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جواب  رسائل 1 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 08/08/2014 20:02

The Number 9 | The Secret Knowledge of The Ancients Number Nine Code 911

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Nine looks like PHI, the golden mean ratio, and is an upside down 6.  216 is the smallest cube that's also the sum of three cubes 3,4, and 5 cubed to get 6 cubed, 6x6x6= 216 digits add up to 9.
Nine looks like PHI, the golden mean ratio, and is an upside down 6. 216 is the smallest cube that's also the sum of three cubes 3,4, and 5 cubed to get 6 cubed, 6x6x6= 216 digits add up to 9.
6 and 9 vortex counter-clockwise rotation and the secret entrance to the matrix world
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6 and 9 vortex counter-clockwise rotation and the secret entrance to the matrix world

The Number 9 is Everywhere In Plain Sight!

The number 9 is the last number in a base 10 system which is the last and limit of all that is. Nine is a number which has many interesting qualities that other numbers do not have and has been used to hold a hidden code that affects every person on earth. If you think nine is just another number, you are in for a big surprise. The number 9 is very interesting and suspect looking like an upside down 6. Even more interesting, there is something about it that most people and scientists don't know. As you will soon discover, there is a hidden code that reveals the greatest truth of all and it is encoded into the construction of our universe and affects our lives called the 9 code which many times appears as 911. If you are ready for the truth and willing to go down the rabbits hole understand just one thing Mr. Anderson. You can take the blue pill or the red pill but choose wisely because once you've made your decision and get this knowledge, there is no turning back.

There are small coincidences that all add up to something universally amazing which was created for us then given to mankind through Enoch, which he wrote down on stone tablets and passed down to his great grandson Noah which built the arc. The code survived and was passed down through the ages for us to discover one day. That day is today. The 9 code is hidden as numbers in ancient books, music, art, religion, scrolls, architecture, and pyramids all over the world connected using a mathematical grid system. The revelation tells us what is going on and how to survive. The instructions are simple but we have simply missed it due to the beast, or opposing force which controls our brain's limbic system, or what some people call the lizard brain, which we have become slaves unto. We have been brainwashed, mesmerized, and hypnotized from birth to think it doesn't exist, but it does and has been used to control humanity for thousands of years. We must decode the message and use it to save ourselves.

The 9 code is everywhere for us to see if we are willing to search for it. For those who have come to understand the code have become the masters of wisdom seen as men holding keys in ancient artwork. Understand this and free thou shalt be. King Solomon didn't pray for wealth, instead he asked God for wisdom and it was granted to him. The code was revealed unto him and he used it to build a temple for God which was considered magical. King Solomon became the richest man on earth using this wisdom. All the kings of the earth were astonished at the temple and wanted to know his secret so they sent him gifts and even their daughters to get this knowledge from him. What was this wisdom that gave him so much power? 

The Intelligent design of our universe is geometrical and congruent forming beautiful shapes and images with the number 9 as a proof of concept stamp on it given by God. From atoms to galaxies and even our DNA is surrounded by geometrical shapes and patterns with the number 9 hidden inside as proof of creation. The 9 code was created to hide the message from the beast which wants to destroy it to hold us captive as slaves forever.

I found the number 9 to be hidden in our lives in a very unique way in, nature, art, music, architecture, books, and religion, units of weights and measures, etc put there by someone thousands of years ago dating back to the first people that walked the earth. They were given a "God Code" and I will show it to you here. I found that numbers form shapes and do very weird things according to magnetism. When you add numbers a certain way, different patterns arise which create geometrical shapes. It seems that the construction of our universe, galaxy, and solar system revolves around the number 9 somehow and this number comes up everywhere just as a woman is pregnant for 9 months displaying the 9 code. If we add up the digits of a number until there is only one number left we have found what is called the digital root and used by the ancients called numerology and used as a shortcut for solving certain math equations by organizing numbers. In other words, the sum of the digits of a number is called its digital root IE. 216 (2+1+6=9) method of adding numbers in mathematics. There can be only one...

Use this ancient method to get understanding and understanding why this happens is the key Mr. Anderson. Numbers are alive and govern the universe and help create reality, form, and symmetry, which we are attracted to and used for subconscious control of the mind because our consciousness is attracted to form and stimulation so our consciousness is constantly observing and being told what reality is and we believe it. The most powerful virus is an idea that can change the world; especially an idea that is not your own but convinces you it was your idea. In other words, you are not your thoughts but a being whose thoughts are being filtered through the matrix. I will show you how this works and how ancient people knew about it as well as in the Bible and other religious books. They were trying to warn us.

Numbers are the bots moving in and out of reality alive and thinking, forming, giving thought to, creating events, ideas, and they are always trying to get your attention. They themselves have power 9 being the most powerful. Thus they will manifest into your life but you think they are just numbers. They constantly fight between themselves by adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and conquering. Unfortunately, some of the bots have been compromised by a program or virus Mr. Anderson. Mathematics is one language and expression of God which began with a whole number, wholeness or holiness or the true ONE.

According to Pythagoras all is number and languages use a numbering system especially ancient languages using sacred geometry hidden inside the language where the sounds of the words carry enormous power and can be decoded using numbers. Numbers are at the root of the language in the form of letters so a mathematical expression can be written as words as well. Philosophical arguments are then placed inside books which carry a certain message.

Even music and it's Pythagorean tuning of middle C 256 hertz called A432 tuning adds up to 9 (4+3+2=9) and is congruent with the Fibonacci pattern Phi 1.618 where the distances between notes are sacred using physics and was later changed to 440 for unknown reasons which theories include pitch inflation the which was lustrous desire for a more brilliant tone and used by Hitler, the dark one. The new 440 tuning (4+4+0=8) was used and the 9 was exchanged for an eight. 9x8=72. Because of this, music today is not tuned to the natural vortex Phi pattern 1.618 seen in nature so it does not flow naturally with our DNA. What do we know about the number 432? I find it quite interesting that the old 432 C's frequencies of 256 are multiples of 2 and seen in computers such as; i.e. 128=27256=28, 512=29. Could it be that we are living inside a computer simulation know as the matrix? What proof do we have and what does the 9 code have to do with it?

You will understand the significance of this in a moment and find out why all the planets and constellations (diameters and distances from each other and motions) fall in line with certain sacred numbers 9, books, music architecture, etc. and their powers and more importantly wonder how on earth did the ancients know about this and hide it just about everywhere in plain sight for us to find.

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جواب  رسائل 8 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/08/2014 20:13

What is very important here is the fact that 9 is made up of the 3 and 6 in 360. It appears that there is a structure to numbers that form a pattern of some kind. There is information in numbers but what could it be? We need more study.

Something even more Amazing is that both quotients of 7 and 11 yield a series of repeating numbers which reduce to 9, i.e. 1+4+2+8+5+7=27; and 2+7=9.  At the same time, the missing numbers in the 7-sequence are 3, 6, and 9!


Any digit divided by 9 yields a repeating sequence of only one number as seen in the picture below.

Any number other than a multiple of 7 will result in the same 142857 sequence as a quotient when being divided by 7 as seen in the picture below! This explains why 7 was considered sacred by the ancients -- along with the number 12; 7 being the terrestrial holy number and 12 the heavenly holy number.

Also, the number pattern 142857, as seen above,appears 3 times in the remainder, when also dividing by 360 from 13 on through 30. It appears at 360/14, 360/21, and 360/28 which 14+21+28=63 (6+3=9)! Remember that adding the numbers in 142857 reduce to 27 and 2+7=9!

360 divided by 27 is 13.3333333333333333333333. 360 divided by 33 =10.90909090909090909090909...

360 divided by 36 (3+6=9) is 10.

360 divided by 18 (1+8=9) = 20 vice verse 360 divided by 20=18!

It looks like 360 degrees in a circle have mathematical importance because the numbers all work out nicely. Whoever came up with this system really thought it through. This was a master at math, knowledge and wisdom. When you reduce numbers patterns arise. If there is a 7, there will be a 9. If you see a 9 there will be a 11 and many times 7 as in 711 and 911. 

