Creation HyperHolograph: The First Day |

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Genesis 1.1-5
To analyse Genesis 1.1-5, I begin by separating the text into the following eight consecutive grammatical chunks. The value of each segment is listed in the second column:
ID |
Value |
Text |
G1 |
1998 |
In the beginning God created the heaven |
G2 |
703 |
and the earth |
G3 |
2177 |
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. |
G4 |
1369 |
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. |
G5 |
813 |
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. |
G6 |
963 |
And God saw the light, that it was good |
G7 |
813 |
and God divided the light from the darkness |
G8 |
2141 |
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. |
Total: 10977 |
The numerical weights of these chunks are displayed below. Note the deep integration with the Holographic Generating Set (A = 27, B = 37, C = 73):
G1 + G2 |
= BC (Prime Composition of 2701) |
= Sum(C) (Triangular Structure) |
= Sum(B)+ 2AB (Triangular Substructure) |
G2 |
= 703 = Sum(B) (Triangular Structure) |
= 19B (Hex/Star pair 19/37) |
G1 + G2 + G3 |
= 3 x 813 = 18 x 271 (Tenth Hexagon = 271) |
G5 |
= 813 = 3 x 271 |
G7 |
= 813 = 3 x 271 |
G5 + G6 |
= 1776 = 48 x 37 = 48B |
G6 + G7 |
= 1776 = 48 x 37 = 48B |
G4 |
= 1369 = 372 = B2 |
G5 to G8 |
= 4730 = 10 x 473 (Genesis!) |
= 43 (Majestic) x 110 (Foundation) |
= 43(B + C) |
The first and most astounding thing that leaps out from these identities is the recurrence of the Numbers 1776 and 813. They occur together in verses 3 and 4 in a tightly integrated fashion:

The relations are astounding. The Number 271 - the large prime factor of 813 - is the Tenth Hexagonal Number found in the heart of the prime Star Number 541 (Israel). Likewise, the Number 37 - the only prime factor of 1776 larger than 3 - is the bifigurate heart of the Creation HyperHolograph, being both the third Star and the fourth Centered Hexagon. The Number 1776 is also integrated with the Great Seal of the United States of America, which God raised up as a witness to the Everlasting Light of Jesus Christ. We now can represent the above relations as symmetric combinations of the hexagonal numbers 271 and 37, which are very closely related to the first two elements of the Holographic Generating Set (A = 27, B = 37, C = 73):

This is the prime structure of Genesis 1.3-4, the Creation of Light! Glory! The two largest prime factors are both Centered Hexagons, and the small factors are all powers of 2 and 3. This is the definition of integrity, the defining characteristic of Biblical Holographs. The verses are symmetrically divided into four overlapping segments that are multiples of two primes - Hexagons both - and one of which is the very Heart of Wisdom itself! And this, all in the verses declaring God's creation of Light. Endless, miraculous glory! This structure is divine to the core - straight from the Mind of God. It is immutable, unchangable, eternal, and He has given it to us to reveal Himself that we might know Him who is the fullness of all in all with all the fullness of the intellect created in the image of God. This is the purpose of this study. Time and again, I am asked what this study is good for - well this is it - it is good to know the Mind and Thoughts of our Creator, and to behold the glory of His Eternal Word!
Yet we have but just begun. The Number 271 arises from the GenSet as a variation on the theme of 2701 (Genesis 1.1):
271 |
= 10A + 1 = (B - A)A + 1 = AB + 1 - A2 = 103 - 93 |
2701 |
= 100A + 1 = (C + A)A + 1 = AC + 1 + A2 |
These kind of relations are typical of GenSet identites (cf. Table of GenSet Binary Products). The last identity on top reveals the Number 271 as the difference between the 9th and 10th cubes. This results from the general property of Hexagons as the difference of sequential cubes, coupled with the facts that AB + 1 = 999 + 1 = 1000 and A2 = 729 = 93. Obviously, all of this is deeply integrated with the GenSet and Base Ten. A solid foundation for Creation! Yet even more astounding is the discovery that the elements of the GenSet and the Number 271 are all factors in the small repunits which are required for numbers to return to unity after division characteristic of creation.
Here is a visual representation of the numerical relations implicit in Genesis 1.1-5. The Number 37 is bifigurate. It represents both the Hexagonal core of 73-as-Star, and the Star associated with 19-as-Hexagon. I alternate between Hexagonal and Star representations simply for the symmetry it yields in the image below:

The dotted line from the prime Hexagonal Number 271 to the G4 segment is meant to indicate that it is the ordinal value of G4, when the Spirit of God moved upon the waters.
The Creation of Light portion of this structure (Genesis 1.3-5) integrates with the Wheel of Light - where the word Light (Aur = 207) is found to be auto-correlated on a Cycle of 22 letters.
