En la antigüedad.
El ritmo de 28 días de la menstruación promedio es un ritmo parecido al de las fases de la Luna (27,3 días), que se manifiestan 13 veces al año (28 días x 13 = 364 días = 1 año, aproximadamente). Desde la Antigüedad se creía, por esta sencilla relación, que el ciclo menstrual está firmemente relacionado con el ciclo lunar (creencia que ha llegado hasta nuestros días), y por esta supuesta relación se denominaron "lunas" a las menstruaciones. Algunos incluso llegaron a la errónea suposición de que la luna nueva era motivo de la regla en las mujeres vírgenes y la luna menguante en las adultas y casadas.
Jacob Boheme Arcane knowledge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_(deity)Ēl (written aleph-lamed, e.g. Ugaritic:-two cubes , Phoenician: two cubes [/b], Classical Syriac: ܐܠ, Hebrew: אל, Arabic: إل or Arabic: إله, cognate to Akkadian: ilu) is a Northwest Semitic word meaning "deity". Two cubes represent the hipercube - 16 coordinates So what does eleven encrytps ? El - even http://www.elook.org/dictionary/even.html Definition : 11.[adjective] symmetrically arranged; "even features"; "regular features"; "a regular polygon" Synonyms: regular http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhombic_dodecahedronBeing the dual of an Archimedean polyhedron, the rhombic dodecahedron is face-transitive, meaning the symmetry group of the solid acts transitively on the set of faces. In elementary terms, this means that for any two faces A and B there is a rotation or reflection of the solid that leaves it occupying the same region of space while moving face A to face B. And we also got S-even the moon mon-key singualirity fractal S - letter stands for the inversion of the spirals 6 to 9, when even. NEW MOON ON MONDAY (SEVEN & THE RAGGED TIGER) Shake up the picture the lizard mixture with your dance on the eventide ( Mon-a Liz-ard reptilian skin key plus the even tide )You got me coming up with answers all of which I deny I've said it again but could I please rephrase it Maybe I can catch a ride I couldn't really put it much plainer but I'll wait till you decide Send me your warning siren as if I could ever hide Last time la luna I light my torch and wave it for the new moon on Monday Mon-day -first day key And a firedance through the night I stayed the cold day with a lonely sattelite New moon on Monday and a firedance through the night I stayed the cold day with a lonely sattelite Breaking away with the beast of both worlds a smile that you can't disguise But every minute I keep finding clues that you leave behind Save me from these reminders as if I forget tonight This time la luna I light my torch and wave it for the new moon on Monday And a firedance through the night I stayed the cold day with a lonely sattelite New moon on Monday and a firedance through the night I stayed the cold day with a lonely sattelite I light my torch and wave it for the new moon on Monday And a firedance through the night I stayed the cold day with a lonely sattelite New moon on Monday and a firedance through the night I stayed the cold day with a lonely sattelite New moon on Monday and a firedance through the night (firedance through the night) I stayed the cold day with (I light my torch and wave it for the) a lonely sattelite New moon on Monday and a firedance through the night (firedance through the night) I stayed the cold day with a (I light my torch and wave it for the) New moon on Monday and a firedance through the night (firedance through the night) I stayed the cold day with a (I light my torch and wave it for the)lonely sattelite. Albretch Durer Melancolia - Trapezoidal irregular hypercube -in his times - sheeple _________________ E.T.A.E
http://andrewgough.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3596&start=400 |
Who is the Virgin Mary?
by Acharya S/D.M. Murdock
The following article is excerpted from:
Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled
Moon Mary: Queen of Heaven
"The goddesses have stories to tell. One such story—far too long ignored—is that, in their original, unadulterated form, they were parthenogenetic. The word parthenogenesis comes from the Greek parthenos, 'virgin' more or less, and gignesthai, 'to be born.' It means, essentially, to be born of a virgin—that is, without the participation of a male. For a goddess to be 'parthenogenetic' thus means that she stands as a primordial creatrix, who requires no male partner to produce the cosmos, earth, life, matter and even other gods out of her own essence. Plentiful evidence shows that in their earliest cults, before they were subsumed under patriarchal pantheons as the wives, sisters and daughters of male gods, various female deities of the ancient Mediterranean world were indeed considered self-generating, virgin creatrixes."
Dr. Marguerite Rigoglioso, Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity (1)
"There is but one god and goddess, but many are their powers and names: Jupiter, Sol, Apollo, Moses, Christ, Luna, Ceres, Proserpinfa, Tellus, Mary. But have a care in speaking these things. They should be hidden in silence as are the Eleusinian mysteries; sacred things must needs be wrapped in fable and enigma."
Konrad Muth (1471-1526)
As is the case with Jesus Christ himself, the godman's parents, Joseph and Mary, never appear in the contemporary historical record of the time they allegedly existed. Nor are they mentioned in non-gospel Christian writings earlier than the purported time of Church father Ignatius (d. 107 CE). Oddly enough, the Islamic sacred text, the Koran, places Jesus and Mary in the same era as Moses, or the 13th century BCE. Arabs believed that Jesus was Joshua, the Old Testament prophet, and that Joshua's mother was "Mirzam," the Miriam of Exodus, sister of Moses and Aaron. (Robertson, CM, 297) In this regard, Joshua is Jesus in Greek, and both Mirzam and Miriam are equivalent to Mariam or Mary. As Strong's Concordance (Gk. 3137) relates: "Mary or Miriam='their rebellion.'" The Persians likewise believed that Joshua's mother was the Mosaic Miriam. Hence, according to Near Eastern tradition there appeared a Jesus, son of Mary, over a thousand years prior to the Christian era. Moreover, like Jesus, who was called "Emmanuel" (Mt. 1:23), a "Persian title of 'the god Immani,' or E-mani,' venerated in Elam as a sacred king-martyr," the Persian savior Mani was said to have been "born of a virgin named Mary." (Walker, 428)
The Virgin Goddess
In reality, the ancient world abounded with traditions, prophecies, fables and myths of miraculous conceptions and births, long before the Christian era, and the virgin-mother motif is common enough in pre-Christian cultures to demonstrate its unoriginality and non-historicity within Christianity. In early Christian times, Mary herself was believed to have been born of a virgin, which, if taken literally, would represent a virgin [or miraculous] birth prior to Christ, rendering his own nativity unoriginal and mundane, rather than miraculous and divine. One source of Mary's immaculate conception was Christian writer and saint John of Damascus (c. 676-c. 754-787), who asserted that Mary's parents were "filled and purified by the Holy Ghost, and freed from sexual concupiscence." Concerning this matter, the Catholic Encyclopedia ("Immaculate Conception") states that "even the human element" of Mary's origin, "the material of which she was formed, was pure and holy." In other words, Roman Catholic doctrine dictates that, like Jesus, "the Blessed Virgin Mary" was "conceived without sin." (Hackwood, 17) In order to maintain the "uniqueness" of Christ's virgin birth, however, this contention regarding Mary is not taken seriously. What it proves, nonetheless, is that fabulous Christian claims are based on pious speculation, not historical fact, speculation by the faithful that changes from era to era, depending on the need.
As it turns out, the Virgin Mary is, like Jesus Christ, a mythical character, founded upon older goddesses. Following on the heels of goddesses such as Aphrodite, Astarte, Cybele, Demeter, Hathor, Inanna, Ishtar and Isis, Mary is "both virgin and mother, and, like many of them, she gives birth to a half-human, half-divine child, who dies and is reborn." (Baring, 548) Regarding the Great Mother Goddess, upon whom Mary is based and whose names are legion, in Forerunners and Rivals of Christianity (II, 45) Francis Legge says:
"Her most prominent characteristics show her to be a personification of the Earth, the mother of all living, ever bringing forth and ever a virgin…"
In Pagan and Christian Creeds (159-161), Edward Carpenter recites a long list of virgin mothers:
Zeus, Father of the gods, visited Semele…in the form of a thunderstorm; and she gave birth to the great saviour and deliverer Dionysus. Zeus, again, impregnated Danae in a shower of gold; and the child was Perseus… Devaki, the radiant Virgin of the Hindu mythology, became the wife of the god Vishnu and bore Krishna, the beloved hero and prototype of Christ. With regard to Buddha, St. Jerome says: "It is handed down among the Gymnosophists of India that Buddha, the founder of their system, was brought forth by a Virgin from her side." The Egyptian Isis, with the child Horus on her knee, was honored centuries before the Christian era, and worshipped under the names of "Our Lady," "Queen of Heaven," "Star of the Sea," "Mother of God," and so forth. Before her, Neith the Virgin of the World , whose figure bends from the sky over the earthly plains and the children of men, was acclaimed as mother of the great god Osiris…
The old Teutonic goddess Hertha (the Earth) was a Virgin, but was impregnated by the heavenly Spirit (the Sky); and her image with a child in her arms was to be seen in the sacred groves of Germany. The Scandinavian Frigga, in much the same way, being caught in the embraces of Odin, the All-father, conceived and bore a son, the blessed Balder, healer and saviour of mankind. Quetzalcoatl, the (crucified) saviour of the Aztecs, was the son of Chimalman, the Virgin Queen of Heaven. Even the Chinese had a mother-goddess and virgin with child in her arms; and the ancient Etruscans the same…
In addition to the omnipresent mother-and-child imagery beginning at least five millennia ago are the black virgin-mother statues found all over the Mediterranean and especially in Italian churches, representing the very ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, as well as the later Mary, having been refigured or "baptized anew" as the Jewish Mother of God. Concerning this development, in its article the "Virgin Birth of Christ" the Catholic Encyclopedia ("CE") remarks:
"A first class of writers have recourse to pagan mythology in order to account for the early Christian tradition concerning the virgin birth of Jesus. Usener argues that the early Gentile Christians must have attributed to Christ what their pagan ancestors had attributed to their pagan heroes; hence the Divine sonship of Christ is a product of the religious thought of Gentile Christians…. Conrady found in the Virgin Mary a Christian imitation of the Egyptian goddess Isis, the mother of Horus…"
Concerning the usurpation of the Virgin Mother by Christianity, which simply constituted the changing of the goddess from one ethnicity to another, in The Paganism in Our Christianity (121-123) apologist Sir Arthur Weigall observes:
"…while the story of the death and resurrection of Osiris may have influenced the thought of the earliest Christians in regard to the death and resurrection of our Lord, there can be no doubt that the myths of Isis had a direct bearing upon the elevation of Mary, the mother of Jesus, to her celestial position in the Roman Catholic theology… In her aspect as the mother of Horus, Isis was represented in tens of thousands of statuettes and paintings, holding the divine child in her arms; and when Christianity triumphed these paintings and figures became those of the Madonna and Child without any break in continuity: no archaeologist, in fact, can now tell whether some of these objects represent the one or the other."
