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Here is an interesting read on Stargates and 19.47
In terms of Richard Hoagland's ' hyperdimensional physics' derived from the geometric 'message' of Cydonia (Mars), the conduit or 'stargate' between this world and the Otherworld (i.e. hyperspace) is prominently represented by the angle 19.5°. According to the theory, it is the tetrahedral geometry signified by this angle that enables inter-dimensional energy transfer between the two realms.
This 'stargate' geometry is expressed by a circumscribed tetrahedron (made up of four equilateral triangles). Interestingly enough, the hieroglyphic sign denoting Sirius was a triangle in ancient Egypt.
The connection is made evident by archaeo-astronomy. First, it is widely accepted these days that the 'air shafts' inside the Great Pyramid were designed to aligned with certain stars. One was specifically targeted toward Sirius in c. 2350 BC.
And at that pinpointed time (c. 2350 BC), Sirius and Orion's Alnitak (representing the Great Pyramid as per the Orion Correlation Theory) together produced the angle 19.5° (when Sirius was rising on the Giza horizon).[10]
![](http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenes_marte/endgame04b_04.jpg) ![](http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenes_marte/endgame04b_05.jpg)
Next, it is natural - given the Sirius-Great Bend connection - to wonder about the possibility of the Nile's 'Winding Waterway' having some relevance to tetrahedral geometry. Indeed, we do find a clear connection!
Believe it or not, the northern peak of the Great Bend precisely pinpoints the tetrahedral/stargate latitude, 19.5°N.!
What's even more incredible is the fact that the same Bend peak also pinpoints 33°E longitude. As those familiar with Hoagland's work would surely know, '33' and '19.5' are considered the two key numbers in the 'hyperdimensional code'! (Hoagland is just not yet aware of this Nile connection.)
In 1997, the esoteric importance of those numbers was overtly demonstrated as NASA landed a tetrahedron-shaped Mars Pathfinder lander on the Red Planet at 19.5 N and 33 W.! (That's pretty in your face, isn't it?)
![Nile-Line Nile-Line](http://illuminatimatrix.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/nile-line.jpg?w=480&h=600)
![SON-OF-ORION-NILE SON-OF-ORION-NILE](http://illuminatimatrix.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/son-of-orion-nile.jpg?w=480&h=591)
ORION – The Key To The Kingdom Of Heaven
![Orion-Key-OKAY-St Orion-Key-OKAY-St](http://illuminatimatrix.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/orion-key-okay-st.jpg?w=480&h=600)
![Giza_pyramid Giza_pyramid](http://illuminatimatrix.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/giza_pyramid.jpg?w=480&h=469)
phi in Simple Gematria Equals: 33 |
( |
16 |
8 |
9 |
) |
ophir in Simple Gematria Equals: 66 |
( |
15 |
16 |
8 |
9 |
18 |
) |
The time of the clock on back of the $100 dollar bill, As you can clearly see the time reads 2:22.
19.47 x 12.12 yrs = 235.9764 yrs = 235 yrs and 356 days December 31, 1776 + 235 yrs and 356 days = December 21, 2012
19.47 x 12 yrs = 233.64 yrs = 233 yrs and 233 days July 4, 1776 + 233 yrs and 233 days = February 22, 2010
Lucas 18:1 También les refirió Jesús una parábola sobre la necesidad de orar siempre, y no desmayar, 18:2 diciendo: Había en una ciudad un juez, que ni temía a Dios, ni respetaba a hombre. 18:3 Había también en aquella ciudad una viuda, la cual venía a él, diciendo: Hazme justicia de mi adversario. 18:4 Y él no quiso por algún tiempo; pero después de esto dijo dentro de sí: Aunque ni temo a Dios, ni tengo respeto a hombre, 18:5 sin embargo, porque esta viuda me es molesta, le haré justicia, no sea que viniendo de continuo, me agote la paciencia. 18:6 Y dijo el Señor: Oíd lo que dijo el juez injusto. 18:7 ¿Y acaso Dios no hará justicia a sus escogidos, que claman a él día y noche? ¿Se tardará en responderles? 18:8 Os digo que pronto les hará justicia. Pero cuando venga el Hijo del Hombre, ¿hallará fe en la tierra?
55. Mateo 23:14: ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque devoráis las casas de las VIUDAs, y como pretexto hacéis largas oraciones; por esto recibiréis mayor condenación.
56. Marcos 12:40: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones. Estos recibirán mayor condenación.
65. Lucas 20:47: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones; éstos recibirán mayor condenación.
¿"Devoran la casas de las viudas" no es una alusion a que devoran la casa/linaje de la viuda? ¿Porque Jesucristo incluso relaciona la viuda con JUAN MARCOS en Hechos 12:12?
1. Hechos 12:12: Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre MARCOS, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
1. Isaías 56:7: yo los llevaré a mi santo monte, y los recrearé en mi casa de oración; sus holocaustos y sus sacrificios serán aceptos sobre mi altar; porque mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todos los pueblos.
2. Mateo 21:13: y les dijo: Escrito está: Mi casa, casa de oración será llamada; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
3. Marcos 11:17: Y les enseñaba, diciendo: ¿No está escrito: Mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todas las naciones? Mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
4. Lucas 19:46: diciéndoles: Escrito está: Mi casa es casa de oración; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
Welcome to the Realm of the Time Rivers
By Goro Adachi
What Is the ‘Time River Theory’?
It’s about the discovery of an astounding system of literal ‘rivers of time’, which may even be described as the ‘fingerprints of the gods’. It is a planetary ‘Rosetta Stone’ for decoding history or even ‘reality’ itself. Sounds overly grandiose? Yes, but it’s not necessarily an exaggeration given the nature of the discovery.
Proving the existence of the ‘Time Rivers’ has explosive implications. And the claim here is that this has indeed been done. But that’s just the beginning of the story. What the ‘Time Rivers’ tell us - about who we are and everything else - is equally, if not more, profound.
The Time River Theory (TRT) is ultimately about the discovery and decoding of the ‘blueprint’ of reality - a blueprint that was literally carved on this planet by an unknown high intelligence. This is a brand new field just activated in 2003 via the publication of The Time Rivers. It’s about time we opened up the Gateway... to a new dimension.
To get a little more specific, here is an abbreviated list of what the Time River Theory is about and what it reveals (at least in the book The Time Rivers):
- A grand system of literal ‘rivers of time’ flowing on our planet, created by some mysterious, higher intelligence.
- The intricate ‘Time River scheme’ produced by the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Mississippi, etc. showing us the entire timeline of human civilization, both past and future.
- Solutions to deep ancient mysteries of Egypt, Sumer, and even Mars.
- Encoded ‘messages’ revealing extraterrestrial and/or extra-temporal origins of human civilization.
- The 21st century being specifically pinpointed as the edge of time, when a ‘timegate’ opens up to bring mankind back to the realm of ‘Genesis’.
- Tangible and unique solutions to the biblical events of Genesis such as Creation, the fallen angels, the Great Flood, the Ark, etc.
- An encoded timeline of the United States anticipating ‘9/11’, an event suggested to mark the ‘end’ of the United States.
Please note that the the theory is extensive and still rapidly evolving, thus the above should be viewed as only the tip of the iceberg.
To learn more about the TRT, please see The Nile Decode - a paper posted online revealing the basic components of the thesis.
Current Status
A lot of very positive feedback has been received from those who have read The Time Rivers and/or The Nile Decoded. Some samples are posted here.