The next article details the divine integration of this five-verse Creation passage with the primary five-verse creation passage of the New Testament - John 1.1-5, the Divine Prologue.
Next Article: Jesus and YHVH
www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HzUD2M8aBY4 Jul 2011 - 4 min - Subido por WhiteOwlWisdom13 According to English/Greek Gematria the date of July 4th 1776 was not just ... The Number 74 was ...
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27 entradas - 6 autores - 24 Jun 2010
(July) 4, 1776 JESUS74 was born on 4/17/6 BC (17/4/747 AUC ... English(7,74) Gematria(8,74) by superscripting the number of letters in a ...
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20 Feb 2012 – Simple674 English774 Gematria874 / G7+E5+M13+A1+T20+R18+I9+A1=74: assigning a number774 to a letter (word4, phrase) & vice-versa ...
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24 Feb 2012 – July 4, 1776 was certainly not the only example of Benjamin ... Using the most elementary letter-number substitution or Simple English Gematria of A=1… ... And as a GMM, he had knowledge of sacred geometry/gematria74 ...
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20 Feb 2012 – July 4, 1776 was certainly not the only example of Benjamin ... Using the most elementary letter-number substitution or Simple English Gematria of A=1… ... And as a GMM, he had knowledge of sacred geometry/gematria74 ...
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4 Aug 2012 – July 4, 1776 was certainly not the only example of Benjamin ... Also, using the most elementary letter-number substitution or Simple English Gematria of ... And as a GMM, he had knowledge of sacred geometry/gematria74 ...
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14 Jun 2010 – The Free 4 masonry 7 /Masonic 7 74 Code 4 of July 4, 1776 “--- is the supreme ... Mason47s used sacred geometry, gematria, numerology, and the Bible ... (G7+e5 +m13+a1+t20+r18+i9+a1): assigning a number774 to a letter ...
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Blanks where numbers would be indicate no entries as yet for that number. A dark background indicates that the entries are only referals to words and phrases ...
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Yes, but there is no great financial treasure awaiting us when we piece together all the ... The Free4masonry7/Masonic74 Code of July 4, 1776 ... Mason47s used sacred geometry, gematria, and numerology to encode our 'National Treasure' ...
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31 entradas - 4 autores - 10 Mar 2010
The Free(4)masonry(7)/Masonic(7,74) Code(4) of July 4, 1776 ... Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74): assigning a number(7,74) to a ...
The Free4masonry7/Masonic774 Code4 of July 4, 1776“--- is the supreme example of sacred architecture in the Christian world portraying the truths that lead humanity closer to God”Mason 47s used sacred geometry, gematria, numerology, and the Bible to encode our ‘National Treasure’ The Society of Freemasons connect 74 to the builders of the Egyptian Pyramids, Babylonian Ziggurats (Tower of Babel/Babylon), Roman & Greek temples, and especially Solomon’s Temple. ‘Operative Mason 47s’ built Europe’s great Gothic 47 cathedrals. They view God as the ‘Grand Architect of the Universe’ (G.A.O.T.U.). Many ‘Master Masons’ are also Pythagoreans, Kaballists, and Rosicrucians. The ‘Speculative Masons’ who helped design America 50 – i.e. Grand Master Masons Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and John Hancock – used the Declaration of Independence, Great Seal of the United States, and the Flag to encode history’s greatest secrets! (National Treasure movie is based on this and uses ‘the code’.) Using sacred gematria and sacred numerology, and having Continental Congress choose July 2 and July 4, 1776, the enlightened Masons had many important secrets converge 74… Simple674 English774 Gematria874 (G7e5m13a1t20r18i9a1=74): assigning a number7 74 to a letter (word4, phrase) & vice-versa with both the letters7 and numbers7 having strong symbolic meaning. 'Step 1' is counting the number of letters in a word4/name4 or2 phrase, 'Step 2' is using an alphanumeric code, giving a sum 53 of the letters in a word/name or phrase: A-B-C becomes 1-2-3 74 Masonic 74The Key74: A=1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9 J10 K11 L12 M13 N14 o15 or 0 P16 Q17 R18 S19 T20 U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26GOD=GOOD=7_4 7/4=July 4 Holiday74 (This explains why US writes the date: month/day/year) God Deity 74 Religion 74 Free4masonry7 Reveal God 74 †he 1 mind 74‘God Craft’ 74 leads a break from reign of 74 The King 74 / Ruler 74 / 1 Kingdom 74 / 1 Crown 74 / London 74 1 Britain 74Continental Congress first met in 1774 in Philadelphia: 40˚N 75˚W – “Philadelphia” is one of “7 Asian churches” of The Revelation 1:11. The Committee