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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (message original) Envoyé: 27/01/2020 19:27
Resultado de imagen para SPAIN FREEMASONRY

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Réponse  Message 42 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 06/03/2022 21:50

Réponse  Message 43 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 07/03/2022 01:16

Réponse  Message 44 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 10/03/2022 01:15
Si todos los caminos llevan a Roma...
Resultado de imagen para SANTIAGO Y JUAN EFESO Y ESPAÑA
Resultado de imagen para MARIANO URRESTI LIBROS
Famous face on Mars photo was taken by Viking 1 and other important events  in history |Oneindia News - YouTube
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El escepticismo de los tontos – Juristas UNAM
Видео famous vikings
????The Face on Mars????... - Science: evidence is intelligence | Facebook
Famous face on Mars photo was taken by Viking 1 and other important events  in history |Oneindia News - YouTube
Santiago Apóstol, 25 de julio, Patrón de España | Fundación Hispano  Británica FHB
Santiago Apóstol, patrón de España | El pan de los pobres
Biografía de Santiago el Mayor - ACI Prensa
Santoral de hoy 25 de julio: Santiago Apóstol
0514 Daniel 725 The set times and the laws PowerPoint Church Sermon |  PowerPoint Slide Presentation Sample | Slide PPT | Template Presentation
Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall  wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws:  and they shall
DANIEL 7:25 | “Rediscovering YHVH'S Authentic Ekklesia"
Daniel Chapter 7 Daniel Introduction 1 2 3
Daniel 7:25 KJV - And he shall speak great words against the most High, and  shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and  laws: and
Daniel 7:25 TA - Y él hablará mal contra el Excelso, y atropellará los  santos del Altísimo, y se creerá con facultad…

Réponse  Message 45 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 12/03/2022 02:01
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Famous face on Mars photo was taken by Viking 1 and other important events  in history |Oneindia News - YouTube
Pin en reflexiones del dia
El escepticismo de los tontos – Juristas UNAM
Видео famous vikings
????The Face on Mars????... - Science: evidence is intelligence | Facebook
Famous face on Mars photo was taken by Viking 1 and other important events  in history |Oneindia News - YouTube
Santiago Apóstol, 25 de julio, Patrón de España | Fundación Hispano  Británica FHB
Santiago Apóstol, patrón de España | El pan de los pobres
Biografía de Santiago el Mayor - ACI Prensa
Santoral de hoy 25 de julio: Santiago Apóstol
0514 Daniel 725 The set times and the laws PowerPoint Church Sermon |  PowerPoint Slide Presentation Sample | Slide PPT | Template Presentation
Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall  wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws:  and they shall
DANIEL 7:25 | “Rediscovering YHVH'S Authentic Ekklesia"
Daniel Chapter 7 Daniel Introduction 1 2 3
Daniel 7:25 KJV - And he shall speak great words against the most High, and  shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and  laws: and
Daniel 7:25 TA - Y él hablará mal contra el Excelso, y atropellará los  santos del Altísimo, y se creerá con facultad…

Réponse  Message 46 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 09/12/2022 01:06

El pentágono oscense  la Ciudadela de Jaca

Pues sí, en la provincia de Huesca tenemos nuestro propio Péntagono, pero a diferencia del de EE.UU aquí no se localiza el departamento de Defensa de España (aunque antaño tuvo una función similar) en cambio es todo un espacio dedicado a la historia de este impresionante monumento y ocio para toda la familia con actividades muy muy divertidas.

El Castillo de San Pedro de Jaca, popularmente conocido como Ciudadela de Jaca, es una fortaleza militar construida en el siglo XVI que tiene la consideración de Bien de Interés Cultural, al amparo de lo dispuesto en la Ley 16/1985, de 25 de junio, de Patrimonio Histórico, y Decreto de 22 de abril de 1949.

Esta fortificación, de planta pentagonal, fue construida a finales del siglo XVI (las obras se inician en 1592). Conserva todas y cada una de sus partes características: foso, baluartes, escarpas, cuarteles, polvorines, túneles… además de una hermosa entrada a la que se accede mediante un puente levadizo.

¿Cómo visitar la Ciudadela?

Visita guiada a la Ciudadela de Jaca

Visita con guía los rincones más emblemáticos de la fortaleza de la Ciudadela de Jaca con un recorrido de unos 45 minutos de duración.


