El ungimiento de Betania, discriminado por la cristiandad patriarcal, es una de las partes mas importantes ya que en el mismo MARIA MAGDALENA (ISRAEL=NUEVA JERUSALEM) en funcion a GENESIS 12:3 lo corona a Cristo como REY. (JUAN 12:3) que simboliza a ISRAEL QUE ENGENDRA AL MESIAS (ISRAEL TAMBIEN ES MADRE DEL MESIAS). Todos los capitulos 12 estan unidos en forma espiritual y no es casualidad que MAGDALENA aparece 12 veces en los evangelios.
El UNGIMIENTO DE BETANIA, aparentemente fue EN ROSH HASHANAH (verdadero AÑO NUEVO HEBREO) el 1 de NISSAN o primer mes y no en YOM TERUAH (Fiesta de las Trompetas) COMO actualmente lo considera el rabinismo bajo el falso calendario de HILLEL II. A pesar que en el evangelio de Juan aparece que esta a 6 dias de la Pascua, esta cifra aparentemente tiene una connotacion alegorica con otro mensaje espiritual detras del mismo. El MITO DEL LOBO y la LUNA LLENA TIENE UN OBVIO ORIGEN ESOTERICO EN EL ROSH HASHANAH HEBREO (fiesta de la purificacion del SANTUARIO=NUEVA JERUSALEM. Jerusalem, estaba en la tribu de BENJAMIN. Josue 18). DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER TIENE ORIGEN MASON
Mes de Jeshvan, Honra a la mujer judia
HaKeseh, La Luna Nueva
El reloj ¿Un simbolo zodiacal y tabernacular?
Juan 12
1 Seis días antes de la Pascua , Jesús se fue a Betania, donde estaba Lázaro, a quien Jesús había resucitado de entre los muertos. (Betania esta ubicado en la tribu de Benjamin. Si mal no recuerdo en el evangelio de Lucas o el de Mateo se dice que fueron dos dias antes de la Pascua. En este contexto aumenta la probabilidad de que este numero sea alegorico.)
¿Magdalena=Ma-gadol-ah-en Sacerdotiza de benjamin?
2 Le dieron allí una cena. Marta servía y Lázaro era uno de los que estaban con él a la mesa.
3 Entonces María, tomando una libra de perfume de nardo puro, muy caro, ungió los pies de Jesús y los secó con sus cabellos . Y la casa se llenó del olor del perfume. (Maria de Betania es la misma Maria Magdalena que como esposa lo UNGE REY A SU ESPOSO)
4 Dice Judas Iscariote, uno de los discípulos, el que lo había de entregar:
5 « ¿Por qué no se ha vendido este perfume por trescientos denarios y se ha dado a los pobres? »
6 Pero no decía esto porque le preocuparan los pobres, sino porque era ladrón , y como tenía la bolsa, se llevaba lo que echaban en ella. (Aqui Juan esta utilizando una analogia con JUAN 10 adonde el mismo Cristo dice que todos aquellos que no entran por la PUERTA (gate) son ladrones y lobos. El mensaje espiritual es obvio que es en el contexto a que Maria Magdalena era de la tribu de Benjamin cuya gematria es 152 en el hebreo al igual que la de Maria. Segun Genesis 49 el lobo es benjamin. Obviamente JUDAS es un tipo de la IGLESIA PATRIARCAL MISOGENA QUE POR PLATA TRAICIONO A CRISTO Y A SU ESPOSA. Noten que es en ese contexto que Jesucristo entra a Jerusalem y expulsa a los MERCADERES del templo.)
Mayor negocio de la historia es el jesus platoni co
7 Jesús dijo: «Déjala, que lo guarde para el día de mi sepultura.
8 Porque pobres siempre tendréis con vosotros; pero a mí no siempre tendréis. »
9 Gran número de judíos supieron que Jesús estaba allí y fueron, no sólo por Jesús, sino también por ver a Lázaro, a quien había resucitado de entre los muertos .
10 Los sumos sacerdotes decidieron dar muerte también a Lázaro, ( ¿Lazaro es un TIPO DEL SANTO GRIAL? Recordemos que en JUAN 11 CRISTO CON MARIA A SU LADO LO RESUCITA A LAZARO. El mensaje podria ser que el rabinismo NEGO AL MISMO SANTO GRIAL como CRISTO LO PROFETIZA EN LA PARABOLA DE MARCOS 12, adonde se incluye el mismo, pero al estar en un capitulo 12 hay gran probabilidad que haga referencia esoterica a su propio hijo. 12=1+2=3 PLENITUD )
11 porque a causa de él muchos judíos se les iban y creían en Jesús.
12 Al día siguiente, al enterarse la numerosa muchedumbre que había llegado para la fiesta, de que Jesús se dirigía a Jerusalén,
13 tomaron ramas de palmera y salieron a su encuentro gritando: = « ¡Hosanna! ¡Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor, = y el Rey de Israel! » (La entrada triunfal de Cristo a Jerusalem (esposa), en el famoso "DOMINGO DE RAMOS" fue con ramos de OLIVO ritual de la FIESTA DEL SEPTIMO DIA DE LA FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS QUE COMIENZA el 15 de TISHRI denominada OSHANAH RABBAH (21 DE TISHRI))
Hoshana Raba-Septimo dia de Sukot (Cabañas o Taber
14 Jesús, habiendo encontrado un borriquillo, se montó en él, según está escrito:
15 = No temas, hija de Sión; mira que viene tu Rey montado en un pollino de asna.=
16 Esto no lo comprendieron sus discípulos de momento; pero cuando Jesús fue glorificado, cayeron en la cuenta de que esto estaba escrito sobre él, y que era lo que le habían hecho.
17 La gente que estaba con él cuando llamó a Lázaro de la tumba y le resucitó de entre los muertos, daba testimonio.
18 Por eso también salió la gente a su encuentro, porque habían oído que él había realizado aquella señal.
19 Entonces los fariseos se dijeron entre sí: « ¿Veis cómo no adelantáis nada? , todo el mundo se ha ido tras él. »
Considerando desde ROSH HASHANAH (primero del primer mes) hasta OSHANAH RABBAH hay exactamente 198 dias=2*99=6*33=2*(3*33). ¿Se acuerdan de JEREMIAS 33:3?
NISSAN (primer mes) 30
ISHAR (segundo mes) 29
SIVAN (tercer mes) 30
THAMUS (cuarto mes) 29
AV (quinto mes) 30
ELUL (sexto mes) 29
TISHRI (septimo mes ) 21
El mes hebreo lunar tiene 354 dias. Si dividimos 198/354 tenemos:
Aunque esta pagina haga referencia a hipotericos extraterrestres, nosotros sabemos como cristianos que todo este mensaje kabalistico tiene referencia a lo espiritual. ¿Porque ROSWELL me interrelaciona con el MONTE HERMON (MONTE DE LA TRANSFIGURACION)?
http://www.mt.net/~watcher/conspir. Html
Aparentemente YOM HA KESEH es el verdadero ROSH HASHANAH (Año Nuevo) en luna llena el primero de Nissan y no el primero de Tisri como es actualmente segun el calendario de Hillel CON REFERENCIA A EXODO 12. El ungimiento de Betania con gran probabilidad fue el primero de Nissan que segun Ezequiel 45:18 era el DIA DE LA PURIFICACION DEL SANTUARIO. Hay una fuerte relacion espiritual entre esta FIESTA y el YOM KIPUR. Por eso es el DIA ESCODIDO. Fijate en la pagina que te di previamente lo interrelaciona con ROSH HASHANAH LA FIESTA DE LA BODA. ROSH HASHANAH TIENE FUERTE NEXO ESPIRITUAL con la IGLESIA, osea con el LOBO (BENJAMIN). De aqui tiene origen la tradicion del LOBO CON LA LUNA LLENA.
