padre para conducir el carro del sol, como prueba, él no puede controlarlo y la Tierra está en peligro de quemarse cuando Faetón es asesinado por un rayo de Zeus, para evitar un desastre mayor.
El nombre de "Phaeton", que significa "brillante", es también un epíteto de Eosphoros , la Estrella de la Mañana Venus . [ 4 ] [ aclaración necesaria ]
Faetón es también el nombre de otra deidad menor griega, el dios de las estrellas errantes Dios (el planeta Júpiter ).


En la versión del mito contada por Ovidio en las Metamorfosis , Phaeton asciende al cielo, la casa de su supuesto padre. Su madre Clímene había jactado de que su padre era el dios-sol Helios . Helios fue adorado especialmente en Rodas, pero en el siglo quinto aC, los griegos habían principalmente lo reemplazó con Apolo Febo . Sin embargo, en la mitología romana el dios del Sol Helios se adopta de nuevo sólo por su América el nombre de Sol ". [ 5 ] Phaeton fue a su padre, quien juró por el río Estigia para dar Phaeton nada de lo que debe pedir el fin de probar su divina paternidad . Faetón quiso conducir su carro del sol por un día. Helios intentó disuadirle de ella diciéndole que ni siquiera Zeus (el rey de los dioses) se atrevería a conducir, como el carro de fuego era caliente y caballos respiraba llamas. Faetón se mantuvo inflexible. Cuando llegó el día, ungió la cabeza de Helios Phaeton con la magia de aceite para mantener el carro de la quema de él. Phaeton fue incapaz de controlar a los caballos feroces que sacaban el carro, ya que sintió una mano más débil.

"... considerar lo que la fuerza impetuosa da vuelta estrellas y los planetas, me mantengo en un campo diferente de sus movimientos;.. ni soy Nacido de nuevo por toda la corriente de los cielos. Pero, ¿cómo como a resistir las orbes que revolucionan en giros adversos, y frenar rapidamente el polo ?

En primer lugar, se desvió demasiado alto, de modo que la tierra se enfríe. Luego bajó demasiado, y la vegetación se seca y se quema. El accidente se volvió la mayor parte de África en el desierto , trayendo la sangre de los etíopes a la superficie de la piel, volviéndose de color negro.

Codigo cara quemada- Whitney Houston 2-11

"El incendio se propaga por debajo corriendo Pero se trata de males triviales.. Quemar ciudades enteras, y poblado reinos en la primera curva cenizas" [ 6 ]
Los ríos y lagos empezaron a secarse, Poseidón, se levantó del mar y movió su tridente en ira contra el sol, pero pronto el calor se hizo aún demasiado grande para él y se zambulló hasta el fondo del mar.
Finalmente, Zeus se vio obligado a intervenir golpeando el carro desbocado con un rayo para pararlo, y Faetón cayó al río Erídano . Helios, herido por el dolor, se negó a conducir su carro por varios días. Por último, los otros dioses griegos lo convenció de no dejar el mundo en la oscuridad. Helios culpó a Zeus para matar a su hijo, pero Zeus le dijo que no había otra manera.
El epitafio en su tumba fue muy al grano:

"Aquí yace Faetón, que en el sol-dioses carro le fue. Y aunque en gran medida fracasó, en gran medida más que se atrevió". [ 7 ]
Esta historia ha dado lugar a dos de los últimos días el significado de "phaeton": uno que conduce un carro o autobús ., sobre todo a una velocidad temeraria o peligrosa, y uno que o puede configurar el mundo en el fuego

Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 01-jul-2012 a las 20:30

Reply  Message 135 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 15/02/2013 04:22
Estuve revisando su obra que es muy interesante por cierto.

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Si el 6 fuera 9

Mon-key llave del mono

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Tapa del album Dangerous de Michael Jackson, el mono coronado arriba en medio de los espirales 69, debajo vemos el mundo invertido.

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El fin del mundo, espirales 69

Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 14-dic-2012 a las 22:37

Reply  Message 136 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 15/02/2013 04:22
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Reply  Message 137 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 17/02/2013 01:30

Reply  Message 138 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 17/02/2013 16:36
Hay que empezar con la naturaleza geometrica de la galaxia, el hipercubo como generador del tiempo que llega a su fin con el 69, la union de los opuestos, codigo del boton masculino 6 y femenino 9.

Para el tema Ingles recomiendo usar el traductor automatico, si bien no es perfecto se entiende en el contexto.

