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جواب  رسائل 1 من 23 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 20/10/2017 16:50
Jain 108's Original Mathematical Discoveries

Stay tuned for an ongoing series of all of Jain 108's original mathematical discoveries or 
important contributions to the world of Mathematical Formulae, like:
1) -
re: Jain Discovered a distinct 24 repeating pattern in the Phi Ratio 1:1.618033... traditionally understood as a Transcendental irrational number that goes to infinity without any known pattern. Recorded, in my latest series of books: THE BOOK OF PHI, The Living Mathematics of Nature. Volumes 1 and 2.

2) -
I discovered a better way for defining the formula for "e" = 2.71828454590 etc. This is the Exponential Number for nature's growth and decay. "e" is the mathematical constant that measures the growth of human populations or viral colonies. It appears to act like the Phi Ratio, but is another separate entity, and is as important.
Published briefly in "In The Next Dimension" aka The Book of Phi, Volume 2, by Jain.- I Contributed two important Mathematical Discoveries:

3) -
Jain 108: Jain has contributed many original and unpublished sequences based on the mathematics of Digital Compression.

4) -
Jain 108: JainPi aka True Value of Pi = 3.144 Based on Square Root of Phi the Golden Root:
Jain's main discovery is the correction of traditional pi (3.1412…) to account for the missing area under the curve, based on fractality, that the true value of Pi (JainPi) is 3.144… which will lead humanity into the Space Age...

5) -
Connection to Phi and Prime Numbers

6) -
Jain's main mathematical enquiry or research is to prove that the Golden mean (Phi 1:1.618...) connects all systems, whether it be biological, mineral, crystal, space, atom. eg: Phi is in the 3-4-5 Pythagorean Triangle. Phi is in the Equilateral, Phi is in 3 tangential circles etc.
Jain can demonstrate that Phi is in Binary Numbers (1-2-4-8-16-32), Phi is in Prime Numbers, etc
In fact, the True value of Pi is based on Phi, based specifically on the square root of Phi which is 1.272, that which Squares The Circle.
Jain's life's work is to show that the Golden Mean underpins all creation and is part of all mathematical and biological systems.
7) - 
The True Value of Pi = 3.144605511029693144...
JainPi Digits Multiplied:  
 8) -
Linking Phi (1.618) to the 360 Degree Circle Harmonic:
Jain Cracks Another Code (first published on Facebook, 2015)


The Origin or mathematical derivation of the Sri 108 Code based on the Infinitely Repeating 24 Pattern of the Digitally Compressed Fibonacci Sequence.
Jain 108 MatheMagics

Cracking of the 111 and 888 Codes derived from the 3 Phi Codes: 
(from: The Origin or mathematical derivation of the Sri 108 Code based on the Infinitely Repeating 24 Pattern of the Digitally Compressed Fibonacci Sequence).
Jain 108 MatheMagics 
Observe the "111" at the top of the wheel, and this is diametrically opposed by "888" at the bottom of the wheel. "888" is the sacred Asian Number, and is revealed in the structure of the digitally compressed 3 Phi Codes that each sum to 108.
Phi Code 1 Plotted Onto the 9 Point Circle
(Phi Codes 2 and 3 have also been plotted onto their respective 9 Point Circles, showing distinct symmetry) 
Jain 108 MatheMagics
Jain 108 MatheMagics 
Phi Code 2 Plotted Onto the 9 Point Circle
Jain 108 MatheMagics 
Phi Code 3 Plotted Onto the 9 Point Circle
 Jain 108 MatheMagics
Phi Codes as circular Waveforms
(here Phi Codes 1 & 2 are shown)
Jain 108 MatheMagics    Jain 108 MatheMagics 
The Pervasiveness of Phi (1.618033988...). Jain can mathematical show that Phi is in all important systems, in biology, in crystals, in space, in atoms, and mathematically it is seen everywhere in the Doubling Binary Sequence (1-2-4-8-16-32-64), in the Pythagorean 3-4-5 Triangle, surprisingly in the Equilateral Triangle, in Magic Squares, in Prime Number Sequences etc.

The True Value of Pi = 3.144605511029693144... based on the Square Root of Phi (1.272... which is the Height of the Cheops Pyramid in Gizeh, where the 4 sides of the base divided by the height give this value: 4 divided by 1.272... = 3.144...).