> |
“Clama a Mi y Yo te Respondere”: Jeremias 33:3/”Call to Me and I will Answer you”: Jeremiah 33:3
Cuando te sientes acavado, pensando que el problema es demaciado – que no hay respuesta y buscas ayuda y tal parese que todo esta en contra tuya, y solo estas tu y tu problema. Muchos talvez te han dicho que estas acavado que el alcolismo te a ganado, o que la droga es mas fuerte que tu! Muchos se burlan al verte y tu piensas que tu eres gey,y tu padre se averguensa de ti. Tu mujer que te enamoras de… todo esta perdido, han perdido una batalla mas no guerra, por que si hablamos de guerra conozco Alguien que nunca a perdido nisiquira una batalla, por que El no conose el miedo, El esta esperando que le pidas ayuda EN ESTE MOMENTO! Te preguntas como lo hago? Es facil El dijo; “CLAMA A MI Y YO TE RESPONDERE Y TE ENSENARE COSAS GRANDES Y OCULTAS QUE NO CONOCES . ” (Jeremias 33:3) (198=(33*3)*2-El numero 2 en la Biblia tiene connotacion de PAREJA-YIN-YANG. ¿Casualidad o causalidad?)
Solo abre tu corazon y dile Senor Jesus Te necesito, Te reconozco como mi unico Salvador solo Tu pudes ayudarme. Solo Tu pudes tomar mi problema, perdoname y ayudame. Pon mi nombre en el Libro de la Vida. Te invite a entrar en mi corazon y Te asepto como mi unico Senor y Salvador Jesucristo.
Es facil verdad. Acavas de invitar a Dios a entrar en tu vida.
Solo El te pude ayudar. Gracias a Dios.
Dios te bendiga, hermanos.
E l valor numérico de Rosh HaShaná , 861, equivale a la suma de todos los números del 1 al 41 (denominado matemáticamente el “triángulo” de 41), siendo el número 41 el valor numérico de la palabra em (“madre”). 861 es también el valor de beit hamikdash (“el Templo Sagrado”), que para la mujer, la madre, simboliza la casa y la construcción de un santuario sagrado para su familia.
A ntes de hacer sonar el shofar en Rosh HaShaná , meditamos sobre el nombre de Di-s de 22 letras, cuyo valor numérico es 1681, el cuadrado de 41. Este es el Nombre que está codificado en la bendición sacerdotal, la fuente de toda bendición para un año bueno y dulce.
E l Iortzait (aniversario del falecimiento) de nuestra matriarca Rajel cae el 11 de Jeshvan , el mes que sigue a Tishrei , y como este siempre posee 30 días, esta fecha es el día 41 desde el comienzo del año, por eso es el iom haem (día de la madre).
E ste período completo de cuarenta y un días puede entonces ser entendido como una continuación y extensión del servicio espiritual de Rosh HaShaná (que es la suma del 1 al 41 como ya dijimos). El iortzait de Rajel es la consumación del nacimiento del año desde el útero materno. En este mismo día da a luz a su segundo hijo, Biniamín , devolviendo en el parto su alma al Creador.
Http://www.my-forum.org/descripcion. Php? Numero=735&nforo=421269&pag=10 |
Independence Was Declared on the Fourth of July.
America's independence was actually declared by the Continental Congress on July 2, 1776. The night of the second the Pennsylvania Evening Post published the statement:"This day the Continental Congress declared the United Colonies Free and Independent States."
So what happened on the Glorious Fourth? The document justifying the act of Congress-you know it as Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence-was adopted on the fourth, as is indicated on the document itself, which is, one supposes, the cause for all the confusion. As one scholar has observed, what has happened is that the document announcing the event has overshadowed the event itself.
When did Americans first celebrate independence? Congress waited until July 8, when Philadelphia threw a big party, including a parade and the firing of guns. The army under George Washington, then camped near New York City, heard the new July 9 and celebrated then. Georgia got the word August 10. And when did the British in London finally get wind of the declaration? August 30.
John Adams, writing a letter home to his beloved wife Abigail the day after independence was declared (i.e. July 3), predicted that from then on"the Second of July, 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival." A scholar coming across this document in the nineteenth century quietly" corrected" the document, Adams predicting the festival would take place not on the second but the fourth.
During the American Revolution, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain occurred on July 2, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia.[4][5] After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had been prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the Declaration, finally approving it on July 4. A day earlier, John Adams had written to his wife Abigail:
The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more. [6]
Adams's prediction was off by two days. From the outset, Americans celebrated independence on July 4, the date shown on the much-publicized Declaration of Independence, rather than on July 2, the date the resolution of independence was approved in a closed session of Congress.[7]
Historians have long disputed whether Congress actually signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, even though Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin all later wrote that they had signed it on that day. Most historians have concluded that the Declaration was signed nearly a month after its adoption, on August 2, 1776, and not on July 4 as is commonly believed.[8][9][10][11][12]
In a remarkable coincidence, both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the only signers of the Declaration of Independence later to serve as Presidents of the United States, died on the same day: July 4, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration. Although not a signer of the Declaration of Independence, James Monroe, the Fifth President of the United States, died on July 4, 1831. Calvin Coolidge, the Thirtieth President, was born on July 4, 1872, and, so far, was the only President to be born on Independence Day.
La más brillante desde nuestro punto de vista y señal de comienzo del calendario de 13 meses lunares
Sirio es la estrella más brillante de nuestro firmamento tal como lo vemos desde el Planeta Aire y Agua. Es la estrella principal de una modesta constelación que apenas es distinguible: el Can Menor o el Perro Menor. Entre el Sol y Sirio hay una distancia de unos 9 años-luz, que es la distancia que recorre un rayo de luz durante 9 órbitas de la Tierra (9 años nuestros). Sirio está un poco más lejos que la estrella más cercana, Alpha Centauri, pero brilla más.
Cada 2 de julio, la Tierra pasa por el meridiano contrario al de Sirio, de forma que si la Luna eclipsara al Sol el 2 de julio, veríamos a Sirio en pleno día (y a la constelación de Orión también) bastante por debajo del Sol. Al otro lado del Sol estaría el punto de la órbita en el que estaría la Tierra el 2 de enero, cuando desde el Sol veríamos a Sirio debajo de la Tierra, y desde la Tierra vemos a Sirio en su punto más alto del cielo en todo el año, lo que significa que la Tierra está en el punto de su órbita más cercano a Sirio, aunque la diferencia entre el tamaño de la órbita de la Tierra y la distancia a Sirio sea insignificante (1 año-luz equivale a 800 Sistemas Solares).
Con todo, podemos considerar a Sirio como una señal de inicio del año gregoriano.