Like the Christian Mary and Egyptian Isis, the Canaanite goddess Astarte, mentioned in the Old Testament, was the "Virgin of the Sea," as well as the "blessed Mother and Lady of the Waters." (Baring, 459) Another virgin goddess was the mother of the Phrygian god Attis, whose widespread worship "must have influenced the early Christians." As Weigall (115-116) recounts:
Attis was the Good Shepherd, the son of Cybele, the Great Mother, or alternatively, of the Virgin Nana, who conceived him without union with mortal man, as in the story of the Virgin Mary… In Rome the festival of his death and resurrection was annually held from March 22nd to 25th; and the connection of this religion with Christianity is shown by the fact that in Phrygia, Gaul, Italy and other countries where Attis-worship was powerful, the Christians adopted the actual date, March 25th, as the anniversary of our Lord's passion.
The pre-Christian virgin goddess Myrrha was the mother of the god Adonis, who tradition holds was born at Bethlehem, "in the same sacred cave that Christians later claimed as the birthplace of Jesus." Indeed, Myrrha was "identified with Mary by early Christians who called Jesus's mother Myrrh of the Sea." (Walker, 10)
Also a product of a virgin birth, the Indian avatar Buddha's conception is portrayed as coming to his mother, Maya, in a dream, similar to the conflicting gospel tales of Joseph's dream or the angel appearing to Mary. Regarding Buddha, in Christianity Before Christ (87) Dr. John Jackson states:
"He was said to have been born of the Virgin Maya, or Mary. His incarnation was accomplished by the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Virgin Maya. The infant Buddha, soon after birth, spoke to his mother, saying: 'I will put to an end to the sufferings and sorrows of the world.' As these words are uttered, a mystical light surrounded the infant Messiah."
This mythical theme is not uncommon, as the birth through the side of the virgin was also claimed of Jesus by early Christian "heretics." It was likewise said that Julius Caesar was born through the "side of his mother," whence comes the term "Caesarean section." So too was the Egyptian sun god Ra "born from the side of his mother" (Bonwick, 107), a motif that reflects the relationship between the sun and moon. Part of the "lunar phenomenon," the mother's womb symbolizes the moon, in which the solar child can be seen growing. Hence, Buddha's mother, Maya, was depicted as transparent, as was the pregnant Mary, "as may be seen in Didron's Iconography!" (Massey, 181)
Like Buddha's mother, Queen Maya, the carpenter's wife Mary is also a "queen," as in "Queen of Heaven." Precursor of Mary, the immensely popular Isis's status as "Queen of Heaven" was established eons before, and continued well into, the common era. In his Latin novel of the second century ce, The Golden Ass (XI.2), Lucius Apuleius describes Isis's introduction of herself to the "hapless quadruped" as follows:
"I am she that is the natural mother of all things, mistress and governess of all the elements, the initial progeny of worlds, chief of the powers divine, queen of heaven, the principal of the gods celestial, the light of the goddesses. At my will the planets of the air, the wholesome winds of the seas and the silences of hell are disposed. My name, my divinity, is adored throughout the world, in divers manners, in variable customs and in many names, for the Phrygians call me the mother of the gods; the Athenians, Minerva; the Cyprians, Venus; the Candians, Diana; the Sicilians, Proserpina; the Eleusinians, Ceres; some Juno, others Bellona, others Hecate; and principally the Ethiopians who dwell in the Orient, and the Egyptians…do call me Queen Isis." (Siculus, 31fn)
As can be seen, Isis was fervently revered as the epitome of Divinity, long before Mary achieved that rank.
Mary, Goddess of the Moon
The virgin-goddess "Queen of Heaven" is prevalent in the ancient world for the reason that she is astrological or astrotheological, symbolizing the moon, the earth, Venus, Virgo and the dawn. The many goddesses thus resolve themselves to variants on a theme, one of which is the moon, a feature of the ubiquitous sun-god mythos, in which the moon, by mirroring the sun's light, "gives birth" to the sun. In Christ Lore (30-31), Hackwood describes the astrotheological development of this theme:
"The Virgin Mary is called not only the Mother of God, but the Queen of Heaven. This connects her directly with astronomic lore. The ornamentation of many continental churches often includes a representation of the Sun and Moon "in conjunction," the Moon being therein emblematical of the Virgin and Child….
"As the Moon…is the symbol of Mary, Queen of Heaven, so also a bright Star sometimes symbolizes him whose star was seen over Jerusalem by the Wise Men from the East.
"The many depictions of Mary with the crescent moon reflect her status as the ancient moon goddess, exemplified by the Egyptian goddess Isis."
In his book dating to the first century BCE on Egyptian antiquities, Greek writer Diodorus Siculus (14-15) affirms that the Egyptian god Osiris symbolizes the sun while his wife/sister, Isis, is the moon:
"Now when the ancient Egyptians, awestruck and wondering, turned their eyes to the heavens, they concluded that two gods, the sun and the moon, were primeval and eternal; and they called the former Osiris, the latter Isis, assigning each of these names according to some relevant characteristic…
"…Now Isis, in translation, signifies "ancient"—a name bestowed for her ancient and immortal origin. They depict horns on her head, both from the moon's horned appearance when in its crescent, and because the horned cow is sacred to her among the Egyptians."
Concerning Isis's prototype, the Egyptian lunar virgin goddess Neith, who predated the Christian era by millennia, in The Ancient Gods (84) Rev. James observes:
…She too was the virgin mother of the Sun-god, having given birth to Re [Ra] as the great cow, and was identified with Isis as the wife of Osiris, later becoming one of the forms of Hathor. Indeed, she was "the Great Goddess, the mother of all the gods."…
…She was eternal, self-existing, self-sustaining and all-pervading, personifying the female principle from very early times. She was believed to have brought forth the transcendent Sun-god without the aid of a male partner, very much as in the Memphite Theology Ptah created all things virtually ex nihilo by thinking as the "heart" and commanding as the "tongue."
The virgin-mother goddess represents not only the moon but also the constellation of Virgo. This important information regarding the Virgin is found in ancient texts, such as the Eclogues (37 BCE) of the Roman poet Virgil, in which is described or "prophesied" the "return of the virgin," i.e., Virgo, who would bring about "a new breed of men sent down from heaven," as well as the birth of a boy "in whom…the golden race [shall] arise." This virgin-born "golden boy" is in actuality the sun.
Commenting on the Virgo-Sun relationship, the author of Christianity Mythology Unveiled (CMU, 105) notes:
In the ancient zodiacs of India and Egypt, there is seen this virgin nursing a male child, with sun rays around his head…which is emblematical of the infant sun at the winter solstice, and of his being then in the sign of the Virgo.
Regarding the solar nativity, in The Golden Bough (416) Sir Frazer further explicates:
The ritual of the nativity, as it appears to have been celebrated in Syria and Egypt, was remarkable. The celebrants retired into certain inner shrines, from which at midnight they issued with a loud cry, "The Virgin has brought forth! The light is waxing!" The Egyptians even represented the new-born sun by the image of an infant which on his birthday, the winter solstice, they brought forth and exhibited to his worshippers. No doubt the Virgin who thus conceived and bore a son on the twenty-fifth of December was the great Oriental goddess whom the Semites called the Heavenly Virgin or simply the Heavenly Goddess…
As does Latin authority Macrobius (5th cent. CE), the Paschal Chronicle recounts that the newborn sun (Horus) was presented to the public every year at the winter solstice, as a babe in a manger. The pertinent part of the Chronicle reads as follows:
"To this day, Egypt has consecrated the pregnancy of a virgin, and the nativity of her son, whom they annually present in a cradle, to the adoration of the people; and when king Ptolemy, three hundred and fifty years before our Christian era, demanded of the priests the significance of this religious ceremony, they told him it was a mystery." (CMU, 100)
The Chronicle author(s) further confirms that Christianity is a continuation of the ancient astrotheological religion when he states that the "Annunciation of our Lady," i.e., the conception of Christ by the Virgin Mary, occurred on March 25th, the vernal equinox, exactly nine months prior to the December 25th birthdate, at the winter solstice. (CP, 166)
While the masses have been kept in the dark, the knowledgeable elite have been aware of what the Virgin truly represents, even as they have attempted sophistically to explain "her" relationship to the "earthly" life of "our Lord." Concerning the astrotheological nature of the gospel story, including the virgin birth/immaculate conception, the famous Christian theologian and saint Albertus Magnus, or Albert the Great (1193?-1280), admitted:
"We know that the sign of the celestial Virgin did come to the horizon at the moment where we have fixed the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. All the mysteries of the incarnation of our Saviour Christ; and all the circumstances of his marvellous life, from his conception to his ascension, are to be traced out in the constellations, and are figured in the stars." (CMU, 97-98)
The virgin birth thus refers to the hour of midnight, December 25th, when the constellation of Virgo rises on the horizon.
Another example of the ancient astrotheology appears in the observance of the "Assumption of the Virgin," celebrated in Catholicism on August 15th, when the Virgin Mary was "assumed" or "taken up." The observance is not representative of an actual event that happened to an historical character but commemorates the time when the constellation of the Virgin is "rendered invisible by the solar rays." (Higgins, 6) In other words, the summer sun's brightness blots out Virgo. Mary's Nativity, observed on September 8th, occurs when the constellation is visible again.
The goddess is not only the moon and Virgo but also the dawn, who daily gives birth to the sun. By eminent Christian Egyptologist E.A. Wallis Budge's assessment (cxiv), the versatile Isis is likewise "the deity of the dawn," which, according to very ancient mythology, would make her "inviolable" and "eternal," i.e., a perpetual virgin. Even Christian writers have understood the connection between the Virgin and the dawn, as exemplified in "one of the homilies of St. Amedus on the Virgin," which includes the following regarding Mother Mary:
"She is the Fountain that waters the whole earth, the Dawn that precedes the True Sun. She is the health (salus) of all, the reconciler (conciliatrix) of the whole world, the inventress of grace, the generatrix of life, the mother of salvation." (Lundy, 221)
As is evident, the worship of the Virgin Isis was eventually and nearly seamlessly transformed into that of the Virgin Mary:
"The worship of the Virgin as the Theotokos or Mother of God, which was introduced into the Catholic Church about the time of the destruction of the Serapeum, enabled the devotees of Isis to continue unchecked their worship of the mother goddess by merely changing the name of the object of their adoration, and Prof. Drexler gives a long list of the statues of Isis which thereafter were used, sometimes with unaltered attributes, as those of the Virgin Mary." (Legge, I, 85)
As Weigall (204-208) elucidates, Christianity in general constitutes a rehash of Paganism:
From Pagan mythology Christianity had unconsciously taken over many a wonderful story and had incorporated it into the life of Jesus…
…many of the old heathen gods had been taken into the Church as saints. Castor and Pollux became St. Cosmo and St. Damien; Dionysos, many of whose attributes were attached to St. John the Baptist, still holds his place as St. Denis of Paris… All over Christendom, pagan sacred places were perpetuated by the erection of Christian chapels or churches on the same sites; and there are hundreds of shrines dedicated to the Madonna on ground once sacred to nymphs or goddesses, while the holy wells or springs of heathendom are now the holy wells of the Church. The statues of Jupiter and Apollo became those of St. Peter and St. Paul; and the figures of Isis were turned into those of the Virgin Mary…
Not only was the worship of Isis usurped by that of Mary but also the countless apparitions believed by prior worshippers to be the Egyptian goddess were subsequently asserted to be appearances by the Virgin Mary. Although many Christians feel that such visions of "Mary" and "Jesus" prove the validity of their belief system, the fact is that apparitions of numerous gods and goddesses to their millions of followers have been quite common globally, in a wide variety of cultures, beginning centuries and millennia prior to the Christian era. The purported appearance of a god or goddess does not, therefore, prove the validity of any particular religion, or it would ensue that every faith in which believers have allegedly seen their god or gods would constitute the "one, true religion."
In the end, like her Son the Sun, the Virgin Moon Mary is a mythical character based on older goddesses who were themselves astrotheological personifications of celestial and earthly bodies and principles. In its most poetic, feminine manifestation, the ancient astrotheology reached exquisite zeniths befitting the Divine Mother of All, flawlessly formless beyond all cultural camouflage and ethnic exteriority.
Anonymous, The Christian Mythology Unveiled, Printed privately, 1842? Baring, Anne and Cashford, Jules, The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image, Arkana/Penguin, London, 1993. Bonwick, James, Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought, Falcon's Wing, CO, 1956. Budge, E.A. Wallis, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, Dover, NY, 1967. Carpenter, Edward, Pagan and Christian Creeds (1921), Health Research, 1975. Catholic Encyclopedia, www.newadvent.org Chronicon Paschale: 284-628 AD, trs. Michael and Mary Whitby, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, 1989. Dupuis, Charles Francois, The Origin of All Religious Worship, Garland, New York/London, 1984. Doane, Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions (1882), Health Research, WA, 1985. Hackwood, Fredk. Wm., Christ Lore: Being the Legends, Traditions, Myths, Symbols, Customs & Superstitions of the Christian Church, London, 1902. Higgins, Godfrey, Anacalypsis (1836), A&B Books, NY, 1992. Jackson, John G., Christianity Before Christ, American Atheist Press, Texas, 1985. James, E.O., The Ancient Gods, Putnam, NY, 1960. Legge, Francis, Forerunners and Rivals of Christianity: From 330 B.C. To 330 A.D., University Books, NY, 1964. Lundy, John P., Monumental Christianity: The Art and Symbolism of the Primitive Church, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London, 1889. Macrobius, The Saturnalia, tr. Percival Vaughan Davies, Columbia University Press, NY, 1969. Massey, Gerald, Gerald Massey's Lectures, A&B Publishers, NY, 1992. McCabe, Joseph, The Story of Religious Controversy, www.infidels.org/library/historical/joseph_mccabe/religious_controversy Robertson, J.M., Christianity and Mythology, Watts & Co., London, 1910. Rigoglioso, Marguerite. Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2010. Siculus, Diodorus, The Antiquities of Egypt, tr. Edwin Murphy, Transaction Publishers, 1990. Strong's Concordance, www.blueletterbible.org/search.html#strongs Virgil, Eclogues, classics.mit.edu/Virgil/eclogue.html Walker, Barbara, The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Harper, San Francisco, 1983. Weigall, Arthur, The Paganism in Our Christianity, Hutchinson & Co., London, 1928.
For more information, including citations, see Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled.
http://www.truthbeknown.com/mary.html |
The Pyramid Code
Part 1. The Great Pyramid and the Sun-Earth-Moon System
Taken from The Real Stargate
Copyright © G Osborn. 2003. All Rights Reserved.
Between the years 1936 and 1951, the esoteric initiate, philosopher and mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz, lived in Egypt, and while there he made an intense study of the Temple of Luxor at Thebes.
His knowledge of esoteric disciplines and his skill in mathematics – which he applied to the often painstaking and meticulous measuring of the temple site – brought him to the conclusion that the temple’s design incorporated the knowledge and location of the endocrine glands, the Hindu Chakras and the Chinese acupuncture points. This conclusion, together with the astronomical alignments he had observed, revealed that the temple was a symbol of the universe in human form.
He argued that the science employed in the design and construction of the temple was so far in advance of what can be explained by the slow, step-by-step, acquisition of knowledge, that the symbolic statements hidden in its design could only have been the legacy of some highly advanced culture that existed far back in antiquity.
Most important to my own discoveries and theories about the Great Pyramid of Giza – which I would emphasise, had come to me long before I had known of de Lubicz’ work – is his theory that the Triple Sanctuary in the Temple of Luxor corresponds to the skull and its "three" endocrine glands. He wrote that these three glands also represented the Triad adopted by virtually every major religion around the world.
The Triad – and its symbol (a simple triangle) was also adopted by the Sufi mystic Gurdjieff, and has now become familiar to us via his own system in which he referred to its hidden principle as the ‘Law of Three.’
The esoteric meaning of the Triad is really quite simple to understand.
In terms of opposites, the two base points of the Triad are Positive (male) and Negative (female.) The apex is Neutral – being the point of fusion where both the positive and negative energies become cancelled out as one pure energy.
The Triad also has its expression in the Sacred Mount – which as we will see, is represented in the building of the Great Pyramid. As one climbs the seven-levelled mount – which is really a metaphor for spinal column; its seven chakras and the ascending-and inclining frequencies of one’s consciousness – one will experience the two opposite sides of one’s nature – expressed in the Triad – coming closer together – converging and becoming One at the apex.
In terms of the brain, the ancients recognised the Triad as formed by the Pineal (male,) the Pituitary (female,) and the Thalamus and Massa Intermedia – the Neuter or ‘Neutral Point.’
The Thalamus represents the apex of one’s divided energies where both become one. Curiously the Thalamus is the central part of the brain and receives and organises all sensory information – as if acting like a "gateway" or ‘valve’ by regulating the amount of energy/information that one is sensing, perceiving and experiencing. The Massa Intermedia, which is right smack-bang in the centre of the brain, is where the two hemispheres of the brain are joined together – again showing that the centre of the Thalamus represents the point where the opposites are joined together as One.
Again, a fusion experience at this centre of the brain – experienced as the enlightenment associated with what the Hindus call a ‘Kundalini Awakening’ - means that the individual receives all energy/information at once. In essence, one’s consciousness has drawn everything back into it and has again become like the ‘proto-atom’ that seeded the universe via the "big bang" – all energy-information superimposed at once. One knows and understands everything at once and in a fraction of time which also seems like an eternity. Though it sounds too fantastic to be true, this describes the experience exactly.
Such a fusion experience can alter and drastically change the pattern of the individual’s consciousness and so in effect, after the experience one has become "reborn" – resurrected – in the sense that the individual understands a lot more about oneself and the nature of reality than did previously.
There are two aspects to Alchemy: 1,) the transformation of matter – as say from base matter to the higher elements such as gold. And 2,) the ‘Great Work,’ which is the ‘work on oneself’ by trying to induce the Kundalini through the fusion of one’s opposite energies. This fusion between the male and female opposites is known as the ‘Chemical Wedding’ of the King and Queen. The word ‘chemical’ is an obvious reference to the chemical secretions of the glands.
This fusion also has its correspondence in sexual coitus – which is mystically expressed via the Tantric tradition. The sexual rituals practiced by those who work with the darker side of the occult, is a corruption of these Tantric principles.
Our ancestors understood that man’s consciousness actually creates the patterns of the surrounding reality via a process similar to the procreative process – meaning that our consciousness is going through the same fission (division) and fusion process every instant.
However, it was also understood that we are usually unconscious at the point of fusion – which is happening every fraction of second – which is why the patterns we experience everyday tend to repeat themselves in never-ending cycles. Being unconscious at the crucial point in the process means that we only ever know division, and this division accounts for our ‘dual perception’ of the world and the dualities we experience in everyday situations.
For the Egyptians, the male and female opposites were expressed through their pantheon of gods and goddesses – the last Triad being the god Osiris (male principle) and the goddess Isis (female principle.) The Neuter resulting from their sexual fusion was Horus – their son – who is really Osiris reborn . . . resurrected.
Again these gods also personify the glands as well as the thalamus in the brain. Osiris representing the pineal gland; Isis representing the pituitary gland, and Horus representing the Thalamus centre of the brain – which to the ancients was the Third Eye. The popular "new-age" notion that the pineal gland represents the Third Eye is inaccurate. The Third Eye opens only when ‘conscious’ fusion takes place between the opposites. In terms of the brain these opposites are the essences relating to both the pineal and the pituitary glands.
I have discovered that these principles were designed into the Great Pyramid of Giza and are part of a hidden code which hasn’t seen the light of day for thousands of years – possibly not since the time it was constructed.
How did I come to understand the above?
Well, in 1993 I actually experienced the same Kundalini phenomenon; the same enlightening experience – which I say inspired those who designed and built the Great Pyramid.
Now, in trying to get my work published, various agents and people in the literary world have advised me to write about my insights and discoveries only and drop any mention of my own experiences or the part they play in it, or it would reduce my reading audience considerably and no-one would take me seriously.
In this article I have decided to ‘drop’ this advice and go with my instinct to get this part of my life across to people, because I want it known that my insights and my discovery of an undeniable "fact" about the Great Pyramid – (which I am about to divulge in this series of articles) – was the result of the same experience which had inspired our ancestors to build it in the first place. This "fact" will give credibility to my own experiences and the nature of the Kundalini phenomenon in general. In light of this ‘fact,’ then like it or not, people will have to take me and these kinds of experiences seriously, because with all their academic qualifications and scholarly credentials, the Egyptologists and even the alternative "new-age" researchers have overlooked this fact about the Great Pyramid.
I was born April 6th 1957. Paul was born five years later on January 9th 1962. We were both brought-up in a working-class family living in Peckham south-east London – both of us only ever had a comprehensive school education. Due to our so-called "common" background we were both fairly ignorant about a lot of things. My brother especially, was skeptical about the paranormal and had no interest in mystical or metaphysical subjects.