General: 6 €
Reducida: 5 €

Más info >

Visita a tu aire la Ciudadela de Jaca

Visita sin guía a la Ciudadela de Jaca, las Salas de Tropas de Montaña, la sala Premios Ejército, la sala de la batalla de Waterloo y las exposiciones temporales.


General: 5 €
Reducida: 4 €

Más info >

PACK DE ENTRADA (Ciudadela + Museo)

Visita la Ciudadela (con o sin guía) y el Museo de Miniaturas Militares, Salas de Tropas de Montaña y exposiciones temporales.


General: 8 € sin guía / 9 € con guía
Reducida: 5 € sin guía / 6 € con guía

Más info >


Vive una aventura histórica con Pequevisitas. Visita la Ciudadela y el Museo de Miniaturas de una manera didáctica, divertida y autoguiada, a través de dos retos.


General: 3€ (no incluye entrada)
Promoción con ‘Pack de Entrada‘: 2€

Más info >

La Memoria de la Piedra

Visita teatralizada a la Ciudadela de Jaca. Un espectáculo que nos remonta a finales del siglo XVI, cuando Felipe II ordenó la construcción de esta fortaleza.


General: 12 €
Reducida: 10 €

Más info >

El Legado

Visita teatralizada al Museo de Miniaturas Militares de la Ciudadela de Jaca. Un apasionante viaje a través de 32.000 figuritas, desde las civilizaciones antiguas hasta la actualidad.

Actividad disponible para grupos y bajo demanda.

Más info >


Programa de educación ambiental con los ciervos de la Ciudadela, donde podrás disfrutar de la visita a ciervos de impronta humana, visita a la manada de los ciervos del foso y el visionado de un vídeo explicativo.


6€. Niños a partir de un año

Más info >

Exposición clicks

Exposición temporal de muñecos de playmobil a cargo de AESCLICK, con 8 escenarios representados y más de 8.000 piezas.

Del 5 de noviembre al 16 de febrero.

La entrada incluye la visita a la exposición y al belén monumental.


General: 3€
Reducida: 2€ (menores de 16 años)

Réponse  Message 47 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 23/01/2023 04:45
Las principales rutas del Camino de Santiago

Réponse  Message 48 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 06/02/2023 18:15

Réponse  Message 49 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 06/02/2023 20:18

Réponse  Message 50 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 07/02/2023 00:20
Spanish Exploration | Sutori
What did the CATHOLICS Kings do DIFFERENTLY in SPAIN? - YouTube
Catholic Monarchs of Spain - Wikipedia
The Catholic King and Queen
The Late Middle Ages - Key Figures - Ferdinand & Isabella by Alta's Place
PPT - Isabella & Ferdinand PowerPoint Presentation, free download -  ID:1929237
SPAIN King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I Click here to begin. - ppt  download
Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain: Episode 1- The Crown of Castile - YouTube
Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile - YouTube
Lo Que Pasó en la Historia: October 19: Ferdinand II of Aragon married  Isabella I of Castile which unifies the two kingdoms into a bigger one:  Spain, in 1469.
Ferdinand and Isabella (Profiles in Power) : Edwards, J.: Bücher
Timeline of the Spanish Monarchs in History - YouTube
j) Catholic Monarchs - Ciencias Sociales, 3º ESO.
Ferdinand and Isabella, a look at religious history | ChristianBlessings
The Catholic Monarchs. Spain 15ht century
Coat of arms of the Catholic Kings of Spain: Take 1 – AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com
Banknote Spain 1000 Pesetas - Catholics kings - Coat of arms - 1957 -  Serial W - P.78
9780595320769: Isabella Of Castile: The First Renaissance Queen - Nancy  Rubin Stuart: 0595320767 - IberLibro
Isabella of Castile | Top 5 Facts - YouTube

Réponse  Message 51 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 07/02/2023 02:04
Voces de jóvenes hispanistas en Japón

Réponse  Message 52 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 12/02/2024 01:13

Sirena Magdalena mermaid statue in Santander, Spain

The Magdalena Peninsula in the Bay of Santander on the north coast of Spain is a beautiful park now preserved as a historical site.   You will find here a mermaid statue of Sirena Magdalena.  map

Mermaid statue "Sirena Magdalena" in Santander Spain
Mermaid statue "Sirena Magdalena" in Santander Spain. Photo © by Philip Jepsen.

There is a story that goes with this:  In the nineteenth century the peninsula had little on it apart from a small church or chapel dedicated to Saint Magdalena, after whom the Peninsula was named.    In 1908-1912 the Palacio de la Magdalena (Royal Palace of La Magdalena) was built as a vacation home for the Spanish Royal family.