Jain 108 MatheMagics
The mathematical connection between The True Value of Pi and the Harmonic Speed of Light "Harmonic 144".

The Radian has a new value, based on the True Value of Pi. JainPi Radian = 57.24... degrees and the traditional Radian = 57.29... degrees. The radian is the radius of the circle measured over the curve of the circle, more accurate or universal than the artificial 360 degree division.

New Formula for "e" the Exponential Function, more simple than Euler's (pron. "Oiler"). "e" is like Phi, that is about biology and growth, but appears in the microscosmic measurements of evolving populations of human or viral colonies.
It could be said that Tesla's profound discoveries on light, electricity (alternating current), radio, TV, radar, energy,  etc redefined if not invented the 21st Century.
Similarly, perhaps the most important mathematical discovery, as important as Tesla's discoveries, would be JainPi, the True Value of Pi = 3.144...
for this correction from the current dishamonic value of Pi (3.1415...)
to the ideal Circle-Square relationship, where there is no friction, no disharmony,
only fractality, will lead humanity towards a veritable Space Age, as the problems with implosion and wormholes and time-bending physics are resolved,
we can collectively move forward, when the great Mind of no Ego is equalled to a great Heart full of Compassion for all Sentient Beings.
Jain 108
Jain 108 MatheMagics 
The True Value of Pi = 3.144605511029693144...
JainPi Digits Multiplied: 
3 pages
1of 3
 Jain 108 MatheMagics
2 of 3
Jain 108 MatheMagics
 3 of 3
Jain 108 MatheMagics
Linking Phi (1.618) to the 360 Degree Circle Harmonic:
Jain Cracks Another Code (first published on Facebook, 2015)

Dedicated to the Late Bruce Cathie who instructed me to take more notice of the 360 division of the circle, (‘cos last decade, I was ranting that it was artificial and a mere man-made invention compared to "radians”, now I understand that the Master was right).
Here is another mathematical testimony to the Circle Harmonic of 360 (degrees) as glorified by the late Bruce Cathie.
What follows is my own original insight, that connects the 360 degrees of the Circle to the wonders of Phi (1.618…).
We already know that the Golden Pythagorean Right-Angled Triangle, existing inside the guts of the Cheop’s pyramid in Giseh has sides (1, Root Phi, Phi) or (1, 1.272, 1.618) and angles of (90, 51.8, 38.2).
The diagram shows the yellow shaded square areas of these 3 sides are (1, Phi, Phi Squared) or (1, 1.618, 2.618).
Metaphysical Scholars all talk about this important and critical slope angle of the pyramid’s 4 triangular faces being 51 degrees 51 minutes or 51.8 degrees and many a thesis and many tomes of great literature have been written about this revered angle, such as "Harmonic 51-51” and deservedly so.
Though, my insight is the other angle, the neglected 38.2 degrees, how I will directly and boldly relate it to Harmonic 360. How? Up till now, no-one has written about this.
First we need to know about the Reciprocal of Phi (1.618) is 1/Phi = phi with a small "p” = .618. Thus Phi = 1.618 and phi = .618 is the Reciprocal.
(To mathematician’s astonishment, Phi is the only number in the universe that when you take away its reciprocal, it equals 1 or Unity Consciousness. And if you add 1 to Phi, you get its square. This has huge implications in the Future Sciences and is why it is called the Golden Number, and why people like myself have studied it tirelessly for 3 decades). 
If we ask "What is phi of phi?” we are asking what is 1/Phi x 1/Phi or phi x phi or .618033988… x .61803988… = .38196601… = .382 rounded off to 3 dp or decimal places. (This format of 3dp has been adopted for the whole article, but just remember that these decimals are running forever without any known recursion or repetition).