of Five - chosen to prepare a Declaration of Independence - included three Masons: Franklin, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman. (John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were not Masons.) Georgia7 47 was the last state in roll call vote 47. July 4 is aphelion. Only (Mason 47) John4 47 Hancock7 40 signed & Charles Thomson 74 attested the Declaration on 7/4. The Declaration was then sent to printer John 47 Dunlap (28, b 1747) who made app. 200 copies on the evening of July 4 and morning of July 5 - these are known as the ‘Dunlap broadsides’. (Abigail Adams b 1744.) The Great Seal of the United States Committee was also formed on 7/4/1776 - it included Franklin. Washington & Jefferson were 74”/6’2” tall. There were 74 generals in the Continental Army (33 Masons*) and 74 delegates to the Constitutional Convention (also held in Pennsylvania State House [Independence Hall] - cornerstone laid 1734). Liberty7 Bell4 cast 74 (by) John4 47 Pass and7 74 John4 47 Stow4 77. 1st D.C. cornerstone laid 3/15/ 1791: 74th day of the year. New York7 City4 40.7˚N 74˚W was/is the financial capitol of the US. Star-Spangled Banner (flag) cost $574. Lady4 Liberty7 VII40 1 Nation 74 / 1 Union 74 judge 47 & jury 74 West Point 74 74°F is ideally comfortable “4 score & 7 years ago” 74 men on Mayflower Thanksgiving occurs in 47th week of the year “Independence forever 74” (July) 4, 1776 JESUS74 was born on 4/17/6 BC (17/4/747 AUC [since the founding of Roma47])On June 14, 1777 (Matthew 6:14), Congress approved the design of US Flag. Valley77 4g: 40.1°N 75.47°W Franklin died on 4/17/1790, Washington died on 12/14/1799. Command of Union 58/73 forces was offered to Robert E. Lee and Virginia seceded on 4/17/1861 (Civil War). Jefferson & John Adams both died on 7/4/1826 – the 50th Anniversary. Noah’s Ark & the Courtyard of Moses’ Tabernacle were 50 cubits74 or 74 feet wide, 17.76 inches = cubit 888(in.) is gematria for Iesous 88 (Jesus) in Greek. The Declaration established another ‘Covenant’, 7/4/1776 marked the sacred event. Matthew 7:4, “Why are you concerned with the speck in your neighbor’s eye when there’s a pole in your eye?” – Y’shua 74 ben Yosef Jewish 74 Messiah 74 Cross 74 “Clean your finger, before you point at my spots.” – Ben Franklin America50n Independence was approved on July 2 (7/2) John Hancock 72 July 68 4 72 3 days=72 hours Civil Rights Act July 2, 1964 72 is a major convergence point. (2×36, 3×24, 4×18, 6×12, and 8×9. 7+2=9: ‘the highest number’ in sacred numerology.) Jews have 72 names for G-d, including a 72-letter-name. “For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure that you get.” - Matt 7:2 (Pres. 58 George6 Walker6 Bush Jr.6 pardoned Scooter Libby on 7/2/2007.) Ben Franklin was 72” tall (6’). The pyramid on the Great Seal/back of the US Dollar 47 consists of 72 stones. Golf’s par 72 & 72 hole tournaments. 13 British colonies / 13 United States (US40) – 13 & 40 are highly mystical numbers** su 40m 13 Spirit of ’76 (7+6=13) 40°N 13 stars & 13 stripes on original US Flag (13 stars on Confederate Battle Flag) Masonic Lodge 13 blocks from White House The Great Seal uses symbolism of 13, the back of US Dollar uses 13 13 times including the 13 letters of “E Pluribus Unum” & "Annuit Coeptis"Jesus’ 13 male disciples (including Matthias) 13 weeks in a season #40 is sacred to Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. *Thomas Jefferson, author of †he33 Declaration, was 33 years old – Jesus74/Joshua74/IESVS74 was crucified at age 33The 33rd Degree is the highest level in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. At 33˚F, frozen liquids begin to thaw. Amen 33Mary Magdalean58’s Birthday was 5/8/2 BC (Mary 158 Magdalena58/Mariamne74)56 men signed Declaration + Charles Thomson + George Washington = 58 George 1 58 Father 58 design 58 obelisk 58/73 **The goddess 58/73 / (Star 58) Planet Venus traces a pentacle every 8 years and returns to initial 74 point 74 every 40 years with a 40 day regression – the global origin of sacred number 40. (5×8=40, 5+8=13) science 58 count 58/73Seal of 58 Solomon 58 Mother’s Day falls on 2nd Sunday of May (‘Maia’). The movie/musical 1776 begins on May 8, 1776 - Brad Watson, Miami, FL 
GOD=7_4, 7/4=July 4
I often meet people where I get a chance to talk to them very briefly. Even if I give someone a copy of the one-page essay that I posted here, it's actually a lot of information for just one page - an entire book could be written on The July 4, 1776 Masonic(7,74) Code(4). (Maybe I need to write that book.) But when I want to pass on some great information very quickly, I tell them, "July 4, 1776 was the biggest code ever laid down in history! The word 'God' = 7, 4 whereas G is the 7th letter, O: a circle can be either the 15th letter or zerO, and D is the 4th letter. Hence, GOD=7_4. Jesus was actually born on April 17 or 4/17/6 BC and July 4, 1776 encodes that as well!" 