Sirio es inconfundible en nuestro cielo. Es fácilmente indentificable si observamos Orión y las tres estrellas que forman su Cinturón y trazamos una línea hacia "abajo". Así nos topamos con Sirio. Dado que el Cinturón de Orión marca el Ecuador Celeste, esto quiere decir que Sirio está en el hemisferio sur celeste.
Fourth of July
Holiday and Holy Day!
The Fourth of July is linked to the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius. Every year on July 4 from our Earth's position, our Sun is in conjunction with Sirius. Esoterically this star is our Spiritual Sun and is associated with liberation. According to ancient teachings, the concept of freedom resides in human consciousness because of the influence of this star system.
In that this Principle of Freedom is closely associated with the consciousness on Sirius, it governs the expanding initiations we reach as humans in our evolution to membership in the Spiritual Kingdom. This incredible principle aligns us with spirit instead of form, and invokes unity as freedom from duality, freedom from life centered in the lower three worlds of physical incarnation. The Principle of Freedom and Liberation
Astrologically, a conjunction is the strongest aspect celestial bodies can have. Our Sun exactly conjoins Sirius in the sign of Cancer at 14 degrees, which occurs around July 4–7. America's Independence Day is strongly linked to the conjunction of Sirius and our Sun!
Note: Interestingly enough Canada Day, July 1, marks Canada's independence from England. Bastille Day, the French Independence Day, is July 14. And the transfer of sovereignty in Iraq occurred with a surprise handover (2 days early) on June 28, 2004.
Independence/National Days
BTW: Another fascinating note is that the Dalai Lama, His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, was born July 6, 1935 and George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States, was born July 6, 1946. Both men in their own unique way have been dedicated to increasing freedom in our world.
Annually on or near the Fourth of July the Earth and Sun are at their furthest distance from each other. This event plus the Sirius/Sun conjunction creates a significant spiritual alignment.
After the close of the Three Major Spiritual Festivals, in July, the earth’s orbit places our planet the furthest it gets from our physical sun. This astronomical event, known as earth at aphelion, occurs annually around July 3–7. The physical sun, though furthest from the earth, is now closest to, in conjunction with Sirius, our Spiritual Sun, while the planetary Hierarchy is in close alignment with the earth, responding to our invocative appeal during the recent Spiritual Festivals.
At this time a powerful relationship is set up on the galactic plane between our physical Sun and our spiritual Sun and between the Hierarchy and the earth. Energies from Sirius can now flow freely through our sun, the solar system and the Hierarchy to our earth, evoking a response in humanity and stimulating evolution. The Hierarchy steps down the potent incoming energies to assist humanity in their assimilation. The Galactic Planes
Dog Days Sirius disappears in the Sun's embrace.
Aphelion Day During the first week of July Earth Is Farthest from the Sun.
The Fourth of July begins ...
July 4, 2011 ~ Predawn Sky Looking East at 5:00am Taurus the Bull Ushers In a New Day How Many Celestial Bodies Will You See?
Image: Distant Suns / Adobe Photoshop
* Printable Image *
west–top, east–bottom, south–right, north–left
The curved yellow line at the bottom of the image represents the eastern horizon. The Sun rises at 6:00am and sets at 8:30pm.
These celestial bodies dance invisibly across the sky during the daylight hours. Their energies influence our daytime activities. Approximate Set Times for the Planets: Uranus 12:45pm, Jupiter 3:15pm, Mars 6:00pm, Venus 7:45pm
The Pleiades set by 5:30pm, Aldebaran 6:00pm, Al Hecka and Elnath by 7:30pm.
Taurus the Bull, Mars
Every year on July 4 Taurus the Bull heralds the rising Sun. The enlightened mind is the gift of Taurus when one transforms desire into spiritual aspiration.
The sparkling Pleiades, the famous star cluster marking the shoulder of Taurus the Bull, rises around 2:40am. It is said that the Pleiades transmit the Light of God into our minds, enabling God's light to descend on Earth.
Aldebaran, truly the "Bull’s eye" star of enlightenment, holds a vision that is seeded by the Pleiades. It is a divine ideal that can aid humanity’s evolutionary process through its political systems. In 2011 Mars positioned in Taurus insures our struggle with material plane attachments, power and greed. However, humanity and its nations can be freed from this warring tension by invoking Aldebaran's divine vision and cultivating goodwill and the right relationship with love and money. Note: Be sure to compare ruddy Mars to reddish, slightly brighter Aldebaran. Binoculars improve visibility.
The horns of the Bull embody struggles that are age-old and evolutionary. The northern horn and its star Elnath represent perseverance and breakthroughs, while the southern horn and Al Hecka symbolize stalemates, standoffs and blind habitual fighting. With the multitude of global and personal struggles, desires and spiritual aspirations tug and pull at us. Humanity often hangs on the horns of a dilemma having to make a difficult choice.
Elnath, the tip of the northern (upper) horn of Taurus the Bull, is also a southern star in the constellation Auriga. This star lies almost opposite our galactic center. When we look at Elnath we are looking toward the rim of our galaxy and the less-populated regions of intergalactic space, away from the crowded galactic hub. Tune to Elnath for perseverance and breakthroughs. Allow Elnath to expand your horizons, free you from limiting influences and align you with the heart of our galaxy and its blessings.
Venus, hidden from our view in the glowing embrace of the Sun, shines down upon us during the daylight hours and influences our daily activities until it sets at 7:45pm. Venus is positioned at a point where the ecliptic, the plane of our solar system, meets the Milky Way, the plane of our galaxy. Venus brings forth a wise love that understands the causes of conflict and instills right relationship. In this position Venus wisely links us to extra-solar evolutionary energies.
Note: Capella, the brightest star seen most often, is located in the constellation Auriga to the north of the Pleiades. "Auriga, is the charioteer, leading forth to new lands and so symbolizing the soul." The Labors of Hercules - Labor II, pg. 48
http://souledout.org/nightsky/fourthofjuly/fourthofjuly.html |
Sirius, The God * Dog Star
The effect of Sirian energy and influences generated approximately 18 years ago, in 1993 / 1994 (the last cycle when Sirius A and B were closest), have created renewed interest in this most influential heavenly body. The history books and religions of the world have had much to say about the God * Dog star. This article reflects on our ancestors' beliefs and inspired insights into a great mystery ~ the mystery of the Dog Star and its influences on our little corner of the universe.
Sirius was an object of wonder and veneration to all ancient peoples throughout human history. In the ancient Vedas this star was known as the Chieftain's star; in other Hindu writings, it is referred to as Sukra, the Rain God, or Rain Star. The Dog Star is also described as "he who awakens the gods of the air, and summons them to their office of bringing the rain."
By the ancient Egyptians, Sirius was revered as the Nile Star, or Star of Isis. Its annual appearance just before dawn at the June 21 solstice, heralded the coming rise of the Nile, upon which Egyptian agriculture depended. This particular helical rising is referred to in many temple inscriptions, wherein the star is known as the Divine Sepat, identified as the soul of Isis.
For example, in the temple of Isis-Hathor at Dedendrah, Egypt, appears the inscription, "Her majesty Isis shines into the temple on New Year's Day, and she mingles her light with that of her father on the horizon." The Arabic word Al Shi'ra resembles the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian names suggesting a common origin in Sanskrit, in which the name Surya, the Sun God, simply means the "shining one."
