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Armstrong (Argentina)
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Armstrong es una localidad del Departamento Belgrano, Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. Se ubica en la intersección de la Autopista Rosario - Córdoba, con la Ruta Nacional 178; dista 95 km de Rosario y 20 km de Cañada de Gómez. Armstrong es una de las localidades más futboleras de la zona,portando 2 equipos de fútbol Barraca y Defensores, además posee otra instituciones con variedades de deportes el club Norte, el club Mickey, el club Estudiantes del sur y por último el club Huracan
- Tierra de la tribu querandí que en la época hispánica perteneció sucesivamente a la Compañía de Jesús, a los hacendados españoles, y posteriormente a los propietarios ingleses, el poblado se constituyó a partir de una estación del Ferrocarril Central.
- Debe su nombre a Tomás Armstrong, uno de los pioneros en el desarrollo de la empresa ferroviaria. Aunque los planos de Armstrong fueron aprobados en 1929, una resolución establecería como fecha fundacional el 14 de diciembre de 1882, día en que se efectuara el primer loteo de tierras en la zona comprendida.
- Para 1883 el pueblo tenía ya un almacén de ramos generales, estafeta postal y numerosos pobladores. Sería declarado ciudad el 4 de diciembre de 1984 por la Cámara de Senadores de la provincia de Santa Fe.
Rutas y accesos[editar]
- Armstrong está situada estratégicamente sobre la Ruta 9 (a tres kilómetros del centro de la ciudad se encuentra la AU 9 paralela a la ruta 9), equidistante de las ciudades de Córdoba y Buenos Aires, y a sólo 92 kilómetros de Rosario. Desde la ciudad de Santa Fe, capital provincial, se llega a Armstrong transitando la autopista Santa Fe- Rosario hasta San Lorenzo, y desde allí, la Ruta Nacional Nº 9 hasta destino. La distancia a recorrer es de 204 kilómetros.
- Por el oeste de la ciudad ingresa la Ruta Provincial 15 y a cinco kilómetros al este se encuentra la ruta nacional 178 (ambas intersectan la AU 9)
La economía está fuertemente influenciada por el campo se encuentra en una de las regiones con los suelos más fértiles del país, dando lugar así a una producción de granos muy importante. Además de la producción de granos, se encuentran en la ciudad muchas empresas fabricantes de maquinaria agrícola reconocidas a nivel nacional.[cita requerida] El fuerte crecimiento de las industrias se dio a partir del año 2002 con la salida de la convertibilidad.
Santa patrona[editar]
- Nuestra Señora de la Merced, festividad: 24 de septiembre.
Creación de la comuna[editar]
Creación del municipio[editar]
Localidades y parajes[editar]
- Armstrong
- Parajes
- Campo Monasterio
- Campo Spagnolo
Cuenta con 11 181 habitantes (INDEC, 2010), lo que representa un incremento del 12% frente a los 9,951 habitantes (INDEC, 2001) del censo anterior.
Gráfica de evolución demográfica de Armstrong (Argentina) entre 1980 y 2010 |
Fuente de los Censos Nacionales del INDEC
Pobladores destacados[editar]
Enlaces externos[editar]
Ubicación geográfica y datos del tiempo[editar]
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Edwin Aldrin
Hace 30 años, en agosto de 1979, llegó a la Argentina el astronauta Edwin Aldrin, segundo ser humano en pisar la Luna. Diez años habían pasado desde que, a bordo de la Apolo 11, el hombre dejó su huella en el suelo lunar. Eso ocurrió la noche del 20 de julio de 1969, cuando el módulo se posó en el Mar de la Tranquilidad, a 384 mil kilómetros de nuestro planeta, y Neil Armstrong dio aquel "pequeño paso para el hombre, pero inmenso para la humanidad".
Hace 30 años, en agosto de 1979, llegó a la Argentina el astronauta Edwin Aldrin, segundo ser humano en pisar la Luna.
Diez años habían pasado desde que, a bordo de la Apolo 11, el hombre dejó su huella en el suelo lunar. Eso ocurrió la noche del 20 de julio de 1969, cuando el módulo se posó en el Mar de la Tranquilidad, a 384 mil kilómetros de nuestro planeta, y Neil Armstrong dio aquel "pequeño paso para el hombre, pero inmenso para la humanidad".
Recibí los Newsletters de La Nueva sin costo
Minutos después, Aldrin se sumó a la caminata y juntos cumplieron la tarea de tomar muestras. Al abandonar el satélite, dejaron una placa con la leyenda: "Venimos en paz, en representación de toda la humanidad".
Aldrin llegó a nuestro país invitado por el programa periodístico Mónica presenta, de canal 13 de Buenos Aires. En esa época, el astronauta se recuperaba de un serio estado depresivo y cierta adicción al alcohol, hechos que alimentaron las especulaciones y fantasías acerca de las consecuencias de colocarse el hombre frente a "la inmensidad del universo".
