1 HIZOME tornar luego á la entrada de la casa; y he aquí aguas que salían de debajo del umbral de la casa hacia el oriente: porque la fachada de la casa estaba al oriente: y las aguas descendían de debajo, hacia el lado derecho de la casa, al mediodía del altar.
2 Y sacóme por el camino de la puerta del norte, é hízome rodear por el camino fuera de la puerta, por de fuera al camino de la que mira al oriente: y he aquí las aguas que salían al lado derecho.
3 Y saliendo el varón hacia el oriente, tenía un cordel en su mano; y midió mil codos, é hízome pasar por las aguas hasta los tobillos.
4 Y midió otros mil, é hízome pasar por las aguas hasta las rodillas. Midió luego otros mil, é hízome pasar por las aguas hasta los lomos.
5 Y midió otros mil, é iba ya el arroyo que yo no podía pasar: porque las aguas se habían alzado, y el arroyo no se podía pasar sino á nado.
6 Y díjome: ¿Has visto, hijo del hombre? Después me llevó, é hízome tornar por la ribera del arroyo.
7 Y tornando yo, he aquí en la ribera del arroyo había árboles muy muchos de la una parte y de la otra.
8 Y díjome: Estas aguas salen á la región del oriente, y descenderán á la llanura, y entrarán en la mar: y entradas en la mar, recibirán sanidad las aguas.
9 Y será que toda alma viviente que nadare por donde quiera que entraren estos dos arroyos, vivirá: y habrá muy muchos peces por haber entrado allá estas aguas, y recibirán sanidad; y vivirá todo lo que entrare en este arroyo.
10 Y será que junto á él estarán pescadores; y desde En-gadi hasta En-eglaim será tendedero de redes: en su clase será su pescado como el pescado de la gran mar, mucho en gran manera.
11 Sus charcos y sus lagunas no se sanarán; quedarán para salinas.
12 Y junto al arroyo, en su ribera de una parte y de otra, crecerá todo árbol de comer: su hoja nunca caerá, ni faltará su fruto: á sus meses madurará, porque sus aguas salen del santuario: y su fruto será para comer, y su hoja para medicina.
13 Así ha dicho el Señor Jehová: Este es el término en que partiréis la tierra en heredad entre las doce tribus de Israel: José dos partes.
14 Y la heredaréis así los unos como los otros: por ella alcé mi mano que la había de dar á vuestros padres: por tanto, esta tierra os caerá en heredad.
15 Y este será el término de la tierra hacia la parte del norte; desde la gran mar, camino de Hethlon viniendo á Sedad;
16 Hamath, Berotha, Sibrahim, que está entre el término de Damasco y el término de Hamath; Haser-hatticon, que es el término de Hauran.
17 Y será el término del norte desde la mar de Haser-enon al término de Damasco al norte, y al término de Hamath al lado del norte.
18 Al lado del oriente, por medio de Hauran y de Damasco, y de Galaad, y de la tierra de Israel, al Jordán: esto mediréis de término hasta la mar del oriente.
19 Y al lado del mediodía, hacia el mediodía, desde Tamar hasta las aguas de las rencillas; desde Cades y el arroyo hasta la gran mar: y esto será el lado austral, al mediodía.
20 Y al lado del occidente la gran mar será el término hasta en derecho para venir á Hamath: este será el lado del occidente.
21 Partiréis, pues, esta tierra entre vosotros por las tribus de Israel.
22 Y será que echaréis sobre ella suertes por herencia para vosotros, y para los extranjeros que peregrinan entre vosotros, que entre vosotros han engendrado hijos: y los tendréis como naturales entre los hijos de Israel; echarán suertes con vosotros para heredarse entre las tribus de Israel.
23 Y será que en la tribu en que peregrinare el extranjero, allí le daréis su heredad, ha dicho el Señor Jehová.
The Master's Square - compares the Tabernacle, the Temple, and the New Jerusalem to the Masonic Temple, and investigates the universal, astronomically based, geometric method for Temple design and construction. This relates the patterns in the Masonic Floor to all the sacred objects in the Bible, as well as temples around the world.
http://www.gabitogrupos.com/DESENMASCARANDO_LAS_FALSAS_DOCTRINAS/template.php?nm=1319509113 |
Properties of the number 47
According to R. Allendy, this number represents "the evolution, 7, continuing in the eternal mechanism of the world, 40, by a personal effort and a fight - 4+7 = 11; 1+1 = 2".
Forty seven is considered as being the number of the Law.
With the Cross, The Bishop wrote on the ground, during the dedication of a Church, 47 signs: 23 letters of the Latin alphabet from the North-West to the South-East, and 24 letters of the Greek alphabet from the North-East to the South-West.
Forty seven names of Pharaoh are listed on the Tables of Saqqarah.
It is the numerical value of the verse of the Genesis where it is written: And God saw that it was good.
One day the Lord tells to Vassula that the new Name that he carried was Y H Sh W H. By using the gematria in "n", the numerical value of this name is 47 = 10+5+21+6+5. This Name of glory was given to Jesus, the innocent Victim, after his death. The Just to justify us becomes himself curse, since it is written: "Anyone hanged is accursed" (Ga 3,13). And "accursed" in Hebrew gives also 47 = 1+20+6+20.