What about the reaction of the 'alternative history' crowd? How are they responding to the 'quantum leap' that the TRT would represent to their field? The answer to this question is not yet clear since the theory was revealed only recently and is not yet widely known. But the anticipation here is that the reaction would be more or less mixed. Because the Time River Theory is something that radically shifts the whole paradigm, there will probably be those in the field who are perhaps just too 'old' (at least mentally) to keep up with the sudden and rapid movement forward. And this is fine; the Time River system is a discovery for a new generation of truth seekers who maintain a fresh mind capable of clear and creative thinking.
There is actually so much more to the Time River scheme than made available so far (including the book), which is undoubtedly contributing to the tone of confidence expressed here. Hopefully there are many of you who can intuitively sense this 'energy' lurking just beneath the surface... It's all getting ready to come out now. If not already, please study the available material, understand the implications, and... well, join the revolution!
Available Material:
Coming Soon:
![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSv0RLIzIu3AG0RwUMuINDJVZo0raZ-8fGh65Upz0BMzg6p81iy0LRl0A) goroadachi.com The Nile & 'First Time' 175 × 233 - 8k - gif |
![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5j1MGKzlt3epFfJX--kJz1x6h2StAPWknbZhHK9rX80ZkG1SjvAtYBQ) goroadachi.com ttr-logo.gif 392 × 142 - 19k - gif |
![](http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlHa8IMba3oUxVU8JR875UMlI-zn9YRm5tRxGaDsM86ZBV0wYXBsebIw) watchermeetup.50.forum... Watcher Forum • View topic - Must Watch 2012 Code, Sign of the 150 × 83 - 7k - jpg |
![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRjwy8MWXajnw6zL8BrmoryM5dfEoUATsS3oceW2r22gqPMq2iFWK4WEw) bibliotecapleyades.net The Nile Decoded - Revealing the Secret Message of the World's 272 × 240 - 33k - gif |
![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtp5DD_-2XxGpmfJm-ZEcB0Md--8NY49S5XHsO_y4bmviWBzYYgcbPirM) starryskies.com Egypt's White and Blue Nile 250 × 249 - 8k - jpg |
![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlR5cV6atknua3XRx8tvXMCDMBwVtu9caOF1O9LxDR7C-YYI7ammuh9AIj) classicalastrologer.me Hermes Trismegistus | Classical Astrologer Weblog 615 × 348 - 84k - jpg |
![](http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTzJs6LnlT0ArOHxs3fq_QTrYTppnFLY8Uob7NASmTY7khLE9RmiETJhg) starryskies.com Egypt's White and Blue Nile 250 × 250 - 14k - jpg |
![](http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQpO3ijLtSIenyhxojEooJSqzb47DUKvUsdOv4QGNXVrmr2ETP9XguRanA) bibliotecapleyades.net The Nile Decoded - Revealing the Secret Message of the World's 284 × 265 - 13k - gif |
![](http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpyd0mbTtvpNDRH91F5HrxRmACy-KrKTySGQNlhJR8Ze1CT9IesZ3nPtI) crystalinks.com August 2012 - "Wow! Signal", Sagittarius, Galactic Center, Annual 600 × 517 - 94k - jpg |
![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwBrRqGcHifVv64QQ7GhWvMgBS94wZ0kL52G3PpvmLk-WCalpR81S_pA) creative.sulekha.com From Giza and Varanasi to the Milky Way galaxy | Sulekha Creative 400 × 346 - 51k - jpg |
![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRjIuzNasg00TNgaeO54jFigI2UqbWVGn52eJVpWc0cLTfVMghRgNWmAg) gabitogrupos.com Nile River.jpg 400 × 400 - 41k - jpg |
![](http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQi7F6-X2_ga3zXUfGITBFcBun1QhxHTVgzr4WpKqJCx5I9qI8lisAILw) libralion.com Johanna Ouwerling - Milkyway 131 × 147 - 2k - gif |
![](http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR7dhdmGu41LULxH1z6BtWB1EMHaH5IbtGkqNV1FQEAL2HPndZdu_FvYg) luminati.net Dream of visiting Egypt? Travel to Egypt with Luminati Egyptian 320 × 242 - 9k - jpg |
![](http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSxqTs4WjQt0lykyA7badtQJwySO1kNtaKX9a1l86xjRoePVNiY2Onkac8) fourjandals.com Felucca Nile Cruise in Egypt 580 × 872 - 84k - jpg |
![](http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKUbfREEFomu8TLHCWhsFkxgCsJdgwbDcT7sa6DkcZDPgPJ55PYUSqupP0) vineoflife.net Three Rivers and Six Fingers Thrice « vineoflife. 370 × 501 - 41k - jpg |
![](http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrxS5I66_-Zzlq3LKGz43jAohujZAJNmVfVbhFyIMsPIbpQbAduxlm2O8-) dominickamp.de Dominic Kamp Photography | nile river 940 × 587 - 74k - jpg |
![](http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQVJ-7poVGaDLgVBsItu7qOm7swYw7of53YxjxNzsLweHogoZ6hMeuhHd0) libralion.com Johanna Ouwerling - Milkyway 600 × 400 - 68k - jpg |
![](http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQNfNwiuS3-t7QhxoOS3pMI0V3lgJIA8rHklH5pTirlb_jtfJznZEbYM9o) williamhenry.net William Henry 400 × 396 - 29k - jpg |
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![](http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2OHIiC2z4xiTHCotJcRYavnBBwLbpVRmxiBgTxdIDDzg2EPXQ1s6KgBY) luminati.net Dream of visiting Egypt? Travel to Egypt with Luminati Egyptian 160 × 216 - 5k - jpg |
If you are new to this website... then this is where the story begins. But you will need to see the introduction and full story of Egypt... Click here. But if you would rather go straight to the sacred star pattern in brief then here it is. Focus on the star patern of the Pleiades and its important Sun-like star nearby... this is an obsession shared by virtually all ancient civilisations.
Wayne Herschel contends that all 50 pyramids in Lower Egypt replicate the prime stars on one side of the Milky Way. He also confirms Robert Bauval’s theory that the three main pyramids of Giza conclusively represent Orion, however he identifies a new scale interpretation very different to that of Bauval’s. If one were to look for clues as to why the ancient Egyptians only represented one side of the Milky Way in their pyramid star map, what becomes evident is that all the stars, except for one, are not Sun-like. Also, it hardly seems coincidence that all except for one monument do not display the distinctive pyramid shape. It is the obelisk shaped Sun Temple of Ra near Abusir that exhibits this very unique scenario. It turns out that the pyramids at Abusir represent the Pleiades and that this nearby ‘sun’ monument may explain the reason for the entire star map.
For the full story on this 'New and very complete Orion interpretation' seen here and the comparison to Robert Bauval's original 'partial' Orion interpretation... Click here. |
The Sun Temple of Ra at Abusir divides the entire pyramid field along the River Nile proportionately into two distinct halves on either side of it. With each side displaying an ingenious independent layout scale intentionally encrypted into it! The reason for this will be covered in the book. The Sun Temple itself forms the epicentre of the entire star pyramid field. Gauging by what so many of the Egyptian texts say and from an apparent global obsession with this particular cosmic area, the star represented by this unusual pyramid undoubtedly qualifies as the ‘x’ that marks the spot on the star map.
This monument correlates with one of three nearby Sun-like “G” classification stars in this the Pleiades star field area, appearing in this position at a very ancient epoch 17250 years ago. It is no coincidence that it was called a 'Sun' Temple… but it was not our Sun that was being revered in the beginnings of Egypt... it was the star of their 'gods'... our human ancestors! |
This is a close up of the Saqqara area compared with a more detailed star map of the constellation of Andromeda. Note how the smaller pyramids seem to have small star counterparts. At Giza the small pyramids also have smaller stars correlating like this. (See images in book).