This anointed value of .382 is also known as "phi squared” or the Reciprocal of Phi Squared or 1/Phi^2 or 1 divided by 2.618.
Notice also that the square area of the hypotenuse or the longest side is also 2.618 square units or 1.618 x 1.618. 
Lets store this value of .382 into our Inner Mental Screen, and recall it soon when we need to.
Let us now take our attention to the smaller and topmost angle in our diagram. It is 38.2 degrees (simplified by rounding off 38.17 degrees to 38.2 degrees). Can you see the connection between 38.2 and .382? even though one is in degrees and the other is a linear measurement, it doesn’t matter what the format is, in cross-platform Harmonic Mathematics where whole integers sing their universal songs. This 38.2 degrees is a Phi Harmonic, is indexed against the Circle Harmonic of 360 degrees. 
In the timeless, universal Language of Harmonics, we have poetic license or permission to slide the decimal point and also discard any zeroes before or after the decimal point. (eg: The Reciprocal of Light Harmonic as given to us via Bruce Cathie the Father of the Earth Grid is 1 divided by 144 = .0069444… which rounds off to .00695 which simplifies to Harmonic 695. It may appear nonsensical that this is the case, but trust me, this is the key to Star Trek knowledge, how to map the sphere and galaxies and thus travel safely at warp speed).
Thus, to conclude, I am making the distinct relationship that 38.2 and .382 are of the same family of Vibrational candidates that marry the Tribe of Phi with the Tribe of 360, interlinking the Mysteries of Pine Cone / Sunflower Mathematics to that of Circle Harmonics. We learn from this ancestry.net that they have always been cousins, always connected, it is only us that had forgotten our lineage.
We therefore give thanks to the beauteous and restorative Language of Mathematics and treasured Sacred Geometry that guide us to Remember Who We Are and Where We Have Come From!
Jain 108
Jain 108 MatheMagics
    Jain 108 MatheMagics     Jain 108 MatheMagics

Extra Notes:
360/51.84 = 6.944444444444444 Bruce Cathie’s 695 harmonic.
Remember that 695 Harmonic is the Light Reciprocal Harmonic: 
1 divided by 144 = .0069444444444….
One important and not well known aspect of the decimal angle of the Great is that 360 degrees is broken down into mins & secs of arc. 
That 51.84 x 60min x 60sec = the Speed of Light in miles/sec 186,624.  
(or 51-51-14 is186,674)
(information sourced from researcher Trevor Ward of Western Australia).
Thus we can conclude that the critical base angle of the Great Pyramid encodes the Maths of Light!

More Discoveries & Notes to be elaborated on: 
- (November 2005) In India:
Meeting with Kranti Kiran (at Hyderabad, Andras Pradesh state), aged 29, the top and foremost Vedic Mathematician genius in all of India. We taught at many schools like Nalanda, Chaitanya, Warangal. 

- (December 24th 2005) Kranti instantly organized 400 people involved in Infosys, Hi-Tech City, to attend one of my lectures. This was the first standing ovation I had received, an honour as the audience was the cream of India's Mathematical elite, and they were stunned that a westerner like me had educated them on the origins and fascination for their holy number "108" which was a mystery to them, but I explained its coding hidden in the 24 repeating pattern hidden in the Fibonacci sequence. They therefore support my efforts towards the much required fibonaccization of the global mathematics curriculum that I am currently writing.

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 30/05/2021 15:00

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 20/07/2021 09:50

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 25/07/2021 19:40

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 03/08/2021 22:58
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/08/2021 19:53
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"Harmonic 360 of The Circle"

The ancients selected the division of 360 degrees for a specific reason.

(Observe the outer ring of this complex Ying-Yang Chart having specifically 360 divisions).

The factors of the number 36 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36
indicating that it has an unusually large range of divisors and therefore more friends with other numbers.
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So irrational! Euler's identity = e ^ (ix) = cos x + i sin x
As cos (pi) = -1 and sin (pi) = 0,
e^(i.pi) = -1 + i.0 = -1
Hence, e^(i.pi) + 1 = 0
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Unfortunately, it had to be said, this is very incorrect.

With Circle's diameter, also equal to (A * G) = Real_Pi = 3.144605511...

A = Base Cathetus = Diameter / G = 1.94347308702659
Nowhere close to Phi....