The psalm 47 is the first song of the divine Reign. It talks about the union of the nations as only one people to which unite the descendants of Abraham so as to rent the Eternal under only one chief, the Christ. The last word of this psalm is "climbed", numbering 47 = 14+16+12+5, like the Name of Jesus glorified Y H Sh W H = 47.
john in Simple Gematria Equals: 47 |
( |
10 |
15 |
8 |
14 |
) |
Codex Bruchsal and Vesica Piscis Lion as Leo, Bull as Taurus, Man as aquarius and the eagle as Scorpius
Chartres west portal
We’ve come full circle friends, the twenty-first of the Major Arcana, The World, represents the successful conclusion of something major.
"At the corners of this Tarot are the mystical animals mentioned in the Bible (Ezekiel 1:10, Revelation 4:7). They correspond to the fixed signs of the zodiac: the bull to Taurus; the lion to Leo; the eagle to Scorpio; the man or angel to Aquarius.
Sirius A
Brightest visible star in the sky.
Sirius B
Brightest X-ray source in the sky. Sirius A is the smaller image at the upper right.
Their combined linear motion produces the nasalated M in the tone G, completing the three sounds and tones of AUM.
Sirius A and Sirius B are the origin of the Yin and Yang symbol, they are the Yin and Yang. They are two parts of one thing, and the source of AUM, the sound that created the universe. |
ISAIAS 9:6 (96 O 69/CANCER)
Isaías 9:6-7
Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI)
6 Porque nos ha nacido un niño, se nos ha concedido un hijo; la soberanía reposará sobre sus hombros, y se le darán estos *nombres: Consejero admirable, Dios fuerte, Padre eterno, Príncipe de *paz. 7 Se extenderán su soberanía y su paz, y no tendrán fin. Gobernará sobre el trono de David y sobre su reino, para establecerlo y sostenerlo con justicia y rectitud desde ahora y para siempre. Esto lo llevará a cabo el celo del Señor *Todopoderoso.
Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. |
Verse # = 17836 | Words = 20 | Letters = 66 |
Data from Strong's Concordance |
Hebrew |
Strong's # |
Value |
For unto us a child |
ילד |
H3206 yeled |
44 |
is born, |
ילד |
H3205 yalad |
44 |
unto us a son |
בן |
H1121 ben |
52 |
is given: |
נתן |
H5414 nathan |
500 |
and the government |
משרה |
H4951 misrah |
545 |
shall be upon his shoulder: |
שכם |
H7926 shekem |
360 |
and his name |
שם |
H8034 shem |
340 |
shall be called |
קרא |
H7121 qara' |
301 |
Wonderful, |
פלא |
H6382 pele' |
111 |
Counsellor, |
יעץ |
H3289 ya`ats |
170 |
The mighty |
גבור |
H1368 gibbowr |
211 |
God, |
אל |
H0410 'el |
31 |
The everlasting |
עד |
H5703 `ad |
74 |
Father, |
אב |
H0001 'ab |
3 |
The Prince |
שר |
H8269 sar |
500 |
of Peace. |
שלום |
H7965 shalowm |
376 |
Juan 19:1 Así que, entonces tomó Pilato a Jesús, y le azotó. 19:2 Y los soldados entretejieron una corona de espinas, y la pusieron sobre su cabeza, y le vistieron con un manto de púrpura; 19:3 y le decían: ¡Salve, Rey de los judíos! y le daban de bofetadas. (¿Porque le llaman REY DE LOS JUDIOS y no REY DE ISRAEL? Es obvio que los romanos sabian a que HACIA REFERENCIA EL REINO DE ISRAEL) 19:4 Entonces Pilato salió otra vez, y les dijo: Mirad, os lo traigo fuera, para que entendáis que ningún delito hallo en él. 19:5 Y salió Jesús, llevando la corona de espinas y el manto de púrpura. Y Pilato les dijo: ¡He aquí el hombre! 19:6 Cuando le vieron los principales sacerdotes y los alguaciles, dieron voces, diciendo: ¡Crucifícale! ¡Crucifícale! Pilato les dijo: Tomadle vosotros, y crucificadle; porque yo no hallo delito en él. (Pilato al "lavarse las manos" aprobo la CRUCIFICCION AUNQUE AQUI HIPOCRITAMENTE QUIERE MANIFESTAR LO CONTRARIO) 19:7 Los judíos le respondieron: Nosotros tenemos una ley, y según nuestra ley debe morir, porque se hizo a sí mismo Hijo de Dios. 19:8 Cuando Pilato oyó decir esto, tuvo más miedo. 19:9 Y entró otra vez en el pretorio, y dijo a Jesús: ¿De dónde eres tú? Mas Jesús no le dio respuesta. 19:10 Entonces le dijo Pilato: ¿A mí no me hablas? ¿No sabes que tengo autoridad para crucificarte, y que tengo autoridad para soltarte? 19:11 Respondió Jesús: Ninguna autoridad tendrías contra mí, si no te fuese dada de arriba; por tanto, el que a ti me ha entregado, mayor pecado tiene. 19:12 Desde entonces procuraba Pilato soltarle; pero los judíos daban voces, diciendo: Si a éste sueltas, no eres amigo de César; todo el que se hace rey, a César se opone. ("AMIGO DE CESAR" es una expresion que tiene una PROFUNDIDAD ESOTERICA TERRIBLE. AMIGO ES UNA REFERENCIA AL PERRO/CAN MAYOR/SIRIO/CANCER que es la CONSTELACION DEL PERRO. POR ESO ES QUE EL "DIA DEL AMIGO" ES EL 20 DE JULIO EN CANCER, aparte del la CONSPIRACION DEL FALSO VIAJE A LA LUNA. ES TAMBIEN POR ESTO QUE EL SEPTIMO MES GREGORIANO SE LLAMA JULIO EN HONOR AL CESAR. SIRIO ES EL SANTO GRIAL, PRIMERAMENTE JESUCRISTO Y LUEGO JUAN MARCOS COMO SU HIJO)