There is more... Click Stonehenge... then Tikal... then Mars. The other links on the carousel follow thereafter.
http://thehiddenrecords.com/egypt.htm |
*Digitally Reconstructed Images
A NEW recently revealed pyramid/star correlation theory for Giza can now be proven conclusively. Wayne Herschel - the proponent of the new hypothesis - has just found the remaining missing pyramids that will make his theory conclusive. |
His ‘missing pyramid hypothesis’ was first mentioned in his book, ‘The Hidden Records’, which has recently been published. The author made this invaluable breakthrough while setting out to prove author Robert Bauval’s much acclaimed theory that the three pyramids of Giza correlate with Orion’s ‘belt’. |
However, he proposes an entirely new star map interpretation to Bauval’s, using a completely new layout scale for the Orion constellation as a whole (which leads to the inclusion of the all important Taurus constellation alongside it). This new scale interpretation displays some very ingenious mathematical adjustments (explored in the book) that must have been made intentionally by the pyramid builders, and speaks of an incredibly advanced very early civilisation. |
Not only does this new scale provide the answer for so many of the objections scholars have come up with… BUT IT HAS BECOME INSTRUMENTAL IN CONFIRMING WHAT APPEAR TO BE FOUR UNRECOGNISED PYRAMID RUINS AT GIZA! Discovering these elusive ‘ruins’ has also enabled the author to crack a decipherable message, which is key to unlocking the prime reason as to why the ancients built such an elaborate pyramid star map in the first place! |
Wayne, with many years experience in astronomy and familiarity with star maps, could see why astronomers were not completely convinced with the model Bauval proposed for his overall pyramid/star correlations (see below). This star map identified two pyramids at quite a distance from Giza (Abu Rawash in the north and Zaweyet Al Aryan in the south) to represent two of the Orion periphery stars (Saiph and Bellatrix). |
Although there seemed to be fairly similar distances and angles between the pyramids and the stars they were supposed to represent, one could not help observing that Bauval had no counterparts for the two brightest periphery stars of Orion. (See yellow question marks in the map below). But the biggest doubt in this model was the difference in scale when it came to comparing the size of the Orion’s ‘belt’ stars with the size of the three main pyramids at Giza. |
Academics have also recently pointed out that if the pyramids had been built to represent stars in a grand design so to speak, why would their builders not have included earlier pyramids - the pyramids at Saqqara and Abusir - as part of a star map? One has to query the inevitable here: What if there is a whole new interpretation that answers all these questions? And if so, would it reveal an age old secret behind the pyramids? |
It was this prime question that inspired Wayne Herschel to dig deeper. Given the huge distance between the Giza ‘belt’ pyramids and the closest pyramids neighbouring them (in the north Abu Rawash and in the south Zaweyet Al-Aryan), he could not help thinking that completely different stars were at play in this pyramid star map. What if two far more significant stars, namely Sirius and Aldebaran, were to fit here as the correct correlations for these two pyramids? |
After all, the ancient Egyptians revered Sirius as very important and the name given to the star Aldebaran was “Ad-Dab-aram”, which means “follower of the Pleiades”. (This is because if one were to follow one’s line of sight from Orion’s belt through Aldebaran, one’s eye would follow directly to the Pleiades in the night sky). Quite uncannily, the name even sounded like the pronunciation of the ancient pyramid name “Zaweyet Al-Aryan”. What if there was a connection here? And could it be that the Pleiades (part of the constellation Taurus) also somehow fitted into the picture? |
This could easily be tested and if it turned out to be right, the size of the Giza pyramids would most likely match the size of the three stars making up Orion’s ‘belt’… exactly! |
Wayne Herschel’s quest was further fuelled by one of the earliest Egyptian texts. The Thoth Prophecy claims the ultimate corroborating truth: |
“Egypt is the image of the heavens… the whole Cosmos dwells here”. |
“Whole” being the operative word! This very conspicuous clue suggested to him that a much wider interpretation of stars in the night sky was at play and that in all likelihood a whole 360° revolution of the Milky Way (of which Orion and Taurus form a part) was being replicated in the pyramid star map of the ancients. It was a possibility that had been entirely overlooked by Egyptologists, and it would leave him no peace. He was determined to find out if there was an astronomical solution to the grand master plan that was apparently at work in how the ancients had laid out their pyramid field. To do this, he created a series of transparencies of the stars. |
The astronomical scale was adjusted so that Orion’s ‘belt’ would coincide with the sizes the three main pyramids at Giza. The transparency was placed over one of the most credible ancient pyramid maps. The result was breathtaking. What emerged was a series of very accurate correlations for the most prominent stars in Taurus. (Orion is located alongside the sacred bull of the ancients…Taurus). |
But there was still something missing. Wayne was perplexed as to why there did not appear to be any correlations for the four important outer stars that comprise Orion: |
“Although this new correlation seemed to feel right, I felt very sure there must be correlations at least for the two brightest stars of Orion (that were left out of Bauval’s model).” |
“A trip to Giza soon solved this lingering doubt. As I gazed over the plateau from the Sphinx, there it stood right in front of my very eyes. It appeared to be one of my missing pyramids… in all its grandeur! A forgotten ‘pyramid ruin’! It had a vast causeway, which all this time scholars thought was the ruin of a wall! The ‘pyramid ruin’ is so massive that it defies all logic as to why no historian to date has interpreted it to be a ruin! I could hardly keep the camera still as I photographed ‘my’ incredible finding (see below).” |
Note how the middle area of the ‘ruin’ seems to have collapsed. The debris is literally the same size as the pyramid blocks at Giza. Is this ‘engineered’ bedrock that was once the base ruin of a pyramid, or are these real blocks? Note also the rear of the Sphinx (the vantage point from which the picture was taken) and the eroded walls that have been said to be over 10,000 years old, dating back to an epoch when rain fell in this area. |
This is when the author decided he needed an aerial image of Giza. There was only one option… an image from a hot air balloon, and that is exactly what happened. He recalls how frustrated he was with the result. The area had changed considerably over time with roads, a cemetery and building developments almost cancelling out what the area must have looked like in ancient times. But this would not deter him. |
What he did with the photograph was to remove all the anomalies that his research told him had been built in the last one thousand years or so. The processed image that resulted from his efforts was remarkable and it has been published in ‘The Hidden Records’ as the first colour overhead image of how Egypt once looked, at the time of Napoleon arriving in Egypt. The new image clarified that in all likelihood this was a pyramid ruin. This could be further confirmed by it aligning exactly with one of the Orion stars. |
But what really had the author puzzled, was that this ‘ruin’ had been built two thirds closer to the three main Giza pyramids, when compared to the distances of the star in question in relation to the ‘belt’ stars. The author’s book, ‘The Hidden Records’, goes to great lengths to reason this peculiarity, and comes up with some very thought provoking explanations, which once again goes to show how ingenious the pyramid builders really were. |
But what about the three other outer pyramids that would complete the star map? What could be lurking under the desert sand? The search was on once again… but this time for an antique map of Giza by one of the earliest cartographers. |
The author tracked down a map that was well over 100 years old which would give him a more accurate idea of what the plateau would have looked like in ancient times. It resulted in a fantastic breakthrough. It turned out that there were four anomalies exactly in position for all four of the outer stars of a ‘two thirds reduced’ Orion. (The author gives a comprehensively illustrated explanation of the very obvious reasons behind this differential in distance scales). Note that an altered scale depiction for the distance of the periphery stars has been introduced into the astronomical image below, for realistic comparative purposes for ‘ruin’ positions and the apparently intentional improved mathematical portrayal of these important stars. (Note how the intersecting alignment lines in red all intersect at one finite point… is this just another coincidence?) |
