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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/09/2012 16:56
El Año de Jubileo (III) Minimizar
Ubicación: BlogsBlogs de Juan Stam    
Publicado por: juanstam 08/04/2008
El Año de Jubileo (III)

La enseñanza bíblica del Año de Jubileo incluía, como hemos visto en artículos anteriores, la cancelación de todas las deudas cada siete años (Dt 15:1-4) y una total reforma agraria cada medio siglo (Lev 25:10,13). Por eso, Dios prohibió la "venta a perpetuidad" de la tierra, porque "la tierra mía es", dice el Señor (Lev 25:23). Como no podía existir la "propiedad privada", sólo se podría "vender" el usufructo de la tierra (sus cosechas) hasta el próximo Año de Jubileo (Lev 25:14-17). Cuando Israel vivía en obediencia a Dios, cumplía estas leyes, y cuando no las obedecía, sabía que estaba en rebeldía contra el Señor (Jer 34).

Hemos visto también que el Jubileo es el tema del primer sermón de Jesús (Lc 4:16-20) y un aspecto central del significado del Pentecostés (Hch 2:42-47; 4:32-37). En esa original comunidad pentecostal, "ninguno decía ser suyo propio nada de lo que poseía, sino que tenían todas las cosas en común, y se repartía a cada uno según su necesidad" (Hch 4:32,35). El proyecto especial de esa comunidad pentecostal era un comedor popular para los pobres de Jerusalén (6:1-7). En un sentido esa forma radical de compartir los bienes fue voluntaria, porque la iglesia no es un estado político, pero a la vez era una obligación ante Dios, basada en la ley del Año de Jubileo. Más que una invitación a la filantropía bondadosa, era todo un nuevo modelo económico.

Algunos se han atrevido a decir que este proyecto de la iglesia pentecostal fue un error, o aun que actuaron en la carne, contrario al Espíritu Santo. Es cierto que continuó la pobreza entre los creyentes de Jerusalén, pero eso no se vio como fracaso del proyecto sino llamado a intensificar la acción solidaria. Según Pablo, la decisión del Concilio de Jerusalén, guiada por el Espíritu Santo (¡Hch 15:28!), incluyó como su condición que "solamente nos pidieron que nos acordásemos de los pobres; lo cuál también procuré con diligencia hacer" (Gal 2:10). En toda su labor misionera, Pablo cumplió ese compromiso hecho en Jerusalén de ser fiel al proyecto que nació el día de Pentecostés como práctica del Jubileo.

Es especialmente impresionante el papel central de este tema en la culminación del ministerio de Pablo. El proyecto que marcó el final de su vida fue el de llevar una ofrenda a los pobres de Jerusalén, en las mismas monedas de las diferentes provincias, junto con creyentes representativos de cada zona evangelizada por él. (Eso lo expone Pablo en 1 Cor 16:1-4, 2 Cor 8-9, Rom 15:25-31 y lo narra Lucas en Hch 20:1-6, 22-25; 21:10-14,17. Hch 20:4 da la lista de los creyentes que acompañaban a Pablo). Eso no sólo sería un aporte monetario a los pobres de Jerusalén, fiel al ejemplo del día de Pentecostés y al mandato de Concilio de Jerusalén, sino también un gesto muy convincente de amor en Cristo en aras de la unidad del pueblo de Dios. Habían ocurrido muchos conflictos entre Pablo, con su ministerio a los gentiles, y los judeo-cristianos de Palestina. Al final de su ministerio, Pablo dedica todo su esfuerzo a favor de los pobres de Jerusalén y en pro de la reconciliación con los que le habían dado tanta guerra.

Pablo sabía bien que este viaje iba a ser sumamente peligroso; es más, presagiaba su propia muerte como consecuencia (Hch 20:22-25). El Espíritu Santa le testificaba múltiples veces de este grave riesgo (Hch 20:22-25), y el profeta Agabo le exhortó, con lágrimas, no ir a Jerusalén (Hch 21:10-12). Sin embargo, con terca valentía y aun contra la voz profética, Pablo insistió en hacer el viaje (21:13-14).

Lo más sorprendente de este último viaje de Pablo es que tuvo por fin un servicio a los mismos pobres que atendió la iglesia de Jerusalén después del Pentecostés. Pablo no iba a Jerusalén para una campaña evangelística, ni cursos de teología sistemática ni talleres de formación de líderes -- con todo respeto a esas muy dignas actividades. San Pablo estaba dispuesto a desafiar a las profecías y poner su propia vida en inminente peligro de muerte, por un proyecto de servicio a las necesidades materiales de los pobres de Jerusalén. Eso fue una consecuencia del proyecto de la comunidad pentecostal, el cual a su vez se basaba en el Año de Jubileo.

En 2 Cor 8-9 Pablo elabora la base y la lógica de este proyecto mediante una hermosa teología de la gracia y la gratitud (8:9; 9:8-10,15). El trasfondo fue que los tesalonicenses (más pobres) habían cumplido su prometido aporte para la ofrenda (8:1-2), mientras los corintios (más ricos) no habían cumplido. Pablo apela al ejemplo de Jesús, "que siendo rico se hizo pobre" (8:9). Más adelante, les asegura que Dios es poderoso para darles a ellos la gracia de ser generosos hacia los pobres (9:8-10). Y todo eso debe nacer de nuestra gratitud hacia Dios por su gracia para con nosotros (9:15).

Llama mucho la atención que Pablo nunca pide dinero para si mismo ni para "la obra" o "el ministerio". Pide una ofrenda para los pobres, y él mismo da el ejemplo. La razón básica, repetida dos veces en un solo versículo, es que Dios quiere la igualdad (2 Cor 8:14), lo mismo que en el Año de Jubileo y el proyecto pentecostal. La desigualdad es un mal que no agrada a Dios. Dios es enemigo declarado de cualquier sistema social que fomenta y favorece la desigualdad, como es nuestro actual sistema económico.

Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/09/2012 23:40
[GR] > The Great Seal of the United States of America

The Great Seal, adapted from an image on

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Psalm 133:12

The Great Seal of the United States of America employs traditional symbols of heraldry This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window to tell the story of the foundation and the hopes of the fledgling nation. The origins and meanings of the symbols are explained, for the most part, in the official document This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window (PDF format) supplied by the U.S. State Department This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window. Additional details are found on John D. MacArthur's excellent site This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window.

The Great Seal is used to seal 2,000 to 3,000 documents each year. It identifies the authority and ensures the authenticity of the documents sealed by the United States Government. As such, it provides an apt analogy of the Bible Wheel as God's Divine Seal of Approval on the structure of the Bible, the fundamental founding document of the Christian Faith.

The Great Seal was designed to explicitly acknowledge God's hand in the foundation of the United States, as stated in the official description This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window (page 12) of the reverse side of the Seal:

The pyramid signifies strength and duration: The eye over it and the motto, Annuit Coeptis (He [God] has favored our undertakings), allude to the many interventions of Providence in favor of the American cause. The date underneath is that of the Declaration of Independence and the words under it, Novus Ordo Seclorum (A new order of the ages), signify the beginning of the new American era in 1776.

The "many interventions of Providence" include the integration of the numbers, mottos, and geometric forms of the Great Seal with God's design of the Holy Bible and His intent for the new nation. Regardless of the theological variations amongst the founding fathers, every signer of the Declaration of Independence This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window, to a man, placed his life and sacred honor in the hands of Divine Providence, as recorded in the last sentence of that great document:

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

The online article Religion and the Founding of America This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window provided by the Library of Congress This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window provides more insight into the true Christian character of the members of the early Congress:

The Continental-Confederation Congress, a legislative body that governed the United States from 1774 to 1789, contained an extraordinary number of deeply religious men. The amount of energy that Congress invested in encouraging the practice of religion in the new nation exceeded that expended by any subsequent American national government. Although the Articles of Confederation did not officially authorize Congress to concern itself with religion, the citizenry did not object to such activities. This lack of objection suggests that both the legislators and the public considered it appropriate for the national government to promote a nondenominational, nonpolemical Christianity.

Congress appointed chaplains for itself and the armed forces, sponsored the publication of a Bible, imposed Christian morality on the armed forces, and granted public lands to promote Christianity among the Indians. National days of thanksgiving and of "humiliation, fasting, and prayer" were proclaimed by Congress at least twice a year throughout the war.

These are the men used of God to found this nation. Three of them were also commissioned by the newly formed Continental Congress to design the Great Seal. Before they adjourned on July 4, 1776, Congress passed this resolution:

Resolved, that Dr. Franklin, Mr. J. Adams and Mr. Jefferson, be a committee, to bring in a device for a seal for the United States of America.

Truly, the Lord's hand was on the foundation of this great country, this City on a Hill, this Beacon of Light, Life, and Liberty to all the peoples of the world! America is the Land of the Free because of the freedom wrought by Christ, our Eternal Light. May His Light shine on us forevermore!

A Radiant Constellation of Thirteen Stars

The beautiful mystery of God's hidden hand on the foundation of America, the design of the Great Seal, and the structure of the Bible manifests most clearly in the Number 13. Seven features of the Great Seal are based on this number which, in natural terms, alludes to nothing more than the original thirteen colonies. If God had no hand in these events, the number of colonies would be nothing but a mere accident of history and there would be no meaning to be found in it. It is here that the glory of God shines with great clarity, leaving little doubt about His involvement in the birth of the nation.

The biblical meaning of the Number 13 has been rigorously established by God in the reiterative structure of the Shema, the first and greatest commandment given in Deuteronomy 6:4 (cf. The Unity Holograph and Shield of the Blessed Trinity). The root ideas are Love and Unity, as seen in this fundamental pair of alphanumeric identities:




= 13 =





The Bible calls Love "the perfect bond of unity" (Colossians 3:14, NASB). The digits One and Three reiterate the idea of the One Triune God, Who is represented by the Eye in the Triangle above the unfinished pyramid. The Triangle is an ancient Christian symbol for the Trinity, and the Eye denotes God's omniscience. It is called the "Eye of Providence" in the official State Departments description of the Seal. The relation between the Three members of the Godhead is the root ontological source of Love in the Universe. These ideas find their ultimate expression in the greatest declaration of the nature of Love ever written, the thirteen verses of I Corinthians Thirteen, where the thirteenth verses is itself explicitly built on a pattern of One and Three.