CONSPIRACION ORION-SIRIO APOLO 11-EL HOMBRE NUNCA 19:13 Entonces Pilato, oyendo esto, llevó fuera a Jesús, y se sentó en el tribunal en el lugar llamado el Enlosado, y en hebreo Gabata. 19:14 Era la preparación de la pascua, y como la hora sexta. Entonces dijo a los judíos: ¡He aquí vuestro Rey! (Burlonamene PILATO niega que JESUCISTO TAMBIEN SEA SU REY. PILATO CONSPIRO CONTRA JESUCRISTO PORQUE DEFENDIO A SU FALSO CESAR QUE EN ESE MOMENTO ERA TIBERIO. AQUI HUBO UNA CLARA CONSPIRACION POLITICA DE ROMA)19:15 Pero ellos gritaron: ¡Fuera, fuera, crucifícale! Pilato les dijo: ¿A vuestro Rey he de crucificar? Respondieron los principales sacerdotes: No tenemos más rey que César. (Vuelve PILATO A BURLARSE NEGANDO EL IMPERIO DE CRISTO. LOS JUDIOS IRONICAMENTE LE RESPONDEN QUE SU REY ES EL CESAR)19:16 Así que entonces lo entregó a ellos para que fuese crucificado. Tomaron, pues, a Jesús, y le llevaron. 19:17 Y él, cargando su cruz, salió al lugar llamado de la Calavera, y en hebreo, Gólgota; 19:18 y allí le crucificaron, y con él a otros dos, uno a cada lado, y Jesús en medio. 19:19 Escribió también Pilato un título, que puso sobre la cruz, el cual decía: JESÚS NAZARENO, REY DE LOS JUDÍOS. (PILATO NO PUSO "REY DE ISRAEL". JACOB/ISRAEL ES SIMBOLIZADO POR LA ESTRELLA SIRIO EL LUCERO DE LA MAÑANA O LUCERO DEL ALBA)19:20 Y muchos de los judíos leyeron este título; porque el lugar donde Jesús fue crucificado estaba cerca de la ciudad, y el título estaba escrito en hebreo, en griego y en latín. 19:21 Dijeron a Pilato los principales sacerdotes de los judíos: No escribas: Rey de los judíos; sino, que él dijo: Soy Rey de los judíos. 19:22 Respondió Pilato: Lo que he escrito, he escrito. 19:23 Cuando los soldados hubieron crucificado a Jesús, tomaron sus vestidos, e hicieron cuatro partes, una para cada soldado. Tomaron también su túnica, la cual era sin costura, de un solo tejido de arriba abajo. 19:24 Entonces dijeron entre sí: No la partamos, sino echemos suertes sobre ella, a ver de quién será. Esto fue para que se cumpliese la Escritura, que dice: Repartieron entre sí mis vestidos, Y sobre mi ropa echaron suertes. Y así lo hicieron los soldados. 19:25 Estaban junto a la cruz de Jesús su madre, y la hermana de su madre, María mujer de Cleofas, y María Magdalena. 19:26 Cuando vio Jesús a su madre, y al discípulo a quien él amaba, que estaba presente, dijo a su madre: Mujer, he ahí tu hijo. (¿PORQUE JESUCRISTO LE LLAMA A SU MADRE MARIA MUJER? Es obvio que aqui NUESTRO SEÑOR LE ESTA HABLANDO A MARIA MAGDALENA)19:27 Después dijo al discípulo: He ahí tu madre. Y desde aquella hora el discípulo la recibió en su casa. (El discipulo es JUAN MARCOS. CASA/LINAJE)19:28 Después de esto, sabiendo Jesús que ya todo estaba consumado, dijo, para que la Escritura se cumpliese:Tengo sed. 19:29 Y estaba allí una vasija llena de vinagre; entonces ellos empaparon en vinagre una esponja, y poniéndola en un hisopo, se la acercaron a la boca. 19:30 Cuando Jesús hubo tomado el vinagre, dijo: Consumado es. Y habiendo inclinado la cabeza, entregó el espíritu.
El 1 de mayo esta ubicado en la posicion 0.33 y el 21 de junio en la 0.47 del calendario gregoriano. Aparentemente el 1 de mayo equivale a 8 de sivan y el 21 de junio a 29 de Thamus en el calendario luni-solar hebreo. Otro nexo del 47 es que es en ese capitulo en Isaias adonde se hace referencia a Babilonia. El 29 de Thamus en el calendario luni solar hebreo tambien esta ubicado en la posicion 0.33=118/354. |
A code encrypted in George Washington’s secret map unlocks a National Treasure.
With the sequel to the Walt Disney production of ‘National Treasure’ hitting the box offices in yet another huge success story for director Jerry Bruckheimer one cannot help but wonder how much of the dramatisation is based on real Masonic secrets cloaked in the guise of fiction. (Click the icon at the top of the page to get to the National Treasure website). Even if you may already suspect this, few if any have been able to prove that the film’s subject matter is based on real history. History that has been kept a tightly guarded secret from us for so long!
In the film, it was the pursuit of a grand treasure that had us all glued to the screen. Author of the controversial book - The Hidden Records - Wayne Herschel has found convincing proof that in reality there could be a national treasure, and it is not gold at all. It is something far greater. This website will put this two-part movie saga to the test. Are the clues real, and if so why do they tantalise our interest to the degree they do? Could it be because they could potentially unlock a treasure that will forever challenge the foundations of all religions?