As already mentioned earlier, even Taurus (ostensibly the most important to the ancients according to all their texts) fits into this new model? It too has its pyramid counterparts on the ground! Not only did the author’s transparency test reveal such correlations, but it also included numerous others beyond Taurus and Orion… including the oldest Egyptian pyramids found at Memphis. |
In an infinitely important breakthrough, it turns out that the star map that emerged from Wayne Herschel’s transparency experiment included very accurately all the brightest stars alongside the Milky Way in one complete 360° revolution. This is exactly what the ancient Egyptian text of Thoth claimed. |
Here is the final NEWLY ADJUSTED image in support of his theory. Notice how his correlations differ from the model proposed by Robert Bauval, as seen on the top of this web page. Wayne has overcome all the previous objections proposed by scholars, all of which are detailed in the book. After all… pyramids must be built on bedrock and not sand and the code of mathematics seems to take slight precedence over precise stellar positions. All of this is on debate in the book. |
The reasons for the altered scales and why Giza is aligned the way it is, is meticulously unravelled in the book. Also how the Da Vinci codex fits into the Giza layout… where the ‘fingerprint of humanity’ literally shows the way to a measurable nearby Sun-like star in the sky… the star that Egypt and many other ancient civilisations all claimed to be the star… of the ‘gods’! (This is the prime theme of the book). This pattern is also matched on the ground… with a correlating ‘Sun-like’ temple… the ‘Sun-like’ star temple of ‘Ra’. |
But what about the missing pyramids at Saqqara, and Dashour that have not yet been included in the new star map theory? Are there accurate star correlations for these? |
The answer is yes again… there are accurate correlations with the brightest stars that remain in completing one full side of the Milky Way! A very logical yet simple message can be decoded in this star map. It isolates one pyramid/star correlation that qualifies as the proverbial ‘x’ on the star map. |
See the remainder of the Egyptian star map that is shown only in thumbnail size. (Click on the Star Map web page link shown earlier). The full size is depicted in the book with some interesting proof why the bent pyramid… is bent! |
Click here to see the thumbnail preview of the balance of the star map evidence. The whole of Lower Egypt represents one complete revolution of one side of the Milky Way… all for the purpose of one reason, and one reason only. |
This new pyramid star map interpretation has been aired recently on a South African television documentary and various radio interviews and the latest findings on this news release have been sent to universities all over the world to evaluate. Scholars are not prepared to comment yet, but undoubtedly will feel compelled to make a statement in the near future. |
Any research website, magazine or news media wanting to use this general text and images as an article, can contact the author at thrbooks@gmail.com to obtain authorisation for official usage. Conditions for use thereof will include mention of the author, the book title and the website (either a direct link or HTML address if the article is not on the web. |
Wayne Herschel, an author in the field of archaeo-astronomy launched his book internationally in 2002, and believes he has found the forgotton 'forbidden' secret behind Egypt's enigmatic Sphinx.
It was a secret that was hidden over the ages due to it revealing the sacred and equality of all human races... a secret that would hardly sit well with countries obsessed in plundering foreign nations for their treasures and to enslave their people.
Existing theories to date suggest that the side profile of the Sphinx represents the stars of Leo. However they do not explain convincingly why its architects would have chosen this constellation for its template. Wayne Herschel, an explorer of ancient civilisations for the last 17 years, proposes an entirely new theory. In his book, 'The Hidden Records', he sets out to prove that the Sphinx is the key to unlocking the secret behind a grand unified '50 pyramid' star map.
In 1995 author R. Bauval suggested that the three pyramids at Giza represented the three stars of Orion's 'belt'. However because his theory did not find a way to incorporate the entire field of pyramids, let alone the Sphinx, academics had difficulty accepting it.
In 2003 Wayne Herschel published his cosmic interpretation of the Sphinx which helped him interpret the pyramids in a completely new way. He discovered that the angle at which the Sphinx intersects the collective three Giza pyramids on the ground, is virtually identical to the angle at which the brightest star of Leo, aligns with the collective row of stars that form Orion's 'belt'. (See the image below).
Here are the critical clues in reasoning the theory. The Sphinx appears to have its stare fixed on the rising stars each night (not just the rising Sun). Then at a very unique moment in the night sky, the Sphinx watches its mirror image of itself rising in a perfectly upright stance as Leo.
It is here where the Sphinx is literally crying out:
"All the pyramids in Lower Egypt represent a ring of adjoining constellations around the Earth, and the secret of the star map begins here at my feet with Leo."
| |
But there is more to the secret of the Sphinx merely telling us that all the pyramids reproduce a string of constellations. It is also the key to deciphering the pyramid mystery itself. It is showing the observer where to begin in cracking the mystery of the star map, urging one to follow the three star alignment direction of Orion's 'belt' as a 'cosmic signpost' to what seems to be the ultimate star.
Herschel's idea that the whole pyramid field in Lower Egypt represents stars was inspired by one of the oldest known prophecies. The mystic Hermes Trismegistus. claimed:
"Egypt is an image of the heavens… the 'whole' cosmos dwells here.
"Herschel subsequently conducted an experiment to prove all the pyramids in Lower Egypt represent stars. He overlaid a transparency of the stars onto a map of the pyramids. The result was breathtaking. All the brightest stars within the known constellations were represented in one complete 360 degree ring along side the Milky Way (which is also a ring around the Earth). All the brightest stars had all the pyramid counterparts on the ground. The star map started with the brightest star in the night sky Sirius... logical to start with one could say... and it has one star that is different to all the other 49 bright stars in the complete star map. It has this unique star set at the exact centre of the pyramid field... is this the 'x' that marks the spot? Logic again would suggest! |
However, there were some important stars for which pyramids were apparently missing. In Giza for example, Herschel found four potential, as yet unrecognised pyramid ruins on an antique early map that would conclude a previously incomplete Orion interpretation at Giza.
For the full story on this 'New Orion interpretation' and the comparison to Robert Bauval's original Orion interpretation... Click here.
One finding would lead to another. Not only were his new correlations 'mirror images', but the pyramids were virtually divided into two separate layout scales on each side of the area of Abusir, thus providing another clue. It seems the Solar Temple obelisk was intentionally placed exactly at the epicentre of the pyramid field. What could this mean?
The giant obelisk was most likely the only ever gold capped monument. Perhaps to highlight that it was more important than any other. At last the meaning of the star map becomes clear.
Do we have the proverbial 'x' that marks the spot?
Both halves of the star map (the two large images) are shown here as well as a zoom in on the Saqqara area with its real 'fly over' image. There are two independent layout scales on each side of the Sun Temple 'x' that marks the spot, located at the exact centre of the pyramid field. it is as if the ancients are saying as they do in all their ancient murals ... "look at the centre of the murals to see that which is most important. They did it with the Zodiac disc at Dendera.. they did it in the Senmut tomb... they did it in every important depiction involving the secrets of their star gods! The author is convinced that the reason for the pyramid star map was to isolate the 'star of the gods'. He believes it presents a whole new theory of who we are and where we come from.
To add fuel to the fire, Herschel believes that he has found evidence of a repeating geometric blueprint of the human form within other ancient pyramid and megalithic star map representations found across the globe.
