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Tecnología Nazi: Revelando los secretos de la antigravedad

Viktor Schauberger, un silvicultor austríaco que observó los efectos de la naturaleza, sobre todo del agua, se reunió con Adolf Hitler en el año 1934 para discutir los principios fundamentales de la agricultura, la silvicultura y la ingeniería del agua. Hitler quedó impresionado por las ideas radicales de Schauberger para la utilización de la energía del agua en nuevas y dinámicas formas, pero a su vez, él también estaba disgustado por que Schauberger no estaba dispuesto a participar en el trabajo para el Tercer Reich.
Viktor Schauberger
Posteriormente y para desgracia de Schauberger, cuando la guerra estalló, las SS fueron a buscarlo para que aporte sus ideas basadas en sus patentes para una “turbina de aire”, “procedimientos para elevación de líquidos y gases” de 1935 y la “máquina de frío” construida por Siemens en 1937, sin embargo, destruida en una prueba no autorizada.
En 1940, Schauberger comenzó la construcción del motor Repulsin(e) discoide en Viena con la ayuda de la compañía Kertl. Él patentó su idea el 04 de marzo de 1940 en Austria, bajo la patente 146.141. Pero muy poco después él fue reportado por la asociación de ingenieros de Viena a las SS que colocaron a Schauberger en un hospital mental en Mauer-Ohling. Schauberger fue entonces obligado a trabajar con Messerschmitt en sistemas de refrigeración de vórtice líquido y relacionado a solicitudes para los motores de avión de la Heinkel. En este punto Heinkel recibido informes sobre la temprana Repulsin A.
Heinkel “T” (Taifun / Typhoon). Este es un estudio del diseño para su posible uso con el motor de vórtice de Schauberger.
En Mauthausen, bajo las órdenes de Heinrich Himmler, Schauberger llevó a cabo una investigación y desarrollo para el esfuerzo de la guerra del Tercer Reich. Recibió aproximadamente 20 a 30 ingenieros que se encontraban prisioneros para proceder con su investigación en lo que se denominó “Energías Atómica Superiores”. Debido a esto se le concedió un trato especial y mejores condiciones tanto para Schauberger como para sus compañeros ingenieros.
La construcción y la perfección del motor discoide modelo Repulsin A continuaron hasta que uno de los primeros modelos de prueba estaba listo para una prueba de laboratorio, que lamentablemente terminó en desastre. El modelo tenía 2.4 metros de diámetro con un pequeño motor eléctrico de alta velocidad. Al comienzo el Repulsin fue puesto en marcha violentamente y se levantó vertical y rápidamente golpeando el techo del laboratorio, haciéndolo pedazos. Las SS no se mostraron complacidos y hasta amenazaron la vida de Schauberger, ante la sospecha de sabotaje deliberado.
Se construyeron modelos de reemplazo, pero en 1943 se mejoró el diseño, consiguiendo el modelo Repulsin B, que fue construido con el objetivo de las SS de desarrollar un motor para un extraño bio-submarino que Schauberger llamado “Forelle” (trucha) debido a su parecido a un pez con la boca abierta.
Diseño temprano del submarino Forelle utilizando la tecnología de vórtice de Schauberger para la propulsión.
Los modelos Repulsin funcionan de la siguiente manera:
Cuando se arranca el motor eléctrico principal, el efecto Coanda se comienza a crear una diferencia de presión aerodinámica entre la superficie exterior y el interior del casco principal. A mayor velocidad, la cámara de vórtice se convierte en un tipo de alto Generador electrostático debido a las partículas de aire en movimiento a alta velocidad, actuando como un transportador de carga eléctrica. El Repulsin A comenzará a brillar debido al efecto de la fuerte ionización del aire. Ahora tenemos todos los ingredientes para un flujo de éter continuo y fuerte en el eje principal de la parte superior a la parte inferior de la nave. La presión de aire radial necesaria para levantar 1 kg con el efecto Coanda es de aproximadamente 1,4 kg/cm2.
Impulsores en rosca para aspiración interna del modelo Schauberger Repulsin-B
En el Repulsin B la turbina vortex se ha mejorado para aumentar el “Efecto Implosión” y por lo tanto la fuerza de elevación. En el Repulsin B se la membrana superior y la inferior están fijas y giran a altas velocidades. En el borde borde hay cuchillas especiales en forma de boomerang. Hay 120 hojas que están espaciadas 3 grados alrededor del borde. Las turbinas de mayor vórtice aumenta significativamente el efecto “implosión” en la cámara de vórtice. Esto contribuye a que sea capaz de generar un empuje más fuerte que la turbina centrífuga utilizada en el Repulsin A. Por medio de la succión de rosca del impulsor (que giraba desde el exterior hacia el interior a lo largo de una curva en el espacio espiral cicloide) se genera el mismo tipo de fuerza que genera tornados, ciclones, tifones mediante el efecto de succión o de implosión.
Representación del funcionamiento interno del Repulsin B
El trabajo sobre el Repulsin B continuó en 1944 en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Rosenhügel en Viena. Schauberger fue finalmente liberado nuevamente, yendo a Leonstein, Austria ese mismo año. Parece ser que la SS descartaron la idea de aplicar el motor Schauberger a un submarino cuando los beneficios podrían mejorar en gran medida su trabajo en el secreto Flugkreisel, una extraña nave, que fue tomada de Rudolf Schriever en 1941. En 1943 la máquina había volado, pero resultó ser inestable . El líder del equipo de las SS fue el Dr. Richard Miethe quien propuso varios cambios en la Flugkreisel, sobretodo en su generador de energía, la mayoría de los cuales dependían del poder de cohetes, hasta que se supo que Schauberger había diseñado un tipo de máquina de turbina que crearía un impulso hacia arriba tan poderoso que aceleraría toda la máquina más alto en el aire con un empuje equivalente a 10.000 HP, simplemente moviendo “aire”.
Vórtice VLX-2 propuesto, utilizando tanto la tecnología Repulsin de Schauberger y el “Efecto Coanda”
La turbina era considerada una prioridad para el desarrollo del vuelo en una máquina tripulada por la SS. Se especula que el diseño de Miethe en Breslau en 1944 sirvió para mejorar el Repulsin.
Mientras tanto, los motores de Schauberger fueron confiscados por los rusos y los americanos al final de la guerra. Mientras que AVRO Canadá se acercó a Schauberger para el desarrollo del disco junto con un equipo dirigido por el Dr. Richard Miethe, Schauberger lo rechazó y en cambio dedicó su vida restante a al uso pacífico de la tecnología de vórtice, trabajando en varios proyectos civiles que incluyen generadores y sistemas de purificación de agua y aire.
Disco del tipo Schauberger diseñado para pruebas del vórtice Flugscheibe.
A finales de los años 1950 Schauberger visitó los Estados Unidos y otra vez fue presionado a trabajar en diseños militares. La presión fue aún mayor debido a que los motores de Repulsin originales de Schauberger habían caído en manos rusas y los estadounidenses sospechaban que la tecnología de Schauberger aparecería como un avión armado nuclear en suelo estadounidense.
Schauberger se negó a colaborar, pero tuvo que entregar sus diseño obligado por un poderoso consorcio estadounidense. Volvió a Austria y murió allí 5 meses después de haber sido despojado de todo.
Un final trágico para la vida del hombre al cual todo el mundo llamaba “El mago del agua”.
La naturaleza no se crea a través de las leyes rígidas, si no por procesos recíprocos rítmicos. La naturaleza no utiliza ninguna de las pre-condiciones de los químicos o de los físicos para los fines de la evolución. En principio la naturaleza excluye todo lo que es fuego, con el propósito del crecimiento; por lo tanto, todas las máquinas contemporáneas no son naturales y están construidas de acuerdo con premisas falsas. La naturaleza se aprovecha de sí misma a través de la forma biodinámica del movimiento, a través de la cual se proporciona el prerrequisito biológico para el surgimiento de la vida. Su propósito es ur-procrear [volver a crear la la esencia primaria de] condiciones ‘mayores’ o mejores de la materia, desde la materia prima originalmente inferior, que proporciona a la generación más antigua o a la numéricamente mayor, la posibilidad de una constante capacidad de evolucionar, porque sin ningún crecimiento y el aumento de reservas de energía, no habría evolución o desarrollo.”
Esto resulta en primer lugar, sobre todo en el colapso de la llamada “Ley de la Conservación de la Energía”, y aún más en la siguiente consecuencia, que es de la “Ley de la Gravedad”, y el resto de la dogmática pierde su base racional y práctica.
– Viktor Schauberger (sobre la “Implosión” no. 81 re-impreso en la revista Nexus abril-mayo de 1996).
Platillo volador experimental de Viktor Schauberger construido en 1940
Viktor Schauberger también dijo:
Si el agua o el aire se gira en una forma de torsión de oscilación conocido como “coloidal”, el resultado es una acumulación de energética, que, con una inmensa fuerza, puede causar levitación. Esta forma de movimiento es capaz de llevar consigo sus propios medios de generación de energía. Este principio conduce lógicamente a su aplicación al diseño ideal de un avión o submarino … que casi no requiere ninguna fuerza motriz.”
– De “Agua Viva” (“Living Water”) por Olof Alexandersson (1990)
El principio de la turbina del vacío consiste en el hecho de que una tormenta artificial o una alta carga eléctrica de tension, se desarrolla en un tubo capilar y un tubo de doble espiral, en la que se han incorporado electroimanes, que transforma la sustancia del aire en energías eléctricas. Estos se descargan en las paredes laterales y desde allí a través de la difusión se canalizan hacia abajo en forma de calor. A través de la transmutación de la materia aeriforme en energías, la auto-intensificación del vacío físico de un gradiente de calor, se crea en una dirección hacia arriba y a través del desarrollo recurrente en una dirección hacia abajo; se desarrolla una poderosa corriente de aire que a continuación de unos minutos, se intensifica a una fuerza ciclónica. Debido a que la presión de aire en una dirección ascendente se puede reducir progresivamente de esta manera extremadamente simple, el flujo de aire contracorriente puede elevarse a más de 124 mph, (200 km por hora) produciendo alrededor de 10.000 freno de HP (10.000 brake HP) en las superficies inclinadas de la hélice o turbina.”