Many may feel that by exposing what is about to be revealed here, we could be treading on sensitive toes. Given this possibility, Wayne would like to say at the outset that his motive is purely to share with the world a magnificent and enlightening truth. Moreover this revelation acknowledges that Freemasonry was originally based on a constructive, inspiring truth. Having said this, this article detaches itself entirely from any Masonic interpretations, and the interpretations presented here are entirely Wayne Herschel’s own. Interpretations that he derives from ancient clues left behind by virtually every ancient civilization across the globe.
Many will be surprised to find that inadvertently, be it intentional or not, a real treasure trail ingeniously makes itself known, once we look more closely. And what it does is revive a whole wealth of ancient knowledge kept hidden from us for so long. New evidence is now at hand that provides an astounding answer to the age-old question: Who are we and where do we come from?
One could speculate wildly and cry conspiracy theory: Are the powers-that-be beginning to realize that their most fundamental secret is at risk of being cracked at any moment? One cannot help wondering, considering that quite recently Masonic scholars appear to have made available (via a university website) their foundational historical records. Perhaps divulging snippets of their secret in a film is their way of softening the truth around it, or an ingenious way of diverting attention from the truth. Wayne says he believes: "If anything, those in the know are probably preparing us for a great revelation. After all, we are a planet of millions of diversely religiously sensitive people and who knows what a new and profound piece of knowledge could set off."
All the clues point in the same direction. To one truth that will no longer remain locked in forgotten vaults as hidden records.
For those who are unfamiliar with Wayne Herschel’s book, ‘The Hidden Records’, or his latest updated findings on his website, then you are probably wondering what is being referred to here as the grand secret?
Wayne claims to have identified a global collection of ancient star maps with pictographic encryptions. The encryptions suggest in various ways that the human lineage is descendant of celestial beings that once came from above. All our religions speak of them. They are most likely also the so-called ‘gods’ of ancient civilizations. In other words what this new evidence is telling us is that we all originate from flesh and blood beings that came down from the stars and arrived here on planet Earth.
As a premise to this article, what we need to consider is the probability that the human race has heavenly origins. This is in tune with extensive research on the subject, drawing on evidence that the ancients have left behind, on which author, Wayne Herschel basis his theories. This basis is imperative to questioning the validity of the great secret that you will read about in this article, and more importantly why it has become a global secret. There have been countless books and films dramatizing a potential occurrence that has always captured our imagination: The possibility of aliens invading Earth. At some time or other, most of us have probably pondered on the possibility of a real invasion one day in the future.
Ironically, such an alien invasion of Earth appears to have already occurred.
We are those who once came from the heavens.
The prime invasion was in all likelihood some 17 000 years ago. The last surviving primitive Earth hominid, the Neanderthal, that roamed Earth at the time would not even have known what had hit him. Driven by fear of these new arrivals, this once naturally evolved inhabitant of our planet would have fled to areas where conditions were extreme, food rare and a climate too harsh for their prolonged survival. Some may even have contracted strange diseases from these celestial human beings that now roamed their land. Diseases that would completely compromise their immune systems! And if all these factors were not enough to lead to their extermination, a cataclysmic flood 10 000 years ago would have guaranteed their final demise.
From all his research, Wayne is convinced that a meteor impact event probably caused the oceans to destroy the existing civilizations on Earth literally in the blink of the eye, bringing on a ‘dark age’ of freezing conditions and no Sun. It is fact that the last Earth-evolved hominid, the Neanderthal, became extinct 10 000 years ago. At the same time human beings were reduced to living as primitive hunters and gatherers. After a few generations had passed, they seemed to have completely forgotten who they were and where they had come from. In essence:
Beings from a nearby star system invaded Earth and robbed the Neanderthal population of its planet.
Everything in Wayne Herschel’s research points to a verifiable hypothesis for the missing link – from powerful ape to a the very frail human being. And with one of the most controversial arguments ever, his theory completely steers away from the out-of-Africa origin theory where evolution is mysteriously thought to have quantum leaped in speed and where quite inexplicably, fossil records do not exist.
Wayne’s latest research involves identifying how the human lineage is not naturally equipped for this world at all.
Our bones are around 30% weaker and more porous than the Neanderthal's and that of all apes. Moreover our muscles connections are almost 30% less efficiently connected, once again compared to the Neanderthal and other apes.
And that is only one aspect of a whole array of incongruities!
Wayne believes Masonic history hints at the shocking possibility of three 'waves' of Earth invasions. And its First Degree tracing board suggests a chronology of the three epochs when this may have occurred.
In short, Wayne insists that the human lineage evolved in a world (or worlds) somewhere close to us in our galaxy the Milky Way. In all likelihood, such a world would have been much smaller and further from their Sun, a star that would be just like our Sun. Also, given the incongruities the human form displays by our incompatibility with planet Earth, radiation emissions in such a world would have been lower, as would gravity. Hence, such a world would have been more conducive to the existence of human life. It would have been a world that was once similar to Mars – when it had an atmosphere and oceans.
Click here Ref: Discovery that Mars once had oceans.
Would it be that inconceivable to imagine that we are the descendants of these once highly technologically adept god-like celestial visitors? Human beings like you and I, who could perform the kind of miracles recorded in all our holy books and ancient records?