Can historical events be reduced to certain master numbers?  Are numbers at the core and fabric of our conscious universe events?  There seems to be a center from which all things come from.  A vortex in which time and events come from.  I will show you the secrets to the universe and just how awesome it is.  Through the study of prime numbers mapping out into a vortex and prime quadruplets forming a pyramid with sacred ratios used by the ancients seen in all aspects of nature, it is certain that there is more to the story or who we are and where we came from.  There is intelligent design at work.

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Melancholia Magic Square and 7 11 and 911 Truth

The code was hidden everywhere. Take a look at a calendar and notice how September is the 9th month yet uses the prefix Sept which means 7 in Latin. The month of November is the 11th month and uses the prefix Nov which means 9. You have no idea what this means. These numbers construct an image of something very big. Pay attention to these numbers. The days of the week are planets in Latin. Sunday is the day of the sun, Monday is the moon day, Tuesday is Martes which is mars, Wednesday is Miercoles which is mercury, Thursday is Jueves which is Jupiter, Friday is Viernes which is Venus and Saturday is Saturn. Notice how only Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are understandable in English and in a row like 234. This same concept is true with the months of the year where some are planets, numbers, and Roman rulers. You have to write them down together with the days of the week to see that there is a code within a code there. It is a message.

Magic squares used by mathematicians in ancient cultures were used for very strange things most people don't know about. They thought it was magic but they were experiencing the reality of numbers magnetic qualities. The first magic squares of order 5 and 6 appear in an encyclopedia from Baghdad circa 983 CE and also far back as Solomon's square. Some of these squares were later used in conjunction with magic letters as in (Shams Al-ma'arif) to assist illusionists and magicians.

Magic squares were also used in astrology given they are created using a algebraic formula and the order of numbers, it was found that ancient cultures assigned different squares to the planets. This science was used to create pagan systems or worship according to the church and so people were persecuted so the knowledge was passed down through art, poetry, architecture, etc. Magic squares and occult knowledge were used to make predictions about future events using the sun, moon, and the 9 planets, called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Also, it was used to manipulate energy and matter for a given result called witchcraft. Today, we use the accumulation data called science to get information which we manipulate and control by engineering which is not a bad thing used correctly. The universe stores information in pockets of reality hidden in events and dates. It is alive and speaking to us.

The Bible was God speaking to the prophets the truth, knowledge, and wisdom of all. Most people miss it because they don't know how to read it correctly and simply dismiss it due to having a bad taste in there mouth from a bad past experience in childhood or controlling self righteous people. The truth is that God has left a code for us with proof of concept. What I'm about to show you is impossible. For anyone who thinks God or the Bible is not real, here is the proof and it is tied into science. This is just the beginning of the revelation which was given to me by God.

Note: Watch how the strength of electrical force to the quantum, the speed of light, and all the numbers mentioned as the master code come together in this famous magic square. This is beyond coincidence and impossible yet it is real and happening. There is no way the universe, ancient people, the Bible, and Science could ever agree but they do in The Hidden CODE.

The following magic square in the video below is know as Melancholia Magic Square and hidden is the numbers 1,37, and 11 by reducing 137 (1+3+7) you get 11. Also, the Date on the artwork is 1514 which is in the middle bottom row which adds up to 11.

All the columns and rows each add up to the number 34 but then you can take each number and will reduce to 7 using digital root method. Notice if you add the numbers individually IE. top line 1+6+3+2+1+3 = 16 then add 1+6 = 7. Second line 5+1+0+1+1+8 = 16 ... 1+6 = 7. Third line 9+6+7+1+2 = 25 .. 2+5 = 7. It seems that all individual numbers equal 7. Even the 34 is 3+4 = 7. It's obvious the creator of this was hiding the number 7 and 11.

Finally, the code in the Melancholia Magic Square is showing the number 137 which is the fine structure constant known as the strength of electrical force to the quantum. Notice how 7 and 11 are hiding everywhere but there is no 9 right? Well, check this out. There were 1656 years from Adam to Noah in the Bible story in Genesis. 1656 minus the number of the sun 864 and minus 72 which is 1 degree of precession gives you 720. There are 720 minutes in 12 hours meaning half a day. If you subtract 9 from 720 you get 711 which adds up to 9. What is the correlation between all this? Everything is connected through math and geometry. The earth is a clock moving through time and space. So from what we've gone over so far, 911 and 711 are connected. Not only does 137 add up to 11 but 13x7=91. Alpha, the fine structure constant 137 displays 911. Can you see the light?