The geometric blueprint is unique only to the human form and is identical to the original geometric man codex documented by a Roman engineer and writer, Marcus Vitruvius, who lived 25 years before the birth of Christ.
Leonardo Da Vinci has acceded to fame for his Vitruvian man, however few realise he reproduced it from an ancient manuscript. Da Vinci did not show the raised arms as you see here, but chose to reposition the arms where the square touches the circle.
He may have chosen to depict his version like he did to avoid the same fate that the German scholar, Agrippa (who lived at the same time as Da Vinci), faced for duplicating Vitruvius' work as seen in the image above. Agrippa died a horrific death. He was burned at the stake.
Without digressing too much, it is worth considering a few very important 'what if' scenarios.
One would naturally expect that if the star maps are true then why doesn't the Christ story mention it?
If what was encapsulated in the representation of the human form by Agrippa and Da Vinci had relevance to these star maps, why did Christ make no mention of this? It is indeed a very sensitive question and is currently open to debate on the author's website. There are many sources of early translations of the gospels that include references to the star associated with Christ's birth and other stars, such as Orion and the Pleiades. There is also a lot more being debated than this.
For starters, the meaning of 'Sang-real' has been rumoured to mean 'sacred lineage'.
What if the Holy Grail is real and contains an inscribed record of who we are and where we come? For arguments sake let us assume that it does. What if the ultimate secret was given to Judas by Christ (as the Judas codex seems to suggest) on a beautiful metal plate that was uniquely inscribed? (Wayne Herschel has a strong feeling that in Renaissance art this metal plate is shown symbolically behind Christ's head). If one refers to the recently discovered Judas gospel, one could even conclude that there is a chance Judas may have been captured by the Roman authorities with this artefact that was to become known as the grail in his possession. An artefact that had inscribed on it detail of humanity's lineage. for more, click the Grail link on the home page carousel.
If this hypothetical scenario does indeed prove to be true, then one would have to ask whether the Roman authorities murdered him to cover up the existence of this amazing artefact, and more specifically its contents.
Perhaps we are approaching a new renaissance age in which humankind will begin to question its true origins? It seems likely now that Vitruvius was not the first person to portray the human form in this unique way.
In his book, 'The Hidden Records', Herschel goes to great lengths in detailing the snowball effect of his story. He claims confidently that the geometry of the human blueprint is a code that fits accurately into the layout at Giza, as well as that of Stonehenge, and last but not least in the layout of the most controversial place of all. In the layout of what are perceived to be pyramids in an area researchers call 'Cydonia'.
In later years it appears this geometry of the 'human code' was also encrypted in the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci and of his contemporary, Nicolas Poussin.
It may sound completely fabricated and fictional having such a vast collection of coincidences here, but in light of the importance of the claims, the author has made his fundamental research freely available for all to see. The human codex research, Renaissance paintings and star map images are now available at thehiddenrecords.com website.
In summary, the author believes that by encrypting the human form in ancient pyramid star maps in this unique way (a code that later made its reappearance in the paintings of the Renaissance era) the ancients appear to show us that the human lineage is 'divine' so to speak and from above.
Coincidently the recent Judas gospel codex discovery makes another earth shattering claim, the significance of which seems to have eluded most observers. Christ beckons Judas to look at the night sky and says to him:
"Follow the star above… it is also your star".
If the star maps are truly genuine, surely someone with a mission as unique as that of Christ would have wanted to pass on to humanity this extraordinary piece of knowledge, even if it was not ready for his time. He probably would want it to be revealed in the future at a time when it was safer to debate such a 'provocative' version of humankind's genesis.
In time, the star maps and human code theory may well challenge the mystery of the 'missing link', which academics on evolution are still grappling with to this very day. Perhaps human beings evolved elsewhere in our vast universe, replacing Neanderthal after arriving here on Earth.
The author has taken his Egyptian star chart template and has tested it on Stonehenge in the UK, Angkor in Cambodia, Tikal in Guatemala and on a nearby planet rumoured to have pyramid ruins. The results delineated on the internet and in great detail in his book speak for themselves.
So… at the end of the day, what does all this new material offer humanity?
A clear message is decipherable in three of the most conclusive cases of the star maps. They all appear to display the unique human blueprint geometry code. A pictographic story can be interpreted in relation to the star pattern.
Herschel believes its meaning is paramount in uniting all of humanity as one if the star map 'message' is true. Once we step back and review the original sources of great teachings from those that came from above, the truth emerges. It speaks clearly of the place of Creation of the universe, which has been told to humanity in many different lands, and sadly it has 'evolved' in every case, into very disparate interpretations that we call 'religion'.
The original sources of sacred texts must be given priority for true meaning. It is here where we have the chance of uniting humanity in one truth and understanding of a gentle Creator of the universe who has given us the gift of life. Our confusion about what we believe is fast manifesting itself in an ugly religious war that is playing out right now. Is it a coincidence that for the first time ever missiles are landing at a historical site near the northern boarder of Israel known as the valley of Meggiddo? It is here that prophecy has written where we will fight our last war.
If there is just a hint of truth in Wayne Herschel's collection of ancient star maps and his theory on the human blueprint, it should be reason enough for scholars to test it.
And if there is one crucial question that still remains unanswered it has to be: Who is the cosmic message intended for?
Why on earth is the grand secret represented with such massive constructions and pointing skywards?
Why can it only be deciphered completely, when it is viewed from a satellite?
Compare Egypt to Stonehenge ... then Tikal then Mars .
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Great Celestial Conjunction
The most important diagram that Herschel has discovered originates from the Hebrew version of the Key of Solomon (Mafteah Shelomoh):
Diagram A) Key of Solomon diagram appearing in a Hebrew version of the Key of Solomon
According to Herschel, the eight-pointed cross depicted at the 10 o’clock position in the left upper corner of the diagram is exactly the same token used in the diagram depicted below and supposedly represents the constellation Orion.
Diagram B) According to Herschel, The eight-pointed cross in the diagram supposedly represents the constellation Orion.
Herschel claims that the symbolic representation of Orion is an eight-pointed cross. While the three belt stars certainly align and the four ‘corner’ stars can be connected to form diagonals, Herschel has been very creative to demonstrate how the six tiny stars that form the ‘Sword of Orion’ form yet the eighth radii of the eight-pointed cross. The problem is that there are no other known historic references that identified Orion with an eight-pointed cross.
Herschel’s rendition of the eight-pointed cross
About the square with the two semi circles in diagram A of the Hebrew Key of Solomon, Herschel writes the following on his website.
The meaning of the square and the two curves on each side of the star most likely represent sunrise and its path to sunset - the Ecliptic.
We fully support Herschel’s view that the two semicircles in between the two slopes represent the Sun. The glyph in the centre of diagram A looks very familiar with the Egyptian Akhet glyph where the Sun was depicted in between similar slopes. The Akhet glyph represented the rising and setting Sun on the horizon, and in hieroglyphic texts it is often translated as ‘horizon’.
The Sun on the right represents the rising Sun in the East while the Sun on the left represents the setting Sun in the West. Only twice does the Sun rise and set exactly at the cardinal directions East and West, and this is during the Equinox. We therefore surmise that the two semicircles in the square of diagram A symbolise the Equinox. Following the same reasoning, the semicircles in diagram B should also represent the Sun. Wayne fails to give any reasonable explanation as to why these semicircles occur around a symbol that represents Orion. The semicircles representing the Sun at the corners of the square in the South and North region of the circle (globe) and its diagonals that form a cross could mean either one of two possible things:
• It represents the Solstices
Notice that the diagonal in the upper left corner has two instead of one cross bar through its axis. This diagonal seems to be special and is associated with the Summer Solstice since its sunset occurs in the North-West, the region where the double cross bars occur. The axis connecting the cardinal directions East and West represents the Equinox axis.