El astronauta señaló, entonces, que la humanidad aún no había entendido el alcance de haber llegado a la Luna, al tiempo que aseguró que no repetiría el viaje. "Ir a la Luna, en 1969, era una cosa consistente y lógica. Hoy, la situación es diferente", explicó. No fue el único en pensar así. De hecho, los viajes a la Luna se interrumpieron en 1972, para nunca más repetirse hasta ahora.
Tiempo después de su visita, Aldrin retomó parte de su trabajo como "héroe contemporáneo" y continuó enseñando ingeniería aeroespacial en la universidad de Dakota del Norte, participando, además, de una compañía dedicada al turismo espacial. Empleo adecuado, si los hay.
https://www.lanueva.com/nota/2009-8-7-9-0-0-edwin-aldrin |
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رسائل 19 من 22 في الفقرة |
German Village
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
German Village is a historic neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio, just south of the city's downtown. It was settled in the early-to-mid-19th century by a large number of German immigrants, who at one time comprised as much as a third of the city's entire population. It became a city historic district in 1960[2] and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1974, becoming the list's largest privately funded preservation district,[3] and in 2007, was made a Preserve America Community by the federal government. In 1980, its boundaries increased, and today it is one of the world's premier historic restorations.
In 1796, Congress appropriated the Refugee Lands for Canadian province individuals who had supported the Colonial cause in the American Revolution. By 1802, an American Revolution veteran named John McGowan claimed 328 acres (1.33 km2), most of what would become the German Village. As German immigrants arrived, McGowan sold tracts of land to them. By 1814, a settlement had grown up, originally called "Das Alte Südende" (the Old South End), and German immigrants contributed to building the first statehouse.
Stewart Elementary School, built in 1874
By 1830, massive German immigration to the city had occurred. The most influential German newspaper in 1843 was Der Westbote. Many would serve in the American Civil War, thus gaining the universal respect of the local citizens. By 1865, one-third of Columbus's population was German and the community was flourishing. They built up the local neighborhood, including many businesses, such as Hessenauer Jewelers and Lazarus Department Stores, schools, and churches, such as the Ohio-historic St. Mary's Catholic Church, built in 1865 and adorned with a 197-foot (60 m) steeple in 1893.[4] German-American George J. Karb became mayor of the city, twice, at the end of the 19th century and again in the early 20th century.[5]
During the early 20th century, the south end saw newcomers from eastern Europe aside from German immigrants, resulting in brother neighborhoods such as the Hungarian Village.[6]
The local schools the German immigrants constructed and managed were so superior that English-speaking residents of Columbus chose to attend them, such as one that once stood at Fulton Street east of S. Fourth Street.[5][7]
World War I[edit]
The area was in serious decline throughout the first half of the 20th century, partly due to anti-German sentiment during World War I. During that time, the teaching of German in public schools was banned and German textbooks were burned. German street names were changed, such as Germania Street becoming the present-day Stewart Avenue,[8] and Schiller Park was temporarily renamed Washington Park. The anti-German sentiment fueled by the media was so bad that in 1918, German books were burned on Broad Street and at the foot of the Schiller statue. German canine breeds were taken from their owners and slaughtered, including German Shepherds and Dachshunds. Despite the hatred, the Columbus German American community would produce one of America's finest heroes from the war, Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, for whom Rickenbacker International Airport in southern Columbus is named.
Declared slum[edit]
Further decline occurred later due to the closing of the local breweries during Prohibition. After the war, the south end was zoned for manufacturing, leading to the erosion of the area's residential feel. In World War II, the streetcar tracks and wrought-iron fences were confiscated for the war effort. By the 1950s, the area had become a slum and the city decided to demolish one-third of the neighborhood.[9][10]
Frank Fetch[edit]