On June 7, 1991 Paul experienced something he called the "energy phenomenon." Paul’s life was never the same afterwards. This "awakening" experience changed him as well as those around him.
Paul said that he felt the vibrations of a "powerful energy" concentrated along his spine which had coursed its way up and down the full length of his body. He then felt the oscillations of this energy gain in frequency ending suddenly with a "bright white, explosive flash" in the centre of the head.
My own encounter with this ‘energy phenomenon’ happened some two years later in November 1993 and was very similar to my brother’s core-experience.
After some in-depth investigation which spanned the vast field of paranormal and mystical phenomena, we both discovered that the phenomenon we had experienced was related to what some people called a "Kundalini Awakening" . . .
Again, Kundalini’ is an ancient Sanskrit term given to a rare experience associated with ‘illumination’ or ‘enlightenment.’ Although it is virtually unknown here in the West, Kundalini has been responsible for man’s religious impulses throughout history.
In the East, skilled Yogis can spend a lifetime trying to reach the enlightenment associated with a ‘Kundalini Awakening’ via the disciplined practice of Yoga – most of them never reaching their goal. However, I discovered that this experience is now happening to more and more people in the West and spontaneously – without any prior knowledge or instruction.
During the climax of this experience it was as if my consciousness had journeyed back to the seed-point of existence – i.e., the ‘proto-atom’ that seeded the universe in the "big-bang." My head felt like it had "exploded" in a shower of sparks; pure light energy which seemed to radiate throughout the universe. In that split-second I seemed to understand everything at once. Everything had become more simplified in its meaning; and all being contained, superimposed and ‘fused’ within a ‘centrepoint.’
I suppose that having this knowledge come to me all at once, was a primary experience to maybe ‘shock’ the mind from its "sleep" – i.e., its focus on superficial concerns. Immediately afterwards, what I had perceived in an instant began to fade – evading any kind of ‘permanent grasp’ being attempted by my conscious-self or ego: the only purpose of the experience being that it "jolted" and shocked the ego into acknowledging some tremendous power that existed beyond itself.
It would seem that what I had seen all at once in that experience then came to me much more slowly over the years. It was as if I had captured a glimpse of what I would come to understand in the future. I then began thinking about this experience and realised that experience of the ‘Kundalini’ is one’s experience of having captured the ‘Eternal Now’ or ‘Present’ where all the energy and information pertaining to the universe – both past and future – seems to collapse together at one point – being the centre of one’s consciousness. I discovered that this centre is connected to, and is the same as the ‘Collective Centre’ – identified with the ‘Source of Creation.’
As a result of my own experiences, I began to write down the insights that were coming to me everyday. I followed up the notes I made with some in-depth research, and discovered that a lot of what I had come to had already been preserved in the esoteric literature pertaining to the various mystery schools. To my amazement I also found that I had made some new connections and discoveries and could apply my insights to many different disciplines of established knowledge – recognising the very thing that seemed to connect the main principles relating to each of these different disciplines – together.
I then began looking at our reality more closely and found that the ‘Eternal Now’ is in everything within us and around us – but that we are ‘unconscious’ of it . . . ‘It’ occupying a ‘blind spot’ in our consciousness. I then began to understand that all our esoteric knowledge stems from a time when our ancestors understood all this from the knowledge gathered by the shaman who had experienced the Kundalini phenomenon, and so sought to develop a ‘system of knowledge’ based on their desire to capture the ‘Eternal Now’ in the cycles and consciously. I have gone deeply into this system of knowledge in my own work and have outlined the techniques used.
Anyway, it was during November 1997 that I received one of the most important insights connected with the Kundalini experience I had in 1993. It was early morning and I was in the kitchen having just filled the kettle to make a cup of coffee. I remember standing with my arms folded leaning back on the work surface waiting for the water to boil. I was thinking about the Triad symbol as it was something I had been working on recently.
For a few seconds my mind was void and then it occurred to me; suddenly and "out of the blue" that The Great Pyramid of Giza – although obviously pyramid in shape – is a gigantic representation of the human skull.
Again, consistent with Eastern traditions, this insight of mine was based on the ancient esoteric understanding of the power centres within the brain and as I said, knowledge about these centres only became familiar to me after that extraordinary experience in 1993 that changed my life.
It was after looking at the illustrations found in a book about Alchemy (Figure 1) that insights into the purpose and function of the Great Pyramid came to me. This was strange because the mystery surrounding the Great Pyramid was not something I intended to research – the last thing I wanted was for my work to join the queue of "crank" theories. My thoughts were that these insights would suffice as an interesting ‘sideline’ to the subjects I was already researching in relation to my own experiences. I then put these insights about the Great Pyramid aside and continued to concentrate on other areas of my research.
Throughout the next five years my research would keep bringing me back to the Great Pyramid and the Giza complex – and finally in the last few months of 2002, I decided to look more deeply into it, and began drawing up the Great Pyramid to scale so that I could examine it more closely in regard to my earlier insights about the glands in the brain.
My discoveries I will outline in part two of this series of articles because although the chamber/gland theory came to me first, it forms the second part of the code. For now we will concentrate on the first part of the code which came to me around Christmas 2002, through an amazing synchronicity which resulted in my having to correct a mistake I made as to the measurements of the Great Pyramid. In correcting this mistake the following discovery jumped out at me.
As you will see, this discovery is not a theory but a ‘fact’ that many people have overlooked – even those who have done in-depth research into the Great Pyramid over the past 100 years or so.
The First Part of the Code
The first diagram shows the Earth Moon system as it is positioned on the Sun’s Ecliptic Plane. All the planets orbit the Sun on or near the Sun’s ecliptic plane.
2. The Sun-Earth-Moon Dynamic
Now let’s take the above diagram and mirror it, and then turn it right by 90 degrees, so as to show how it would look from the Sun’s perspective as it rises in the East. We will also show the Great Pyramid’s location on the Earth.
3. The Earth-Moon system from the Perspective of the Sun
as it rises in the East
Please note that the Moon’s size and position is not to scale. I would ask the reader to consult the inserted picture in diagram 1 to view the relative size and distance of the Earth and Moon.
Ok, now let’s superimpose this diagram over the cross-sectioned plan of the Great Pyramid to see what we get.
4. The Great Pyramid and the Sun-Earth-Moon Dynamic Superimposed
As we can see the two diagrams fit perfectly and this reveals a fact about the Great Pyramid that we have all overlooked until now.
The way the pyramid fits the Sun-Earth-Moon dynamic cannot really be refuted and is as "clear as day." I am perplexed that no-one has stumbled onto this. I have searched the Internet, and have looked through some well-researched books on the subject and can find nothing that compares to this hidden design – which means that no-one – as far as I know – is actually aware of this about the Great Pyramid – i.e., that the Ecliptic Plane, the Earth’s Equator and Polar Axis intersect the King's Chamber, and that when both the cross-sectioned diagram of the Great Pyramid and the Earth-Moon system are superimposed, then the location of the Great Pyramid on the Earth – shown as 30 degrees from the Equator – IS POINTING UP AT THE APEX!
What you are looking at is the ‘Key’ to the hidden code contained in the Great Pyramid, which I am about to reveal. If true, then what this code is pointing to is going to be breath-taking in its consequences. I’m afraid this will turn everything on its head and will upset a lot of people who still maintain that the Great Pyramid was a tomb.
Maybe I am presuming too much at this stage, but I would say that the way the Great Pyramid lines up with the Earth-Moon system is a fact that cannot be disputed by Egyptologists, scholars or academics.
I would emphasise that the Great Pyramid was not designed to be a tomb – and I now have proof of this in this superimposed picture. This does not rule out the possibility that it may have been used as a tomb many years later.
I say that the Great Pyramid contains a code and stands as some kind of monumental almanac to a lost civilisation.
The Great Pyramid sits on the 6.5 degree line from the Ecliptic Plane, which begins from the centre of the King’s Chamber and goes through the centre of the apex.
The 5 degree line which shows the Moon’s orbital incline to the Ecliptic, also begins from the centre of the King’s Chamber and ‘clips’ the south edge of the old capstone which is said to have always been absent from the structure. If so, then this gives a reading of 28.5 degrees – i.e., 23.5 degrees from the Equator, plus 5 degrees, equals 28.5 degrees. The Great Pyramid sits on the 30th parallel – being almost 30 degrees north from the Equator. The Moon is at its most northerly position during the Summer Solstice, being 28.5 degrees, and at its most southerly position during the Winter Solstice – again 28.5 degrees.
What the Great Pyramid is telling us is that there may have been a time when the poles were upright and a year was 360 days – which is where we get our 360 degree circle. If so then the Moon’s orbit may have been on the Ecliptic giving a 30 day month – a time when every month began with a Solar Eclipse and ended with a Lunar Eclipse. This time may have been the "Golden Age" when everything was centred and in perfect equillibrium.
However, now the Moon averages a 28.5 day month – being the number of days it takes to go through its phases as it goes around the zodiac.
Perhaps this is why the capstone has always been missing; by being absent the south edge of the old capstone acted as the apex point – giving the measurement of 28.5 degrees – i.e., 28.5 days to a month.
The real meaning in this first part of the code is that the King's Chamber represents the core-centre of the Earth' – and for more reasons than one, as the King’s Chamber acts as a reference point for another location on the Earth.
But if the King’s Chamber was meant to represent the core-centre of the Earth, then what purpose does the Queen’s Chamber serve? Of course one could say that the position of the Queen’s Chamber serves to help align the Equatorial Plane – which it does . . . but it also serves another purpose as we will see in Part Two.
Gary Osborn
Continues in Part Two.
Emblem 2 from Barchusen, Elementa chemiae, Leiden, 1718.
Diagram by Gary Osborn. Copyright © G Osborn. 2002. All Rights Reserved.
Diagram by Gary Osborn. Copyright © G Osborn. 2002. All Rights Reserved.
Diagram by Gary Osborn. Copyright © G Osborn. 2002. All Rights Reserved.
Bigfoot, giant foot, giants... Genesis 6, the Nephilim, heaven-earth interbreeding, i.e. human genetic manipulation ('guided evolution'):
Book of Genesis chapter 6: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. [...] There were giants [Nephilim] in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
A monstrous Sin deemed irreversible, Earth had to be cleansed by a Great Flood.
Sin is the name of a Sumerian (and Minaean) god of the Moon... Still standing after the Flood as 'Noah'.
A forbidden 'lunar strain' of mankind... A 'Diana bloodline'.
* * *
Diana = Bigfoot = Nephilim = Noah
Argentina is both a moon...
...and a Bigfoot:
...making headlines the day before Michael Jackson's death:
Jun 24 Gov. Sanford admits to extramarital affair with Argentine woman
For all intents and purposes a missing person from June 18 until 24 (i.e. around Prince William's birthday), Governor Sanford spent five days 'crying in Argentina' with 'Maria'...