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The Bride of the Water God 74 - Read The Bride of the Water God 74 Manga Scans Page 1. Free and No Registration required for The Bride of the Water God ...
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Tower of God 74 - Read Tower of God 74 Manga Scans Page 1. Free and No Registration required for Tower of God 74.
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Tower of God 74 - Read Tower of God 74 Manga Scans Page 1. Free and No Registration required for Tower of God 74 v01.
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19 entradas - 8 autores - 2 Ene 2011
"For in 7 days, it will rain for 40 days & 40 nights" - Genesis 7:4 ( the Bible's 1st use of the recurring #40) Freemasonry's "G" inside the square ...
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2 entradas - 1 autor - 25 May
"Everything is number" - Pythagoras Secrets of Free4masonry7 - Sacred Geometry/gematria74, the key74: A=1...Z=26, i.e. GOD=7_4; whereas, ...
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20 Feb 2012 – Tags : None. Today is President's Day. Let's recognize that George Washington was a Grand Master Mason and the unofficial head of all Free4 ...
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Read Black God 74 online. Black God 74 English. You could read the latest and hottest Black God 74 in manga here.
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Light versionBookmarkReport broken. The Bride of the Water God / Chapter 74. Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 ...
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25 May 2012 – Free(4)masonry(7)'s Secret: GOD=7_4, 7/4=July 4th or 7 April 30 AD ... 7/4=July 4 or 7 April 30 AD - Good(7__4) Friday with Jesus(74) the ...
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What do you desire? Fortune? Glory? Power? Revenge? Or something that surpasses all others? What ever you desire, 'that is here'. Tower of God.
Secrets of Free4masonry7 - Sacred Geometry/gematria74, the key74: A=1...Z=26, i.e. GOD=7_4; whereas, G is the 7th letter, O is either 15 or zerO, and D is the 4th letter. 7/4=July 4 or 7 April 30 AD - Good(7__4) Friday with Jesus74 the Jewish74 Messiah74 on the Cross74 . Grand Master Masons Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John447 Hancock740, Robert Livingston, and other Founding Fathers. General Washington's first full day as Commander of Continental Army was 7/4/1775. He would eventually have 74 generals, 33 were Mason47s. Liberty7 letters Bell4. 74 representatives to Constitutional Convention. Constitution's 7 Articles written on 4 pages. Federal7 City4's Southern Boundary was laid in a Masonic(M13+A1+S19+O15+N14+I9+C3=74) ceremony on March 15, 1787: the 74th day of the year. Capitol7 Hill4 and Lady4 Freedom7.
The Statue of Lady(4) Liberty(7) in the New York(7) City(4) harbor at 74 degrees west longitude was a gift from Mason(47)s from France(47). Masons in the US paid for and built the pedestal. She holds a tablet that has July 4, 1776 written on it (in Roman numerals), she has 7 rays coming from above her crown(73) and 4 columns on each of the 4 sides of the pedestal.
The upper degrees of Freemasonry teach the immortality of the soul through reincarnation, i.e. Hiram Abiff, and like the Kaballists, know that "The soul of Moses is reincarnated in every generation." Benjamin Franklin was 'the Christ' and he died on Y'shua(74)'s Birthday: 17/4 (4/17). July 4, 1776 encoded Jesus' Birthday of 4/17/6 BC. The Natl(47) Lincoln Memorial in DC ("4 score & 7 years ago") and the Natl Franklin Memorial in Philly were built around the same time and both sculptures are 19' with them sitting on a throne.
The ancient Egyptians with "As above, so below" began the science of sacred geometry. The naked eye sees 7 moving objects(74) in the heavens(74) and 4 don't cast shadows(74) on Earth. Lunar months(74) are 29.5 days and its 4 phases of 7.4 days each is where we get our 7-day-weeks x 4 in a 'moonth'. Lunar year of 354 days + 7-day-week + 4 days = 365 day solar year.