In God We Trust from the back of the One Dollar BillAll of this was historically illustrated in the foundation of the United States when thirteen colonies united to form one nation under God. This means that the premier biblical number of Unity - the Number 13 - was historically manifested and inextricably stamped on the foundation of the USA, and has been propogated all over the planet via the ONE dollar bill. A similar work was accomplished when Israel manifested the meaning of the Number 430 in the history of their years in Egypt. In both cases, God designed History and Scripture in accordance with the alphanumeric values of fundamental Greek and Hebrew words (cf. Introduction to the Gematria Reference to learn about the numeric values of words).

Yet this is but the beginning. The idea of composite unity is exemplified in the Twelve Disciples surrounding Christ and the Twelve Tribes of Israel united in God. This is geometrically expressed in the hexagonal Star Number, commonly known as the Star of David, which appears in the constellation of 13 Stars above the eagle's head. Numbers of the form figure prominently in both the Creation and the Logos Holographs. It also relates to the name "Israel" that God gave to Jacob, with its numerical weight of 541 which is the Tenth Hexagonal Star Number, so that the numerical value of the name Israel forms a Star of David!

There are seven features of the Great Seal based on the Number 13:

Patterns of 13 in the Great Seal The Number 13 as Star of David
  • 13 Stars in the constellation above the eagle's head. The constellation forms a Star of David.
  • 13 Stripes in the eagle's shield made of 6 red and 7 white stripes.
  • 13 Arrows by the eagle's left talon.
  • 13 Leaves on the Olive branch in the eagle's right talon.
  • 13 Letters in E Pluribus Unum. The letter counts of 1, 8, and 4 spell Echad (One).
  • 13 Letters in Annuit Coeptis divided into 6 Letters and 7 Letters.
  • 13 Levels in the unfinished pyramid.
The Number 13 as Hexagonal Star Number

The official description This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window of the constellation above the eagle's head specifies the number but not the pattern of the stars. MacArthur notes This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window that the pattern violates the traditional laws of heraldry which forbid heraldic stars from being placed in a pattern, and in a personal communication indicated he knew of no historical explanation for the use of the hexagonal Star Number formation. All that is known is that it was used in the original seal made in 1782, and every seal thereafter. It would seem that the the Star pattern is another manifestation of the hidden hand of Divine Providence guiding the foundation and development of the USA.

In his article Thirteen Arrows This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window on, under the heading "The Power of Unity", MacArthur comments:

Infinitely stronger than a single rod, the unbreakable nature of aligned rods means that the bundle of arrows also symbolizes the power of unity – the attitude needed to successfully protect and defend one's nation, and if necessary, wage war to do so.

He then cites the moral of Aesop's Fable "The Bundle of Sticks", which is "In Unity is Strength." Given its inextricable integration with both Scripture and American History, it remains a mystery how triskaidekaphobia This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window (fear of the Number 13) ever found root in America.

E Pluribus Unum

(Echad, One)
in the USA Motto
E 1 (Aleph)
8 (Chet)
4 (Dalet)

The Latin phrase written on the banner held in the eagle's beak means "Out of Many, One" refering to the union of 13 States to form one nation under God. The source of of this phrase is explained on page 8 of the State Department's official document This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window:

The motto E Pluribus Unum, emblazoned across the scroll and clenched in the eagle's beak, expresses the union of the 13 States. Recent scholarship has pointed out the probable source of this motto: Gentlemen's Magazine, published in London from 1732 to 1922, was widely read by the educated in the American Colonies. Its title page carried that same motto and it is quite possible that it influenced the creators of the seal.

The thirteen letters of E Pluribus Unum are divided into three words consisting of 1, 8, and 4 letters, resepectively. These numbers correspond to the letters Aleph, Chet, and Dalet, spelling the word (Echad, One), which is the basis of the Unity Holograph. Clearly, no human could have contrived such a coincidence - the phrase is standard Latin that was in use before the seal was even conceived. We have a threefold integration of 1) the meaning of the phrase with 2) the number of letters and 3) the division of those letters into words. And all this is found in the Great Seal that commemorates the union of thirteen colonies as one nation under God. Nothing but the infinite Wisdom of God could have caused so many lines - biblical, linguistic, geometric, symbolic, and historical - to converge with such grace and simplicity.

1776 and the Eye of God

The reverse side of the Great Seal is officially described (page 8) as follows:

The reverse, sometimes referred to as the spiritual side of the seal, contains the 13-step pyramid with the year 1776 in Roman numerals on the base. At the summit of the pyramid is the Eye of Providence in a triangle surrounded by a Glory (rays of light) and above it appears the motto Annuit Coeptis. Along the lower circumference of the design appear the words Novus Ordo Seclorum, heralding the beginning of the new American era in 1776.


Traditional Christian Iconography combining the Triangle with symbols of the Persons of the Trinity
Traditional Christian Iconography
combining the Triangle with
symbols of the the Trinity

Note the reference to the "Glory" radiating from the "Eye of Providence." There are many examples of this symbol in Christian Churches, such as the image on the right from Kansas Wesleyan University, or this stained glass window This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window from Brophy College Prep. Oddly, there are many Christians who have lost their historical moorings to such an extent as to assert that the Eye in the Triangle is primarily an occultic symbol that has infected Christian iconography. This is a reversal of proper historic understanding. Occultists are, to a large extent, merely bad (spiritually blind) copiers. They misuse many Christian symbols, just as they misuse Scriptures, because they somehow sense that that is where the true spiritual power lies. The Triangle itself is an ancient Christian symbol of the Trinity, (cf. The Shield of the Blessed Trinity), and the Eye in the Triangle first appeared as a Christian symbol of the Omniscient Trinity no later than the seventeenth century, about a hundred years before it was adopted by occultists. The Eye in the Triangle is simply another reiteration of the interplay of Three and One that marks the Great Seal, the foundation of the United States, and the true doctrine of the Triune God revealed in Christianity.

Eye of Providence - a woodcarving given to Kansaa Wesleyan University
Eye of Providence from
Kansas Wesleyan University

The unfinished pyramid is generally taken as refering to the country as a work-in-progress, overseen by God. This then links to the Hebrew alphabet and the structure of the Wheel. The name of the Sixteenth Letter (Ayin) denotes the Eye (cf. The Eyes of God). It is the basis of the themes of Genesis 16 where the divine title "The God Who Sees" is revealed. It also manifests with perfect clarity in the Book of Zechariah (Spoke 16, Cycle 2) where the Stone with Seven Eyes is revealed and the rebuilding of the Temple of God is prophesied. All of this comes together in the date inscribed at the base of the unfinished pyramid surmounted by the Eye of Providence.

1600 160 16


Each group of three Roman numerals is a multiple of 16, the ordinal value of Ayin (Eye). The triplets are divided between the doubled letters: MDC CLX XVI: This then means that the date 1776 naturally divides into multiples of powers of Ten when written in Roman numerical letters:

1776 = 16 x 100 + 16 x 10 + 16 x 1 = 16 (Eye) x 111 (Aleph)

The Number 111 is the value of the name of the first letter (Aleph), which is literally God's Initial - the first letter of (Elohim, God) - which He designed to reflect His triune nature in 1 = A = Aleph = 111 (if we allow a little mathematipoetic license). This all conspires to declare 1776 as the Eye of God:

1776 = 16 (Eye) x 111 (Aleph)   ==> The Eye of God

This then integrates with the Creation Holograph and the first declaration of Vision from God - a metaphoric reference to the Eye of God - in the Bible, Genesis 1:4:

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

The sum of these words in Hebrew is exactly 1776. It is a very significant portion of the Creation Holograph (cf. The First Day). Is it possible to fail to see the true desitiny of the United States of America as the witness to God's Light in Christ? Her birth is marke by the numbers of His Name and His great Work of Creation!

This association between the Eye, the Number 16, and the Number 1776 has been distributed over the entire planet on the back of the American One Dollar Bill. Obviously, any meaning found here must be attributed to the Mind of God since mere men could never control their destiny sufficiently to integrate the date of a national revolution with the order and meaning of the Hebrew Alphabet as revealed in Scripture!

Light, Life, and Liberty!

The Statue of Liberty
Liberty Enlightening the World

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

John 1:1-5

The two numbers 13 and 1776 are profoundly integrated with the Divine Prologue fragment of the Creation Holograph, through the identity:

Sum of John 1:2-5 = 23088 = 13 x 1776

These numbers can be rearranged to reveal the values of the names of (YHVH, The LORD) and (Iesous, Jesus):

Sum of John 1:2-5 = 23088 = 26 (YHVH) x 888 (JESUS)

The integration of these names with the Divine Prologue and the The First Day Holographs is discussed in the Jesus and YHVH article. The two largest factors - 13 and - are both hexagonal Star numbers, which God used as the basis of the Creation Holograph. This means that the Great Seal of the United States of America and the combined alphanumeric structure of Genesis 1 and John 1 conspire to reveal the names of the Creator, the true Founder of America and Author of Scripture, the Lord God Almighty! Praise His Holy Name now and forever!

Rearranging the factors again now integrates these the Number 23088 with the Greek word for Genesis (with the definite article) and the Hebrew word for Jubile (the year of Release). Note the pattern of N x 10N+1 :

Sum of John 1.2-5 = 23088 = 48 (Jubile) x 481 (The Genesis)

The Genesis of the Jubile! Note that the Jubile happened every fifty years, and that this number now marks the number of the United States. Let us pray this be the destiny of the USA. Amen!