Sadly, our heavenly origins appear to have been kept from us by a select few: Elite citizens of our past civilizations who knew the secret. Their great kings were probably re-visited by the returning advanced beings in their celestial ships that sailed down from the stars. They would have been told that they are of the same people. How would they deal with this knowledge? Without doubt it could be manipulated and make more powerful kings of them if they kept it a secret. They could raise themselves to the same God-like status as the awe inspiring celestial visitors. They too would become revered by the masses that had absolutely no idea that they too were children of the gods, despite their 'lowly' status.
It seemed to get worse than this. Historical records suggest that there were numerous civilizations, which were also visited and enlightened by the 'celestial gods'. The diverse belief systems that would emerge from this array of diverse civilizations, would argue that only they could be the 'chosen' people.
The dawning of the so-called 'holy war' phenomenon had begun.
Each civilization believed it was 'God's will' that they could conquer foreign lands and govern its people as slaves.
Over the ages, history has shown that humanity has always failed on the subject of equality, and to this date this iniquity prevails in many societies, in particular regarding the status of women. With this in mind it is no wonder that our sacred awe-inspiring origins were kept secret. If revealed it would prove every human life as equal, sacred and of heavenly origin.
Such a truth would dispense with the global advantage of access to convenient labour.
Wayne firmly believes that if the grand secret of our celestial human origins were to have been made common knowledge BEFORE an understanding was reached as to how this knowledge fits in with the pyramid civilizations, Freemasonry, Ufology and more importantly RELIGION, its release would have risked jeopardizing all the constructive attributes of every single belief system on our planet.
This may well be the reasoning behind more recent efforts to keep the records of our past completely hidden.
Another reason why our heavenly origins may have been kept a tightly guarded secret over the ages could be ascribed to the very mechanism most likely designed to protect it.
In the past few thousand years anything that opposed mainstream religious teaching was considered heretical. Spiritual searchers could find themselves being burnt at the stake. To protect the secret that we are all of divine origin from being exposed, it appears the ancient texts were cleverly embedded with texts on misleading destructive ritual magic and witchcraft. Later those trying to decipher it would become confused with the hidden codes because of the harmful material it supposedly formed part of.
The ancient records inadvertently inspired the worship of the Sun and Taurus the Bull.
And it is thanks to this misinterpretation that the off-track and destructive Sun-worship cults began. And with these very off-track religions came a huge problem that has permeated history: An inordinate number of lost and confused souls. Over time very few ancient texts carried any clarity at all, let alone provide us with answers to our most basic questions. Most are riddled with strange symbolism and mysticism that only served to bewilder us even more.
What was once a clever yet effective protection mechanism for the secret - ultimately became the reason it was forgotten. And the elite societies that this secret may have been passed down to, from generation to generation, seemed to have forgotten the essence of what was relevant and what was not.
Blind faith is not quite the order of the day.
We now live in a freethinking world where unquestioning belief in what tradition has told us, is fast making way for reasoning towards the truth.
Much as is the case in 'National Treasure', the United States' secret history goes back to the Olmec, the earliest people who populated North America. They became the great Mayan civilization, which then became the various American Indian civilizations. Wayne has evidence that they all appear to have known the grand secret and left records of it (now online on this website).
Now let us begin with what appear to be real clues: The one dollar bill.
The one dollar-bill is a treasure map. Decipher its meaning and you will crack a code that mirrors an amazing truth found in almost every ancient civilization
George Washington was a Freemason and no doubt inspired the design of the great seal of the United States of America seen on the one-dollar bill.
Washington is probably the most famous American Freemason of all time. This elite fraternity based its society around what it calls the great secret of the key of Hiram. Hiram Abiff was a legendary character that was supposedly murdered for a grand secret.
Click here ref: Hiram Abiff history source
Wayne identifies two of the main components integral to the grand secret you are about to read about here. It upholds human equality and appears to be focused around the greatness of a single universal Creator.
It is likely that Washington was the last Mason who had a complete understanding of the cosmic secret. He probably took it to the grave. Freemasons today have officially made it quite clear that the big secret about the Freemasons is that there really is no great secret. They have published many books insisting such. Much of their fast evolving symbolism has been published, always with multiple interpretation possibilities depending on the source, leaving it up to the individual to decipher its complexity.
So the place to start a treasure hunt for the truth would be to look at the earliest symbols and manuscripts of the Freemasons.
Take a close look at the two seals of the American one-dollar bill above. One theme portrays a pyramid with an all-seeing eye on its capstone. To the Masons and most researchers this eye represents God.
The primary clue that led Wayne to interpreting the seal in the animation above (where three stars are positioned around the capstone in the heavens, with the pyramid on Earth below), was inspired by matching the two 'blazing light' themes on both the seals. For Wayne this theme seems to hiding an ‘enlightening’ secret. There is a triangular pattern match between the capstone and the inner triangle of stars.
In the image above, the pyramid capstone (and pyramid) was positioned over the seal with the Eagle so the capstone covered the counterpart star shape made by the centre portion of the star formation. Only when one seal is positioned exactly over the other, the eagle’s wing tips, feet and tail make contact with the letters comprising the word m-a-s-o-n.
Quite uncannily, the 'three star' formation as an inverted triangle also matches the original Freemason First Degree Tracing board theme seen below, which has been released by the Bradford University in the UK.
A trinity of three heavenly bodies seems to be represented here. Notice that the “blazing star” is a seven pointed star, which Wayne believes could be symbolic of the Masons' all-important blazing star being located in the proximity or alignment of the seven stars of the Pleiades. Is this three star pattern another clue? Could it be beckoning one to consider the idea of a heavenly trinity? More specifically it seems to represent the historical record of the original pre-Christian "solar trinity" of the heavens. This question is addressed a little later with references.
