Just as the title infers.
What shall we expect next...
What kind of reason will be launched for another 'crusade'?
Another 911?
In the after-math of WWI, the Christian raised Adolf Hitler was able to push a few theological buttons and within a short time he had a NATION dancing around the maypole and goose-stepping across Holy Roman Empire, hunting and gathering jews, gypsies,tramps, thieves and
other denominationsof christians even.
But without the 'PROGRAMMING' that had been put into place by the judeao/christian scriptures ... Hitler's Kampf would have run out of gas...and the gas chambers would never have been built IF...IF...IF...IF
IF the Germans of early 20th century Germany had been Buddhists, Jains or Hindu, the Holocaust or Holy-cause would NEVER have happened.

Without the JC programming Germans COULD NOT have been turned into NAZIs.The great mythologist, former catholic, Joseph Campbell was correct.
The Levant religions are being interpreted with an INTENT to reflect warring, belligerent, WAR mythologies.
And this is something that both the scripted HIS-story and real history both reflect.
So frankly it is clear...had Hitler been a shah, and the goose-stepping Germans 'muslims' ... today we would be referring to Hilter as a Muslim NAZI.
Bottom line.
Hitler and the WWII Holocaust could NOT have happened without the German Christians.
And the SWASTIKA has nothing to do with this Christian induced evil.NOTHING...as a matter of fact...
whenever HITLER and the Christian Nazis are shown, it is the CRUCIFIX that should be flashed like a beacon, as their guiding light...I have also
wondered why they don't flash the crucifix hideously whenever they show the 60 million bodies piled high in the americas courtesy of the Catholic Church?
I can prove the SWASTIKA played no role in creating NAZI evil.
The EVIL was put in place by the dogma supported by the CHURCH and bible babel.
The intent of this EVIL entity was to VEIL the swastika....to harm its image.
And THEY did.
Easy to do prove that the swastika has been harmed by the Christians...who also gassed the jews.
The Buddhists and the Jain are the best proof I can offer re: the divinty of the swastika that EVIL is trying to VEIL.
Two of the most peaceful belief systems who form part of the overall earthly consciousness hold the swastika as sacred.
And the SWASTIKA is still front and center as part of their beliefs.
Still sacred after thousands and thousands of years.
Actually to compare the swastika loving Jain to the belligerent crucifix kissing judeao/christian is quite the JOKE.The SWASTIKA has meant GOOD LUCK for thousands of years...until?
It is clear that we can blame the fucking judeao/christian GERMANS for tainting this symbol.
YES it was the CHRISTIANS who sullied/tainted a symbol that had spread/migrated across the world, and had meant GOOD LUCK to humanity for thousands of years was sullied, destroyed in the WEST...(not the EAST
) in a short span of 20 years?
So it is OBVIOUS to me who we should blame the WORLD's woes on.
It is very clear who has been responsible for turning the tide for humanity.
It is very clear to me who the devils are that altered the course of history to fit their HIS-story.
It is so fucking clear.
And if you need more proof of my assertions ... I have it.
Linking the SWASTIKA to the ole' European 'goddeSS' cultures of 5500 B.C. that migrated to Tarsus...the home of St. Paul? 
It just gets better and better.
2012 = truth revealed = HIS-story must acknowledge HER-story
And yes that will be an illumination, this kind of revelation, a flip-flop of gender influence does have the power to 'flip the polarity' or 'consciousness' of the EARTH and all its life.
GoddeSS cultures that suffered a Black Sea flood in 5500 B.C.:
http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=101098Freemasons and Swastikas and other symbols still being used from 5500 B.C.:
http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=83136I am currently aware of this fact.
SSS or serpentine cultures that revered the spiral 7500 years ago have left the modern quantum physicist some clues...as a matter of fact the serpent is closing in on its tail.
The quantum wanker physicist expert must now hold the hand of the shaman.
Because they witnessed the GOLDEN RATIO (a.k.a. phi and everything golden) on the NANO-scale.
SPIRAL awareness is returning after 7500 years?
I am currently looking at the 16 elementary particles (they search for 17, the Higgs Boson) and applying what I am learning to what I already know about the Knights Templar Square, that NONE of you know as well as me... sometimes I wonder if I was a Knight in a former lifetime....because I seem to be 'remembering'...

I know this is something that can be accomplished linking the 5x5 (25) Templar Magic Square.
I just know it, don't ask how...and science/math/physics plebes please don't ask me to show the fucking math.
But here are some clues as to why I have come to this conclusion.
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...-of-the-tarot/http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...-in-room-1258/any of you folks ever hear of the gnostic revealer?
I want to apply for the job.
NOW the most important fact that has been obfuscated by a 'scripted' HIS-story.
this is TRUE and can be proved.
And it thus sheds light on all these links I am directing you too.
BEFORE Christ was born the swastika was the most common cross being carried by folks of ALL denominations in ALL the countries bordering the Mediterranean basin.
And in the few spots where it is absent (egypt) ... we substitute serpents and spirals to represent the motion of the swastika)DURING the life of Christ the swastika was still the cross of choice.Some depictions of other Christ-like avatars show them crucified on a Wheel that looks like the Egyptian glyph for town.
AFTER Christ was crucified the swastika continued to be the cross of choice until Constantine had his Chi Rho vision at the Milivan Bridge.

http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic...568c23#p200179Egypt had the square cross inside a circle.
It actually was a symbol that could be used for Egypt or for a town.
The truth really is out there....but ya gotta start asking questions.
Blind faith is really just part of the programming put into place.
And IGNORANCE is not bliSS.
So says JC (jesus) and JC (joseph campbell) from the other side.
Here is a great site that compares the many different ways you can roast or toast or crucify the boy wonder called jeSuS, depicted in many different ways.
Yup this advertising camPAIN can be served up in so many ways...but they all default to same big FIB.