For up to 35 days before and 35 days after our sun conjuncts the star Sirius ~ close to July 4 ~ it is hidden by the sun’s glare. The ancient Egyptians refused to bury their dead during the 70 days Sirius was hidden from view because it was believed Sirius was the doorway to the afterlife, and the doorway was thought to be closed during this yearly period.
In mythology the dog Sirius is one of the watchmen of the Heavens, fixed in one place at the bridge of the Milky Way, keeping guard over the abyss into incarnation. Its namesake the Dog Star is a symbol of power, will and steadfastness of purpose, exemplifying the initiate who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness.
Located just below the Dog Star is the constellation called Argo, the Ship. Astrologically this region in the sky has been known as the River of Stars, gateway to the ocean of higher consciousness.
The Chinese recognized this area as the bridge between heaven and hell ~ the bridge of the gatherer, the judge. In the higher mind are gathered the results of the experiences of the personality.
Between each life the Soul judges its past progress, and also the conditions needed to aid its future growth. As long as it is attached to desire, sensation, and needs experiences, the Soul continues to come into incarnation. Until it is perfected, the Soul cannot pass over, or through, the Bridge.
The association of Sirius as a celestial dog has been consistent throughout the classical world; even in remote China, the star was identified as a heavenly wolf. In ancient Chaldea (present day Iraq) the star was known as the "Dog Star that Leads," or it was called the "Star of the Dog." In Assyria, it was said to be the "Dog of the Sun." In still older Akkadia, it was named the "Dog Star of the Sun."
In Greek times Aratus referred to Canis Major as the guard dog of Orion, following on the heels of its master and standing on its hind legs with alpha star Sirius carried in its jaws. The concept of the mind slaying the real can be seen in the tales which relate the dog as the hunter and killer ~ the hound from hell.
Manilius called Canis Major the "dog with the blazing face." Also called the Large Dog, Sirius appears to cross the sky in pursuit of the Hare, represented by the constellation Lepus under Orion's feet.
Mythologists such as Eratosthenes said that the constellation represents Laelaps, a dog so swift that no prey could escape it. Laelaps had a long list of owners. One story says it is the dog given by Zeus to Europa, whose son Minos, King of Crete, passed it on to Procris, daughter of Cephalus. The dog was presented to Procris along with a javelin that could never miss. Ironically, Cephalus accidentally killed her while out hunting with Laelaps.
Cephalus inherited the dog and took it with him to Thebes, north of Athens, where a vicious fox was ravaging the countryside. The fox was so swift that it was destined never to be caught ~ yet Laelaps the hound was destined to catch whatever it pursued.
Off they went, almost faster than the eye could follow, the inescapable dog in pursuit of the uncatchable fox. At one moment the dog would seem to have its prey within grasp, but could only close its jaws on thin air as the fox raced ahead of it again. There could be no resolution of such a paradox, so Zeus turned them both to stone and placed the dog in the sky without the fox.
In the Chinese tradition, there is a remarkable analogy in the double meaning of the word Spirit and the word Sing (star). Shin and Sing, the Chinese words for soul and essence, are often interchangeable, as they are in the English language.
It is said that the fixed stars, and their domain, contain the essences or souls of matter ... a living soul is a higher essence of matter, and when evolved may also be called a star. These stars and essences become gods.
Like souls, stars are regarded as having divine attributes. Stars look down from regions of chaotic, violent, purity onto the world of humanity and influence the energies of humankind invisibly, yet most powerfully.
In June of 1993, as our sun covered Sirius from the Earth's view, the largest flood of the past century occurred. The waters of the Mississippi, the Nile River of the U.S., overflowed its banks. The flood that year continued until the middle of August. When Sirius re-appeared from behind the sun, the flood waters receded and the immediate life-threatening crisis subsided. Could this have been a reflection of the great rivers of energies streaming out from Sirius?
http://souledout.org/cosmology/sirius/siriusgodstar.html |
27 Benjamín es lobo arrebatador;
A la mañana comerá la presa,
Y a la tarde repartirá los despojos.(Jerusalen estaba en la tribu de Benjamin)
Diccionario biblico: Benjamín
(heb. Binyamîn, "hijo de mi [la mano] derecha" o "hijo del sur"; gr. Beniamín).
"Derecha", en sentido geográfico, indica el sur; pero, en sentido figurado,
significa "favorecido". El nombre aparece en textos de Mari del s XVIII a.C.
como el de una tribu, Banu-Yamina. Pero ésta no tiene ninguna relación con la
de Israel del mismo nombre, a pesar de las afirmaciones de algunos eruditos.
1. Hijo menor de los 12 hijos de Jacob, que le dio Raquel en camino de Betel a
Efrata. Mientras su madre moría lo llamó Benoni,* pero su padre lo nominó
Benjamín (Gn. 35:16-19). A regañadientes Jacob permitió 156 que fuera a Egipto
en el 2º viaje de sus hijos para comprar alimentos durante una hambruna, y
antes de morir pronunció una bendición sobre él (49:27). José amaba
profundamente a Benjamín (43:20-44:34), quien tuvo numerosos descendientes (Gn.
46:21; Nm. 26:38-41; 1 Cr. 7:6-12; 8:1-40).
2. Tribu de Israel, la descendiente del hijo menor de Jacob y Raquel. Cuando se
repartió Canaán entre las tribus, a Benjamín se le asignó el territorio entre
Efraín en el norte y Judá en el sur (Jos. 18:11-20). Su límite norte iba
desde el Jordán hasta Betel, cerca de Bet-ho-rón de Abajo, y de allí tomaba
dirección sur hasta Quiriat-jearim. El límite sur comenzaba en Quiriat-jearim
en el oeste, pasaba por el valle de Hinom en Jerusalén, y de allí hasta el
extremo norte del Mar Muerto. El límite oriental estaba constituido por el río
Jordán. Mapa VI, E-3/4. El territorio, pequeño y montañoso pero muy fértil,
abarcaba muchas ciudades importantes: Jerusalén, Jericó, Betel, Gabaa, Mizpa y
otras. Aod, uno de los primeros jueces (Jue. 3:15) era de Benjamín. La tribu
casi fue borrada cuando protegió a los criminales habitantes de Gabaa (cps
19-21), pero rápidamente se recuperó. Saúl, el primer rey de Israel, procedía
de Benjamín. Por esta afinidad, la tribu se aferró a la casa de Saúl por algún
tiempo después de la muerte del rey (2 S. 2:9, 15; 16:5; 20:1-22). Sin
embargo, volvieron su lealtad a la casa de David y echaron su suerte con el
reino de Judá cuando, a la muerte de Salomón, las restantes tribus se separaron
(1 R. 12:21). Después del exilio, los miembros de Benjamín y de Judá formaron
los principales grupos de los judíos que retornaron (Esd. 4:1). El apóstol
Pablo (Fil. 3:5) fue uno de los miembros más famosos de la tribu. Benjamín
aparece en la lista de las tribus mencionadas en las visiones proféticas de
Ezequiel y de Juan el revelador (Ez. 48:23, 24; Ap. 7:8).
Bib.: FJ-AJ v. 1.22.
3. Benjamita, hijo de Bilhán (1 Cr. 7:10).
4. Israelita de la familia de Harim; se había casado con una mujer extranjera en
tiempos de Esdras (Esd. 10:32); posiblemente Benjamín 5.
