MihrYazd wrote: |
Please elaborate on the spins, i am eager to hear your thoughts, also do you have an overall Cosmological model, a frame , this will really help.
Namaste, Mo |
nothing has changed regarding my cosmology. swastika/maltese cross/tarot card X/sacred knots etc. are all still central
See this pi wheel rotate?
SEE the LETTER E rotate 90 degrees four times = 360 degrees?
E = M = 3 = W

4 ROYAL STARS = EM3W or 4 EEEE connected to the 4 TTTT along with the 'N' that forms the TENET GRAVITY CROSS
4 EEEE = 4 fixed stars = 4 E vangelists
find those 4 EEEE on the SATOR SQUARE or the MNEME plate 5000 BCE
MO dude I am so close to taking this down to the basics.
how does 37 and 27 and 137 FIT the following FORMULA?
E = m
where do we put the c^2
aME-X advertisement
The tribe of DAN + 137 or is it the tribe of DAN + #1 + EL?
the universe is 13.7 billion years old
what is the relationship between 37 and 27 and 137?
what does 137 mean to a physcist? like a fella like Wolfgang Pauli?
Quote: |
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (April 25, 1900 – December 15, 1958) was an Austrian theoretical physicist and one of the pioneers of quantum physics. In 1945, after being nominated by Albert Einstein, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his "decisive contribution through his discovery of a new law of Nature, the exclusion principle or Pauli principle," involving spin theory, underpinning the structure of matter and the whole of chemistry.
Pauli introduced the 2 × 2 Pauli matrices as a basis of spin operators, thus solving the nonrelativistic theory of spin. This work is sometimes said to have influenced Paul Dirac in his creation of the Dirac equation for the relativistic electron, though Dirac stated that he invented these same matrices himself independently at the time, without Pauli's influence. Dirac invented similar but larger (4x4) spin matrices for use in his relativistic treatment of fermionic spin.
so guess what?
Wolfgang Pauli and ME belong to the same unique club. the counsel of the wolf, a clan that is privy to the numb3rs 137 and EL.
Quote: |
In 1958, Pauli was awarded the Max Planck medal. In that same year, he fell ill with pancreatic cancer. When his last assistant, Charles Enz, visited him at the Rotkreuz hospital in Zürich, Pauli asked him: “Did you see the room number?” It was number 137. Throughout his life, Pauli had been preoccupied with the question of why the fine structure constant, a dimensionless fundamental constant, has a value nearly equal to 1/137. Pauli died in that room on 15 December 1958. |
so he died in ROOM 137 on 15/12/1958?
how about ROOM 137 on 15121958? how about ROOM 137 on 1, 1, 2, 5, 8, remainder 159. (15 or 6)
I have proposed that E = m and that c^2 can be placed on either side of the equation E = m.
which in FACT it can.
So then how does 137, 27 and 37 fit this formula E = mc^2 ?
A party, an a-wake-ning in ROOM 1258 discussing the death of Wolfgang in ROOM 137?
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein