And here we are 101 years later and I feel we are again knocking on the door attempting to cross over that line.
With triangular arms that do not fill the square (sometimes not called pattée but a variant of the Maltese cross; see also variation of the St George’s cross)

With the ends of the arms convex and curved; sometimes called “Alisee”.
(French croix pattée alésée arrondie)


A cross and crown laid upon a cross pattée inscribed with “In Hoc Signo Vinces” resting upon downward pointing swords in saltire is often used to represent the Knights Templar.
(The various symbols used allude to the orders of the body, though the cross and crown is often used alone as well.)
The earliest documented link between Freemasonry and the Crusades is the 1737 oration of the Chevalier Ramsay.
This claimed that European Freemasonry came about from an interaction between crusader masons and the Knights Hospitaller.
So is the 137 in the year 1737 a coincidence or do we have more evidence of a ‘numerical’ narrative that seems to keep pace with the bIbLE narrative comprised of letters and words resulting in a state of IsraEL being formed?

Sator Square ~ Parish Church of San Giovanni (St. John) Campiglia Marittima, province of Livorno.
Abbreviations normally used at the time conventionaly replaced some letters with circumflex accents: we have substituted small letters for those missing. The words Cator Matheus, put in parenthesis, are carved on a stone on the other side of the architrave but are a part of the same inscription.
The translation of the words is as follows:
“The sinner Matthew achieved this work through the Grace of God: O Brothers, pray God, so that He will forgive the sins committed.”
The date, at the beginning of the inscription, has been interpreted in different ways, according to how the letter “S” is deciphered.
The theory supported by Prof. P. Bacci in 1910 upheld that it stood for the number 6, making the date of construction 1109. More recent studies, which consider the “S” an abbreviation of seventy, argue that the date is 1173.
I would argue based on the fact the Knights Templar were arrested in 1307, that 1173 is the ‘idea’ being passed forward not 1109.
Though 1109 hinting at a 911 could be a possibility too.
Dr. George Merkl (1920-2004), Ph.D, PhD, was a Nuclear Physicist and Molecular Biologist.
Dr. Merkl is listed in “Who’s Who Among Pioneers in Science Today” and holds several awards in Physics and Biology. His final and most momentus discovery involved “particle biochemistry” and the Secret of Life.
He is the author of “Inner Space (Unified Theory)”, and has discovered new treatments which can cure HIV-AIDS, cancer, and many other degenerative diseases naturally.
Life Crystals, made of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and guanosine tri-phosphate (GTP) and their precursors, are optically active and are capable of polarizing, absorbing and storing light.
One result of being able to provide concentrated, specially charged and readily available ATP and GTP, is that it is possible to ensure the optimum energy levels necessary for cellular and genetic repair, growth and function.
The Chondriana are human in origin.
They are our precursors.
They are micro-organisms which have been synthesized from human DNA. The Chondriana existed three and a half billion years ago. We had life forms back then that were capable of reproducing or mass producing all our organs. There is a micro-organism which has been found fossilized in western Australia dated three and a half billion years old. It is identical to the Chondriana. The Chondriana (ancient female micro-organisms) give birth to the Chondrions (ancient male micro organisms). Every organelle in our cells was at one time produced by similar female Chondriana.
In other words, we had life forms, back three and a half billion years ago that were capable of reproducing all our organs. We had factories in our cells, which we do not have today, which produced the organelles inside our cells. In so many ways we have de-evolved.
With this discovery we can correct the atrophy that has taken hold of us at a deep cellular level and activate dormant DNA codes to regenerate ourselves.
(I just happen to be the 137th viewer!)
more info found here:
In part 1 introduction George tells us he came to the west from the east in the year I was born, 1957.
(I do not believe in coincidences so my attention ‘span’ has been heightened and lengthened … btw)
George and ME both arrived alive in the year of IGY – 1957, the most intense solar flare/sunspot activity we have on record….was in 1957-58 
As mentioned I also happened to be the 137th viewer of this video.
Coincidence or evidence that I should watch this video?

@6:35 George says a few things.
He mentions phrases like FREE ENERGY, the ENERGY of CREATION, and the BREATH of GOD followed immediately by the words 918 pairs of ‘scrolls’ of this FREE ENERGY …
well that was enough for me 
for now
918 pairs of SCROLLS?
holy moly torah batman 
I have a problem ya see, I look at clues from all angLEs using my angEL POV. 
I read from right to left and
from left to right.
So how do we connect 918 to 819?
Will it allow us to merge east with west?
13 x 7 x 9 = 819
Note this formula was used by the Mayans to help tell TIME and by FREEMASONS like George Washington when to lay a cornerstone for the temple you plan on building…. what a Capital IDEA!
George M. gives us insights to George W. 
But as a searcher of the TRUTH, I knew that IF my work was TRUE BLUE it must connect with other inspired TRUTH seekers.