5. Reconstructor del muro de Jerusalén en tiempos de Nehemías (Neh. 3:23; 12:34)
y quien también firmó el pacto de Nehemías (10:28-39); quizás Benjamín 4.
6. Nombre de 3 puertas de Jerusalén: a. Puerta en la muralla norte, no
identificada (Jer. 37:13; 38:7; Zac. 14:10). b. Puerta en el muro norte del
complejo del templo (Jer. 20:2). Si la muralla norte de la ciudad era al
mismo tiempo el muro norte del complejo del templo, estas 2 puertas habrían
sido una sola. c. Puerta situada al este en la reconstrucción ideal de
Jerusalén realizada por Ezequiel (Ez. 48:32).
Leer más: Diccionario Biblico Gratis - Benjamín
11 Septembre 2001...?
JER - U.S.A.- LEM...
JERU.$.ALEM... |
See the following link for more information THE TWO SEALS OF OUR DOOM
Lucas 18:1 También les refirió Jesús una parábola sobre la necesidad de orar siempre, y no desmayar, 18:2 diciendo: Había en una ciudad un juez, que ni temía a Dios, ni respetaba a hombre. 18:3 Había también en aquella ciudad una viuda, la cual venía a él, diciendo: Hazme justicia de mi adversario. 18:4 Y él no quiso por algún tiempo; pero después de esto dijo dentro de sí: Aunque ni temo a Dios, ni tengo respeto a hombre, 18:5 sin embargo, porque esta viuda me es molesta, le haré justicia, no sea que viniendo de continuo, me agote la paciencia. 18:6 Y dijo el Señor: Oíd lo que dijo el juez injusto. 18:7 ¿Y acaso Dios no hará justicia a sus escogidos, que claman a él día y noche? ¿Se tardará en responderles? 18:8 Os digo que pronto les hará justicia. Pero cuando venga el Hijo del Hombre, ¿hallará fe en la tierra?
55. Mateo 23:14: ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque devoráis las casas de las VIUDAs, y como pretexto hacéis largas oraciones; por esto recibiréis mayor condenación.
56. Marcos 12:40: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones. Estos recibirán mayor condenación.
65. Lucas 20:47: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones; éstos recibirán mayor condenación.
¿"Devoran la casas de las viudas" no es una alusion a que devoran la casa/linaje de la viuda? ¿Porque Jesucristo incluso relaciona la viuda con JUAN MARCOS en Hechos 12:12?
1. Hechos 12:12: Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre MARCOS, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
1. Isaías 56:7: yo los llevaré a mi santo monte, y los recrearé en mi casa de oración; sus holocaustos y sus sacrificios serán aceptos sobre mi altar; porque mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todos los pueblos.
2. Mateo 21:13: y les dijo: Escrito está: Mi casa, casa de oración será llamada; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
3. Marcos 11:17: Y les enseñaba, diciendo: ¿No está escrito: Mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todas las naciones? Mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
4. Lucas 19:46: diciéndoles: Escrito está: Mi casa es casa de oración; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
Éxodo 20:17: No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, no codiciarás la MUJER de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su criada, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo.
בָּנָה baná; raíz prim.; construir (lit y fig.):-albañil, canterón, poner cimientos, construir, edificador, edificar, edificio, fabricar, fortificar, hacer, tener hijo, labrar, levantar, maestro, obra, poner, properar, reedificar, reparar, restablecer, restaurar.
En el pensamiento tradicional judío, tener un hijo está asociado con construir una casa y levantar el nombre de la familia. En el Salmo (Tehilim) 2:6-7, el Mesías Regio judío es llamado el Hijo de Di-s, según está escrito:
"Yo he puesto mi rey sobre Sión, mi santo monte. Yo publicaré el decreto [uno de los pasos para la entronización del rey judío>; el Señor me ha dicho: Mi hijo eres tú; Yo te engendré hoy."
En Hechos 13:33, confirma el Salmo (Tehilim) 2:6-7 está hablando sobre el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús, según está escrito:
"La cual Dios ha cumplido a los hijos de ellos, a nosotros, resucitando a Jesús; como está escrito también en el salmo segundo: Mi hijo eres tú, yo te he engendrado hoy."
En la Mikvá (inmersión/bautismo) del Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús, una voz (kol) del cielo habló a Yeshúa/Jesús y le llamó el Hijo de Di-s. En Mateo (Matityahu) 3:13, 16-17 está escrito:
"Entonces Jesús vino de Galilea a Juan [Yojanán el Inmersor> al Jordán, para ser bautizado por él…y Jesús, después que fue bautizado, subió luego del agua; y he aquí los cielos le fueron abiertos, y vio al Espíritu de Dios [Rúaj HaKódesh> que descendía como paloma, y venía sobre él. Y hubo una voz que decía: Este es mi Hijo amado [Salmo 2:7>, en quien tengo complacencia."
Una vez más, en el pensamiento tradicional judío, tener un hijo está asociado con construir una casa. Esta verdad se puede comprender de la lengua hebrea misma. La palabra hebrea para hijo es "ben." Es la palabra 1121 de Strong en la Concordancia Hebrea. Hijo o ben en hebreo significa "un hijo o constructor del nombre de la familia." Hijo o ben en hebreo viene de la palabra 1129 que es la palabra hebrea "Baná" que significa "construir." La palabra hebrea para casa es, beit, Es la palabra 1004 de Strong. La palabra hebrea para casa, beit, también viene de la palabra hebrea "baná" que significa "construir." Por lo tanto, la lengua hebrea nos comunica que tener un hijo está asociado con construir una casa o levantar el nombre de la familia. Esta verdad espiritual se puede ver en la Torá en el libro de Deuteronomio (Devarim) 25:5-9, según está escrito:
"Cuando hermanos habitaren juntos, y muriere alguno de ellos, y no tuviere hijo, la mujer del muerto no se casará fuera con hombre extraño; su cuñado se llegará a ella, y la tomará por su mujer, y hará con ella parentesco. Y el primogénito que ella diere a luz sucederá en el nombre de su hermano muerto, para que el nombre de éste no sea borrado de Israel. Y si el hombre no quisiere tomar a su cuñada, irá entonces su cuñada a la puerta, a los ancianos, y dirá: Mi cuñado no quiere suscitar nombre en Israel a su hermano; no quiere emparentar conmigo. Entonces los ancianos de aquella ciudad lo harán venir, y hablarán con él; y si él se levantare y dijere: No quiero tomarla, se acercará entonces su cuñada a él delante de los ancianos, y le quitará el calzado del pie, y le escupirá en el rostro, y hablará y dirá: Así será hecho al varón que no quiere edificar la casa de su hermano."
Se puede ver también en Rut 4:11 que tener un hijo está asociado con levantar una casa. Las dos madres terrenales de las dos casas de Israel Raquel y Lea, compitieron entre ellas sobre tener hijos para edificar la casa de Jacob. En Rut 4:11 está escrito:
"Y dijeron todos los del pueblo que estaban a la puerta con los ancianos: Testigos somos. El Señor haga a la mujer que entra en tu casa como a Raquel y Lea, las cuales edificaron la casa de Israel; y tú seas ilustre en Efrata, y seas de renombre en Belén."