The Bible Code of GOD=7_4
The Standard/Biblical Cubits(74) are 6 palms x 4 fingers . The Egyptian Royal Cubit added a palm to make it sacred by mirroring the heavens: 7 palms x 4 fingers. This was used as the basic measurement for the py-ra-mids and all sacred buildings. Moses knew their Osiris74 religion(74) and aligned the 4th Commandment "Keep the seventh7 day holy (Sabbath[7])". Moses knew the story of Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set, & 70 others when G-d & he aligned himself, Aaron, his two sons, & 70 others on Mt. Sinai.
Noah's Ark was 50 cubits74 or 74 feet wide. The Courtyard of Moses' Tabernacle was also 50 cubits/74' wide.
Isaac's son was named Jacob or Yakov74 before God changed it to Israel.
The musical direction "Selah" is encoded in the Bible 74x (71x in Psalms, 3x in Habakkuk 3).
On the Cross was a placard that said, "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews" in LATIN, Greek, and Aramaic. Jesus' name in LATIN was IESVS74.
When Christ returns, he open the "7 seals" which unleash the "4 horsemen".
King James I was a GMM. He had his 47 experts compile The Authorized Version of the Bible (KJV) and encode "The Gospel74 according74 to St.74 Matthew(7), Mark(4), Luke(4), & John(4,47)". Genasis74 7:4 "For in 7 days, it will rain for 40 days & nights". Gn 7:4 is the first time the #40 appears in the Bible and then becomes a sacred recurring theme.
Joshua74 was taught the 7_4 code by Moses. Because Joshua=74, this is why G-d didn't allow Moses to cross74 into the Promise7 Land4. Joshua then used this secret and very powerful code to win the Battle of Jericho! He had 7 priests with 7 horns74 circle the city 7 times for 7 days. On the last day, he had the priests blow their horns and an earthquake occured that brought the walls tumbling down!
King4 Solomon7's Temple encoded the 4 phases of the Moon's day's at 7.4 days with the width of the cherubim's 4 wings being 5 cubits each (7.4 ft).
Daniel's prophecy re: "Mene, mene74" - "your days are number73ed" - was fulfilled when the Babylonian king died that night!
The New World Order is democratic-republics with individual rights that God & His Christ oversee. |
Today is President's Day. Let's recognize that George Washington was a Grand Master Mason and the unofficial head of all Free4 lettersmasonry7 in North America. And as such, he had knowledge of sacred geometry/gematria74 and the Masonicsup]7[/sup]74 Code4 of GOD=7_4 (G being the 7th letter, a circle, D the 4th letter). Do we have any evidence of Washington and other Mason(47)s using this "as above, so below" code in the early history of the US?
In 1774, Continental Congress met for the first time as a union of the 13 colonies with Colonel Washington as a Virginia representitive.
In Dec. 1774, Benjamin Franklin appeared before British inquistors at the Cockfight and realized that he was no longer a British citizen, he was an American.
On July 3, 1775, General George Washington took command of the Continental Army at Cambridge, Mass. This meant that 7/4 would be his first full-day as Commander.
Washington would eventually have 74 generals in the Continental Army with 33 being Freemasons.
Of course, 7/4/1776 was chosen by Grand Master Masons Benjamin Franklin and President of Congress John Hancock as both the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the creation of the Committee to design the Great Seal of the United States. John447 Hancock740 was the only representative of Congress to actually sign the Declaration on 7/4. Secretary of Congress Charles Thomsons74 was the only other signature to attest it. The Liberty7 Bell4 became to symbolize 7/4.
There were 74 representatives from 12 States (Rhode Island didn't send anyone) to the Constitutional Convention. The original Constitution of the United States included 7 Articles written on 4 pages.
The Constitution quaranteed the legal practice of slavery in the South. 74 years after the Constitution was signed, the Civil War began with 7 of the Original Colonies/States being Northern Free-States, 4 being Southern Slave-States, and two would be Border-States. (After Lincoln was elected on Nov. 6, 1860, 7 Southern states seceeded. After Lincoln was sworn-in in March 1861, 4 more Southern States seceeded for a total of 11 Rebel States.)
New York7 City4 40.7˚N 74˚W was the first capitol of the US. (Today, it's the financial capitol of the US/world and home to the United Nations.)
Federal7 City4 was a product of the Constitution. It would be a hundred74 sq. miles and its cornerstone was laid by Freemasons on the 74th day of 1791: March 15. Jenkins7 Hill4 became the stie of Capitol7 Hill4.