With the Village nearing complete destruction, Frank Fetch defied the common wisdom and purchased a house on S. Wall Street, determined to rebuild the neighborhood. Fetch would create the German Village Society. In June 1960, the society hosted the first Haus und Garten Tour, which attracted visitors and the local media to eight restored homes and two gardens. Today, the tour is one of the city's most popular events.[11] Frank Fetch Park was named after him.
Historic preservation[edit]
Concerned citizens managed to save its historic architecture from demolition in the 1960s by lobbying for a local commission, the German Village Commission, to have power over external changes made to buildings and by getting the area listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975.[11] As of 2009, the German Village Society has over 1,000 preservationists who maintain the historic quality of the buildings and neighborhood, and German Village is considered one of the most desirable areas to live in the city.[12] More than 1,600 buildings have been restored since 1960 and it is credited as one of the world's premiere restoration districts.[13] By the 1980s, the restoration was nearly complete. Today, it is the largest privately funded historic district on the National Register of Historic Places.[3]
The area is mostly a residential neighborhood of sturdy, red-brick homes with wrought iron fences along tree-lined, brick-paved streets.
The German Village Guest House has been recognized as one of the best in the Midwest by the New York Post, The Plain Dealer, and the St. Louis Post Dispatch,[14] and positively reviewed by The Washington Post and The Tennessean.[14] It was rated as the "Best Columbus Hotel 2010" by City Search.[15]
In 2007, German Village was recognized by the White House as a Preserve America Community.[16]
German tradition has long reigned in the community in the form of an annual Oktoberfest festival. It originally took place in Schiller Park and has been held at various locations within the German Village neighborhood. Due to new development in the area, it now takes place at the Ohio State Fairgrounds / Ohio Expo Center. The festival was voted to be canceled in 2009, but the Schmidt (owners and operators of Schmidt's Sausage Haus) and Cox families stepped in to keep it running.[17] A smaller Oktoberfest still goes on in the German Village itself, at the Germania Gesang und Sport Verein (Singing and Sports Club) at 543 South Front Street in the old Schlee Brewmaster's House and outdoor garden.[18]
Although German Village is an eclectic community, the area is known as a residential gay village. While there are no gay establishments within German Village, the neighboring Brewery District and Merion Village have several.
Much of the area in present-day south downtown along I-70 was at one point considered part of German Village, including the Market Exchange District, which has experienced a revival alongside German Village. [19]
German Village is bound by Pearl Street on the west; East Livingston Avenue on the north; Lathrop Street, Brust Street, Grant Avenue, Jaeger Street, and Blackberry Alley on the east; and Nursery Lane on the south. [20]
Parks and landmarks[edit]
Schiller Park, named after Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805), was once a community meeting ground for German immigrants. It is now the site of recreational facilities, gardens, and an amphitheater that hosts free live performances of Shakespearean plays during the summer months courtesy of Actors' Theatre of Columbus.[21] It is bounded by Jaeger Street and City Park, Reinhard, and Deshler Avenues. It has been the area's center for festivals and neighborhood activities since the 1800s.
The 23-acre park's main entrance, along City Park Avenue, greets visitors with the Huntington Gardens, sponsored by Huntington National Bank and maintained by volunteers, and the Schiller statue. The statue was presented to the park by local residents in 1891. It is a second casting of the statue in Munich, Germany, designed and executed by Max von Widnmann and unveiled on May 9, 1863. The Columbus statue was transported free of charge across the Atlantic. The park is also home to Umbrella Girl, dedicated to the citizens of German Village in October 1996 to replace the missing original sculpture.
The neighborhood's Stewart Alternative Elementary School, was built in 1874. It is one of the oldest remaining school buildings in Columbus, built at the same time as the First and Second Avenue Schools, also still extant.[22]
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- Princess Diana died in Paris
- Diana's 'baby' Prince William had his birthday (June 21) marked by literal Moon Impact (TV movie) 4 days before MJ's death
- A member of the British Royal Family named Prince Michael (of Kent)
-- June 21, 2009 --
 ['Impact' preview video]
Prince William
He was 'in-Diana'...

He came out of Diana's womb...

He became Prince Charles' 'angel'...
...as in Charlie's Angels

 Jun 25 Farrah Fawcett succumbs to cancer at 62
Farrah Fawcett: - One of 'Charlie's Angels' - Born in Corpus Christi or 'Body of Christ' - Death hours before Michael Jackson's
Closely preceded by Neda...

Neda: - Killed on June 20, day before Prince William's BD - 'Neda' means 'divine message' ('angel' means 'messenger')
Following her heart-breaking death captured on video, Neda became the face of the protests raging at the time in Iran following the June 12 presidential election (starting on June 13).
June 12-13...
June 11 - Kaguya Moon Impact |
June 12 - Film 'Moon' release |
...Moon/Diana and Bigfoot/St. Anthony
 Dec 14 Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

'Bigfoot' = evolution/missing link Michael Jackson = one-man 'evolution'
 [MJ's ever-changing face]

Werewolf = man-beast = Bigfoot
Etymology: The first part, wer, translates as "man"... The second half, wulf, is the ancestor of modern English "wolf"; in some cases it also had the general meaning "beast."
His was an unnatural evolution (plastic surgeries, etc.). What about ours? Is human evolution natural? If not, has the Moon had a hand in it?
We can almost hear the whisper: 'Human evolution is a hoax':
August 15, 2008 St. Anthony of Padua birthday Bigfoot hoax...
Bigfoot's message was so urgent Earth had to shake violently on April 6, 2009 in Bigfoot/boot Land, Italy...

 April 6 Italy hunts for quake survivors
..from December 14-16, 2008 with love. (See 'Whisper of the Fifth Sun' for more on this predicted quake.)

Bigfoot, giant foot, giants... Genesis 6, the Nephilim, heaven-earth interbreeding, i.e. human genetic manipulation ('guided evolution'):
Book of Genesis chapter 6: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. [...] There were giants [Nephilim] in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
A monstrous Sin deemed irreversible, Earth had to be cleansed by a Great Flood.
Sin is the name of a Sumerian (and Minaean) god of the Moon... Still standing after the Flood as 'Noah'.

A forbidden 'lunar strain' of mankind... A 'Diana bloodline'.
Diana = Bigfoot = Nephilim = Noah

Argentina is both a moon...
...and a Bigfoot:

...making headlines the day before Michael Jackson's death:
 Jun 24 Gov. Sanford admits to extramarital affair with Argentine woman
For all intents and purposes a missing person from June 18 until 24 (i.e. around Prince William's birthday), Governor Sanford spent five days 'crying in Argentina' with 'Maria'...
Maria = Mary = Madonna

Madonna singing 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina'
...in 'Evita' (1996), playing Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, First Lady of Argentina from 1946 to 1952, a Diana-like beloved female figure who died young at the age of 33 (Diana was 36 when she died).
Maria/Mary = Marianne

She is essentially Lady Liberty standing gracefully with her torch in New York and Paris very near where Princess Diana was killed marked by a torch.
She is interchangeable with Columbia - the feminine personification of the United States. It was in the South Carolina state capital Columbia that Gov. Sanford revealed his Argentine affair... echoed by a train collision in the District of Columbia (Washington DC) on June 22:
 June 22 DC Metro subway trains collide - 9 dead, 80 injured
Timeline: June 18-24: Gov. Sanford missing/crying in Argentina June 21: 'Impact' Part 1 on ABC; Prince William birthday June 22: DC Metro Red Line trains in collision June 23: US Moon probes (LRO/LCROSS) reach Moon June 24: Gov. Sanford reveals Argentine affair June 25: Death of Michael Jackson & Farahh Fawcett
'Metro' means 'meter' in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. The meter is historically defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance between the North Pole and the equator through Paris, or in other words the Paris Meridian between the North Pole and the equator. The Paris Meridian is also the 'Rose Line' (an esoteric concept popularized by The Da Vinci Code) i.e. a 'Red Line'...

DC Metro Red Line = French/Columbian Rose Line
...traditionally implying the Blood Royal/Sangraal or the Marian/Columbian Bloodline of the Holy Grail.
In Bloodline of the Holy Grail Laurence Gardner writes of the House of Stuart, the royal bloodline to which Princess Diana and her children belong (pp. 344-5):
https://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/moonwalker.htm |
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