Finally, it is also very intriguing that John 1:1 is highly reminescent of the unfinished pyramid, since it forms the trapezoidal basis of the triangular form of Genesis 1.1 (shown here ascending rather than descending to correspond with the Seal):

An image of how this all fits together is given in the full Creation HyperHolograph. There is much more to say, but it must wait until other stones are laid. John 16:12.

Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 00:20

La opinión de Juan



Pero el cuarto evangelio trae una segunda versión. Allí se dice que la venida del Espíritu Santo ocurrió… ¡el mismo domingo en que resucitó Jesús!


En efecto, relata san Juan que “al atardecer del primer día de la semana (es decir, del domingo de resurrección), los discípulos estaban reunidos con las puertas cerradas, por miedo a los judíos. Entonces llegó Jesús, se puso de pie en medio de ellos y les dijo: «La paz con ustedes». Y les mostró las manos y el costado. Los discípulos se alegraron de ver al Señor. Jesús volvió a decir: «La paz con ustedes. Así como el Padre me envío a mí, también yo los envío a ustedes». Dicho esto, sopló sobre ellos y les dijo: «Reciban el Espíritu Santo. A quienes perdonen sus pecados les serán perdonados; y a quienes se los retengan les serán retenidos»” (Jn 20,19-23).


Según el Nuevo Testamento, entonces, el Espíritu Santo bajó dos veces sobre los discípulos. Una (según san Juan) en Pascua; y la otra (según Los Hechos) cincuenta días más tarde, en Pentecostés. ¿Hubo entonces dos venidas? ¿Acaso la primera no fue eficaz, y se debió recurrir a una segunda?


Problemas con tanto Espíritu



Se han propuesto varias teorías para explicar el doble relato. Por ejemplo, que el Espíritu Santo bajó en Pascua de una manera transitoria, mientras que en Pentecostés bajó de manera definitiva. O que en Pascua el Espíritu descendió de un modo individual, sólo para los discípulos, mientras que en Pentecostés bajó para todo el mundo.


Pero estas teorías hoy no son aceptadas. Porque en ningún momento el evangelio de san Juan da a entender que el Espíritu Santo allí entregado sea provisional, o tenga una función puramente individual. Tanto en Juan como en Hechos, el Espíritu Santo aparece bajando sobre los discípulos de un modo definitivo, pleno, total.


Entonces, ¿cómo explicar que haya dos relatos?


Una nueva semana



La solución que hoy proponen los biblistas es muy simple: los dos autores están contando el mismo acontecimiento, es decir, la única venida del Espíritu Santo sobre los seguidores de Jesús. Pero ambos lo cuentan de manera distinta, porque cada uno tiene una intención especial, o sea, una “teología” particular.


Para el evangelio de Juan, la muerte y resurrección de Jesús provocaron una nueva creación en el mundo. Es como si la primera creación, aquélla contada en el Génesis en siete días, hubiera quedado obsoleta, superada, y hubiera aparecido de pronto, gracias a la resurrección del Señor, un nuevo mundo con nuevas criaturas. Ahora bien, para que entrara en funcionamiento esta nueva creación, Dios tenía que mandar su Espíritu, tal como había sucedido al principio del mundo. Por eso Juan cuenta que el Espíritu Santo bajó el mismo día de Pascua: porque su misión era crear un mundo nuevo, apenas muerto y resucitado Jesús.


Si atendemos ahora a los detalles que Juan pone en su relato, veremos que aluden a esta nueva creación.


En efecto, comienza diciendo: “Al atardecer del primer día de la semana”. ¿Por qué? Porque justamente al atardecer del primer día de la semana, Dios había creado el primer mundo (Gn 1,1-5). Por eso ahora, la nueva creación debía comenzar también el mismo día.


Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 00:40



--ACTS 2:1-11.--MAY 26.--


"When he, the spirit of truth, is come, he
will guide you into all truth."--John 16:13.

PENTECOST signifies fiftieth, and was used amongst the Jews as the name of one of their most important feasts or religious celebrations. As their fiftieth "Jubilee" year followed a cycle of seven times seven years, so Pentecost, as a jubilee day, followed a cycle of seven times seven days, from the time of the gathering of the sheaf of first-fruits, which was presented before the Lord as a "wave-offering." This sheaf of the first-fruits evidently typified our Lord in his resurrection on the sixteenth of Nisan--he having been slain as the Passover Lamb on the fourteenth of Nisan.-- Lev. 33:5,6,15,16.

In our last lesson we noted the fact that it was the eleven apostles that were witnesses of our Lord's ascension, "men of Galilee;" and it was these, who were to be his special representatives, and through whose word others were to believe, that he instructed to tarry at Jerusalem until endued with power from on high. The present lesson shows us the same eleven apostles in the upper room complying with our Lord's injunction, waiting in an attitude of prayer and expectancy, and in readiness to begin their mission of feeding his sheep and lambs. In harmony with this view is the statement, a little later on, when the preaching began, that "all these are Galileans." And again, "Peter standing up with the eleven." (Acts 2:7,14.) We are not positively informed that any others were present at this time, but from previous statements, to the effect that others (to a total of one hundred and twenty) met with the apostles, "continuing with one accord in prayer and supplication," we may reasonably infer that they were present at the time of the pentecostal outpouring of the holy spirit, and that the whole company was thus baptized, immersed in the holy spirit, which filled the place where they were assembled. There is no good reason, however, for questioning respecting the cloven tongues of fire--that these sat upon any but the apostles. The statement is that "It sat upon each of them, and they were all filled with the holy spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit gave them utterance." The subsequent statement is that all those who spoke, all to whom the spirit gave utterance or tongues, were Galileans; but whether or not the apostles were thus specially recognized at this time, we are assured, not only from our Lord's words, but also from his subsequent revelation, that the apostles occupied a special place in [R2820 : page 174] connection with his Kingdom, his Church, assigned to no others.--John 6:70; Rev. 21:14.

The Pentecostal blessing signified divine acceptance of the sin-offering which, finished at Calvary, our Lord at this time had presented before the Father. The outpouring of the holy spirit upon the consecrated believers constituted their begetting of the spirit to the new nature, and implied thus, that the condemnation upon them as the children of Adam and under the Law Covenant was cancelled, and that now they were accepted in the Beloved, counted as children of God, and if children then heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus Christ their Lord, if so be that they would suffer with him, that they might also be glorified together--Rom. 8:16,17.

As is implied in our Lord's statement and in his promise, this was a new thing. No such outpouring of the divine spirit had ever occurred before as respected the children of Adam. Indeed, no such acceptance and new begetting on God's part was possible until first the sin-offering had been made and accepted. The only thing corresponding to it was the descent of the holy spirit upon our Lord at the time of his consecration at baptism in Jordan. He there received the holy spirit of adoption in the same sense, but "without measure," he being perfect; those who received this holy spirit at Pentecost received it by measure, that is, in limited degree. (John 3:34.) Altho they were all "filled" with the spirit, yet, because of weakness and imperfections of their organisms, they could only receive limited measures, --these differing one from the other according to natural temperaments, etc.

God's holy spirit had indeed been manifested in various ways previously, but all of them differed from this manifestation. For instance, it was the holy power of God which moved upon the waters in connection with the world's creation. (Gen. 1:2.) Again, as the Apostle Peter declares, "Holy men of [R2820 : page 175] old spake and wrote as they were moved by the holy spirit"--mechanically. (2 Pet. 1:21.) He further explains that what they spake and wrote they did not comprehend; because their utterances and writings were not for themselves, but for us of the Gospel age. We are, therefore, to recognize the fact that the spirit dispensation had its beginning in Jesus, when he was thirty years of age; but so far as others were concerned its beginning was in the sanctified ones at Pentecost, as recorded in this lesson. Neither are we to think that these Pentecostal outpourings and baptisms require a repetition, for the holy spirit thus once poured upon the Church was to abide, to continue, with the Church, not to be withdrawn and poured out afresh repeatedly. Some have concluded that there were times when the holy spirit was not in the world at all; but this was because they were looking for it in a wrong direction or under wrong conditions. At times the nominal church of outward professors has been so overgrown with the "tare" element that the true "wheat" could not so readily be discerned, yet we are confident that the Lord never left himself without a witness, and that even in the darkest hour of the dark ages there were some of God's true people in the world; some representatives of the body of Christ; some, therefore, possessing the holy spirit; some who therefore constituted the salt of the earth and the lights of the world, even tho the darkness was great around them and its influence so powerful that no record of the true Church is to be found, but only the records of the apostacy.

The holy spirit, in harmony with our Lord's promise, was sent only to the consecrated class, and was to abide in the true Church class, "the body of Christ;" and we, and all others who since have come into fellowship and union with our Lord, "the head of the body which is his Church," have thus come into and under the influence of the holy spirit, our rightful portion and privilege. By this spirit we were begotten to the spiritual nature, and became heirs of all the exceeding great and precious promises which belong to "the body of Christ."

It was appropriate that the giving of the holy spirit should be with certain outward demonstration and manifestation; not merely to impress and convince the apostles and the early Church, but also for the benefit of those who should subsequently come into relationship with the Church. Faith must have a ground to rest upon; an assurance that there was at the beginning such a direct recognition of the Savior's sacrifice and of the divine acceptance of the consecrated ones who trusted in him. The rushing wind fitly represented this holy spirit; indeed the words "spirit" and "wind" are both from the same Greek word; a wind is the best illustration of God's spirit, because it is powerful, and yet it is invisible. The cloven or split tongues "like as of fire" or light, was also fit symbols by which to teach the Church something respecting the divine power that had come upon her.

As a tongue it represented the influence which God would use during this Gospel age as the agency of his spirit in accomplishing the work he now designs to do; for "it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe." (1 Cor. 1:21.) This way of preaching is not a foolish way, since it is God's way; but it is so different a way of effecting a work from what the natural man would have chosen that it seems to him to be an unwise way. True, at the beginning of this age the tongues, the preaching, was supplemented by miraculous "gifts" among the Lord's people, but these were not designed to be permanent, as the Apostle explains (1 Cor. 13:8); and after the apostles who alone had the power to confer these gifts had died, the gifts themselves of necessity gradually vanished; since which time the preaching tongue has been practically the only instrument which the Lord has used in connection with his great work of calling out and sanctifying the peculiar people to be the Bride, the Royal Priesthood, the Body of Christ.