Beltane (Pronounced "B'yal-t'n") is an ancient celebration of fertility. Fertility celebrations have their origins in Ancient Mesopotamia. Orgies took place along with feasting to encourage the fertility of food animals and the abundance of crops for the coming year. Beltane is directly opposite Samhain (Halloween) on the Satanic Calendar as Samhain is the time of reaping. Beltane is also the celebration of the return of the Sun, the planting of crops, and the rebirth of spring.
In Ancient Mesopotamia, this fertility rite was known as “Zagmuku,” Zagmuku was celebrated at the first New Moon after the spring equinox. The Ancients also celebrated the harvest, directly opposite Zagmuku, which was the original Samhain.
Because the holiday focused on rebirth, the original creation epic known the Enuma Elish, was recited on the fourth day of the festival which lasted 12 days. Originally, the celebration was in honor of the Sumerian God, Enlil (Baal) and this is where the name “Beltane” originates. In Mesopotamia, the New Year’s Festival also served to reaffirm the bond between the community and the Gods, the community was represented by the king in temple ritual, for the king was the one responsible for the continual tending of earthly harmony and was held accountable to the Gods. The king joined with the high priestess in the Inner Sanctum of the ziggurat, and both performed ritual sex.
The Satanic year is based upon the natural cycle. The eight major Sabbats are the equinoxes and solstices of the Sun’s year (666), and the 4 cross quarter days that come between them. The four equinoxes and solstices are based upon the motion of the Sun. The equinoxes are at the center of the Sun’s movement and the solstices are the endpoints of the movement. These four solar points are cosmic events based upon the movements of the earth and Sun, symbolizing the interaction of light and darkness. “This date has long been considered a 'power point' of the Zodiac, and is symbolized by the Bull, one of the 'tetramorph' figures featured on the Tarot cards, the World and the Wheel of Fortune. (The other three symbols are the Lion, the Eagle, and the Spirit.)” ¹
These are also seen in the Egyptian Sphinx. “Astrologers know these four figures as the symbols of the four 'fixed' signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), and these naturally align with the four Great Sabbats of Witchcraft.” ²
Beltane is midpoint between the vernal equinox and summer solstice. Due to the alignment of the earth at this important time, telepathic communication with the Gods and spirit world is very open. This is an excellent time to communicate with Demons
The 4 th of July Independence day as stated by Graham Hancock and Rober Bauval on Talisman corresponds to 24 June original Julian calendar pagan summer solstice which felt 10 days later on 1717 from the summer solstice. ( Precession of equinoxes ) The 24 June of 1717 the Grand Lodge of London was declared official, Saint John and Freemasons new year. ( Chapter 11 of Talisman book, a clue ? )
Equinoxes actually happen to be o 21/22´s for example skull and bones number is 322 and remembers for sure their foundation on a 322 equinox, so 321 in case of the Nicaea Council foundation and spring equinox - 10 days up to 1582 ( Gregorian calendar ) = 311 Madrid bomb and Japan Haarp Earthquake, all the same for the autumnal equinox :
921 -10 days = 911
Note : The rose ( pentagon ) the cross ( tesseract / hypercube ) Sun God, the Goddess Minerva and the ram
The method of science and the aim of religion
The use of ancient Eyptian symbols is discussed in more detail on the Bavarian Illuminati page. Also on this page is found an example of more modern buildings influenced by Egyptian mysticism, namely the Supreme Court of Israel, constructed in 1992. Robert Mills' mentor was James Hoban, also a Freemason - the founding member of the First Federal Lodge. Hoban was responsible for the design of the Whitehouse. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_HobanThe Pentagon was first designed on 21 July 1941 by George E. Bergstrom. Bergstrom was also a Freemason. Below is the first sketch of the Pentagon. http://pentagon.afis.osd.mil/history.htmlThe Pentagon is actually an inverted Pentagon. The aerial photograph below was taken from the south side. The Obelisk, Oval and 5-pointed Star together form the ancient Hierogram for Sirius (either the God or the Star). On the day that the Declaration of Independence was signed, on 4th July 1776, as well as on the day that Washington laid the Cornerstone of the Monument, 4th July 1848, the Sun passed over Sirius the star (this happens each year in the dog-days, also named after Sirius). David Ovason writes in his book Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capitol: 'The extraordinary truth is that the very existence of the Washington Monument is intimately linked with the Egyptian star, Sirius the Sihor, which the ancients represented in their sacred hieroglyphics as an obelisk as well as a star. How is it possible that this most important star of the ancient world should find itself, as it were, resurrected in the architecture of the United States.' In Chapter 25 of Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma, he writes: 'The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius still glitters in our Lodges as the Blazing Star, (I'Etoile Flamboyante). The Sun is still symbolized by the point within a Circle; and, with the Moon and Mercury or Anubis, in the three Great Lights of the Lodge.' www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/apike09a.htmlFreemasonry could be argued to have played an important part in creating the constitution of the United States of America, in its separation of religion from politics and government. However, this 'secularisation' has clearly not been extended to the architecture of Washington D.C. which is full of occult symbolism, e.g. the above pentagram design, the Pentagon, the Washington Monument etc. The architecture is rejected by Freemasons as having any significance or masonic connection at the link below. This article argues that Freemasons do not associate symbols with any spiritual significance, which is not what is stated elsewhere in articles and books by Freemasons. http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/washington_dc/washington_dc.htmlback to top |
Freemasonry, Astrology, and the Washington D.C. Street Plan
During the 1790s French Freemason Pierre L’Enfant designed the street plan and architectural layout of Washington D.C. to include many occult talismans. If you see D.C. from an aerial view, you may be shocked to find things like an iron cross (used by Hitler), the Star of David (used by the Rothschilds), an upside down (satanic) pentagram pointing to the White House, and even a pyramid with a huge owl sitting atop at the Capitol building. The Egyptian hieroglyph for the Illuminati Goddess Isis/Sirius is a star, an oval, and an obelisk all drawn together. In Washington D.C. there just happens to be the Washington Monument obelisk, the Oval office, and a pentagram encoded in the streets/architecture.
“The Egyptian hierogram for the star Sirius consists of three shapes: a five-pointed star, an oval, and an obelisk. Amazingly, this is just what we find in stone in Washington D.C. The entire city is dedicated astromantically to the star Sirius and its occult deities. Astrology is good enough for the ruling Plutocrats it seems. Pity that when the ordinary person seeks to use the divination arts for their own personal physical and spiritual empowerment, they are considered freaks and devil-worshippers.” -David Ovason, “Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol”
“Millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do.” -J. P. Morgan
In Washington DC we have the phallic "Monument" facing the female "Oval" office, plus the pentagon and L’Enfant’s pentagrams. In Paris we find “Cleopatra’s Needle” another obelisk in front of the Notre Dame ("Virgin" Mary’s) Cathedral. The Vatican has another masculine obelisk surrounded by a feminine circular building structure. In London, New York, and many other places you will find the same. The Brotherhood has placed their sexual architecture at key geomantic points all over the Earth.