– Victor Schauberger escribe sobre el Dynamo Paramagnético (Evolución Energética Pg.115)
Platillos voladores nazis
“Generador de tornados” de la post-guerra de Viktor Schauberger
Viktor Schauberger
Viktor Schauberger
Viktor Schauberger
También puedes leer: Flota operativa antigravedad actual del Gobierno de Estados Unidos
“Agua Viva” es la biografia que Olof Alexandersosn escribió sobre la vida y los trabajos de Viktor Schauberger y presenta una interesante recopilación de los trabajos y las vivencias de este personaje tan peculiar.
Puedes encontrarlo aquí
68. Juan 4:10 Respondió Jesús y le dijo: Si conocieras el don de Dios, y quién es el que te dice: Dame de beber; tú le pedirías, y él te daría agua VIVA.
69. Juan 4:11 La mujer le dijo: Señor, no tienes con qué sacarla, y el pozo es hondo. ¿De dónde, pues, tienes el agua VIVA?
70. Juan 7:38 El que cree en mí, como dice la Escritura, de su interior correrán ríos de agua VIVA.
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... Einstein's theories of relativity. In special relativity moving clocks run slower and in general relativity clocks run faster higher in a ...
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Message 81 de 88 de ce thème |
I’ve always been fascinated with time. Everything about it interests me. One of the most intriguing aspects of time is that it’s all about motion, in one way or another. The earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun. This gives us the hours of the day and the seasons of the year. An analog watch is a model of the movement of the sun, a model loosely based on its moment through the day.
Without the movements of our planet, would time exist? It seems obvious that it would, but we wouldn’t be around to notice it.
For those of us who study astrology, time is extremely important. We give meanings to planets and make note of their movement through our solar system in relation to the earth. Through these symbolic maps, we make predictions of what is coming, or explain what has already happened, as best as we can. In this way, time is much more than just the measurement of movement. It’s a book from which great knowledge may be discerned, depending upon the skill of the observer.
Any discussion of time usually leads to the common, but all-consuming question that so many have asked over the millennia. Is it possible to time travel?
The author, H.G. Wells put forth his idea about what might happen to our planet and eventually to the human race in his novel, “The Time Machine.” He painted a bleak picture of the future, but presented a savior in the form of a man from his own century, rushing to the rescue of humanity.
He wasn’t alone in a dystopian vision of the future, nor in his belief that only someone from our time could save it. This has always been one of the problems for me when reading stories or watching movies about time travel. I have more hope for the future. Every era essentially takes care of itself, although we often can’t begin to imagine how.
The Ethics of Time Travel: Non-Intervention
It’s for this reason that if there is to be any sort of time travel, I believe we should adopt an attitude of non-intervention. What worked for me culturally in 1970 would definitely not work for me in 2016, and trying to impose those archaic ways would get me into trouble. Traveling through time demands an ethical and ideological adherence to observing only, almost an impossible act.
Many science fiction authors focus on moving backwards, into the past, and accidentally changing something that creates a pretty rotten future. Other authors put forth the idea of deliberately trying to change the past and then speculate that no matter how hard they try, time travelers can’t change what has been destined to occur. Shows like the 60s classic, “The Time Tunnel,” tried, every week, to right the wrongs of time, to no avail. Despots still came to power. Ships still sank. Zeppelins were still fated to fiery disasters and the fabric of time remained unchanged.
In science fiction stories where time is successfully altered, the essence of reality is shifted, every now and then for the better, but more often than not in a disastrous manner.
The philosophy of time travel is something that has been pondered for a long time. Time loops, paradoxes, erasing one’s own birth by keeping parents from first kisses, and other truly disturbing thoughts have been worked over by every sort of media. That’s what makes it all so wonderful, daring to ask, “what if?”
Is Time Travel Possible?
I decided to ask my search engine, “Is time travel possible?” I expected to get the old answers, the ones ridiculing the idea and pointing their fingers at me for asking the question in the first place.
Instead, I was stunned to find physicists not only embracing the possibility of time travel, but engaging in experiments that have actually proven Einstein’s theory of relativity and time, notably the flying clocks experiment. Remarkably accurate clocks flying over the earth were found, upon returning to the ground, to be slightly slower than their counterparts here on earth, thus proving Einstein’s theory of general and specific relativity to be correct. The clocks in the jets had essentially travelled forward in time, to the future.
As a non-physicist, discussing all this makes me nervous, but what the heck, it’s all relative anyway. The research on time travel has made great theoretical strides, but from what I’ve been able to glean, we’re not much closer to success in actually breaking through the time barrier. Some of the greatest names in the field, including Dr Stephen Hawking, Dr Ronald Mallett and Dr. Brian Cox, completely believe in time travel.
You’d either have to move close to or faster than the speed of light, or find a wormhole to transport you, but scientists are working on just that.
I urge you to read Hawking’s and Mallett’s ideas on the topic, as they’re fascinating, and to be quite frank, a lot to chew on. I admit that much of it is beyond me, but an image has formed in my mind and I’d like to share with you.
Imagine that you are standing at the bottom of a hill. At the top of the hill is a fence. The fence represents the speed of light. Everything at the bottom of the hill is the present. If we begin to climb the hill, we’re still in our present, but the closer we get to the fence, the more time slows down for us. Once we climb to the top of the hill and are standing next to the fence, time is moving very slowly, much slower than at the bottom. The other side of the fence represents moving faster than the speed of light, and takes us into the past.
Let’s say we managed to jump the fence or find a hole to slip through. If we were able to move far enough beyond the fence, eventually we would be able to turn around and see ourselves at the bottom of the hill before we started upward, because the further away we get from the fence the more we overtake the past. How about traveling to the future? Let’s go back to climbing the hill. If we get to the top and stand next to the fence for an hour, because time moves much more slowly for us near the fence, when we descend back to the base of the hill, many years will have passed, as time moved faster below.
This means we will have traveled into the future. It’s all about speed, light, time and space, and is filled with possibilities.
Time Travel in Folklore
As a metaphysician, everything these esteemed scientists have said fits nicely into my world. It’s something that we believers have discussed for centuries. You may remember the tale of Rip Van Winkle, as well as numerous other stories of supernatural creatures who lure unsuspecting humans into their fairy rings, homes or bowling alleys. In their world, a few hours spent in party mode can equal decades, if not centuries, in our world.
There’s a riveting genius about such stories that almost seems to predict the scientific discoveries that have evolved over the past years. It makes me wonder if there isn’t some truth to those warnings of Fairy Rings and accepting shelter in stone huts on freezing nights on the peat bogs, only to discover that upon returning home, the octogenarian answering the door is one’s own great, great grandson. As mass approaches the speed of light, time slows down. Perhaps these other-worldly beings have a different energy structure than we do and being in their world can draw mere mortals into their space time reality. I’m not saying that such beings actually exist, although it would be silly to deny that they do.
Reverse Time Travel
I’ve had some personal experiences with what I was certain was time travel. Over the years, I’ve thought it all over and I’m not sure that there was any actual travel involved, but I do have a theory as to how one might be able to travel backwards in time, and here it is. According to physicists, it’s impossible to move back in time before a point when the machine designed to facilitate that travel was turned on. That presupposes a mechanical method of time travel, but what if there’s another way?
There is a method of reverse travel that stands out clearly to me. If we could travel faster than the speed of light, we would be able to surpass the present and enter the past, watching it unfold before us, the further we go. If this were possible, we’d be able to choose where we stopped.
There a lot of ifs, ands and buts in all of this, but I’ll ask one question. What is the speed of thought?
Scientists will immediately sit up at their desks and raise their hands, making urgent sounds to be recognized so they can answer. You in the back. Yes you with the slide rule. “The speed of thought must be connected directly to the speed of synaptic responses within the brain and cannot possibly be any faster than those biochemical exchanges will allow.”
My response to this logical answer is this: what if thought, a mystery no matter how you cut it, can move faster than the speed of light? What then? Is it possible to meditate to another time? Food for thought.
When I was in high school, I spent quite a bit of time walking through a graveyard near my school. I wasn’t unnerved and it didn’t seem morbid to me. It was respectful, peaceful and always put things in perspective. There were times when I felt the weight of mortality pressing upon me, especially on gorgeous days, but for the most part, it reminded me that the departed had once been on the planet as we are now and that time overcomes everyone.
As I read the grave markers, it occurred to me that I wanted to do something different. I hatched a plan to have a monument created, one made of something that would last, placed in a relatively conspicuous place. It would say something to the effect of, “Time travelers, please read! My name is Mo and these are the dates of my tenure on this planet. If you are reading this and can move through time, I would appreciate it if you would come visit me. I have some questions I’d like to ask you.”
It just occurs to me that the Internet is pretty much forever and that this is about as conspicuous a venue as there can be. Hmm. Maybe those experiences weren’t just dreams or way too much coffee. Only time will tell.
Until next time, I wish you all peace and love.
https://www.gaia.com/article/is-time-travel-possible |
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Message 82 de 88 de ce thème |
Viktor Schauberger: The Man Who Invented Flying Discs For The Nazis
Some historical figures leave behind little real information, but many secrets and mysteries.
 Ảnh minh họa
One such person was a scientist, thinker, philosopher, and inventor, and the author of innovative technological ideas. He was hired to work for the Third Reich and allegedly built for the Nazis a flying machine that looked like a disc-shaped UFO for the Nazis.
And then this man suddenly disappeared from history as quickly and mysteriously as he appeared. It is officially believed that he died a natural death, but there are many theories that he was either deliberately killed or his death was faked, but in fact was kidnapped for his own purposes.
The Mysterious Disappearance Of Viktor Schauberger
A man named Viktor Schauberger was born in Austria in 1885 and initially had an experience that had nothing to do with his future fame as the inventor of Hitler’s UFOs. He grew up in a hereditary family of foresters living in a vast area of remote wilderness in Holzschlag, Upper Austria, and spent most of his youth and middle years tending more than 10,000 hectares of land.

During this time, constantly being in nature, he began to make many observations that profoundly changed his life and outlook. In particular, he was absolutely fascinated by water, which he regarded as an independent living organism, calling it the “Blood of the Earth” and the source of all living things.
He especially focused on such properties of water as its spiral forms, eddies, fast currents, eddies, and easy harmony with the surrounding world.
He obsessively studied the movements and effects of water, continuing to form many theories, and then he began to craft completely innovative types of spiral-cut water gutters, the design of which was based on his own hydrodynamic system.
According to this system, an inward-moving and swirling water vortex could be used for power and thrust, which was the beginning of his revolutionary new idea for a new type of engine that relied on implosion (an explosion directed inward) rather than conventional explosions.