Some have incorrectly identified the fire-likeness of these tongues with the prophecy of John the Baptist, respecting Christ, saying, "He shall baptize you with holy spirit and with fire." (Matt. 3:11,12.) John's words were not addressed to the disciples, but to the promiscuous company of his hearers, some of whom were Israelites indeed, and some, as he declared, a generation of vipers. The Pentecostal blessing was indeed the fulfilment of a part of John's prediction; viz., the baptism of the holy spirit (Acts 1:5); but this was not the fulfilment of the latter part of John's prophecy respecting the baptism of fire. The room wherein the disciples were assembled was not filled with fire, and they were not immersed in it, either literally or figuratively. The cloven tongues which appeared upon their heads were not fire, but light, a fitting symbol of the holy spirit, and the message of light and truth and blessing which the apostles were proclaiming. The baptism of fire, which John predicted, came later, not upon the faithful of Israel, but upon the class whom John designated, a "generation of vipers"--upon the class of whom the Apostle Paul says, "Wrath is come upon this people to the uttermost." The trouble, the destructive trouble, the fiery trouble, in which that whole nation was figuratively engulfed and baptized, and which ended in A.D. 70, after witnessing the destruction of millions of lives, millions of property, and the complete overthrow of Israel's national polity, was the worthy fulfilment of John's prediction of a baptism of fire.

The fact that the holy spirit upon the apostles was accompanied by miraculous manifestations or gifts, tongues, etc., does not imply any greater favor of God toward the primitive Church, which had those gifts, than toward the Lord's people of a later day, after those gifts had ceased; for, as the Apostle points out, it was possible for some to have those gifts without having much of the real spirit of the Lord. He says, "Tho I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Tho I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and tho I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing." (1 Cor. 13:1,2.) We are, therefore, to esteem love for the Lord and for the brethren and for the neighbor-- active love, which does as well as wishes and says-- to be the best evidence of an acceptable condition [R2820 : page 176] with the Lord, the best evidence of a filling with his holy spirit--a far better evidence than the possession of the "gifts" described. Far greater, far more precious gifts of the spirit, then, are the gifts which the spirit develops in us--the fruits of the spirit--joy, peace, faith, love, etc.

The news respecting the miraculous manifestation of divine power spread rapidly through the city of Jerusalem, which, in addition to its general population, had at this season of the year visitors from all the neighboring countries, speaking various languages and dialects. And this furnished the opportunity for the Lord's humble disciples, "unlearned men," to begin their great work for which now they were fully commissioned and empowered. Quite possibly by this gift of tongues the Lord made up to his disciples the lack of larger education and fitted them for the work; at all events, not only on this occasion do we find that they were able to discourse in all the various languages, but subsequently, when traveling in various quarters, we have no mention of any difficulty encountered in respect to the languages or dialects, tho these were many amongst the different classes and nationalities.

The concourse of the people at Jerusalem attending this feast was of a religious kind--the most religious Jews from all the surrounding countries and nations (where more Jews resided than in Palestine), gathered on such occasions to do homage to the Lord, to render thanks and to pray for the promised blessings [R2821 : page 176] and Kingdom. In addition to this it was the custom for many of the most religious to permanently remove to Jerusalem in their old age, that they might die there; and thus we see that the Lord's arrangements, and the human arrangements which his providence had favored, all cooperated at this time for the favorable presentation of the good tidings that Messiah had come, and that he had redeemed Israel and the world, according to the prophets and the types; that he had ascended to the Father as the great High Priest for his people; and that this Pentecostal blessing represented the divine favor bestowed through him, and open to as many as would really receive him and become his followers--disciples. When we consider the class of hearers, and the miraculous power resting upon the speakers, it need not surprise us that so many were converted in so short a time--three thousand.--Acts 2:41.

We are given but a meagre account of the preaching; viz., an extract from Peter's discourse; but from the number of converts it is evident that all of the apostles engaged in the service. A summary of their preaching is given in vs. 11, where the hearers are represented as saying, "We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God." These wonderful works we have already referred to as relating to our Lord's death and resurrection, and his commission to his apostles, which they were now carrying out. True, it is said that the apostles used other words, amongst them, "Save yourselves from this untoward generation"--thus intimating the condemnation of the Jewish Church and polity, and the fire of divine wrath, the trouble, shortly to come upon them.

But the main part of their discourses was not a tirade against the Jews, but rather a showing forth of the wonderful features of the divine plan; and even in the charge against the rulers and the people for the great crime they had committed in crucifying Jesus, the Apostle puts the matter as kindly as possible, saying, "I wot that in ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers." Herein we have a valuable lesson for all the followers of Christ who preach in his name and who would win souls from the darkness of error to harmony with God. The proper, the effective preaching, today and then, is that which tells of the wonderful works of God in man's redemption, and not that which tirades against the nominal church-- even tho it be necessary occasionally to point out the errors of Babylon, as the apostles pointed out the errors of Judaism. Our course, like theirs, should be one of great moderation and kindness, as well as plainness of speech, "speaking the truth in love."

The harvest work of the present time reminds us much of this gathering of the harvest in Israel. Now, as then, those who are addressed by the holy spirit are the Israelites indeed--"devout men out of every nation under heaven." And so prominently is this the direction in which the holy spirit is guiding in this harvest work that one of the charges against the work is, that we are not going after the drunkards and harlots and gamblers and thieves and vagabonds, but are seeking to feed the Lord's sheep and lambs,-- seeking to present present truth, meat in due season, to the devout of every nation. And such, we believe, is the will of God concerning us; and so we advise that all of the Lord's people, as they seek to proclaim the grace of God, remember the words of the Lord, that we are to feed his sheep and his lambs, and not spend unnecessary time with the goats and the wolves, as soon as we recognize their kind, except it be to drive them off or to expose their true character to the sheep.

Our commission is to "preach the Gospel to the meek," not to the froward and the vile; to bind up the broken-hearted, not to seek to break the hard hearts. The Lord has his own plan for dealing with the stony hearts in the time of trouble which is near, and during the Millennial age, in which the necessary force will be used to restrain the evil and to open their eyes and ears of understanding. Now our commission is to go to those who have an ear. "He that hath an ear let him hear." Those who have not the ears to hear the message, and who have not the hearts to appreciate its beauty, should not be argued with or wrangled with, but wisely left as quietly as possible in their ignorance and blindness until the Lord's due time for scattering the pall of darkness, the gross darkness which Satan has brought upon the people. We had rather leave in ignorance and under the bonds of superstition those who manifest no appreciation of the grace of God; for doubtless, if their superstitions were loosed in the present time, it would be nothing to their advantage; perhaps to the disadvantage of others. Let us remember that the Gospel message is to gather out the Lord's peculiar people, a little flock, and that so far as the world is concerned the Gospel is only a "witness" now.














Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 00:43

Pentecost Is the Representation of the Jubilee

It was while I was studying and wrote an article called, The Hidden Meaning of Pentecost, that I became aware of when an old year ends and a new year begins according to Yahweh’s timetable as opposed to man’s. In the process of writing the article, I discovered some other very important truths Pentecost conveys to the followers of Yahweh.
On the fiftieth day is Pentecost. The fiftieth day is representative of the Jubilee, the fiftieth year. Each of the seven Sabbaths represented a Land Rest Year followed by the fiftieth day. On Pentecost, the Torah was given in Exodus 19. These are the Ten Commandments. On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was given in Acts 2.
At the beginning of the countdown to Pentecost is the Barley Wave offering. On this day, Yahshua leads the saints to be presented to Yahweh as representative of the saints still yet to come. It was concluded that the end of the countdown to Pentecost was when the Wheat Harvest Wave Offering was presented, representing those saints at the end of this age, who would also be raised up from the grave on Pentecost.
I strongly recommend we study this annual reminder of the Jubilee shown to us each year at the appointed time on Pentecost before continuing to read ahead regarding the Jubilee. This initial understanding is critical before the greater part of the Jubilee message can be revealed to you. You can read the rest of this if you want, and you will know what it says—but will you understand? Will you let it become written on your heart? Knowledge is of no use unless you come to a deeper understanding of things. Wisdom is gained from understanding.

Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 00:46

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 00:50

Respuesta  Mensaje 25 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 00:53

Respuesta  Mensaje 26 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 00:57

The Prophetic Jubilee Years

August 20, 2011

by DJ. Love, Bnei HaMashalim

Leviticus 25:9
 Then shalt thou cause the trumpet [shofar] of the jubilee to sound on the tenth [day] of the seventh month, in the "Day of Atonement" [Yom Kippur] shall ye make the trumpet [shofar] sound throughout all your land.

Okay Beloveds, what you have just read is so prophetic that it must not be ignored. So let me spell it out for everyone in advance of further "Physical to Spiritual" parallel proof. What verse nine just told us is that "The Last Trump" will occur on "The Day of Atonement" [Yom Kippur] on the very "Last Jubilee", but that's not all, as you shall see; Jubilee is, also, paralleled by "Pentecost".

Revelation 10:7-8
But in the days of the voice [the calling] of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound
("The Last Trump"), the mystery of YHVH should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
¶ And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go [and] take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the Earth.

Revelation 11:15
¶ And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become [the kingdoms] of our kurios, and of his anointed; and he shall reign forever and ever.

The next phase of this "Physical to Spiritual Parallel" proof is the parabole
(Greek for parallel), which is the perfect parallel that was designed by YHVH to teach His prophetic children (Those with "Ears to Hear", and "Eyes to See") when to expect "The Call" or "Voice" of "The Seventh Angel" to say "Come up hither" or "Rise". Anybody reading this have an idea, who "The Seventh Angel" is ? Can you say, "Messiah"?

