Excerpted from .“Tablet IX: The Key to Freedom of Space.”“Long, long ago, I cast off my body, wandered I free through the Vastness of Ether. Circled the Angles that hold Man in Bondage. Know ye, O Man, ye are only a Spirit...
Once in a Time long forgotten, I Thoth, Opened the Doorway. Penetrated into other Spaces, and Learned of the Secrets Concealed. Deep in the Essence of Matter are many Mysteries Concealed.
Nine are the Interlocked Dimensions, and Nine are the Cycles of Space, Nine are the Diffusions of Consciousness, and Nine are the Worlds within Worlds, aye, Nine are the lords of the Cycles that come from Above and Below.
Space is filled with concealed Ones, for Space is Divided by Time, Seek ye the Key to TIME-SPACE, and ye shall Unlock the Gate. Know ye that throughout the TIME-SPACE Consciousness surely Exists, though from our Knowledge it is Hidden, yet still it Forever Exists.
The Key to Worlds Within thee, are found Within, for Man is the Gateway of Mystery, and the Key that is One Within One.
Down the HALLS of AMENTI, I journeyed, the Greater Knowledge to Seek, asked of the LORDS of the CYCLES, the way to the Hidden Wisdom I sought. Asked the Lords this Question; .‘Where is the Source of All?.’ Answered in Tones that were Mighty, the Voice of the LORD of Nine, .‘Free thou thy Soul from thy Body, and come forth with me to the LIGHT..’
Then asked I of the Nine, .‘O Lord, show me the Path, give me the Path to Wisdom, show me the Way to the WORD..’ Answered, me then, the lord of the Nine, .‘Through ORDER ye shall find the Way. Saw ye not that the WORD came from Chaos, saw Ye not that LIGHT came from Fire? Look in Thy Life for Disorder, Balance and Order Thy Life, Quell all the Chaos of Emotions and Thou shalt have Order in LIFE. Order brought forth from Chaos will bring thee the WORD of the Source, will give Thee the Power of CYCLES, and make of thy Soul a Force, that Free, will extend through the Ages, a Perfected SUN from the SOURCE..’.”
Emerald Tables of Thoth The AtlanteanThe Emerald Tables of Thoth the Atlantean - Translation and Interpretation by Doreal is said to be a literal translation and interpretation of one of the most ancient and secret of the great works of ancient Hermetic wisdom.
“Oh-Shinnah Fast Wolf, a Native American elder born in 1934, has spoken about one of her visits to Mexico where she was drawn to the temple at Palenque. While there, she was befriended by the Maya.….”
“She was told about the .‘Emerald Tablets of Thoth.’, or Hermes Trismegistus, who was said to have been from Egypt. The Maya say that he was actually from Atlantis, who was .‘...the son of a human being and one of the Seven Lords of Light.’. Once again a metaphoric allusion to the Pleiades.
When Hermes/Thoth realized Atlantis was abusing its powers, the Maya told her, he began to teach the people how to live in the sacred manner. He sent a copy of the Emerald Tablets to each of .‘The Four Directions.’. The only one that has been found was among the Maya of the Yucatan.
In 1934, a man known as Doreal, a member of the White Brotherhood, brought these tablets to the United States, and it is believed they were eventually returned to Egypt were they are safely kept in a museum. The tablets were translated into several languages by the Brotherhood of the White Temple..”
A study of the number nine in science myth and mysticismhttp://issuu.com/sciencetosage/docs/the_number_ninehttps://www.scribd.com/doc/114233565/The-Number-Nine
CORAL CASTLEhttp://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...postcount=1434