Maria = Mary = Madonna
Madonna singing 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina'
...in 'Evita' (1996), playing Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, First Lady of Argentina from 1946 to 1952, a Diana-like beloved female figure who died young at the age of 33 (Diana was 36 when she died).
Maria/Mary = Marianne
She is essentially Lady Liberty standing gracefully with her torch in New York and Paris very near where Princess Diana was killed marked by a torch.
She is interchangeable with Columbia - the feminine personification of the United States. It was in the South Carolina state capital Columbia that Gov. Sanford revealed his Argentine affair... echoed by a train collision in the District of Columbia (Washington DC) on June 22:
June 22 DC Metro subway trains collide - 9 dead, 80 injured
Timeline: June 18-24: Gov. Sanford missing/crying in Argentina June 21: 'Impact' Part 1 on ABC; Prince William birthday June 22: DC Metro Red Line trains in collision June 23: US Moon probes (LRO/LCROSS) reach Moon June 24: Gov. Sanford reveals Argentine affair June 25: Death of Michael Jackson & Farahh Fawcett
'Metro' means 'meter' in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. The meter is historically defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance between the North Pole and the equator through Paris, or in other words the Paris Meridian between the North Pole and the equator. The Paris Meridian is also the 'Rose Line' (an esoteric concept popularized by The Da Vinci Code) i.e. a 'Red Line'...
DC Metro Red Line = French/Columbian Rose Line
...traditionally implying the Blood Royal/Sangraal or the Marian/Columbian Bloodline of the Holy Grail.
In Bloodline of the Holy Grail Laurence Gardner writes of the House of Stuart, the royal bloodline to which Princess Diana and her children belong (pp. 344-5):
The senior Stewart descent goes all the way back to King Arthur's father, King Aedan of Scots, on the one hand and to Prince Nascien of the Septimanian Midi on the other. The Scots descent traces further back through King Lucius of Siluria to Bran the Blessed and Joseph of Arimathea (St James the Just), while the Midi succession stems from the Merovingians' male ancestral line through the Fisher Kings to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Conjoining the lines from their 1st-century points of departure, the descent is in the succession of the Royal House of Judah. This is a truly unique line of sovereign lineage from King David in one of the key descents which comprise the Bloodline of the Holy Grail.
Nephilim/Bigfoot bloodline = Moon/Diana bloodline = Rose Line = Bloodline of the Holy Grail = Stuart Bloodline (?) = Princess Diana bloodline...
Was Princess Diana a product of a particularly special strain of the Grail bloodline and the Stuart bloodline? Perhaps (argued for instance in Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence). But that's speculative and should be treated as a storyline rather than fact. It may well be that the name 'Diana' was all it took to make her 'special' in the esoteric context of Grail symbolism.
Nevertheless there is an interesting dichotomy in the current British Royal Family configuration more or less pitting the House of Windsor (Queen, Charles, etc.) against the House of Spencer/Stuart (Diana, William & Harry). The House of Windsor stems from the House of Hanover which back in the 18th century supersede the House of Stuart with a transitional period of King William III of the House of Orange (joint rule with his Stuart wife Mary II) sandwiched in between who acceded to the throne following the questionable removal of Stuart monarch King James II - an event of great significance for the 'Grail bloodline'. Following two years of challenging the 'userpers', James and his supports the 'Jacobites' were resoundingly crushed at the Battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690, annually celebrated to this day as Orangemen's Day (which at the time using the old-style calendar was July 1st, Princess Diana's birthday).
That paved the way for the Parliament-centered rule of the incoming Germanic House of Hanover which would morph into today's House of Windsor. In that sense, the British Royal Family as it exists today stands in opposition to the supposed 'Grail bloodline' (the Stuarts), reflected in the Windsors' not-so-friendly relationship with Princess Diana. The Diana family in this context would at least symbolically (possibly literally) represent the special strain of the House of Stuart crawling its way back to the throne, with Prince William now just one or two steps away from destination. Reenacting, in a sense, the 'Return of King Arthur' - 'Once and Future King'.
The Free4masonry7/Masonic774* Code4 of July 4, 1776“--- is the supreme example of sacred architecture in the Christian world portraying the truths that lead humanity closer to God”Mason47s used sacred geometry, gematria, numerology, and the Bible to encode our ‘National Treasure’ The Society of Freemasons connect74 to the builders of the Egyptian Pyramids, Babylonian Ziggurats (Tower of Babel/Babylon), Roman & Greek temples, and especially Solomon’s Temple. ‘Operative Mason47s’ built Europe’s great Gothic47 cathedrals. They view God as the ‘Grand Architect of the Universe’ (G.A.O.T.U.). Many ‘Master Masons’ are also Pythagoreans, Kaballists, and Rosicrucians. The ‘Speculative Masons’ who helped design America50 – i.e. Grand Master Masons Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and John Hancock – used the Declaration of Independence, Great Seal of the United States, and the Flag to encode history’s greatest secrets! (National Treasure movie is based on this and uses ‘the code’.) Using sacred gematria and sacred numerology, and having Continental Congress choose July 2 and July 4, 1776, the enlightened Masons had many important secrets converge74…Simple674 English774 Gematria8 / G7e5m13a1t20r18i9a1=74: assigning a number774 to a letter (word4, phrase) & vice-versa with both the letters7 and numbers7 having strong symbolic meaning. A-B-C becomes 1-2-374 Masonic74The Key74: A=1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9 J10 K11 L12 M13 N14 o15 or zer0 P16 Q17 R18 S19 T20 U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26
GOD=GOOD=7_4 7/4=July 4 Holiday74 God Deity74 Religion74 Free4masonry7 Reveal God74 †he 1 mind74 ‘God Craft’74 leads a break from reign of74 The King74 / Ruler74 / 1 Kingdom74 / 1 Crown74 / London74 1 Britain74 Continental Congress first met in 1774 in Philadelphia: 40˚N 75˚W – “Philadelphia” was/is one of “7 Asian churches” of The Revelation 1:11. The Committee of Five - chosen to prepare a Declaration of Independence - included three Masons: Franklin, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman. (John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were not Masons.) Georgia747 was the last state in roll call vote47. July 4 is aphelion. Only (Mason47) John447 Hancock740 signed & Charles Thomson74 attested the Declaration on 7/4. The Declaration was then sent to printer John47 Dunlap (age 28, b 1747) who made app. 200 copies on the evening of July 4 and morning of July 5 - these are known as the ‘Dunlap broadsides’. (Abigail Adams b 1744.) The Great Seal of the United States Committee was also formed on 7/4/1776 - it included Franklin. Washington & Jefferson were 74”/6’2” tall. There were 74 generals in the Continental Army (33 Masons*) and 74 delegates to the Constitutional Convention (also held in Penn. State House [Independence Hall] - cornerstone laid 1734). Liberty7 Bell4 cast74 (by) John447 Pass and774 John447 Stow477. 1st D.C. cornerstone laid 3/15/1791: 74th day of the year. New York7 City4 40.7˚N 74˚W was/is the financial capitol of the US. Star-Spangled Banner (flag) cost $574. Lady4 Liberty7 VII40 1 Nation74 / 1 Union74 judge47 & jury74 West Point74 74°F is ideally comfortable “4 score & 7 years ago” 74 men on Mayflower Thanksgiving occurs in 47th week of the year “Independence forever74” Forever Stamp has picture of Liberty7 Bell4 and one word "Forever74"(July) 4, 1776 JESUS74 was born on 4/17/6 BC (17/4/747 AUC [since the founding of Roma47])On June 14, 1777 (Matthew 6:14), Congress approved the design of US Flag. Valley77 4g: 40.1°N 75.47°WFranklin died on 4/17/1790, Washington died on 12/14/1799. Command of Union58/73 forces was offered to Robert E. Lee and Virginia seceded on 4/17/1861 (Civil War). Thomas Jefferson & John Adams both died on 7/4/1826 – the 50th Anniversary. Noah’s Ark & the Courtyard of Moses’ Tabernacle were 50 cubits74 or 74 feet wide, 17.76 inches = cubit 888(in.) is gematria for Iesous88 (Jesus) in Greek. The Declaration established another ‘Covenant’, 7/4/1776 marked the sacred event. Matthew 7:4, “Why are you concerned with the speck in your neighbor’s eye when there’s a pole in your eye?” – Y’shua74 ben Yosef Jewish74 Messiah74 Cross74 “Clean your finger, before you point at my spots.” – Ben Franklin America50n Independence was approved on July 2 (7/2) John Hancock72 3 days=72 hours July68 4=72Civil Rights Act July 2, 1964 72 is a major convergence point. (2×36, 3×24, 4×18, 6×12, and 8×9. 7+2=9: ‘the highest number’ in sacred numerology.) Jews have 72 names for G-d, including a 72-letter-name. “For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure that you get.” - Matt 7:2 (Pres.58 George6 Walker6 Bush Jr.6 ("the "2nd Beast") pardoned Scooter Libby on 7/2/2007.) Ben Franklin was 72” tall (6’). The pyramid on the Great Seal/back of the US Dollar47 consists of 72 stones. Golf’s par 72 & 72 hole tournaments.13 United States (US40) – 13 & 40 are highly mystical numbers** su40m13 Spirit of ’76 (7+6=13) 40°N13 stars & 13 stripes on original US Flag (13 stars on Confederate Battle Flag) Masonic Lodge 13 blocks from White House The Great Seal uses symbolism of 13, the back of US Dollar uses 13 13 times including the 13 letters of “E Pluribus Unum” & "Annuit Coeptis"Jesus’ 13 male disciples (including Matthias) 13 weeks in a season #40 is sacred to Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. *Thomas Jefferson, author of †he33 Declaration, was 33 years old – Jesus74/Joshua74 was crucified at age 33The 33rd Degree is the highest level in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. At 33˚F, frozen liquids begin to thaw. Amen33Mary Magdalean58’s Birthday was 5/8/2 BC (Mary 158 Magdalena58/Mariamne74)56 men signed Declaration + Charles Thomson + George Washington = 58 George 158 Father58 design58 obelisk58/73 **The goddess58/73 / (Star58) Planet Venus traces a pentacle every 8 years and returns to initial74 point74 every 40 years with a 40 day regression – the global origin of sacred number 40. (5×8=40, 5+8=13) science58 count58/73Seal of58 Solomon58 Mother’s Day falls on 2nd Sunday of May (‘Maia’). The movie/musical 1776 begins on May 8, 177610/2/08 8:05 White Sox & Twins tied w/ 74 losses. Dow falls record 777.7, 74 senators vote for Wall St. bailout. 74° Miami t 6/1/10 9:36 Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/forum/the-free4masonry7-masonic7-74-code4-of-july-4-1776-t24207.html#ixzz1mxRTe0SC
La ovogénesis
a ovogénesis es el proceso de formación y maduración del óvulo o gameto femenino. Al contrario que la espermatogénesis (producción de esperma en el hombre) que se realiza de forma continua desde la pubertad hasta el climaterio masculino alrededor de los 70 años, la ovogénesis es cíclica, manifestándose producción de óvulos aproximadamente cada 28 días, desde la pubertad hasta el climaterio femenino entre los 40 y 50 años.