Revelation 4:1-2
¶ After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard
(Revelation 1:10) [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither [Rise], and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.
And immediately I was in the Spirit
(symbolically Resurrected): and, behold, a throne was set [placed] in heaven, and [only one] (Messiah) sat on the throne.

Yes, beloveds, the parallels that are being drawn are the Spiritual relationships that exist between "The Resurrection of The Saints"
(in Messiah's name), "The Last Trump", "Yom Kippur" (Day of Atonement), "Succoth" (Sukkot), the Seven Week (49 days) "Omer Count", "The Feast of Firstfruits", and those of "The Sacred Seventh Month" with those of "Jubilee" and "The Sacred Seventh Millennium" !

Leviticus 25:4 and 8-9
4 But in the seventh year (a Sabbath Year) shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for YHVH: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.

8 ¶ And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years.
9 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year
(Jubilee), and proclaim liberty (freedom from Self)  throughout [all] the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession (land), and ye shall return every man unto his family.

Leviticus 23 "Parallels" Leviticus 25

Leviticus 23:15-16
¶ And ye shall count unto you from the morrow [the morning] after the [weekly] sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven [weekly] sabbaths shall be complete:
Even unto the morrow [the morning] after the seventh sabbath [forty-nine days or Shavuot] shall ye number fifty days [Pentecost]; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto YHVH.

Dual Prophetic Parallels exist within "The Counting of The Omer" One is represented by the "Seven Weeks", which are a direct parallel to "Seven Millenniums"; the other is represented by "Fifty Days", which symbolically ties "Pentecost" to "A Jubilee", but not just any "Jubilee" but rather "The Jubilee" that occurs at "The Beginning of Sabbath Millennium". Why? Because "The First Year of The Millennial Count" is, also, "The First Year of The Jubilee Count". Meaning mathematically the two are in sync, and since the number fifty divides evenly into six thousand years exactly one-hundred and twenty times, it means that the last Jubilee will occur exactly at the end of the sixth millennium and at the beginning of the first day of the "Seventh Millennium".
Do not make the error of comparing "The Seven Weekly Sabbaths" of the "Omer Count", with the "Forty-nine Days to Shavuot and the Fifty Days to Pentecost". The relationship that does exist between the two represents simultaneous occurrences, that are currently "In Progress" even as you read this message; while the seven weeks represent seven millenniums, the fifty days represent fifty Jubilees OR two-thousand and five hundred years since the Beginning of The Jews returned from exile. Do you not see how the Jews being returned from exile satisfies the requirement of a Jubilee?

In approximately 461 BCE the king of Persia began the fifty by fifty Jubilee return when he sent fifty-thousand Jews back to Jerusalem; that "Jubilee Return" from exile is still occurring and will ultimately end with the return of "The Spiritual Jew" to New Jerusalem with
"The Pentecost of All Jubilees". Yes, beloveds, "Pentecost" is a foretaste of "The Final Jubilee" to occur immediately prior to the beginning of "The Sabbath Millennium" and "The Spring Harvest" of "The Spiritual Jew" [Firstfruits].

Ezra 1:1-3
¶ Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of The LORD YHVH by the mouth of Jeremiah [the prophet] might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the [righteous] Spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and [put it] also in writing, saying,
2 Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, "The LORD GOD of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which [is] in Judah.
3 Who [is there] among you of all his people [The Jews]? his [whose] GOD be with him, and let him [The Jews] go up to Jerusalem, which [is] in Judah, and build the house [temple] of the LORD GOD of Israel, (he [is] the GOD,) which [is] in Jerusalem.

Thus began "The Omer Count" to "The Pentecost of All Jubilees" for "The Firstfruits" of symbolic wheat.
2500 years for "The Return from Exile" and beginning with "The Physical Jew", whose "GOD be with him", and ending with "The Spiritual Jew", whose GOD be with him". Yes, beloveds, "We" are now awaiting "The Pentecost of All Jubilees".

So why is the Parabole or Mashalim [the Parallels] of the "Fiftieth Day" [Pentecost] and the "Fiftieth Year" [Jubilee] important to "Us" ? Because this makes the "Sacred Seventh Month" and its "Holy Days" a direct parallel of "The [seventh] Sabbath Millennium" and the prophetic events that lead up to "The Seventh" or "Last Trump", as well as, the events that will occur after the "Seventh" or "Last Trump". 
Also, keep in mind that "The Feast of Firstfruits"
(that follows Pentecost) is a "Spring Harvest" parallel, while "Succoth" [Sukkot] (that follows Yom Kippur) is a "Fall Harvest" parallel.
Moreover, it means that we can confirm when the next Jubilee year will occur, and shockingly one-hundred and nineteen Jubilees have already occurred since the "First Adam"; meaning "We" only have one more to go. See the Message on "The Last Trump".

Beloveds, YHVH's "Plan of Salvation" has existed in Symbolic Parallel Format within "The Mind of YHVH" since before "The Beginning of Creation", and all "We" need(ed) to do was realize
The Importance of YHVH's Sabbaths. Without "YHVH's Sabbaths" in our hearts, "We" have no future with YHVH. Do you remember "The Shema"? Do any of you truly believe that YHVH's Sabbaths have ever been lost to His prophetic Children ? Do any of you truly believe that YHVH's Weekly Sabbath can occur on any day of the week OR that any of YHVH's Holy Sabbaths can occur whenever it is convenient for man? See "International Dateline Dilemma".

Jubilee, Pentecost, and Yom Kippur

for YHVH's Chosen

Leviticus 25:10-15
10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land
(Coming  Kingdom of YHVH on Earth) unto all the inhabitants (Jubilee) thereof: it shall be a "Jubilee" [Spiritually Joyous Occasion] unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession (Land), and ye shall return every man unto his family (NO EXILE, no debt or slavery or captivity).
11A "Jubilee" shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undressed.
12 For it is the "Jubilee"; it shall be Holy [Righteous] unto you: ye shall eat the increase [excess or stored foods] thereof out of the field
(1 Corinthians 3:7).
13 In the year of this "Jubilee" ye shall return every man unto his possession
14 And if thou sell ought unto thy neighbor, or buyest ought of thy neighbor's hand, ye shall not oppress one another:
15 According to the number of years after the "Jubilee" thou shalt buy of thy neighbor, and according unto the number of years of the fruits he shall sell unto thee:

2 Corinthians 9:10-12
10 Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;
11 Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to YHVH.
12 For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of "The Saints", but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto YHVH;

So what is it that "The Jubilee", "Pentecost", and "Yom Kippur" [Day of Atonement] have in common ? Simply that they all represent a "
Oneness with YHVH".

The Jubilee year states the "Oneness with YHVH" as "Freedom or Liberty" from "The Burdens of The Flesh(from Sin or Self or captivity).

Pentecost states the "Oneness with YHVH" as being "In The Spirit", as a "Holy Spiritual Image" of YHVH's "Righteousness Seeking Spirit
"  (Holy Spirit).

Yom Kippur [Day of Atonement] states the "Oneness with YHVH" as being in "The Presence" of YHVH. Remember "The Day of At-One-Ment" is a fast where "The Flesh" is no longer important, because "We" are "As One" or "Married" to YHVH.

Now there are a great many "Rules and Regulations" concerning "The Jubilee Year", but it is not the "Rules and Regulations" that are important, but rather, what "The Rules and Regulations" are saying. And they all say, "Freedom from Self", "Freedom from the burden of Sin", "Freedom from unrighteousness", "Freedom from captivity", "Love of one another", "Love of Righteousness", "Charity", "No Slackers", "No unfair advantage", "No suffering", and . . . . . .

Romans 13:1-14
8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
11And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
14 But put ye on the Lord Messiah YahShua, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

So when was the first "Jubilee Year"?

So when was the latest "Jubilee Year"?

The very first Jubilee Year began with "The First Adam", and the very last "Jubilee Year" will begin with "The Last Adam"
(not his physical birth, but Spiritual return).

1 Corinthians 15:45-47
45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul [of flesh]; the last Adam [was made] a quickening spirit.
46 Howbeit that [was] not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual
(Messiah was not born or created before the first Adam).
47 The first man [is] of the earth, earthy: the second man [is] the kurios
(YHVH's proxy)  from "The Clouds", Righteousness Seeking.

According to our calculations, detailed in "The Last Trump" message, the "Latest Jubilee" occurred in 1989 AD., but the Jubilee that coincides with "The Last Trumpet" will most probably occur in 2039AD during [at the beginning of] "The Sacred Seventh Month" for a total of sixty Jubilees from the "First Adam" to the completion of "Solomon's Temple", and sixty more Jubilees from the completion of "Solomon's Temple"
(3000 BCE)  to "The First Resurrection of The Saints" [Spring Harvest] at "The Return of The Second Adam"; Messiah Yahshua.

By the way, did you realize that in 1989 there was a mass immigration [return from exile] of Jews from the former Soviet Union. A perfect symbol of a Jubilee taking place.

Blessings,  D.J. Love

Remember The Sabbath Day and Keep it Holy!

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Respuesta  Mensaje 27 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 01:05

The Year of Jubilee


The most unusual observance that God commanded the Israelites through Moses was the keeping of the year of jubilee. For most people this celebration occurred only once in their life time, and for many not even that, as it occurred only once every 50 years.

At this year of jubilee all Israelites who had sold themselves into slavery were set free, and all land that had been sold reverted to its original owner. This meant that no Israelite could ever be in permanent slavery; nor could any Israelite permanently lose his inheritance.

The English word jubilee comes from the Hebrew word yobel meaning a trumpet or ram’s horn. These rams’ horns were blown on the Day of Atonement to announce the start of the year of jubilee. The word jubilee should not be confused with the word jubilation which comes from a Latin word meaning to rejoice. The year of jubilee was no doubt a time of great jubilation, but the similarities of the two words are (at least humanly speaking) a coincidence.

To understand the year of jubilee more clearly we must first review the concept of the Sabbath.