When scribing the word MASON, a unique pattern comes to the fore. This pattern is a replica of that found on another important Solomon talisman: (found in the Clavicular Solomonis archives manuscript seen below).
Click here Ref: Esoteric manuscript archives source
Note how the talisman incorporates the sacred cross of Lorraine, which also appears to be the spectacular secret behind the Rosslyn Chapel's ceiling - a pattern that geometrically incorporates the human blueprint code as a 'star man'.
Click here Ref: Human code in Rosslyn Chapel.
We already mentioned the earliest ancient American civilizations in this article. The Freemason link to these peoples of times gone by is another real clue that has permeated 'National Treasure II'. Incidentally, the eagle in the seal is also found in the beginnings of the Olmec, who then became the Maya.
The Maya genesis legend has an eagle clutching a serpent and not a scroll as seen in 'National Treasure II' or the spears seen on the one–dollar bill. If the scroll is not a real historical clue, Wayne wonders if the Disney movie script writers created the scroll to suggest subtly that the real treasure is not gold but lost knowledge.
Much like the ancient Egyptians the constellation of Taurus was an integral part of the religion of the Maya, which also centered on Sun worship. This seems to run parallel to what we know about the Masons from their Tracing Board. Like the Egyptians, the Maya also built their earliest monuments as a star map emulating the place of their gods in the heavens. The image below shows the layout of what are probably some of the Maya's oldest monuments. Found at Tikal in Guatemala, everything in Wayne's research as already published in 'The Hidden Records' point to these pyramids representing the stars of the Pleiades and some important nearby Sun-like stars.
It is absolutely intriguing that the First Degree Tracing Board appears to single out this exact same star pattern that this pyramid layout in Central America is based on.
Another clue explored in 'National Treasure II' is arguably the United States' most famous landmark, the Statue of Liberty. Even its architect and the secret message found embedded into the statue come into their own in the film. The statue in New York was designed by Edouarde De Laboulaye and was based on the Roman Goddess Libertas, who was the goddess of liberty. Statue remains of this goddess were found on two of the seven legendary hills of Rome. The Roman goddess was however not often depicted with rays of light emanating in the way they emanate from 'Lady Liberty'. (For more on the incontrovertible relationship that the Seven Hills of Rome has with this story, see the Vatican link later on in this article).
Aside from her connection to the Roman goddess of Liberty, 'Lady Liberty' also seems to have a connection with an ancient solar deity. The beams of light radiating outward from her head are the clue. There are seven rays of light and the only other ancient deity who was portrayed in this way was the Solar deity, Apollo.
Click here Ref: Apollo solar deity
Tourists who climb to the top of the statue and look downward from the viewing area in the sky should notice that her base consists of a vast geometric star. What is truly phenomenal about this and probably does not occur to most visitors is that this star is so big that it can be seen from space.
This deliberate choice of symbolism seems to be even more reason as to why we should look for the answers to what it all means, in the stars.
Not only does she appear to ‘radiate’ light like the solar deity Apollo, but also for Wayne, her seven beams of light are a clue to part of her secret. For him, in congruence with his plethora of research on pyramid star maps, this seems to suggest that there is a single star of importance and it is found near the Pleiades star cluster.
Because the light radiation emulates that of an ancient solar deity, this could be the crucial clue to what kind of star her blazing star really is:
A star like our Sun.
There is a Masonic document that shows a single orb, radiating light like the Sun. This orb correlates with a star that is in this exact position thousands of years ago seen in the star atlas image that follows a little later. The star in question according to the Hubble telescope records is exactly like our Sun and it only fits perfectly in that position 17 000 years ago! It is the ultimate star of the Freemasons. They call it their Blazing star. (See Tracing Board star document above, the Blazing star that is shown with a ladder/beam of light).
As in the case of the movie, there really is a hidden message on the Statue of Liberty, although not specifically on the French statue, but engraved on a cornerstone plaque on the original statue in New York.
It clearly commemorates a Masonic ceremony and if anything the inscription hints at the next clue:
The key phrase is where the plaque speaks of "Liberty enlightening the world."
What secret could be so spectacular that she would be able to enlighten the whole world? Is it a spiritual secret? Synonyms for the words enlighten and enlightenment, are as follows:
Enlighten: Tell – speak of – inform. Enlightenment: Illumination – reach spiritual wisdom.
More clues? Not only does she appear to be holding a spiritual secret, but this secret also appears to be secret knowledge.
Ponder on this thought!
It is worth questioning the earlier references to Apollo as a 'solar' deity from the heavens. We really should be considering flesh and blood visitors originating from another star 'solar' system. Tradition seems to have added bird-wings to our ancestral visitors as a teaching mechanism explaining their ability of flight to believers!