La producción de óvulos ya se realiza desde incluso antes del nacimiento. Al nacer, una niña puede albergar en sus ovarios más de un millón de óvulos inmaduros, los llamados folículos primarios, que no desarrollarán hasta comenzar la pubertad, entre los 9 y 15 años, y aún así la inmensa mayoría se destruirán durante la infancia y la niñez, quedando sólo unos pocos cientos para su posterior maduración.
Cuando un folículo primario se desarrolla da lugar a un folículo secundario, el cual se va rodeando progresivamente de un líquido folicular, envolviendo finalmente al óvulo maduro, en lo que se denomina folículo terciario o maduro. En esta situación se realiza alta producción de estrógenos, unas hormonas foliculares segregadas por los ovarios que aumentan durante el embarazo. Los estrógenos más importantes son estriol, estrona y estradiol. Durante la menopausia, con objeto de reducir los trastornos típicos de esta fase, y también en el cáncer de mama y de próstata, se suelen administrar compuestos con actividad estrógena, como el estilbestrol.
Sección transversal de un ovario y la trompa de Falopio
La ovulación propiamente dicha, se produce cuando el folículo maduro se mueve hacia la superficie del ovario, entrando en un espacio sometido a la presión del líquido folicular, que lo hace estallar, liberándose el óvulo del ovario y dirigiéndose hacia la trompa de Falopio, cuya forma de embudo y los cilios que contiene permiten capturarlo fácilmente.
Tras la ovulación, las células foliculares constituyen lo que se denomina cuerpo lúteo o amarillo. Este cuerpo se mantiene activo durante unos 15 días, produciendo la hormona progesterona, procedente de la glándula hipófisis, y modificando la mucosa del útero haciéndola apta para albergar el óvulo fecundado; se trata de una hormona indispensable para el mantenimiento del embarazo. El cuerpo lúteo también produce la hormona folicular, la cual desencadena la menstruación. Si existe fecundación y embarazo, se produce el llamado cuerpo lúteo del embarazo, perdurando éste hasta el cuarto mes. Si no existe fecundación, degenera hasta convertirse en el cuerpo lúteo atrófico, una cicatriz que queda en el ovario como manifestación de que no ha fructificado.
El ciclo menstrual
El ciclo menstrual consiste en una secuencia de acontecimientos del endometrio, o membrana mucosa glandular que recubre el cuerpo uterino, el cual experimenta fases de proliferación, regresión o destrucción durante la madurez sexual en relación con el ciclo ovárico. Es un proceso que se da en las hembras de los mamíferos superiores cuando el óvulo no ha sido fecundado; en la mujer se produce en cada ciclo lunar, es decir, cada 28 días, pero puede verse alterado en función de variados factores, tanto fisiológicos como psicológicos o de carácter ambiental.
Ilustración de las glándulas del endometrio humano en la fase de menstruación
La menstruación consiste en una hemorragia que se produce en la pared uterina, a consecuencia de que, al no existir fecundación, se reduce bruscamente la producción de hormonas foliculares (estrógenos), y como resultado de ello se manifiesta una necrosis de los vasos sanguíneos de las células epiteliales del endometrio, desescamándose éstas y desprendiéndose para seguidamente ser expulsadas. La superficie del endometrio expulsada es la capa funcional, quedando intacta la capa basal para permitir reiniciar de nuevo el ciclo, con objeto de preparar el útero para implantar el embrión en caso de fecundación, es decir, todo el revestimiento de la pared del útero (endometrio) es renovado en cada ciclo.
El ciclo menstrual comienza en la mujer con la menarquía, o época de su vida caracterizado por la aparición del primer periodo, que suele coincidir con la pubertad. A estas edades, suelen ser incompletos y poco regulares, tanto en la aparición, como en la duración e intensidad de la hemorragia menstrual. El ciclo menstrual implica cambios en el ovario, útero, pechos, nivel de hormonas sexuales en la sangre, y temperatura corporal. Los ciclos menstruales finalizan con la menopausia.
http://www.natureduca.com/anat_funcreprod_ovulac.php |
Es el período que va desde el primer día de una regla hasta el primer día de la siguiente menstrua.
Durante todo el ciclo se liberan una serie de hormonas del hipotálamo (glándula que libera hormonas que estimulan o inhiben a otras hormonas de la hipófisis), la hipófisis (glándula situada en la base del cráneo, que controla a otras glándulas y conecta con el hipotálamo).
Por otra parte se producen otras hormonas en el ovario que inducen cambios en diversas partes del cuerpo, en especial en el cuello del útero y el endometrio , que favorecen el proceso de fertiliza, anida y desarrollo del embrión, de este modo el aparato reproductor de la mujer se prepara para el embarazo.
Esta varía de una mujer a otra y se considera normal un ciclo que varia entre 21 y 35 días. El ciclo más frecuente es el de 28 días, que es un ritmo similar al de las fases de la luna, que se manifiestan 13 veces al a?o (28 días x 13 = 364 días = 1 a?o aproximadamente)..
Esta coincidencia llevo a la idea que el ciclo menstrual estaba asociado directamente con el ciclo lunar y por esta supuesta rela con el astro de la noche, en algunas culturas, las menstruaciones se denominaron "lunas". Los creyentes llegaron incluso a la err?nea suposi de que la luna nueva era motivo de la regla en las mujeres v?rgenes y la luna menguante en las adultas y casadas.
Sii una mujer tiene ciclos de 26 días, la ovulación ocurrirá 12 días luego del primer día de la regla. En un ciclo de 36 días, ocurrirá 22 días después, pero en ambos casos la ovulación ocurrió 14 días antes de la regla siguiente. El óvulo se mantiene fértil por un período de 24 a 48 horas y éste es el tiempo de que dispone el espermatozoide para fertilizarlo.
En la tabla de "ciclos menstruales", se podra ver la difererencias que existen en el día probable de ovulación, en relacióncon los días "infertiles" y el "día probable de la regla":
Tabla de ciclos menstruales
El ciclo menstrual tiene la misión de preparar el cuerpo de la mujer para la reproducción y para conseguir un embarazo con éxito. En el ciclo menstrual se pueden distinguir tres fases: la folicular o proliferativa, la ovulatoria y la fase secretora o fase lútea.
Fase folicular o proliferativa. Los estrógenos se producen es mayores cantidades que la progesterona, y ocasionan una serie de modificaciones en el aparato reproductor. Cada ciclo selecciona aleatoriamente un folículo que crece, hasta alcanzar una medida aproximada de 20 mm, entonces se romperá y liberará al futuro óvulo.
También existe la producción de moco cervical, para favorecer la penetración de los espermatozoides, el crecimiento del folículo, que se va a romper para que ocurra la ovulación y el desarrollo del endometrio. Esto en donde se produce mayor cantidad de progesterona para que se anide el embrión y, así, prepararse para la posible implantación del embrión.
Ciclo ovulatorio
Fase ovulatoria. El proceso de ovulación es la consecuencia de un complejo mecanismo hormonal que se origina en una glándula que está en el cerebro llamada hipófisis, que secreta las hormonas folículo estimulante (FSH) y la hormona luteinizante (LH), que inducen la liberación de estrógenos y progesterona por el ovario.
En la figura que aparece a continuación se puede apreciar la secuencia de como ocurre la ovulación:
El proceso ovulatorio comienza por los oocitos primarios que están detenidos hasta que ocurra la primera regla. Luego viene el desarrollo del oocito y el folículo posteriormente, viene el oocitos secundario y la LH produce un pico que induce la secreción rápida de esta hormona.
La ruptura folicular del folículo maduro o de Graaf con la ovulación hace que se rompa se transforme en el cuerpo lúteo. Si no viene la regla y no ocurre el embarazo aparece el cuerpo lúteo degenerado.
El óvulo es liberado por el ovario 14 días antes de la regla siguiente, pero no necesariamente 14 días después de la regla anterior. Es importante entender esto, sobre todo cuando se utilizan los métodos de planificación familiar naturales.
Cuando ocurre la ovulación, el oocito es arrastrado hacia la trompa, que tienen unas pestañas muy pequeñas llamadas cilios que la ayudas a desplazarse. El transporte es complementado por los movimientos peristálticos (contracción rítmica de los músculos de las capas musculares lisas de la trompa de Falopio).
La fecundación del oocito por el espermatozoide ocurre en el extremo distal de la trompa de Falopio. El zigoto que es la célula resultante de la unión del gameto masculino con el femenino que abre el largo y complejo proceso de la gestación que culminará nueve meses.
http://www.fertilab.net/ver_impresion.aspx?id_articulo=597 |
Por: Hernán Collado.
Al unirse los gametos (espermatozoide y oocito maduro) se inicia una nueva vida.
La reproducción es un fenómeno muy interesante, en el sentido de que lo que se reproduce nunca es la materia sino su información.
La vida de los seres comienza cuando la información que el padre transmite en el espermatozoide encuentra en el óvulo la aportada por la madre. La necesaria y suficiente para definir el nuevo ser se encuentra reunida desde la fecundación.
Sería imposible reproducir la materia. Lo que se reproduce y trasmite es una información que anima la materia.
No hay materia viva, sólo existe materia animada por un mensaje que es la vida, que produce vida.
A la primer célula se le conoce con el nombre de cigoto. Está constituida por 46 cromosomas, 23 paternos y 23 maternos. Con 100.000 genes que a su vez contienen 100 millones de pares codificados, es decir 100 millones de informaciones. Es la misma desde el inicio, no se agrega ningún dato en el resto de la vida.
El cigoto es la célula más especializada que existe en el mundo, Posee instrucciones especiales que subrayan qué segmentos del ADN deben expresarse, cuándo.
Cuatro prótidos: Adenina, Guanina, Citosina y Timina son los elementos constitutivos del ADN, que como "código de barras", constituye la información genética. No sólo está escrito lo que constituye el mensaje genético, sino el modo en que debe leerse, una secuencia tras otra.
