However, a cursory check of Giza, Egypt -- the home of not only the Assassins (and Al Zawahiri) but also the Templar/Masonic religion itself -- showed the belt stars of Orion well within the half degree margin of 33° at the time of the first attack! And in Kabul, capitol of Afghanistan (and bin Laden's Al-Quada “base”), Regulus -- the heart of the lion -- was dead on the horizon ... the Western “death” horizon
The significance of Regulus on the western horizon at Kabul might be especially meaningful. Leo represents Horus, who was a figure of vengeance in ancient Egyptian tradition. If bin Laden saw himself as a “vengeful assassin,” then having Horus, the instrument of traditional Templar vengeance, on the death horizon of his adopted capitol, could be not only an ironic affront to the enemy -- but a powerful source of magical power as well.
Still, without the usual “suspects” in proper ritual positions over the targeted cities, we did not feel we could “call” these events as part of the normal ritual pattern we have come to recognize so well. Nor, could we use such a pattern (if it was absent) to ferret out precisely “who” was behind these despicable acts of September 11th. We needed more.
Then we looked closely at the actual flight numbers. The four planes involved were, in sequence, American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 77, and United Airlines Flight 93. As we looked at each of these, a disturbing and faintly familiar pattern began to emerge. Besides all the nines and elevens, it did not escape our notice that the flight which crashed into the Pentagon, in the only successful attack on Washington D.C., was “Flight 77.” As we looked in the skies above the Pentagon at the exact moment of impact, 9:39 AM (according to NBC’s Dateline –- and yes, we noticed), we saw something extraordinary.
There, at precisely 39°, literally in a row parallel to the horizon, were the three belt stars of Orion.
Ok, so what?
Well .…
Orion, as we have said, represents the god Osiris, overseer of the dead, judge of the underworld and resurrection, the literal “god of the dead” and highest deity in the Egyptian pantheon of gods so sacred to the Masonic/Templar religion we’ve been tracking. To find Osiris, lord of the dead, at such a point overlooking this scene of death and destruction –- the assault on the Pentagon -- was surprising if not disturbing. But again, it is at 39°, so it doesn’t quite fit our pattern of “19.5's and 33's.” Or … does it?
Readers will recall that in one of the earlier chapters of “End of Days,” we laid out our case that the location of Washington D.C. at 77° longitude was definitely no “accident.” What we did not discuss (yet) was that the latitude of the Capitol city was of equal symbolic significance to its longitude. That latitude?
That key multiple again of 19.5 (which, we now know, was also clandestinely embedded in the architecture of the World Trade Towers). The key code to figuring out the ultimate secret of the “Templar Magic.”
So this specific act, the crashing of Flight 77 into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. with “Osiris” at 39° above the site, was draped in the symbolism of bin Laden's Templar enemies. It literally encoded “death to those at 77° by 39°” -- ergo “death to the Templar State of America!”
If you need any more evidence that our Masonic founding fathers understood the significance of not only Cassidy and Steele's 77° “God's Longitude” but also our own Hyperdimensional Physics, you need look no further than the architecture of our Nation's Capitol for it.
The architect of Washington DC, Pierre Charles L'Enfante, was a French Freemason who was well acquainted with Benjamin Franklin from the latter's time in France. L'Enfante cleverly encoded not only the Masonic symbol of the Compass and Square into his design for our capitol city, but also apparently an inverted pentagram, commonly considered an occult/Satanic symbol. The association of the pentagram with Satan is a fairly recent development, however, and the geometric symbol would have had a completely different meaning to a Scottish Rite Freemason like L'Enfante.
In Freemasonry, the Pentagram is found commonly in the inner chambers the lodges. Its ancient origins are as a symbol for the star Sirius, inextricably linked through the Masonic lore to the Egyptian goddess Isis. As such, it has become the symbol for the Order of the Eastern Star, the female counterpart to the exclusively male brotherhood of Freemasonry.
It should be fairly clear at this point that the sacred “33-year” cycle calendrical longitude -– 77° -- was picked as the site for our Nations Capitol for a major reason. It should also be evident that the Masonic order had full knowledge of this longitude's mathematical significance when they chose to place “2’s District of Columb(i)a” dead on it. But what evidence do we have (beyond the fact that the cycle itself is “coincidentally” 33 years) that any of this was based on some secret knowledge of a physics that has its modern roots in the ruins of Cydonia?
It's all in that 39° latitude.
Certainly, architects of a grand and covert Plan such as this one would have carefully considered the site of their most crucial shrine -- the very Capitol of the “New Atlantis” -- based on more than just the longitude. Wouldn't the latitude of this all- important linch-pin site reveal something about the “selectors” as well?