The same double cross bars have been used in the eight pointed cross in diagram A. This time however the double cross bars occur at the axis representing the Equinox. This corresponds with the central depiction of the Equinox Sun in diagram A. We therefore suggest that diagram A is referring to the Equinox.
Square with semicircles represents the Equinox as does the eight-pointed cross with double cross bars through the East-West axis. (encircled in red)
Considering this fact, the eight-pointed cross could also mean:
• The Sun at the Galactic Cross in the precession cycle.
Great Celestial Conjunction
The blue cross represents the Galactic Cross while the red cross represents the equinox-solstice axis or Earth Cross. The orange circle represents the precession cycle. During a Great Year, the Sun resides exactly four times on the Galactic Equator, twice at an Equinox and twice at a Solstice. Put in other words, during one revolution of the Earth Cross against the backdrop of the fixed Galactic Cross, the crosses overlap exactly four times. The symbology of the square with its four corners and its four suns attached to these corners could therefore represent these four Great Celestial Conjunctions of a Great Year.
Read more: Part II | Tetragrammaton | Great Celestial Conjunction | Pleiades starmap
![Welcome to the Key of Solomon](http://www.keyofsolomon.org/images/keyOfSolomonHeader.jpg)
The original manuscript of the Key of Solomon is lost, and only copies of the original script are in circulation. Like the Bible, these copies have been rewritten, retranslated, edited etc. over and over again. The original author of the original manuscript is believed to be the biblical Solomon, the son of King David of the Israelites. For the most part, the Key of Solomon book contains a lot of ‘witchcraft’ spells both affirmative and positive magic spells but also negative magic spells to be used to destroy enemies. Our concern in the context of this article is the so called ‘pentacles’ related to the Sun in the medieval version of the Key of Solomon, the Clavicula Salomonis dated 1572, and regarded as the oldest manuscript. The author of the original script that was used for the translation of the medieval Clavicula Salomonis is believed to be Ptolomy the Grecian. The pentacles in the Key of Solomon manuscripts vary from manuscript to manuscript and the oldest manuscripts dealt only with the planets and their virtues in their astrological context. These are Greek versions of the pentacles.
Notice that many of the pentacles contain a four or eight pointed cross. A first glance, the medieval manuscript Clavicula Salomonis reveals a lot of drawings of what seem to be eight-pointed crosses. The ultimate secret is that the key of Solomon is the eight-pointed cross, and this cross represents precession in general and the Great Celestial Conjunction in particular, as we will next demonstrate. The most interesting pentacles are the seven pentacles concerning the Sun.
The first pentacle depicts the head of ‘Metatron.’ The versicle that appears on the rim of the pentacles is taken from the bible. The Latin text translates into 'Behold his face and form by whom all things were made, and whom all creatures obey’ and is written on the rim. It’s important to understand that these texts could not have been part of the original Key of Solomon for the simple reason that the original Key of Solomon is much older than the bible. These texts could therefore be confusing and may have been added by subsequent authors to ‘clarify’ the original manuscript.
First pentacle related to the Sun.
Second pentacle of the Sun.
Notice the eight-pointed cross in the pentacle. Around the rim, the four names of the angels Shemeshiel, Paimoniah, Rekhodiah and Malkhiel are written. The mystical characters on the radii have not been deciphered. We surmise that the four-pointed cross in this pentacle that connects the four angels represents the Galactic Cross. The other cross therefore represents the Earth Cross of the overlapped eight-pointed zodiac crosses.
Third pentacle of the Sun.
The Hebrew name of God, IHVH (Jehovah), is repeated twelve times in the pentacle and most likely refers to the twelve signs of the zodiac. On top, the eight-pointed cross is depicted again. In addition, the tilted square within the outer square suggests another eight-pointed cross since the diagonals of these two squares form an eight-pointed cross. The Latin inscription on the rim translates into 'My kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and my dominion endureth from age to age’. The inscription clearly is referencing the precession cycle of the Sun since the Sun moves through all of the twelve signs of the zodiac, and each passage into a new sign is considered a new Age. The Sun’s kingdom is everlasting since after one precession cycle has been completed, another one is started.
Fourth pentacle of the Sun.
The fourth pentacle of the Sun is very interesting. In the first place, is it showing the eight-pointed cross again, with the cryptic characters at the end of the radii. The cryptic characters belong to an occult alphabet developed by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in the 16th Century. The name of this alphabet is . . . ‘The Passing of the River’. The name of this alphabet is believed to be referring to the passing of the Jews of the Euphrates, on their return from exile in Babylon, to the Holy Land to rebuild the destroyed Temple of Solomon at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
The question is ‘why was this strange alphabet chosen and its characters placed at the end of the radii of the eight pointed cross’? The occult message may be that it is not referring to the passing of the river Euphrates by the Jews, but to the passing of the river by the Sun! In a Great Year of a complete precession cycle, the Sun passes that great river in the sky the Milky Way exactly four times, twice at equinoxes and twice at solstices. While Agrippa developed two other occult alphabets, the ‘Passing of the River’ alphabet was chosen for this pentacle because it contains an occult message. Although the Clavicula Salomonis contains many pentacles with eight pointed crosses, the pentacles pertaining to the Sun are the only pentacles that use the alphabet of the ‘Passing of the River’. Other mystical alphabets have been used in the pentacles such as the secret alphabet of Malachim for the pentacles pertaining to Mars, which makes the application of the ‘Passing of the River’ conspicuous because it’s being used for the pentacles pertaining to the Sun.
The ‘Passing of the River’ alphabet is also used in the fifth and sixth pentacles related to the Sun. These pentacles are more abstract than the previous ones. The letters in the angles of the triangle form the name of Shaddaï. On top the hexagram, the Star of David is depicted. Its significance remains a mystery to the authors.
Fifth pentacle of the Sun
Sixth pentacle of the Sun
Seventh pentacle of the Sun
The seventh and last pentacle pertaining to the Sun is most interesting since not only does it contain an eight-pointed cross, but a four-pointed cross is depicted on top as well! In the inner circle, two different four-pointed crosses can be discerned. The first cross connects the four elements, air, earth, fire, water. In-between the four arms (leaves) are written the names of the four rulers of the elements Ariel, Seraph, Tharshis and Cherub. The cryptic comment written with this pentacle by the translator of the Clavicula Salomonis is: ‘If any be by chance imprisoned or detained in fetters of iron, at the presence of this pentacle, which should be engraved in Gold on the day and hour of the Sun, he will be immediately delivered and set at liberty.’
When the two four-pointed crosses merge to form a single for pointed cross (as depicted on top of the pentacle), this is the day and hour of the Sun and it’s moment marks a Great Celestial Conjunction. Like the Second Coming, it seems to represent a moment of redemption at the ‘End of Time’ setting the imprisoned souls free.
![Welcome to the Key of Solomon](http://www.keyofsolomon.org/images/keyOfSolomonHeader.jpg)
Wayne Herschel has cleverly identified the eight stars in the rim of diagram A as parts of the Pleiades constellation. On his website, Herschel explains in great detail how the Pleiades can be constructed from these stars. His explanation is rather complex and involves the joining of the stars with a jump in the sequence for star number ‘6’ and removing the pencil from the paper not once, but twice! According to Herschel, star number 6 is a ‘lost’ star of the Pleiades constellation that is no longer visible in our present time.