Hace 15 años en Inglaterra inventaron el neologismo de "preembrión", para designar al embrión en sus 14 primeros días de vida. Usándolo como eufemismo para minimizar o justificar el uso que se pueda hacer de los embriones humanos en sus primeros 15 días de vida.
Al abrir el Diccionario de la Lengua Española, Vigésima Primera Edición, encontramos:
"embrión. En la especie humana, producto de la concepción hasta fines del tercer mes de embarazo."
No necesitamos ninguna subclase a la que llamar "preembrión", porque no hay nada antes que el embrión, salvo el espermatozoide y el óvulo.
Cuatro argumentos han dado para el uso de este concepto: la pluripotencialidad celular, posbile divisibilidad por gemelaridad, la falta de implantación y carencia de sistema nervioso.
Pluripotencialidad. No puede decirse que la primera célula es una célula indiferenciada. Debe decirse que la primera célula sabe cómo diferenciar su progenie, su descendencia celular. Y si esta primera célula es humana: es un ser humano.
Divisibilidad. No es lo mismo individualidad que indivisibilidad. El que en una determinada época de su evolución biológica un ser vivo pueda ser divisible no invalida su carácter de individuo único. El ser humano, hasta el día 12 o 14 de su evolución es individual, pero divisible, después es indivisible.
Implantación. La implantación ocurre como al octavo día. Las técnicas de criconservación de embriones, muestran que la ausencia de implantación, no es un impedimento para la supervivencia.
Sistema Nervioso. La línea primitiva aparece como a los 14 días, pero desde el inicio tiene la información de cómo y cuándo estará constiuido. El actuar sigue al ser. Ejecute o no sus acciones, la realidad humana es como realidad algo formalmente anterior a la ejecución. Ejemplo, el hombre mientras duerme no ejecuta el razocinio, eso no hace que deje de ser racional.
En lugar de reconocer la dignidad humana desde el comienzo de la vida, algunos abogan por una espera, tanto más larga, según sus intensiones.
Que extraña miopía, con una sola de sus células, son capaces de descubrir si es masculinio o feminino, pero rechazan reconocer su humanidad.
El cigoto es la célula más sabia, en cada división se pierde un poco de la información original. En genética no se aprende se olvida.
No es lo material lo que hace que cada uno de los que estamos en esta sala sea la misma persona que era hace 10 años o hace 70 años. Los gases cambian minuto a minuto, los líquidos día a día y hasta los sólidos, hoy soy parte de los frijoles que comí ayer. Somos la misma persona por el sello impuesto por nuestro genoma desde el instante de nuestra concepción.
La vida humana, es la misma desde el momento de la concepción, hasta la muerte natural.
Cada uno de los presentes podrá valorar ¿si alguna razón para respetar menos a un ser humano en el inicio de su vida o al que el que les habla?: por la edad (3 horas ó 72 años), por la estatura (0.15 mm. ó 1.72 m.), por el peso (0.0000034 mg. ó 64 Kg.) o por el número de células (una ó 6 billones). En resumen: ¿si valemos por lo que somos o por lo que tenemos?. Por nuestro valor ontológico.
El ser humano "es". Por esencia y por existencia.
El concebido es "ese" no "eso". Es "alguien" no "algo". Es un "sujeto" no "un objeto". Es una "persona" no una "cosa".
La relación "yo-tú" es sentir en el otro alguien de absolutamente igual valor que yo, al mismo nivel. A diferencia del "yo ello", cuando lo veo como un objeto inferior. El "yo-tú" es sentir en el otro un sujeto, al que debo servir. El "yo-ello" considerar lo otro como un objeto del que me puedo servir.
"Yo-tú" es la relación que debemos tener con todos y cada uno de los seres humanos. No hablando en abstracto de "la humanidad", sino con cada persona individualmente, desde el momento de la concepción.
El concebido tiene derecho a la vida y al respeto a su dignidad. Este derecho podrá ser reconocido por el legislador. No puede ser concedido por éste, ya que le pertenece por ley natural, que es previa a cualquier legislación civil.
Hernán Collado M. II Congreso Nacional de Bioética Guanajuato, México, 25 al 28 de noviembre de 1998.
23 de agosto de 2012
Preguntas Frecuentes sobre la Píldora del Día Siguiente
La vida humana personal se inicia en el mismo instante en que se une un espermatozoide con un óvulo. A esto se le llama fecundación o concepción y a partir de ese momento existe el concebido o niño por nacer.
Si. Está protegido por la Constitución Política del Perú que señala que "La persona tiene derecho a la vida, a su integridad moral, psíquica y física y a su libre desarrollo. El concebido es sujeto de derecho en todo cuanto lo favorece" (artículo 2 inciso 1).
El embarazo se inicia con la fecundación o concepción. Algunos engañosamente quieren hacer creer que el embarazo recién comienza con la implantación del embrión en el útero después de 5 a 8 días.
Desde el momento de la fecundación, el concebido o niño por nacer tiene sexo definido, individualidad y su propio código genético, distinto al de sus padres, que lo hacen único e irrepetible, con todos los elementos y capacidades para desarrollarse por si mismos.
La Píldora del Día Siguiente (Levonorgestrel 0.75 mgrs.), también conocida como Anticoncepción Oral de Emergencia-AOE, es una hormona sintética en dosis 5 a 15 veces mayor a la existente en los anticonceptivos comunes, incrementando los efectos secundarios. No es medicamento ni vacuna. No cura ni previene enfermedad alguna. Al ingerir las dos pastillas recomendadas es como si tomaran 50 anticonceptivos juntos.
Tiene 3 mecanismos:
- Impide la ovulación (anovulatorio)
- Espesa la mucosidad cervical (anticonceptivo)
- Impide la anidación del óvulo fecundado (abortivo)
Estos mecanismos son informados por la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) de Estados Unidos, (el organismo gubernamental que garantiza la salubridad de los alimentos y las medicinas en Estados Unidos y es el parámetro usual también en el Perú) y por los mismos laboratorios que lo producen: Grünenthal, Schering, Ritcher Gedeon y Recalcine.
Sí. El embarazo se inicia con la fecundación que es la unión del espermatozoide y el óvulo. Fruto de la fecundación se produce el concebido, un nuevo ser vivo, un niño por nacer. El concebido anida en el útero en aproximadamente 5 días. Al interferir la anidación del nuevo ser humano la Pildora del Día Siguiente detiene un embarazo en curso y ocasiona su muerte.
Sí es abortiva. Al tener un efecto antianidatorio (es decir, impide la implantación del embrión en el endometrio) la Píldora del Día Siguiente produce un aborto químico, principalmente cuando es tomada después de la ovulación y fecundación.
Sí. Atenta contra la vida humana concebida. El Código de los Niños y Adolescentes "... considera niño a todo ser humano desde su concepción hasta cumplir los doce años de edad ..." (artículo I del Título Preliminar). El mismo código ratifica el derecho a la vida desde la concepción; y lo protege de experimentos o manipulaciones genéticas contrarias a su integridad y a su desarrollo físico y mental" (artículo 1°).
Por su fuerte componente de hormonas, entre otros efectos, puede causar lo siguiente:
- Nauseas y vómitos fuertes
- Sangrado profuso
- Desencadenar diabetes en personas por pulmón, etc.
- Embarazos ectópicos (fuera del útero)
Los experimentos científicos a nivel mundial no han determinado categóricamente que el levonorgestrel sea inocuo para la madre y para el embrión, pues sólo se ha experimentado en ratas, monas y 6 mujeres.
En Internet se puede encontrar amplia información al respecto (www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/planB/planBQandA.htm). Pero más importante aún, no debe tomarse por tratarse de algo que puede atentar contra la vida del niño por nacer y contra la salud de las mujeres que la toman.
No la debe repartir, porque:
- Es inconstitucional e ilegal. Protegen al Concebido: La Constitución del Perú, el Código Civil, el Código de los Niños y Adolescentes, la Ley General de Salud, el Código Penal y los diversos Tratados Internacional suscritos por el Perú. La Píldora del Día Siguiente atenta contra la vida del concebido.
- No está demostrado que beneficie la salud pública.
- No puede ser considerado un método de planificación familiar.
- No está probado que su uso masivo haya disminuido el número de abortos quirúrgicos.
Además debe retirarse de las farmacias donde actualmente se vende sin receta médica.
Profundizando más en el tema, aparecen personajes nuevos como la luna y los arquetipos femeninos.
En las leyendas, mitología y cuentos populares se establece un paralelismo entre el ciclo de las estaciones, la luna y las energías que experimenta la mujer en el ciclo menstrual:
Luna Creciente: LA DONCELLA Representa el aspecto enérgico y dinámico: la luz y claridad de la luna creciente Se le asocia al color blanco PRIMAVERA Es la fase PRE-OVULATORIA: desde el fin del sangrado hasta el comienzo de la ovulación Energías llenas de diversión y entusiasmo de la mujer dinámica y radiante, confiada, firme, ambiciosa, sociable y capaz de afrontar los desafíos de la vida mundana Mujer centrada en si misma y con gran poder de concentración con el que puede prosperar en el trabajo Momento idóneo para encarar nuevos proyectos |
Luna Llena: LA MADRE Símbolo de la fertilidad y la nutrición: refleja la intensa luz de la luna llena Color rojo VERANO Es la fase de la OVULACIÓN: Es la expresión interna y externa del amor: mujer protectora, capaz de asumir responsabilidades, alimentar y dar sustento Se pierde el interés por la propia persona y te centras en los demás seres Desafortunadamente nuestra sociedad ha degradado y desprestigiado las cualidades arquetípicas que caracterizan a la madre (cuidado, entrega, …). Nuestro sistema económico, explotador al máximo, no asocia la inteligencia, fortaleza y sabiduría con la maternidad, sino con la energía de la doncella: FUERA DE CASA. Y así nos va: ¡una sociedad des-madrada¡. Hablaremos de eso en un futuro artículo de crianza, que será demoledor. |
Luna Menguante: LA HECHICERA Color azul Fase PRE-MENSTRUAL: desde la ovulación hasta la menstruación OTOÑO Representa el descenso hacia el aspecto interior de la naturaleza femenina: misterio, magia, pasión, poder femenino, magnetismo y atracción. Aumento de la sexualidad, creatividad, conciencia, intuición y ensoñación. Es una creatividad tremenda y desenfrenada |
Luna Nueva: LA BRUJA Fase de la MENSTRUACIÓN Color negro: la oscuridad de la luna nueva o menguante INVIERNO Representa la sabiduría y la estabilidad: los poderes del mundo interior: se retiran las energías del mundo terrenal para centrar su conciencia en el mundo espiritual. Es la fase de introspección: de dormir y soñar y frenar el ritmo de vida |
Se podría hablar largo y tendido de los arquetipos femeninos pero este documento sólo pretende demostrar que:
Las mujeres somos cíclicas como la vida y la Tierra, y no lineales como nos han hecho creer y desear ser.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginnning with God. John 1: 1-2
If root words in Hebrew are used to proclaim this Biblical truth, the identity of the Word is confirmed. (Strong's number indicated for each word)
In the beginning (H7225) was (H1961) the Word, (H1697) and the Word (H1697) was (H1961) with (H5973) God, (H430) and the Word (H1697) was (H1961) God. (H430) The same (H1931) was (H1961) in the beginning (H7225) with (H5973) God (H430) and was (H1961) the Son (H120) of God. (H430) ראשִׁית הִיה דּבר דּבר הִיה עם אלהִים דּבר הִיה אלהִים הוּא הִיה ראשִׁית עם אלהִים הִיה בּן אלהִים 86 + 52 + 20 + 86 + 110 + 911 + 20 + 12 + 86 + 20 + 206 + 86 + 110 + 20 + 206 + 206 + 20 + 911 = 3168
Lord Jesus Christ = Κυ̍̍ριος ̔’Ιησοῦς Χριστο̍ς = 800 + 888 + 1480 = 3168
In the New Testament, the word "rhabboni" is used only twice, both times in regard to Jesus.