“The obelisk and the dome are common sights in the monuments and buildings of the Brotherhood. The obelisk is an ancient phallic symbol of the male energy and solar energy and the dome represents the female or moon energy. Often they are placed together or close to each other. This is the symbolism of the Oval Office (the womb, female) in the White House which looks out on the Washington Monument, the vast stone obelisk (phallic, male). These symbols attract and generate the energy they represent: they are a physical thought form. The obelisk also symbolizes the penis of the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris. According to legend, after Osiris had been sliced into pieces by his rival, Set, the Queen Isis found all the pieces except his willy. An obelisk claimed to come from Alexandria in Egypt stands in Central Park, New York, and its twin was erected in the 19th century, during the reign of Queen Victoria, on the former Templar lands alongside the River Thames not far from the Houses of Parliament. It is known as Cleopatra’s Needle and originally stood in On (Heliopolis), the Egyptian City of the Sun, from at least 1500 BC, before it was moved to Alexandria... A sphinx has been placed on either side at its London location. Another Egyptian obelisk which was built in Luxor 3,200 years ago now stands in the Place de Concorde in Paris, less than a minute’s drive from the scene of Diana’s crash. On the other side of the crash scene is the Eiffel Tower, another gigantic obelisk in disguise. The Washington Monument in Washington DC is a colossal obelisk. The dome (from a Greek word meaning Place of the Gods) draws in and harnesses energy, as does the pyramid.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (354)
They also keep the secrets of ancient ley lines and continue building along them. For instance the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. are all on a perfect diagonal that continues down to Teohitican and all the way up to Stonehenge, Troy, and Baalbak. London to Giza and Paris to Dendera are almost equidistant parallel lines as well. This geomantic knowledge was understood and kept hidden by ancient builders/Masons and remains that way today.
“Has anyone ever asked themselves why a war memorial nearly always has to be an obelisk? And why do you think the Washington monument in the centre of Washington DC is a giant obelisk? Because obelisks, like all these symbols and geometrical shapes, generate the energy they represent. I remember climbing some stone steps inside a big obelisk near Hebden Bridge in England and feelig enormous male sexual energy all around me. I wondered what on Earth was happening until I remembered where I was ... inside a male penis in effect. What a symbol is built to represent is the energy it will generate, because symbols are a physical manifestation of the thoughts which create them. These guys don’t put their symbols everywhere just for fun. They do it because it helps to resonate the energy field to the vibrational frequency they want. In turn, this affects the thoughts and feelings of the people.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (136)
“The extraordinary truth is that the very existence of the Washington Monument is intimately linked with the Egyptian star, Sirius the Sihor, which the ancients represented in their sacred hieroglyphics as an obelisk as well as a star. How is it possible that this most important star of the ancient world should find itself, as it were, resurrected in the architecture of the United States. …in the course of that day, when the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid, the Sun would have passed over Sirius … Computations clearly show that on the day the Declaration of Independence was agreed in Philadelphia, the Sun was on Sirius. The Mason who first signed the Declaration of Independence would have been aware of the particular significance of July 4 as a cosmic event. The day was the second in the so-called dog days…which begin on July 3. The dog days are so-called because they refer to the rising of the star Sirius.” -David Ovason, "Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol"
They also keep the secrets of ancient ley lines and continue building along them. For instance the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. are all on a perfect diagonal that continues down to Teohitican and all the way up to Stonehenge, Troy, and Baalbak. London to Giza and Paris to Dendera are almost equidistant parallel lines as well. This geomantic knowledge was understood and kept hidden by ancient builders/Masons and remains that way today.
“Has anyone ever asked themselves why a war memorial nearly always has to be an obelisk? And why do you think the Washington monument in the centre of Washington DC is a giant obelisk? Because obelisks, like all these symbols and geometrical shapes, generate the energy they represent. I remember climbing some stone steps inside a big obelisk near Hebden Bridge in England and feeling enormous male sexual energy all around me. I wondered what on Earth was happening until I remembered where I was ... inside a male penis in effect. What a symbol is built to represent is the energy it will generate, because symbols are a physical manifestation of the thoughts which create them. These guys don’t put their symbols everywhere just for fun. They do it because it helps to resonate the energy field to the vibrational frequency they want. In turn, this affects the thoughts and feelings of the people.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (136)
“The extraordinary truth is that the very existence of the Washington Monument is intimately linked with the Egyptian star, Sirius the Sihor, which the ancients represented in their sacred hieroglyphics as an obelisk as well as a star. How is it possible that this most important star of the ancient world should find itself, as it were, resurrected in the architecture of the United States. …in the course of that day, when the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid, the Sun would have passed over Sirius … Computations clearly show that on the day the Declaration of Independence was agreed in Philadelphia, the Sun was on Sirius. The Mason who first signed the Declaration of Independence would have been aware of the particular significance of July 4 as a cosmic event. The day was the second in the so-called dog days…which begin on July 3. The dog days are so-called because they refer to the rising of the star Sirius.” -David Ovason, Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol
The Masons are very familiar with astrology, astronomy and astrotheology. They align all important commemorations, dedications, declarations, ground-breakings, grand-openings, and other events to coincide with astrological phenomena.
“In the years following the Revolution, the Masonic fraternities held ceremonial layings for such new enterprises as bridges, locks, universities, government buildings, statehouses, memorials, and even churches. Such buildings were aligned with the stars, and with the spiritual beings who ruled the stars … Although a survey of the foundation charts used in the early phase of the building of Washington, D.C. reveals the importance of astrology, and, indeed, confirms beyond doubt that astrology played an important role in the early Masonic rites, the rationale of astrology was rarely discussed openly, even in Masonic documents. Knowledge of the stars - insofar as they were understood in Masonic circles - was preserved as secrets best left to those with specialist knowledge of such things.” -David Ovason, “Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital” (124)
August 7, 1880 at precisely 10:59am the cornerstone of the Washington Monument obelisk was laid just as the Sun passed over Sirius. The day the foundation stone for the White House was laid, around noon the Moon entered the same 23rd degree of Virgo as the Dragon’s Head node. On the morning of September 18th, 1793, the Sun was also passing through this degree of Virgo when the Capitol building was founded. When the Library of Congress was founded the Sun and Saturn were in conjunction in Virgo. And when the Scottish Rite Freemason “House of the Temple” cornerstone was laid on October 18th, 1911, the Moon and Venus were conjunct in Virgo.
“The chances of the correspondence being mere coincidence are so remote that we must assume that whoever was directing the planning of Washington, D.C., not only had a considerable knowledge of astrology, but had a vested interest in emphasizing the role of the sign Virgo … Time and time again we shall see that a knowledge of the stars played an important part in every stage of the creative phases in the construction of the city.” -David Ovason, “Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital” (65-6)
The White House, Capitol building, and Washington Monument form the “Federal Triangle” which mirrors on the ground, Arcturus, Spica, and Regulus in the sky – three stars that bracket Virgo. In Washington D.C. there are 22 full zodiacs secreted into the architecture, most of them highlighting Virgo. This is the highest concentration of zodiacal art/symbology in the world, compared with only 4 in London for example.