The entire peninsula is now a park, containing the renovated royal palace, a zoo, some statues of famous explorers, and more.

This includes 3 ships built by Vital Alsar Ramirez as replicas of the 3 vessels used by Christopher Columbus to sail to the new world in 1492.

One of these replicas is the Marigalante, made to be a replica of the Santa Maria, Columbus' flagship, of which Juan de la Cosa was the captain and owner.  Research indicates that the crew referred to the Santa Maria as "Marigalante".

Vital Alsar built the Marigalante in Mexico in the 1980's, with the mermaid statue as its figurehead.   This mermaid is the original figurehead on display in front of the 3 ships, on the Magdalena Peninsula.

The plaque in front of the statue states:

Mascarón de proa original de la Marigalante, que fuera construida en Alvarade, Veracruz, México, en los años 1980 - 1987, rememorando la que perteneció a Juan de la Cosa, cartógrafio del primer Mapa Mundi incluyendo América, realizado en el ano de 1500 embarcación que se hundiera en haiti el 25 de Diciembre de 1492, comandada por Cristobal Colón, con el nombre de santamaria. Regresó a su casa Santoña, Cantabria, 500 años despues para homenajear asi a tan egregio marino.

(Original figurehead of the Marigalante, built in Alvarado near Veracruz, Mexico in the years 1980 - 1987, in memory of the ship named Santa Maria, led by Christopher Columbus and owned by Juan de la Cosa (cartographer of the first world map, in the year 1500, to include America), which sank in Haiti on the 25th of December 1492.   The Marigalante returned to Santoña, Cantabria, 500 years later in honor of this outstanding voyage.)

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 5 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/02/2024 21:56
Walt Disney Vs Codigo Da Vinci Diapositivas | PPT
Cuento de La Sirenita (The Little Mermaid) - YouTube
ANEXO 7 - La Sirenita PDF | PDF
Novedades Disney: La Sirenita

Réponse  Message 53 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 04/04/2024 14:13

Réponse  Message 54 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 13/05/2024 16:01
Happy 83rd Birthday To HM Queen Sofia Of Spain, Princess Of Greece And  Denmark
Resultado de imagen para REINA SOFIA ESPAÑA 22 DE JULIO

Réponse  Message 55 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 24/05/2024 16:44
Happy 83rd Birthday To HM Queen Sofia Of Spain, Princess Of Greece And  Denmark
Resultado de imagen para REINA SOFIA ESPAÑA 22 DE JULIO

Réponse  Message 56 de 56 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 13/03/2025 15:47
Archivo:WTC Washington Square.jpg - Wikipedia
Estatua De La Libertad O Lady Liberty Manhattan Ciudad De Nueva York Estados Unidos De América Fotos, Retratos, Imágenes Y Fotografía De Archivo Libres De Derecho.  Imagen 146843314.
1892-1893 World's Columbian Exposition Isabella Quarter| Commemorative  Coins - American Numismatic Association : American Numismatic Association

Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 36 de 36 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/03/2025 01:14

Vindicated by History: The 1893 Queen Isabella Commemorative Quarter

October 4, 2019

A few things I’ve picked up from researching early commemorative coins:

  • The people behind them always hope they can raise a ton of money for a pet project or monument or expo. They rarely do.
  • The designs usually get denigrated by the numismatic press – oftentimes with a venom critics reserve for Limp Bizkit albums or Michael Bay movies.
  • The mint melts down the excess/unsold coins. As a result, the ones that did sell end up becoming valuable decades later – screwing over collectors on a budget like yours truly.

Those issues were all in play for the 1893 Isabella Quarter.

The Queen Isabella commemorative quarter traces its beginnings to the World’s Fair: Columbian Exposition, held in Chicago in 1893. Congress had already authorized the minting of a commemorative half dollar featuring Christopher Columbus, but a group of women, led by Bertha Palmer, whose husband, Potter, owned the famed Palmer House hotel in Chicago, thought they could do better.

Spearheaded by renowned women’s rights activist, and future $1 coin subject, Susan B. Anthony, the Board of Lady Managers had been awarded $10,000 in federal funds to help manage the Columbian Expo. In early 1893, the Board went before the House Appropriations Committee to ask that the $10,000 could be paid to them in the form of 40,000 specially designed commemorative quarters, which they could then sell at a profit. Congress obliged and the Board set about becoming “the authors of the first really beautiful and artistic coin that has ever been issued by the government of the United States.”