Viktor Schauberger was completely self-taught, he never took any university courses, but he soon gained international recognition thanks to some of his ideas, patents, and inventions, and controversy. He was critical of the many inventions available in his era, believing that they work against the laws of nature and are destructive.
Instead, he embraced the idea that humanity and nature can live together using alternative energy sources, such as using natural processes and live in harmony with them. His motto was “Kapieren und kopieren” (To comprehend and copy nature). Schauberger believed that many inventions of mankind were contrary to nature, and later he stated that even the propeller was an imperfect invention:
“As nature best demonstrated in the case of the winged maple seed, today’s propeller is a pressure rotor, and therefore a brake rotor, whose purpose is to allow the heavy maple seed to slowly fall to the ground like a parachute and move away from the wind.
No bird has such a rotating object on its head, nor a fish on its tail. This brake rotor was only used by a person for forward propulsion. As the propeller spins, drag increases in proportion to the square of the rotation speed. It is also a sign that this supposed propulsion device is not built naturally and is therefore out of place. “
Schauberger sought to bring his ideas to life by coming up with a detailed theory according to which water vortices can build on each other to create more and more forces, which, in turn, will create a force opposite to gravity. In essence, Schauberger was explaining how to create anti-gravity, which he called diamagnetism.
He used these theories to create fantastic inventions such as a water blast turbine that sucked in air in a spiral, reaching enormous forces. He also invented the machine that created a typhoon-like suction force to control the temperature in a room, and a power generator. These machines created energy from water and air using spiral pipes and nozzles.
All of this worked on the principles of clean energy and working with nature, apparently with little or no pollution and being completely sustainable.
It might seem odd that such a radical promoter of green energy and work with nature caught the attention of the Nazis, who were not particularly concerned with preserving the environment. But he really piqued their interest, and in 1934 the Nazis approached him with a tempting offer to work for them for a good salary. Schauberger agreed.
Furthermore. In 1938, Nazi Party member Julius Streicher allegedly personally ordered him to build an aircraft that could use a vortex engine. This device had to have the shape of a disk and move completely differently from all modern aircraft while hovering in the air in one place (levitation), performing precise maneuvers, and accelerating at high speeds.

Basically, they wanted Schauberger to build a futuristic anti-gravity ship using his own natural theories, and since they were the Nazis, he had no choice but to agree once again, receiving an exorbitant amount of money.
In 1940, Schauberger created the first prototype of his artificial UFO, called Repulsin A, which used friction between vortices and the surrounding air to force the air downward, creating an overall lifting and propelling effect, more or less producing a kind of mini-tornado, on the energy of which this ship moved.
However, it was found that the vortex motor was unstable, and the fan inside the device could not spin as fast as required because the blades were pushing out too much air. At the time, no way was found to circumvent the problem of generating more intense rotational energy, and the device was deemed too impractical.

Indeed, during the testing of the ship, although it could indeed levitate, it was almost impossible to control or move forward, usually quickly spinning out of control or even flying through the roof of the test hangar.
According to rumors, the Nazis were furious at Schauberger’s inability to solve these problems, which caused the inventor to be temporarily imprisoned. But then he came under the personal attention of Heinrich Himmler, who drew Schauberger to work on another miracle of technology – a new type of silent mini-submarine, and then ordered to continue work on a new version of the anti-gravity device called Vril-7.
It is not known how far Schauberger went with the Vril-7, as the end of World War II halted all secret Nazi research (at least official), with most of his work, prototypes, and plans destroyed so that they would not fall into the hands of the Allies.

The Americans, knowing how important Schauberger was to the Germans, arrested him and took him to the United States, intensively interrogating him, but were never able to get much information from him. However, they were able to use all the information they received to the maximum. The fundamental principles that Schauberger used were later applied to several projects, including the Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar, which was a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft developed during the Cold War era, and others.
Schauberger, while in the United States, tried for several more years on various civilian vortex technology projects such as generators, water purification systems and air purification devices, before eventually returning to Austria on September 25, 1958, almost penniless.
He died quite suddenly, just five days after his return to his homeland, taking all his secrets with him to the grave.
Since then, various conspiracy theories have regularly emerged about Schauberger, including that his research went much further than anticipated, and that many of the UFOs that were seen during the Second World War were in fact Schauberger’s experimental devices.
But all these are just hypotheses and unverified rumors, for sure no one knows anything. He remains in many ways a ghost person, the true scope of his work is unknown, and his research is enigmatic.
https://www.xaluannews.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3296405 |
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Message 84 de 88 de ce thème |
Viktor Schauberger Most Interesting Discoveries and Innovation
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Viktor Schauberger
Viktor Schauberger was a student of nature and more specifically water flows. He was gifted with the patient skills of observation and an appreciation of the outdoors.
His fascination of mountain streams and how water worked for the environment led to many innovations and inventions which pertain to flow control and the science of water. He realized that water flows were similar to air (just a different density) which led to his lift turbines and craft.
He was one of the first scientists to realize that water has many dimensions and structure. Water has surface tension and boundary layer mechanisms, which were revolutionary before 1900. Of course Nikola Tesla also realized this with his disc turbine around the same period.
Many of his early innovations were focussed around the transport of sawn timber and transporting and then sorting them by use of water and displacement. Back then, transporting timber from the mountains was not without problems. This was before helicopter lifts, trucks (and roads), and aerial cable lift lines.
Flying Disc
Water Anomaly 4 C and Trout Turbine
Viktor was one of the first to observe and record the water anomly point of 4 C (39.2 F). This is where water is at the maxium density (given that density varies with temperature).
explain how the viktor schauberger trout turbine works
The Viktor Schauberger trout turbine, also known as the impulse turbine, works by utilizing the natural flow of water to generate power. The turbine is designed to work with a minimum drop height of two meters and requires a flow of at least 200 liters of water per minute.
The trout turbine consists of a spiral-shaped housing that is open on one side and closed on the other. As water flows into the housing, it is forced to spiral around the inside of the housing, creating a vortex. This vortex causes the water to move faster and with more force than it would in a straight line, which in turn generates more power.
The water is then directed towards a series of curved blades that are mounted on a central shaft. As the water hits the blades, it causes the shaft to rotate, which generates mechanical energy. The mechanical energy can then be used to drive a generator, pump or other machinery.
The design of the trout turbine is based on the principle of implosion, which means that it uses the natural inward flow of water to generate power, rather than relying on an external energy source to create a flow. This makes the trout turbine highly efficient and effective, as it can generate power from even slow-moving or low-volume water sources.
Overall, the trout turbine is a highly innovative and sustainable technology that has the potential to provide clean and renewable energy in a wide range of applications, from small-scale hydroelectric systems to large-scale power generation plants.
Air ?
Adapting the Viktor Schauberger's trout turbine for air would require significant modifications to the design and engineering of the device. Some possible adaptations that could be made include:
Altering the shape and size of the blades: The blades of the trout turbine are designed to move water in a particular way, so for air applications, the blades would need to be redesigned to capture and accelerate air. The shape and size of the blades would be critical in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of the air turbine.
Adjusting the curvature of the blades: The curvature of the blades would need to be optimized for air instead of water, taking into account factors such as air pressure and temperature.
Modifying the intake and outlet: The trout turbine is designed to work in a closed system with water intake and outlet. For air, a different intake and outlet system would need to be developed to ensure efficient airflow.
Adjusting the rotational speed: The rotational speed of the trout turbine is optimized for the density and viscosity of water. For air applications, the rotational speed would need to be adjusted to account for the differences in air density and viscosity.
Overall, adapting the Viktor Schauberger's trout turbine for air would require a significant amount of research, development, and testing to determine the most effective design and engineering requirements for this specific application.
The researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have explored the use of waffle-shaped turbine blades for hydroelectric power generation. The idea behind the waffle-shaped blades is to increase the surface area of the blade in contact with the water, which can increase the power output of the turbine. The waffle shape also helps to reduce turbulence in the water flow, which can increase efficiency and reduce wear and tear on the turbine.
The waffle shape is achieved by cutting a series of parallel channels or grooves into the surface of the blade. The channels can be oriented in different directions to create a variety of waffle-like patterns. The researchers at Berkeley have experimented with different patterns and shapes to optimize the performance of the turbine.
While the use of waffle-shaped turbine blades is not yet widespread, it is one example of how engineers and researchers are exploring unconventional designs to increase the efficiency and output of renewable energy technologies.
Gas Turbine
In 1936 Viktor Schauberger got a patent in Austria for his air turbine. Many aspects are similar to both German and British gas turbines ( Dr Alan Arnold Griffith of the Royal Aircraft Establishment RAE in 1926) of the same era.
Frenchman Maxime Guillaume (patent filed in 1921) was the first to envision a axial flow turbojet.
Britishman Frank Whittle in 1928 submitted his ideas for a turbojet. He filed for patent in 1930 (granted in 1932). Supposedly Hans von Ohain had a similar design (later admitted to seeing the patent from Whittle) which was then developed by Ernst Heinkel, and flown as the worlds first turbojet powered aircraft in the He178. The British version was not to fly until 1941.
Commercial operation of the world’s first industrial gas turbine in Neuchtel, Switzerland (electric power generating powerplant), in 1939, was in operation for nearly 70 years.
While the first pulsejet was patented by Russian engineer V.V. Karavodin in 1906, we'll focus on air breathing compressor versions.
The Worlds First Industrial Gas Turbine Set at GT Neuchatel
The Vortex and the Vacuum
Observation of the spiral led to many of Schaubergers vortex designs and theory.
Specifically on his lifting disc turbine design, the wavy shaped disc has slits cut on the bottom side, while the top is a smooth wave pattern on stamped metal. The theory is that the bottom slitted disc produces a vacuum from the top, and the disc is lifted upwards.
At least that is my best explanation as a turbine designer since 2008.
Viktor Schauberger Information From Chat GPT
Viktor Schauberger was a prominent Austrian inventor known for his revolutionary ideas in the field of water management and energy production. One of his most notable inventions was the trout turbine, which utilized the natural vortex motion of water to generate power. This article will explore Schauberger's life and work, focusing on his trout turbine invention and its impact on society. Additionally, the article will examine his involvement with the Nazi regime and his work in aviation during World War II.