“On evenings from August 10th to the 15th, as the Sun sets over Pennsylvania Avenue, the Constellation Virgo appears in the sky above the White House and the Federal Triangle. At that same moment, the setting Sun appears precisely above the apex of a stone pyramid in the Old Post Office tower, which is just wide enough to occlude the solar disc. According to the 19th century Freemason, Ross Parsons, ‘The Assumption of the Virgin Mary is fixed on the 15th of August, because at that time the Sun is so entirely in the constellation of Virgo that the stars of which it is composed are rendered invisible in the bright effulgency of his rays.’” -David Ovason, “Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital”
“Man has always felt the need to dominate and nowhere and at no time is the desire more prevalent than in this modern era. If it were not so, why all the need for secret societies? If we are ruled by an open system run by democratically elected officials, why the need for a secret Masonic order in every village, town and city across the United States? How is it that Freemasonry can operate so openly and yet keep its secrets so well hidden?” -John Coleman, “Conspirators Hierarchy”
Bees & the Merovingian bloodline
Rome is said to have been founded by Romulus and Remus. L.A. Waddell in the ‘British Edda’ points out that in the Edda text Rom is another name for Edin or Eden. Rom or Romil was also a title of the Set and serpent worshippers of ancient Egypt. Waddell associates the ‘wolf tribe’ with the star Sirius (dog star).
British Edda L.A. Waddell pg 277 “Rome” Title for Eden & Mother-Son Cult
“Rom of the Edda is thus seen to have been a synonym for Eden and its Wolf-tribe priestess and Chaldee people. This now appears to explain the legend that the mythical founders of the new Rome in Italy, Romulus and Remus, were ‘wolf suckled,’ suggesting that they were of the Mother-cult of the Wolf-Tribe of the Roms….Moreover, Rom or Romit was the title of the Set-Wolf and Serpent worshipping aborigines of Ancient Egypt.”
Egyptian Serpent Worship
In the Temple of Serapeum in Alexandria (‘City of the Serpent’s Son’) which was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, Serapis was portrayed as a massive statue standing on a crocodile holding a staff with a serpent coiling around it. At the top of the staff were the heads of a lion, dog, and wolf, all symbols of the serpent cult. {Return of the Serpent’s of Wisdom pg 56}
While we know little about it, the Lupercalia seems to have been a curious Latin festival with mysterious Greek origins. Later Roman writers like Plutarch suggested that it originated in Arcadia in southern Greece, where Lykaian Pan was worshiped (lykos is the Greek word for wolf). The Roman poet Virgil would turn that same Arcadia into an ideal image of Paradise, a lost Golden Age.
The ‘lost Golden Age’ is speaking of the days of Noah/’Atlantis’/the age of SaturnSaturn Days of Noah.
The story of Romulus and Remus being nurtured and brought up by wolves is connected to other cultures and their claim that their rulers descend from dogs/wolves. It all traces back to the star Sirius.
When the Sun and Moon conjoined at the start of the Egyptian New Year a festival known as the “sacred marriage” was celebrated. This may relate to the Pyramid Texts which state that Pharaoh unites with Isis in a form of hieros gamos bringing forth Horus-Sopdu. In another passage, the royal-divine union is said to beget the Morning Star, and thus may connect Venus with Horus.
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 121 “Sirius, the dog star, was called Sihor by the ancient Egyptians, who represented it as a dog-headed divinity, sometimes as a dog, representative of the god Anubis. The importance of the star in the ancient Egyptian culture cannot be overstated. Many Egyptian temples were oriented to the dog star in ancient times. The astronomer Norman Lockyer studied many of these orientations, and among the most interesting he published was the orientation of the Temple of Isis at Denderah, which was directed to Sirius….Sirius rose with the Sun on the Egyptian New Year. This, in mythological language, was the star goddess Isis mingling her light with that of the sun god, Ra.”
Among the Sumerians, the sacred marriage took place between the priest-king and Inanna, the latter probably represented by the Lukur priestess, who was in turn linked with the daughters of dog-headed Bau. Inanna again has as her planet Venus and Sirius as one of her fixed stars. The king during this ritual stands for Dumuzi, the husband of Inanna, and every year near the rising of Sirius in the summer, the Kelabim or dog priests of Dumuzi (Tammuz) held rites for the god.
The sex rites of Lupercalia trace back to this mystery Babylon worship.
Adonis had similar rites, and Carl Kerenyi believes that the orgia festivals celebrated in honor of Dionysos were also linked with the Sirius cycle.
Further to the east we find numerous myths of the marriage of a dog to a goddess or queen in the totemic histories of numerous peoples. Especially in Central Asia, South China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific the concept of part-dog or wolf ancestry is prevalent. From Assam in the West to Mongolia in the North and Java in the South, eastward to New Guinea and other Pacific isles in Oceania and northward again to the Ryukus and Bering Sea, the sacred dog-human marriage motif is found.
Over and over the association with the dog/wolf and sexual rites and marriage is seen in ancient cultures. Why? Many ancient cultures believed that ‘gods’ came from heaven and mated with human women. This is spoken of in Genesis 6 during the days of Noahclick here . Many of these cultures have myths and legends which point back to the dog star Sirius being the place where these ‘gods’ came from. After the Flood, Nimrod reintroduces the mystery religion to mankind. The holidays that the majority of mankind celebrates today, especially the holidays that come out of Roman Catholicism, trace back to these times. When studying the origins of these holidays, all of them will point back to Nimrod. Nimrod did not invent his ‘religion’, he was trying to reform the ‘golden age’ that came before the Flood so the rituals will ultimately trace back to the days of Noah.
The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom pg 25 states that the symbol of the Sirians (from Sirius) in Atlantis was a triangle, sometimes with an eye in the middle. This all seeing-eye symbol traced through Egypt as the eye of Horus/Osiris/Ra/Isis which is what is seen on the back of the dollar bill.
On a statue to Isis the following was described “I am all that has been, that is, or shall be, and none among the mortal has hiterto taken off my veil.”
The all-seeing eye, on a deeper level, connects to the pineal gland which was discussed above.
Interestingly, it is believed by some people such as Robert Bauval and Robert Temple that the Giza pyramids are a mirror image, the Earthly representation of the Belt of Orion.
Uriel’s Machine pg 137 “The word ‘Nephilim’ is of uncertain origin, but it has been observed by specialist scholars that the root Aramaic word nephila is the name of the constellation Orion, and therefore, Nephilim would seem to mean ‘those that are of Orion.’ …the Australian Aborigines identified that their own version of Watchers (the Nurrumbunguttias) had come to earth from Orion.”
*The ‘ark’ that landed in Egypt that the Dogons describe may trace back to the ‘mystic egg’ of Astarte…More on this in the section on Easter.
Two Babylon’s pg 106
Cupid’s Greek name is Eros, and he is armed with a bow and arrow; this was a real and lethal weapon in the ancient world. Like Dionysusclick here , he was sometimes referred to as Eleutherios, “the liberator”.
Two Babylons pg 169 In the Church of Rome a new kind of devotion has of late been largely introduced, in which the beads play an important part, and which shows what new and additional strides in the direction of the old Babylonian Paganism the Papacy every day is steadily making. I refer to the “Rosary of the Sacred Heart.” It is not very long since the worship of the “Sacred Heart” was first introduced; and now, everywhere it is the favourite worship. It was so in ancient Babylon, as is evident from the Babylonian system as it appeared in Egypt. There also a “Sacred Heart” was venerated. The “Heart” was one of the sacred symbols of Osiris when he was born again, and appeared as Harpocrates, or the infant divinity, * borne in the arms of his mother Isis.
http://littleguyintheeye.wordpress.com/tag/sihor/ |
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