Obviously, the Board wanted a female on the obverse and decided on Queen Isabella I of Castile, who had provided vital financial support for Columbus’s voyages. Putting a foreign monarch on U.S. currency was unprecedented (indeed, there had a been a revolution over it), but according to Coin Week, the main source of conflict was over design.

Caroline Peddle, a former student of famed artist and coin designer Augustus Saint-Gaudens, was hired by the Board to design the coin. However, her sketches, which included a seated Isabella on the obverse and the inscription “Commemorative coin issued for the Board of Lady Managers of the World’s Columbian Exposition by Act of Congress, 1492–1892” on the reverse, were deemed to look too token-like and rejected. Rather than be allowed to redesign the coin, the Mint took away the reverse side and gave it to one of their in-house artists, Charles Barber, to design.

After some more back-and-forth and additional restrictions imposed by the Mint, Peddle resigned. The Mint then cobbled together some portraits of Isabella and ultimately produced an image of a young Isabella wearing a crown on her head for the obverse. On the reverse, the Mint went with an image of a woman kneeling while holding a distaff and spindle- symbolizing her industry. The Board had suggested an image of the Woman’s Building at the Expo, and Palmer later stated that the Board disliked the Mint’s reverse image because “we did not consider [it] typical of the woman of the present day.” However, the Mint made the final decision and approved the coin design.

To say that the reception for the commemorative quarter was not warm is a bit like saying that the American public didn’t embrace Apple’s Newton. The American Journal of Numsimatics was particularly brutal:

[W]e do not know who designed it, but in this instance, as in the half dollar, the contrast between examples of the numismatic art of the nation, as displayed on the Columbian coins, on the one hand, and the spirited and admirable work of the architects of the buildings, for instance, on the other, is painful. If these coins really represent the highest achievements of our medalist and our mints, under the inspiration of an opportunity without restrictions, the like of which has never been presented hitherto in the history of our national coinage, we might as well despair of its future…

The American Journal of Numismatics in October 1893, quoted by PCGS.

The Journal also drew a “mournful” comparison between the reverse design of the kneeling woman holding the distaff and spindle and the well-known “Am I Not a Woman and a Sister?” anti-slavery Hard Times Token. Surely, the Board felt vindicated by that line – although there’s no evidence Palmer or anyone else affiliated with them ever wrote to the Mint to say: “See? I told you we should gone with the building on the reverse.”

1838 HT-81 “Am I Not A Woman & A Sister?” (Image via me)

Sales figures, meanwhile, were disappointing. Of the 40,000 coins minted, a little more than half (21,180) ended up selling. According to NGC, the quarter’s sales were cannibalized by the Columbian Expo half dollar, which sold for the same price and was more widely available at the fair (5 million Columbian Expo half dollars were minted – 125 times as many compared to the Isabella quarter). While it didn’t come close to selling out, Coin Week points out that the quarters, which sold for $1 each, ended up being profitable for the Board. A $20,000-plus stream of revenue may not have been much, but it was double the original federal appropriation awarded to the Board. Of the remaining 19,000-plus quarters, approximately 15,000 went back to the Mint for melting.

1893 Columbian Expo Half Dollar. (Image via me)

In recent years, the coin’s reputation has been rehabilitated and has become a highly sought-after collector’s item. Contemporary reviewers have praised its quaint design and its uniqueness among U.S. commemorative coins (until the modern commemoratives came around, it held the distinction as the only commemorative quarter in U.S. history – as well as the only one to depict a foreign monarch). Even the reverse of the coin has been somewhat vindicated. Art historian Cornelius Vermeule argued that the design wasn’t necessarily evocative of the anti-slavery token and even traced elements of it back to antiquities. “[S]ome details of drapery to a servant girl from the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, work of about 460 B.C. with additions and revisions in the first or second centuries A.D.,” he wrote.

I love the design and how it distinguishes this coin from other early commemoratives. Too many coins from that era have a generic male bust on the obverse and either an eagle or state symbol on the reverse. Because of the relative scarcity of this coin, buying one wasn’t cheap (this one had been cleaned, which lowered its value, but it still ended up costing over $100). The price tag was worth it, as this has become one of my favorite coins.

So I guess the lesson here is that I should buy more modern commemoratives – even those that I think are ugly. After all, maybe they’ll skyrocket in value in 100 years…

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