And B = Opposite Cathetus = A * SQRT (G) = 2.47213595499959
Puede ser una imagen de 2 personas
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جواب  رسائل 13 من 23 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 16/09/2021 23:24
The amount of days in a solar year plus the proportions for the Equatorial circumference of the Earth and the proportions of the Great Pyramid of Giza according to Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144: The Great Pyramid of Giza is a geodetic model of Planet Earth. The measurements mentioned below are the ideal measurements. A meter is equal to 100 centimeters 1 Solon cubit = 40 times √φ = 50.88078598056276 centimeters. If 1 Solon cubit is divided into 20 equal units of measure then 20 inches can be derived because 1 Solon cubit is equal to 20 inches. 1 Saylen cubit = 50 times √φ = 63.60098247570345 centimeters. If 1 Saylen cubit is divided into 25 equal units of measure then 25 inches can be derived because 1 Saylen cubit is equal to 25 inches. 1 inch = 2 times √φ = 2.544039299028138 centimeters. 1 foot = 12 inches. 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters. If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 then the hypotenuse of the Kepelr right triangle is equal to The Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 according to the Pythagorean theorem. The Golden ratio in Trigonometry = (cosine (36 degrees) times 2) = 1.618033988749895. If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 then second longest edge length of the Kepelr right triangle is the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 according to the Pythagorean theorem. The width for the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza is equal to 756 feet. • If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 foot and then the second edge length of the Kepler right triangle is multiplied 378 equal times the result will be the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 378 times √φ = 480.823427516318082 feet according to Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144. • If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 foot and then the hypotenuse of the Kepler right triangle is multiplied 378 equal times the result will be the slant height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 378 times φ = 611.61684774746031 feet according to Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144. • If the shorter edge length of a Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 rectangle is equal to 1 foot and then the diagonal of the Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 rectangle is multiplied 378 equal times the result will be the edge height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 378 times = Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 = 718.998726319136046 feet according to Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144.Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307. Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 squared = φ plus 2 = 3.618033988749895. • If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters then the second longest edge length of that Kepler right triangle is equal to 38.832815729997479 centimeters.24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 = 38.832815729997479 centimeters. 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times the square root of the Golden ratio = √φ = 1.272019649514069 = 38.832815729997479 centimeters times 378 = the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza of Giza = 14678.804345939047062 centimeters. The height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 14678.804345939047062 centimeters divided by 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters = the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 480.823427516318088 feet. 378 times √φ = 1.272019649514069 = 480.823427516318088. • If the shortest edge length of a Kepler right triangle is equal to 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters then the hypotenuse of that Kepler right triangle is equal to 49.39610465451582 centimeters. 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times the Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 = 49.39610465451582 centimeters. 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times the Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 378 = 49.39610465451582 centimeters times 378 = slant the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 18671.727559406979971centimeters. The Slant height of the Great Pyramid = 18671.727559406979971 centimeters divided by 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters = the slant height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 611.61684774746031 feet. 378 times √φ = 1.272019649514069 = 611.61684774746031. • If the shortest edge length of a Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 rectangle is equal to 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters then the length of the diagonal of that Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 rectangle is equal to 58.068603673239965 centimeters. 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 = 58.068603673239965 centimeters. Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 squared = φ plus 2 = 3.618033988749895. 1 foot = 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters times = Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 = 58.068603673239965 centimeters times 378 = the edge height of the Great Pyramid of Giza of Giza = 21949.932188484706835 centimeters. The edge height of the Great Pyramid = 21949.932188484706835 centimeters divided by 24 times √φ = 30.528471588337656 centimeters = the edge height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 718.998726319136046 feet. 378 times Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 = 718.998726319136046. Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307. Cosine (18) degrees times 2 = 1.902113032590307 squared = φ plus 2 = 3.618033988749895. A Kepler right triangle can be created from the construction of a Golden ratio = (√(5) plus 1)/2 = φ = 1.618033988749895 rectangle by using Compass and straight edge and obviously a marker for the drawing surface. The amount of days in a Solar year = 4/√φ times 7920 times 5280/(10 ^ 3 times 360) = 365.277376161209156. The amount of days in a Solar year = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 times 7920 times 5280/(10 ^ 3 times 360) = 365.277376161209156. The equatorial circumference of planet Earth = 10 ^ 3 times 360 times 365.277376161209156 = 131499855.41803529616 feet. The equatorial circumference of planet Earth = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 times 7920 = 24905.275647355169727 statute miles. 131499855.41803529616 feet divided by 86400 = half the perimeter of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 1521.989067338371483 feet. Half the perimeter of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza times 86400 is also equal to the equatorial circumference of planet Earth = 131499855.41803529616 feet. 484 divided by √φ times 2 = the width of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 760.99453366918572 feet. Half the width of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 380.49726683459286 feet times √φ = 484 feet. 484/√φ times 2 times 2 times 86400 = 131499855.41803529616 feet. 131499855.41803529616 feet divided by 5280 = The perimeter of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 484/√φ times 8 = 3043.978134676742966 feet. 484 feet /√φ times 8 = 3043.978134676742966 feet times 12 = 24905.275647355169727 statute miles. 24905.275647355169727 statute miles divided by 7920 statute miles = Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144. There are 929.28 meters in the square perimeter of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza according to Golden Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144. 484/√φ times 8 = 3043.978134676742966 times 12 = 36527.737616120915592 divided by 100 = the exact amount of days in a solar year = 365.277376161209156. The equatorial diameter of our planet Earth = 41817600 feet. 41817600 feet divided 86400 = the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 378 times √φ = 480.823427516318082 feet plus the height of the socle of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 3.176572483681918 feet. 10 ^ 3 times 360 times 484/(√φ) times 8 times 12/(100) = 131499855.41803529616 feet. The height of the Great Pyramid if Giza is 378 times √φ = 480.823427516318082 feet. The width of the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 756 feet. The perimeter of the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 3024 feet. 9 factorial = 362880. At 10 degrees latitude the length of a degree is 9 factorial =362880 feet. The amount of inches in the perimeter of the square of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 36288. 36288 times 10 = 362880. The width for the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 756 feet. The perimeter of the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza = 3024 feet. There are 36288 inches in the perimeter of the square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza. 3024 times 12 = 36288. 756 times 4 times 12 = 36288. (9!)/10 = 36288. The equatorial circumference of planet Earth: https://joedubs.com/four-earthly-elements/equatorial-circumference-of-earth/ Kepler right triangle diagram with squares upon the edges of the Kepler right triangle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iBtXYy06yv9UWtGP5mwMXyt80vaysFvR/view?usp=sharing Kepler right triangle construction method: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15DNXB_xNP2f2jCroC0FyNUyBYGhVAA2J/view?usp=sharing PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_theorem Golden ratio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio The history of the meter: The history of the meter: https://www.factinate.com/editorial/meter-history/ The meter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metre The meter is based now on the speed of light: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgqUyFaUDcI

جواب  رسائل 14 من 23 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 20/05/2022 00:34
Resultado de imagen para PI=4/radical(PHI, the golden ratio = 1.61803399(...)) = 3.14460550981492(...) !!!
The Book Of Phi, volume 8 The True Value of Pi = JainPi = 3.144 The  symbolic release of JainPi being sent forth into the Wor
The FLOWER of LIFE, the HARMONICS of the CIRCLE and the TRUE VALUE of Pi =  3.144… Ebook - Jain 108
エッチ on Twitter: "Happy #PiApproximationDay! The fraction 22/7 is about  0.00000849% off the real value of Pi. #IrrationalNumbers  https://t.co/70X72GoFOT" / Twitter
Jain 108 Academy - PHI-PI as the TRUE VALUE OF PI = 3.144 | Facebook
True Value of Pi = 3.144 - Jain 108
Pin en Pi
The BOOK Of PHI, vol 8: True Value Of Pi = JainPi = 3.144... - Jain 108
The real value of Pi
The BOOK Of PHI, vol 8: True Value Of Pi = JainPi = 3.144... - Jain 108

جواب  رسائل 15 من 23 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 31/05/2022 00:00
Ο χρήστης Tamás Görbe στο Twitter: "Kepler's triangle is a right triangle  constructed using the golden ratio. It almost succeeds in squaring the  circle due to the remarkable coincidence π√φ/4 ≈ 0.999

جواب  رسائل 16 من 23 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 02/09/2022 12:48

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 13/09/2022 03:49

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 13/09/2022 18:03

جواب  رسائل 19 من 23 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 13/09/2022 20:12

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 06/01/2023 18:55

جواب  رسائل 21 من 23 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 11/03/2023 01:20

جواب  رسائل 22 من 23 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 30/03/2023 02:40

جواب  رسائل 23 من 23 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 13/10/2023 20:22

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