Now this is where it gets awesome. In the video below the physicist is obsessed with 137 and its significance but pretends it's all coincidence. He is a child at heart and has been studying this all his life. My intuition says he understands the truth of this but cannot discredit his professional credentials with weird spooky stuff. Here is the proof he won't tell you and how it all comes together. 137/711= .19269 added to get digital root = 27= 9. 711/137= 5.18978 added to get digital root = 38 = 11, giving 911. Also, 137x720= 98640 the number of the sun hidden inside. 98640 - 25920 (1 precession turn) = 72720. 137x72= 9864. Notice the number 9 followed by 864 the number of the diameter of the sun once again! Also, when you multiply that number 9864 like this 9x864= 7776 which add up to 27 from earlier and the mirror number of 72. 11+7=18 and 18+9= 27. We have all three numbers present being 7,9,11 ad up to 27 which add up to 9.

All these numbers fit together perfectly and come up over and over in math, science, and geometry of the sun, stars, moon, earth, earth's elements and atomic numbers. It's very weird. If you think this is a coincidence consider the number we got earlier from 9x864= 7776 and multiply the first number times the rest like this 7x776 = 5432 sequential number with the number 432 hidden inside after the 5. 5x432= 2160 the diameter of the moon not to mention again 432 is half a day in seconds, half the diameter of the sun and 432 squared is the speed of light! So, 432 and 137 are congruent and add up to 911 like this 4+3+2= 9 and 1+3+7=11. More importantly, these numbers have been embedded into ancient megalithic structures since the beginning of time as we know it. How would they know the strength of electrical force to the quantum and the speed of light? Now, Watch the videos below. The second video shows alpha 137 and how it all comes together.

جواب  رسائل 9 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/08/2014 20:16

The Sacred Numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13

I have discovered why this happens and I will show the magic of the universe. It is a combination of precognition and synchronicity, along with the effects of consciousness, magnetism, and gravity from our solar system position in respect to our galaxy displaying cause and effect in the form of balance and expression given as a gift for us to see how great thou art. The ancient knowledge and wisdom including the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, and Mayans understood this and based their culture around sacred numbers by multiplying them into into their weights and measures system, art and overall culture to synchronize with heavenly objects. The number 9 was part of their religion and daily life. On the other hand, some cultures would use a different system by casting out 9's. The number 9 looks like a spiral, displaying it's power of logarithmic growth as does the number 6, its visual opposite like positive and negative electricity, which added together gives 15 (1+5 =6). 6 Is the number used by the Ancient Hebrews to number their alphabet in increments of 6 and used in daily culture also used by the Babylonians. In ancient alphabets, it was common to assign numbers to each letter. They would double a certain number over and over again starting from the same letter. Some cultures increments of 6 and others in increments of 9.

This was used for various reasons but also to encode messages in literature which could only be unlocked with a numerical key. With the burden of politics, war, and religious persecutions, these knowledge had to be hidden in books, art, music, temples, etc.

The base of the natural logarithm is 2.71828 that from a spiral vortex shape. Notice the first two numbers are 27 add to 9. The second two numbers 1 and 8 add to 9. The Golden Mean ratio is 1.618 but the first two numbers are 1+6=7 and the second two equal 9! This is how the sacred numbers came to be, from finding perfect ratios in the heavens and in nature. From the study of nature on earth and the stars in the sky, magic was discovered. All Geometry means earth measure but the heavens are full of surprises aligning into patterns perfectly which form special energy formations used for magic and manifestation of reality. The golden ratio is a self replicating system like the pattern in DNA, which replicates itself (life) while overcoming the laws of entropy (death). It is part of nature seen from spiral galaxies to flowers and even the shape of our ears. It is found in ratios all over our bodies from head to toe. See how golden ratio triangles survives when a golden triangle is split in two with the number 72 inside!