In this video lecture by George Merkl he suggests that Sumerian technology is poised to making a 21st century comeback….this next image is taken from GM’s Sumerian lecture.

In this image do you see:
1/ the hexagon/star of david?
2/ the maltese/templar cross?
3/ the left facing swastika inside the maltese cross?

What is the connection between the Maltese Cross, the Swastika, and THEY who are in the know?
Why is the swastika used as a SEAL for the Buddha’s HEART?
Can we ignore this vital clue? 
For how much longer?


George Merkl Sumerian Technology meshes with KNIGHTS TEMPLAR SATOR A-E-O-N CROSS
And that is fantastic because we now have another confirmation.
It helps to explain why we can associate the Knight’s Templar Rotas/Sator Magic Square to Roger Penrose/Ed Witten Twistor String Theory!


MORE more more of the same;
selah V
to be continued

The mathematical ratio of the height of the vesica piscis to the width across its center is the square root of 3, or 1.7320508… (since if straight lines are drawn connecting the centers of the two circles with each other and with the two points where the circles intersect, two equilateral triangles join along an edge). The ratios 265:153 = 1.7320261… and 1351:780 = 1.7320513… are two of a series ofapproximations to this value, each with the property that no better approximation can be obtained with smaller whole numbers. Archimedes of Syracuse, in his On the Measurement of the Circle, uses these ratios as upper and lower bounds:

Buddhism, the swastika signifies auspiciousness and good fortune as well as the
Buddha’s footprints and the
Buddha’s heart.
The swastika is said to contain the whole mind of the Buddha and can often be found imprinted on the chest, feet or palms of Buddha images.
It is also the first of the 65 auspicious symbols on the footprint of the Buddha.
6 5
The swastika has also often been used to mark the beginning of Buddhist texts. In China and Japan, the Buddhist swastika was seen as a symbol of plurality, eternity, abundance, prosperity and long life.
The swastika is used as an auspicious mark on Buddhist temples and is especially common in Korea. It can often be seen on the decorative borders around paintings, altar cloths and banners. In Tibetan Buddhism, it is also used as a clothing decoration.

The most striking change Dalí makes from nearly every other crucifixion painting concerns the cross. Instead of painting Christ on a wooden cross, Dalí depicts him upon the net of a hypercube, also known as a tesseract. The unfolding of a tesseract into eight cubes is analogous to unfolding the sides of a cube into six squares. The use of a hypercube for the cross has been interpreted as a geometric symbol for the transcendental nature of God
Just as God exists in a space that is incomprehensible to humans, the hypercube exists in four spatial dimensions, which is equally inaccessible to the mind.
The net of the hypercube is a three-dimensional representation of it, similar to how Christ is a human form of God that is more relatable to people. The word “corpus” in the title can refer both to the body of Christ and to geometric figures, reinforcing the link Dalí makes between religion and mathematics and science.
Christ’s levitation above the Earth could symbolize His rise above Earthly desire and suffering. The motif of the cube is present elsewhere: Gala is standing on one and the chessboard is made up of squares.

However what I found interesting was this description that accompanies the image, specifically the part about the knees.
In viewing the original one is immediately struck by the simplicity of the landscape, background, and Christ’s body contrasted with the classic realism of Gala/Madonna and the relatively grotesque detail amplification of Christ’s knees and hands. In the original painting you can see at least 5 images of Gala in Christ’s right knee and 5 images of Salvador in Christ’s left knee. It would be interesting to view this under ultraviolet and infrared light to explore what else Dali may have hidden in this painting.
Oddly the only other art I’ve seen to take direct inspiration of ‘hidden images in knees’ is male erotic Tom of Finland ‘biker boy’ 1982 where a lower woman’s torso is hidden in right knee; a man’s upper torso and phalic image are hidden in the left.
Well I do want to offer another ‘hidden image’.
Here is a image dated from the same era as the SHROUD of TURIN.
I have cropped out a portion of the Girona Tapestry circa 11th-12th century.
It shows Adam ‘naming’ the animals in Eden. Take a look at Adam’s knees!
Swastikas on
both.To the right of Adam are the stag and unicorn both associated with Jesus Christ.
To the left we see a serpent and a strange creature that has bat wings for ears.