The Sabbath

Sabbath observance was part of the ceremonial law that God gave Israel through Moses. Normally we think of the Sabbath as a day of the week, but its meaning in scripture is much wider. Its teaching applies not only to the seventh day of the week, but also to the 7 festivals of Israel’s calendar and to periods of 7 years and 7 times 7 years. Such is its importance that, unlike any other part of the ceremonial law, its keeping is even one of the 10 commandments.

The words of the fourth commandment are: ‘Six days shall you labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.’

The ancient Israelites understood the Sabbath as a literal day of the week, the seventh day which corresponds to our Saturday. On that day they strictly refrained from all work. This was a sign and covenant between them and Yahweh their God, which separated them from the tribes who surrounded them.

In Exodus 31: 15 God prescribed the death penalty for anyone who broke the Sabbath. ‘For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must be put to death.’

In Deuteronomy 5, where the commandments are repeated, we find this addition to the fourth commandment: ‘Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the LORD your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the LORD your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day.’

During their wanderings in the desert the Israelites observed the Sabbath strictly. They found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath and brought him to Moses. God told Moses that he should be put to death, and they stoned him. (Num 15: 32-36.)

God said that the Sabbath was to be a holy day. This simply means a day that is set apart or different from other days. It was set apart as a day of rest.

Why do we find this ceremonial commandment to keep the sabbath numbered among the 10 commandments? It is the longest of all the commandments and is even placed before all the moral commandments such as ‘Do not murder’ and ‘Do not steal’? I suggest 3 reasons:

  • The sabbath embodies the gospel. Central to the whole gospel message is the fact that God gave. Man did not earn. We have earned or deserved nothing. God freely gave his only son to save us from our sin.
  • The Israelites were slaves in Egypt. Slaves are not given days off! The whole idea was absolutely new and revolutionary.
  • The sabbath, as we will now see, is the foundation of all other Hebrew festivals.

I have written a separate article on the Sabbath .

Annual Festivals

The idea of a sabbath rest is the foundation of all the other celebrations of the old covenant. When we look at the festivals we find that no unnecessary work must be done on any of them.

Pentecost is the Greek name for the Hebrew שּבֻעוֹת (shavuot) or Festival of Weeks. This is how it is described in Lev 23: 15, 16: ‘From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full weeks. Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to the LORD.’ We see then that this festival was a sabbath of sabbaths.

The sabbath is a special day. That is what the word holy means - set apart or special. The seventh sabbath is a special day among special days.

For comparison, what do we mean by the King of kings? A king is a unique and special person, above all his subjects. The King of kings is a unique and special person among kings. He is so special that before him even kings are as ordinary people and bow before him.

What do we mean by the holy of holies? The holy place is a place that is set apart and special and different from ordinary places. The holy of holies is special and set apart even when compared with the holy place.

So also then a sabbath of sabbaths is special and set apart even when compared with the sabbath. Pentecost or shavuot was a sabbath of sabbaths, special and holy even among sabbaths.

The seventh day of the week or sabbath was a special day, and we also find that the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar was a special month. In it there were 3 festivals and 4 extra sabbath days. The first day of the seventh month was the Festival of Trumpets. This was also a sabbath. Likewise the tenth day of the seventh month was a sabbath. This was the great Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement. Yom Kippur was followed on the fifteenth day of the seventh month by the 8 day Festival of Booths or Tabernacles. The first and last days of this festival were also sabbaths.

We see then that not only was the seventh day of the week a special day, but also that the seventh month was a special month containing 3 festivals and 4 extra sabbath days.

I have written a separate article on the The Festivals of Israel

Sabbatical Years

The seventh day was special and the seventh month was special, and so also was the seventh year. It was a sabbatical year. Leviticus 25: 1-4 reads: ‘The LORD said to Moses on Mount Sinai, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a sabbath to the LORD. For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops. But in the seventh year the land is to have a sabbath of rest, a sabbath to the LORD. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards.’"’

The sabbath day was a time of rest for everyone, male, female, masters, servants and even animals. The seventh year was a time of rest for the land.

Why does the human body need about 8 hours sleep in every 24? What happens during those 8 hours? Scientists still cannot answer these questions. We understand the need for food, but why should we need sleep? God has so designed creation that everything needs rest. He could have designed it a different way, but he chose to build the need for rest into the very fabric of creation. He did this to teach and illustrate a vital spiritual lesson.


This brings us to the main subject of this writing. Verses 8 to 55 of Leviticus 25 describe the year of jubilee. The first few verses are as follows: ‘Count off seven sabbaths of years -- seven times seven years -- so that the seven sabbaths of years amount to a period of forty-nine years. Then have the trumpet sounded everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement sound the trumpet throughout your land. Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each one of you is to return to his family property and each to his own clan.’

Like the day of Pentecost, the year of jubilee is a sabbath of sabbaths. It is a special year among special years. Its climax was the great Day of Atonement What happened then on this momentous once-in-a-lifetime occasion? Trumpets were sounded throughout the land of Israel, and 2 amazing things took place.

  • All Hebrews slaves were set free.
  • All land returned to its original owner or owner’s family.

We cannot understand the full impact of this without knowing its historical background. For more than 80 years before the Exodus, the Israelites had been slaves in the land of Egypt, without freedom and without possessions. When they reached the land of Canaan, Joshua divided the land among their tribes and their families, so that each had his own inheritance. Every adult male among them became a land owner. This land was a permanent possession that could never depart from his family. If a man became poor he could sell part or all of his land, but only temporarily. It would always revert to him or his descendants at the year of jubilee. If he became even poorer and was unable to pay his debts, he could sell himself into slavery, and work to pay off his debts. Again that slavery could only ever be temporary. When the great Day of Atonement in the year of jubilee came he became a free man once again and repossessed his inheritance.

What a marvellous provision this was! How many landless slaves in the poorer countries of the world today would wish they lived under such laws!

These then were the laws of the sabbath, the festivals, sabbatical years and jubilees that God gave to ancient Israel through his servant Moses, and it is not difficult to read and study them. But we must do more than that. We must ask what significance these jubilees have had throughout history, and what meaning they have for us 3500 years or so after they were first decreed.

Whether and how long the Israelites observed jubilees after the time of Moses is not recorded as far as I know in history. There is no further explicit mention of jubilees after the book of Numbers. However study of the Bible’s chronology reveals the remarkable fact that unknown to Israel God observed special jubilee years. 5 of the most important and significant events in Bible history occurred exactly on key jubilee years. (I have explained the calculation of time periods in the Bible in my writing on Bible Chronology and so will not repeat those explanations here.)

We will now look at these 5 great jubilee events and see how the 2 main aspects of jubilee - freedom and repossession of inheritance - have been fulfilled in them. We will then look forward to their fulfilment in an even greater jubilee in our present times.

Past Jubilees

The day of Pentecost, as I have said, was the 50th day and was the day following the 7 weeks from the Passover. The year of jubilee occurred after 7 sabbatical years, or 49 years. It began on the Day of Atonement in the 49th year and ran on till the Day of Atonement in the 50th year. God counted these 49 years as 50. On the same principle God reckons 490 years as 500 years and 1960 years as 2000.

The Birth of Abraham

The first notable jubilee that God (unknown to man) observed was the birth of Abraham. This happened exactly 40 jubilees or 2000 years in Bible reckoning from Adam.

We cannot exaggerate the future importance of what was at the time a quiet, unspectacular event. It was the start of God’s redemptive purposes for the whole creation. Without Abraham there would have been no Israel, no Moses, no law, no exodus from Egypt or Babylon and no Jesus. Abraham was God’s new beginning.

Abraham was born in a city called Ur of the Chaldees in the land of Babylonia. This was a corrupt place and the first thing God did was to call him out of it. His first recorded words to Abraham were: ‘Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.’

Here we find the seeds of the jubilee. Abraham left Babylon (which was later to become the land of captivity for the Jews) and went to the country which God was going to give him for an inheritance. We will see these two themes - freedom from slavery and possession of inheritance - repeating themselves in the other great jubilees that followed.

The Exodus

Most amazing for its timing is what happened in the year that was exactly the 50th jubilee from Adam. A jubilee itself is a very special year, being a sabbath of sabbaths. What then is a 50th jubilee but a jubilee of jubilees or we could say a sabbath of sabbaths of sabbaths of sabbaths! So what happened in the year 2500 from Adam - this jubilee of jubilees or sabbath of sabbaths of sabbaths of sabbaths? This was the very year that the Israelites came out of Egypt! This event was a wonderful sabbath. The Israelites were able to rest from their hard labour in the land of Egypt. It was also the ultimate fulfilment of the Bible law of jubilee. The 2 great jubilee features were both remarkably present. The Exodus was the greatest setting free of slaves the world has ever seen. It was also the start of the process by which the land of Canaan returned to its rightful owners. God had promised the land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants. When they were set free from Egypt the way was open for them to march in and claim their inheritance.

50 days after the Exodus on the day of Pentecost, the Israelites arrived at Mt. Sinai. We read in Exodus 19: 16 ‘On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled.’ This was no other than the trumpet of jubilee.

Now I say this was the greatest liberation of slaves that has ever taken place in history, and speaking in the natural that is true. But there came a day when Moses and Elijah stood with Jesus on the mountain of transfiguration, and (translating literally) ‘they spoke about his exodus which he was about to fulfil at Jerusalem’ (Luke 9: 31). The Exodus that Moses led from Egypt was a liberation of the Israelites from physical slavery to the Egyptians. The Exodus that Jesus led was and is a liberation from spiritual slavery to sin and Satan. What Jesus did was greater and wider and more far-reaching than the greatest event that ever happened in ancient history. Jesus was the greater Moses bringing about a greater exodus from a greater slavery.

The Dedication of Solomon’s Temple

500 years on from the Exodus came the high point in Israel’s national history. During those 500 years the Israelites had wandered through the desert under Moses, and then conquered Canaan under Joshua. After several centuries under the judges they had their 3 greatest kings. Saul defeated the Amalekites who were their most powerful enemies. David went on from Saul’s foundation to gain victory after victory. Solomon could then enjoy the fruits of David’s victories and turn his attention to amassing wealth and building great buildings.