Jesus (G2424) is (G2076) the only begotten (G3439) Son (G5207) of God, (G2316) Rhabboni. (G4462) ̔’Ιησοῦς ’εστι̍ ὁ μονογενης Υιος Θιος Ραββονι = 888 + 515 + 70 + 496 + 680 + 284 + 235 = 3168
LORD JESUS CHRIST = Κυριος ̓’Ιησοῦς Χριστος = 800 + 888 + 1480 = 3168
Virgin (G3933) born (G1080) of God, (H2316) the onlybegotten (G3439) Son (G5207) of God. (H2316) Παρθενος γενναω Θεος μονογενης Υιος Θεος = 515 + 909 + 284 + 496 + 680 + 284 = 3168
281. Hechos 4:11: Este Jesús es la PIEDRA reprobada por vosotros los edificadores, la cual ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo.
OIKODOMEO (GEMATRIA)=1089=792+297=33X33
152 MAS 145 ES IGUAL A 297
The number difference for the mirror pair 65 and 56 results in 1089. The mirror of the result, 9801 can be expressed as 33 x 297. Adding the various results to their mirrors often sums to 1089 --
396 + 639 = 1089 297 + 792 = 1089 495 + 594 = 1089
The number 1089 and its mirror, 9801, are the squares of double digit pairs --
32. Génesis 30:6: Dijo entonces Raquel: Me juzgó Dios, y también oyó mi voz, y me dio un hijo. Por tanto llamó su nombre DAN.
1. Génesis 35:19: Así murió Raquel, y fue sepultada en el camino de Efrata, la cual es Belén.
2. Génesis 48:7: Porque cuando yo venía de Padan-aram, se me murió Raquel en la tierra de Canaán, en el camino, como media legua de tierra viniendo a Efrata; y la sepulté allí en el camino de Efrata, que es Belén.
- La Virgen María es la constelación de Virgo. América está en Virgo. El antiguo símbolo de Virgo es una "m" cambió. Esto explica por qué el nombre de María como otras madres vírgenes, como la madre de Adonis, Mirra, o el de la madre de Buda, Maya, comienza con una M. Virgo (constelación de Virgo) también se conoce como la "Casa del pan", y la representación de Virgo es una Virgen que sostiene una gavilla de trigo. Esta "casa del pan" y su símbolo de trigo representa agosto y septiembre, cuando la cosecha. A su vez, Belén (Belén), es la traducción literal de "La Casa del Pan". Belén es también la referencia a la constelación de Virgo, un lugar en el cielo, no en la Tierra.
OTRO DETALLE ES QUE 3168=96X33=9X352=9X11X32=9X11X8X4
Mateo 23:1 Entonces habló Jesús a la gente y a sus discípulos, diciendo: (CAPITULO 23 ES UN NEXO CON LOS 2300 DIAS, JUBILEO, PENTECOSTES EN EL CONTEXTO A DANIEL 8 Y 9)
23:2 En la cátedra de Moisés se sientan los escribas y los fariseos. 23:3 Así que, todo lo que os digan que guardéis, guardadlo y hacedlo; mas no hagáis conforme a sus obras, porque dicen, y no hacen. 23:4 Porque atan cargas pesadas y difíciles de llevar, y las ponen sobre los hombros de los hombres; pero ellos ni con un dedo quieren moverlas. (Una referencia al shabbat/jubileo/Pentecostes. El dedo es una referencia al DEDO DE DIOS/TABLAS DE LA LEY DE LOS 10 MANDAMIENTOS)
23:5 Antes, hacen todas sus obras para ser vistos por los hombres. Pues ensanchan sus filacterias, y extienden los flecos de sus mantos; 23:6 y aman los primeros asientos en las cenas, y las primeras sillas en las sinagogas, 23:7 y las salutaciones en las plazas, y que los hombres los llamen: Rabí, Rabí. 23:8 Pero vosotros no queráis que os llamen Rabí; porque uno es vuestro Maestro, el Cristo, y todos vosotros sois hermanos.
MASTER/MAESTRO/MOTHER-SON/MOTHER-STAR/MASON- 23:9 Y no llaméis padre vuestro a nadie en la tierra; porque uno es vuestro Padre, el que está en los cielos. 23:10 Ni seáis llamados maestros; porque uno es vuestro Maestro, el Cristo.
¿RESURRECCION DE CRISTO AL TERCER DIA ES SIMBOLO DEL 23:12 Porque el que se enaltece será humillado, y el que se humilla será enaltecido. 23:13 Mas ¡ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque cerráis el reino de los cielos delante de los hombres; pues ni entráis vosotros, ni dejáis entrar a los que están entrando. 23:14 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque devoráis las casas de las viudas, y como pretexto hacéis largas oraciones; por esto recibiréis mayor condenación. (Una OBVIA REFERENCIA A LA CONSPIRACION CONTRA LA VIUDA/MARIA MAGDALENA en un obvio nexo con el SALMO 119)
23:15 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque recorréis mar y tierra para hacer un prosélito, y una vez hecho, le hacéis dos veces más hijo del infierno que vosotros. (Una referencia al TERCER DIA DE LA CREACION/TERCER DIA DE RESURRECCION ADONDE JUSTAMENTE CRISTO SE LE APARECIO POR PRIMERA VEZ A NUESTRA MADRE MARIA MAGDALENA. ESTA TODO CODIFICADO PARA GLORIA DE YHWH)
¿RESURRECCION DE CRISTO AL TERCER DIA ES SIMBOLO DEL 23:16 ¡Ay de vosotros, guías ciegos! que decís: Si alguno jura por el templo, no es nada; pero si alguno jura por el oro del templo, es deudor. 23:17 ¡Insensatos y ciegos! porque ¿cuál es mayor, el oro, o el templo que santifica al oro? (EL ORO ES EL GRIAL)
Colosenses 2:1 Porque quiero que sepáis cuán gran lucha sostengo por vosotros, y por los que están en Laodicea, y por todos los que nunca han visto mi rostro;
2:2 para que sean consolados sus corazones, unidos en amor, hasta alcanzar todas las riquezas de pleno entendimiento, a fin de conocer el misterio de Dios el Padre, y de Cristo, 2:3 en quien están escondidos todos los tesoros de la sabiduría y del conocimiento. (sabiduria/sophia y conocimiento/gnosis)
2:4 Y esto lo digo para que nadie os engañe con palabras persuasivas. 2:5 Porque aunque estoy ausente en cuerpo, no obstante en espíritu estoy con vosotros, gozándome y mirando vuestro buen orden y la firmeza de vuestra fe en Cristo. 2:6 Por tanto, de la manera que habéis recibido al Señor Jesucristo, andad en él; 2:7 arraigados y sobreedificados en él, y confirmados en la fe, así como habéis sido enseñados, abundando en acciones de gracias. 2:8 Mirad que nadie os engañe por medio de filosofías y huecas sutilezas, según las tradiciones de los hombres, conforme a los rudimentos del mundo, y no según Cristo. (FILOSO-PHI-A/S-O-PHI-A/O-PHI-R/SALMO 45:9)
2:9 Porque en él habita corporalmente toda la plenitud de la Deidad, 2:10 y vosotros estáis completos en él, que es la cabeza de todo principado y potestad. 2:11 En él también fuisteis circuncidados con circuncisión no hecha a mano, al echar de vosotros el cuerpo pecaminoso carnal, en la circuncisión de Cristo; (CIRCUNCISION/NUMERO 8/ISHTAR)
2:12 sepultados con él en el bautismo, en el cual fuisteis también resucitados con él, mediante la fe en el poder de Dios que le levantó de los muertos. (EL 8 ES EL NUMERO DE LA RESURRECCION)2:13 Y a vosotros, estando muertos en pecados y en la incircuncisión de vuestra carne, os dio vida juntamente con él, perdonándoos todos los pecados, 2:14 anulando el acta de los decretos que había contra nosotros, que nos era contraria, quitándola de en medio y clavándola en la cruz, 2:15 y despojando a los principados y a las potestades, los exhibió públicamente, triunfando sobre ellos en la cruz. 2:16 Por tanto, nadie os juzgue en comida o en bebida, o en cuanto a días de fiesta, luna nueva o días de reposo, (Alli Pablo le dice que NINGUN JUDIO los puede juzgar por guardar las FIESTAS, lunas nuevas y sabados. Pablo le esta escribiendo a los COLOSENSES/GENTILES)2:17 todo lo cual es sombra de lo que ha de venir; pero el cuerpo es de Cristo. 2:18 Nadie os prive de vuestro premio, afectando humildad y culto a los ángeles, entremetiéndose en lo que no ha visto, vanamente hinchado por su propia mente carnal, 2:19 y no asiéndose de la Cabeza, en virtud de quien todo el cuerpo, nutriéndose y uniéndose por las coyunturas y ligamentos, crece con el crecimiento que da Dios. 2:20 Pues si habéis muerto con Cristo en cuanto a los rudimentos del mundo, ¿por qué, como si vivieseis en el mundo, os sometéis a preceptos 2:21 tales como: No manejes, ni gustes, ni aun toques 2:22 (en conformidad a mandamientos y doctrinas de hombres), cosas que todas se destruyen con el uso? 2:23 Tales cosas tienen a la verdad cierta reputación de sabiduría en culto voluntario, en humildad y en duro trato del cuerpo; pero no tienen valor alguno contra los apetitos de la carne. |
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