Early Life and Career:
Viktor Schauberger was born in Holzschlag, Austria in 1885. He grew up in a family of foresters and spent much of his childhood exploring the nearby forests and observing the natural world. His interest in natural phenomena would later influence his work as an inventor. After completing his education, Schauberger worked for the Austrian Forestry Commission, where he gained experience in water management and environmental conservation. He later established his own research institute, where he devoted himself to studying the properties of water and energy.
The Trout Turbine:
One of Schauberger's most notable inventions was the trout turbine, which utilized the natural vortex motion of water to generate power. The trout turbine was designed to mimic the motion of water in a natural stream, using a spiral channel to create a vortex that would spin a turbine. Unlike traditional turbines, which used straight channels to force water through them, the trout turbine worked in harmony with the natural flow of water, reducing turbulence and minimizing energy loss. The trout turbine was highly efficient and environmentally friendly, making it a popular choice for small-scale hydroelectric power generation.
Impact on Society:
Schauberger's inventions, including the trout turbine, had a significant impact on society. They provided a new approach to water management and energy production that emphasized harmony with nature rather than domination over it. The trout turbine was particularly well-suited for use in rural areas and remote locations, where access to conventional sources of energy was limited. It also paved the way for further research into the use of natural energy sources, such as wind and solar power.
Involvement with the Nazi Regime:
Schauberger's involvement with the Nazi regime is a controversial aspect of his life. He was initially drawn to the Nazi party's emphasis on environmental conservation and was appointed as an advisor to the German government on water management issues. However, he soon became disillusioned with the regime's policies and resigned from his position. Some scholars argue that Schauberger's work during this period was largely apolitical and focused on his scientific research, while others maintain that he was complicit in Nazi war crimes.
Aviation and UFOs:
During World War II, Schauberger worked in aviation research, where he was involved in the development of flying discs. These were highly experimental aircraft that utilized unconventional propulsion systems, such as the natural vortex motion of air. Schauberger was also interested in the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and believed that they were related to his work in aviation. While his ideas in this area were highly speculative and unproven, they continue to generate interest and debate among UFO enthusiasts.
Viktor Schauberger's life and work were characterized by a deep fascination with the natural world and a commitment to sustainable energy production. His trout turbine invention remains a testament to his innovative spirit and his belief in the power of nature to provide solutions to human problems. However, his involvement with the Nazi regime and his work in aviation during World War II are more controversial aspects of his legacy, and continue to be the subject of debate and analysis. Regardless of these issues, Schauberger's contributions to the field of water management and energy production remain an important part of his legacy, and continue to inspire researchers and inventors today.
Viktor Schauberger Inventions From Chat GPT Query
Here is a list of some of Viktor Schauberger's notable inventions:
The trout turbine: A hydroelectric power generator that imitates the natural movement of trout swimming upstream. The design of the turbine increased the efficiency of power generation by reducing turbulence in the water and minimizing damage to aquatic life.
Repulsine: A flying saucer-shaped aircraft that Schauberger developed during World War II. The Repulsine used an implosion-based propulsion system that Schauberger believed could achieve anti-gravity effects.
The spiral air and water turbine: A turbine that utilized the natural spiral movement of air and water to increase efficiency in power generation.
The log flume: A method of transporting timber down a river that minimized damage to the logs and reduced water pollution.
The suction turbine: A device that used a suction method to pull water through the turbine blades, increasing efficiency in hydroelectric power generation.
The vortex power plant: A power plant that utilized the natural vortex movement of water to generate electricity.
The implosion motor: An alternative to the traditional combustion engine that Schauberger believed would increase efficiency and reduce pollution.
The Finnish UFO: An experimental aircraft that Schauberger designed for the Finnish Air Force during World War II.
The water purifier: A device that used the natural vortex movement of water to clean and purify it.
The eco-friendly house: A design for a house that utilized natural materials and the principles of biodynamic farming to create a sustainable living environment.
Viktor Schauberger's Repulsine is a hypothetical flying saucer-shaped aircraft that he claimed to have developed during World War II. According to Schauberger, the Repulsine used an implosion-based propulsion system that he believed could achieve anti-gravity effects. However, there is no credible evidence to support the existence of the Repulsine or its propulsion system.
Schauberger's ideas about implosion-based propulsion were based on his observations of natural phenomena, particularly the vortex motion of water and air. He believed that by creating a vortex of air or other fluid in a closed system, it would be possible to generate a powerful inward-sucking force that could be harnessed for propulsion.
Schauberger reportedly worked on several prototypes of the Repulsine during the war, but there is no concrete evidence to confirm this. Some conspiracy theorists and UFO enthusiasts have claimed that Schauberger's work on the Repulsine was part of a secret German program to develop advanced aircraft or spacecraft using anti-gravity technology, but there is no credible evidence to support these claims.
It's important to approach claims about the Repulsine and Schauberger's work with a critical eye and to seek out reliable sources of information. While Schauberger was an innovative and visionary inventor, his ideas about implosion-based propulsion and anti-gravity effects have not been scientifically validated and should be treated with skepticism.
While Viktor Schauberger's specific inventions and theories have not been widely adopted, some of his principles and ideas have inspired modern-day innovations and technologies. Here are a few examples:
Biomimicry: Schauberger was a proponent of observing and emulating natural processes in technology design. This principle has been expanded upon in the field of biomimicry, where engineers and designers draw inspiration from nature to create sustainable and efficient solutions.
