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Message 18 de 32 de ce thème |
Originally Posted by fr0sty 
 Did you know the great pyramid is perfect, but they say the top of the pyramid is not in the middle of the square base and has an error of a quarter of a inch lol . but that is because the modern scientists has calculate wrong the Pi number. Pi or π is a mathematical constant whose value is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean space; this is the same value as the ratio of a circle's area to the square of its radius. It is approximately equal to 3.14159 in the usual decimal notation (see the table for its representation in some other bases). π is one of the most important mathematical and physical constants: many formulae from mathematics, science, and engineering involve π.  Circumference = π × diameter  Area of the circle = π × area of the shaded square Calculating Pi number π can be empirically estimated by drawing a large circle, then measuring its diameter and circumference and dividing the circumference by the diameter. Another geometry-based approach, due to Archimedes,[19] is to calculate the perimeter, P n , of a regular polygon with n sides circumscribed around a circle with diameter d. Then  That is, the more sides the polygon has, the closer the approximation approaches π. Archimedes determined the accuracy of this approach by comparing the perimeter of the circumscribed polygon with the perimeter of a regular polygon with the same number of sides inscribed inside the circle. Using a polygon with 96 sides, he computed the fractional range:  I will say only that his ARCHIMEDES axiom (287-212 BC) resulting from the conclusion that seems logical in our OLD thinking and reference, namely that a circle can be compared and even overlapped with circumscribed polygon with infinite number of sides is not accurate! The modern scientist will say to you if you give them the TRUE PI NUMBER "Archimedes established margin that included PI: between 3.1408 (223/71) and 3.1428 (22 / 7), so the your result are not included in this interval, so that is false!" For the moment all the guys out there uses PI=3.1415(....) but the true Pi number is 3,1446(...) go and measure on terrain!!! practical !!! PI=4/radical(PHI, the golden ratio = 1.61803399(...)) = 3.14460550981492(...) !!!  The Golden Ratio!!!  Facts: According to the true pi number the diameter of the Large Hadron Collider is smaller with 8.13 meters! According to the true pi number the GREAT PYRAMID IS P.E.R.F.E.C.T.!!!!!!! According to the true pi number N.A.S.A. is using the true PI number. lol According to the true pi number the humans will be able to build more perfect buildings (and durable ffs!!!) ACCORDING TO THE TRUE PI NUMBER THE MARKO RODIN SINGLE TORUS COIL WILL BE UPGRADED AND MORE EFFICIENT!!! and a little bigger in diameter  )
Correction: PI=4/sqrt(PHI)=3.144605511029693144(...)...without doubt...MEASURED!...But, pay attention, please, about the"PARADOX OF THE SMALL ANGLES"up to sqrt[sqrt(89)]=3.071478656(...) sexag.deg. I'll explain you, later! See you, please: http://quadrature.ro V L A H S T A R Mircea-Mugurel Serban
Last edited by vlahstar; 18-06-2009 at 09:21 AM. Reason: Completion! |
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Message 19 de 32 de ce thème |
I brought up the subject of 37 cubes for a reason folks. The 9 layer torus is all good. But please and this is important what is the "GATE" mechanism between the donuts? Without the GATE mechanism it is a beautiful model that lacks dynamism in action. Here we observe blood flow in the venous system. Remember that there is no pump the valve leaflets perform the function of return.TALK ABOUT 37 THEN? WHAT REASON??gate? its x2 every digit therefore 'octave jumps' pointing out what it lacks is gonna be a tricky one.Yellow green blue = greater octave, yellow lblue green = leeser octave regarding torus. REMEMBER the torus's have only the <9> magic vortice well flip flopped across as the map.Here are the three torus side on- imagine as layerschart 1 2 3 to infinity etc as labelled. - [IMG] [/IMG]look at the right column stack- these are LATERAL vortice well orders.SO NESTED SKINS THE TOWER IS WELLS- THE RAILS ARE TORUS SKINS- SO SUPERIMPOSE TORUS SKINS TO SEE WHAT YOU ARE ASKING ABOUT- THE 3X3X3 CUBES ARE +1 perpendicular 9 stacks for those three groups.We also achieve doubling circiut with group magic squares.Natural growth of ANY 9 stack mountain starts and continues with the addition of >>>original centre<<< to all magic squares produced- 'if' <5> then 516273849. 'if' <1> 123456789, ALL MAGIC SQUARES so we get quantum jums through layers in [original centre power]Why not add the NEW centre??? of each square produced? because if we did add new centre to every house of new square produced- we get the doubling circuit in normal magic squares. 124875 AD INFINITUUM.Mane has done it also in above posts. ALL GROUPS achieve this.To say 9 layers is a little rich- i would say 3 layer for now that would be 6 if counting crossovers. centre fires out and would hit 3 skins, if it hit a 1 first the next skin 2 next 4, 'if' it hit a 4 first then next ski 8 next 7 etc you get the flow.This is basic the idea- theres more.Like i said this has been complete for a while now, i have all transitions writtien down- example yellow +yellow = green, green + green = light blue- all quanta done. Now its easy to expalin so putting it out there.
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Message 20 de 32 de ce thème |
Winded a Tesla's Bifilar Coil around a Toroid...
Originally Posted by barbitone 
The more I look & analyze Rodin's Coil I can see clearly that he in reality has a Tesla's Bifilar Coil winding around a Toroid !
Rodin did state that he is not him self creating the Coil designs!
Also I would logically presume if the end of Positive & the start of the Minus winding are close together by touching each other the output result should be greater?
Analyze it yourself someone may ends up with my logical conclusion?
I also presume having the toroid Doughnut shape creates a Electron Vortex which sustains his motion even after swishing off the power temporary "by Pulsing" & therefor creating more over unit effect....
http://www.biblewheel.com/gr/GR_Figurate.asp#starSome images at: http://www.biblewheel.com/wheel/231gates.aspFigure 1 is a standard pancake coil (many Tesla coil builders are familiar with this style). Figure 2 is a bifilar coil, the crux of the patent is where Tesla winds a dual wire and then connects the ends in a series (an interesting experiment for coil builders). Tesla explains that a standard coil of 1000 turns with a potential of 100 volts across it will have a difference of .1 volt between turns. A similar bifilar coil will have a potential of 50 volts between turns. In that the stored energy is a function of the square of the voltages, the energy in the bifilar will be 502/.12 = 2500/.01 = 250,000 times greater than the standard coil!" http://merlib.org/node/5516
 Maybe designing it as below; having a double stage Toroid design facing each other with reversed winding my even creates a Vortex ping-pong effect? Ending up with over unit energy coming out of your ears   http://i467.photobucket.com/albums/r...odin_Tesla.gif Click to enlarge
 .gif/120px-Inside-out_torus_(animated%2C_small).gif)  http://portal.groupkos.com/index.php...magnetic_Coils .
My Personal notes: Woe, Woe, Woe Absolutely amazing Perfect again ..... I'm still in touch with whatever it is!.... To many times to just be coincidental. Are my actions connected, related or synchronized with Symbolic number meanings? My Posting No. 3410 = 8 & a 10 .... what does it say Symbolically? http://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu8.php
Properties of the number 8
Symbolism Number of the perfection, the infinity. In mathematics the symbol of the infinity is represented by a 8 laid down.
Symbol of the cosmic Christ.
Number figuring the immutable eternity or the self-destruction. It represents also the final point of the manifestation.
In China, the 8 expresses the totality of the universe.
Number of the balance and of the cosmic order, according to the Egyptians.
Number expressing the matter, it is also the symbol of the incarnation in the matter which becomes itself creative and autonomous, governing its own laws.
The number eight corresponds to the New Testament, according to Ambroise.
It is the symbol of the new Life, the final Resurrection and the anticipated Resurrection that is the baptism.
According to Clement of Alexandria, the Christ places under the sign of 8 the one he made to be born again.
Represent the totality and the coherence of the creation in evolution. In China, it expresses the totality of the universe.
Represent the earth, not in its surface but in its volume, since 8 is the first cubic number.
The Pythagoreans have made the number 8 the symbol of the love and the friendship, the prudence and the thinking and they have called it the Great "Tetrachtys".
In Babylon, in Egypt and in Arabia, it was the number of the duplication devoted to the sun, from where the solar disc is decorated of a cross with eight arms.
The number 8 means the multiplicity, for the Japanese.
A favorable number, associated to the prosperity.
It is the number of the restful day, after the 7th day of the creation. http://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu8.php ******************** Properties of the number 10 Symbolism
Symbol of the matter in harmony - 4 + 6.
Represent the Creator and the creation, 3 + 7, the Trinity resting in the expressed universe.
For Pythagoras, 10 was the symbol of the universe and it also expressed the whole of human knowledge.
Sum of 5 + 5, the number 10 represents the two opposite current directions of the conscience: involution and evolution.
According to H.- P. Blavatsky, the 1 followed by 0 indicates the column and the circle, meaning the principle of the female and male, and this symbol would refer to the Androgyne nature and also to Jehovah, being at the same time male and female.
The zero in the form of circle is a symbol of unit, completing then the meaning of the number 1 to show that the number 10 contains all preceding numbers as a whole contains its parts.
Represent the first couple, the marriage: 1 = the man, 0 the egg fertilized by the 1. The ten gives the indication of a spiritual regression since the marriage is a consequence of the fall of the man.
The number ten is regarded as the most perfect of numbers, because it contains the Unit that did it all, and the zero, symbol of the matter and the Chaos, of which all came out; it then includes in its figure the created and the non-created, the beginning and the end, the power and the force, the life and the nothing.
It represents the straightness in the faith because it is the first number "in extension" (of two digits), just as hundred and thousand, explains Hugues of Saint-Victor.
According to Agrippa, "ten is called the number of all or universal, and the complete number marking the full course of life." Also he attributes to it a sence of totality, the achievement, the return to the unit after the development of the cycle of the first nine numbers.
Represent the revelation and the Divine Law.
At the Mayas, it represents the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. The ten was regarded as being the number of the life and the death.
In China, the cross represents the number 10 - as the totality of the numbers. http://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu10.php |
Last edited by oiram; 12-04-2011 at 03:54 PM. Reason: * * * *My Posting No. 3410 = 8 & a 10
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Message 21 de 32 de ce thème |
__________________ CRISTIS
Last edited by science2art; 08-10-2012 at 08:10 PM.
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Message 22 de 32 de ce thème |

Génesis 8:22 Mientras la tierra permanezca, no cesarán la sementera y la siega, el frío y el calor, el verano y el invierno, y el día y la noche. (EL MISMO DISEÑO DEL VATICANO-OCHO PUNTAS-PLAZA DE SAN PEDRO)
Obviamente que Dios es Dios de vivos..
Puesto que en la fe nadie muere..
Y los patriarcas Abraham, Isaac, Jacob ..
Caminaron por fe..
Dios le cambio el nombre de abram a abraham..
Porque es el primer viviente según el pacto de la circuncisión..
El primer hombre de fe, el padre de naciones..
Y ese pacto de Dios con Abraham sigue vigente hasta hoy..
Porque en la fe de Abraham son salvas todas las naciones..
Y para dejar tranquilo a Barilochense le digo :
Dios también le cambió el nombre a la mujer de Abraham..
De Saraí ( princesa ) pasó a llamarse Sara que significa madre de naciones..
16. Y la bendeciré, y también te daré de ella hijo; sí, la bendeciré, y vendrá a ser madre de naciones; reyes de pueblos vendrán de ella.
Para que no diga que Dios no ama a sus hijas..
El Ungido
68. Juan 4:10 Respondió Jesús y le dijo: Si conocieras el don de Dios, y quién es el que te dice: Dame de beber; tú le pedirías, y él te daría agua VIVA.
69. Juan 4:11 La mujer le dijo: Señor, no tienes con qué sacarla, y el pozo es hondo. ¿De dónde, pues, tienes el agua VIVA?
70. Juan 7:38 El que cree en mí, como dice la Escritura, de su interior correrán ríos de agua VIVA.
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Message 26 de 32 de ce thème |
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Message 27 de 32 de ce thème |
Posted on Apr 28, 2019

On March 19, 2109 The Galaxy reported that China was close to launching its “artificial sun” promising a future of ‘limitless clean energy –a Chinese “Green New Deal”. Unlike nuclear fission, fusion emits no greenhouse gases and carries less risk of accidents or the theft of atomic material.
The current Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) reactor in Hefei has created temperatures as hot as the interior of the sun. In November, it became the first facility in the world to generate 100 million degrees Celsius (212 million Fahrenheit)—six times as hot as the sun’s core. These mind-boggling temperatures are crucial to achieving sustainable nuclear fusion reactions, which promise an inexhaustible energy source.
“Stupendous” –China’s Leap to Space-Based Solar Power: ‘Will Beam Sun’s Energy Back to Earth’
“The artificial sun’s plasma is mainly composed of electrons and ions and the country’s existing Tokamak devices have achieved an electron temperature of over 100 million degrees C in its core plasma, and an ion temperature of 50 million C, and it is the ion that generates energy in the device,” said Dr Duan Xuru, an official at the China National Nuclear Corporation, according to China’s Global Times.
HL-2M Tokamak is expected to increase the electricity intensity from one mega amperes to three mega amperes, an important step to achieve nuclear fusion, a spokesperson surnamed Liu with the press office of the Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP), affiliated with China National Nuclear Corporation, told the Global Times.
“The Milky Way Base” –China Names First Human-Technology Landing Site on Moon’s Far Side
For instance, the deuterium (also known as heavy hydrogen) extracted from one liter of seawater releases the energy equivalent of burning 300 liters of gasoline in a complete fusion reaction, Liu said.
The “artificial sun” aims to release nuclear fusion in the same way as the sun by using deuterium and tritium (radioactive hydrogen-3), and finally generate electricity. It is clean energy that will not generate waste, which makes it ideal for people to use in the future, Liu said.
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Message 28 de 32 de ce thème |
Posted on Apr 28, 2019

On March 19, 2109 The Galaxy reported that China was close to launching its “artificial sun” promising a future of ‘limitless clean energy –a Chinese “Green New Deal”. Unlike nuclear fission, fusion emits no greenhouse gases and carries less risk of accidents or the theft of atomic material.
The current Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) reactor in Hefei has created temperatures as hot as the interior of the sun. In November, it became the first facility in the world to generate 100 million degrees Celsius (212 million Fahrenheit)—six times as hot as the sun’s core. These mind-boggling temperatures are crucial to achieving sustainable nuclear fusion reactions, which promise an inexhaustible energy source.
“Stupendous” –China’s Leap to Space-Based Solar Power: ‘Will Beam Sun’s Energy Back to Earth’
“The artificial sun’s plasma is mainly composed of electrons and ions and the country’s existing Tokamak devices have achieved an electron temperature of over 100 million degrees C in its core plasma, and an ion temperature of 50 million C, and it is the ion that generates energy in the device,” said Dr Duan Xuru, an official at the China National Nuclear Corporation, according to China’s Global Times.
HL-2M Tokamak is expected to increase the electricity intensity from one mega amperes to three mega amperes, an important step to achieve nuclear fusion, a spokesperson surnamed Liu with the press office of the Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP), affiliated with China National Nuclear Corporation, told the Global Times.
“The Milky Way Base” –China Names First Human-Technology Landing Site on Moon’s Far Side
For instance, the deuterium (also known as heavy hydrogen) extracted from one liter of seawater releases the energy equivalent of burning 300 liters of gasoline in a complete fusion reaction, Liu said.
The “artificial sun” aims to release nuclear fusion in the same way as the sun by using deuterium and tritium (radioactive hydrogen-3), and finally generate electricity. It is clean energy that will not generate waste, which makes it ideal for people to use in the future, Liu said.
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