The Free4masonry7/Masonic774* Code4 of July 4, 1776“--- is the supreme example of sacred architecture in the Christian world portraying the truths that lead humanity closer to God”Mason47s used sacred geometry, gematria, numerology, and the Bible to encode our ‘National Treasure’ The Society of Freemasons connect74 to the builders of the Egyptian Pyramids, Babylonian Ziggurats (Tower of Babel/Babylon), Roman & Greek temples, and especially Solomon’s Temple. ‘Operative Mason47s’ built Europe’s great Gothic47 cathedrals. They view God as the ‘Grand Architect of the Universe’ (G.A.O.T.U.). Many ‘Master Masons’ are also Pythagoreans, Kaballists, and Rosicrucians. The ‘Speculative Masons’ who helped design America50 – i.e. Grand Master Masons Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and John Hancock – used the Declaration of Independence, Great Seal of the United States, and the Flag to encode history’s greatest secrets! (National Treasure movie is based on this and uses ‘the code’.) Using sacred gematria and sacred numerology, and having Continental Congress choose July 2 and July 4, 1776, the enlightened Masons had many important secrets converge74…Simple674 English774 Gematria8 / G7e5m13a1t20r18i9a1=74: assigning a number774 to a letter (word4, phrase) & vice-versa with both the letters7 and numbers7 having strong symbolic meaning. A-B-C becomes 1-2-374 Masonic74The Key74: A=1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9 J10 K11 L12 M13 N14 o15 or zer0 P16 Q17 R18 S19 T20 U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26
GOD=GOOD=7_4 7/4=July 4 Holiday74 God Deity74 Religion74 Free4masonry7 Reveal God74 †he 1 mind74 ‘God Craft’74 leads a break from reign of74 The King74 / Ruler74 / 1 Kingdom74 / 1 Crown74 / London74 1 Britain74 Continental Congress first met in 1774 in Philadelphia: 40˚N 75˚W – “Philadelphia” was/is one of “7 Asian churches” of The Revelation 1:11. The Committee of Five - chosen to prepare a Declaration of Independence - included three Masons: Franklin, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman. (John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were not Masons.) Georgia747 was the last state in roll call vote47. July 4 is aphelion. Only (Mason47) John447 Hancock740 signed & Charles Thomson74 attested the Declaration on 7/4. The Declaration was then sent to printer John47 Dunlap (age 28, b 1747) who made app. 200 copies on the evening of July 4 and morning of July 5 - these are known as the ‘Dunlap broadsides’. (Abigail Adams b 1744.) The Great Seal of the United States Committee was also formed on 7/4/1776 - it included Franklin. Washington & Jefferson were 74”/6’2” tall. There were 74 generals in the Continental Army (33 Masons*) and 74 delegates to the Constitutional Convention (also held in Penn. State House [Independence Hall] - cornerstone laid 1734). Liberty7 Bell4 cast74 (by) John447 Pass and774 John447 Stow477. 1st D.C. cornerstone laid 3/15/1791: 74th day of the year. New York7 City4 40.7˚N 74˚W was/is the financial capitol of the US. Star-Spangled Banner (flag) cost $574. Lady4 Liberty7 VII40 1 Nation74 / 1 Union74 judge47 & jury74 West Point74 74°F is ideally comfortable “4 score & 7 years ago” 74 men on Mayflower Thanksgiving occurs in 47th week of the year “Independence forever74” Forever Stamp has picture of Liberty7 Bell4 and one word "Forever74"(July) 4, 1776 JESUS74 was born on 4/17/6 BC (17/4/747 AUC [since the founding of Roma47])On June 14, 1777 (Matthew 6:14), Congress approved the design of US Flag. Valley77 4g: 40.1°N 75.47°WFranklin died on 4/17/1790, Washington died on 12/14/1799. Command of Union58/73 forces was offered to Robert E. Lee and Virginia seceded on 4/17/1861 (Civil War). Thomas Jefferson & John Adams both died on 7/4/1826 – the 50th Anniversary. Noah’s Ark & the Courtyard of Moses’ Tabernacle were 50 cubits74 or 74 feet wide, 17.76 inches = cubit 888(in.) is gematria for Iesous88 (Jesus) in Greek. The Declaration established another ‘Covenant’, 7/4/1776 marked the sacred event. Matthew 7:4, “Why are you concerned with the speck in your neighbor’s eye when there’s a pole in your eye?” – Y’shua74 ben Yosef Jewish74 Messiah74 Cross74 “Clean your finger, before you point at my spots.” – Ben Franklin America50n Independence was approved on July 2 (7/2) John Hancock72 3 days=72 hours July68 4=72Civil Rights Act July 2, 1964 72 is a major convergence point. (2×36, 3×24, 4×18, 6×12, and 8×9. 