I’m of the opinion that White Rose’s project will be used to open a portal to another universe or manipulate time. Below is some evidence and reasoning for this theory.

White Rose’s machine is an exact replica of CERN’s particle accelerator. There are various theories that CERN could be attempting to manipulate time or open portals to another dimension. CERN’s particle accelerator’s true purpose, some have suggested (such as researcher Anthony Patch) to access an inter-dimensional doorway to another universe and this is not just hinted by their iconography and occult connections (as others have pointed out) but something they have suggested themselves. The director of CERN, Bertolucci, was quoted as saying: “The Large Hadron Collider could open a doorway to another dimension, and out this door might come something, or we might send something through it”. CERN themselves are very shady. Their logo consists of three six’s (that’s 666) and the name CERN is an abbreviation of “CERNUNNOS” — the god of the underworld, who’s mythologically similar to Osiris, Enki, Nimrod or Ninurta. CERN also have a Shiva statue outside the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) symbolising the cosmic dance of “creation and destruction” and CERN have performed a so-called dance of destruction in a video that you can watch on YouTube, called Symmetry and another video that they exhibited is called Black Rain.
Mr Robot would not be the first TV series that flirts with the idea of CERN being able to manipulate time and space in some way. The possibility the Large Hadron Collider at CERN could be used as a means to open an inter-dimensional doorway has no doubt been the inspiration behind the various TV references which explore the same sort of themes. For example in the CGI movie Spider Man: Into the Spider-Verse, a CERN-like particle collider opens a portal to another dimension. In the TV series Steins Gate, through the means of Kerr black-holes the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (SERN) is used to travel in time and in the movie Cloverfield: Paradox, a particle accelerator supposedly tears a hole in the fabric of time and space, opening up a portal. In the TV series Terra Nova the rift in space-time that allows time-travel is a natural phenomenon discovered by scientists working at Fermilab. Hope Plaza, the facility holding the time-portal has two large semicircles in its structure, which is presumably the particle accelerator itself, and in the game Shin Megami Tensei IV, a particle accelerator called Yamato Perpetual Reactor can open portals to alternate worlds. Also in the TV series Stranger Things, an electromagnetic machine is used to open a portal to another dimension and CERN’s LHC is essentially one ginormous electromagnetic machine. Also in the music video Timeless 2013, a singer is shown emerging from a portal identical to CERN’s particle accelerator.
At the end of Season 3 a short clip is shown of Superman reversing time to resurrect Lois Lane. Why choose a clip of Superman reversing time if this is not relevant? This fits with the idea of White Rose’s project being able to manipulate time and space. This idea is also supported by Angela who after meeting with White Rose in Season 3 says that White Rose “opened her eyes” and how things Evil Corp have done, including killing her mother can be “undone”. Angela says to Elliott how “a whole new world will be born” and asks him “What if we could make like none of this ever happened... including what happened to our parents. If we could take it back from the beginning”. This hints at time-manipulation. Angela is also shown obsessively rewinding the TV and saying that all the people who die on TV will be fine, again, hinting at a sort of time-reset There’s also various Back to the Future references throughout the show which probably have significance in light of White Rose’s comments about hacking time. The evidence, in my view, points to White Rose being able to manipulate time and space with the particle accelerator or open a portal to a different point in time and space. Remember what The director of CERN, Bertolucci, was quoted as saying: “The Large Hadron Collider could open a doorway to another dimension, and out this door might come something, or we might send something through it”.