Crowley notes that this Atu could have been named ‘War’. And to complete this, Mars is Horus, who sits on the seat of Ra in the Thelemic sub-Aeon of Horus. At present, we are a warrior culture and the very might of the world. It has been our calling to bring our ‘Manifest Destiny’ of Liberty to the world. We have from our earliest beginnings been involved with the ideal of being a ‘City on the Hill’. So this is our work in preparing for that more enlightened world to come; the Aeon of Aquarius when Spica will rise heliacally at the Autumnal Equinox. It’s been a time of not only almost constant war for this country, but amazing developments in the technology of war and hence, technology in general as the fruit of war. In the meantime, Regulus has yet to enter Virgo, which will happen in 2012ev. This is the time when the Sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Fomalhaut is intimately connected with this ‘New World’ country as on the Vernal Equinox of 1723ev it appears for the first time in its own Sign of Pisces as it entered the Sign of Aquarius at the start of the Aeon of Pisces. Spica is also about to set upon the western horizon; connecting these two in a relationship that Astrologers refer to as a ‘paran’. And at sunrise on July 4, 1776ev Sirius (The Beast) is conjunct the Sun over Philadelphia (where the Declaration of Independence was signed); a date deliberately chosen in a place deliberately chosen by the Signers.
This is connected with the Egyptians noting that Sirius rose over the floods of the Nile, which demarked the re-vitalization of their fields. These are the waters of the two lands, the two firmaments. It certainly reveals the Rosicrucian current connected with the founding of the United States (also by virtue of its Founding Fathers who were Rosicrucians); an order that was in its time, a manifestation of the Great White Brotherhood. It should be apparent that the Starry Gnosis begins to reveal the unique
nature of the destiny of this ‘Superpower’ that would even incorporate this Egyptian and Masonic symbolism into the ‘Great Seal of the United States’ with an unfinished pyramid and the ‘Eye of Horus’ above it.
Our Founding Fathers fully understood their destiny and the unique role that the country they were creating had to play in the new aeon. ( Cf. http://cura.free.fr/xxv/22sibly.html ) As Freemasons they saw this and put an important Masonic symbol on the dollar bill and into the Emblem of the United States of America. We can speculate that this interim period, the 288 years from when Formalhaut entered Pisces and Regulus enters Virgo, is perhaps a window connecting both ages and giving some credence to my theory that no aeon has an exact starting date. Of course, we can clearly see that this period involves a major paradigm shift in human consciousness; intimately connected with the emergence of the United States into a world power.
http://astronargon.us/golden.html |
The Aeon of Aquarius has another major advent and that is April 8, 1904ev and the Prophet Aleister Crowley’s (the Master Therion) reception of Liber AL vel Legis; The Book of the Law. It is from this date that the Thelemic calendar starts. But the mathematical calculation of the manifestation of the Aeon of Horus takes place just after the death of the Prophet (who in his own lifetime didn’t think any clear generation of the Aquarian Age would manifest for another several hundred years; corresponding with the idea that we will enter Aquarius when in the Vernal point occurs in Aquarius in 2597 ev), when on the Vernal Equinox in 1950ev (AN XLVI), the mathematical model plays its hand. ( Cf. http://www.Mazzaroth.com )
This is shown to us in the generation born in and around this time as they would be the generation that changes the face of America and the world in the late Sixties of the Twentieth Century ev. America certainly is the ‘Third Temple’ to be constructed as so many prophets have talked about when attempting to interpret the Starry Gnosis. Noting that the Founding Fathers of the United States were Rosicrucians and Freemasons with this important knowledge of the Starry Gnosis, it’s not surprising that another set of high grade Rosicrucians and Freemasons would do the same for the Golden Dawn.
To take this to the present time, we have some clues that again, show a great initiatory period for the United States of America; covering a period starting 1723ev with Formalhaut entering Pisces with Uranus (the planet of Revolution) being discovered also in this period. This extends through 1776ev and will be covered in detail below. And it goes forward to 2012ev when Regulus enters Virgo; the home of Spica (remember these two are the stars connected with the Sphinx).
Star chart for Philadelphia 1776
As we can see from the U.S. Birthchart above, Sirius is conjunct the Sun. An examination of the stars heliacally rising on that date gives us Castor and Betelgeuse, which figure prominently into the American experience as we will show below. But Sirius, the dog star, in its conjuction with the Sun gives us the idea of the mundane becoming sacred; the ordinary becoming charismatic with even small actions leading to large consequences. This is certainly a source of the sense of destiny that we have as Americans. And America’s mundane ‘pop-culture’ today, is spread over the entire planet. And Sirius is the Beast; the Christ of the Third Temple. We are Rome, we are Egypt; we’ve adopted the same symbols and incorporated much of their greatness into our own. Hitler and the Third Reich was our anti-christ as so will be the Middle East as we carve out the ‘New World Order’; the ‘Rending of the Veil’. It is incumbent upon us at this point in time to begin to look for clues to the nature of the year 2012 and Regulus’ entry into Virgo. That will probably be an end to this intiatory era and the beginning of the first major epoch in this aeon as we move from there to approximately 2,500 ev; the last point of reference for the Aeon of Horus.
Astronomical View of Sunrise
Aldebaran conjunct Uranus rises just before first light; followed by Mars. At first light, Venus is rising conjunct Jupiter and paran Betelgeuse. Then come Betelgeuse and Rigel; rising heliacally with the Sun; followed almost immediately by Pollux. Aldebaran is the ‘Watcher of the East’ who strives to achieve with uncompromising integrity. Note that the Declaration of Independence, which echoes Pico de Mirandola’s: Oration on the Dignity of Man, discusses the inalienable rights of man or basic human dignity. Uranus is of course the planet of revolution and Mars the planet of war. Venus is Isis conjunct Jupiter the King; a potent symbol of the Aquarian Age. And this is the scene in the pre-dawn sky!