Indeed it does. If there were in fact some Hyperdimensional connection to the placement of our Nations Capitol, we would expect to see it revealed in its location in a significant way. And we do.
Let's consider this for a moment. The most obvious way to encode such a message would be to place the City on an obvious “tetrahedral” latitude. But “19.5° N by 77° W” would have placed the Capitol City off land and into the ocean off Mexico (to say nothing of the fact that this was territory that the English/Masonic colonists did not control). Similarly, placing it at a latitude of 33° N would have left them trying to build their city in the Atlantic off the coast of Georgia. So the only logical place George Washington could choose for this new Atlantean Capitol in North America -– even if it was in the middle of a literal swamp when Washington selected the site! -- was where he eventually did place it -- 39° N.
Huh? Just how is 39°, not 19.5° or 33°, "tetrahedral" or "Hyperdimensional?"; Well, if you remember from the preceding Trade Towers example, you simply divide 39 by 2, to derive ... 19.5. So, since it was impractical for the Founders to place their city where they clearly wanted to -- at one of these prime Hyperdimensional latitudes -- they settled for the next best thing. A "multiplicative harmonic" of 19.5° -- 39°!
But, they went further. The two main thoroughfares in Washington -– Pennsylvania and Maryland Avenues -- connecting the Capitol Building with two other major landmarks –- the White House and the Jefferson Memorial –- depart the Capitol at exactly the key Templar/Masonic angle of 19.5°. And twice that angle of course equals 39° … again, the “encoded latitude” of Washington DC.
There is other American precedent in our investigation for this kind of geodetic “Templar encoding.”
At the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, there are two launch pads from which all of the Apollo and Space Shuttle missions have been launched. They are certainly the best known launch sites in the world to any space exploration buff. Pads 39a and 39b.
Now, it has always bugged us -- why “39a and b,” instead of … “39 and 40” … or, “38 and 39?” The answer is that neither of those combinations is tetrahedral! As if to reinforce the point, the two pads are adjacent to a runway -- the only runway at the Cape --
Runway 33.
And lest you forget, the sine of 19.471° (the un-rounded 19.5) is … 0.3333.
And the Cape itself, “Cape Canaveral” translates in English as the “Cape of Reeds.” And what ancient Egyptian god was associated specifically with reeds?
Osiris, of course. They may have just as well called it “the Cape of Osiris.”
Starting to notice a trend here?
Now, our critics will say that all of this is just a “lucky coincidence” -- that we are applying “magical thinking” to pull connections “out of thin air” … But that’s exactly the point: this is all about somebody’s warped idea of “magic!”
Is it really so hard to believe that the choice of locales for Washington DC was based not on some “random affinity for good swampland,” but instead on the ancient and esoteric teachings to which all of these Founders were demonstrably students? That this same sort of mathematical/religious symbolism has simply continued another 225 years beyond the Founding of this Nation to the present day, just as it has for the many thousands of years of human history leading up to 1776? Why would 2,000 (plus!) years of devotion to this kind of symbolic thinking simply stop at the doorstep of the 20th century, and not find its way into many current branches of government -- such as NASA, demonstrably dominated (how many top NASA officials and astronauts are Masons?!) by modern devotees of these same ancestral organizations?
Who really is “reaching” for an explanation here?
Obviously, they are.
But there is still one task ahead of us. One final point that has to be made to tie all this ritual history together, and explain why it is intricately … inextricably … connected to the horrifying political events of today.
What's it all about? Why has all this been done? To what Ultimate Purpose, in the eyes of its Founders, was this Nation -- called by Lincoln “... the Last Best Hope of Mankind” -- truly born?
We think the specific numerology of these attacks –- the date, their timing, the flight numbers of the planes chosen, even the number of passengers and crew aboard each flight -- was an encoded message … and a warning from bin Laden to his Templar opponents. “I understand your magic … and I can make use of it myself.”
But our theory would only apply if there were equal symbolism in the other doomed flights.
We quickly turned our attention to Flight 93: the flight that crashed in the fields of P after an heroic effort on the part of the passengers to overcome the terrorists and keep the plane from being flown into the White House. “93,” of course, is an anagram for “39. The number also made us curious, because 1993 was the year of the first attempt -- apparently also by bin Laden (although Saddam Hussein’s fingerprints were also left on the scene) -- to bring down the WTC towers. So, of course, we went back to that initial event to see if it fit the symbolic pattern we’ve been tracking.
And once again -- the pattern was confirmed.