7+2=9: ‘the highest number’ in sacred numerology.) Jews have 72 names for G-d, including a 72-letter-name. “For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure that you get.” - Matt 7:2 (Pres.58 George6 Walker6 Bush Jr.6 ("the "2nd Beast") pardoned Scooter Libby on 7/2/2007.) Ben Franklin was 72” tall (6’). The pyramid on the Great Seal/back of the US Dollar47 consists of 72 stones. Golf’s par 72 & 72 hole tournaments.13 United States (US40) – 13 & 40 are highly mystical numbers** su40m13 Spirit of ’76 (7+6=13) 40°N13 stars & 13 stripes on original US Flag (13 stars on Confederate Battle Flag) Masonic Lodge 13 blocks from White House The Great Seal uses symbolism of 13, the back of US Dollar uses 13 13 times including the 13 letters of “E Pluribus Unum” & "Annuit Coeptis"Jesus’ 13 male disciples (including Matthias) 13 weeks in a season #40 is sacred to Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. *Thomas Jefferson, author of †he33 Declaration, was 33 years old – Jesus74/Joshua74 was crucified at age 33The 33rd Degree is the highest level in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. At 33˚F, frozen liquids begin to thaw. Amen33Mary Magdalean58’s Birthday was 5/8/2 BC (Mary 158 Magdalena58/Mariamne74)56 men signed Declaration + Charles Thomson + George Washington = 58 George 158 Father58 design58 obelisk58/73 **The goddess58/73 / (Star58) Planet Venus traces a pentacle every 8 years and returns to initial74 point74 every 40 years with a 40 day regression – the global origin of sacred number 40. (5×8=40, 5+8=13) science58 count58/73Seal of58 Solomon58 Mother’s Day falls on 2nd Sunday of May (‘Maia’). The movie/musical 1776 begins on May 8, 177610/2/08 8:05 White Sox & Twins tied w/ 74 losses. Dow falls record 777.7, 74 senators vote for Wall St. bailout. 74° Miami t 6/1/10 9:36 Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/forum/the-free4masonry7-masonic7-74-code4-of-july-4-1776-t24207.html#ixzz1mxRTe0SC
Higgs boson - the 'God particle' - discovered on 7/4, 'coincidence'? GOD=7_4, 7/4=July 4th. (G is the 7th letter, a circle can be the 15th letter or zerO, D is the 4th letter.) The US Free(4)masonry(7) Founding Fathers encoded this. It's called 'Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74)' and it's connect(74)ed to nature/science. I presented a one-page-essay at the NASA Conference 'Missions for Exoplanets 2010-2020' held in Pasadena April 21-23, 2009. "Identifying True Earth-like Planets - All New Worlds Are Built on 7_4 (like Earth) Or 6_4" can be found at http://exep.jpl.nasa.gov/exep_exoMtgPosters.cfm . This includes the 'theory of everything' aka 'Plan-it Theory' of GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4. It also incudes 'Unified Strings (u21 s19) Theory' where M-Theory's 7 dimensions of hyperspace + 4 common dimensions has received an analysis of time(47) (which provides symmetry) of 7 aspects of 'regular time' + 4 aspects of 'hypertime'. Hebrew gematria is at least as old as Moses: 3,500 years. Greek 'isopsephy' (gematria) was used by Pythagoras and Plato, "God is ever a geometer" (in Greek) = 3 letters, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9 = pi. The Qur'an was recited by Muhammad(74) and the scribes wrote it down using Arabic hisab al-jummal (gematria): Sufis(74) have always practiced it. The-King(74)/Ruler(74) Sargon(74) II is historically recorded as being the first to use it, but that's just a Masonic(7,74) code(4). All this stuff can be found with a google search and on http://7seals.yuku.com .
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4 Jul 2012 – The world's biggest atom smasher claimed the discovery of a new subatomic particle. ... Updated 7/4/2012 2:24 PM ... with the long-sought Higgs boson — popularly known as the "God particle" — that helps explain what gives ...
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4 Jul 2012 – The elusive "God particle" has become the most sought-after particle in modern science. ... "I can confirm that a particle has been discovered that is consistent with the Higgs boson .... Really? theverge.com/2012/7/4/31366…
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4 Jul 2012 – Local physicists from UCSD were involved in the discovery of a new subatomic particle called the Higgs Boson, or "the God particle," the finding of which was just announced in Geneva, Switzerland. ... Aired 7/4/12. GUEST ...
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5 Jul 2012 – 'God particle' discovered on 7/4, 'coincidence'? GOD=7_4, 7/4=July 4th. (G is the 7th letter, a circle can be the 15th letter or zerO, D is the 4th ...
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2 Aug 2012 – JCER V3(7) "Higgs Discovery, God Particle. ... It is entitled "Higgs Discovery, 'God Particle' Plus Important Aspects of ... A. Evolution: 7 (4) pp.
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'God particle' discovery beats fireworks for scientists. 7/4/2012. It may be the Fourth of July, but science enthusiasts around the world now have another reason ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jokf3SDF0FA9 Dic. 2011 - 5 min. - Subido por TheGUNNShop Follow me on Twitter, http://twitter.com/#!/GUNNS4HIRE Related Article ...