Codigo hermafrodita sagrado de San Juan y sus Bonfires, el bautismo Templario del fuego.

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Astana la ciudad del mañana por esos lares en Issik se encontro una sepultura de alguien sagrado casualmente en 19-69

Golden man"

Reconstruction of the "golden man" interred in the Issyk kurgan
Situated in what was at the time eastern Scythia, just north of Sogdiana, the burial contained a skeleton of uncertain sex, in all probability an 18-year-old Saka (Scythian) prince or princess, interred with warrior's equipment, variously dubbed "golden man" or "golden princess", and with rich funerary goods, including 4,000 gold ornaments.
The "golden man" was adopted as one of the symbols of modern Kazakhstan. A likeness of the "golden man" crowns the Independence Monument on the central square of Almaty. Its depiction may be found on the Presidential Standard of Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Arquelogicamente se discute si era mujer u hombre.

Chieftain or Warrior Priestess? - Archaeology Magazine Archive

2. The legend, as told by Herodotus, have it that all "Scythians" were direct descendants of Hercules who had three sons from a mythical beast whose lower part was snakelike, and whose upper part was one of a hermaphrodite. Of this, let's call it 'marriage', the Hermaphrodite bore three sons: Agatirz, Gelon and Skit. (Readers will probably be aware that Hercules himself has nothing to do with the so-called Greek mythology and the Greek pantheon simply because he was a Thracian God much, much more ancient than the whole gang at Olympus Mountain.)

Los Nueve Libros de la Historia - Herodoto de Halicarnaso

LXVII. No faltan a los escitas adivinos en gran cantidad, cuya manera de adivinar por medio de varas de sauce explicaré aquí: Traen al lugar donde quieren hacer la función unos grandes haces de mimbres, y dejándolos en tierra los van después tomando una a una y dejando sucesivamente las varillas, y al mismo tiempo están vaticinando, y sin cesar de murmurar vuelven a juntarlas y a componer sus haces; este género de adivinación es heredado de sus abuelos. Los que llaman Enarees, que son los hermafroditas o afeminados, pretenden que la diosa Venus los hace adivinos, y vaticinan con la corteza interior del árbol teia o tilo, haciendo tres tiras de aquella membranilla, envolviéndolas alrededor de sus dedos, y adivinando al paso que las van desenvolviendo.


Khazars and Jews

The Khazar royalty was descended from the Ashina Turk dynasty. In the 9th century c.e., the Khazarian kings and nobility as well as a significant part of the Khazarian population embraced the Jewish belief and adopted the hallmarks of Judaism, including Torah and Talmud, the Hebrew script and the observance of Jewish holidays.* Anyway, most of the empire's population adopted either Christianity or Islam. The Jewish kings established a legal system that equally respected each religion, and the courts were ruled by Jewish, Christian, Muslim and also Slavic judges.

The Scythian-Turkic peoples, to which Khazars belong, were originally nomads and had an elementary Runic writing system, if any. In fact, when the Turks conquered the Arab Empire, they adopted Arabic script and began to keep records of their own history, which hardly existed before. In the same way, the Khazar Kahans observed the Jews dwelling in their kingdom and proved admiration for the Jews' culture and technical abilities, so that they appointed Jews as their counsellors and commercial advisors (Ottoman Turk Sultans did the same centuries later). The Jews taught them the art of writing, and since then, the Khazar language was written in Hebrew-Aramaic script.
King Bulan adopted Judaism in 4621 (861 c.e.), according to tradition, after having heard a debate between representatives of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. King Ovadiyah, his successor and the first of a series of kings with Hebrew names, established synagogues and Jewish schools in Khazaria. The Khazar nobility and many of the common people, as well as some of the Alan tribes, embraced Judaism. (see Khazar Kings list)

et, the association between Jews and Khazars begins many centuries earlier. The Jews encountered Scythian-Turkic tribes, including the Khazars, in the fifth century b.c.e. in Asia, when Israelite merchants from Assyria and Persia reached Kaifeng, then the capital of China. It is even possible that intermarriage occurred with Khazars and members of some of the Northern Israelite tribes, those considered "lost", which have dwelled in China and only now are being discovered and returning back to Israel. In this case, the Khazars' particular tendency towards Judaism would have a natural, genetic link. In fact, such idea was also spread among Khazar kings, who asserted that they did not convert, but returned back to Judaism. If this is true, the "Khazar Issue" supporters (see above) would lack any reason at all, but I would not fall into speculative theories as they do.
Jewish-Turk relationships were continuous since then, and Jews became an influent people in many Central Asian towns like Balkh, Bukhara, Samarkand, Tashkent, etc. Jews and the Turkic tribes dwelled together and had a peaceful exchange during centuries.
When the Khazars settled around the Caspian Sea, they found there some communities of Jews that were deported from Galil in 3409 (351 b.c.e.).