Simply put if you take a triangle with two sides equal to the Phi golden ratio 1.6180 and the third length to 1 you will get two 72 degree angels and one 36 degree. If you split this triangle you get another golden ratio baby triangle. This happens over and over again. Interestedly, this Phi patter fits into everything in nature patterns and when you take it's numbers as we have in this article they all fit together like a nice puzzle. Even quantum physicists are starting to use these numbers to make calculations to solve for the theory of everything. If you take these numbers and double them, triple them, square them, subtract them, multiply them, and so on, you can find all the answers to atoms, elements, planets, distances, etc.

It is interesting that if you take a software program that adds numbers in increments of 6 or 9 when you copy and paste parts of old books and literature, especially religious ones, you get numbers that represent certain things in those cultures. Even more interesting, depending on whose increment system you use, the bad guy in one is the good guy in the other and the reverse which is very weird. Kind of like the south American Hopi tribe word for day is the Tibetan word for night and the Tibetan word for night is the Hopi word for day. Even on opposite sides of the world, our past is somehow connected to each other no matter where we are.

Thus you will see 711 and 911 hidden and connected everywhere. Also, we have geometry and numbers that ancient civilizations considered sacred and this is the foundation to solving all mysteries and who we are today. Why sacred? Because they arrange systematically the hidden order of creation. And so they go round and round completing each other to form a vortex of good versus evil or the perfect balance of magnetic attraction and repulsion that forms the zero point energy field where growth occurs and entropy does not. The ability to recognize, incorporate and replicate oneself, especially amidst the sea of diversity, the winds of chance, the lands of opportunity, is to organize one's energies to overcome those forces of entropy, as that of the DNA double helix using shape, form, and space geometry to create the perfect timing that it takes to create the beauty of life.

It is more amazing that numbers are truth and 90 degrees is a right angle meaning that angles are like angels in heaven and a right triangle is a righteous one. An arc of one degree is as the arc of the covenant. Numbers forming shapes and patterns symmetrically with astounding geometrical shapes lining up with all that is seen in the heavens, the constellations and the 9 planets. The truth and righteousness that is that symmetry between objects in the sky seen from earth's perspective and our perception. It is only here on this special planet earth that all this is amazing symmetry takes place. A place where numbers and everything aligns.

By examining the historically significant numbers, and researching the mathematics and geometry of these numbers, against the backdrop of ancient artwork, it is now possible to view the images encoded into the ancient artwork. No longer are we talking about the coincidence of numbers and myths, but rather the prediction of images encoded as of the numbers and geometrical designs. Even more, nature's ratios, geometry, and math constants became known as sacred to the ancients and encoded these into there works or art, architecture and culture.

The ancient masters discovered a code in nature and expressed it as proof of God's intelligent design and passed it down through art and religion so that it would not be lost. It was this knowledge that gave wisdom and understanding of all things. It was particularly used in agriculture to know the signs or the constellations, the attraction or the moon and planets with each other and earth gives the knowledge of when to plant and harvest for there is a season to all things and knowing that perfect timing is quintessential to survival, it was God expressing his love to man that he gave man this wisdom. That is one of the reasons why they worshiped God that is all knowing and provides the perfect seed, sun, rain, and attraction when the time is right.

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The Earth Moon 9 relationship Intelligent Design How to Build Your Own Solar System

If we then place the Moon within a square whose side is three, and add two 3-4-5 right triangles on either side, we obtain a side of 11 (3+4+4). The Earth fits into a square with a side of 11 with over a 99.9% accuracy! Another way of saying this is that the Moon’s radius is 360 times 3 and the Earth’s radius is 360 times 11. Thus the ratio of their radii equals 11/3 exactly! In this way the Earth squares the circle of the Moon.

The profound implication of all of this is that the Moon is mathematically sized to the Earth, the choice of 360 degrees in a circle is not arbitrary, and if we multiply the radius of the Earth (3,960 miles which ads to 9) by 60 (the result of multiplying the sides of the 3-4-5 triangle, and a nice complement to 360 degrees) we obtain 237,600 miles (adds up to 9). Guess how far the Moon is from the Earth! Even the mass of the Earth is approximately 81 (ads to 9) times that of the Moon.