Solomon had the privilege of building the temple or house of God. How great and wonderful was the occasion when the temple was finally finished and the time came to dedicate it to God. The year (unknown to Solomon) was the 60th jubilee from Adam and the time was the Festival of Tabernacles. On this most special occasion the Holy Spirit came down with great power, and the priests were unable to stand to minister because of the glory of the Lord (1 Kings 8: 11).

This moment in history was the completion of everything that had begun at the Exodus. The Israelites were for a brief period a totally free people living in their own land - a status they soon lost and did not regain at any time in their history till the last century. Previously they had been oppressed by the Egyptians, the Canaanites, the Midianites and the Philistines among others. Later they were oppressed in turn by the Syrians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians and the Persians, the Greeks and then the Romans. But for a brief interval under David and Solomon they were totally free. God gave them rest from all their enemies, and they were able to possess and enjoy their inheritance to the full.

I have written more on this subject under the title David and Solomon and will limit my comments here.

Respuesta  Mensaje 28 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 01:06

The Return from Babylon

The following 500 years were an unhappy period of decline for Israel. At the end of it the unbelievable happened. God, who cannot lie, had twice promised the land of Israel to Abraham as an ‘everlasting possession’ (Gen 17: 8 and 48: 4). That promise had been marvellously fulfilled. Israel had gone from being a rabble of slaves in a foreign land to being a powerful independent people in their own kingdom. Now again they became captives in a foreign land. What had happened to God’s promises?

This captivity was very different from the time in Egypt. It was a judgement and a consequence of sin. Most especially it was a judgement on the people of God for worshipping other gods. It was a judgement on religious sin.

Babylon in scripture is a picture of man’s religion. For centuries manmade, man-centred, man-controlled religion has held the true people of God in captivity.

Daniel and Nehemiah fasted and wept and confessed their sins and the sins of their people, and God granted deliverance. Cyrus, king of Persia, issued a decree that the Jews should return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple (Ezra 1: 1-5).

This decree was issued at exactly the 70th jubilee from Adam. Once again we see the terms of the jubilee fulfilled. The captives were set free and returned to possess their inheritance.

The deliverance from captivity in literal Babylon is a picture of a much greater deliverance from a spiritual Babylon.

I have written a separately on Babylon.

The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

490 (reckoned as 500) years on from the Jewish return from Babylon we reach the times of the New Testament. This time period is clearly described in Daniel’s prophecy: ‘Seventy ‘sevens’ are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy..’ (Dan 9: 24).

What happened to fulfil this prophecy? Nothing less than the greatest event in all recorded history: the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Appropriately this occurred at the 80th jubilee from Adam, the number 8 and its multiples being associated especially with Jesus and his resurrection.

The children of Israel were set free from Egypt at the Exodus. The Jews were set free from Babylon after their 70 years of captivity. Jesus at his resurrection was set free from death. We also read in Mat 27: 52, 53 that ‘The tombs were opened and the bodies of many saints who slept were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus’ resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people.’

This was an expression of jubilee that exceeded all previous jubilees. Jesus himself was set free from the ultimate imprisonment. He overcame death for himself and opened a way of deliverance for the whole creation.

Jesus began his ministry with a clear reference to the year of jubilee. In the synagogue at Nazareth he read these words from Isaiah: ‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.’ (Isaiah 61: 1, 2 and Luke 4: 18, 19). He spoke of freedom to the prisoners and releasing the oppressed and proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favour. What other year could this mean but the year of jubilee? After proclaiming it he went on to bring deliverance from sin, sickness and Satan to multitudes of those who were bound and afflicted. All this culminated with his own deliverance from the chains of death, and 50 days later the deliverance of his followers from all fear on the glorious day of Pentecost. They in turn proclaimed deliverance and release to captives wherever they went.

A Future Jubilee

We have considered 5 great jubilees that occurred in Bible times. The following table shows these jubilees with their equivalent number of Bible years from Adam. I have added one further jubilee which we will now consider.


Event Jubilee Years
Birth of Abraham 40th 2000
Exodus 50th 2500
Dedication of Solomon’s temple 60th 3000
Decree to Rebuild Jerusalem 70th 3500
Death and Resurrection of Jesus 80th 4000
Consummation 120th 6000

Are these 5 great jubilees that took place in Bible times the end of the story, or are there more jubilees to come?

The first 4 of these jubilees all pointed forward to the fifth jubilee which was the death and resurrection of Jesus. Each of the first 4 jubilees was an event in the natural order concerning the people of Israel, the natural people of God. They were shadows and types of what was to come. The resurrection of Jesus and the subsequent outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was their first fruit fulfilment. But even these great events of the new testament were not their complete and final fulfilment.

Jesus was the first fruit from the dead, and his resurrection pointed forward to a great harvest yet to come. So then just as the first 4 great jubilees of the past all point to the even greater fifth jubilee, so also the first 5 great jubilees of the past all point to the still greater sixth jubilee to come.

What is there in scripture that indicates that this is so? We will call 4 witnesses.

1. Paul’s specific prophecy.

Paul looked forward to an event, which in Romans 8 he described as the manifestation of the sons of God. He wrote, ‘The creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the sons of God.’ When we look more closely at the context of these words, we find an exact parallel with the Exodus from Egypt. His words are filled with the language of jubilee. Rom 8: 18-23 reads as follows:

‘I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.’

The children of Israel groaned in their sufferings for more than 80 years in Egypt. They were crying out for deliverance and freedom. God was preparing Moses to be their deliverer. Moses was, I believe, the prototype of the manifested sons of God. For 40 years God had been setting him free from all that belonged to Egypt. After that preparation at last he was ready, in the mighty power of God, to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt and into their promised inheritance. (See Moses and the Path of Sonship.) Now I believe God has sons, like Moses, in the wilderness whom he is preparing for the deliverance of the whole creation. This time it will not just be one man delivering one people from a physical slavery. It will be a multitude of sons delivering a multitude of peoples from spiritual slavery.

2. Jesus said: "I will come again".

Many Christians all over the world have been taught to expect a literal fulfilment of these words. They expect Jesus to return physically in person and set up his kingdom on this earth. Further examination of the scriptures can lead to a very different view. Jesus is coming again in his people, just as he did at Pentecost. He will come with the clouds, and every eye will see him; but those clouds will not be clouds of physical water. Rather they will be a great cloud of witnesses who have been spiritually drawn up from the earth to reign with him in heavenly places. Every eye will see him when he is manifested in the many sons whom he is bringing to maturity.

I have written separately on this also under the title The Coming of the Lord

3. The Festival of Tabernacles.

As stated earlier, the Hebrew religious calendar had 3 great festivals, namely Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. These festivals have deep prophetic meaning. They speak of 3 stages of spiritual experience in the lives of the people of God, both as individuals and as a whole.

The church as a whole has experienced Passover and Pentecost and many individuals have celebrated these festivals in their personal lives. However the Festival of Tabernacles remains largely unfulfilled.

The Festival of Tabernacles was the climax of Israel’s religious calendar. Unlike the one day festival of Pentecost its celebration lasted a full 7 days. It was the final harvest festival of the year when all the crops were gathered. It was the festival of fullness and perfection.

This festival remains to be fulfilled and I believe it corresponds to the great sixth jubilee.

For more on this read The Festivals of Israel

4. The Sabbath.

The writer to the Hebrews wrote: ‘There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God’ (Heb 4: 9). He looked forward to a time that was yet to come. According to Peter, ‘With the Lord a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as a day’ (2 Peter 3: 8). 6000 years from Adam ended on the same day in 1933 that was also the 120th jubilee. The seventh millennium began.

When will this Jubilee Come?

When will this great jubilee come?

The normal Bible year is a lunar year of 354 days. Measuring on 1960 lunar years (counting as 2000 as I said earlier) from the death of Jesus we come to June 12th 1933. This date, as mentioned above, was the 120th jubilee or 6000 years from Adam. 3 other major Bible time periods ended on the same day, making this a very special day. It was, I believe, the official start date of the sixth great jubilee.

God marked this occasion in a remarkable way, as I have described in my writing on Bible Chronology. What happened then, however, was not an immediate and visible fulfilment of the manifestation that Paul spoke of in Romans. However I believe it was the official starting date.

The children of Israel came out of Egypt as I have described exactly on the 50th jubilee from Adam. However there was a lapse of 40 years before they set foot in the promised land.

Cyrus’s decree to rebuild Jerusalem fell exactly on the 60th jubilee, but again it took time for the exiles to leave Babylon and return to the Israel and rebuild Jerusalem.

At the 70th jubilee there were 50 days between the resurrection of Jesus and the great manifestation on the day of Pentecost.

So now I believe the trumpet of jubilee has sounded and we are waiting to see its great and glorious manifestation.


We have now entered the greatest jubilee in history. Previous great jubilees have been illustrations and foretastes of what is now coming.

The first historic jubilee was like the seed of a seed. The birth of Abraham was the barely visible beginning of a vast divine plan. Abraham did 2 essential things. He came out of Babylon by faith and he lived in the promised land. The first was a deliverance from slavery. The second was the possession (by faith) of his future inheritance. None of the further jubilees would have occurred if he had not obeyed God.

At the Exodus, the second historic jubilee, the Israelites came out of Egypt. Like Abraham they escaped from slavery and set out to claim the land that God had promised them for an inheritance. This jubilee was another birth, not just of one man this time, but of a nation.

The third great jubilee, the dedication of Solomon’s temple, was the fruit and fulfilment of the second. The liberated slaves have now totally possessed their promised land and completed the building of God’s temple. In grand consummation the power and presence of God descends and fills it.

The fourth, fifth and sixth jubilees in different ways re-enact the first 3.