In the 10th century c.e., the political situation changed: the Sarmatic-Slavic tribes were organized under Scandinavian Russians, giving birth to a new rising power, the Kievan Rus'. On the other front, the Abbasid Empire was in decline, consequently, no longer threatening for Byzantium. This situation frustrated the importance of Khazaria as a safeguard for the Christian Europe. The Magyars consolidated their state in the Danubian Basin, and aimed at achieving the hegemony over the Balkans, where their kin-related Bulgars were still the leading nation.
The perfidious Byzantines, who have always taken advantage of the good relationships with the Khazarian Empire, first supported the Magyars against the Bulgarians (who were allies of the Khazars), by assailing them from the south while Magyars advanced in the north. Hungary became the new hegemonic state in the Balkans. Secondly, the Byzantines encouraged the Rus' (Varangian Scandinavians have supplied the Eastern Roman Empire with mercenary troops for centuries) to attack the Khazar Kingdom, that fell under the Viking armies in 4776 (1016 c.e.).
Nevertheless, the Khazar heritage was transferred to the two new powerful states: the Rus' and Hungary. The rather underdeveloped Rus tribes thus became heir to the industrial, technological and commercial development that took place under the Judaic/Khazar state over the course of three centuries. The presence of Jewish communities in Kiev and elsewhere in Southern Russia were essential for maintaining the industries they had established and for bringing wealth into the region with the commercial ties they had likewise established.

After the fall of their kingdom, the Khazars gradually intermixed mainly with the Kipchak (Kuman) populations and lost their character of being a distinct people. Several ethnic groups of the Caucasus such as Karachays, Kumyks and Daghestani tribes have Khazars among their ancestors. The Kabars (a rebel Khazar tribe of whom many were also Jewish) emigrated to Hungary and were assimilated by their very closely kin-related Magyars.
The Khazarian population in Hungary was in constant increase since the Hungarian Duke Taksony (4715-4730 / 955-970 c.e.) invited Khazar Jews to settle in his realm. On the other hand, Hungarian Jews promoted for a while the suggestion that they were themselves of Khazar rather than authentic Jewish origin, and hence legitimate Hungarians no less than the Magyars.** There were many converted Khazars among them, but the majority was of original Jewish stock. Undoubtedly, the most strongly Khazar element within Jews is present in Hungarian Jews, descendants of the last Khazars who fled into Hungary until the 14th century c.e., where they were received by their former vassals, the Magyar kings. The Hungarian Jews are definitely a fusion of Semitic German Jews, Khazars, Kabars and Sephardic immigrants who came to Hungary by way of Italy fleeing from the Spanish inquisition.
Concerning the Jewish communities that remained in the formerly Khazar territories, they were assimilated by the Slavic-speaking Jews, and in a later period, by the Yiddisch-speaking immigrants from Central Europe, that outnumbered the native Russian Jews. In this way, the Khazar origin within Jewry was reduced to a minority and furtherly disappeared by intermarriage.

Conclusion: There is a Khazar component in the ancestry of many Eastern European Jews, though it has been rendered irrelevant by intermarriage with the overwhelming majority of Semitic Ashkenazim. The most authentic descendants of the Khazars are today to be found among the modern Hungarians, including many Hungarian Jews, and in a lesser degree, also within Bulgarians and some peoples of the Caucasus area.

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Hijos de la serpiente, Hercules y la bestia hermafrodita espacial de la singularidad, del 69 Cancer, del inframundo, de las Pley-ades.

Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 18-ene-2013 a las 20:07

Reply  Message 139 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/02/2013 22:45

The atrium space of the 9/11 Memorial will feature two tridents presumably made out of the original steel beams from the Two Towers right on the spot where the Great Spherical Caryatid (known as The Sphere) used to be. See my posts on 110-111 and Ellipses.


Rendering copyright Squared Design Lab – Image Source

Mark Gray reads the two pairs of 3 prongs together as another 33 and I think he has found another huge secret in plain sight.

Patrick from Ontario Canada sent me this image that synchromystically resonates with the two tridents (33) and the twin towers. Look closer and you’ll be looking into the cold blue eyes of a destroyer:

Transformers dark of the moon

Image source

The Transformers subtitle Dark of the Moon is another powerful clue. Are we looking at Lucifer in the above image? It has been said the Prince of Darkness has a base on the dark side of the moon. This reminds me of Mike Myers’ hilarious rendition of Dr. Evil’s moon base in The Spy Who Shagged Me.

Pink Floyd’s famous cover of The Dark Side of the Moon also resonates with the light bringer’s prism and the Freedom Tower’s anti-prism shape:


Image source

Chapter 9 verse 11 of the book of Revelation (Christian holy book) states:

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.


Image from The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 1850 edition

Thanks to info a mutual friend Gerald Santana uncovered, Mark Gray brought the following pieces together about the trident symbols:


Here’s another reading Mark makes on the trident symbol:

Get ready for 9-11-11…When looked upon as a weapon of Shiva, the trishula [trident] is said to destroy the three worlds: the physical world, the world of the forefathers (representing culture drawn from the past) and the world of the mind (representing the processes of sensing and acting). The three worlds are supposed to be destroyed by Shiva into a single non-dual plane of existence, that is bliss alone.


Image courtesy Dave Kleinschmidt under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

I like where Mark is going with this (purification and bliss through Shiva’s destruction), but I’m not sure those behind 9/11 megaritual as Jake Kotze likes to say were destroying in order to help us out.

However, no matter the destroyers’ motives the result is the same. We wouldn’t be growing so exponentially in consciousness without the resistance the negative elites are providing. 9/11 truth is helping to wake up more and more people. We shall overcome by waking up NOW! Do you see what a team effort this is?

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo.


Shiva sculpture in LACMA (see Magic of Hollywood)

©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.


Reply  Message 140 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 21/02/2013 18:14
Patrick Cowley - Megatron Man (1982)

Reply  Message 141 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 21/02/2013 19:35





Patrick Cowley - Megatron Man (Marty Bleckman Remix) 1983




Reply  Message 142 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/02/2013 18:50

Subido el 02/01/2012




Reply  Message 143 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/03/2013 17:47
Tiempos viejos
Tango 1926
Música: Francisco Canaro
Letra: Manuel Romero
¿Te acordás, hermano? ¡Qué tiempos aquéllos!
Eran otros hombres más hombres los nuestros.
No se conocían cocó ni morfina,
los muchachos de antes no usaban gomina.
¿Te acordás, hermano? ¡Qué tiempos aquéllos!
¡Veinticinco abriles que no volverán!
Veinticinco abriles, volver a tenerlos,
si cuando me acuerdo me pongo a llorar.

¿Dónde están los muchachos de entonces?
Barra antigua de ayer ¿dónde está?
Yo y vos solos quedamos, hermano,
yo y vos solos para recordar...
¿Dónde están las mujeres aquéllas,
minas fieles, de gran corazón,
que en los bailes de Laura peleaban
cada cual defendiendo su amor?

¿Te acordás, hermano, la rubia Mireya,
que quité en lo de Hansen al loco Cepeda?
Casi me suicido una noche por ella
y hoy es una pobre mendiga harapienta.
¿Te acordás, hermano, lo linda que era?
Se formaba rueda pa' verla bailar...
Cuando por la calle la veo tan vieja
doy vuelta la cara y me pongo a llorar.

Reply  Message 144 of 219 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/03/2013 17:48


    www.verytango.com/lyrics/tiemposviejos.htmlEn caché
    ¡Te acordás, hermano, que tiempos aquellos! Veinticinco abriles que no volverán , Veinticinco abriles, volver a tenerlos... ¡Si cuando me acuerdo me pongo a ...
  • LOS MUCHACHOS DE ANTES tango pelicula argentina - YouTube

    10/11/2010 - Subido por 41IVANA
    Letra: Manuel Romero ... ¡Veinticinco abriles que no volverán! ... Los 25 abriles no vuelven, pero se recrean ...
  • "Tiempos Viejos" de Francisco Canaro por Leopoldo Betancourt ...

    ¿Te acordás, hermano? ¡Qué tiempos aquéllos! ¡Veinticinco abriles que no volverán!Veinticinco abriles, volver a ...
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