Rigel is the Educator that brings knowledge and Gnosis as well as the foot of Orien; touching the river. This is the foot of the Pharoah that was the symbol for the giving of education, civilization and protection. How interesting indeed it is that the Founding Fathers would for the first time in history, call for the education of the masses. Betelgeuse is in the shoulder of Orien, who was known to the Egyptians as Osiris. Betelgeuse is a huge red star that is considered one of the great stars and an omen of great success without complications.
Pollux is the twin of Castor; both known as Romulus and Remus in the myth of the founding of Rome. Pollux represents the painful process of learning and discovering; a symbol of the tortured artist who sees the more difficult side of things and is struggling to come into a clearer light. How interesting our Statue of Liberty when it says: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free”. Really, this small window of time in Philadelphia is one of the most fascinating and auspicious moments that one could possibly be looking at on this planet.
http://astronargon.us/golden.html |
And there is a link to the Bible. The Lord challenged Job : "Canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Pleiades ?", Job 3:31.
In pre-patriarchal Jerusalem, the Menorah (the 7 branched candlestick) originally symbolized the Pleiades in their aspect of the sevenfold "Men-horac"/"Moon Priestesses, with links once again to the Goddess Hathor" which returns us once again to 7 ladies and the Pleiades.
Job 9:8 - Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea. 9:9 Which maketh Arcturus (the great bear), Orion (Hebrew, the fool fettered with "bands.") and Pleiades (lit. "the heap of stars." Arabic: "knot of stars." The various names of this constellation in the East expresses the close union of the stars in it ass in Amos 5:8), and the chambers of the south (the unseen regions of the southern hemisphere, with its own set of stars, as different from those just mentioned of the northern. The true structure of the earth is her implied, a globular form). One scholar, named Brinkley presumed that the stars mentioned here were those of Taurus and Scorpio, and that these were the cardinal constellations of spring and autumn in Job's time, calculated by the precession of equinoxes, the time of Job to be 818 years after the Deluge and 184 years before Abram.
Job 38:31 - Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades (The sweet influences reflect the joy diffused by spring, the time when Pleiades appear. Gesenius translated, "bands" or "knot", which is a better answer. The seven stars are closely "bound" together as seen in Job 9:9) or loose the bands of Orion?
Job 38:32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?
Job 38:33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?
Amos 5:8 - Seek him that maketh the seven stars (lit. "the heap or cluster of seven larger stars and the smaller as seen in Job 9:9, 38:31. The former whole passage seems to have been in Amos 'mind. He names the stars well known for shepherds. Orion as the precursor of the tempests which are more threatened, and the Pleiades ushering in spring) and Orion, the turneth the shadow of death into the morning and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea and poureth them out upon the face of the earth, The LORD is his name.
The seven stars are not mentioned again until Rev. 1:16, 1:20, 2:1, 3:1 as the seven churches in Asia
The Seven Churches
The Seven Churches of Asia
Revelation1:11 Saying, I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and last and what thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia, Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos and unto Thyatira, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. Revelation 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars which thous sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.
Job 38:31 may represent a very remote age. Alcyone, brightest of the 7 stars of Pleiades, was considered by the Ancients as the central point around which our universe of fixed stars revolves, the focus from which and into which the divine Breath of Motion works during our present Space-Time span. The Chaldeans called the Pleiades 'Chimah." meaning 'hinge'. Occult legends associate the Pleiades and Orion, known in Hebrew as 'kesil' the 'Strong'.
Some believe that the loosening of the bands of Orion means distortion of gravitation as stated in Job 38:13. "Have you taught it to grasp the rings of the earth, and shake the Dog Star from its place?" The Holy Bible states Job 38:13 as "That it might take hold of the ends of the earth (Spread itself over the earth to it's utmost bounds in a moment), that the wicked (those who hate the light, and do their evil works in the dark as seen in Job 24:13) might be shaken out of it? (the corners or Hebrew, wings or skirts, of it, as of a garment, are taken hold by the day spring so as to shake off the wicked)"
Anglo-American Iconography
People living in America we do not recognize the symbols of this nation. Primarily the eagle carrying 13 arrows in it's talons. We have 'Don't Tread on Me' a rattle snake, the California Bear, the Statue of the Goddess Eureka, Pomona, Columbia and so on. these all are representative of a strength, characteristic or notion that is conveyed to the masses.
The Power of War
Arrows were first suggested by Francis Hopkinson, the consultant who did most of the work on the second Great Seal committee.
'In his first design, one of the two figures supporting the shield was a "naked savage" holding a bow and arrow in his right hand, and carrying a quiver of arrows on his back. The other figure was a lady "representing Peace bearing an Olive Branch."
Motto: "Bello vel Pace Paratus" – Prepared in War or in Peace.
When man first stepped on the Moon, the phrase ' The Eagle has Landed ' was spoken. Did an eagle really land on the moon? No, it was a signal that the United States of America and its representatives have landed on the moon.
So, why when we look at ancient iconography we panic and read it as polytheism or paganistic?
Our Lord is an all consuming Fire, he is a nail in a sure place, the shadow in the midst of a dry and parched land, the Rock, The Bread of life, The wine, The meat, the meal. He is the King, the shepherd, the husbandman, our great high-priest, our brother, our father, the Creator, our shield and buckler, our high-tower, the Bishop of our should, the anchor, a potter...should I go on?
" Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire ." Hebrews 12:28-29
" He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi... that they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness." Malachi 3:3.
In Isaiah 64:8, it is written, But now, O LORD, thou art our father; w e are the clay , and thou our potter ; and we all are the work of thy hand. (KJV) (RV)
http://www.essaysbyekowa.com/feasts_of_the_hebrews.htm |
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