Vortex-based water treatment: Schauberger's work on the vortex motion of water has inspired research into vortex-based water treatment systems, which use the natural swirling motion of water to purify and energize it.
Permaculture: Schauberger's ideas about working with, rather than against, natural systems has influenced the development of permaculture, a holistic approach to agriculture and land use that seeks to mimic natural ecosystems.
Energy-efficient technologies: Some of Schauberger's ideas about energy efficiency and minimizing waste have been incorporated into modern-day technologies such as heat pumps and hydroelectric turbines.
While Schauberger's specific inventions have not been replicated, his ideas and principles have influenced a wide range of fields and continue to inspire innovation today.
Viktor Schauberger's work on the vortex motion of water led him to develop a unique method of water purification using a spiral vortex flow.
The principle behind the method is that water, when subjected to a spiral vortex motion, undergoes a process of self-purification. This is due to the fact that the vortex motion causes the water molecules to spin in a specific way, creating a centrifugal force that separates impurities and pollutants from the water. The impurities are then drawn to the center of the vortex and expelled from the water.
Schauberger's design for a water purification vortex involved using a specially designed spiral pipe, with the water flowing through it in a helical motion. The pipe was designed to create a specific flow pattern that would induce a spiral vortex motion in the water, effectively purifying it as it flowed through the pipe.
The purification vortex was not just effective at removing impurities from the water, but it also imparted a number of beneficial properties to it. For example, the vortex motion increased the oxygen content of the water, making it more beneficial for aquatic life. It also increased the water's energetic properties, making it more suitable for use in agriculture and other applications.
Schauberger's water purification vortex has been the subject of much research and experimentation, with some experts believing it could offer a more natural and sustainable alternative to traditional water treatment methods. However, further testing and validation is needed before it can be widely adopted as a viable solution for water treatment.
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-166644-B Tillage implement
Publication Date: 1950-08-25
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-166644-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent DE-809725-C Tillage equipment
Publication Date: 1951-08-02
Google Patent Link: Patent DE-809725-C
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-117749-B Jet turbine.
Publication Date: 1930-05-10
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-117749-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-196680-B Pipeline for liquid and gaseous media
Publication Date: 1958-03-25
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-196680-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-136214-B Plant and equipment for regulating the drainage channel of reservoirs and increasing the strength of their closing dams.
Publication Date: 1934-01-10
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-136214-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-113487-B Installation for torrent control and river regulation.
Publication Date: 1929-06-10
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-113487-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-122144-B Artificial channel for washing wood and the like like
Publication Date: 1931-04-10
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-122144-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-142032-B Process for the production of spring water-like drinking water.
Publication Date: 1935-06-11
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-142032-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent US-1775871-A Method and apparatus for assorting timber
Publication Date: 1930-09-16
Google Patent Link: Patent US-1775871-A
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-114660-B Rejection and sorting system for various types of wood brought to alluvial roads.
Publication Date: 1929-10-25
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-114660-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-145141-B Air turbine.
Publication Date: 1936-04-10
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-145141-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-134543-B Water flow in pipes and channels.
Publication Date: 1933-08-25
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-134543-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-118713-B Ejection devices for long wood u. Like. From transport devices, giants, conveyor belts and. like
Publication Date: 1930-08-11
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-118713-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-113772-B Method and device for foreign and forwarding of logs from alluvial systems.
Publication Date: 1929-07-10
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-113772-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-138296-B Water flow.
Publication Date: 1934-07-10
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-138296-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent AT-143069-B Method for lifting liquids or gases.
Publication Date: 1935-10-10
Google Patent Link: Patent AT-143069-B
Viktor Schauberger Patent DE-573856-C Procedure for separating different types of wood when washing
Publication Date: 1933-04-06
Google Patent Link: Patent DE-573856-C
Viktor Schauberger Patent GB-689183-A Improvements in or relating to earth working implements
Publication Date: 1953-03-25
Google Patent Link: Patent GB-689183-A
Viktor Schauberger Patent GB-415280-A Improvements in or relating to water conduits
Publication Date: 1934-08-23
Google Patent Link: Patent GB-415280-A
Viktor Schauberger Patent DE-618610-C Water supply
Publication Date: 1935-09-12
Google Patent Link: Patent DE-618610-C
Viktor Schauberger Patent CH-279546-A Soil cultivation device and method for making one.
Publication Date: 1951-12-15
Google Patent Link: Patent CH-279546-A
Viktor Schauberger Patent ES-203765-A1 A procedure and device for the control of degradation processes and molecular synthesis of fluid, gaseous and aerial moved media, and for the accuracy of mechanical performance increases (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)
Publication Date: 1952-10-16
Google Patent Link: Patent ES-203765-A1
Viktor Schauberger Patent DE-SC001158M-A Tillage implement
Publication Date: 1950-10-26
Google Patent Link: Patent DE-SC001158M-A
Viktor Schauberger Patent DE-SC001158M-A Bodenbearbeitungsgerät
Publication Date: 1950-10-26
Google Patent Link: Patent DE-SC001158M-A |
https://infinityturbine.com/viktor-schauberger-most-interesting-discoveries-and-innovation-by-infinity-turbine.html |
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