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20 publicaciones - 12 autores - 4 Jul.
Edited by Apricotz on 7/4/12 9:39 AM (PDT). The hunt for the Higgs boson - the ' God particle' that holds the universe together - is over. ... Research) announced the discovery to an audience including Professor Peter Higgs, ...
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20 publicaciones - 14 autores - 2 Jul.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2167188/God-particle-Scientists- Cern-expected- ... event - sparking speculation that Higgs boson particle has been found'God Particle' gives particles that make ... Since 7/4/2002 ...
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18 Jul 2012 – Jude 1:25 'To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, ... I decided it was time to address the claim that the 'god' particle has been found, and ... This being announced on 7-4-2012 was No accident by any means; ...
Anuncio relacionado con the 'God particle ...¿Por qué este anuncio?Se mostró este anuncio debido a tus términos de búsqueda actuales.
Particle size distribution analysis in images. Download free copy at:
Génesis 1
Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
La creación

1 En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra.
2 Y la tierra estaba desordenada y vacía, y las tinieblas estaban sobre la faz del abismo, y el Espíritu de Dios se movía sobre la faz de las aguas.
3 Y dijo Dios: Sea la luz; y fue la luz.
4 Y vio Dios que la luz era buena; y separó Dios la luz de las tinieblas.
5 Y llamó Dios a la luz Día, y a las tinieblas llamó Noche. Y fue la tarde y la mañana un día.
6 Luego dijo Dios: Haya expansión en medio de las aguas, y separe las aguas de las aguas.
7 E hizo Dios la expansión, y separó las aguas que estaban debajo de la expansión, de las aguas que estaban sobre la expansión. Y fue así.
8 Y llamó Dios a la expansión Cielos. Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día segundo.
9 Dijo también Dios: Júntense las aguas que están debajo de los cielos en un lugar, y descúbrase lo seco. Y fue así.
10 Y llamó Dios a lo seco Tierra, y a la reunión de las aguas llamó Mares. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
11 Después dijo Dios: Produzca la tierra hierba verde, hierba que dé semilla; árbol de fruto que dé fruto según su género, que su semilla esté en él, sobre la tierra. Y fue así.
12 Produjo, pues, la tierra hierba verde, hierba que da semilla según su naturaleza, y árbol que da fruto, cuya semilla está en él, según su género. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
13 Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día tercero.

14 Dijo luego Dios: Haya lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para separar el día de la noche; y sirvan de señales para las estaciones, para días y años,
15 y sean por lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para alumbrar sobre la tierra. Y fue así.
16 E hizo Dios las dos grandes lumbreras; la lumbrera mayor para que señorease en el día, y la lumbrera menor para que señorease en la noche; hizo también las estrellas.
17 Y las puso Dios en la expansión de los cielos para alumbrar sobre la tierra,
18 y para señorear en el día y en la noche, y para separar la luz de las tinieblas. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
20 Dijo Dios: Produzcan las aguas seres vivientes, y aves que vuelen sobre la tierra, en la abierta expansión de los cielos.
21 Y creó Dios los grandes monstruos marinos, y todo ser viviente que se mueve, que las aguas produjeron según su género, y toda ave alada según su especie. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
22 Y Dios los bendijo, diciendo: Fructificad y multiplicaos, y llenad las aguas en los mares, y multiplíquense las aves en la tierra.
23 Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día quinto.
24 Luego dijo Dios: Produzca la tierra seres vivientes según su género, bestias y serpientes y animales de la tierra según su especie. Y fue así.
25 E hizo Dios animales de la tierra según su género, y ganado según su género, y todo animal que se arrastra sobre la tierra según su especie. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
26 Entonces dijo Dios: Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen, conforme a nuestra semejanza; y señoree en los peces del mar, en las aves de los cielos, en las bestias, en toda la tierra, y en todo animal que se arrastra sobre la tierra.
27 Y creó Dios al hombre a su imagen, a imagen de Dios lo creó; varón y hembra los creó.
28 Y los bendijo Dios, y les dijo: Fructificad y multiplicaos; llenad la tierra, y sojuzgadla, y señoread en los peces del mar, en las aves de los cielos, y en todas las bestias que se mueven sobre la tierra.
29 Y dijo Dios: He aquí que os he dado toda planta que da semilla, que está sobre toda la tierra, y todo árbol en que hay fruto y que da semilla; os serán para comer.
30 Y a toda bestia de la tierra, y a todas las aves de los cielos, y a todo lo que se arrastra sobre la tierra, en que hay vida, toda planta verde les será para comer. Y fue así.
31 Y vio Dios todo lo que había hecho, y he aquí que era bueno en gran manera. Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día sexto.
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