Aaron Parlier has worked out a far simpler and more logical rendition of the Pleiades star cluster. His solution requires neither a jump in the sequence nor does it involve removing the pencil from the paper. Also, Parlier’s rendition does not account for an irregularity with any ‘lost’ star.
The Pleiades in the Key of Solomon form the pointer to the Silver Gate, the place of the Sun during a Great Celestial Conjunction at an Equinox or Solstice.
Starting at position 1 in the rim the stars are assembled by, as Herschel states, ‘binding’ them. Each star has a beam protruding from it and when these beams are connected in a counter clockwise direction starting with star 1 in exactly the same layout as they occur in the diagram, the Pleiades star cluster is formed. The beam of star number 5 is pointing downwards exactly in the direction of the Silver Gate. The Pleiades template in the picture above is exactly the same template that has been tested on Stonehenge whereas the star map was pointing to the Summer Solstice Sun on the Silver Gate at the current Great Celestial Conjunction (summer solstice 1998).
In the diagram, star number 5 (red encircled) appears straight above the central star with the light beam inside the square. The beam of star 5 is pointing exactly downwards towards the central Sun with the beam. Since the central Sun itself inside the square represents the Equinox Sun, the authors therefore surmise that:
Diagram A in the Key of Solomon symbolizes a Great Celestial Conjunction (8-pointed cross) during an Equinox (double cross bars in the 8-pointed cross and Equinox Sun in the central square). The diagram may therefore refer to the last Great Celestial Conjunction when the vernal equinox was in the Gate of Silver! This amounts to 25,920 (years in a Great Year)/4 = 6480 years ago. That equates to +/- 4482 B.C. and is roughly the same year as encoded in the Palette of Narmar.
http://www.keyofsolomon.org/Pleiades%20starmap.php |
Stonehenge Summer Solstice Galactic Alignment?
Jan Wicherink
Original version
Download PDF document here
There are four major celestial conjunctions in Plato’s Great Year (25920 years) that were of interest to the ancients since they divide the Great Year into four epochs or Great Ages of 6480 years each.
In the paper ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’ (Smelyakov, Wicherink 2006) these four extremely rare celestial conjunctions in a Great Year were called the Great Celestial Conjunctions (GCC). These Great Celestial Conjunctions coincide with the moments in the precession cycle that the Earth Cross of the Zodiac aligns with the Galactic Cross of the Solar Zodiac.
A Great Celestial Conjunction coincides with the Sun aligning with the Galactic Equator at solstices or equinoxes. There are two places on the ecliptic where the Sun can align with the Galactic Equator since the ecliptic crosses the Milky Way at two places and hence we discern two different types of galactic alignments in a Great Year:
- An alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator in the constellation ScorpioSagittarius near the Galactic Center. This alignment corresponds with the Sun residing in the Dark Rift during the alignment.
- An alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator in the constellation GeminiTaurus near the Galactic Anti-Center. This alignment corresponds with the Sun residing on the Milky Way near the Pleiades during the alignment.
Whenever an alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator occurs on an equinox or solstice day, this alignment will correspond with a Great Celestial Conjunctions as mentioned in the paper ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’
The last Great Celestial Conjunction occurred in our own current era around 1998 and this conjunction is also known as ‘Galactic Alignment’ that was popularized by John Major Jenkins in a book with the same title. Galactic Alignment is the winter solstice Sun’s alignment with the Galactic Equator when the Sun is in the Dark Rift. This alignment was encoded into the Maya sacred site Izapa in Mexico.
![.](http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/images/Winter%20Solstice%20Sun.jpg) Picture 1) Winter solstice Sun (1998) in the Dark Rift of the Milky Way John Major Jenkins - Galactic Alignment
Since the conjunction of the Sun with the Galactic Equator happens twice a year, we also had a summer solstice Galactic Alignment happening around the last GCC in the year 1998. During this alignment the Sun was on the Milky Way near the Galactic Anti-Center, which in turn is close to the Pleiades.
![](http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/images/Summer%20Solstice%20Sun.jpg) Picture 2) Summer solstice Sun (1998) on the Milky Way
Notice the Pleiades on the bottom right!
In this article we will reveal how Stonehenge may encode exactly this summer solstice alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator. It’s a summer solstice version of John Major Jenkins winter solstice Galactic Alignment.
The Pleiades will become the key in unlocking the secrets of the summer solstice Galactic Alignment of Stonehenge. Stonehenge may not be the only ancient site that encodes the current summer solstice Galactic Alignment; we have every reason to suspect that there may be more.
![](http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/images/stonehenge_circle.jpg) Picture 3) Stonehenge UK
Wayne Herschel’s monumental work on the ancient star maps
In 2003 Wayne Herschel published his monumental work ‘The Hidden Records’. This book is the culmination of years of research into many ancient sites around the world. His book presents the recovery of ancient star maps that were encoded on the land following the ancient Hermetic principle ‘as above, so below’. Herschel’s book shows that a pyramid building culture must have once thrived on this planet since hundredths of pyramids have already been discovered all over the globe and in the last decade alone ‘new’ pyramids have been unearthed in unexpected places such as in Bosnia-Herzegovina in Europe.
Herschel discovered that all the stars along the Nile in Egypt actually mimic constellations along the Milky Way. For some reason the Egyptian star map seemed to put extra emphasis on the constellation Pleiades that corresponds with the pyramids at Abusir south of Giza along the Nile.
Much to his surprise Herschel discovered more ancient sites around the world that had been using the Pleiades as a central theme. Among these sites were:
But the same recurring Pleiades theme was also discovered in:
- Lascaux Halls of the Bulls cave in France
- Sardinian cave paintings
- Sumerian clay tablets
- The Nineveh disc
- Egyptian Dendera zodiac
Herschel interpreted this recurring ‘Pleiades theme’ as a way shower to a certain star, a solar system with a G2 class star that could have an Earth like planet, the home planet of the extraterrestrials that he believes were the architects of all the ancient monuments. His conclusion was drawn after studying ancient artifacts and ancient texts that clearly are suggestive of an extraterrestrial presence in ancient times here on Earth.
The author of this article does not object to such a view, however I do think that Herschel’s interpretation of the ‘Pleiades theme’ may be wrong in this sense that it is not likely to express a place in the sky, a ‘mystery’ star, the home of extraterrestrials that once settled on Earth as Herschel wants us to believe.
Missing aspects of Herschel’s star map interpretation
In interpreting the meaning of the Pleiades theme in the ancients sites that Herschel investigated, one important factor seem to have been overlooked and that’s the astronomical significance of these sites. Therefore Herschel’s ‘mystery’ star theory is most likely incorrect considering the following facts:
- All the ancient sites dealing with the Pleiades star map were astronomical and astrological sites with equinox and solstice alignments that were not taken into consideration by Herschel when decoding the star maps.
- The ‘mystery star in Egypt near Abusir corresponds to the temple of Ra. The consensus by Egyptologists is that Ra must be associated with the Sun in the Egyptians texts and not with some hypothetical G2 class star. In addition the alignment of the Sun Temple at Abusir is an anomaly in his star map theory, it does not point into the same direction the other ‘mystery‘ stars do in the rest of his star maps.
- When Herschel checked his astronomical software for his ‘mystery’ star he couldn’t find a star close enough to match his ‘mystery’ star. Using new software and rewinding the clock back 17.500 years he finally succeeded and was able to make a match. If the ‘mystery’ star isn’t a star at all as we are suspecting, it comes as no surprise that Herschel wasn’t able to locate this star in the first place.
Bringing the astronomical significance of the ancient sites to the forefront will reveal a new and very compelling significance of this ‘Pleiades theme’ in these ancient sites that were tracking the summer solstices!
A new light on Herschel’s mystery star
It’s my hypothesis that Herschel’s ‘mystery’ star near the Pleiades in fact represents a midpoint between the Pleiades and the place where ‘the Sun is on the Milky Way’. The ‘mystery’ star therefore represents a way shower to a ‘precession anchor’ that can be used to determine a special moment in the Great Year as it connects the Pleiades with this ’precession anchor’.
The ‘mystery‘ star in fact is the Sun itself! Some of the ancient sites that Herschel mentions are built close to a river. Its my assumption that the river mimics the great river in the sky, the Milky Way. The summer solstice observatories such as Stonehenge were built close to the river to represent the ‘Sun on the Milky Way’. If the summer solstice observatory had been built in it’s correct position, it would have been built into the river (Milky Way) itself since this is the place where the Sun resides at Galactic Alignment. So there are obvious reasons as to why the ‘mystery star’ (the Sun) was built on the land and not in the river. The position of the ‘mystery’ star (monument) on the land that aligns the Pleiades (monument) with the Milky Way (river) is in fact hinting at:
The Sun on the Milky Way at the current summer solstice that coincides with the last Great Celestial Conjunction!
The Sun on the ecliptic aligns with the Milky Way in the constellation Taurus where the Pleiades are. This may explain why the Egyptians worshiped the celestial Bull and why so many other cultures around the world venerated the Pleiades.
The picture below is a view of the skies on the summer solstice sunrise around the last Great Celestial Conjunction (1998).
![](http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/images/Summer%20Solstice%201998.jpg) Picture 4) Sunrise at summer solstice 1998
At summer solstice (June 21) of 2012, the Sun will be residing on the Milky Way near Taurus where the Pleiades are; it’s a summer solstice Galactic Alignment and the reverse situation of the better know winter solstice Galactic Alignment occurring six months later. Now let’s compare it with Herschel’s star map of the Pleiades:
Summer Solstice Pleiades-Sun alignment close up
Herschel’s star map
Picture 5) Comparison between summer solstice 1998 Pleiades-Sun alignment and Herschel’s star map (http://www.thehiddenrecords.com/gods.htm)
Notice in picture 5 how the Pleiades on the left are pointing towards the rising Sun on the summer solstice of 1998 while the picture on the right is showing Herschel’s star map, it’s a recurring star map theme that has not only been found in Egypt but in other places around the world as well such as at Stonehenge and the Maya temple site Tikal in Guatemala.
Mystery star and position of the Sun on the ecliptic
On Herschel’s website we find proof for the hypothesis of this article that the so called ‘mystery’ star in Herschel’s star maps which he thinks refers to a star near the Pleiades, is in fact denoting the position of the Sun on the ecliptic.
On Herschel’s website the exact position of the Sun on the ecliptic is explained as follows: “between the bulls horns in Taurus when direction matches ancient sites” (See text bottom right in the image).
So the location where the ‘mystery’ star is pointing too is the place where:
The summer solstice Sun of 1998 will be in between the horns of Taurus when the Sun is on the Milky Way (See picture 7)!
Picture 7) Summer solstice Sun 1998, the Sun is in between the Bull’s horns (Taurus)
Herschel’s own website provides us with the arguments that our thesis may be correct and that the ‘mystery star’ in Herschel’s star maps is NOT a star near the Pleiades at all, but in fact is a way shower to the Sun on the ecliptic in between the horns of Taurus! This position is where the Sun is on the ecliptic at the summer solstice of 1998 at the last Great Celestial Conjunction!
Pleiades Template
![](http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/images/1998%20template%20text.jpg) Picture 8) Pleiades template
To further test and proof the hypothesis that the Pleiades in Herschel’s star maps may be pointing towards the 1998 solstice sun on the Milky Way a template of the Pleiades was created using the free open source astronomy software Stellarium. Stellarium presents a realistic 3D representation of the sky similar to what we see with a naked eye observation of the stars. Stellarium will allow us to test out thesis.
The template (picture 8) is created from a screenshot of Stellarium at the moment of summer solstice 1998. The green line in this template is exactly aligning the stars Alcyone and Pleione with the 1998 summer solstice sun on the Milky Way. The orange line is a base line of the Pleiades constellation connecting the stars Taygeta, Maia and Alcyone of the Pleiades constellation with the stars HP 17832 and HP 17900.
This template will be tested on Stonehenge to see if the angle between the Pleiades and the solstice sun on the Milky Way has any significance with respect to Stonehenge.
It is an established fact that Stonehenge was an astronomical observatory for both solar and lunar observations. One of its functions was the determination of the summer solstice date using the summer solstice sunrise. At the 21st of June the rising sun in the North East shines its light in between the Heel Stone onto the Alter Stone at the center of the Trilithons or horseshoe of Stonehenge.
Picture 9) Stonehenge summer solstice Sun alignment
South West of Stonehenge we find the Winterbourne Stoke Barrows. Herschel claimed that the Winterbourne Stoke Barrows at Stonehenge actually represented a star map of the Pleiades and indeed these barrows seem to have the shape of this constellation. The Winterbourne Barrows as the Pleiades are pointing the way to Stonehenge according to Herschel.
![](http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/images/WinterBourne%20Stoke%20barrows.jpg) Picture 10) Winterbourne Stoke barrows
Now let’s superimpose our Pleiades template on the Winterbourne Stoke barrows and see if we can make a match first. To this end we align the stars on the orange base line in our template with the corresponding barrows at Stonehenge.
Picture 11) Winterbourne Stoke barrows at Stonehenge (Google Earth) superimposed with the Pleiades template
It’s quit obvious from the picture above that the barrows do not perfectly fit the stars of the Pleiades. Although the stars of the Pleiades constellation take on the same contours of the barrows, the geometrical pattern of the constellation itself is somewhat distorted since it is stretched along the orange base line. Surly the ratios between our template and the actual ground plan of the Pleiades do not match. Over long periods of time stars drift and this may very well explain why the barrows don’t match up perfectly with the actual constellation of the Pleiades any longer thousands of years later. However the barrows that are running in a straight line from South West to North East will allow for the mapping and alignment of the Pleiades star map template onto the Winterbourne Stoke barrows.
If our hypothesis is correct and the orange base line of the Pleiades is aligned with the barrows, the green line should be pointing towards Stonehenge! So let’s zoom out and see what we got:
![](http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/images/Stonehenge%201998%20alignment.jpg) Picture 12) Stonehenge pointing the way to the AvonRiver (Milky Way)
The green line of our template is running straight through Stonehenge!
The green line runs through Stonehenge and eventually ends up intersecting the Avon river. The intersection is the place where the ‘Sun is on the Milky Way’.
Let’s double check our thesis in reverse order. First we take a picture of the skies at summer solstice 1998 when the Sun is on the Milky Way with the aid of the Stellarium software. Next we superimposed that picture onto Stonehenge making sure the Pleiades are superimposed on the Winterbourne Stoke barrows and the Sun is residing on the Avon river like this:
![](http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/images/Stonehenge%20Alignment.jpg) Picture 13) Summer Solstice 1998 superimposed on Stonehenge. (white line represents the summer solstice sunrise to which Stonehenge is aligned)
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