The fourth, the return from Babylon, was like the first. A small group of pilgrims set out in the steps of their father Abraham to live again in the promised land. Like Abraham’s birth this might seem like a small and insignificant beginning. But they left Babylon and went to the land of Israel where alone God’s plans and purposes could be fulfilled. Without the return from Babylon Jesus could not have been born to a Jewish mother in Bethlehem.

The fifth great historic New Testament jubilee was the beginning of a completely new order in God. All previous jubilees were just types and shadows. Jesus came to fulfil the law and the prophets, and indeed the whole of Israel’s history. He brought the spiritual reality of which all those things were just shadows and pictures. This fifth jubilee corresponds most strongly to the second. Jesus like Moses comes to deliver a people from bondage. Jesus does in the spiritual realm what Moses did in the natural realm. The exodus was the birth of Israel, the natural people of God. This jubilee was the birth of the true church, the spiritual people of God.

The sixth jubilee is and will be the fulfilment and culmination of all previous jubilees. Like 4 of the 5 historic jubilees it is a new birth and beginning. It is the birth of the sons of God, and the beginning of a new order. For this reason, I believe, though it has already begun it is not yet widely and clearly visible.

As in previous jubilees this jubilee is a liberation. We will see liberation both from Egypt and from Babylon. The sons of God will have victory over both. For centuries the true people of God have been held captive by manmade religious systems. God is now calling them out of this captivity, and more and more people are hearing, understanding and obeying that call.

We have seen that whereas the Exodus was a birth and a beginning, the jubilee of Solomon was a climax and a culmination. Moses lead an undisciplined rabble of slaves out of Egypt. 500 years later they were a powerful people with a country, a capital and a king. In the centre of it was the newly built temple of God, and the glory of God descended to fill it. This occasion was far more glorious than the Exodus, but it owed everything to it. Without Moses there would have been no land of Israel, no Jerusalem and no temple.

In the same way this consummation jubilee will be far more glorious than the New Testament jubilee, but it will be wholly founded on the life and death and resurrection of Jesus. Without Jesus there would be nothing. Without Pentecost and Peter and Paul and the scriptures they wrote there would be nothing. What they all did was the foundation; this will be the completed building. Its glory will exceed everything that has gone before.

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ (Anointed), and he will reign for ever and ever.’

May we be partakers of the glory that lies before us.


Respuesta  Mensaje 29 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 01:16
Event Jubilee Years
Birth of Abraham 40th 2000
Exodus 50th 2500
Dedication of Solomon’s temple 60th 3000
Decree to Rebuild Jerusalem 70th 3500
Death and Resurrection of Jesus 80th 4000
Consummation 120th 6000



Respuesta  Mensaje 30 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 22:25

The Moonwalker Prophecy - En caché - Similares
4 Jul 2009 ... Diana = Bigfoot = Nephilim = Noah. Argentina is ... She is interchangeable with
Columbia - the feminine personification of the United States.

Respuesta  Mensaje 31 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 22:40

Birth in the District of Columbia - En caché
18 May 2006 ... Socrates was rightfully put to death because he initiated a form of science that ...
The consequence of his sheep following him out into the desert was that Western
Civilization became lost in a flood of words and books, even though Thales and
Socrates were illiterate to the point that they never wrote a word.

Respuesta  Mensaje 32 de 107 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/09/2012 15:04
9:1 También les dijo: De cierto os digo que hay algunos de los que están aquí, que no gustarán la muerte hasta que hayan visto el reino de Dios venido con poder.
9:2 Seis días después, Jesús tomó a Pedro, a Jacobo y a Juan, y los llevó aparte solos a un monte alto; y se transfiguró delante de ellos.
9:3 Y sus vestidos se volvieron resplandecientes, muy blancos, como la nieve, tanto que ningún lavador en la tierra los puede hacer tan blancos.
9:4 Y les apareció Elías con Moisés, que hablaban con Jesús.
9:5 Entonces Pedro dijo a Jesús: Maestro, bueno es para nosotros que estemos aquí; y hagamos tres enramadas, una para ti, otra para Moisés, y otra para Elías. (Maestro/Master/MOTHER STAR/Madre de una estrella/Ishtar)

9:6 Porque no sabía lo que hablaba, pues estaban espantados.
9:7 Entonces vino una nube que les hizo sombra, y desde la nube una voz que decía: Este es mi Hijo amado; a él oíd. (David significa amado)
9:8 Y luego, cuando miraron, no vieron más a nadie consigo, sino a Jesús solo.
9:9 Y descendiendo ellos del monte, les mandó que a nadie dijesen lo que habían visto, sino cuando el Hijo del Hombre hubiese resucitado de los muertos.
9:10 Y guardaron la palabra entre sí, discutiendo qué sería aquello de resucitar de los muertos.
9:11 Y le preguntaron, diciendo: ¿Por qué dicen los escribas que es necesario que Elías venga primero?
9:12 Respondiendo él, les dijo: Elías a la verdad vendrá primero, y restaurará todas las cosas; ¿y cómo está escrito del Hijo del Hombre, que padezca mucho y sea tenido en nada?
9:13 Pero os digo que Elías ya vino, y le hicieron todo lo que quisieron, como está escrito de él.
9:14 Cuando llegó a donde estaban los discípulos, vio una gran multitud alrededor de ellos, y escribas que disputaban con ellos.
9:15 Y en seguida toda la gente, viéndole, se asombró, y corriendo a él, le saludaron.
9:16 El les preguntó: ¿Qué disputáis con ellos?
9:17 Y respondiendo uno de la multitud, dijo: Maestro, traje a ti mi hijo, que tiene un espíritu mudo,
9:18 el cual, dondequiera que le toma, le sacude; y echa espumarajos, y cruje los dientes, y se va secando; y dije a tus discípulos que lo echasen fuera, y no pudieron.
9:19 Y respondiendo él, les dijo: ¡Oh generación incrédula! ¿Hasta cuándo he de estar con vosotros? ¿Hasta cuándo os he de soportar? Traédmelo.
9:20 Y se lo trajeron; y cuando el espíritu vio a Jesús, sacudió con violencia al muchacho, quien cayendo en tierra se revolcaba, echando espumarajos.
9:21 Jesús preguntó al padre: ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que le sucede esto? Y él dijo: Desde niño.
9:22 Y muchas veces le echa en el fuego y en el agua, para matarle; pero si puedes hacer algo, ten misericordia de nosotros, y ayúdanos.
9:23 Jesús le dijo: Si puedes creer, al que cree todo le es posible.
9:24 E inmediatamente el padre del muchacho clamó y dijo: Creo; ayuda mi incredulidad.
9:25 Y cuando Jesús vio que la multitud se agolpaba, reprendió al espíritu inmundo, diciéndole: Espíritu mudo y sordo, yo te mando, sal de él, y no entres más en él.
9:26 Entonces el espíritu, clamando y sacudiéndole con violencia, salió; y él quedó como muerto, de modo que muchos decían: Está muerto.
9:27 Pero Jesús, tomándole de la mano, le enderezó; y se levantó.
9:28 Cuando él entró en casa, sus discípulos le preguntaron aparte: ¿Por qué nosotros no pudimos echarle fuera?
9:29 Y les dijo: Este género con nada puede salir, sino con oración y ayuno.
9:30 Habiendo salido de allí, caminaron por Galilea; y no quería que nadie lo supiese.
9:31 Porque enseñaba a sus discípulos, y les decía: El Hijo del Hombre será entregado en manos de hombres, y le matarán; pero después de muerto, resucitará al tercer día.

9:32 Pero ellos no entendían esta palabra, y tenían miedo de preguntarle.
9:33 Y llegó a Capernaum; y cuando estuvo en casa, les preguntó: ¿Qué disputabais entre vosotros en el camino?
9:34 Mas ellos callaron; porque en el camino habían disputado entre sí, quién había de ser el mayor.
9:35 Entonces él se sentó y llamó a los doce, y les dijo: Si alguno quiere ser el primero, será el postrero de todos, y el servidor de todos. (UNA REFERENCIA ESPIRITUAL ESOTERICA CON EL SALMO 119, OSEA APOCALIPSIS 1:8, OBVIAMENTE CON FUERTE NEXO CON EL DISCIPULO AMADO Y LA RESURRECCION)

9:36 Y tomó a un niño, y lo puso en medio de ellos; y tomándole en sus brazos, les dijo:
9:37 El que reciba en mi nombre a un niño como este, me recibe a mí; y el que a mí me recibe, no me recibe a mí sino al que me envió.
9:38 Juan le respondió diciendo: Maestro, hemos visto a uno que en tu nombre echaba fuera demonios, pero él no nos sigue; y se lo prohibimos, porque no nos seguía.
9:39 Pero Jesús dijo: No se lo prohibáis; porque ninguno hay que haga milagro en mi nombre, que luego pueda decir mal de mí.
9:40 Porque el que no es contra nosotros, por nosotros es.
9:41 Y cualquiera que os diere un vaso de agua en mi nombre, porque sois de Cristo, de cierto os digo que no perderá su recompensa.

9:43 Si tu mano te fuere ocasión de caer, córtala; mejor te es entrar en la vida manco, que teniendo dos manos ir al infierno, al fuego que no puede ser apagado,
9:44 donde el gusano de ellos no muere, y el fuego nunca se apaga.
9:45 Y si tu pie te fuere ocasión de caer, córtalo; mejor te es entrar a la vida cojo, que teniendo dos pies ser echado en el infierno, al fuego que no puede ser apagado,
9:46 donde el gusano de ellos no muere, y el fuego nunca se apaga.
9:47 Y si tu ojo te fuere ocasión de caer, sácalo; mejor te es entrar en el reino de Dios con un ojo, que teniendo dos ojos ser echado al infierno,
9:48 donde el gusano de ellos no muere, y el fuego nunca se apaga.
9:49 Porque todos serán salados con fuego, y todo sacrificio será salado con sal.
9:50 Buena es la sal; mas si la sal se hace insípida, ¿con qué la sazonaréis? Tened sal en vosotros mismos; y tened paz los unos con los otros.

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