John Martineau, in his book entitled A Book of Coincidence (where the word “coincidence” means “co-in-siding” -- congruent, synchronistic, or simultaneous), shows that the bodies of the solar system and their orbits are related to each other more or less precisely by a series of basic geometrical figures. Martineau goes on to show that all of the planets of our Solar System are related to all of the other planets by simple geometrical relationships and numbers.

There are also thirty precise divisions in Stonehenge’s outer trilithon circle, and the physical sizes of the Moon, Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter can be determined by relative sizing of the Earth to one or two of Stonehenge’s circles. The fact the ancient builders (circa 2000 B.C.E.) apparently knew the physical sizes of the visible planets might be something to ponder! Also, from the circles they made represent circular paths of the planets and not elliptical. It just happens that about every 100,000 years the planets move to a circular motion around the sun and then back to elliptical. The earth's tilt opens and closes changing the seasons to and from more and less hot and cold summers and winters. They were highly advanced astronomers!

IF you have enough information about any object you can change it into something else and even make it levitate! All you need is the right crystal and the right frequency to vibrate the atoms into a different state. If you have the faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to your mountain, "move!" and it WILL move ... and NOTHING will be impossible for you! - Matthew 17:20.

Is it possible that many thousands of years ago, ancient civilizations understood the magnetic attraction mathematics and geometry of planets, space, and atoms and used it to create the Great pyramid in Egypt, Stonehenge, and all great wonders of the world. Some people believe they were built by UFO Aliens which would come back one day.

In the great year, according to the zodiac or twelve astrological ages, the number 9 is located on the cross in the same place it is located on a clock (nine o'clock) this is when the age of the Ram ends and the age of Pisces (Christianity) begins. Was Jesus sent by God to warn us about these devilish aliens that would try to destroy us?

Notice how each sign of the zodiac is composed of 30 degrees, each astrological age might be thought to last about 72 (years) × 30 (degrees) = about 2160 years. This means the Sun crosses the equator at the vernal equinox moving backwards against the fixed stars from one year to the next at the rate of one degree in seventy-two years, one constellation (on average) in about 2160 years, and the whole twelve signs in about 25,920 years. All these numbers add up to 9! What is going on? Watch the videos below and see how it all comes together. As you will see 7 shows up everywhere but the 9 is hidden! It is hidden in the geometry by adding the numbers using numerology. Get it? In other words, there is a hidden message everywhere something ads up to nine and these 9's are like saying "this is truth" because they are magnetically mean averages or right angles meaning "right angels of truth" so you have to find them which lead you to the answer you've been searching for. It's almost as if someone or something hid the truth inside the structures which correspond to scriptures in the Bible exposing the truth of everything.

More importantly, it is expressed everywhere in our solar system as described on this site. How can this be? There is no scientific answer for how ancients knew these measurements and data we recently discovered in the last hundred years. The great pyramid in Egypt has a curvature in the wall slope equal to the the curvature of the earth and was not discovered until we had satellite imaging. There is evidence everywhere in plain sight of knowledge far beyond man's wisdom that could not be attainable at the time without some kind of help. The book of Enoch speaks of Enoch, which lived 365 years 88 days and 9 hours, in other words 365.242 years. That is the exact number for the days in a year used today. According to the book, he had been given all the knowledge of the heavens, earth, and sea by God's angels, which he then passed down to his grandson Noah, who built the arc. Enoch didn't die but was taken up by God but nobody knows where since Jesus said no man has ever seen heaven. The same goes for Elijah the prophet. These simple contradictions of the Bible are mathematical intersecting right angles of reality.

جواب  رسائل 10 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/08/2014 20:17

It is a multidimensional construct in which individual continuums such as space and time, wave and particle, order and chaos and, determinism and indeterminism are not polemical sets, but instead actually are individual continuums whose dynamic is released when placed perpendicularly at right or other angles to each other. This interactional dynamic is formed in and of the multidimensional construct of such continuums crossing. Think dimensional. The cross is where this happens. As long as we debate science versus God we will never see the light because the light is hiding at this cross. This hidden message is placed inside an illusion like the glass empty or glass full. As long as you debate it you are being bamboozled because it is always full of either air or water. Once we begin to understand this philosophy we will make our next great technological breakthroughs including fusion and time travel. Furthermore, this is our destiny as it has been written from the beginning in code for us to decipher. You have to understand the true message of the Bible that there is only one way through the cross of Jesus Christ and that it is salvation and an experience. Once you have this experience your spirit is now in a different state or frequency and "right" for heaven.

In the Book of Enoch it was the archangel Uriel ('God is my light') who showed Enoch the secrets of the Sun (solstices and equinoxes, 'six portals' in all) and the 'laws of the Moon' (including interrelation), and the twelve constellations of the stars, all the workings of heaven. Enoch was the first to decipher the message of the stars and planets. The book of Enoch kept out of the Bible but found in the dead sea scrolls talks about the universe in a very unique way which just about describes a black hole and the location of stars around it.

Vortex Math Sun and Moon 9

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The Pyramid Matrix Code Raised to The "9th Power" on Mars

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6 pointed star with the 7th being the middle. The 12 constellations with 13 in the middle, the Octagon 8 with the 9th in the middle.  Celestial alignments form shapes and numbers, which become symbolic logos in culture, corporations, and religion. Pin It
6 pointed star with the 7th being the middle. The 12 constellations with 13 in the middle, the Octagon 8 with the 9th in the middle. Celestial alignments form shapes and numbers, which become symbolic logos in culture, corporations, and religion.

The Sacred Numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13

I have discovered why this happens and I will show the magic of the universe. It is a combination of precognition and synchronicity, along with the effects of consciousness, magnetism, and gravity from our solar system position in respect to our galaxy displaying cause and effect in the form of balance and expression given as a gift for us to see how great thou art. The ancient knowledge and wisdom including the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, and Mayans understood this and based their culture around sacred numbers by multiplying them into into their weights and measures system, art and overall culture to synchronize with heavenly objects. The number 9 was part of their religion and daily life. On the other hand, some cultures would use a different system by casting out 9's. The number 9 looks like a spiral, displaying it's power of logarithmic growth as does the number 6, its visual opposite like positive and negative electricity, which added together gives 15 (1+5 =6). 6 Is the number used by the Ancient Hebrews to number their alphabet in increments of 6 and used in daily culture also used by the Babylonians. In ancient alphabets, it was common to assign numbers to each letter. They would double a certain number over and over again starting from the same letter. Some cultures increments of 6 and others in increments of 9.

This was used for various reasons but also to encode messages in


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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 09/12/2020 23:09

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 29/04/2022 17:56

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 12/05/2022 01:17
Engrossing Information About the Hebrew Numerology System - Astrology Bay

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 12/05/2022 21:25

جواب  رسائل 15 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 15/05/2022 01:38

جواب  رسائل 16 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 15/05/2022 02:14

جواب  رسائل 17 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 15/05/2022 03:33

جواب  رسائل 18 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 17/05/2022 23:46
8 Helpful Facts About The 8:8 Lionsgate | Patty Kikos
Why Tesla Called “3, 6 and 9” the Secret of the Universe | by Genius Turner  | Ascent Publication
Discover 3 6 9 tesla 's popular videos | TikTok
Nikola Tesla 369 - Tesla 369 - 369 - Nikola Tesla - 369 Tesla - 369 Nikola  Tesla - 3 6 9 Tesla - YouTube
nikola tesla 3 6 9 - Google Search | Sacred geometry, Fibonacci, Fibonacci  sequence
Nikola Tesla y el enigma de los números 3, 6 y 9: El código de la creación  - Cultura Inquieta
La Increíble Matemática Secreta de TESLA
Matemáticas vorticiales, la huella de la Creación – EQUILIBRIUM
Jain 108 Sacred Geometry Vedic Mathematics - Jain 108

جواب  رسائل 19 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 26/05/2022 11:23

جواب  رسائل 20 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 29/05/2022 23:49

جواب  رسائل 21 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 01/06/2022 02:20

جواب  رسائل 22 من 22 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 04/06/2022 01:05

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